F3Chapter 3
F3Chapter 3
F3Chapter 3
Chapter 3
When you have mastered the content of this chapter, you will be able to achieve the
following goals:
Use the following terms to describe the physical state of a system:
displacement uniformly accelerated motion
velocity radial acceleration
uniform circular motion projectile motion
acceleration tangential acceleration
Equations of Motion
Write the equations of motion for objects with constant velocity and for objects with
constant acceleration.
Motion Problems
Solve problems involving freely falling and other uniformly accelerated bodies,
projectile motion, and uniform circular motion.
Acceleration Effects
List the effects of acceleration on the human body.
Before beginning this chapter you should have achieved the goals of Chapter 1, Human
Senses, and Chapter 2, Unifying Approaches. You must also be able to use the
properties of right triangles to solve problems.
Mathematics Self-Check
If you can solve the following problem easily and correctly, you are prepared for this
A surveyor wishes to determine the distance between two points A and B, but he cannot
make a direct measurement because a river intervenes. He steps off a line AC at a 90o;
angle to AB and 264 meters long. With his transit, at point C he measures the angle
between line AB and the line formed by C and B. Angle BCA is measured to be 62o.
What is the distance from A to B? [497 m]
If you had difficulty getting this answer, you will find additional information in
Section A.6, Right Triangles, of the Appendix.
Chapter 3 Kinematics
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Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
For the greater part of your life, you have been engaged in the process of getting from
here to there. First you learned to crawl, then to walk, and later to run. These are
examples of motion and change of position. In these motions you were concerned with
distances, directions, rates of motion, and time, or duration, of motion. This same
concern with motion is true for change of position by a mechanical device such as a
bicycle, an automobile, or an airplane. How would you describe your present state of
How would you describe the motion of an Olympic sprinter? What would be your
description of a professional figure skater's motion when she does a spin on ice skates?
Have you seen pictures of an astronaut moving about in the "zero gravity" environment
of space? What concepts do you need to describe the astronaut's motion? You will be
introduced to the concepts of motion in various forms in this chapter. This study of
motion (without concern for its causes) is known as kinematics.
Suppose you ride a bicycle from your home to the physics building, a straight line
distance of 2 km. The total distance you traveled was 2 km. After you ride back home,
you will have traveled a distance of 4 km, but your net displacement is zero (Figure 3.2).
The addition of distances (scalars) follows the usual rule of addition. The addition of
Chapter 3 Kinematics
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displacements (vectors) must take into account the directions of the displacements
involved. In this example the first displacement (from your home to the physics
building) and the second displacement (from the physics building to your home) are in
opposite directions. The addition of these two vector displacements gives a zero net
Vectors do not obey the simple algebraic properties of scalars. For example, when
you add the two scalars, 2 plus 2, you obtain 4. If you add two vectors, both of
magnitude three, you may obtain any number from 0 to 6 for the magnitude of the sum
of these two vectors (see Figure 3.3). Add the two displacements 3 km east and 3 km
east. What is the net displacement result? If you said 6 km east, you got it. Now add the
two displacements, 3 km east and 3 km west. What is the net displacement? If you said
0 km, you are right. How can you add two displacements, each of which has a
magnitude of 3 km, and obtain a final displacement whose magnitude is 3 km?
Chapter 3 Kinematics
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Chapter 3 Kinematics
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R = [(2.00)2 + (12.9)2]
R = 13.1 m
We can find the direction of R by using the definition of the tangent of an angle,
tan = Rsin/Rcos= 12.9/-2.00 = -6.46
= 98.2o
In this case, the resultant vector R, which is the sum of A, B, and C is given by a vector
of length 13.1 m in a direction 98.8 o counterclockwise from the x-axis.
Chapter 3 Kinematics
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velocity of 3 km/hr east, and turn a corner to go 3 km/hr north, what is your speed?
Your speed remains the same 3 km/hr, but your velocity has changed from 3 km/hr
east to 3 km/hr north.
The simplest motion that we can have is that of constant velocity. That means
neither the direction nor the magnitude of the time rate of change of the displacement is
changing. This is motion in a straight line at a constant rate. One example is walking at
a rate of 5 km/hr east. The displacement that occurs when a body is moving with
constant velocity is computed from the equation
s = vave t (3.2)
Another simple kind of motion is to travel at a constant speed. The direction of
displacement may change, but the time rate at which the distance traveled changes is
constant. An example of such motion is traveling along the highway at 89 km/hr (55
mph). In this kind of motion the distance traveled is given by the product of the speed
and the time of travel.
