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ISO TR 10314-1-1990 Scan

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REPORT 10314-I
First edition

Industrial automation - Shop floor production -

Part 1:
Reference model for standardization and a
methodology for identification of requirements

Automation industrielle - Production en atelier -

Partie 1: Mod&le de r&f&ence pour la normalisation et une m&hodologie en vue de
I’iden tifica tion des prescriptions


Reference number
ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

1 Scope and Field of Application . 1

1.1 Scope _._......................___,_.____._........._.......... 1

1.2 Field of Application 2

2 Terminology ......................................................... 5
2.1 General ........................................................ 5

2.2 Specific terms ................................................... 5

3 Abbreviations . . .._._.._..__.__._._.......,.,,.,,,.,_...._._._.._.._ 6

4 Objectives for Manufacturing Standardisation ............................ 7

4.1 General information .............................................. 7

4.2 Standards Viewpoints for Manufacturing. ........................... 8

5 The Reference Model for Shop Floor Production .......................... 10

5.1 General Information. ............................................. 10

5.2 The Context of Shop Floor Production .............................. 10

5.3 The Shop Floor Production Model (SFPM) .......................... 11
5.4 The Generic Activity Model (GAM) ................................. 11

6 Methodology for extracting areas of standards, 14

6.1 General information 14

6.2 Overall Approach _.._..___._.._..,.,,.,.,, ,,_........_.._.._._... 14

6.3 Extraction Procedures. 15
6.4 Matrix Representation of Identification Procedures 17

7 Summary . . . .._.___.._.____.._........,..,_,...__,...__.,_.._._... 17

'C IS0 1990


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International Organization for Standardization
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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)


IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.

The main task of IS0 technical committees is to prepare International Standards. In ex-
ceptional circumstances a technical committee may propose the publication of a
Technical Report of one of the following types:

- type 1, when the required support cannot be obtained for the publication of an
International Standard, despite repeated efforts;
- type 2, when the subject is still under technical development or where for any
other reason there is the future but not immediate possibility of an agreement on an
International Standard;
- type 3, when a technical committee has collected data of a different kind from
that which is normally published as an International Standard (“state of the art”, for

Technical Reports of types 1 and 2 are subject to review within three years of publica-
tion, to decide whether they can be transformed into International Standards.
Technical Reports of type 3 do not necessarily have to be reviewed until the data they
provide are considered to be no longer valid or useful.

ISO/TR lCl314-1, which is a Technical Report of type 3, was prepared by Technical

Committee ISO/TC 184, Industrial automation systems and integration.

This document is being published in the form of a Technical Report because it is not
possible, in view of the current state of the art of modelling for manufacturing, to draw
up an International Standard which would be complete and precise, and which would
not be too restrictive in this rapidly changing field. This Technical Report is intended as
a guideline and will be reviewed and augmented periodically.

ISO/TR 10314 consists of the following parts, under the general title industrial auto-
mation - Shop floor production :

- Part 1: Reference model for standardization and a methodology for identifica-

tion of requirements
- Part 2: Application of the reference model for standardization and methodology

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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)


This report is intended to provide a tool to help identify and co-ordinate

present and future activities involving IS0 and IEC standards work in the
field of industrial automation. Specifically, the Reference Model developed
within the technical report is to be applied to the area of Discrete Parts
Manufacturing. For the purposes of this report the word “manufacturing”
should hereafter be interpreted to mean Discrete Parts Manufacturing.
While the Reference Model may have application beyond the area of Discrete
Parts Manufacturing, the developers of the Reference Model have not tested
the Reference Model in other areas of industrial automation activities.

Since the model and the methodology will need to be refined so as to adjust
to emerging technologies, a technical report rather than an international
standard has been chosen as the means of presentation.

This technical report does not include the development of individual

standards themselves, but rather the establishment of a common
framework, in terms of a Reference Model, to assist future standards

The Reference Model for standardisation must be:


. simply structured, flexible, modular and generic,

. based upon readily available and acceptable terminology,

0 able to be applied to a wide range of manufacturing operations and

organisations, recognising the need to interface equipment and
systems to human beings,

0 independent of any given, predetermined realisations in terms of

system configurations or implementations,

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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

l open-ended in its ability to be extended, and in its ability to

encompass new technologies without unreasonably invalidating
current realisations

0 independent of existing technologies in manufacturing automation

and computer science.

