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Guidelines For Auditing FMEA

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Guidelines For Auditing FMEA’S per QS 9000:

(Source: Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Reference Manual (AIAG): (Feb, 1996))

11. Current Design Controls – Is there listed

1. Is there evidence that a cross-functional
a prevention, design validation/verification
team was used to develop the FMEA?
(DV) or other activities which will maximize
2. Is the FMEA header completely filled out
design adequacy of the failure mode and
with a tracking number, the component or
or cause mechanism?
(sub) system name, design responsible
12. Detection – Is there a detection ranking
activity, preparer’s name, model year and
that assesses the ability of the design
vehicle (if known), the initial FMEA due
controls to detect a potential
date, the date the original FMEA was
cause/mechanism or the ability of the
compiled, the latest revision date and
design controls to detect the subsequent
names/departments of team member?
failure mode before the component or
3. Is the FMEA that is being audited the latest
(sub) system is released for production.
revision level?
(See Definitions provided above.)
4. Function – Has the component or (sub)
13. RPN – Has the RPN been calculated by
system been identified? Has the
multiplying S x O x D?
nomenclature found on the engineering
14. Recommended Actions – Have actions
drawing been used? Has the function of
been identified for potential significant and
the part been identified?
critical characteristics and to lower the risk
5. Potential Failure Mode – Is there at least
of the higher RPN failure modes? Has
one failure mode listed for every function?
“none” been entered in the column if no
6. Potential Effects of Failure – Are the
actions are recommended?
effects of the failure defined and are they
15. Responsibility – Has an individual, SBU
defined in terms of what the internal or
and target completion date been entered
vehicle level external customer might
in columns where an action has been
recommended? (Blanks are OK when no
7. Severity – Is the severity (or seriousness)
action is recommended)
of the potential effect of the failure rated?
16. Actions Taken – Has a brief description
(See Definitions provided above.)
of the actual action and effective date
8. Classification – Are the significant and
been entered after the action has been
critical characteristics identified in this
taken? (Blanks are OK when no action is
column? (blanks are allowed) (See Special
Characteristics model on other side)
17. Resulting severity, occurrence, detection
9. Potential Causes/Mechanisms of Failure
and RPN – Have the new severity,
– Is there at least one potential cause of
occurrence, detection and RPN numbers
failure listed for every failure mode?
been entered after an action has been
10. Occurrence – has an occurrence ranking
completed and verified?
been assigned to each of the potential
18. Has the design responsible engineer
causes/mechanisms of failure? (See
implemented or adequately addressed the
Definitions provided above.)
recommended action?

Note: A QS-9000 auditor may only audit the FMEA process. They may not question the content of the

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Severity, Occurrence, and Detection Criteria for Design FMEA

Severity Evaluation Criteria

Effect Criteria: Severity of Effect Rank

Very high severity ranking when a potential failure mode affects safe vehicle
Hazardous -
operation and/or involves noncompliance with government regulation without 10
without warning

Very high severity ranking when a potential failure mode affects safe vehicle
Hazardous - with
operation and/or involves noncompliance with government regulation with 9

Very High Vehicle/item inoperable, with loss of primary function. 8

Vehicle/item operable, but at reduced level of performance. Customer

High 7

Vehicle/item operable, but Comfort/ Convenient item(s) inoperable. Customer

Moderate 6
experiences discomfort.

Vehicle/item operable, but Comfort/ Convenience item(s) operable at reduced

Low 5
level of performance. Customer experiences some dissatisfaction.

Fit & finish/Squeak & Rattle item does not conform. Defect noticed by
Very Low 4
average customers.

Fit & finish/Squeak & Rattle item does not conform. Defect noticed by most
Minor 3

Fit & finish/Squeak & Rattle item does not conform. Defect noticed by
Very Minor 2
discriminating customers.

None No effect. 1*

*Note: Zero (0) rankings for Severity, Occurrence or Detection are not allowed

Suggested Occurrence Evaluation Criteria

Rank CPK Failure Rates Probability of Failure

10 > 0.33 > 1 in 2

Very High: Failure almost inevitable
9 > 0.33 1 in 3

8 > 0.51 1 in 8
High: Repeated failures
7 > 0.67 1 in 20

6 > 0.83 1 in 80

5 > 1.00 1 in 400 Moderate: Occasional failures

4 > 1.17 1 in 2000

3 > 1.33 1 in 15 000

Low: Relatively few failures
2 > 1.50 1 in 150 000
1* > 1.67 < 1 in 1 500 000 Remote: Failure is unlikely

*Note: Zero (0) rankings for Severity, Occurrence or Detection are not allowed

Suggested Detection Eval. Criteria

Detection Criteria Rank

Absolute Design Control will not and/or cannot detect a potential cause/ mechanism and
Uncertainty subsequent failure mode; or there is no Design Control.

Very Remote chance the Design Control will detect a potential

Very Remote 9
cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.

Remote chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/ mechanism
Remote 8
and subsequent failure mode.

Very Low chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/ mechanism
Very Low 7
and subsequent failure mode.

Low chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/mechanism and
Low 6
subsequent failure mode.

Moderate chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/mechanism

Moderate 5
and subsequent failure mode.

Moderately Moderately High chance the Design Control will detect a potential
High cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.

High chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/mechanism and
High 3
subsequent failure mode.

Very High chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/mechanism
Very High 2
and subsequent failure mode.

Design Controls will almost certainly detect a potential cause/mechanism and

Almost Certain 1*
subsequent failure mode.

*Note: Zero (0) rankings for Severity, Occurrence or Detection are not allowed

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