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Copyright 2014 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from Carl S.

Carlson, Understanding and Applying the Fundamentals of FMEAs,

2014 Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, January, 2014.

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Understanding and Applying the Fundamentals of FMEAs

Carl S. Carlson

Carl S. Carlson
ReliaSoft Corporation
1450 S. Eastside Loop
Tucson, Arizona 85710 USA
e-mail: Carl.Carlson@ReliaSoft.com

Tutorial Notes 2014 AR&MS

Across the globe, development times are becoming shorter, cost concerns more acute, and customers are demanding and
expecting absolute safety and high reliability. While it may have been sufficient in the past to focus on testing and analysis as
the primary methods for ensuring high reliability, this is no longer sufficient. The focus needs to be on problem prevention,
anticipating the factors that lead to failure and ensuring designs are robust. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) can
anticipate and prevent problems, reduce costs, shorten product development times, and achieve safe and highly reliable products
and processes. The plain truth is FMEA has the potential to be a very powerful tool to achieve high reliability in products and
processes; and when done well, it is remarkably effective. Yet in practice, FMEA does not always achieve the expected results.
It has to be done correctly: performed on the correct parts, by the correct team, during the correct timeframe, with the correct
procedure. The purpose of this tutorial is to share the fundamental concepts and procedures for effective FMEAs and highlight
the FMEA success factors.

Carl S. Carlson
Carl S. Carlson is a consultant and instructor in the areas of FMEA, reliability program planning and other reliability
engineering disciplines. He has 30 years of experience in reliability testing, engineering, and management positions, and is
currently supporting clients of ReliaSoft Corporation with reliability and FMEA training and consulting. Previous to ReliaSoft,
he worked at General Motors, most recently as senior manager for the Advanced Reliability Group. His responsibilities included
FMEAs for North American operations, developing and implementing advanced reliability methods, and managing teams of
reliability engineers. Previous to General Motors, he worked as a Research and Development Engineer for Litton Systems,
Inertial Navigation Division.
Mr. Carlson co-chaired the cross-industry team that developed the commercial FMEA standard (SAE J1739, 2002 version),
participated in the development of SAE JA 1000/1 Reliability Program Standard Implementation Guide, served for five years as
Vice Chair for the SAE's G-11 Reliability Division, and was a four-year member of the Reliability and Maintainability
Symposium (RAMS) Advisory Board. He holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan and
completed the 2-course Reliability Engineering sequence from the University of Maryland's Masters in Reliability Engineering
program. In 2007, he received the Alan O. Plait Award for Tutorial Excellence. He is a Senior Member of ASQ and a Certified
Reliability Engineer. His book, Effective FMEAs, was published in 2012 by John Wiley & Sons.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2. Understanding the fundamentals and procedures of FMEAs ................................................................................................... 2
3. Selecting the right FMEA projects ........................................................................................................................................... 7
4. Preparation steps for each FMEA project ................................................................................................................................ 8
5. Applying lessons learned and quality objectives ..................................................................................................................... 9
6. Providing excellent facilitation ................................................................................................................................................ 9
7. Implementing an effective company-wide FMEA process ...................................................................................................... 9
8. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
9. References .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
10. Appendix - Problems and Solutions ..................................................................................................................................... 10
11. Tutorial Visuals ..................................................................................................................................................................... 13

