Tire-Road Friction Coefficient PDF
Tire-Road Friction Coefficient PDF
Tire-Road Friction Coefficient PDF
e-mail: steffen.mc.mueller@bmw.de
Tire-Road Friction Coefficient
We develop and test a slip-based method to estimate the maximum available tire-road
Michael Uchanski friction during braking. The method is based on the hypothesis that the low-slip, low-
Department of Mechanical Engineering
parts of the slip curve used during normal driving can indicate the maximum tire-road
University of California, Berkeley, California
friction coefficient, max . We find support for this hypothesis in the literature and through
experiments. The friction estimation algorithm uses data from short braking maneuvers
e-mail: mikeu@vehicle.me.berkeley.edu
with peak accelerations of 3.9 m/s2 to classify the road surface as either dry max1 or
lubricated max0.6 . Significant measurement noise makes it difficult to detect the
Karl Hedrick subtle effect being measured, leading to a misclassification rate of 20%.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
DOI: 10.1115/1.1636773
University of California, Berkeley, California
1 Introduction must be able to detect stationary objects in the roadway and stop
in time to avoid colliding with them. To meet the specification,
By tire/road friction estimation we mean that we would like
to predict how easily a vehicle will skid on a road without actually the driving speed must be adjusted depending on the operating
making the vehicle skid. range of the radar and the road condition. If we have no max
One way to quantify how easily a vehicle will skid is with the estimator, we need to enforce a conservative driving speed to
maximum coefficient of friction, max . For a given wheel, the accommodate the worst case when max is about 0.2 icy road, or
normalized traction force, , is: else use a radar with a larger range.
A max estimator could also help human drivers because there
F 2x F 2y are surprisingly few ways for them to estimate max . Checking if
, (1) the road is snowy or icy or wet is often effective, but occasionally
roads that look similar have significantly different values of max .
where F x , F y , and N z are the longitudinal, side, and normal For example, wet pavement after the first rain in weeks looks
forces acting on the tire. For this wheel, max is the maximum similar to wet pavement that has been washed clean by several
achievable value of . days of rain, despite their different coefficients of friction 1.
In this paper, we consider only longitudinal motion, so the side
force F y can be neglected. This gives: 1.2 State of the Art. This paper evaluates the feasibility of
a slip-based max estimator that works during braking. Figure 1
Fx shows where this contribution fits into the larger research area of
(2) tire-road friction estimation, and it provides a framework within
which we examine recent max estimation results in the literature.
and maxmaxFx /Nz. For the remainder of this paper when we As the top branch of Fig. 1 shows, tire-road friction estimation
use the symbols and max , we mean these longitudinal-only research can roughly be divided into cause-based approaches
quantities. and effect-based approaches. Cause-based strategies try to
When a vehicle of mass m has the same max at all four of its measure factors that lead to changes in friction and then attempt to
tires, the largest longitudinal acceleration u x max it can achieve ne- predict what max will be based on past experience or friction
glecting grade and wind is: models. Effect-based approaches, on the other hand, measure
the effects that friction and especially reduced friction has on the
F x 11F x 12F x 21F x 22
vehicle or tires during driving. They then attempt to extrapolate
u x maxmax maxg, (3)
m what the limit friction will be based on this data.
We first review some results of cause-based max estimation
where F x i j is the longitudinal force at the i jth wheel and g is the research. Then we examine effect-based research, focusing special
gravitational constant. Thus, an estimate of max gives us an upper attention on the category of slip-based methods.
bound on the acceleration, in gs, that a vehicle can achieve.
1.2.1 Cause-Based max Prediction. Numerous parameters
1.1 Applications for a max Estimator. A max estimator is cause max to be a certain value. In 2, Bachmann classifies
useful primarily because it can inform drivers machines or them as vehicle parameters like speed, camber angle, and wheel
people of dangerous conditions so that they can change their load; tire parameters like material, tire type, tread depth, and in-
driving style to prevent emergency situations. flation pressure; road lubricant parameters like type water, snow,
To demonstrate how a max estimator might be useful for a ice, oil, depth, and temperature; and road parameters like road
machine driver, consider designing an intelligent cruise control type, micro-geometry, macro-geometry, and drainage capacity. A
system or part of an automated highway according to the follow- cause-based max predictor must be able to measure the most
ing specification: Using a radar with a range of 100m, the system significant friction parameters and then produce an estimate of
max from a database with information about the effects of these
Contributed by the Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control Division of THE parameters on friction.
Many of the parameters affecting max are easily determined
received by the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division Jan. 16, 2002; final for example, speed, tire type, approximate wheel load, and cam-
revision June 30, 2003. Associate Editor: Alleyne. ber. However, measuring two of the parameters that significantly
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control DECEMBER 2003, Vol. 125 607
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affect frictionlubricant and road typerequires special sensors. tread, so it is an effect of tire-road friction. At the same time,
This need for extra sensors is one of the main disadvantages of though, these authors show that the noise is also correlated with
cause-based friction estimation approaches. parameters that affect friction such as road type, presence of wa-
As the Lubricants branch of Fig. 1 shows, several research- ter, and speed. Thus, tire noise indicates something about both the
ers have built special lubricant sensors for friction estimation. The causes and the effects of tire-road friction, so it could have just as
optical sensors described in 3 and 4 can detect water films and easily been classified as a cause-based approach. Regardless of
other lubricants by examining how the road scatters and absorbs how one classifies this approach, the complex nature of tire noise
light directed at it. Optical sensors have also been constructed to makes it difficult to use for predicting max 3.