You recognize the difficulty in always traveling with either constant velocity or
constant speed: It does not permit you to stop moving if you are moving already or to
start moving if you are presently at rest. Clearly, then we need to consider other kinds
of motion in which the velocity changes.
Chapter 3 Kinematics
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Figure 3.7 shows a plot of velocity as a function of
time for constant acceleration. Study the curve and
answer the following questions:
1. What does the intercept C on the velocity axis
2. What does the slope of CE represent?
3. What does DE represent?
4. What does tE represent?
5. Note that the area of OtDEC is made up of a
rectangle OtDC and triangle CDE. What is the area of
OtDC, and what does it represent?
6. What is the area of CDE, and what does it represent?
7. What is the total area OtDEC, and what does it
1. original velocity, v0 5. displacement for constant velocity v0 and time t
2. acceleration, a 6. displacement in time t resulting from the change in
3. change in velocity, v velocity
4. velocity at time t, vt 7. total displacement in time t
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Chapter 3 Kinematics
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Consider a low-friction toy car rolling down a slightly inclined table. Shown below
in Table 3.2 and Table 3.3 are the experimental data. Compute the missing items in the
table. Can you determine what type of motion is represented by this physical situation?
Experimental data for a 53.6 g toy car rolling down an incline are given in Table 3.2. The
experiment was repeated with a 50 g mass added to the toy car, and the data in Table
3.3 were obtained.
Hot wheels toy car of mass 53.6 gm
Hot wheels toy car with 50 gm mass on top to it (total mass = 103.6 gm)
What can you say about the influence of mass on the motion of the car down the
incline? Since mass is a measure of the inertia, the tendency to resist changes in motion
of an object, how do you explain the fact that although the mass of a moving object is
almost doubled, the data are changed very little?
An automobile starts from rest and acquires a forward velocity of 36 km/hr in 5 sec.
What is its acceleration, and what is the change in position during this time? Take the
forward direction as positive.
vo = 0
since the car starts from rest.
vf = +36 km/hr = 10 m/sec
t= 5 sec
How do you find the acceleration? (Hints: 1 km = 1000 m; 1 hr = 3600 sec.) From
Equation 3.3
a = v/t = (vf - v0)/t = 10 - 0/5 = +2 m/sec2 (3.3)
From Equation 3.10
s = at2/2 = (2) (5)2/2 = +25 m (3.10)
Does this example describe a realistic situation? Plot a curve similar to the one in Figure
3.7 for the sample problem worked above. Then plot the displacement as a function of
time. What type of curve did you get? Which equation describes the curve?
There are many examples of almost uniformly accelerated motion, but perhaps the
Chapter 3 Kinematics
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most familiar example is a body falling freely through the air when the air resistance is
neglected. For such an idealized falling body the acceleration a is constant and is
directed vertically downward, that is, follows the direction of a plumb bob line. This
constant downward acceleration is called the acceleration due to gravity and is designated
by g. All of the equations developed above for uniformly accelerated motion apply for
an ideal falling body. One normally replaces a by g, which has a numerical value of
about 9.80 m/sec2 downward near the surface of the earth. You can get an approximate
value for the magnitude of g by the following simple experiment. Toss a ball straight
up, estimate the time the ball is in flight and the height to which the ball is thrown
above your hand. You may estimate the time by counting "thousand-and-one,
thousand-and-two ..." Each count is approximately one second. You should be able to
estimate the height in meters that the ball rises. You then can calculate the value of g by
dividing twice the height by the square of one-half the time of flight. From Equation
3.10, we know that
h = 1/2g(t/2)2
Solving this for g,
g = 2h/(t/2)2= 8h/t 2 m/sec2 (3.11)
What value did you get? ____________ m/sec2. In any case you will find your value to
be nearer 10 m/sec2 than to either 1 or 100 m/sec2. Thus your determined value is the
proper order of magnitude.
1. A person hangs from a diving board so that his feet are 5 m above the water level in the
pool. He lets go of the board. Assuming idealized falling motion,how much-time passes
before his feet strike the water, and what is their velocity at that time?