This Reference Model and its methodology are to be used to identify areas
for standardisation and will benefit organisations involved in developing such
manufacturing standards. It will also be of interest to the manufacturing
community consisting of both suppliers and users, but it is not intended to
be a design for system integration of manufacturing.

The report for the Reference Model for Shop Floor Production Standards is
comprised of two parts. Part 1 describes the Reference Model and
methodology for identification of possible standards requirements. It
addresses the following issues:

a) a review of &sting models and modelling methodologies,

b) the derivation of an initial, generic, standards classification scheme

for manufacturing,

d the adoption of a functional view of a manufacturing enterprise,

d) the establishment of an initial reference model according to the

results of a) - c),

4 the development of a methodology for extracting areas of standards.

Part 2 describes the application of this Reference Model and methodology

for extracting areas of standards. It addresses:

i) the application of the methodology in order to derive a particular list

of areas for required standards,

ii) the identification of areas for standards,

iii) the derivation of standards requirements.

The separate development of Part 2 may show that modifications are

necessary to the highly interrelated Part 1. Normal IS0 procedures will
address this issue.


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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

This document is Part 1 and consists of this introduction and seven

chapters. In Chapters 1, 2, and 3 respectively, the scope and the field of
application, description of terms and abbreviations are described. The
objectives of standardisation for manufacturing are described in Chapter 4.
Chapter 5 contains the Reference Model. Chapter 6 introduces the
methodology for applying the Reference Model to clarify and extract areas of
standards and this methodology is further amplified in Part 2. Chapter 7
provides an overall summary of the document.


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TECHNICAL REPORT ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

Industrial automation - Shop floor production -

Part 1:
Reference model for standardization and a methodology for
identification of requirements

1 Scope and Field of Application

1.1 Scope

This report presents and describes a means of identifying where new or

revised manufacturing standards may be required. It establishes a
Reference Model for Shop Floor Production, which is then used as the
basis for developing a methodology for the identification and extraction of
areas for standards. The assumptions used to develop the Reference
Model are:

. the field of interest is the manufacture of discrete parts and in

particular the production (physical realisation) of these parts,

0 the Reference Model needs to be open-ended SO that it can be

revised to incorporate new technologies, and

0 the Reference Model needs to be generic in nature so that it can

be applied to a wide range of applications and is not directed to a
particular organisational structure of manufacturing.

It is emphasised that the Reference Model:

. provides a conceptual framework for understanding

manufacturing and

0 can be used to identify areas of standards necessary to integrate

manufacturing systems.

The Reference Model does not however provide a methodology for

designing, implementing, operating and maintaining any existing or
future manufacturing automation system. There may be a need to develop

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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

other Reference Models which can be used for those purposes, perhaps
based on the work described in this report. The development of such
models is beyond the scope of this technical report.

1.2 Field of Application

The Reference Model described in this report is intended for use in the
identification of standards within the Shop Floor Production area of

Manufacturing is perceived to be all inclusive, from customer order

through to delivery of the product. Twelve manufacturing functions have
been identified as being a part of manufacturing. The following is a list of
these twelve functions, together with illustrative, non-exhaustive
activities typically related to these functions:

1) Corporate management, e.g.

l Direction of enterprise
l Strategic planning
l Feasibility study for investment
l Risk management

2) Finance, e.g.
l Financial planning
l Corporate budgeting
l Financial accounting

3) Marketing and sales, e.g.