detect the road surface roughness characteristics 4. The tire-tread deformation approach uses sensors embedded
Once the parameters affecting friction are known, they must be into the tire tread to measure the x, y, and z deformations of the
passed into a friction model to obtain a max prediction. Due to tread as a function of its position in the road-tire contact patch.
the complexity of developping a purely physical model for this These deformations are the direct result of x, y, and z force trans-
purpose, several researchers have suggested using neural networks
mission in the contact patch and therefore contain information
and other learning algorithms. In 3, for example, the max pre-
about the total longitudinal, lateral, and normal forces as well as
diction software uses data interpolation, associative storage, and
system identification techniques. The disadvantage of this type of their geometric distributions in the contact patch. This is useful for
nonphysical model is that it loses accuracy when conditions devi- estimating max because individual tire tread elements often ex-
ate from the conditions under which it was trained. ceed the holding power of the road long before the tire as a whole
Nevertheless, experimental results have shown that cause-based exceeds max and starts sliding. Thus, we see the effects of the
max estimators can often deliver high accuracy. For example in max limit on the tire before we see its effect on vehicle perfor-
3, a cause-based method using data from a wetness sensor and a mance.
surface roughness sensor gives a max estimate that is within 0.1 References 3, 5, 6, and 4 describe a tire-tread deforma-
of the real value of max in 92% of experiments. Since the key tion sensor and give experimental results for a max estimator that
sensors were optical, these results were obtained with zero friction uses tread deformation. The sensor consists of a magnet vulca-
demand. That is, the driver did not need to achieve high levels of nized into the tread of a kevlar-belted tire to avoid signal distor-
to get a useful estimate of max . tion from a steel belt and a detector fixed to the inner surface of
As we mentioned above, though, these advantages of good ac- the tire. Experiments using this apparatus show that even with
curacy and zero friction demand come with three main disadvan- zero friction demand it is possible to detect very low max sur-
tages: First, cause-based systems often require extra sensors. Sec- faces from tire-tread deformation data. Furthermore, the system
ond, they may need extensive training to work properly. Third, does not need to know why the road is slippery to work since it
they may have difficulties accurately predicting friction under ex- only measures the effects of low max . Thus, it is immune to
ceptional conditions for which they have neither sensors nor train- many of the problems of cause-based max identifiers. While very
ing. promising, this approach has the disadvantage that it requires a
1.2.2 Effect-Based max Prediction. As Fig. 1 shows, re- sophisticated instrumented tire with a self-powered, wireless data
searchers have pursued at least three types of effect-based max link to the vehicle. Although such links have been successfully
estimators: acoustic approaches, tire-tread deformation ap- tested 7, they still appear to be several years in the future on
proaches, and slip-based approaches. We briefly review the acous- production vehicles.
tic and tire-tread approaches first. Then we provide a more de- It is primarily the desire to avoid this type of new instrumenta-
tailed review of slip-based approaches, since the new work of this tion that makes the third effect-based approachthe slip-based
paper is in this area. approachso attractive. Taken together, results from the fairly
In an acoustic approach, a microphone is mounted to listen small number of efforts to use slip to classify roads indicate that it
to the tire, and the sound that the tire makes is used to infer may be possible to use tire slip to classify roads into at least two
something about max . According to 3 and 4, the tire noise or three friction levels without having to use dedicated sensors.
correlates with the friction demand and deformation of the tire Most of the algorithms in the literature make use of little more
Fig. 1 A sampling of tire-road friction estimation research. Complete reference information for these papers in bibliography.
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than standard ABS wheel speed sensors, and possibly some of the slip-based road condition estimationat least using normal driv-
sensors found on vehicles equipped with Vehicle Dynamics Con- ing datashould not be possible. We explore this apparent con-
trol systems. tradiction later on in this paper; for now, we simply review results
As the slip-based branch of Fig. 1 shows, researchers have and methods used for slip-based road condition estimation without
worked to develop slip-based max estimators using data from trying to explain why these results came about.
traction, braking, and steering maneuvers. Here, we focus mostly The left branch of the slip-based part of Fig. 1 shows the
on the traction and braking cases since they relate most closely to subset of slip-based road condition estimation papers that concen-
the new work presented later in the paper. trate on slip data gathered during traction.
Tire slip occurs whenever pneumatic tires transmit forces, The earliest work listed is 9 and 10 by Dieckmann. It fea-
and the idea of slip-based max estimation is to use the measured tures three interesting results. First, a measurement system is de-
tire force vs. slip relationship to identify the friction level. For scribed which measures slip with an accuracy of 0.01% on a mov-
traction or braking, the slip, s, of a wheel is the scaled difference ing vehicle during traction using only standard ABS sensors. The
between the longitudinal translational speed of that wheel, v , and rear wheels, which are not connected to the engine serve as a
the rotational speed of the wheel. We use the definition: velocity reference, and the front wheels, which are in traction,
r v serve as the slipping wheels. The system calculates slip by using
s (4) the slightly different times that the front wheels slipping and rear
max r, v wheels non-slipping take to rotate some integer number of revo-
where v means the component of the velocity of the wheel along lutions. Second, the measurement system is used to measure slip
the longitudinal axis of the tire; is the spin velocity of the wheel during normal driving on a variety of road surfaces and with a
measured at the wheel center; r is the effective rolling radius of variety of different tires, and it is found that surfaces with a lower
the tire and is defined as r v / 0 , where 0 is the spin velocity max tend to require more slip to generate the same tire force that
that the wheel would have if it were rolling freely, but under is generated with less slip on higher friction surfaces. Finally, a
identical conditions to those under which is measured. tire/road simulation model is proposed to investigate the experi-
A braking wheel has a smaller rotational speed than its transla- mental observations.