Given: If we take downward as the positive direction, then s = +5 meters down from
the board. At the beginning (t = 0), the person is at rest. This implies v0= 0. Then the
person begins to fall with an acceleration of g = +9.80 m/ sec2 (positive downward).
a. time of fall = t
b. velocity = vf
Relationships: s = vot + at2/2
vf = vo + at
Substituting numerical values,
5m = 0t + (1/2)(9.80 m/ sec2) t2
t2= 10/9.80 sec2/m t = 1.01 sec
vf = 0 (m/sec) x 1.01 sec + 9.80 m/ sec2 1.01 sec
vf = 9.80 m/sec downward
2. A ball is thrown vertically upward with a velocity of 30 m/sec. Assuming idealized
motion, how high will it rise, and when will it reach its peak of flight? How long will it
be before it returns to the starting point, and what will the velocity be at that time
Given: vo = +30 m/sec (positive upward). At its peak the ball stops; this implies
that the speed at the peak is zero, vpeak = 0 when tpeak = time to reach the peak. Then the
Chapter 3 Kinematics
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3. A record run in the 200-m dash by Jesse Owens in the 1936 Olympics is well
approximated by assuming that Owens started from rest and accelerated at the constant
rate of 6.7 m/ sec2 for a time of 1.6 sec. He then ran the remainder of the race at a
constant speed. Draw a graph of Owens' acceleration as a function of time. Draw a
graph of his speed as a function of time. Draw a graph of the distance he has run as a
function of time.
[See Figure 3.8 for the solution.]
Chapter 3 Kinematics
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The tennis ball, when we neglect the effects of spin and air resistance, is moving
with a constant velocity in the horizontal direction. (The horizontal components of
motion are shown in the figure by the subscript h.) It has the acceleration due to gravity
in the vertical direction.(The vertical components of motion are shown by the subscript
v.) We shall treat projectile motion as two separate sets of scalar equations using only
positive and negative signs to indicate directions, up and down in the vertical direction
or forward and backward in the horizontal direction.
Because the motion in the horizontal direction in this idealized case is motion of
constant velocity, the horizontal displacement of the tennis ball is given by the product
Chapter 3 Kinematics
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In the vertical direction, the equations of uniformly accelerated motion Equation 3.9
hold true. That is, where vv = vertical velocity at time t, vo is the vertical velocity at t = 0,
and sv is the vertical displacement.
vv = vo +gt [a] (3.13)
sv = vv t +1/2 gt2 [b]
vv 2 = vo 2+ 2gsv [c]
Note that if we choose the upward direction as positive, then acceleration due to gravity
is g= -9.80 m/sec2.
Suppose a projectile is fired with a velocity of v at an angle to the ground. The
horizontal component is constant during flight but the vertical component is changing
because the acceleration is constant in a downward direction: g = -9.80 m/sec2. The
horizontal component of velocity is vh = v cos , and the original vertical component of
velocity is v sin . Hence the vertical component at any time t after firing is
vv = v sin +gt (3.14)
What is the vertical component of velocity at peak of flight? At the peak of its flight the
projectile is moving only in a horizontal direction, so the vertical component of its
velocity is zero. Substituting zero for vv in Equation 3.13a and solving for the time
required to reach the peak of flight, we get the following algebraic equations:
vv = 0 = vo +g tpeak = v sin + gtpeak (3.15)
tpeak = - v sin /g (3.16)
The horizontal displacement relative to position of firing x at any time t is given by
Equation 3.12 where vh is given by v cos and sh is given by x,
x = (v cos ) t (3.17)
and the vertical displacement sv is given by Equation 3.13b where sv= y and vv = v sin .
With these substitutions, Equation 3.13b becomes
y = (v sin )t + gt2/2 (3.18)
The vertical displacement y = 0 at two times, t = 0 and t = -2 v sin /g. Notice that this
later result is two times the time required to reach the peak. You can also use Equation
3.13b to calculate the peak height.
Chapter 3 Kinematics
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We can show by substituting the value of tpeak given by Equation 3.16 that the peak
height ypeak is
ypeak = - v2 sin2 /g + 1/2 (v sin)2/g = -1/2 v 2 sin2/g (3.19)
What is the projectile's range, that is, how far from where it is fired will it strike the
ground? If y = 0, x = 0, at t = 0, then the range R is found when y is again zero:
range = horizontal velocity time of flight
R = (v cos ) (-2 v sin /g) = - v2 sin 2/g (3.20)
In above equations the value of g is -9.80 m/sec2.