ii Carlson 2014 AR&MS Tutorial Notes

Identify and fully understand potential failure modes and
1.1 Brief history of FMEA
their causes, and the effects of failure on the system or
FMEA was formalized in 1949 by the US Armed Forces end users, for a given product or process.
by the introduction of Mil-P 1629 Procedure for performing Assess the risk associated with the identified failure
a failure mode effect and criticality analysis.. The objective modes, effects and causes, and prioritize issues for
was to classify failures according to their impact on mission corrective action.
success and personnel/equipment safety. [1] It was later Identify and carry out corrective actions to address the
adopted in the Apollo space program to mitigate risk due to most serious concerns.
small sample sizes. The use of FMEA gained momentum An FMEA is an engineering analysis done by a cross-
during the 1960s, with the push to put a man on the moon and functional team of subject matter experts that thoroughly
return him safely to earth. In the late 1970s the Ford Motor analyzes product designs or manufacturing processes, early in
Company introduced FMEA to the automotive industry for the product development process. Its objective is finding and
safety and regulatory consideration after the Pinto affair. correcting weaknesses before the product gets into the hands
They also used it to improve production and design. In the of the customer. [3]
1980s, the automotive industry began implementing FMEA An FMEA should be the guide to the development of a
by standardizing the structure and methods through the complete set of actions that will reduce risk associated with
Automotive Industry Action Group. Although developed by the system, subsystem, and component or
the military, the FMEA method is now extensively used in a manufacturing/assembly process to an acceptable level. [3]
variety of industries including semiconductor processing, Performing an FMEA just to fill a checkbox in the
foodservice, plastics, software, aeronautics, automotive, and Product Development Process and then filing it away, never
healthcare, to name a few. [2] to be seen again, is a waste of time and adds no value. If not
for use as guidance through the development process, why
1.2 FMEA Standards
waste the time and resources to do it in the first place? If
There are many standards and guidelines published that effectively used throughout the product life cycle, it will
cover the scope and general procedure for doing FMEAs or result in significant improvements to reliability, safety,
FMECAs. Some of the more common and relevant are: quality, delivery, and cost. [3]
SAE J1739, Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis The primary objective of an FMEA is to improve the
in Design (Design FMEA), Potential Failure Mode and design. For System FMEAs, the objective is to improve the
Effects Analysis in Manufacturing and Assembly design of the system. For Design FMEAs, the objective is to
Processes (Process FMEA) [2009] improve the design of the subsystem or component. For
AIAG, Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Process FMEAs, the objective is to improve the design of the
(FMEA) Reference Manual Fourth Edition [2008] manufacturing process. [3]
MIL-STD-1629A, Procedures for Performing a Failure There are many other objectives for doing FMEAs, such
Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (Cited for as: [3]
cancelation in 1994, but still used in some military and identify and prevent safety hazards
other applications) minimize loss of product performance or performance
SAE ARP5580, Recommended Failure Modes and degradation
Effects Analysis (FMEA) Practices for Non-Automobile improve test and verification plans (in the case of System
Applications [2001] or Design FMEAs)
IEC 60812, Analysis techniques for system reliability improve Process Control Plans (in the case of Process
Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) FMEAs)
[2006] consider changes to the product design or manufacturing
1.3 Why do FMEAs?
identify significant product or process characteristics
There are a number of business reasons to implement an develop Preventive Maintenance plans for in-service
effective FMEA Process. When done well, FMEA is a proven machinery and equipment
tool to reduce life cycle warranty costs. When done well, develop online diagnostic techniques
FMEAs will reduce the number of oops during product
1.5 Types of FMEAs
development. It is far less expensive to prevent problems
early in product development than fix problems after launch. The most common types of FMEAs are System FMEA,
FMEAs can identify and address safety issues before a Design FMEA and Process FMEA.
potential catastrophe. System FMEA is the highest-level analysis of an entire
system, made up of various subsystems. The focus is on
1.4 Definition and purpose of FMEA
system-related deficiencies, including system safety, system
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis is a method designed integration, interfaces or interactions between subsystems or