tional speed, so for braking this equation has negative numerator. In 11, Gustafsson uses a Kalman Filter to eliminate a calibra-
The max in the denominator forces this negative velocity differ- tion step that the Dieckmann work required. The method works in
ence to be normalized by v , resulting in s1 if the braking traction on a front wheel drive vehicle, with the rear wheels serv-
wheel locks. On the other hand, an accelerating wheel has a posi- ing as velocity references, and front wheels serving as the slipping
tive numerator, and the denominator becomes r so that s1 if wheels. Slip is calculated directly from the wheel speeds, and is
the vehicle stands still while the wheels spin. calculated from an engine map and a normal force shift model.
The friction coefficient, , at a tire is related to the amount of The Kalman filter recursively calculates the offset and slope of a
slip at that tire. The most well-known model for this relationship linear fit to vs. slip data obtained from traction maneuvers with
is the so-called Magic Formula 8 which we plot in Fig. 2 for typically less than 0.2. The offset of the linear fit to the vs.
traction and braking on a variety of road surfaces. Figure 2 shows slip data corresponds to tire radius differences between front and
that is an increasing function of s until a critical slip value, rear wheels, and the estimated slope is found to correlate with the
where reaches max and then decreases. road friction. The gains of the Kalman Filter govern the sensitivity
The idea of longitudinal slip-based max estimation is to use of the slope and offset to new data, so a change detection algo-
data collected from low-s, low- maneuversthe part of the slip rithm runs in parallel with the Kalman filter and adjusts these
curve near the originto predict the maximum of the slip gains so it will produce parameter estimates with low variance
curve. However, until recently, few researchers have attempted when the road surface appears to be unchanged and parameter
such a slip-based approach. This is probably for two reasons. estimates with low convergence time when the road surface ap-
First, the slip levels encountered during normal driving are typi- pears to be changing. Extensive testing on icy, snowy, wet, dry,
cally quite small and are therefore difficult to measure in a prac- and gravel road surfaces with four different types of tires shows
tical setting. Second, such an approach seems to be at odds with that this estimated slope, along with other indicators, allows for
accepted notions about tires. According to accepted tire theory, the classification of roads as either gravel, high friction, slip-
shape of the low-slip, low- part of the slip curve is determined pery, or very slippery. Thus, these results, along with those of
by the tire carcass stiffness and not by the road condition. Thus, Dieckmann, indicate that it may be possible to create a slip-based
road friction estimator during traction.
Hwang and Song 12, and Yi, Hedrick, and Lee 13 provide
still more experimental evidence that a slip-based max estimator
could work for normal traction. Hwang and Song use a friction
estimation strategy during traction that is very similar to Gustafs-
sons, and find that the slope of a linear fit to versus slip data is
larger for a dry asphalt road ( max1) than it is for an artificial
ABS test surface with max0.3. Yi, Hedrick, and Lee also find
that the slope of vs. slip data might be usable to detect road
friction. They find a difference between the slopes of slip curves
on wet and dry concrete surfaces.
In addition to the friction estimation work above, which works
during normal traction, Germann, Wurtenberger, and Dai 14
used high friction demand maneuvers to estimate coefficients of a
polynomial approximation to vs. slip data. Experimental results
show that the polynomial parameter representing the slope of the
slip curve falls when the test car drives on a wet road.
As the Braking part of the Slip-based branch of Fig. 1
shows, less work has been done on slip-based max estimators that
work during braking. There are three main reasons for this: The
Fig. 2 Normalized longitudinal force, , versus longitudinal first reason is that the velocity term, v is harder to obtain during
slip, computed using Magic Formula braking since all four wheels are slipping. The second reason is
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control DECEMBER 2003, Vol. 125 609
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that tire force estimates are harder to obtain during braking than 2 Exploring the Problem
during driving, and the third reason is that most driving is done
Before attempting to identify max with a realistic sensor-set,
with the engine and only occasional use of the brakes. Hard brak-
ing is particularly rare. we first explore the max identification problem using a nonprac-
Considering braking information for tire-road friction estima- tical sensor set which includes a strain-based brake torque sensor
tion can be advantageous for two reasons. First, a friction estima- 17 for estimating road force.
tion system that uses information during acceleration and braking Later in the paper Sec. 4 we develop an estimator to replace
will have greater availability than one that uses only acceleration the torque sensor. However, using the brake torque sensor to ex-
information. Second, the amount of traction force during a brak- plore the problem has two benefits. First, we decouple the
ing maneuver is usually higher than during acceleration, providing estimator/observer design from the basic physics of the problem.
more friction demand for a max estimator. Those rare braking Second, we generate a set of truth results that we will later use
maneuvers that use a large percentage of the maximum available to verify our traction force estimator and max identification
friction are extremely useful to a friction estimation system. algorithm.
