Osmeña Avenue Diliman 1101 Quezon City
Osmeña Avenue Diliman 1101 Quezon City
Osmeña Avenue Diliman 1101 Quezon City
Mr Leon Andal
College Secretary
University of the San Alfonso College of Law
Room 1011 Malcolm Hall
Osmea Avenue
Diliman 1101 Quezon City
Dear Mr Andal
I am writing this letter in behalf of the students of the college of law who are currently using Room
311 this semester.
Last month, I was informed through an anonymous letter that there had been a lot of broken armchairs
in Room 311 and this incident is causing an inconvenience to the students. Upon checking the said
room, I found that there are ten armchairs that need to be repaired and another four that require a
replacement. I immediately referred the matter to Mr. Andrei Ballejo, the maintenance personnel of
the college. He told me that he will communicate the problem to the administration. He also provided
monobloc chairs as a temporary solution. However, the said chairs are still not repaired or replaced as
of yesterday.
It had always been a great pleasure to be part of a college that never fails to deliver what they had
promised to their students. As a member of Legal Student Government (LSG), I have witnessed the
hardships that the administration went through in order to provide their full support to the students
welfare. I am also aware that the processing of requested funds for the repair and replacement of the
armchairs would require a great deal of time because of the centralized system of the university. With
this, I would like to suggest that the classes held in Room 311 be temporarily transferred to other
rooms depending on the rooms availability based on the class schedules. In this way, the college
would still be able to provide the comfort of a regular classroom experience that the students and the
administration envision.
Please do not hesitate to call me at (046)852-9100 if you have any questions or if you require my
Yours sincerely
Andrea Trilles
LSG Vice President for Internals