2014 Annual RELIABILITY and MAINTAINABILITY Symposium Carlson 1

with other systems, interactions with the surrounding 5. Providing excellent facilitation
environment, human interaction, service, and other issues that 6. Implementing an effective company-wide FMEA
could cause the overall system not to work as intended. In process.
System FMEAs, the focus is on functions and relationships Implementing these FMEA success factors will help
that are unique to the system as a whole (i.e., do not exist at ensure FMEAs achieve safe, reliable and economical
lower levels). Included are failure modes associated with products and processes.
interfaces and interactions, in addition to considering single-
point failures (where a single component failure can result in
complete failure of the entire system). Some practitioners
separate out human interaction and service into their own It is important to begin with an understanding of the
respective FMEAs. basic definitions of FMEAs. Time spent toward
Design FMEA focuses on product design, typically at understanding the fundamental concepts and definitions of
the subsystem or component level. The focus is on design- FMEAs will shorten the time in meetings and help ensure
related deficiencies, with emphasis on improving the design high quality results. There is no substitute for having a
and ensuring product operation is safe and reliable during the thorough knowledge and understanding of the FMEA
useful life of the equipment. The scope of the Design FMEA definitions and concepts.
includes the subsystem or component itself, as well as the Figure 1 is an example of a Generic FMEA Worksheet,
interfaces between adjacent components. Design FMEA truncated after the Recommended Actions column. The
usually assumes the product will be manufactured according numbers in the illustration correspond to the subsections in
to specifications. this paper. The definitions are presented in the sequence they
Process FMEA focuses on the manufacturing or are normally developed in an FMEA project.
assembly process, emphasizing how the manufacturing
process can be improved to ensure that a product is built to
design requirements in a safe manner, with minimal
downtime, scrap and rework. The scope of a Process FMEA
can include manufacturing and assembly operations,
shipping, incoming parts, transporting of materials, storage,
conveyors, tool maintenance, and labeling. Process FMEAs
most often assume the design is sound.
Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
is similar to FMEA, with the added step of a more formal Figure 1. Generic FMEA Worksheet, up through
Criticality Analysis. This added step commonly requires Recommended Actions
objective data to support the criticality calculation. It is
2.1 Item
recommended for practitioners who are required to perform a
FMECA analysis to understand the basics of FMEA first, and An item (1) is the focus of the FMEA project. For a
then to learn the FMECA procedure. System FMEA this is the system itself. For a Design FMEA,
Some other types of FMEAs include Concept FMEA, a this is the subsystem or component under analysis. For a
short version of FMEA to aid in selecting optimum concept Process FMEA, this is usually one of the specific steps of the
alternatives or to determine changes to system design manufacturing or assembly process under analysis, as
specifications; Maintenance FMEA, in support of Reliability represented by an operation description. Figure 2 is an
Centered Maintenance projects; Hazard Analysis, which example of an Item for a Design FMEA. Figure 3 is an
focuses on identifying and addressing potential hazards example of an Item for a Process FMEA.
associated with the use of a product; and Software FMEA,
which identifies system weaknesses, and evaluates the
effectiveness of the software architecture and software
1.6 FMEA Success Factors
There are six broad success factors that are critical to
uniformity of success in the application of FMEA in any
company. The six success factors are listed here, and will be
elaborated on later in this tutorial.
1. Understanding the fundamentals and procedures of
FMEAs, including the concepts and definitions.
2. Selecting the right FMEA projects
3. Preparation steps for each FMEA project
4. Applying lessons learned and quality objectives Figure 2. Example of an Item for Design FMEA [3]

2 Carlson 2014 AR&MS Tutorial Notes

both have unique meanings. The Concise Oxford English
Dictionary defines the word failure as the act of ceasing to
function or the state of not functioning. Mode is defined as
a way in which something occurs. Figure 6 is an example of a
Failure Mode for a Design FMEA. Figure 7 is an example
of a Failure Mode for a Process FMEA.

Figure 3. Example of an Item for a Process FMEA [3]

2.2 Function
A function (2) is what the item or process is intended
to do, usually to a given standard of performance or Figure 5. Example of a Function for Process FMEA [3]
requirement. For Design FMEAs, this is the primary purpose
or design intent of the item. For Process FMEAs, this is the
primary purpose of the manufacturing or assembly operation.
Functions are typically described in a verb-noun format. It is
essential to include the standard of performance as part of the
function statement in order to help describe the failure mode.
There can be many functions for each item or operation.
Figure 4 is an example of example of a Function for a
Design FMEA [3]. Figure 5 is an example of a Function for
a Process FMEA. Note, in the case of Process FMEAs, the
function can be similar to the item, as described in the
operation description for the manufacturing or assembly
Figure 6. Example of a Failure Mode for Design FMEA [3]

Figure 4. Example of a Function for a Design FMEA [3]

Figure 7. Example of Failure Mode for Process FMEA [3]
2.3 Failure Mode
2.4 Effect
A failure mode (3) is the manner in which the item or
operation potentially fails to meet or deliver the intended An effect (4) is the consequence of the failure on the
function and associated requirements. It may include failure system or end user. This can be a single description of the
to perform a function within defined limits, inadequate or effect on the top-level system and/or end user, or three levels
poor performance of the function, intermittent performance of of effects (local, next-higher level, and end effect). For
a function, and/or performing an unintended or undesired Process FMEAs, consider the effect at the manufacturing or
function. The term failure mode combines two words that assembly level, as well as at the system or end user. There

2014 Annual RELIABILITY and MAINTAINABILITY Symposium Carlson 3

can be more than one effect for each failure mode. However, occurs. There can be many causes for each failure mode.
typically the FMEA team will use the most serious of the end Figure12 is an example of a Cause for a Design FMEA.
effects for the analysis. Figure 8 is an example of an Effect Figure 13 is an example of a Cause for a Process FMEA.
for a Design FMEA. Figure 9 is an example of an Effect for
a Process FMEA.
2.5 Severity
Severity (5) is a ranking number associated with the
most serious effect for a given failure mode, based on the
criteria from a severity scale. It is a relative ranking within
the scope of the specific FMEA determined without regard to
the likelihood of occurrence or detection. Figure 10 is an
example of a Severity scale for Design FMEAs. Figure 11 is
an example of a Severity scale for Process FMEAs. Note,
when applying the severity scale for Process FMEAs, the
team assesses the severity of the effect on both product and
process and uses the worst case.