Despite the difficulties associated with slip-based friction esti- 2.1 Raw versus Slip Data. The left side of Fig. 3 shows
mators that work during braking, some work has been done in this measured vs. slip data for 28 braking maneuvers, 18 of which
area. In 15, Kiencke and Dai take advantage of the high friction
are on dry pavement and 10 of which are on wet and soapy pave-
demand during hard braking to estimate parameters of a tire
ment we used a mixture of water and soap to obtain slip curves
model that is linear in its parameters. From that, max is obtained.
with clearly different max values.
In 16, Ray takes advantage of moderate friction demand during
For this graph, and the rest of the graphs until Sec. 4, we use
braking and steering to obtain good max estimation. Slip and
the following sensors and procedures: The vehicle, which is in
estimates come from an extended Kalman-Bucy Filter state esti-
mator that uses measurements of yaw rate, roll rate, wheel speeds, neutral to eliminate engine influences, follows a straight-line cre-
and x and y acceleration to correct its estimates. A Bayesian hy- scendo braking maneuver with the brake pressure gradually in-
pothesis selector then processes the and slip estimates to arrive creasing over a two to three seconds until the wheels lock. Only
at an estimate of max . Tests during braking on dry asphalt are the front wheels brake; the rear wheels roll freely for velocity
encouragingespecially when a large percentage of the available reference. Differential braking is achieved by actuating the valves
friction is used friction demand of 0.5 on a surface with max of the vehicles ABS unit. Both the velocity from the rear wheels
0.88)but unfortunately, data from different road surfaces is and the braking wheel speed from the free-rolling wheels come
not available for comparison. This work of Ray overlaps with the from standard 50-tooth ABS wheel speed sensors. Longitudinal
lateral part of the slip-based road force estimation branch of road force is calculated directly from the strain-gage-based brake
Fig. 1. In this area, Pasterkamp and Pacejka have used lateral torque sensor mentioned above. Normal force, which is used for
force vs. slip angle data and a neural network to detect road fric- the vertical axis, is calculated from the four-state suspension
tion during maneuvers with moderate to large lateral excitation. model described in Sec. 4.
The fact that slip-based road friction estimation requires few If we are to deduce max from slip- data collected from nor-
sensors and has shown a handful of successes in the literature mal driving, we need to be able to detect a difference between the
does not mean that it is an approach without problems. As we soapy slip curves and the dry slip curves at small values of . The
already noted, the approach seems to contradict accepted notions right side of Fig. 3 implies that, on average, such a difference does
about tires. In addition, it has problems with robustness and cali- exist.
bration. The parameters that researchers have used to classify road This figure uses the data from the left side of Fig. 3 to generate
surfaces typically slope of vs. slip data are quite sensitive to two composite slip curves, one for a dry road surface and one for
tire type, inflation pressure, tire wear and possibly vehicle con- a soapy road surface. It divides the axis into several bins and
figuration. Finally, the most successful results in the area those generates one data point per bin by averaging all of the slip values
using the smallest friction demand to achieve the best max reso- that fall in that bin. At 0.2, the two composite slip curves
lution have come only from tests in straight-line traction. begin to deviate from one another, indicating that it may be pos-
Fig. 3 Left: Measured versus slip data for 18 separate braking maneuvers on dry road and 10 separate braking
maneuvers on wet and soapy road. Right: Same raw data as left graph, but the axis is divided into bins and one
data point per bin is generated for each surface by averaging all of the slip values in that bin.
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sible to use relatively low friction-demand data to distinguish be- c 2 in a least squares sense using all of the data available up until
tween peak friction coefficients of approximately 0.7 for the soapy that time. Note that the slip and friction coefficient are both
road and 1.1 for the dry road. negative during braking so that max is achieved at the most nega-
However, a difficulty that limits the usefulness of this observa- tive value of the slip curve.
tion is the amount of data that was necessary to create the com- Figure 4 demonstrates a limitation that we encountered with
posite slip curves. Each curve incorporates data from 10 or more this nonlinear approach. The minimum of the estimated curve
braking maneuvers. Since drivers brake relatively infrequently, consistently tends to be slightly more than the most negative fric-
this data could take several kilometers to accumulate, making the tion coefficient value achieved. Only with relatively large friction
friction inferences based on them obsolete. demands greater than 0.5 does the minimum of the estimated
The next two sections attempt to resolve this problem by using curve give a good approximation to the actual max of about 1.
data from the individual braking events lasting only two or three When friction demands are low to medium, the approach severely
seconds to infer max . Section 2.2 uses parameters from a non- underestimates max .
linear curve fit to vs. slip data in order to infer max . Difficul- We investigated several other nonlinear tire-road friction mod-
ties encountered with the non-linear method motivate Sec. 2.3 els like the one of Eq. 5, but none of them worked well when we
where parameters from a linear fit to vs. slip are used to infer used measured data. We therefore sought a different approach.
max . Using this linear method allows us to distinguish soapy and
dry roads in most of the cases using a single braking event. How- 2.3 Linear max Identification. Using the nonlinear ap-
ever, the two surfaces only begin to be distinguishable when proach of the previous section, max could be obtained directly
reaches 0.4. from the nonlinear curve fit. This is not possible using a linear
regression equation to fit the data, so using a linear approach
2.2 Nonlinear max Identification. An intuitive way to es- introduces the new problem of correlating the slope of the linear
timate the maximum friction coefficient is to collect data for the fit to the maximum friction coefficient max . This is the central
longitudinal wheel slip s and the friction coefficient and then to problem of this section.