At what angle should the projectile be fired to give maximum range for a given
firing velocity? The maximum value of the sin 2 occurs when 2 is 90o . Hence R is
greatest when is 45 o. You can obtain the equation for the path of the projectile by
combining Equations 3.17 and 3.18 and eliminating t. What is the path of a projectile
under ideal conditions?
Patty Berg, a professional golfer, drives a ball from the tee with a velocity of 37.2 m/sec
(120 ft/sec) at an angle of 37 o and with no spin. The fairway is straight, and the ball
strikes the ground in the same horizontal plane as the tee. What is the horizontal
component of the velocity. How long is the ball in flight? How far down the fairway
does the ball first strike the ground? What is the angle at which it strikes the fairway?
(Neglect air resistance.)
a. The horizontal component of velocity is v cos
vh = 37.2 cos 37 o = 29.8 m/sec or 96 ft/sec
b. The original vertical component of velocity = v sin .
vv = v sin = 37.2 sin 37 o = 37.2 x 0.6 = 22.3 m/sec or 72 ft/sec
At the peak of the flight the vertical component of velocity is 0. In order to find time to
reach the peak, we use Equation 3.15 and set 0 = v sin + gtpeak.
tpeak= - v sin /g = -37.2 x 0.6/-9.80 = 22.3/9.80 = 2.28 sec
Total time of flight is equal to two times the time it takes to reach peak, so
ttotal = 2 tpeak = 4.56 sec.
c. range = R = v cos ttotal = 37.2 x 0.80 x 4.56 = 136 m.
d. At the point that the ball hits the ground, the horizontal component of velocity is 29.8
m/sec. We can calculate the vertical component because we know that the ball drops
for 2.28 sec.
vv = gt = (-9.8)(2.28) = 22.3 ft/sec downward
e. Because we now know both the vertical and horizontal components of velocity when
the ball strikes the ground, we can find the angle at which it hits.
tan = vv / vh = -22.3/29.8 = -3/4 ; = 37 o below the horizontal.
Is this what you expected? (Look again at Figure 3.9 and at Figure 3.10.)
Chapter 3 Kinematics
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Chapter 3 Kinematics
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vt = at t
= at t or at = (/6) m/ sec2
Chapter 3 Kinematics
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Find the stopping acceleration (average) in units of g for a
person striking a snow drift at the terminal velocity of 54
m/sec if 1 m of snow brings the person to rest Figure 3.14.
From Equation 3.9,
vf2 vo2 = 2a s
Substituting the given values of vf = 0, and vo = 54 m/sec,
a = -(54 m/sec)2/2 m = -1438.6 m/sec2= 146.8 g There is a
documented case of a paratrooper free falling without a
chute and surviving such a fall without major injuries!
3.11 Instantaneous Velocity and Acceleration
In Equation 3.1 we defined average velocity vave = s/t. As the change in time
approaches zero (t 0), the instantaneous velocity is the limiting value of s/t and
is written ds/dt. This is called the derivative of s with respect to t,
Chapter 3 Kinematics
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1. Suppose a body moves along the x-axis in accord with the relationship
x = 4 - 3t + 2t2 meters
Find the instantaneous velocity, instantaneous acceleration, and when the body is at
vinst = dx/dt = -3 + 4t m/sec = vo + at
a. Explain this relationship; that is, what do the -3 and 4 represent? [the initial
velocity and the instantaneous acceleration]
b. What does the fact that ainst = 4 m/sec2 indicate about the motion of this body? [It
is uniformly accelerated motion.]
c. For a body at rest vinst = 0. When does this occur? [when -3 + 4t = 0 or t = 3/4 sec]
Use these questions to evaluate how well you have achieved the goals of this chapter.
The answers to these questions are given at the end of this summary with the section
number where you can find the related content material.
1. The slope of a displacement versus time curve is called _____.
2. The speed of an object is constant when it undergoes _____.
3. Uniform circular motion implies that _____is always zero.
4. If the _____is constant, then uniformly accelerated motion is observed.
5. The idealized motion of projectiles near the surface of the earth has a constant _____
in horizontal direction and a constant ______ in vertical direction.