Figure 10.Example of a Severity scale for Design FMEAs [4]

Figure 8. Example of an Effect for a Design FMEA [3]

Figure 11. Example of a Severity scale for Process FMEAs [4]

Figure 9. Example of an Effect for a Process FMEA [3]

2.6 Cause
A cause (6) is the specific reason for the failure,
preferably found by asking why until the root cause is
determined. For Design FMEAs, the cause is the design
deficiency that results in the failure mode. For Process
FMEAs, the cause is the manufacturing or assembly
deficiency that results in the failure mode. At the component
level, cause should be taken to the level of failure
mechanism. If a cause occurs, the corresponding failure mode

4 Carlson 2014 AR&MS Tutorial Notes

Figure 12. Example of a Cause for a Process FMEA [3] associated with each potential cause. Controls can be the
methods to prevent or detect the cause during product
development, or actions to detect a problem during service
before it becomes catastrophic. There can be many controls
for each cause.

Figure 13. Example of a Cause for a Process FMEA [3]

2.7 Occurrence
Occurrence (7) is a ranking number associated with the
likelihood that the failure mode and its associated cause will
be present in the item being analyzed. For System and Design
FMEAs, consider the likelihood of occurrence during the
design life of the product. For Process FMEAs consider the
likelihood of occurrence during production. It is based on the
criteria from the corresponding occurrence scale, and has a
relative meaning rather than absolute value, determined
without regard to the severity or likelihood of detection.
Figure 14 is an example of an Occurrence scale for Design Figure 15. Example of an Occurrence scale for Process
FMEAs. Figure 15 is an example of an Occurrence scale for FMEAs [4]
Process FMEAs.
For System or Design FMEAs, prevention-type design
controls describe how a cause, failure mode, or effect in the
product design is prevented based on current or planned
actions. They are intended to reduce the likelihood that the
problem will occur, and are used as input to the occurrence
ranking. Only those prevention-type controls that are
currently planned, or are already in place, should be entered
onto the FMEA worksheet. Detection-type design controls
describe how a failure mode or cause in the product design is
detected, based on current or planned actions before the
product design is released to production, and are used as input
to the detection ranking. They are intended to increase the
likelihood that the problem will be detected before it reaches
the end user. Only those detection-type controls that are
currently planned, or are already in place, should be entered
onto the FMEA worksheet. [3]
Figure 16 is an example of Design Controls for a
Design FMEA.
For Process FMEAs, prevention-type process controls
describe how a cause, failure mode or effect in the
manufacturing or assembly process is prevented, based on
Figure 14. Example of an Occurrence scale for Design current or planned actions. Detection-type process controls
FMEAs [4] describe how a failure mode or cause in the manufacturing or
2.8 Controls assembly process is detected, based on current or planned
action, before the item is shipped from the manufacturing or
Controls (8) are the methods or actions currently
planned, or already in place, to reduce or eliminate the risk

2014 Annual RELIABILITY and MAINTAINABILITY Symposium Carlson 5

assembly plant, and are used as an input to the detection 2.10 Risk Priority Number (RPN)
ranking. [3]
RPN (10) is a numerical ranking of the risk of each
Figure 17 is an example of Process Controls for a
potential failure mode/cause, made up of the arithmetic
Process FMEA.
product of the three elements: severity of the effect,
likelihood of occurrence of the cause, and likelihood of
detection of the cause.