use this data to estimate the entire nonlinear slip curve. Determin- To get a linear fit to vs. slip data, we write the linear regres-
ing max is then easy because it is the maximum or minimum, for sion equation so that slip s is a linear function of with slope
braking of this estimated curve. 1/k), plus a constant, :
We assume a slip-to- relationship that is amenable to least
squares estimation 15: 1 1/k
s 1 (6)
s s0 (5) Equation 6, which Gustafsson proposes in 11, seems back-
c 1 s c 2 s1
wards since we normally think of as a function of slip. How-
s is the longitudinal wheel slip; c 1 and c 2 are shaping parameters ever, the analysis of 11 shows that it has two main advantages
over the more intuitive k(s ). First, 6 allows us to sepa-
which are to be estimated; and (s0) is the slope of the slip
rately estimate the physically different parameters 1/k and while
curve at zero slip, which we fixed to a constant value. It can also
the equation k(s ) would force us to estimate the less
be estimated, but we obtained more stable results when we fixed
meaningful product k . Second, Eq. 6 avoids using the highly
(s0) to a constant value. noisy slip measurement in the regressor. This limits biases in the
The light circles in Fig. 4 show measured longitudinal wheel
parameter estimates due to regressor noise.
slips s and friction coefficients at different times during a seven
Given N pairs of slip and data, ( (i),s(i)), i1, . . . ,N, the
second braking incident on a road with max1. The solid line is
linear fit to the data is the k and pair that minimizes the cumu-
the approximating slip curve at each time, calculated using the
lative squared estimation error:
regression model of Eq. 5, and solving for the parameters c 1 and
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control DECEMBER 2003, Vol. 125 611
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Table 1 Work in the literature indicating that there may be a correlation between the low
friction demand part of slip curves and max
s i k i
1 2 If the slope of the linear fit to the versus slip data were a
s (7) strong indicator of max , then the points would occur in two
i1 groupings along the horizontal axis with little overlap. If, on the
other hand, the slope were not useful as an indicator of max , then
The linear fit can be calculated using all of the data at once with the data points would have a vertical arrangement, so that a par-
well-known least squares formula, or recursively, using one new ticular k value could indicate any max . This appears to be the
data point at a time, via recursive least squares or a Kalman filter. case in the left panel where the horizontal noise in k 0.2 obscures
Typically, the recursive approaches are set up to weight old data any horizontal offset there might be between the points with
less heavily, so they usually minimize a different criterion. max1 and max0.6. The large noise is due to the low friction
Intuitively, a set of and slip measurements, ( (i),s(i)), i demand and associated low excitation level for this test.
1, . . . ,N, should tell us more about max if they include some In the right panel, on the other hand, a correlation is visible
points with high values of . To express this when we report a between k 0.4 and max . Smaller values of k 0.4 indicate smaller
least squares estimate of k and we use the notation k cut and values of max . This is the same trend that was visible in the
cut to denote the least squares estimates of k and obtained composite slip curves of Fig. 3, except that this time it is revealed
from a set of measurements with maxi(i)cut . We refer to using data from individual braking maneuvers instead an average
cut as the friction demand for the remainder of the paper. of 10 or more braking maneuvers. The penalty for using less data,
A high friction demand does not guarantee stable estimates of however, is a higher friction demand. The composite soapy and
the regression parameters 1/k and . For example, a cluster of dry slip curves of Fig. 3 began diverging at a friction demand of
points very near 0.5, s0.01) could mean that k 0.5 is infinity 0.2, or about 2 m/s2 of acceleration. In contrast, the soapy and dry
and that 0.50.01 or that k 0.5 is 50 and that 0.50, depending on point groupings of Fig. 5 begin to diverge at friction demands of
exactly how they are situated. More precisely, the variance of 0.4, or accelerations of about 3.9 m/s2.
k cut is related to the variance of the measurements, so a large
variance in is needed for low variance estimates of the regres-
sion parameters. Borrowing from 11, where Gustafsson dis- 3 Relation to Tire Theory
cusses this issue in detail, we refer to the variation in needed to Our correlation between road surface and the slope of a linear
get stable parameter estimates as excitation. fit to vs. s data is one of a handful in the literature, as Table 1,
Figure 5, which is based on the same 28 tests used in Fig. 3, which summarizes similar results, shows. The correlation is typi-
plots max versus k 0.2 in the left panel and max versus k 0.4 in the cally pronounced when the slip measurement noise is small, the
right panel. Since the same 28 tests are plotted in each panel, the difference in max is large, and the amount of data used is large.
max values of the points in the two panels identical. Thus, the The existence of this correlation, however, appears to be at odds
differences in the two graphs arise from the amount of data used with the accepted notion that tire slip curves have a shape that
to calculate the linear fits. The right panel uses more data from depends on the tire carcass stiffness at low slip, low values and
each of the tests ranging from 0 to 0.4 for the calculation. on max only at very high slip, high values. Before continuing
To simulate realtime implementation, the fit lines were calculated to use the correlation, we offer two possible explanations for it in
using Recursive Least Squares. terms of tire theory.
