KNX Home and Building Control
KNX Home and Building Control
KNX Home and Building Control
Basics and product overview Basics and
Product overview
KNX actuators....................................... 12
KNX presence and
motion detectors................................. 22
Sun protection
KNX visualisation
theServa ................................................ 74
Selection matrix
The complete KNX product range
Accessory devices
KNX a technology
and its unlimited possibilities
Whether universities, schools, or other administrative and office buildings, nursing homes and
hospitals, museums, hotels, or private homes KNX makes more of it. The advantage of a KNX
installation is its versatility. Via KNX, all building functions can be linked, programmed, and controlled.
Starting with heating, ventilation, and room climate control, via lighting and shading, up to alarm,
safety and information systems. All these functions can be controlled automatically via intelligent
sensors, manually at the control units inside the rooms, or centrally via a visualisation in the house,
or in the move via smartphone or tablet.
Theben, KNX and the KNX Association the fieldbus and its history
KNX stands for "Konnex" or "Connectivity" (connection), and it is a fieldbus for building
automation. KNX resulted from merging the European organisations EIBA, EHSA, and BCI,
which strived for a common standard of the back then existing field buses. Today, KNX
is the global standard for house and building automation (ISO/IEC 14543). Worldwide,
there are more than 44,000 trained KNX partners in 125 countries. The directives for KNX
technology are defined and regulated by the KNX Association, to which today over 370
companies belong, worldwide. KNX thus stands for extremely high investment and future
Theben joined the association as one of the first members, and as a member of the
Executive Committee, actively influences the development of KNX technology. Since 2015,
Theben is also a member of the KNX Technology Committee. Theben a competent partner
all around KNX.
Further information at
KNX sensors and actuators
How everything interacts
KNX is like the bodies nervous system, which is equipped with The line network of a KNX installation is divided into sections,
sensors and actuators. Everything the sensors detect is sent to the so-called lines, and structured hierarchically. The lines are logical-
actuators, as a command. The actuators on their part trigger the ly and physically interconnected via line or area couplers. Each
desired response: They switch on the light when it gets too dark, line has a power supply, which can supply up to 64 participants,
they heat when it gets too cold, and they control the blinds, when depending on the individual design. A line can be extended with
the sun gets too bright. The topology is extremely versatile: line, up to three line amplifiers by further 64 participants each.
tree, or star structures are possible.
15 of these KNX lines make up one area. 15 areas can be linked
KNX devices are connected to the KNX bus which in many cases is with each other via an area line, the so-called "backbone". Minus
the also the power supply to the device, for example presence detec- the system components, up to 58,384 KNX devices can be instal-
tors. While in conventional systems control and energy distribution led in one system.
are interconnected, KNX participants communicate using their own
line network.
KNX actuators
230 V
KNX bus
KNX sensors
ETS the software Costs and benefits
for every KNX installation KNX pays off
The KNX bus devices communicate via data telegrams. Assignment The question you will hear over and over again, and which you
between the individual participants and configuration of the func- might be interested in as well: KNX is it worth it? The answer:
tions is made by using the so-called ETS, the "Engineering Tool a clear yes.
Especially with new buildings, if the building intelligence is
The ETS has been created by the KNX Association and is constantly comprehensive, and if numerous functions have to be linked with
enhanced. It is the common base of all KNX installations. All KNX each other. KNX is suited for private single-family houses, as
devices have to be certified by independent institutions. After well as for administration, office, or industrial buildings.
successful certification, the device-specific data can be imported
Even if the initial costs are, in some cases, higher than with a
into the ETS. In this way, KNX installations can be implemented
conventional installation, a KNX installation quickly pays off after
independent of the manufacturer.
the first changes in use. Many functions, such as scene controls,
Thus, ETS programming of a KNX building installation is as versatile or central visualisation could not be implemented without bus
as life itself. To tell when and what should take place and in which technology. More comfort, higher energy efficiency, and a higher
room, can be a complex task, which requires foresight and flexibility. quality of life in the long term.
The advantage of KNX: Functions of a system can be reprogrammed
any time via the ETS.
Theben KNX product range
in detail
MIX2 actuators 12
FIX2 actuators 20
KNX visualisation 36
Weather forecast
receiver 40
Weather stations 41
KNX MIX2 actuators
complete, flexible, extendable
The Mix does it
Only Theben offers this
Switching, dimming, controlling, The complete range of KNX MIX2 actuators opens up new design options in the realm of
regulating and also saving space in building automation. All you need is a base module to which up to two extension modules
the distributor not to mention
can be connected. In this way, you triple the number of output channels for each bus
time and money: The KNX MIX2 series
from Theben makes it possible. device, and you can switch lights, dim the light, control sun protection or regulate the
heating using the modules of your choice. Window and door contacts, as well as
switches and push buttons can be integrated via the binary input.
This clever combination saves space in the distributor, and cash. Why: Only the KNXMIX2
base module has a bus coupler. It can be removed and is quickly and easily replaced, if
required. It is also cheaper, because the extension devices can be easily connected to it.
Only Theben offers this.
The KNX MIX2 series is ideal for the automation of rooms and single-family houses.
For example, if you want to control lighting, sun protection, and heating.
Apart from the flexible, because easily expandable, KNX MIX2 series, there is the in-
expensive compact KNX FIX2 version for less complex applications ideal for use in
public buildings, offices, functional and administrative buildings, or even in hotels and
schools (see pages 20/21).
Mixing in series
Everything KNX desires
Base module (G) + maximum 2 extension modules (E)
A good mix with 129 functions and up to 729 combinations
Clearly arranged, structured, intuitive
MIX2 configuration menus
Whether dimming actuator, Hardly any other manufacturer MIX2 is expandable. Even after- We have combined all MIX2
switch actuator, or blinds actua- provides you as many setting wards. Via the two drop-down actuators in one data base.
tor the application design in options for programming as the menus for the "1st and 2nd ex- Your advantage is that not
the ETS is identical over all dif- MIX2 actuators from Theben. tension module", different mo- every actuator has to be
ferent MIX2 actuators. Indepen- Yet, programming remains intu- dules can be selected and confi- loaded separately.
dent of whether you want to itive: The structure across actu- gured for the corresponding
use the respective actuator as ators and the navigation menu project. In this way, MIX2 provi-
a base module or an extension make it possible. des high investment security
module. and inexpensive programming.
Stepless, flicker-free, expandable
KNX MIX2 universal dimmer actuator
In the KNX programming soft- New dimming curves e.g. for The DMG 2 T KNX similar Quick function tests for start-up
ware ETS, various dimming future lamps can be imported to the RMG 8 S KNX switching are possible via 4 buttons
curves are stored, which correct via ETS, thus ensuring your in- actuator can be used to save (25 %, 50 %, 75 %, and 100 %)
the dimming response vestments are well-protected. different scene functions. even without bus connection.
appropriately depending on The bus module can be atta-
the lamp used, thus ensuring ched later.
stepless dimming.