Figure 16. Example of Design Controls for a Design

FMEA: [3]

Figure 18. Example of Detection scale for Design FMEAs [4]

Figure 17. Example of Process Controls for a Process

FMEA [3]
2.9 Detection
Detection (9) is a ranking number associated with the
best control from the list of detection-type controls, based on
the criteria from the detection scale. It considers the
likelihood of detection of the failure mode/cause, according
to defined criteria. It is a relative ranking within the scope of Figure 19. Example of a Detection scale for Process
the specific FMEA, and is determined without regard to the FMEAs [4]
severity or likelihood of occurrence. Figure 18 is an example
of a Detection scale for Design FMEAs. Figure 19 is an Example: If the effect of a failure mode has a severity
example of a Detection scale for Process FMEAs. ranking of 10, and the cause of the failure mode has an
Caution is advised when using a Detection scale. The occurrence ranking of 6 and detection ranking of 4, then the
examples in figures 18 and 19 attempt to integrate three types RPN will be 240 (severity 10 x occurrence 6 x detection 4)
of detection risk into one scale: risk due to the likelihood that 2.10.1 RPN Limitations
the detection-type controls will detect the cause of the failure,
risk due to the timing of the detection-type controls, and risk RPN has a number of limitations and is not a perfect
due to the type of detection controls. Practitioners need to be representation of the risk associated with a failure mode and
aware of the criteria inherent in detection scales and ensure associated cause. Practitioners who use RPN should be aware
they are properly used. of the inherent limitations and take measures to be sure
product and process risks are properly characterized and
addressed. Examples of limitations to RPN include:

6 Carlson 2014 AR&MS Tutorial Notes

1. It is subjective, not objective various elements of FMEAs.
2. The potential values of RPN are not continuous
3. The Detection scale has its own limitations
4. There are many duplicate RPN values, representing
different combinations of severity, occurrence and
detection rankings
5. The practice of using RPN thresholds is not advised.
When RPN is used high severity must be considered
regardless of RPN value.
Many companies use alternatives to RPN, such as
severity and occurrence. For example, FMECA (FMEA, with
the added step of Criticality Analysis) uses severity and
occurrence risk rankings as input to the criticality risk,
without the use of a detection risk ranking.
When severity and occurrence risk rankings are used by
themselves, care must be taken to understand potential risk Figure 20. Example of Recommended Actions for a Design
due to inability to detect failure modes and their causes, and FMEA [3]
properly characterize and address this risk.
2.10.2 Use of Risk-Ranking Scales
If the risk-ranking scales are not mandated and the team
has the flexibility to establish their own scales, the risk-
ranking criteria can be tailored, along with the worksheet
columns, to satisfy company-specific applications. Regarding
the number of scale ranking levels, there is a simple rule to
follow: use the minimum number of ranking levels for each
scale that adequately differentiates the risk criteria. In other
words, if the team can manage with five ranking levels and Figure 21. Example of Recommended Actions for a
the needed differentiation of risk for a given application is Process FMEA [3]
adequately defined, then use ranking scales with five levels.
If ten ranking levels are needed to adequately differentiate
and define the risk, use scales that have ten ranking levels.
2.11 Recommended Actions
Recommended actions (11) are the tasks recommended
by the FMEA team to reduce or eliminate the risk associated
with potential causes of failure. They should consider existing
controls, relative importance (prioritization) of the issue, and
the cost and effectiveness of the corrective action. There can
be many recommended actions for each cause. In practice, it
usually takes more than one, and sometimes many actions to
address high risk issues.
The FMEA team must adequately address all high-
severity as well as high-RPN issues. Every task the FMEA
team recommends (that is different from what is already Figure 22. The Logical Relationship Between FMEA
planned or in place) shows up in the Recommended Actions Elements [3]
column. Figure 20 is an example of Recommended Actions 3. SELECTING THE RIGHT FMEA PROJECTS
for a Design FMEA. Figure 21 is an example of
Recommended Actions for a Process FMEA. FMEAs take time and cost money. They should be done
Completing the FMEA worksheet, Actions Taken is when a certain level of risk can be effectively addressed by
the specific action that is implemented to reduce risk to an the FMEA procedure. New product designs can include
acceptable level. It should correlate to the specific hundreds or even thousands of subsystems and components.
recommended action, and is assessed as to effectiveness by a Few companies have the resources to properly do FMEAs on
revised severity, occurrence, detection ranking, and everything. New or modified designs usually require a
corresponding revised RPN. System FMEA. Lower level FMEA projects can be identified
Figure 22 shows the logical relationship between the based on well-defined selection criteria.