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3.1 The Secant Effect. A first explanation that can ac- methods, it may not be important enough to explain by itself some
count for the observed correlation without contradicting com- of the other k- max relationships in Table 1. Some other effects
monly accepted tire theory is what we will call the secant may be at work.
effect. One candidate is a layering effect. It is possible that parts of the
We will demonstrate the secant effect using a simple version of tire rubber in the contact patch penetrate the ice or snow layer and
the so-called brush model 18. This model idealizes the tire as stick to the road surface, while other parts are only supported by
a carcass which can deform under the axle load to give a contact the ice or snow layer and do not touch the road surface. It is also
patch, but which is otherwise rigid. Attached to this carcass are possible that hydrodynamic effects in the micro range, similar to
small rubber brush elements with shear stiffness k b units of hydroplaning in the macro range, affect the contact between wheel
pressure/length. If we assume a normal pressure distribution and road surface. Dependent on the micro and macro roughness of
which is parabolic in rolling direction and constant in lateral di- the road surface the number of bindings between the tire and the
rection we can write for as a function of s 1 which is defined as track surface is reduced by the interim water, ice or snow. An
s 1 ( r v )/( r) and corresponds to the definition used in increase in the depth of the interim layer reduces the effective
18: areas of contact. This results in an increase in the tangential stress
in the remaining bindings, which, in turn, causes an increasing
32 2 s1 3 deflection of the rubber particles. This is equivalent to a lower
3 s 1 s1 2 s 31 (8) longitudinal tire stiffness and thus to a smaller slope of the slip
0 s 1 0 curve 19. Attempting to model or describe these effects in detail
is beyond the scope of this paper, and we refer interested readers
is defined as 4a 2 bk/3N z , where a and b are the length and to investigations in this area in 9, 10 or 19.
width of the rectangular contact area. Equation 8 shows that
(s 1 ) has a road-friction-independent linear term and two nonlin-
ear terms which are dependent on 0 .
Figure 6 demonstrates how Eq. 8 can result in a correlation
between the straight line fit to versus slip data and max . The 4 max Identifier for Braking
two slip curves with max0.6 and 1.0 were calculated using the
brush model. For both curves, the brush model parameters were Regardless of what causes the k- max relationship in Sec.
the same except for the coefficient of static friction, which was 0.6 2either the secant effect or some other effectwe will now
and 1.0. Next, we restricted ourselves to slip data corresponding attempt to exploit it in a more realistic slip-based max estimator.
to values of less than 0.4 and calculated the parameters 1/k and To do this, we first eliminate the impractical brake torque sensor
for the regression equation in 4. Their regression lines have so that we are able to estimate slip curves using only wheel speed
slopes of 21.8 for max0.6) and 24.3 for max1) which is a and vehicle speed data. Next, in Sec. 4.2, we compare these esti-
difference of more than 10%. We call this effect the secant ef- mated slip curves to the truth slip curves generated earlier using
fect because the slope of the regression line takes a value that is the torque sensor. Finally, we revisit the k- max correlation of Sec.
somewhere between the slope of the tangent to the curve at 0 2, this time using the k values from the estimated slip curves to
the longitudinal stiffness and the slope of the secant line drawn attempt to identify max . A discussion of the estimators limita-
between 0 and the curves intersection with the horizontal line tions leads us naturally into the conclusions.
0.4. The secant effect becomes more pronounced as the fric- All results in this section were generated from maneuvers
tion demand used to calculate k increases and as the difference in where only the left front wheel braked. This differential braking
max between the two surfaces to be distinguished increases. This offered several advantages over four wheel braking for our experi-
corresponds qualitatively with most of the observations listed in mental car. First, our brake torque sensor was mounted only on
Table 1 and our experimental results plotted in Fig. 5. the left front wheel, so by isolating this wheel, we could be as-
sured that the sensor reading reflected the only longitudinal tire
3.2 Inter-Layer Effects. Although the secant effect may be force on the car. This allowed us to compare accelerometer and
sufficient to explain a k- max correlation using straight line fit brake torque sensor readings without making assumptions about
brake force distribution between the four wheels. Second, the
smaller total longitudinal force on the vehicle resulted in less rear-
to-front normal force shift. Since our normal force estimation
model was not verified by direct measurements, we wished to
keep its impact on the final results small if possible. Third, leaving
the other wheels free to spin gave us velocity references.
A disadvantage of differential braking is that it caused a yaw
moment on the vehicle. This generated a small non-zero body slip
angle. The slip angle was roughly proportional to , so any effect
it would have on the versus slip data would be seen mostly at
very high values of , which were not used for this study except
to assign a max for each test. Furthermore, the slip angle was the
same for all tests for any given value of so any effect it would
have on data would be consistent. To check this reasoning, we
conducted several preliminary tests to compare slip curves from
maneuvers with and without the yaw moment. The curves were so
similar that we were able to neglect the slip angle. A second
disadvantage of differential braking is that it clearly does not
translate to a practical system. However, of the three problems
mentioned above that differential braking remedied, only one of
themvelocity estimationwould appear in a practical system.
Fig. 6 Illustration of Secant Effect: Both slip curves calcu- The other two were tied to our particular experimental apparatus.
lated from the brush model, and both have the same longitu- As we will discuss below, the velocity estimation problem is al-
dinal stiffness. Yet, the regression lines using data with be- ready being investigated by other means, so there should be no
tween 0 and 0.4 have different slopes. need for differential braking in the future.
