750-59 Corrosion Prevention and Control For Army Materiel 2014
750-59 Corrosion Prevention and Control For Army Materiel 2014
750-59 Corrosion Prevention and Control For Army Materiel 2014
Prevention and
Control for
Army Materiel
Department of the Army
Washington, DC
19 March 2014
AR 75059
Corrosion Prevention and Control for Army Materiel
o Change the title from Army Corrosion Prevention and Control Program to
Corrosion Prevention and Control for Army Materiel (cover).
o Removes U.S. Army Materiel Command as the Armys corrosion program manager
(para 2-5).
States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unless for use in evaluating key internal controls
otherwise stated. (see appendix B).
Proponent and exception authority. Supplementation. Supplementation of
The proponent of this regulation is the this regulation and establishment of com-
Deputy Chief of Staff, G4. The propo-
mand or local forms are prohibited with-
nent has the authority to approve excep-
out prior approval from the Deputy Chief
tions or waivers to this regulation that are
consistent with controlling law and regu- of Staff, G4 (DALOMNF), Washing-
lations. The proponent may delegate this ton, DC 203100500.
approval authority, in writing, to a divi- Suggested improvements. Users are
sion chief within the proponent agency or invited to send in comments and sug-
its direct reporting unit or field operating
gested improvements on DA Form 2028
agency, in the grade of colonel or the
civilian equivalent. Activities may request (Recommended Changes to Publications
a waiver to this regulation by providing and Blank Forms) directly to the Deputy
justification that includes a full analysis of Chief of Staff, G4 (DALOMNF), 500
History. This publication is a major the expected benefits and must include Army Pentagon Washington, DC
revision. formal review by the activitys senior 203100500.
Summary. This regulation establishes legal officer. All waiver requests will be
Distribution. This publication is availa-
Army policies for implementing and man- endorsed by the commander or senior
leader of the requesting activity and for- ble in electronic media only and is in-
aging effective corrosion prevention and tended for command levels C, D, and E
control for sustainment of all Army mate- warded through their higher headquarters
to the policy proponent. Refer to AR for the Active Army, the Army National
riel and components.
2530 for specific guidance. Guard/Army National Guard of the United
Applicability. This regulation applies to States, and the U.S. Army Reserve.
the Active Army, the Army National Army internal control process. This
Guard/Army National Guard of the United regulation contains internal controls and
provides an Internal Control Evaluation
Chapter 1
General, page 1
Purpose 11, page 1
References 12, page 1
Explanation of abbreviations and terms 13, page 1
Responsibilities 14, page 1
Concept 15, page 1
Exception 16, page 1
Chapter 2
Responsibilities, page 1
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) 21, page 1
Deputy Chief of Staff, G3/5/7 22, page 1
Deputy Chief of Staff, G4 23, page 1
The Surgeon General 24, page 2
Commanding General, U.S. Army Materiel Command 25, page 2
Chapter 3
Policy Implementation, page 5
Design 31, page 5
Corrosion test and evaluation 32, page 5
Life Cycle Management Command 33, page 5
Maintenance and storage 34, page 6
Training and awareness 35, page 7
Command corrosion prevention and control surveys 36, page 7
A. References, page 9
B. Internal Control Evaluation, page 12
12. References
Required and related publications and prescribed and referenced forms are listed in appendix A.
14. Responsibilities
Responsibilities are listed in chapter 2.
15. Concept
CPC is a critical consideration in ensuring the sustained performance, readiness, economical operation, and service life
of Army systems and equipment throughout their life cycle. CPC will be addressed in the materiel development,
acquisition, fielding, operation, modification, upgrade, and storage processes of Army materiel. CPC requires life cycle
management planning and execution in design, development, testing, fielding, training, and maintenance.
16. Exception
This regulation does not cover the facilities engineering program as managed by the Assistant Chief of Staff for
Installation Management for real property and for the real property installed equipment as defined in AR 4201.
Chapter 2
21. Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology)
The ASA (ALT) will
a. Designate the Corrosion Control and Prevention Executive (CCPE) pursuant to Public Law 110417. The CCPE
will be responsible for coordinating Department of the Army (DA)-level CPC program activities.
b. Designate a principal point of contact to coordinate DA-level CPC Program activities with the Army, Department
of Defense staff, and Program Executive Offices (PEOs).
c. Ensure that CPC is incorporated into DA policy and guidance for management of the following
(1) System acquisition and production.