2014 Annual RELIABILITY and MAINTAINABILITY Symposium Carlson 7

Companies can identify important criteria for selecting scales, FMEA team training, meeting logistics, and defining
FMEA projects. the system hierarchy, need doing only once, for all of the
Selection criteria may include: FMEA projects. Other tasks may be unique for each project.
New technology
New designs where risk is a concern
New applications of existing technology
Potential for safety issues
History of significant field problems
Potential for important regulation issues
Mission Critical applications
Supplier Capability
The risk criteria can each be assessed on a variable scale
for the items being considered for FMEAs. Preliminary Risk
Assessment criteria can be tailored to the unique needs of any
Figure 23 shows an example of preliminary risk Figure 24. FMEA and Stage Gate Process High Level [3]
assessment done on a bicycle system. This example only
Each selected FMEA project requires thorough
shows the bicycle subsystems. The same process can be
preparation. The following are the high level preparation
applied to all of the bicycle components to select FMEA
tasks. Each of these tasks must be done thoroughly. Short
cutting FMEA preparation time will significantly increase the
amount of time to do FMEAs and jeopardize quality of
Determine the scope of the FMEA project
Make the scope visible and get consensus on boundaries
(such as FMEA Block Diagram or Process Flow
Assemble the right FMEA team (not done by one or two
Establish ground rules and assumptions
Gather information
Prepare for the FMEA meetings
Figure 23. Preliminary Risk Assessment on Bicycle An example of an FMEA Block Diagram is shown in
Subsystems [3] Figure 25. It is a System FMEA Block Diagram for a bicycle
3.1 Timing criteria for FMEAs system, showing only the major subsystems and interfaces.
For self-study, you may be able to identify a few interface
In general, FMEAs should be done early in the product elements that were intentionally omitted from the diagram.
development process, where design and process changes can
be most easily implemented. Concept FMEAs should be
performed during the time when concept alternatives are
being considered and before design or process concepts have
been selected. System FMEA should be started as soon as the
system configuration is determined and completed before the
system configuration freeze-date. Design FMEAs should be
started as soon as the design concept is determined and
completed before the design freeze date. Process FMEAs
should be started as soon as the manufacturing or assembly
process is determined at the concept level, and completed
before the manufacturing or assembly process freeze date.
The high level timing for FMEAs is shown in Figure 24.
The importance of good preparation for FMEA projects Figure 25. All Terrain System FMEA Block Diagram [3]
cannot be emphasized enough. All of the preparation steps
are essential for the FMEA project to be successful and Selecting the right FMEA team is necessary for getting
completed in a timely manner. Some tasks, such as selecting high quality results. FMEA is a cross-functional team
FMEA software, selecting or modifying FMEA standards and activity. Some companies try to perform FMEAs with only 1
or 2 people, which is not acceptable. An example core team

8 Carlson 2014 AR&MS Tutorial Notes

for a Design FMEA includes representation from systems 6. PROVIDING EXCELLENT FMEA FACILITATION
engineering, design engineering, manufacturing engineering,
FMEA facilitation is a different subject than FMEA
test engineering, field service, and quality or reliability. An
methodology. Poorly led FMEA teams will not achieve
example core team for a Process FMEA includes
excellent results. To be successful, FMEA leaders need to
representation from : manufacturing engineering, plant
develop expert facilitation skills, including brainstorming,
assembly, product engineering, supplier quality, end-of-line
encouraging participation, active listening, controlling
test, maintenance, and quality or reliability. Recommend
discussion, making decisions, conflict management,
between 4 and 8 team members.
managing level of detail, managing time, and unleashing
Examples and checklists for ground rules and
team creativity.
assumptions, gather information, and FMEA meeting
Facilitators must be well trained in effective meeting
readiness are available on www.effectivefmeas.com.
facilitation techniques, know the FMEA procedure, and know
5. APPLYING LESSONS LEARNED AND QUALITY how to effectively use FMEA software. FMEA team
OBJECTIVES members need to be trained in an overview of FMEA
procedure. Good facilitation is essential to prevention of
Much is learned by observing the mistakes companies
high-risk problems without wasting time.
have made in doing FMEAs. Based on the experience of over
Figure 27 shows the FMEA Roadmap, which outlines at
two thousand FMEAs and working with hundreds of
a high-level the steps for performing effective FMEAs.
companies in a wide variety of applications, certain common
mistakes show up repeatedly. What are the primary ways that
FMEAs can be done wrongly (mistakes made). What are the
leading factors that make for effective FMEAs (quality
Figure 26 shows common FMEA mistakes converted
into Quality Objectives.