. Marketing research
l Advertising

l Sales forecasting
l Sales scheduling

l Pricing
. Sales (order, delivery, invoice)

l Product service

4) Research and Development, e.g.

l R&Dplanning
l Basic research
l Applied research
. Product development
l Manufacturing development

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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

5) Product design and Production engineering, e.g.

l Define product specifications
l Preliminary design and testing
l Detailed design
l Design analysis, test, evaluation
l Revise design
l Release design for production planning
l Project management
l Process planning
l Programming of numerical control and programmable control
l Tooling
l Plant engineering
l Bill of material
l Quality assurance planning of production
l Production configuration

6) Production management, e.g.

l Production scheduling
l Product and Inventory control
l Production monitoring
l General maintenance request
. Quality control
l Cost control and cost management

7) Procurement, e.g.
l Vendor performance
l Purchasing

l Receiving
l General stores

8) Shipping, e.g.
l Product storage
l Distribution

9) Waste material treatment, e.g.

l Waste material processing
l Waste material storage

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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

10) Resource management, e.g.

l Facility management
l Tool control
l Energy management
l Time and Attendance
l Facility security
l Health and Safety
l Environment control

11) Maintenance management, e.g.

l Preventive maintenance
. Corrective maintenance

12) Shop Floor Production, e.g.

l Material store
l Transport material
l Transform material
l Incoming inspection
l In-process gauging and testing
l In-process audit
l Product audit

As shown in Figure 1 and described in the definitions which follow in

Section 2.2, these functions tend to be grouped under three main
headings. Items 1) through to 4) are functions of the Enterprise
concerned with strategic long term planning activities. Items 5) through
to 11) are functions of the Facility, concerned with tactical planning of
the production process, resource management and product modelling.
The final item, 12) Shop Floor Production, is a function which involves
the activities that actually create a physical product.

The twelve manufacturing functions are interrelated and a single

Reference Model covering all twelve functions would be desirable. After
careful study of erdsting work, it was decided that the development of a
single Reference Model covering every function of manufacturing was not
manageable at this time.

The area of Shop Floor Production on the other hand has shown an
urgent need for and a willingness to adopt standards. The Reference
Model described in this technical report is intended to guide the
planning for and the development of standards to assist the integration of
an automated Shop Floor Production system. It is recognised that the
Shop Floor Production function will be required to interface with

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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (El

functions (and their activities) outside the scope of Shop Floor

Production itself. Figure 2 is a clarification of how major functions of
manufacturing might be interrelated.

In the future, Reference Models for manufacturing that include

Enterprise and Facility functions may be developed. Any future modelling
work in the area of manufacturing should take account of the Reference
Model for Shop Floor Production presented here and every effort should
be made to ensure compatibility between the Reference Model for Shop
Floor Production and any Facility or Enterprise Reference Models that
may be developed.

2 Terminology

2.1 General

A number of terms are described in this chapter to provide a better

understanding by the user of this report. These descriptions are
intended to be used solely in the context of this report and are not
intended to be general definitions.

2.2 Specific terms

2.2.1 Reference Model: a means of describing the activities and

components of manufacturing through the use of figure(s) and

2.2.2 Discrete Parts Manufacturing: systems of functions for

producing products or parts consisting of discrete elements.

2.2.3 Function: a grouping of several activities performed to realise

some manufticturing objective.

2.2.4 Activity: a manufacturing process which causes some change in


2.2.5 Level: a collection of activities which form a degree of

subordination in a hierarchical arrangement.

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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

2.2.6 Enterprise: an entire manufacturing unit consisting of a

corporate component and one or more Facility components.
The corporate component is responsible for interactions
between the external environment of the Enterprise and the
Facility or Facilities, and also for the control of functions withi .n
the Facility or Facilities.

2.2.7 Facility: a component of an Enterprise which excludes

corporate functions. The Facility is responsible for providing
support and direction for Enterprise and Shop Floor
Production activities.

2.2.8 Shop Floor Production: a component of a Facility whose

function is directly related to the production of discrete parts
and/ or products.

2.2.9 Shop Floor Production Model: the basic model used to

describe the structure within Shop Floor Production.

