TOEFL Speaking 0222
TOEFL Speaking 0222
TOEFL Speaking 0222
Exam Structure
3-4 篇阅读文章,每篇 10 个问题
一、阅读( Reading )
54-72 分钟
3-4 段讲座,每段 6 个问题
二、听力( Listening ) 2-3 段对话,每段 5 个问题
41-57 分钟
4 道题, 1 个独立口语任务, 3 个综合口
三、口语( Speaking ) 语任务
17 分钟
2 道题, 1 个独立写作任务, 1 个综合写
四、写作( Writing ) 作任务
50 分钟
Independent Speaking Rubric
Integrated Speaking Rubric
TPO 练习建议
Tips for practice
Speak as much as you can
Memorize templates
Transition (optional)
“I feel this way for several reasons.”
First Reason
“First…” + “For example…” (and a personal example)
Second Reason
“Second…” + “To be more specific…” (and a few more details)
Tips and Tricks
Avoid Repeating Words.
Vary your vocabulary as much as possible.
Not Important, but try to Whoever talks the least is Main Speaker is very
take some note. not imporant. important
Reading Part
Notes to take
Change (C):
Campus buildings (library, housing, cafeteria, etc.
Classs (schedule, availability, new class, homework etc.)
Trasportation (bus service, parking, etc.)
Others (tuition, new regulations,… etc.)
Reason 1 (R1)
Reason 2 (R2)
Listening Part
Tips for note
Opinion(W/M): support or go against
Question :
The woman expresses her opinion about the university’s plan.
Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the
plan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinio
Answer Template 1
The university is planning to_____,
The man/woman in the conversation agrees /disagrees
with the plan. He/she has two reasons
the first reason is that____.
The second is that ____.
(therefore, the man /woman supports/doesn't
Support this idea.)
Answer Template 2
1. State the Change
--According to the announcement/article/letter.
2. State the Reasons for the Change
--This is because___and___.
3. State the Speaker's opinion
--The man/woman does not support this change.
--The man/woman supports this change.
--The man/woman has a mixed opinion about this change.
4. State the Speaker's First Reason
--To begin with, he/she points out that...
5. State the Speakers Second Reason
--Moreover, he/she argues that...
TPO 40 听力原文
Woman : Hey, it's nice that they're gonna do this.
Man : It's not a bad idea, but do you think it'll accomplish what they're hopin
Woman : Sure. I mean, the dormitories all have their own lounges, and think
about how much time students spend there, and how many people they meet.
Man : Yeah. I got to know a lot of people in my dorm during my first semester
just watching TV and taking study breaks in the lounge.
Woman : Right. Those dorm lounges are really central to student life. And I m
et people there that really helped me with my schoolwork too. Students who liv
e off campus don't have anything like that.
Man : That's true.
Woman : Plus, I like the idea of posting stuff. You know, things like notices fr
om students who want to get together with other students to share car rides to c
Man : Yeah. Rideshare information could be helpful.
Woman : Absolutely! If students knew about rideshares, they could save mon
ey getting to campus cuz a few of them could travel in one car.
范文 TPO40
The school has implemented a new policy that create a lounge fo
r the commuter students( 控制 10-13 秒内 ). And the woman hold
s a positive view towards the announcement. The first reason she
gave is that the lounge is very central to student life, and the peo
ple there could actually help her with her school work. Students
who live off campus don' t have anything like that. And the secon
d one is based on the fact that the woman likes the idea of postin
g stuff. Things like notices from students who want to get togeth
er with other students to share car rides to campus. And it could
save a lot of money for students because a few of them could trav
el in one car.
Therefore, she agrees with that opinion
Tips and Tricks
* Link ideas from the conversation by using discourse phrases
like"as a result,""consequently ""moreover"and"therefore”.
*If you are a slow speaker, omit the reasons for the change.
Jim Sears
Next, you will hear a short lecture(1.5 minutes)about the same term
or idea. Most of it will consist of one or two examples that
demonstrate the term or idea.
Note that if there is one example, you should look for two parts like
a before/after or cause/effect relationship.
30s to prepare
E: key words/clear
60s to answer E
Question Type:
Describe what_____ is, and how the professor's example illustrates this ide
Using the examples from the lecture, explain the concept of_____.
