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Lesson Plan - Mime and Tableaux

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School: Westmount High School Course: ELA

Date: April 9th, 2018 Cycle/Year: Sec. V

Duration: 150 minutes (2:00 - 3:30) Location: Drama room
Learning 1. By the end of todays class, students will have the opportunity to
Opportunities reflect on the various ways to tell a story by working collaborative
to develop an alternative form of storytelling.
2. By the end of todays class, students will be able to demonstrate
their ability to communicate meaning without words by creating a
rough draft of their musical mime
Big Idea / Unit Alternative methods to storytelling
ELA Speaking: fun attendance, discussion/sharing through think-pair-share
Competencies Reading: lyrics to Old Dive
Listening: lyrics to Old Dive, taking and applying peer feedback
Production/writing: collaborative group story presentation, individualize
rough draft of musical mime performance
Prof. Comp. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12

Student Skills Teamwork, personal reflection, reading comprehension, making inferen

Materials Personal journals, Short story handout, Smart Board, headphones,

personal electronic device, guided notes
Time Plan
Attendance, Announcements, and Daily Journal
2:00 - 2:05 1. Students arrive and pick up file folders
2:05 - 2:12 2. Fun attendance: Students choose topic
2:12 - 2:20 3. Daily Journal: Friday free choice!

2:20 - 2:30 Game: Is it a story if it has no words?
Teacher performs a brief pantomime. What did you see?
What did you understand? Why? How were elements of t
story conveyed? What constitutes a story?
Using padlet, students generate a list of the components o
a story. Discuss alternate forms of storytelling-generate a

2:30 - 3:00 Learning Activity(ies) and/or Tasks
1. Tableau Vivant (collaborative activity)
Each group of students is given a fairytale.
In buzz groups of four, students discuss what they believe
be the most significant moment of the scene
Students create a series of three tableaux (beginning,
middle, end) that tells the story
Students present Tableau Vivant to the class
Debrief as a class
a) In creating a tableau the participants are putting themselves into a
scene as characters with thoughts and feelings. They must ask themsel
b) Where and how shall I stand?
c) What do I want the audience to think?
d) What facial expression shall I hold?
e) Where shall I place myself in relation to others?
f) What are the alternatives?

3:00-3:30 2. Musical mime (individual/collaborative activity)
Teacher explains the art of musical mime
As a class, students watch a teacher-created musical mim
Using the lyrics from a song of their own choosing (and
keeping in mind the list created on padlet) students build a
musical mime that tells the story of their selected song.
They should do a close reading for one verse and one
chorus of the song (between 1-2 minutes).
Students use Genius https://genius.com/ to support their

Students pair with a partner and present musical mime
Students provide feedback to their peers; make adjustmen
3:30-3:45 to hone mime.
Students film each others musical mime and upload to
teachers Youtube channel

Mini film festival: Watching musical mime performances a
Exit Card and Dismissal: Post-it Note
Students list three things they learned about alternative
4:20 - 4:30 storytelling.

Assessment Formatives: Assignment 5, Think-Pair-Share, Post-it Notes

Differentiated This lesson plan takes into account various learning styles; there are bo
Learning auditory and visual instructions, allowing the students an opportunity to
best process the information suited to their ability.
Working in small groups allows students to formulate and articulate the
thoughts without the added pressure of speaking in front of the entire
class. (L2 learners)
Making inferences requires students to pull on their prior knowledge, th
valuing their knowledge and empowering students to learn. There is not
one right answer, encouraging students to take risks.

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