2.2.10 Interaction: an interrelationship or interconnection between

the Subjects within Shop Floor Production, and also between
the Subjects and Actions within or external to Shop Floor

2.2.11 Generic Activity Model: a generic model used to describe the

execution of activities within Shop Floor Production and their
interactions with functions interfacing to Shop Floor

3 Abbreviations

Several abbreviations are used in this report:

l GAM Generic Activity Model

l SFPM Shop Floor Production Model
l ST Store
l TF Transform
l TP Transport
l VE Verify

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4 Objectives for Manufacturing Standardisation

4.1 General information

4.1.1 The objectives of standardisation

IS0 has pointed out the objectives of standardisation as follows:

l mutual understanding
l health, safety, protection of environment
l interface, interchangeability
l fitness for purpose
l variety control.

4.1.2 The concept of Standards Viewpoints

The process of standardisation for manufacturing is to define areas of

standards, to select aspects to be standardised and to define standards
based on the state of the art. In this report, the following Standards
Viewpoints (defined in 4.2) have been selected to identify the needs of
standards in the manufacturing field derived from the guidance of the
above IS0 objectives:


These nine Standards Viewpoints, together with the Reference Model,

are used in the proposed methodology for extracting areas of

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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

4.2 Standards Viewpoints for Manufacturing

Nine Standards Viewpoints for manufacturing are defined as follows

and are to be applied to any area where standards may apply:

4.2.1 Safety Viewpoint

Safety is concerned with the effect on safety that normal and

erroneous operation of the manufacturing facility would have on the
operating personnel, the equipment and the work in progress. It also
covers the need for traceability, that is the ability to trace the
sequence of manufacturing processes and components used in
manufacture. Hence define design and operation standards to ensure
safe operation.

4.2.2 Environment Viewpoint

Environment is concerned with the effect that operating entities can

have on the physical environment both during the manufacturing
activity itself and as a by-product of that activity. In each case both
normal and failure modes should be considered. Hence identify
standards which define each effect, how it is to be measured and
norms for acceptable operation.

4.2.3 Compatibility Viewpoint

Compatibility is concerned with interchangeability and

interdependence, and addresses issues related to interfacing. Hence
define design and operation standards to ensure compatibility.

4.2.4 Performance Viewpoint

Performance is concerned with the performance aspects which can be

categorised in terms of speed, quality of finish (output), resources
consumed etc. Hence identify standards to define these qualities and
appropriate specifications.

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4.2.5 Operability Viewpoint

Operability is concerned with all aspects of human interactions with

the manufacturing environment. It is essentially concerned with easy
operation and the avoidance of improper operation under both normal
and erroneous conditions. Hence define design and operation
standards to ensure easy and correct operation.

4.2.6 Maintainability Viewpoint

Maintainability is concerned with reducing downtime and the risks

and costs of evolution. It is very important to enable easy maintenance
of all manufacturing constituents and the system itself, to maintain a
known status for each manufacturing entity and its documentation and
to support traceability where required. Hence define design and
operation standards to ensure easy maintenance.

4.2.7 Reliability Viewpoint

Reliability is concerned with all aspects of how a system is designed

and operated to meet specified levels of availability. This starts with
the reliability of individual elements and components, and goes up to
the reliability of the entire system and organisation. Hence define
design and operation standards to ensure reliability.

4.2.8 Qualifications Viewpoint

Qualifications are concerned with the quality of personnel for

achieving the proper design and operation of manufacturing entities.
The viewpoint is essentially concerned with the training of operators
as qualified experts, Hence define design and operation standards for
the qualifications of personnel for managing manufacturing activities.

4.2.9 Description Viewpoint

Description is concerned with all aspects of how the design and

operation of manufacturing entities are defined and described to
provide all persons concerned with a means of mutual understanding.

It is essentially concerned with the terminology, identification and

description of documents. Hence define design and operation
standards to ensure mutual understanding in the manufacturing field.

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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

5 The Reference Model for Shop Floor Production

5.1 General Information

This chapter describes the Reference Model developed to be used in the

identification of standards within Shop Floor Production.

The Reference Model presented in the following three sections is in

many ways a synthesis of a variety of existing models. Firstly the major
activities undertaken for manufacturing are identified as a context for
Shop Floor Production. Secondly a Shop Floor Production Model (SFPM)
is presented which groups Shop Floor activities into hierarchical levels.
Thirdly a Generic Activity Model (GAM) is presented to model the various
activities within each level of the SFPM.