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control DECEMBER 2003, Vol. 125 613
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4.1 Slip Curve Estimator Assuming that the non-braking wheels roll freely so that the con-
dition u x r i j i j holds, we can solve for F 11, the left front road
4.1.1 Longitudinal Wheel Slip. Both wheel angular speed
and wheel translational velocity are measured using standard ABS force according to:
wheel speed sensors, with translational velocity coming from the
rear, nonbraking wheels. Written for the braking left front 11
wheel, the approximated slip is s ( 11 21)/ 21 , where 11
F 11 m
J 12
r 212
J 21
r 221
J 22
r 222
u x F d F r (11)
is the angular velocity of the left front wheel and 21 is the an- Parametric uncertainties are a concern because, as Eq. 11
gular velocity of the freely rolling left rear wheel. shows, they bias the force estimates directly. In particular, the
Of course, in a practical system all four wheels brake, so non- mass of the vehicle, which can change by 15% or more with the
braking wheels would not be available for velocity reference. This addition of passengers has the potential to bias force estimates by
difficulty can be overcome by using a radar aimed at the ground, approximately the same percentage. For our experiments, how-
a global positioning system see, for example, 20 for some ever, all parameters were known precisely. In a practical system, a
promising results, or a vehicle speed observer to estimate veloc- vehicle mass estimator would be employed.
ity 21. Finally, calculating the acceleration u x presents a problem if we
4.1.2 Normal Force Estimation. To determine the friction are to use Eq. 10 to find the traction force. One option is to
coefficient we need to know the normal force N z . To avoid measure it directly with an accelerometer. However, keeping with
additional sensors to directly measure this force, we use a simpli- the theme of using a minimal sensor set for this part of the study,
fied model of the vehicles pitch dynamics. we chose instead to use numerically differentiated wheel speed
The input of this model is the traction force acting on the wheel signals multiplied by the wheel radius to estimate the accelera-
during braking determined by the traction force observer de- tion.
scribed in the next section. The states are the vertical displace- Figure 7 compares a road force signal calculated from the
ment and velocity of the center of gravity of the car body, u z and strain-based brake torque sensor with a road force signal calcu-
u z , and pitch angle and pitch speed, y and y . The outputs of lated from Eq. 10, using the differentiated left-front wheel speed
the model are the normal forces at the four wheels. to get u x . Oscillations aside, we see a satisfactory match of the
For example, the normal force at the left front wheel, N 11, is measured and the observed curve. Only at the end of the braking
used extensively in this study. It is calculated according to: maneuver do we observe a considerable deviation because the
wheel starts to stick and slip on the road surface as it approaches
instability. For the relatively low friction demand max estimator
N 11m wh gc l f y u z d l f y u z . (9) we develop here, however, this high friction demand behavior
does not pose a problem.
where m wh is the wheel mass, g is the acceleration of gravity, l f is
the distance from the center of mass to the front axle, c is the 4.2 Comparison of Estimated and Measured Slip Curves.
suspension spring constant, and d is the suspension damping con- Next, the three items of the previous sectionsslip measure-
stant. ments, traction force estimates, and normal force estimatesare
united to make estimated slip curves. Before using these estimated
4.1.3 Traction Force Estimation. There are numerous ways slip curves to develop a max estimator, we demonstrate that they
to determine the traction force during braking. For example, we do indeed look similar to the truth measured slip curves
used a strain-based brake torque sensor for verification purposes of Sec.2.
in this study, and in 22, braking force is estimated using brake Figure 8 shows versus slip data for two typical tests from our
pressure measurements. However, both of these methods have the set of 28 crescendo braking maneuvers. The maneuver used to
drawback that they use specialized sensors. produce the left panel was on a dry road, and the maneuver used
An alternative that does not require torque or pressure measure- for the right panel was on a soapy road.
ments is to use vehicle acceleration u x to estimate the traction In both panels, the dark, thin line is the truth slip curve
force via Newtons Second Law: obtained using the strain-based brake torque sensor. The light
circles are the estimated slip curves obtained using the force esti-
mu x F d F r F 11F 12F 21F 22 (10) mator of Sec. 4.1.3. For low to mid-level values of , the mea-
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sured and estimated curves show good correspondence, except fluctuates significantly due to relatively low excitation see Sec. 2
that the estimated curve is significantly more noisy than the truth for a discussion of excitation compared to the noise. The slopes
curve. This noise occurs in the direction and is due using the stabilize at 0.2and then begin perhaps with the soapy road
differentiated wheel speed to estimate the longitudinal accelera- slopes slightly smaller than their dry road counterpartsand then
tion of the vehicle see Sec. 4.1.3. begin to show a secant effect as friction demand increases. The
The quality of the estimated slip curves decreases for higher dry road slip curve slopes remain relatively stable while the soapy
slip and higher values as the differentiated wheel speed signal road slip curve slopes decrease as the slip curve begins to break
becomes more noisy and the wheel approaches locking. When towards its lower peak at 0.6. The oscillations in the direc-
the wheel finally does begin to lock, the estimated slip curve tion that we noted in the estimated slip curves do make the esti-
diverges drastically from the measured slip curve because the slip- mated k cut versus cut plots much noisier.
ping wheels large accelerations no longer reflect the vehicles
acceleration. 4.3 Inferring max. Next, we re-visit the k- max correlation
Figure 9 shows that this locking behavior does not have much that we saw in Section 2, except using estimated slip curves in-
effect on the slope of the regression line, since we determine the stead of measured ones.
slope at slip values where the friction coefficient is relatively Figure 10 shows max versus k 0.4 for 18 braking maneuvers on
small. The top panel comes from truth slip curves, and the dry pavement and 10 braking maneuvers on soapy pavement. The
bottom panel comes from estimated slip curves. Both the top and slope of the linear fit to the estimated versus slip data, k 0.4 , is
bottom panels plot the evolution of kthe slope of the linear fit to on the horizontal axis, and the actual value of max from the brake
versus slip data, as defined in Sec. 2against cut , which torque sensor is on the vertical axis. Note that this use of the
determines the amount of data that is used to calculate the fit. torque sensor is not inconsistent with our goal of eliminating it,
Using the notation of Sec. 2, the graph shows k cut versus cut .