(2) Research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) programs and activities.
(3) Equipment standardization programs, including international standardized agreements.
(4) Research and development initiatives specific to logistics.
(5) Supportability analysis as it relates to integrated logistics support (ILS) in the materiel acquisition process in
accordance with AR 700127 and DA Pam 70056.
d. Support the command CPC survey team process.
28. Commanding Generals, Army commands, Army service component commands, direct reporting
units, Chief, U.S. Army Reserve, and the Chief, National Guard Bureau
CGs, ACOMs, ASCCs, and DRUs; Chief, USAR; and the CNGB will establish and maintain an effective command-
level program. Each commander and/or chief will (as applicable)
a. Appoint a CPC manager to administer the command-level program and report the name and contact information
to the DCS, G4 (Director of Maintenance) within 60 days of assignment or reassignment.
b. Establish and oversee command level CPC policy and procedures.
c. Ensure that all subordinate command activities understand and fulfill their responsibilities under the command
d. Plan, program, and budget resources to comply with the requirements of this regulation.
Chapter 3
Policy Implementation
Corrosion prevention is a key aspect of the design influence and/or interface element of ILS. One of twelve ILS
elements from AR 700127, the design influence and/or interface element addresses CPC throughout the system life
cycle to preserve acquired capabilities. In concert with other design influences and/or interface elements, CPC
facilitates supportability to maximize the availability, effectiveness, and capability of the system. To reduce sustain-
ment costs, improvements in materials, processes, and procedures must be incorporated into the system as early as
possible. This includes input from field activities using established feedback mechanisms such as the DA Form 2028,
SF 368, and the Army suggestion programs, which consists of the Supply and Maintenance Assessment and Review
Team and tool improvements program suggestion.
31. Design
a. CPC plans will be prepared and CPATs will be established to ensure that corrosion prevention is incorporated in
equipment/system designs. CPC Plans and CPATs will consider the following:
(1) CPC is a continuous process whereby the equipment design provides for corrosion resistance.
(2) Over time, new technologies, policies, procedures, tools, and test equipment will be incorporated in the original
equipment design.
b. The complete CPC plan will be part of the programs acquisition strategy and discussed during technical reviews.
The CPC plan will identify risks to meeting key performance parameters and key system attributes impacted by
corrosion issues in accordance with AR 701.
c. To minimize the negative effects of the corrosion sustainability practices will consider the following:
(1) System safety.
(2) Equipment design.
(3) Manufacturing processes that address selection of materials.
(4) Coatings and surface treatments
(5) Production processes.
(6) Process specifications.
(7) System geometry.
(8) Material limitations.
(9) Environmental extremes.
(10) Storage and ready conditions.
(11) Preservation and packaging requirements.
(12) Repairs, overhaul, and spare part requirements.
(13) Minimizing total ownership costs.
d. In accordance with memorandum: Providing Corrosion Resistant Materials and Infrastructure to the Army, by the
Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army Acquisition Logistics and Technology, dated 27 October 2011, the
approved CPC plan will be a mandatory document for assessment in determining the appropriate materiel release in
accordance with AR 700142.
Section I
Required Publications
AR 7075
Survivability of Army Personnel and Materiel (Cited in para 27e.)
AR 4201
Army Facilities Management (Cited in para 16.)
AR 700142
Type Classification, Materiel Release, Fielding, and Transfer (Cited in para 31.)
AR 7501
Army Materiel Maintenance Policy (Cited in paras 34a, 34b, 34c, and 34d.)
DA Pam 70056
Logistics Supportability Planning and Procedures in Army Acquisition (Cited in para 21c(5).)
DA Pam 738751
Functional Users Manual for the Army Maintenance Management System - Aviation (TAMMSA) (Cited in paras
28k, 34a.)
DA Pam 7508
The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Users Manual (Cited in paras 28k, 34a.)
Section II
Related Publications
A related publication is a source of additional information. The user does not have to read it to understand this
regulation. Military Detail, MILHDBKs, MILPRFs, and MILSTDs are available at http://assist.daps.dla.mil/qui-
AR 112
Managers Internal Control Program
AR 2530
The Army Publishing Program
AR 581
Management, Acquisition, and Use of Motor Vehicles
AR 701
Army Acquisition Policy
AR 731
Test and Evaluation Policy
AR 33515
Management Information Control System
AR 700127
Integrated Logistics Support
AR 700141
Hazardous Materials Information Resource System
AR 70271
Reporting of Product Quality Deficiencies within the U.S. Army
AR 70211
Army Quality Program
AR 7081
Logistics Management Data and Cataloging Procedures for Army Supplies and Equipment
AR 7102
Supply Policy Below the National Level
AR 72550
Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue System
AR 7355
Property Accountability Policies
Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus (Available at ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive,
P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 194282959.)