Each activity in Shop Floor Production can be represented by an instance

of the GAM. The various elements of the GAM will have different
interpretations for any given activity.

The intent of this Reference Model is to assist in identifying where

standards may be required and the detail is not sufficient for other
purposes such as providing a basis for designing or implementing a
manufacturing system. The Reference Model presents a functional view

of the Enterprise, Facility and Shop Floor Production.

5.2 The Context of Shop Floor Production

Section 1.2 sets out the scope of manufacturing, identifying 12 major

functions. Figure 1 shows one example of how Shop Floor Production
takes place. in a context established by those other functions. Accordingly
interactions occur between many of the activities of Shop Floor
Production and those of the Facility, and to a lesser extent with those of
the Enterprise itself. The methodology described later allows for these
interactions to be identified, in addition to the interactions occurring
within Shop Floor Production itself.

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5.3 The Shop Floor Production Model (SFPM)

Shop Floor Production is distinguished from the other eleven

manufacturing functions identified in Section 1.2 by the fact that it
contains those activities which are directly engaged in producing parts.
It is common practice to group these activities into several levels.

In this report, a four level model is selected to present the activities of

the Shop Floor Production function. It is quite likely that specific
manufacturing implementations may require more or less than four
levels, but four levels seem sufficient for the purpose of identifying areas
of standards.

Also this report identifies four types of manufacturing activity, each type
corresponding to each level of Shop Floor Production. There can be (and
generally are) several activities in progress at the same time at each level.
The types of activity are:

1) execute shop floor production processes

2) command shop floor production processes
3) co-ordinate shop floor production processes
4) supervise shop floor production processes.

The four level model in Figure 3 illustrates the structure of Shop Floor
Production. This model is called the Shop Floor Production Model
(SFPM). The figure shows the name of each level and the corresponding
type of activities at this level together with its description.

5.4 The Generic Activity Model (GAM)

This technical report approaches the modelling of those characteristics

relevant to standards identification within the SFPM through the concept
of an activity. A Generic Activity Model (GAM) as shown in Figure 4 has
been developed to model the execution of the various activities at each

The internals of the GAM represent an interrelated set of four Subjects

and four Actions. The Subjects and Actions are defined below:

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5.4.1 Four Subjects

4 Control Information which includes:

(i) command information. normally flowing from a higher

level to a lower level, which initiates, alters or terminates
an activity,

(ii) status information which is generated in direct response

to a command and normally flows in the opposite direction
to the command,

(iii) request information which corresponds to control

information for control interaction within a level (peer to
peer), if any, and

(iv) response information which corresponds to status

information for control interaction within a level (peer to
peer), if any.

b) Data: all information other than control information required

for or resulting from the performance of an activity.

cl Material: Material is a production object of the

manufacturing activity. Material includes all the physical
matter that enters the product during manufacturing: raw
materials, parts and assemblies, auxiliary materials. products
and scrap material.

d) Resources: Resources are all the physical means required to

carry out the manufacturing that are not Material. Resources
include transform, transport, verify and storage equipment:
tools and fixtures; data processing and communication
systems: basic resources such as supply material, energy, space
and time: personnel.

Note: The general class of ‘information” is defined here to consist of

control information and data, that is as the union of a) and b) above.

5.4.2 Four Actions

a) Transform: The act of changing control information, data,

material or resources from one form to another form, or one

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state to another state. Transform includes encoding or parsing

information, decomposing commands, and cutting, forming,
assembling, or adjusting material or resources.

b) Transport: The act of moving control information, data.

material, or resources from one point in the enterprise to

cl Verify: The act of assessing the compliance of all transformed

control information, data, material and resources to determine
their conformance to a specification.

d) Store: The act of retaining control information, data, material

or resources at a specified location within Shop Floor
Production or Facility until they are required to be transported.

The GAM describes the execution of activities in terms of four

Subjects (Control Information, Data; Material, Resources) and four
Actions (Transform, Transport, Verify, Store). The GAM is developed
from a view that the realisation of manufacturing activities can be
represented in terms of these four Subjects and four Actions.