Exemplary room solution
with MIX2 actuators
Conference room
1. Manual switching/dimming of lighting, blinds and sun protection
2. Message "room occupied"
3. Scene controls (incl. a scene for switching off,
moving up and vacation of room)
Hotel room or
1. Manual switching/dimming of lighting and blinds
2. Scene controls
3. Fan control
4. Central switching off via Hotel Card switch
5. Emergency alarm in the bathroom
6. Monitoring of windows for room climate control
and outdoor monitoring
7. Message "Do not disturb" and "Clean"
Floor of a
single-family house
1. Manual switching/dimming of lighting
2. Fan control
3. Room heating control
4. Central switching off
Base module Extension module Extension module
- LED lighting of wall - LED lighting ceiling - Blinds/curtains
- Message "Occupied" - External blinds
Made for the larger
KNX actuators for the
project business
Those who like it compact and can go without flexibility will find the FIX2 simple actu-
ators to be the perfect alternative for the MIX2 actuators. Moreover, an affordable one.
For example, the switching/blinds actuator RM 16 T KNX with 16 relays can control mixed
lights and blinds and is perfectly suited for use in property construction: for instance in
office buildings, public buildings, educational facilities or hotels. Wherever lighting and
sun protection control are required in one room.
No flickering, a smoothly rising brightness On/off with and without delay or staircase With the switch/blinds actuators you can
level with all currently available LED lamps light with forewarning the 4-fold C-load switch and control as you like: 8 blinds or
Theben's universal dimming actuators switch actuators, for instance, offer you 16 switching channels or mixed. This
have already proven themselves on the new freedom of action on up to 12 chan- gives you more freedom in the use of the
market. Without exception, they have been nels. They feature current recognition and channels. Also, because you can assign
enthusiastically received. They are conside- are designed for higher lamp loads. them as you please afterwards.
red to be one of the best dimming actuators
of all.
Binary Heating
inputs actuator
Theben binary inputs cover the full range of With the heating actuators, Theben offers
contacts and voltages whether floating you the possibility of capturing the tempe-
contacts, 24V or 230V. Each of the binary rature in the individual rooms with affor-
inputs offers six of them. That means more dable temperature sensors. Temperature
flexibility and greater investment security. control takes place in the actuator itself,
Also, because in case of maintenance or the set point specification is set centrally
service, each channel can be tested via via the KNX visualisation theServa.
manual operation.
swiss perfection swiss perfection swiss perfection swiss perfection
award winning
KNX presence
thePrema from
KNX presence
and motion detectors
for energy-efficient
lighting control
With the Theben presence detectors, you have every option for energy-efficient and intelli-
gent lighting control. In addition to classic use for lighting control in offices, corridors and
public buildings, you can also control heating and air-conditioning depending on presence.
This lets you save energy costs and considerably reduce CO2 emissions.
Presence detectors work according to the same principle as motion detectors: They detect
thermal radiation in their surroundings, that is in their detection area. If thermal radiation is
detected in the detection area, for example caused by a person approaching the presence
detector, the presence detector converts the radiation into a measureable, electric signal,
and the light is switched on.
The difference between motion and presence detectors lies in the sensitivity of the sensors.
Presence detectors have much more sensitive sensors than motion detectors and detect
the smallest of movements. The sensitive sensors divide the detection area evenly into up
to 1000 zones. Like on a chessboard, the zones run through the entire detection area. Even
minimum changes in the thermal image, such as typing on the keyboard in an open-plan
office, will be detected.
KNX presence detectors
Lighting control using presence detectors is During switching operation, the presence ses for the lighting in the room. This enables
based on detected movement on the one detector measures the sum of artificial light it to calculate the current daylight intensity at
hand and on light measurement on the and daylight. In order to be able to switch any time from the measured total brightness.
other. Presence detectors permanently off the artificial light at the right moment The advantage of mixed light measurement
measure the brightness inside the room. when there is increasing daylight, the pre- is that it works with any light source
Through this permanent light measurement, sence detector must know the proportion whether LEDs, halogen or fluorescent
the presence detector is able not only to of artificial light (see fig.). This value is lamps. Mixed light measurement is the basis
switch on artificial light when there is not automatically learned by the detector, by for constant light control.
enough daylight, but also to switch it off constantly analysing the switching proces
again when there is sufficient daylight. It
sounds very easy, but in fact the presence
detector must be able to assess, whether
there is enough daylight after switching off
the artificial light.
Mixed light Daylight
Artificial light
12 AM 12 PM 24 PM
Mischlichtmessung. Der Prsenzmelder misst die Summe aus Kunst- und Tageslicht und schaltet
24 entsprechend das Kunstlicht EIN bzw. AUS.
Constant light control
With constant light measurement, the pre- If the sun breaks through in the course of
sence detector permanently measures the the morning and there is more natural light
sum of natural and artificial light (see fig.). through the windows, the presence detector
It determines the desired brightness value reduces the proportion of artificial light. The
from these two light sources. On a misty or brightness level in the room therefore re-
rainy morning the natural light is less. In mains constant, regardless of the amount of
this case, the presence detector increases natural light. Typical applications: rooms in
the proportion of artificial light, in order to which a specific brightness level is required
reach the desired brightness in the room. by law or standards.
Mixed light Daylight
Arificial light
12 AM 12 PM 24 PM
Konstantlichtregelung. Bei der Konstantlichtregelung wird nur so viel Kunstlicht wie bentigt
zugeschaltet und stufenlos angepasst.
Planning and installation
Correct installation of KNX presence detectors
For optimum functioning of the presence switching fan heaters or fans on or off tance from lines and radiators > 0.5m),
detector and to avoid sources of interferen- simulate movement. Lamps which are swit- IT equipment (computers, screens), sunny
ce, a few points have to be considered ched on or off in the vicinity of the detecti- surfaces, or room ventilation systems do not
during installation: Everything inhibiting on area (e.g. halogen lamps at a distance of disturb the function of the presence detector,
the sight of the presence detector must < 1m) simulate movement and can lead to as long as the warm air is not directly
be avoided, such as suspended lamps, parti- incorrect switching. Moving objects, such as pointed at the presence detector.
tions, shelves or big plants. Sudden tempe- machines, robots etc. simulate motion signals
rature changes in the surroundings of the or temperature differences. Slowly warming
presence detector for instance caused by objects, such as heat radiators (lateral dis-
Caution: Do not install presence detectors next to suspended lamps, partitions, shelves, and indoor plants or devices that
simulate motion, such as fans or machines.