Figure 27. FMEA Roadmap High Level [3]

A company-wide FMEA process is the entire set of
systems and tasks essential to support development of high-
reliability products and processes through timely
accomplishment of well-done FMEAs. Key elements of this
process include management support for strategy and
resources, well-defined roles and responsibilities,
management review of high risk issues on an ongoing basis,
FMEA quality audits, execution of FMEA recommended
actions, and a feedback loop to incorporate lessons learned.
Figure 28 shows an effective FMEA process.
The importance of broad support from management in
implementing an effective FMEA process cannot be
overstated. Management provides agreement on strategy and
supports needed resources, assists in integrating FMEA with
Figure 26. FMEA Quality Objectives [3] other business processes, provides effective reviews of high
Make these FMEA Quality Objectives part of FMEA risk failure modes and recommended actions, and mandates
team training. Review them at each FMEA meeting. Conduct attendance of expert FMEA team members.
FMEA Quality audits based on these quality objectives. Keep
FMEAs open until Quality Objectives are met.

2014 Annual RELIABILITY and MAINTAINABILITY Symposium Carlson 9

Everyone wants to support the accomplishment of safe
and trouble-free products and processes while generating
satisfied and loyal customers. When done correctly, FMEA
can anticipate and prevent problems, reduce costs, shorten
product development times, and achieve safe and highly
reliable products and processes. Using the FMEA success
factors will help ensure the success of FMEA projects.
1. United States Military, 1949, Mil-P 1629 Procedure for
performing a failure mode effect and criticality analysis
Figure 28. An Effective FMEA Process [3] 2. Fadlovich, Erik. Performing Failure Mode and Effect
7.1 FMEA Linkages Analysis [Online] 2007 [cited 2010; Available from:
FMEAs can provide important input for other processes. rticle/6134, Embedded Technology
System/Design FMEAs input to Design Verification Plans, 3. Carl S. Carlson, Effective FMEAs: Achieving Safe,
Process FMEAS input to Process Control Plans, and Design Reliable, and Economical Products and Processes using
FMEAs input to Process FMEAs. In addition, FMEA must be Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, John Wiley & Sons,
fully integrated with the Product Development Process. Wiley Series in Quality & Reliability Engineering, 2012
Although FMEA can be implemented as a stand-alone 4. AIAG, Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
process and make significant design or process (FMEA) Reference Manual Fourth Edition [2008]; note,
improvements, properly linking FMEAs to other processes the scales in this tutorial have been re-formatted,
results in efficiencies, and can greatly enhance the abbreviated and/or shortened for readability
effectiveness of individual FMEAs.


The following FMEA problems and solutions are excerpted from the book Effective FMEAs.[3] The book, along with the
companion Solutions Manual, has over 100 problems and solutions, ranging from fundamentals of FMEAs to all aspects of
FMEA applications, including case studies, quality audits, FMEA facilitation, FMECA, Design Review Based on Failure Mode
(DRBFM), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), Hazard Analysis, and Software FMEA. A few
have been selected to introduce FMEA practitioners to this form of self-study. Answers to problems 1 to 5 are at the end of the
paper. Problems 6 and 7, along with their respective solutions can be found on the website www.effectivefmeas.com.
Problem 1
Which of the following are true statements about FMEA? (Select all that apply)
1. An FMEA is an engineering analysis done by the most knowledgeable person on the engineering team.
2. Part of the FMEA is to identify and carry out corrective actions to address the most serious concerns.
3. The primary objective of an FMEA is to understand the design.
4. Risk assessment is not part of the FMEA procedure.
Problem 2
Indicate whether each statement about the application of FMEA is true or false.
1. One of the uses of FMEA is to improve the reliability of the product.
2. One of the uses of FMEA is to improve the safety of the product.
3. FMEAs can be used to improve the quality of the manufacturing process.
4. One of the primary applications of FMEA is to fix field problems.
Problem 3
In an FMEA, which of the following is true about a function? (Select all that apply)
1. A function is what the item is intended to do, without respect to any standard of performance.
2. A function is what the item is intended to do, usually to a given standard of performance.
3. There is one function for each item in an FMEA.
4. The function description in an FMEA must include the consequence or impact on the end user.
Problem 4