The representation of a given activity will be a specific instance (an
instantiation) of the GAM in which specific correspondences
(bindings) are established between the elements of the GAM (Subjects,
Actions) and the entities which correspond to those elements for that
particular manufacturing activity.

Not all elements of the GAM will be present in every instance - the
lowest level of Shop Floor Production for example does not have
command and status information for the non-existent level below.

Major manufacturing activities may be decomposed into (sub)activities

in a horizontal fashion (into a series of further activities) or in a
vertical/ hierarchical fashion (into levels of activities). The GAM is
generic in the sense that it can be applied to all activities.

Establishing specific GAM bindings to particular manufacturing

activities yields specific Subjects and Actions. The A- and B-type
procedures described in Section 6 can then make use of these specific
Subjects and Actions in identifying areas of standards.

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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

6 Methodology for extracting areas of standards

6.1 General Information

There are a number of interactions among activities, and among Subjects

and Actions within activities, which are used to identify the area of
standardisation in manufacturing. Therefore the methodology consists of
examining the various activities, Subjects and Actions in various
relationships and connections to determine if a standards requirement is

The goal of standardisation is to permit more effective relationships and

connections between two or more objects, In manufacturing, objects may
be machine-to-machine relationships and/ or connections, or man-to-
machine relationships and/ or interactions.

The Reference Model described in the preceding chapter is essentially

declarative rather than procedural - that is it presents a set of concepts
and a hierarchical approach by which a manufacturing Enterprise can be
better understood. The Mbdel defines useful manufacturing functions,
characteristics and relationships amongst them. It is also necessary to
show how they can be used to identify standards areas for manufacturing.

This chapter provides such a methodology for extracting areas of


6.2 Overall approach

The way in which the various elements of the Reference Model are used
to identify standards is illustrated in Figure 5. The various activities of

manufacturing are grouped into twelve major functions. One of these,

Shop Floor Production, is further modelled by a four level model, SFPM
(Figure 3).

The various activities at each level of SFPM can each be modelled by the
GAM (Figure 4). with each such instantiated model resulting in bindings
for GAM concepts (Subjects, Actions). The activities of SFPM can be
combined into vertical and horizontal arrangements and this fact is
recognised in the procedures of 6.3 which identify potential areas for
standards, each of which can be represented by a cell entry in the
matrices of Figure 6.

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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

Once a potential standards area has been identified (a non-empty cell

entry) it should be examined in the light of

. the technologies of interest, i.e. the technologies that might be

evident in the Subjects and Actions for that area. and

l the Standards Viewpoints described in Section 4.2.

These two concerns act as filters which restrict areas of standards to

those which are realisable with current technology and which reflect the
objectives of standardisation.

6.3 Extraction Procedures

These procedures use the concepts of the Reference Model and describe
how these can be examined to identify potential areas for standards. The
approach places strong emphasis on interactions between elements of a
system. Consequently it is expected to produce areas of potential
standards which are prerequisites for systems integration.

The various combinations in the Reference Model alluded to above are

examined by applying the two kinds of procedures defined below to each
of the Standards Viewpoints.

It is important to note that:

l each of the two kinds of procedure can be applied independently

of one another,

l the same standard might arise from applying different procedures


l the application of these procedures is not guaranteed to produce

an exhaustive list of standards but rather to clarify areas of

6.3.1 Procedures A: the ‘Interrelationship within a level”


These procedures are used for extracting areas of standards for

interrelationship between Subject and Action, Subject and Subject,
and Action and Action corresponding to each level of the SFPM.

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Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=ahmadi, rozita
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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

For each activity, these procedures should be applied to extract areas

where standards may apply.

Procedure Al: Subject-Action interrelationship

For each activity in each level of the SFPM, consider any possible
Subject-Action interrelationship for applicable areas of standards,

Procedure A2: Subject interrelationship

For each activity in each level of the SFPM, consider any possible
Subject-Subject interrelationship for applicable areas of standards.