Free planning software
for safe detector positioning
Those who want to position the light cor- implementation of complex lighting control Theben is Relux member in the sensors
rectly right from the start will benefit from tasks. The software for planners, architects product group. More info at
the Relux light simulation, which is gene- and light designers is based on lighting solu-
rally free of charge. Relux offers professio- tions from various manufacturers and is
nal planning software for development and appreciated by its users around the globe.
Simple and efficient
Practical advantages of KNX presence detectors
Due to their very fine sensor technology, Theben KNX presence detectors detect even
smallest movements and temperature differences. In this way, they allow to exactly adjust
light and climate to the needs of inhabitants and users. Depending on the model, the various
presence detectors are available in the colours black, white, grey, silver or in special colours
upon request.
Calibration of Self-learning Illuminating Innovative
brightness time delay short stays light
measurement measurement
The measured brightness value Depending on how people be- In the event of a short stay, the The integrated, calibrated light
is influenced by the installation have inside the room, the time light is only on for two minutes, measurement provides a reliab-
location, the incidence of light, delay changes automatically. because presence detectors le and continual measurement
the position of the sun, the If the presence detector detects "detect", whether and how long of the proportion of artificial
weather conditions, as well as more movement, the time delay someone is in the room. This and natural light. The presence
the reflection properties of the is shortened to just two minu- means that whoever enters the detector measures the bright-
room and the furniture. With tes. If people hardly move or room for a short period of time ness by means of three directed
the room correction factor, the only rarely, the time delay is does not automatically trigger light measurements, and can
brightness measurement can increased to up to 20 minutes. the time delay that has been thus optimally respond to the
easily be adapted to the condi- This saves energy, increases set and still does not have to go diverse conditions inside the
tions inside the room. This cali- comfort and allows people to without light. room. This ensures optimum
bration ensures that the set work in their most efficient way: lighting, even under difficult
point value in lux will be exactly active and lively or still and lighting conditions.
observed at each workplace. focused.
"eco" stands for optimum swit- How sensitively presence detec- A presence detector misses The KNX versions feature cons-
ching behaviour. "eco plus" for tors react to movements inside nothing. This is a particular tant lighting control, which
maximum energy savings. By the room, is entirely up to you. advantage when the presence permanently compares artificial
configuring, you decide what is The PIR sensors can be conveni- detector is integrated in the light and daylight. They deter-
best for you. Just as you want. ently set using the remote cont- building system technology of mine the desired brightness
Exactly how you need it. There rol according to the individual large office or administration value from these two light
is no easier way to save energy. requirements of the users. buildings. In this way, the buil- sources. No matter how chan-
ding management always geable the weather: The lighting
knows in which rooms people conditions inside the room
are still working. remain pleasantly constant.
Clever teach-in Individual
function lighting
scenarios Intelligent Suitable for
parallel damp rooms
Lighting conditions change Bright daylight or softly dimmed switching
quickly it is good if you can light you can choose between
simply save them when they two lighting scenarios, which Presence detectors allow for Presence and motion detectors
are exactly how you want them you can define whatever mood more than just increasing the with protection class IP54 can
to be. With the clever teach-in takes you. For example, in detection area via master/ also be used in damp rooms such
function, the current lux value conference rooms where the slave switchings. Via master/ as showers, changing rooms or
can be permanently saved. light has to be dimmed for master/parallel switchings, the toilets.
Without specialist knowledge. By presentations. For exactly those lighting conditions can be set
the end user. It couldn't be easier. lighting arrangements that are in the detection area of indivi-
necessary in everyday situa- dual devices independently, and
tions. Settings can be made, thus individually. This is an
Fully or semi- saved and changed quickly and advantage if, for instance, in
automatic/ easily by using the remote open-plan offices, different
absence detection control. lighting conditions are to be
balanced between areas close
Lighting control via the presence to windows and the room's
detector operates fully auto- interior.
matically for increased comfort
or semi-automatically for
greater energy savings. In "fully
automatic" the lights switch
on and off automatically. Light
switching has to be completed
manually in "semi-automatic/
absence detection mode".
The lighting is switched off
All functions at a glance
KNX presence and motion detectors
Configurable sensitivity
Parallel switching
1 Only in AP version
PresenceLight PresenceLight compact compact theMova theMova theMova SPHINX theLuxa
360 KNX 180 KNX passage KNX passimo KNX S360 KNX DE S360 KNX AP P360 KNX 331/332 S KNX P300 KNX
KNX motion detectors
for indoor use
It does not always have to be a presence detector. The indoor motion detectors from
ThebenHTS are ideal for all situations in which moving persons must be securely detected,
for example in staircases, entrance halls, garages, basements or toilets. theMova is
outstandingly well suited for this spectrum of applications.
theMova is good and attractive: With its The smaller standard versions are intended a height of three and a half metres,
round, droplet-shaped design, the indoor for surface-mount or ceiling installation. theMova Performance exhibits its qualities
motion detector nestles into the ceiling The somewhat larger theMova Performance with its incredible detection area of 24m
with unobtrusive elegance, setting a tone is intended for flush-mounting. theMova P in diameter even in taller rooms.
without forcing its way into the foreground. is suited for surface mounting with an
theMova is available in a Standard, and in a optional surface-mount frame. While the
Performance line. standard version is intended for rooms with
Smaller, bigger, KNX compatible
theMova S and P KNX
swiss perfection swiss perfection swiss perfection swiss perfection swiss perfection
Advantages at a glance
Motion detectors in entrance With a remote control, settings In the event of a short stay, the Motion detectors allow for
halls or warehouses must relia- can be easily made and changed light is only on for two minutes. more than just increasing the
bly detect movements from a from the ground. This is faster, Since motion detectors "detect", detection area via master/sla-
great height. The innovative shortens the installation time whether and how long someone ve switchings. Via master-mas-
optics ensure that the motion and lowers costs. And, it is safer. is in the room. This means that ter parallel switchings, the ligh-
detector does not miss anything whoever enters the room for a ting conditions can be set in the
from an installation height of short period of time does not detection area of individual de-
up to 10m. Clever teach-in automatically trigger the time vices independently, and thus
function delay that has been set and still individually. This is an advanta-
does not have to go without ge if, for instance, in open-plan
Configurable light. offices, different lighting condi-
sensitivity Lighting conditions change tions are to be balanced bet-
quickly it is good if you can ween areas close to windows
simply save them when they are Suitable for and the room's interior.
How sensitively motion detec- exactly how you want them to damp rooms
tors react to movements inside be. With the clever teach-in
the room, is entirely up to you. function, the current lux value
The PIR sensors can be conveni- can be permanently saved. Motion detectors with protecti-
ently set using the remote cont- Without specialist knowledge. on class IP54 can also be used
rol according to the individual By the end user. It couldn't be in damp rooms such as showers,
requirements of the users. easier. changing rooms or toilets.