For both the top truth panel and the bottom estimated
panel, the overall trends are the same. At low values of cut , k cut
Fig. 10 max versus k 0.4 for braking on dry dark stars and
Fig. 8 Measured solid and estimated circles slip curves soapy light diamonds road surfaces using k 0.4 of observed
during braking. Left: Dry road. Right: Soapy road. slip curves
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control DECEMBER 2003, Vol. 125 615
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since we are only using it as a truth value to better evaluate our question. For this friction demand, we saw in Fig. 5 that the slope
algorithm. We conclude the following from this graph: of the linear fit to the versus slip data correlated with the maxi-
mum friction coefficient.
On dry road k 0.4 varies in the interval 23,40 and the maxi- We then sought explanations for the divergence of Fig. 3, the
mum friction coefficient range is 0.85,1.15 correlation of Fig. 5, and other similar results in the literature
On soapy road k 0.4 is in the interval 17,28.2 and the maxi- within the framework of tire theory. One explanation, which we
mum friction range is 0.45,0.75. call the secant effect, can be derived from the brush tire model,
We might be tempted to use this as a basis for a classification but it appears to be only part of the solution. Inter-layer or other
rule like, If k 0.4 is greater than 28.2 then the road has max effects may also be at play.
0.75. However, this relationship is not universally applicable, Finally, we attempted to eliminate certain impractical sensors
and it is not robust. Figure 11 shows k ranges for dry pavement and exploit the slip curve slope/ max correlation of Fig. 5 in a
from experiments using seven different tire/vehicle combinations. friction estimation algorithm using only a translational velocity
Data was compiled from papers 11, 13, 12, and 22 and signal we obtained ours from non-braking rear wheels and the
came exclusively from experiments with passenger vehicles, as wheel speed signals. In 23 out of 28 experiments, data from a
opposed to tire testing apparatus. k corresponding to a dry road single braking event with friction demand of 0.4 about 3.9 m/s2
with max1.0 can be expected to range between approximately acceleration would allow an estimator with a perfectly calibrated
15 and 100, depending on the vehicle/tire combination and test threshold to correctly distinguish the soapy road from the dry one.
conditions. Considering that these experiments were performed under con-
Most of this variation is probably due to tire types. For ex- trolled conditions, this is a rather high misclassification rate. It is
ample, measurements on tire testers indicate that winter tires with due to significant noise in the slip measurements and in the
deep treads have significantly less steep slip curves than summer estimations which tends to obscure the subtle effect being mea-
tires. Similarly, worn tires typically have steeper slip curves than sured. In Fig. 5, the mean k 0.4 value shows a drop of about 20%
unworn tires, owing to their less pronounced tread 6,2. when the road surfaces changes from dry to soapy but Fig. 10
The vehicle typefront wheel drive or rear wheel drivemay shows a 20% variability in the dry slope estimate in from
also be important because it determines which wheels are used to 24 40 with a midpoint around 32. Additional sensors might help
measure velocity and which wheels are used to measure slip in to remedy this noise problem but would be likely to increase the
the driving case. Normal force shifts during acceleration and de- costs for the application in production cars. Increasing cut could
celeration subtly affect the radii of the front and rear tires in also improve the accuracy but reduces the number of useful esti-
different ways, possibly altering the measured slope of the slip mates during normal driving.
curve. Regardless of the reason for the slope variation, Fig. 11 Another important difficulty to consider is parameter changes.
shows that it is not reasonable to expect that a k- max relationship The slope of a friction curve depends on inflation pressure, tire
that holds for one car/tire combination will hold equally well for a type, temperature and tire stiffness, among other factors. Even
different car/tire combination. without noise, uncertainties in these parameters can make it diffi-
In fact, even considering a single car, it is unlikely that a cult to determine reliable estimates of max on the basis of rela-
k- max relationship that works this month will work next month tively small changes in the slope due to different road surfaces.
or next year. As we mentioned above, for example, tire wear can We can conclude that there is still progress to make before the
affect the slope of the slip curve. In addition, researchers have observations of this paper could be applied in an accurate friction
noticed that inflation pressure can change the slope of a slip identifier. Some areas to pursue include the following:
curves significantly. Gustafsson 11 noted a 20% decrease in the Model of how peak friction can influence low- behavior: It
slope when the tire pressure of the slipping wheel was decreased would extremely valuable to fully understand the effect that
by 0.5 bar a realistic decrease between fillings, and others have we and others have detected experimentally.
noticed similar sensitivity, although not necessarily the same Improved on-vehicle slip measurement techniques: Novel
trend. For example, in 20, slip curves measured on a test car that ways to use existing sensors like that of Dieckmann 9 and
used a highly accurate GPS velocity estimate 23,24 tended to the appearance of GPS and radars on passenger cars opens
have smaller slopes when inflation pressure was increased. Very new possibilities for high precision slip measurements.
large swings in the ambient temperature may also be important, Parametric studies and auto-calibration: Creating an auto-
both because temperature affects tire pressure and because tem- calibration algorithm that could compensate for the param-
perature affects the flexibility of rubber. eters affecting the slip curves would greatly improve the
practicality of a slip-based friction estimator.
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