Procedure A3: Action interrelationship

For each activity in each level of the SFPM, consider any possible
Action-Action interrelationship for applicable areas of standards.

6.3.2 Procedures B: the “External” procedures

These procedures are used for extracting areas of standards for

interrelationship between activities for both vertical and horizontal

For each activity these procedures should be applied to extract areas

where standards may apply.

Procedure B 1: Horizontal interrelationship

For each level of the SFPM consider any possible interrelationships

between Shop Floor Production and other manufacturing functions
(the context functions 1.. 11 of 1.2) for applicable areas of standards.

Procedure B2: Vertical interrelationship

For each level of the SFPM consider any possible Subject

interrelationship with the level above and below for applicable areas
of standards, and hence relevant Subject attributes.

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Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=ahmadi, rozita
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6.4 Matrix Representation of Identification Procedures

Corresponding to each procedure (Al, A2, A3, Bl. B2) it is possible to

envisage a matrix which represents that procedure graphically. These
are shown schematically in Figure 6. Each cell of each matrix represents
a potential area for standards. Similar matrices are used in Part 2 of this
report to show the standards areas identified through the application of
these procedures, as well as worksheets for other users of the Reference
Model and its methodology.

This document is Part 1 of a report on a means to identify where industrial

automation standards for Shop Floor Production may be required. It has
described a Reference Model which may be used as a systematic method for
determining areas for standards development work. Part 2 of the report
describes an application of the methodology which utilises this Reference
Model in identifying these areas, catalogues them and cross-references
them with standards already completed or in the process of development.

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=ahmadi, rozita
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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

Enterprise l Corporate management

Marketing & Sales
Research & Development

Facility l Product design &

Production Engineering
Production management
Waste material treatment
Resources management
Maintenance management

Shop Floor Production


Shop Floor Production

Figure 1 - Typical Grouping of Manufacturing

l The combination of Enterprise and Facility form the

context of Shop Floor Production as described in 5.2.

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Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=ahmadi, rozita
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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)



Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=ahmadi, rozita
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 12/26/2014 07:47:06 MST
ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

Level Sub-Activity Responsibility

4 Section Supervise shop Supervising and co-ordinating the

/Area floor production production and supporting the jobs
process and obtaining and allocating resources
to the jobs

3 Cell Co-ordinate shop Sequencing and supervising

floor production the jobs at the shop floor
process production process

2 Station Command shop Directing and co-ordinating

floor production the shop floor production process

1 Equipment Execute shop Executing the job of shop floor

floor production production according to commands

Figure 3 - Shop floor production model (SFPM)


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Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=ahmadi, rozita
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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 E)

Information **

Material l Material l

Information ** Information +
{ TP,TF,

Resources Resources

Information l * Resources
l Actions {TP, TF, VE, ST) on Material are
defined only at Level 1

TP = Transport
TF = Transform
VE = Verify
ST = Store

l l Information is defined in the text to include

both control and data components.
For strict hierarchies, horizontal
Information flows are restricted to data

Figure 4 - Generic Activity Model

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Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=ahmadi, rozita
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ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

Matrix Representing
Areas of Potential Standards


Figure 5 - Overall Approach to identifying areas of standards

NOTE: Part 2 will also use concepts of appropriate technologies and

Standards Viewpoints to restrict potential areas for standards
into those which are practical and desirable.

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=ahmadi, rozita
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 12/26/2014 07:47:06 MST
ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

Al : Subject - Action
For each level,
consider -


A2 : Subject - Subject
For each level,
consider - 9

A3 : Action - Action
For each level,
consider -

Context Functions
61 : Horizontal B .z
For each level,
consider - 52

Subjects in
other levels
I32 : Vertical
For each level,
consider -

Figure 6 - Matrix representation of identification procedures

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=ahmadi, rozita
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 12/26/2014 07:47:06 MST
ISO/TR 10314-l : 1990 (E)

UDC 62-62 : : 006.01

Descriptors: manufacturing, automation, standardization, standards, models

Price based on 16 pages


Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=ahmadi, rozita
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 12/26/2014 07:47:06 MST

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