KNX motion detectors
for outdoor use
Comfort and safety two aspects a KNX motion detector must cover. Nothing accomplis-
hes these tasks better than theLuxa P300 KNX. Integrated in the KNX building system
technology, it exactly detects, when and who it should guide the way.
Especially in larger areas, it is about detec- but also a predictive lighting of entrance protection, theLuxaP300KNX does not miss
ting and automatically responding to halls, access routes and connecting passa- anything. Via the ETS, the motion detector
streams of movements which have to be ges. can be easily integrated into the building
expected. For instance of employees, who automation, and it is easy to configure.
enter the company premises in the early theLuxa P300 KNX (protection class IP55) Brightness thresholds, duty cycle, and
morning, and often leave late in the eve- is available in white or black, and can be sensitivity can easily be configured via
ning. Or employees and visitors of hotels, installed at the wall or ceiling, thanks to the KNX visualisation theServaS110KNX.
hospitals and administrative buildings. In all its swivelling sensor head. With a 300
these cases, it is about the required control, detection area of up to 16m, and creep under
Detecting everything in a wide range
theLuxa P300 KNX
The four motion detector chan- The four universal channels The "AND", "OR", and "XOR" theLuxa P300 KNX is an enrich-
nels can be linked in a time- respond, independent of mo- operations of the four indepen- ment to any scene. The motion
dependent manner for various vement, to temperature and/or dent logic channels respond to channel can be incorporated
lighting applications, such as brightness, and can thus be current bus events. As initial into scenes in a most versatile
switching or dimming, for used as a twilight switch, for object, switch commands, or way: "locking", "permanent ON",
instance as an orientation light. instance. percentage values can be sent, "brightness threshold", and
Functions, such as short-time for example. "change over time delay".
presence, master/slave, fully
automatic/semi-automatic Integrated
device and two switchable time temperature Easy to use Clever teach-in
delays can be configured via measurement remote control function
theLuxa P300 KNX has an
integrated temperature sensor, theLuxa P300 KNX supports Lighting conditions change
Precise which can be used for tempera- remote operation. 2 scenes and quickly - it is good if you can
time switch ture-dependent operations. numerous settings can be easily simply save them when they are
7 days made from the ground. This is exactly how you want them to
faster, shortens the installation be. With the clever teach-in
Functions, such as "locking", Sensitive time and lowers costs. And, it is function, the current lux value
"permanent ON", "brightness brightness safer. can be permanently saved.
threshold", and "change over
time delay" can be called up in
a time-dependent manner via The motion detector has an
the integrated time switch integrated brightness sensor,
function with a simple weekly which can be used as a twilight
program. switch.
Fast, convenient and
easy to install
KNX visualisation
theServa from Theben
Child's play!
KNX can be that simple
Whoever opts for KNX home and building automation also wants to operate it and configure
it easily. theServa KNX makes that possible. From the living room, you can control the blinds
in the bedroom, regulate the room temperature, or adjust the settings of the motion
detector at the front of the house without standing up, without effort. Of course, not only
from the sofa, but from anywhere.
theServa consists of a fanless mini server for continuous operation and a high performance
software. KNX building automation, which is intuitive to operate, is designed for private
homes as well as smaller to medium-sized functional buildings. This allows everything to
be visualised from lighting, roller blinds, room temperatures and energy consumption.
Configuration is as simple as could be with easy-to-understand icons, to which the particular
rooms and functions are assigned. Windows 7 or a later version is a prerequisite. Those
who want to keep everything in view can even integrate their IP cameras into theServa.
It couldn't be easier or faster. This is because the graphics are stored fully on the clients
smart device: whether tablet, smartphone, touch screen or laptop/PC. This reduces loading
times and ensures real-time response rates. Try it out for example with the huge number
of possible RGB light scenarios, which can be used to create any desired mood.
The attractive KNX visualisation
for users
theServa this is a hard and software package, which lets you experience KNX building
system technology. It consists of a mini server, configuration software, and mobile apps for
all common mobile end devices. With theServa, installers can offer their customers lots of
comfort with little effort.
This is how it works: The installer installs theServa mini server and are saved on the server and no graphics are transferred from it,
configures the settings of the users, e.g. the operator or the home data appear on the smartphone practically in real time. Even new
owner, and downloads the corresponding free iOS or Android app'. settings work without any noticeable delay. Configuration is simple,
After registration at the server, data transmission is carried out. and it is based on a number of factory settings, which can be easily
As only KNX group addresses, logic connections and time switches understood by the user via intuitive operating controls.
theSer va app
The fanless mini server with KNX interface and Ethernet port fits everywhere.
at a glance
Individual Weather
scenes forecast
By the press of a button, a scene triggers several commands, such as Although weather forecasts can be obtained from the Internet, it is
individual brightness values of certain lamps, combined with a specific difficult to integrate them in the KNX installation. It is easier to connect
position of the blinds. The "Scene" object can be freely positioned on the weather forecast receiver Meteodata 139 KNX from Theben with
the graphic interface, just as any other object. theServa.
With the "Record" function, individual commands will be saved on the The station provides forecasts for the following three days at 6 hour
server and can be directly called up via the icon switch or a KNX group intervals (wind speed, air temperature, sunshine duration, rain probabi-
address. Each scene can be called up by means of the time program. lity etc.) by using only seven group addresses. By using these data,
If desired, even the end user can create and change scenes. heating and shade can be controlled with foresight. In this way, unoc-
cupied rooms can be shaded in summer, in order to protect them from
being heated too much by the sun.
Comprehensive logic functions an calculation options make theServa With this function, KNX analogue Page layout with theServa is
a universal tool. By using them, the installer can solve many problems values, such as temperature, wind, child's play: floor plans are added,
in a project and fulfil specific customer requirements. Solar position or power consumption can be symbols are placed, and the first
calculation for instance can be used to control blinds and other shades recorded and then evaluated in pages are created quickly and
more precisely than a mere time function. Adjusting the outdoor lighting a table or chart. intuitively. This does not only
to sunrise and sunset is also possible. Apart from standard logic func- shorten installation time, but pro-
tions, such as AND, OR, XOR, theServa features various filter and conver- gramming costs can be reduced
ter functions. Even complex mathematical calculations are possible. as well.
Tomorrow's weather
Meteodata 139 KNX*
Meteodata 139 KNX* receives the upcoming weather three days in Provision and transmission of the weather data by HKW is currently
advance. The receiver obtains the licensed weather forecasts from guaranteed until 2021-12-31. Any alterations of the transmission
HKW via longwave reliable data on temperature, hours of sunlight, will be announced on the Theben website, at least 5 years in
probability of rain, and wind speed. advance:
Displayed in six hour blocks, the data can be used in the KNX system
for the anticipating control of heating and shading, in order to save
energy. For instance in summer, to protect unoccupied rooms against
heating up, by shading them. Or in winter, by reduced shading, in
order to lower the heating effort by utilising the available sunlight.