6. When a fly wheel on an electric motor starts, it has a positive _____ and its motion is
not uniform.
7. An object moving with constant speed around a circle has_____ acceleration.
Equations of Motion
From the equations of uniformly accelerated motion (see Section 3.7) you should be able
to answer the following questions.
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Chapter 3 Kinematics
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b. 9.8 m/sec2 or 1 g
c. 19.6 m/sec2 or 2 g
d. 29.4 m/sec2 or 3g
e. 39.2 m/sec2 or 4 g
Acceleration Effects
14. From your reading of Section 3.10 describe the acceleration effects on a space shuttle
transporter occupant
a. when it takes off with a 3 g acceleration
b. when it lands with a 2 g braking acceleration
1. velocity (Section 3.6)
2. uniform circular motion (Section 3.9)
3. tangential acceleration (Section 3.9)
4. acceleration (Section 3.7)
5. velocity, downward acceleration (Section 3.8)
6. tangential acceleration (Section 3.9)
7. radial (Section 3.9)
8. c (Section 3.7)
9. b, c (Section 3.7)
10. d (Section 3.7)
11. d (Section 3.5)
12. c (Section 3.9)
13. d (Section 3.10)
14. a. impossible to raise oneself, vision dims (Section 3.10)
b. facial congestion
Listed below are the important equations from this chapter. The problems following the
equations will help you learn to translate words into equations and to solve single
concept problems.
vave=(s1-s0)/(t1-t0)=s/t (3.1)
s = vave t (3.2)
aave = v/t = (vf - v0)/t (3.3)
vf = v0+ at (3.4)
vave = (vf+v0)/2 (3.5)
s = s - s0= vave t = (vf+v0)/2)t (3.6)
s - s0 = v0t + at2/2 (3.7)
2a s = vf2 vo2 (3.9)
vv = v sin +gt (3.14)
Chapter 3 Kinematics
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vh = v cos (definition)
x = (v cos ) t (3.17)
y = (v sin )t + gt2/2 (3.18)
2 2
ypeak = -(1/2) v sin /g (3.19)
R = - v sin 2/g (3.20)
vt = 2 rn (definition)
1. Find the average speed of a sprinter who runs 100 m in 9.1 sec.
2. If a skier reaches a speed of 20 m/sec in 10 sec after starting from rest, find the
acceleration of the skier.
3. A ball is dropped from a window 19.6 m above the ground. Assuming idealized
motion, how long does it take the ball to reach the ground?
4. An experimental bumper system is designed to bring a car to rest from an initial
speed of 4.0 m/sec. The stopping distance of the bumper is 0.50 m. Find the negative
acceleration necessary to make such a stop.
5. A train is originally moving at a speed of 20.0 m/sec when it is accelerated at 2.00
m/sec2 for 5.00 sec. Find the distance the train travels during the time of acceleration.
6. A toy train goes around a circular track (radius 1.00 m) at a constant speed of 1.50
m/sec. Find the radial acceleration of the train.
7. The wheel of a moving bicycle is 71.1 cm in diameter and is making 2.00 revolutions
per second. Assume that the wheel does not slip on the ground. How fast is the
bicycle traveling?
8. A student hits a ping-pong ball at the back edge of the table so that the ball leaves the
paddle with a velocity of 2.0 m/sec at 30o above the horizontal. Assume idealized
projectile motion. What is the horizontal velocity as the ball leaves the paddle?
When is the velocity of the ball entirely horizontal?
9. An object is moving along a straight line such that its
displacement is as shown below. What is the average velocity
for each second and the entire 3 seconds? See Table, where x
is given in meters and t is in seconds
10. A golf ball is projected at 45 o to the horizontal with an initial velocity of 40 m/sec. a.
Find the horizontal and vertical speed of the ball 5.0 sec after it is projected. b. Find
the horizontal and vertical position of the ball after the first 5.0 sec of flight.
11. Find the peak height of the golf ball in the flight described in problem 10.
12. Find the initial velocity of a projectile launched at an angle of 30o, if its peak height is
25 m.
13. Compute the tangential velocity and the radial acceleration of an object resting on
the edge of a long playing phonograph record (r = 15 cm, n = 33 1/3 rpm).
Chapter 3 Kinematics
Physics Including Human Applications 63
These exercises are designed to help you apply the ideas of a section to physical
situations. When appropriate, the numerical answer is given in square brackets at the
end of each exercise.