Term/Concept First,
Specific Information
TPO 40
Agonistic Behavior
Within certain animal species, conflicts sometimes arise over
resources such as territory or food. To resolve these conflicts, t
wo animals of the same species may engage in agonistic behav
ior. With this type of aggressive behavior, the animals particip
ate in a physical competition that demonstrates which animal
is more powerful. While each animal attempts to prove its stre
ngth in the competition, it typically does so without harming
the other animal. Once the winner is established, that animal
gains access to the desired resources, while the weaker animal
surrenders and leaves the area.
Please listen to the audio~
Question : you may know, rattlesnakes eat various kinds of small animals. Small animals tha
t live underground, in burrows, in little holes in the ground. And what these scientists s
aw was these two rattlesnakes had found the same hole and both wanted to eat whateve
r food was in that hole.
So what happened was: The two rattlesnakes faced each other and then they lifted their
bodies into an upright position and made themselves as tall as possible. And then they s
tarted pushing each other, kind of wrestling with one another, each snake trying to gain
control of the other snake.
And what's interesting is that during all these pushing and shoving and maneuvering, n
either snake ever tried to bite the other snake. Neither snake ever tried to injure the othe
r snake. So...after this went on for a while, one of the snakes finally gained control of the
other snake, pushed it to the ground and held it there. At this point, the snake that was
on top could have easily bitten the other snake. But it didn't. Instead, it just released the
other snake, just let it go. The snake that had lost just slithered away, and the snake that
had won went down into the hole to look for food.
1. State the Term or Idea
The reading is about (TERM/CONCEPT)"
2. Give a Small Amount of Detail from the Reading
It states that......
3. Transition
The professor elaborates on this by providing an example.
The professor elaborates on this by providing two examples.
4. State the First Example or First Part
To begin with, he/she mentions that...
5. State the Second Example or Second Part
Next, he/she says that
Try to use transitional phrases like"as a result,""consequen,
"moreover, "and"therefore.
In-class exercise---TPO 39
Customers are often willing to pay higher prices for high-quality
products, however, without specialized knowledge, it can be di
fficult to evaluate whether certain items are highly quality. Whe
n customers are unsure whether an item is high quality, ad wort
h the prize, they are less likely to purchase it. This problem can
be solved through signaling . The seller of a product finds a way
to signal, or demonstrate, to the buyer that the product is high q
uality. One common signaling strategy is to have a person or co
mpany that is not involved in the sale provides an objective, unb
iased judgment about the quality of a product.
So OK here's a good example. A friend of mine owns a small jewelry store whe
re she sells jewelry. And the jewelry she sells, watches, rings, necklaces, is very
expensive, thousands of dollars, because it's all real gold, real diamonds, and
other precious gemstones. So of course, when customers come into her store,
well, if they are considering spending that much money on a piece of jewelry,
they want to make sure it's authentic, that the gold is real, the gemstones are r
eal, and not just pieces of glass. But most customers don't actually know how
to tell the difference on their own. So in order to reassure her customers, what
my friend did is, she had a jewelry expert come in and look at all the jewelry i
n her store. This expert had, like, twenty years of experience in examining jew
elry, so he knew a lot about it. And the expert examined all the precious gemst
ones and certified that they were authentic, real. And then my friend put up a
sign in the store saying that all the jewelry in the store had been certified as a
uthentic by a leading expert. So her customers would see the sign and know t
hat all the jewelry in the store was real. And since the expert didn't work for m
y friend's store, it didn't matter to him if the jewelry got sold or not. So custo
mers were likely to trust his opinion. The expert was therefore able to provide
evidence that the jewelry was worth the high prices.
Now listen to the audio
Question :
Explain how the example used in the lecture illustrate
s the concept of signaling.
According to the reading, signaling is when the seller of a product finds
a way to show the buyer that their product is of high quality.
And (It states that) one common way of doing this is to have a person o
r company that is not affiliated with the sale of the product to provide s
ome sort of an opinion of the product.
To illustrate this concept
the professor cites an example of his friend who owns a jewelry shop se
lling gold, diamonds and other precious gemstones, which are typically
To make sure her customers were convinced the jewelry was worth the
price, She hired a jewelry specialist to examine the jewelry and prove its
authenticity by providing her with a certificate, and because the jewelr
y expert was not an employee of the store, her customers would see this
certificate and trust the jewelry store even more.
Question 4
Only one person talking
Time: 20s+60s