Masonry Blocks: Products
Masonry Blocks: Products
Masonry Blocks: Products
About us MASONRY BLOCKS Table of contents
Founded in 1996, Transgulf Cement Products is one of the lead- At Transgulf Cement Products, our first commitment is to provide Our multi-utilitarian masonry blocks produce hi quality walls that 4.1 Hollow Block
ing suppliers of concrete products in the GCC region. Strategically quality products through prompt delivery, followed by active in- are secure and stable, with perfect thermal and sound insulation.
located in the Jebel Ali Industrial Area, we cater to the product volvement until project completion. Our consultancy team of ex- Manufactured from naturally occurring aggregates, our masonry
4.2 Solid Block
requirements of a range of clientele, having built up a solid, un- perienced professionals are always ready to povide you with valu- blocks are extensively used as substitutes for conventional 4.3 Hourdi Block
shakeable reputation in the industry over the last decade. Con- able assistance in selecting a product, pattern, colour or design. wood-frames for high-grade exterior walls. They are fortified
stant innovation and exceptional customer service lie at the Our efficient after-sales service team makes regular visits to con- from the inside out with a high level of resistance to aging, fire, 4.4 Thermo Block
heart of our company values, and these founding principles have struction sites to ensure smooth co-ordination between project re- environmental damage and weathering, and are ideal for exposed
marked every venture of Transgulf, making us one of the leading quirements and product supply. Our growing list of clients stands environments such as the harsh summer conditions in the UAE. 4.5 Geoblock
names for concrete products in the region. testament to Transgulfs standards of quality and excellence. A range of masonry blocks is available from standard structural
units to blocks made for custom requirements. 4.6 Dwell Block
Symbolic of our founding principles, our products serve to Our wide range of concrete products are available in a multitude
strengthen, enhance and toughen the landscape where they are of colours, patterns and designs to suit all types of architectural
applied. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, our plant op- projects. For over a decade, we have been providing clients quality
erates with seamless efficiency and productivity, 24 hours a day. In products for their every need. No matter what your requirements
addition, we take pride in our in-house research and development - be it a villa or building complex, a warehouse or public park - our
wing, where our experts are committed to the development of in- team of experienced professionals will provide you with all the as-
novations in engineering and manufacturing processes to make sistance needed in making the right selection for your particular
our products one of the best in the industry. requirements.
Blocks /m2 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 Blocks/m2 12.5 12.5 12.5
Blocks/bundle 108 72 54 45 Blocks/bundle 54 45 45
Blocks /m2 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 Blocks/m2 12.5 12.5 12.5
Blocks/bundle 108 72 54 45 Blocks/bundle 54 45 45
All our masonry products are in compliance with Quality
Management system as per EN ISO 9001:2008
U. Value (thermal transmission) : 0.362 watt/m2 c
K. Value (thermal conductivity) : 0.0723 watt/m2 c
R. Value (thermal resistance) : 2.762 watt/m2 c
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Transgulfs Geoblock our solid, top-pinning segmental retaining wall system Item Geo Block Our Dwell blocks bring life to residential and commercial gardens, parks and Item Dwell
is a low-absorption, high-strength, solid concrete units ensuring the long-lasting Length(mm) 400/360 planters, with an attractive decorative walling. It combines the durability and Length(mm) 400
durability engineers expect. The retaining wall system is ideal for use in residential, Width(mm) 100 strength with the lush beauty of a hanging garden. Inside each unit, there is a Width(mm) 200
as well as commercial projects, adding a raw, natural, yet sophisticated feeling to Thickness(mm) 200 plantable core for planting and a groove in the top to accommodate irrigation Thickness(mm) 167
locations low retaining walls, planter walls, tree rings and fire rings. Weight of block (kg) 18 tubing. The result is a beautiful yet functional wall that becomes a living part of Weight of block (kg) 20
Blocks /m2 12.5 your garden landscape. Blocks /m2 15
Geoblocks are subject to continuous research and testing in our facilities, ensuring Blocks/bundle 108 M-Block Blocks/bundle 72
stability, durability and exposure to different weather conditions. Our Geoblock is
available in multiple colors, sizes and types, designed keeping in view the diverse
demands from architects and engineers.
F-Block C-Block
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Dubai office:
Jebel Ali Ind. Area. P.O. Box 25595, Dubai, U.A.E
Tel : +971 4 8801020. Fax : +971 4 8801021
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