Section 3.2
1. A body undergoes the following displacements: 6 m in northwest direction, 10 m at
an angle of 37 o south of west, and 12 m at angle 30o south of east. What is the final
position of the body relative to the original position? [8.0 m, 260 o]
2. The weight of a body is a vector quantity, and its direction is vertically downward. If
a block of marble weighing 500 newtons (N) is resting on a 20o incline, what are the
components of the weight parallel to the incline and perpendicular to the incline?
[171 N, 470 N]
Section 3.6
3. A city bus starts from rest at a bus stop and accelerates at the rate of 4.0 m/sec2 for 10
sec. It then runs at this constant rate for 30 seconds and decelerates at 8.0 m/sec2
until it stops. Draw a graph of the displacement versus time. What is the
displacement of the bus between stops? [1500 m]
Section 3.7
4. A geology student is trying to determine the depth of a ravine by dropping rocks
from a cross-walk. He finds by a stopwatch that 2.50 sec is required for a rock
dropped from the bridge to strike the water. Assuming idealized motion, how deep
is the ravine? [30.6 m]
5. The reaction time of an alert automobile driver is 0.700 sec. (The reaction time is the
interval between stimulus to stop and application of brakes.) After application of the
brakes an automobile can decelerate at 4.9 m/sec2. If a car is traveling at 48.4 km/hr
(30 mph), what total distance does it travel after the driver sees a stop signal? How
far does it travel if the car is traveling with a velocity of 96.8 km/hr (60 mph)? Does
this seem realistic to you? What difference would it make if the driver had been
drinking and had a slower reaction time of 1.50 sec? [27.8 m, 92.5 m, 10.8 m farther,
21.5 m farther]
6. There are cases in which the human body has withstood very large accelerations
under proper conditions. The following is based on an actual incident. A female, age
21, height 1.7 m (5 ft 7 in.), mass 52.3 kg (weight 115 lbs), jumped from a tenth-story
window and fell 28.4 m (93 ft) into a freshly plowed garden where she came to rest
with a deceleration distance of 15.3 cm (6 in.). She landed on her right side and back,
and her head struck the soft earth (see Figure 3.14). The woman survived, sustaining
Chapter 3 Kinematics
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only a fractured rib and right wrist. Apparently there was no loss of consciousness
or concussion. Assume a freely falling body. What were the velocity of impact and
the deceleration in g's? [23.6 m/sec, 92.7 g]
Section 3.8
7. A ping-pong ball rolls with a speed of 0.60 m/sec toward the edge of a table top
which is 0.80 m above the floor. The ball rolls off the table. Assuming idealized
motion, how long was it in flight, and how far from the edge of the table did the ball
hit the floor? [0.40 sec, 0.24 m]
8. An aviator drops a heavy object from his plane at a height of 490 m while he is
moving with a constant horizontal velocity of 30 m/sec. How long does it take for
the object to strikes the ground? Where is the plane when the object strikes the
ground? Where does the object strike the ground relative to the point directly under
the plane at the instant the object was dropped? [Neglecting friction, 10 sec, plane
vertically above object, 300 m]
9. A baseball leaves the bat of Hank Aaron at a height of 1.22 m (4 ft) above the ground
at an angle of 37o with such velocity that it would have a range of 122 m at the
height of 1.22 m. However, at a distance of 106.7 m (350 ft) from homeplate there is a
9.15 m (30 ft) high fence. Does Aaron get a home run? [yes, ball is higher than 9.15 m
at 106.7 m]
10. A punter kicks a football at an angle of 53o above horizontal. It is observed to be in
the air 4 sec. How high did it go, and how long was the kick? Would you want this
player for a punter on your football team? [19.6 m, 58.9 m or about 64 yards]
Section 3.9
11. An aviator is said to be doing a 4g circle. What does this mean? What kind of a circle
would he be doing if the resultant acceleration at the top of the circle is 0? [v2 /r = 4
g, 1g = v2 /r ]
12. At what speed must an automobile round a curve with a radius of curvature of 39.2
m to have a radial acceleration equal to g? Now suppose the car continues down the
road at the same speed and goes over the top of a hill with the same radius of
curvature. What sensation would you experience if you were a passenger in the car?