The weather forecast for the next 3 days is
clearly segmented in 6 hour blocks. These
can be displayed and called up any time in
the KNX visualisation theServa.
Today's weather
Meteodata 140 S KNX
This weather station is a true all-rounder. It is transparent, compact Measurement and evaluation of the weather data take place directly
in design, and optimally suited for glare protection: It automatically in the device. To display the weather data, the VARIA 826 S KNX
calculates the position of the sun and the sunlight incidence angle, multifunction display is suited, for instance.
and it detects wind, rain, brightness, and temperature. It provides
all data necessary for the fully automatic control of blinds and sun
protection of up to eight facades. Including sun position tracking. The Meteodata 140 S GPS KNX is equipped with an integrated GPS
receiver, a heated rain sensor, three brightness sensors, six logic
channels, as well as four additional threshold value channels for
linking external KNX sensors.
Meteodata KNX weather stations are also available as 24V versions
with and without GPS module, as well as a "basic" version without
rain sensor.
Wind, rain, temperature
and sunshine can be displayed
on the multifunction display
For all occasions
KNX solutions from Theben
Brightness control
in the functional
building 50
Blind controls
with sun position
tracking 56
Room climate
control with
CO2 sensors 62
Heating control
with OpenTherm 68
KNX visualisation
theServa 74
KNX lighting control from Theben
creates accents and provides orientation
Twilight is predictable. In the morning, in the evening. One can adapt to it. It sounds simple, but it is
not especially if the KNX installation has to be programmed accordingly. Many parameters have to
be observed. The season, sunrise and sunset, the daily brightness values, the weather conditions.
But it is possible. Especially with Theben. For instance in front of entrances, accesses or on parking
lots of companies, industrial plants, administrative buildings or housing areas. That is, in applications
in which lighting is required especially at the start and end of work.
Here, KNX lighting controls from Theben create clear accents and provide orientation. Exactly then,
when it is needed. Outdoor and of course indoor.
Pioneering lighting concepts,
which are appreciated
It feels good to come home, and the light goes on long before you reach the door. It feels
safe, to have orientation light in the garden or on the parking place. It is convenient to find
the way in corridors of hotels or nursing homes during the night, because softly dimmed
light never leaves you in the dark.
With Theben, comfort can be created easily with theLuxa P KNX motion detectors and
universal dimmer actuators, which always provide the desired brightness. Even at a specific
period of time in the morning, in the evening, or at night. Permanently or temporarily.
With specific brightness values or with certain responses and time delays.
Theben KNX lighting control
for buildings and outside facilities
Benefits at a glance
1. Large detection area and universal applications
The outdoor motion detector theLuxa P300 KNX has a large detection area of up to 16 m and a separate
creep under protection.
It is suited for ceiling installation and wall mounting. Corner brackets for the installation at inner and outer
corners, as well as spacer frames for lateral cable routing are included in the scope of supply.
2. Sophisticated applications
theLuxa P300 KNX features change over between alternative values for brightness and time delay,
which allows different values to be considered for different times of the day and situations.
The most important settings, such as brightness and time delay, can be changed during operation via
the KNX objects.
In the universal dimmer actuator DMG 2 T KNX, various dimming curves are stored, which correct the
dimming response appropriately, depending on the lamp used, thus ensuring stepless and flicker-free
dimming of LED lamps.
Dimming actuator DMG 2 T KNX
dims like no other
Whether LEDs, halogen, or energy saving lamps the universal
dimmer actuators dim everything that can be dimmed: steplessly,
smoothly and flicker free. With the KNX software ETS, Theben
provides optimally tuned dimming curves for every lamp up-
datable for future lamps. The dimming output is 2 x 300 W/VA or
1 x 500 W/VA. This dimming actuator, which can be expanded by
two modules, is considered one of the best on the market.
Project example
KNX lighting control
with orientation light
master-slave connection
theLuxa P300 KNX theLuxa P300 KNX Notes
master device master device
object name object name
18 C1 parallel switching 18 C1 parallel switching Slave devices report detected motion to the master device.
sending/receiving sending/receiving
Functions of the
KNX motion detector theLuxa P300 KNX
The four motion detector chan- The four universal channels The "AND", "OR", and "XOR" theLuxa P300 KNX is an enrich-
nels can be linked in a time- respond, independent of mo- operations of the four indepen- ment to any scene. The motion
dependent manner for various vement, to temperature and/or dent logic channels respond to channel can be incorporated
lighting applications, such as brightness, and can thus be current bus events. As initial into scenes in a most versatile
switching or dimming, for used as a twilight switch, for object, switch commands, or way: "locking", "permanent ON",
instance as an orientation light. instance. percentage values can be sent, "brightness threshold", and
Functions, such as short-time for example. "change over time delay".
presence, master/slave, fully
automatic/semi-automatic Integrated
device and two switchable time temperature Easy to use Clever teach-in
delays can be configured via measurement remote control function
theLuxa P300 KNX has an
integrated temperature sensor, theLuxa P300 KNX supports Lighting conditions change
Precise which can be used for tempera- remote operation. 2 scenes and quickly it is good if you can
time switch ture-dependent operations. numerous settings can be easily simply save them when they are
7 days
function made from the ground. This is exactly how you want them to
faster, shortens the installation be. With the clever teach-in
Functions, such as "locking", Sensitive time and lowers costs. And, it is function, the current lux value
"permanent ON", "brightness brightness safer. can be permanently saved.
threshold", and "change over sensor
time delay" can be called up
in a time-dependent manner The motion detector has an inte-
via the integrated time switch grated brightness sensor, which
function with a simple weekly can be used as a twilight switch.
100% Time delay
0 5 10 15 20 25 min.
7 2
With only one object link, the brightness values for
Master 18 orientation light, maximum light, and for the time
delay can be implemented.
18 A matter of setting
Slave 1
All values can be called up and
set via the KNX visualisation
theServa. Conveniently, easily,
and safely from the ground.
Slave 2 18
Constant lighting conditions
Implemented across systems
We all sense temperature differently. Similarly, we all sense brightness differently: Too bright or
too dark are elastic terms, and are understood in a different way by each individual.
However, we all know that light is an important asset. For several years, a growing number of
experts has pointed out the health aspects of poor lighting, in numerous studies.
The challenge has been clearly defined: On the one hand, it is important to save energy and to
lower CO2 emissions. On the other hand, we want to permanently create good lighting conditions,
under which people can work in a focussed manner without health burden. Theben offers you
the appropriate solution.
Energy saving interplay
of two open standards
Whether open-plan offices, classrooms, or seminar rooms: Near the window it is bright,
while it is darker inside the room. Dusk and dawn, or rainy weather increase the effect.
KNX building automation with constant lighting control ensures homogenous and energy
efficient lighting conditions, which incorporates the DALI lighting control.