Standard Practice for Modified Salt Spray (Fog) Testing (Available at ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.
O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 194282959.)
GMW 14872
Cyclic Corrosion Laboratory Test (Available at IHS Global Inc., 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO 801125776.)
Memorandum, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology), dated 27 October 2011
Providing Corrosion Resistant Materials and Infrastructure to the Army (Available at http://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/
Product Support Analysis
Corrosion and Corrosion Prevention Metals
Logistics Management Information
Finishing of Metal and Wood Surfaces
Protective Finishing for Army Missile Weapon Systems
PL 110417
Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009
TB 430213
Corrosion Prevention and Control (CPC) for Tactical Vehicles
TB 430242
WD Carc Sopt Painting
TC 304.7
Army Aviation Maintenance
TM 38400
Joint Service Manual (JSM) for Storage and Materials Handling (Available at Director, U. S. Army Materiel
Command, Packaging, Storage, and Containerization Center (SDSTOTM), Tobyhanna, PA 184665097.)
TM 38470
Storage and Maintenance of Army Prepositioned Stock Materiel
TM 430139
Painting Instructions for Army Material
TM 1150032823
Aeronautical Equipment Maintenance Management Policies and Procedures
TM 55150034423
Aircraft Weapons System Cleaning and Corrosion Control (NAVAIR 011A509; to 111/to 112)
TM 55150034523
Painting and Marking of Army Aircraft
Section III
Prescribed Forms
This section contains no entries.
Section IV
Referenced Forms
Unless otherwise indicated, DA Forms are available on the APD Web site (http://www.apd.army.mil) and DD forms
are available on the OSD Web site (http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/infomgt/forms/). SFs are available on the GSA
Web site (http://www.gsa.gov/portal/forms/type/SF).
DA Form 112
Internal Control Evaluation Certification
DA Form 2028
Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms
DA Form 2404
Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet
DA Form 5988E
Equipment Inspection/Maintenance Worksheet (This is generated electronically through SAMS-I/IE.)
DD Form 1225
Storage Quality Control Report
SF 364
Report of Discrepancy (ROD)
SF 368
Product Quality Deficiency Report (PQDR)
Appendix B
Internal Control Evaluation
B1. Function
The function covered by this evaluation is corrosion prevention and control of Army materiel.
B2. Purpose
The purpose of this evaluation is to assist AMC, ACOMs, ASCCs, DRUs, ARNG, and the USAR in evaluating key
internal controls listed. It is intended as a guide and does not cover all controls.
B3. Instructions
Answers must be based upon the actual testing of controls (for example, document analysis, direct observation,
interviewing, sampling, simulation, or other). Answers that indicate deficiencies must be explained and corrective
action indicated in supporting documentation. These internal controls must be evaluated at least once every 5 years.
Certification that the evaluation has been conducted must be accomplished on DA Form 112 (Internal Control
Evaluation Certification).
B5. Supersession
Not applicable.
B6. Comments
Help make this a better tool for evaluating internal controls. Submit comments to the Headquarters, Department of the
Army, DCS, G4 (DALOMNF), 500 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 203100500.
Army command
U.S. Army Materiel Command
Army Force Generation
Army National Guard
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology)
Army service component command
Chief, National Guard Bureau
corrosion prevention and control
Commanding General
Department of the Army
DCS, G3/5/7
Deputy Chief of Staff, G3/5/7
Deputy Chief of Staff, G4
direct reporting unit
environmental, safety, and occupational health
integrated logistics support
Life Cycle Management Command
program executive office
program manager
preventive maintenance checks and services
research, development, test, and evaluation
standard form
technical bulletin
technical manual
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
The Surgeon General
U.S. Army Reserve
Section II
Corrosion susceptibility
The tendency for a given material, after it has been exposed over a period of time to an operating environment, to
corrode, and adversely affect a system or equipment.
Section III
Special Abbreviations and Terms
corrosion control inspection
Corrosion Control and Prevention Executive
Corrosion Prevention Action Team