[19.6 m/s]
13. As a result of the earth's rotation, objects at rest on the surface of the earth have a
radial acceleration. What is this acceleration at the equator? The radius of the earth is
6.38 x 106 m. What is this acceleration at your latitude? How does this compare with
g? [aequator = 3.37 x 10-2 m/sec2 = 3.45 x 10-3 g]
Each problem may involve more than one physical concept. A problem that requires
material from the enrichment section, Section 3.11, is marked by a dagger (). The
numerical answer is given at the end of each problem.
14. A baseball outfielder can throw a baseball a maximum distance of 78.4 m over the
ground before reaching the height from which it was thrown. Assuming idealized
motion, with what velocity does he throw it? How long will the ball be in flight?
How many bases can a runner safely take during this time if he can run the 100-
meter dash in 11 sec? The distance between bases is 27.4 m or 90 ft. [27.7 m/sec, 4.00
sec, 1 base]
Chapter 3 Kinematics
Physics Including Human Applications 65
15. An open automobile starts from rest with a uniform acceleration at 4.00 m/sec2. A
premed student stands on the other side of the parking lot, exactly opposite the
starting point of the car and 20.0 m from it. As it starts, he throws an apple with a
horizontal velocity of 20.0 m/sec to a classmate in the car. In what direction must he
throw the apple so his classmate can catch it easily? Assume it passes over the
shortest possible distance. about 5.75 o to the line between the student and the
original position of the car]
16. A small rocket is shot vertically into the air with a speed of 300 m/sec. In addition to
the acceleration due to gravity there is an average retarding acceleration of 2.20
m/sec2. How long does it take for the rocket to reach maximum height? What is this
height? [2.50 sec, 37.5 m]
17. A helicopter is ascending at a constant rate of 15.0 m/sec. A doctor drops a weighted
package of bandages from the helicopter at a height of 60.0 m to a nurse below.
What is the time of flight of the bandages as observed by the nurse on the ground?
[5.35 sec]
18. A med-tech student drops a stone from a bridge 19.6 meters above a river. A premed
friend throws a stone 0.500 sec later vertically downward so that both stones strike
the river at the same time. With what velocity did the premed throw the stone? [5.73
19. Superphysicist (SP) dives out of a window h
meters above the ground to save a freely
falling sky diver whose chute failed to open.
He leaves the window horizontally when his
laser eyes see the diver at the same level as the
window at distance of D meters away. If the
diver fell from a plane at an altitude of H with
a velocity v (m/sec) directed horizontally
away from SP's building, find the average
horizontal velocity SP must have to catch the
diver at ground level(see Figure 3.15). [vave = v
+ Dg/[(2gH) - (2g(H - h))] (What is the
physical meaning of (2gH) and (2g(H-h))?
Chapter 3 Kinematics
Physics Including Human Applications 66
25. What is the component of the gravitational acceleration parallel to an inclined plane
13 m long that is elevated 5.0 m at one end. Neglecting friction, how long would it
take a body starting from rest to slide 9.8 m down the incline? [3.8 m/2, 2.3 sec]
26. For a particle whose position is given by x = 2.00 t 2 (25.0/300 )t 3as a function of
time, t, a. Find the velocity and acceleration as a function of time. b. Find the
maximum value of x. [v = 4.00 t- 0.250 t2, a = 4.00-0.500 t; xmax = 171]
27. x = 10 + 20 t 2 - 30 t 4 is the position of a particle as a function of time, where x is in
meters and t is in seconds.
a. Find the velocity and acceleration as a function of time.
b. Find the time when acceleration is zero.
c. Find the maximum value of x.
[v = 40t - 120 t3, a = 40 - 360 t2, a = 0 at t = 1/3 sec, smax = 13 1/3 m]
28. A body moves along the x-axis according to the relationship s = 4 6 t + 3 t2 cm
where t is the time in seconds.
a. Where is the body at t = 0?
b. Where is the body at t = 2?
c. What is the original velocity?
d. What is the velocity at time t = 3?
e. When is the body at rest?
f. Where is the body when it is at rest?
g. What is the acceleration of the body?
h. Through what distance did the body travel between t = 0.5 sec and t = 2 sec?
[a. 4 cm; b. 4 cm; c. -6 cm/sec; d. 12 cm/sec; e. 1 sec; f. 1 cm; g. 6 cm/sec2; h. 3.75 cm]
Chapter 3 Kinematics