For this, Theben provides the two critical components: thePrema P360 KNX presence detec-
tors, which optimally cover large rooms, thanks to their large and square detection area, and
the DALI Gateway KNX, which forwards the KNX telegrams from the presence detectors to
the DALI participants.
With the three directed light measurements, the brightness situation is exactly determined
by thePrema P360 KNX. In this way, it is possible to implement a separate constant light
control for each of the two groups of lights. The large saving potential: Thanks to the square
detection area, less presence detectors usually cover the rooms better. This saves time and
money for devices, installation and programming. Due to the exact light measurement and
the corresponding lighting control via DALI Gateway KNX, highest energy efficiency is pre-
With the DALI Gateway KNX, 64 DALI participants can be divided into up to 16 group of
lights. Between the lamps and the KNX building automation, information is exchanged
bidirectionally. The advantage: The lamps cannot only be controlled, but failures of the
EBs or lamps can be displayed in the KNX visualisation theServa.
Theben KNX brightness control
in the functional building
Benefits at a glance
High detection quality
T he presence detectors thePrema P and theRonda P feature four, partly overlapping, passive infrared sensors.
The overlapping ensures a very close-meshed coverage, which reliably even detects sedentary work with only
little motion.
Presence detector thePrema P KNX
has everything under control
A 360 detection area of 10 x 10 metres, an adaptive 3 channel mixed
light measurement, and 3 light channels are only a few features
which make thePrema P KNX the ideal presence detector for KNX
building automation. The detector shows its brilliance if it does not
only control the lighting, but also heating, ventilation and air conditio-
ning via its two separate presence channels.
Project example
Brightness control with presence detector
and DALI Gateway
0 On/Off (window side)
11 On/Off (interior)
12 Brighter/darker (interior)
0 On/Off (corridor)
1 Brighter/darker (corridor)
Theben KNX blind controls
Position of the sun, sunlight, and blinds
which always respond correctly
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west but in between and over the year, it shows a surprisingly
variable course, which takes its different effects on houses, functional buildings, and the people, who live
and work inside.
For some people it is quickly too warm, others are blinded by the incident sunlight. Those who want to
create constant lighting and temperature conditions, and ensure an efficient working atmosphere, find
exactly the right components in the KNX building automation from Theben, which counteract the complex
interplay of sun position, azimuth, and elevation: sun protection with sun position tracking.
All this is very energy efficient: Because in winter, the solar energy is used to reduce heating costs, and
in summer, the cooling effort is reduced by correct shading.
Sun position tracking for
better glare protection
The temperature is 21 degrees Celsius, the wind speed is 7.5 kilometres per hour, it is very
bright and there is no rain in short: It is a beautiful sunny day. Data like these are sent
by Meteodata140 S GPS KNX to the Theben multifunction display VARIA 826 S KNX inside
the individual rooms and to the MIX2 blinds actuators in the switch cabinet and shading
in accordance with the supplied GPS positioning is done.
Basically, it is all just a question of programming: What is the position of the facade in
relation to the course of the sun? At which time of the day does the sun appear in the
defined protection zone, and when does it leave it? And, how does it change its position in
the course of the day and in the course of the year? The elevation shows the height of the
sun, the azimuth shows the direction, from which the sunlight comes. The interplay of GPS
weather station, multifunction display and KNX MIX2 blinds actuator reliably ensures that there
are always pleasant lighting conditions on the sunny side of the facade without dazzling.
One should not forget the positive effect on climate control, since an accurate shading pro-
tects against overheating and reduces energy costs for cooling control. All this, of course with
highest safety: Because during storm, ice, and frost, the blinds move up automatically.
The advantage of the Theben KNX solution: In contrast to other suppliers, the measured data
are processed directly inside the weather station. An additional module is not necessary.
Slat adjustment
In case of high solar radiation, the position of the slats is automatically adjusted to
the course of the sun. Dazzling and directly incident sunlight is thus avoided, without
excluding the daylight completely.
Theben KNX blind controls
go with the sun
Benefits at a glance
1. Less components reduced costs
In contrast to most other suppliers, the processing of the measured data and sun position tracking takes
place directly inside the KNX weather station Meteodata 140 S GPS KNX. An additional control module is
not necessary.
T he weather station protects the awnings against frost, storm or rain, and moves them into a safe position.
Passive houses with internal blinds benefit from blinds actuator JMG 4 T 24 V: The 24 V version is ideal for
this type of application.
2. Adaptable
T hrough the transparent housing of the KNX Meteodata weather station, the background colour of the facade
shines through, so the weather station harmoniously blends with its surroundings.
Weather station
Meteodata 140 S GPS KNX
exactly calculates the position
of the sun
The connection of combined sensor, weather station and integrated GPS
receiver makes Meteodata 140 S GPS KNX a true weather expert.
Azimuth and elevation are calculated automatically. Temperature,
rain, wind, and brightness are exactly detected. Thanks to the three
brightness sensors, the weather station is suited for sun protection
control of up to eight facades. Meteodata140 S GPS KNX is installed on
the sunny side of the facade, and the area to be protected is defined
symmetrically or asymmetrically in a range of up to 180. Wherever
the sun, there will be reliable shading.
Project example
Sun protection and slat adjustment
A matter of setting
All values can be called up and
set via the KNX visualisation
61 Height%
62 Slats position
60 Up/down
17 Heating support
18 Cooling support
Room 1, C1
31 Presence 9
Room 1
Room 2 Room 2, C2
Room 3 Room 3, C3
Room 4 Room 4, C4
Room 5 Room 5, C1
Room 6 Room 6, C2
Air quality control from Theben
Fresh air helps students concentrate
No matter what you are doing you can concentrate properly when the air is stuffy. The right
atmosphere is essential to study in. The AMUN 716 KNX air quality sensor enables just that.
The AMUN 716 KNX monitors the rooms temperature, humidity and CO2 levels. Once it is configured
it will automatically ensure the optimum air quality whilst keeping energy consumption to a minimum.
That way everyone can benefit from clean air and a comfortable environment to work in.
Educationally valuable:
temperature control with
CO2 measurement
A KNX installation only makes real sense if it is used for building automation across rooms.
For instance, for temperature control in six classrooms. Theben's solution consists of a
weather forecast receiver, a time switch, as well as heating actuators and room air sensors.
Meteodata 139 KNX* provides reliable weather forecasts for the next three days. These
data are fed into the KNX bus in 6 hour blocks via telegram. In the classrooms, the CO2
sensor AMUN 716 KNX measures the room temperature, the relative humidity, as well as
the CO2 content of the air. The heating actuator controls the heating in accordance with
indoor and outdoor temperature.
