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Lesson Plan (UDL)   Name: Matthew Kennedy

Group: ​Delta Course: ​English

Date: ​September 13, 2017 Cycle/Year:​ III-IV
Duration: ​120 minutes (9:30-11:30) Location: ​Allancroft; B1
Learning  By the end of today’s class, students will have the ​opportunity ​to: 
Opportunities 1. demonstrate their general interests by discussing an “Interest-a-lyzer” activity; 
2. demonstrate their tastes/interests in fiction by completing a questionnaire on 
genre and reading habits; 
3. practice writing and reflecting through the completion of a weekly journal; 
4. demonstrate their reading comprehension readiness by completing a practice 
reading exercise. 
Big Idea Improving reading comprehension through graphic novel study
ELA  Competency 1: Language / Talk (intros, attendance, discussion) 
Competencies Competency 2: Reading / Listening (questions, questionnaire)
Competency 3: Produces Texts (questions + sample)
Student Skills Reading comprehension, personal reflection, self-expression

Materials Interestalyzer, reading comprehension exercise, graphic novel questionnaire, journal, file 
Time Plan
Attendance + business
9:30-9:40  ● Introductions  
9:40-10:00  ● Class walk 
Learning Activity(ies) and/or Tasks
10:00-10:15  1. Interest-a-lyzer​ (abridged); map skills and interests for our group (Coggle mind 
  map on SMART Board) 
10:15-10:30  BREAK 
10:30-10:45  Interest-a-lyzer (cont’d) 
10:45-10:50  2. Frayer model as a group (collective prior knowledge) 
10:50-11:00  3. Introduce graphic novel genre (​video​) 
11:00-11:20  4. Complete Graphic Novel Questionnaire 
11:20-11:30  5. Journal entry: Where I want to be in 10 years 

● N/A 

Assessment Interestalyzer, graphic novel questionnaire 

Place Cartier Adult Education Centre

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