10 Carlson 2014 AR&MS Tutorial Notes

In an FMEA, which of the following is true about a failure mode? (Select all that apply)
1. A failure mode is the specific reason for the failure.
2. A failure mode is the manner in which the item or assembly could fail to meet the intended function and its requirements
3. In an FMEA, there is one failure mode for each function.
4. The failure mode description in an FMEA must include the consequence or impact on the end user.
Problem 5
In an FMEA, which of the following is true about a control? (Select all that apply)
1. A control is the specific recommendation by the FMEA team to control the risk associated with the cause of failure.
2. A control needs to be taken to the level of root cause of the failure.
3. There are often two types of controls identified in an FMEA: prevention-type controls and detection-type controls.
4. Controls are the methods or actions that are not currently planned, but need to be done to reduce or eliminate the design-
related risk associated with the cause of failure.
5. Controls are the methods or actions that are planned or currently in place to reduce or eliminate the design-related risk
associated with the cause of failure.
Problem 6
Study the Pencil Problem on the website www.effectivefmeas.com (click on link FMEA Links and Articles, click on
Pencil Problem)
Perform problems 1 through 9. Compare answers to Solutions at the end of the Pencil Problem.
Problem 7
Study the Projector Lamp Problem on the website www.effectivefmeas.com (click on link FMEA Links and Articles,
click on Projector Lamp Problem)
Perform problems 1 through 9. Compare answers to Solutions at the end of the Projector Lamp Problem.
Solutions to Self-study Problems
Solution 1
Which of the following are true statements about FMEA? (Select all that apply.)
1. An FMEA is an engineering analysis done by the most knowledgeable person on the engineering team. (False. An FMEA is
an engineering analysis done by a cross-functional team of subject-matter experts.)
2. Part of the FMEA is to identify and carry out corrective actions to address the most serious concerns. (True)
3. The primary objective of an FMEA is to understand the design. (False. The primary objective of an FMEA is to improve the
4. Risk assessment is not part of the FMEA procedure. (False. Risk assessment is an integral part of the FMEA procedure.)
Solution 2
Indicate whether each statement about the application of FMEA is true or false.
1. One of the uses of FMEA is to improve the reliability of the product. (True)
2. One of the uses of FMEA is to improve the safety of the product. (True)
3. FMEAs can be used to improve the quality of the manufacturing process. (True)
4. One of the primary applications of FMEA is to fix field problems. (False)
Solution 3
In an FMEA, which of the following is true about a function? (Select all that apply)
1. A function is what the item is intended to do, without respect to any standard of performance. (False. A function
description needs to include the standard of performance.)
2. A function is what the item is intended to do, usually to a given standard of performance. (True)
3. There is one function for each item in an FMEA. (False. There can be many functions for an item.)
4. The function description in an FMEA must include the consequence or impact on the end user. (False. An effect must
include the consequence or impact on the end user, not a function.)
Solution 4
In an FMEA, which of the following is true about a failure mode? (Select all that apply)
1. A failure mode is the specific reason for the failure. (False. A failure mode is the manner in which the item or assembly

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could fail to meet the intended function and its requirements.)
2. A failure mode is the manner in which the item or assembly could fail to meet the intended function and its requirements.
3. In an FMEA, there is one failure mode for each function. (False. There can be many failure modes for each function.)
4. The failure mode description in an FMEA must include the consequence or impact on the end user. (False. An effect must
include the consequence or impact on the end user, not a failure mode.)
Solution 5
In an FMEA, which of the following is true about a control? (Select all that apply)
1. A control is the specific recommendation by the FMEA team to control the risk associated with the cause of failure.
(False. Controls are the methods or actions that are planned or currently in place to reduce or eliminate the design-related
risk associated with the cause of failure. Recommendations need to be in the Recommended Actions column of the FMEA.)
2. A control needs to be taken to the level of root cause of the failure. (False. Causes in the FMEA need to be taken to the
level of root cause, not controls.)
3. There are often two types of controls identified in an FMEA: prevention-type controls and detection-type controls. (True)
4. Controls are the methods or actions that are not currently planned, but need to be done to reduce or eliminate the design-
related risk associated with the cause of failure. (False. Controls are methods or actions that are planned or currently in
5. Controls are the methods or actions that are planned or currently in place to reduce or eliminate the design-related risk
associated with the cause of failure. (True)
Solution 6
The solution to the Pencil Problem can be found on the website www.effectivefmeas.com (click on link FMEA Links and
Articles, click on Pencil Problem)
Solution 7
The solution to the Projector Lamp Problem can be found on the website www.effectivefmeas.com (click on link FMEA
Links and Articles, click Projector Lamp Problem)

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