Under mild weather conditions, the system changes to summer mode, and lowers the ener-
gy consumption. If a window is opened, the frost protection mode is started. Comfort mode
is activated by pressing the presence button. In each situation, the students inside the
classrooms enjoy constantly pleasant temperatures. Additionally, the room sensor indicates
the air quality via CO2 measurement, and when it is time to air the room again. The heating
control can be controlled via multifunction display VARIA 826 S KNX, or theServa. The system
can be extended to up to twelve rooms.
The AMUN 716 KNX CO2 room air sensor also measures air humidity and temperature, apart from the CO2 concentration in the range
of 09999ppm.
Theben KNX room climate control
considers temperature, air quality,
and energy consumption
Benefits at a glance
1. Less devices, less installation effort
T he HMG6TKNX heating actuator features an independent and fully-fledged room thermostat for each
channel. The room temperature is transmitted by the corresponding CO2 sensor AMUN 716 KNX from the
individual rooms to the heating actuator. This reduces equipment costs, since a separate room thermostat
is not needed for each room.
Heating actuator HMG 6 T KNX
variably controls heat and cold
This MIX2 base module has integrated heating controllers for
controlling six thermal actuators. It is expandable by up to two
extension modules to up to 18 channels. The control of the
actuators is done via silent and wear resistant Triac semiconductor
switches. Continuous or switching actuating values are selectable.
Temperature control is done in accordance with the indoor and
outdoor temperature, according to the comfort, night, frost or
heating protection modes. If you do not only control the heating:
It can be combined with all extension modules of the MIX2 series.
Project example
Presence-dependent climate control
with CO2 sensors
0 Light band window 80
11 Light band interior of room 90
26 Light band blackboard lighting 100
31 Presence
Maximum energy efficiency
from beginning to end
We still use most of the energy for heating. Even if the share in private houses is higher than in
functional or administrative buildings: In both cases, the lion's share of energy costs is consumed
by heating.
Inside the individual rooms, we control the temperature with valves, room thermostats, and
presence detectors. In this way, energy savings of up to 6% can be achieved by lowering the
room temperature by only one degree in unoccupied rooms. The heating system itself does not
respond to changes of this kind. It provides heat, no matter if it is currently needed or not.
Theben has gone one step further. With a needs-oriented heating control from the individual
room up to the boiler.
Needs-oriented and
energy saving
temperature control
Theben now bridges the world of heating and KNX home and building automation. With the
KNX-OT-Box S interface, Theben establishes the connection between both systems.
With this, consumptions can be displayed in the KNX visualisation. However, the decisive
advantage is the direct access to the central heating control.
In this way, the flow temperature can be optimally set in a needs-oriented manner. By
taking all rooms into consideration. Even more: The energy-optimised legionella protection
prevents unnecessary heating of the storage tank to the legionella protection temperature.
The effect: maximum energy savings. This is not only good for our environment, but also
for your wallet.
Flexible: Combined with the RAMSES 856 top2 OT heating control, even boilers without
OpenTherm interface can be completely integrated into the KNX installation.
Connecting worlds
The Theben KNX-OT-Box connects the
OpenTherm bus, commonly used with
gas heaters, with the KNX bus. The ad-
vantage: The boiler cannot only be
visualised in the KNX system, but can be
completely controlled by the KNX system.
Theben KNX heating control
is open for OpenTherm
Benefits at a glance
1. Needs-oriented individual room control
T he KNX-OT-Box S not only allows pilot room control, but also needs-oriented flow optimisation
by considering all rooms.
Weather forecast receiver
Meteodata 139 KNX*
predicts what the weather will be like
The weather forecast receiver considerably contributes to minimise
heating costs, to use sunshine and heat effectively, and to control
the sun protection with foresight. From HKW, it receives licenced
weather forecasts for the next three days via long wave. In this way,
Meteodata 139 KNX* can tell whether the weather will be "fine",
"cloudy", "rainy", or "stormy". Via telegram, the receiver sends the
data to the corresponding KNX actuators, which depending on the
weather control blinds, lighting, or, as in this case, the heating with
builds a bridge to the world of heating
Two field buses, one installation the connection in between is this
little box, which enables the bidirectional exchange of data between
the OT boiler and the heat distribution via the KNX system.
The KNX-OT-Box S allows needs-oriented and weather-compensated
flow control, control of domestic hot water, and much more. It even
provides a legionella protection program. As practical as with the
MIX2 actuators: Also here, the KNX bus module can be removed,
replaced and programmed, independently of the device.
Project example
KNX heating control for 6 rooms
15 72
7 Night/standby 3
31 2
2 4
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5
Room 6
The extent of the available data
may vary, depending on the
manufacturer of the heating or
theServa The quick and easy to use
KNX visualisation
One mini server, one software and
infinite comfort
Fantastic not only for children: creating a beautiful lighting mood. Setting the temperature
to comfy. Programming the parameters to cosiness. KNX makes it possible and theServa
makes it visible and alive. Just as you feel and according to the season.
theServa shows what the KNX electric installation behind the wall performs, what benefits,
and above all, what options it offers. Also best of all the user can decide himself, how he
wants to set lighting, heating, climate, safety functions and electric devices and from where.
Because with theServa app, this is possible any time via tablet or smartphone. Three words
can express this: energy saving comfort.
Child's play!
KNX can be that beautiful
theServa S110 visualises the settings, shows theServa is Theben's answer to the question: "Can I set this myself, or must I have an
the energy consumption and enables any installer do it?" For system integrators who implement KNX installations, theServa opens
desired change for example of different the door to successful business and for home owners, a new world. It just gives users
lighting moods in RGB colours.
a new understanding of their home.
Simply because theServa can show how the energy consumption is composed. What can
be saved if one reacts "correctly" to the next weather change. How you change the lighting
and raise the mood with a touch on the tablet. Either during a party. Or, during a romantic
candle light dinner with lighting scenarios that candles cannot conjure.
Short: theServa offer users intuitive and extremely convenient operation without inter-
vening with the ETS programming done by the system integrator. theServa is a small object
server with a configuration software, which allows to visualise the current data of a KNX
installation and to influence them within a set framework. Only those data are called up,
which are actually needed. This makes theServa so quick and easy to operate.
Fits everywhere,
provides great flexibility
The fanless mini server with
KNX interface and Ethernet
port fits everywhere. It combines
easy operation and configuration
with a large functional range.
The quick and easy to use KNX visualisation
Benefits at a glance
1. Easy-to-use
T he menu structure of theServa is very clear, and easy to operate and configure.
T he software features a comprehensive selection of predefined functions and graphical elements.
4. Energy-efficient hardware
T he mini server has a very low input power of about one watt.
Showing diagrams Programming thermostats
clearly intuitively
With the diagram object, KNX analogue values, With the display of a rotary knob, the modes of
such as outdoor or room temperatures, wind the thermostat objects can be easily selected and
speed, or energy consumption, can be recorded, programmed. The selected settings can also be
and the measurement values can be filtered, ar- copied for other days.
chived, and displayed according to time criteria.
A bar graph clearly shows all mode settings for
an entire week.
Impressive references
for intelligent KNX house and building automation
In 2012, the DIAL (Deutsches Institut fr Angewandte Lichttechnik The company decided for PlanoCentro KNX. The presence detector,
GmbH) in Ldenscheid erected an impressive new building, which blending harmonically with any architecture, has been awarded the
sets standards by its integral building system design. For DIAL it "iF Award" in 2010. In about 30 offices, the detectors control
was clear that planning for building, building services engineering, the lighting in accordance with the three different daylight sequen-
and lighting will be down on their own. The institute especially ces. A beautiful summer day is simulated. By means of its mixed
emphasised the close interrelation of lighting planning, architec- light measurement, PlanoCentro KNX takes the incident daylight
ture, and lamp design. About 2000m2 floor space for office and into account and accordingly reduces the portion of artificial light.
conference rooms, laboratories as well as foyer, atrium, bistro, and This reduces lighting costs and CO2 emissions. Thanks to its high
catering zone were developed on three levels. detection quality, it reaches into the corners of the room, but also
avoids faulty switchings. The PlanoCentro KNX thus combines an
ideal illumination of the room and highest energy efficiency.
Notable building automation
for MINIHAUS Munich
First mentioned in records in 700 AD the Bognerhof. In the middle building technology is controlled via all in all 116 MIX2 actuators,
of the Trudering district of Munich, the heritage-protected farm was 2 CHEOPS drive KNX, 55 RAMSES 712 KNX individual room ther-
exposed to decay, after the last inhabitant had left. Then, MINIHAUS mostats, 29 AMUN 716 KNX CO2 room air sensors, 25 PlanoCentro
Munich took over the building and had it reconstructed from the EWH-A KNX presence detectors, and 7 DALI Gateways KNX.
ground up. The result is an idyllic day nursery, in which everything
runs smoothly also thanks to Theben's KNX technology. The concept was so well received that MINIHAUS Munich adopts the
KNX building technology from Theben 1:1 for another day nursery.
The building is equipped with a highly efficient heating and
ventilation system, which is run CO2 neutrally, with groundwater
and geothermal energy. An electronic access system ensures that
only authorised persons can enter the building. This intelligent
In the course of a practical seminar, high school students automa- temperature. Furthermore, it detects the brightness near the
ted their classroom and developed into prospective KNX specialists. windows and in the interior, by taking directed light measurements.
They learned that automation improves comfort and reduces ener- In this way, the light band near the windows and the light band in
gy consumption. With the support of Syspa Gebudesystemtechnik the interior can be dimmed independently, and the blinds can be
GmbH they installed and configured KNX components, also from also controlled. A thePrema slave serves as an additional presence
Theben. A highlight is the measurement of CO2 concentration and detector, in order to completely cover the room. The room tempera-
humidity with the AMUN 716 KNX room air sensor. It indicates the ture is also controlled automatically. A RAMSES 713 S KNX tempera-
recommendation for venting to the class, before the "stuffy" air ture sensor replaces the thermostats. Together with the electric actu-
affects the concentration. A thePrema KNX presence detector ators, it provides energy-efficient comfort.
monitors the room, switches off the light after class, and lowers the
theServa provides flexibility
for a single-family house in the Oberbergische Land
As the one hundredth participant, theServa increases the comfort protection" and "sun protection" create the right environment for
of the already existing KNX installation of a single-family house in wellbeing in each situation. By touch and click via visualisation,
the Oberbergische Land. Before, the values were fixed by the ETS the inhabitants control the brightness values and positions of the
programming. Now the house owner can make many settings eleven dimmable lighting groups, of the RGB LED band, and the
himself, via the practical mini server. three roller blinds drives.
The installation uses almost all theServa functions from monitor- The central station is a 24 inch touch screen in the kitchen area
ing with three IP cameras in the outdoor area, via various time of the house. Seven smartphones and tablets with Android und iOS
control, sun position, and logic functions, up to IR functions for operating systems are further theServa clients. Currently, the visuali-
controlling the audio and video devices in living and dining room. sation has altogether 50 screen pages.
Especially there, six scenes in combination with the states of "vision
-- MIX2 4-way KNX switch actuator -- Switch functions: e.g. On/Off, pulse, On/Off delay,
-- Type of contact: 16 A, 3 A NO contact staircase light with forewarning
-- Resistive load: 3680 W -- Logical operations: e.g. block, AND, release, OR
-- LED lamp:
< 2 W: 55 W 28 W: 180 W > 8 W: 200 W
-- LED switching status indicator for each channel
-- Manual operation on device (even without bus voltage)
-- MIX2 8-way KNX switch actuator -- Switch functions: e.g. On/Off, pulse, On/Off delay,
-- Type of contact: 16 A, 3 A NO contact staircase light with forewarning
-- Resistive load: 3680 W -- Logical operations: e.g. block, AND, release, OR
-- LED lamp:
< 2 W: 55 W 28 W: 180 W > 8 W: 200 W
-- LED switching status indicator for each channel
-- Manual operation on device (even without bus voltage)
-- C-load KNX switch actuator -- LED switching status indicator for each channel
-- With current recognition -- Manual operation on device (even without bus voltage)
-- For higher lamp loads -- Switch functions: e.g. On/Off, pulse, On/Off delay,
-- Type of contact: 16 A, 10 A NO contact staircase light with forewarning
-- Resistive load: 3680 W -- Logical operations: e.g. block, AND, release, OR
-- LED lamp:
< 2 W: 75 W 28 W: 250 W > 8 W: 300 W
-- KNX blinds actuator -- LED Up and Down switching status indicator for each
-- For controlling drives for blinds, roller blinds, sun and channel
vision protection devices, skylights, and ventilation flaps -- Floating contacts for Up and Down per channel
-- Manual operation on device (even without bus voltage)
KNX actuators/binary inputs
Technical data
-- 2-way 110 V KNX control unit MIX -- 110V control inputs and one switch output
-- Switching and dimming of lighting circuits in combina- (relay contact) per channel
tion with electronic ballasts -- With zero cross switching for relay-saving switching
(EBs and LED ballasts)
-- Extension module with base modules, can be combined
with MIX2 series
-- KNX binary input/binary output push button interfaces -- Grooves on side of housing for switch/push button
-- Can be installed in flush-mounted boxes with conventi- clamps
onal push buttons/switches
-- Free allocation of functions: switch/push button, Number of inputs Type Item No.
dimming, blinds, valuator
2 TA 2 KNX 4969202
-- Inputs can be reconfigured to outputs:
binary input: floating contact/ 4 TA 4 KNX 4969204
binary input: 1mA (low current) (LED 1mA types)
6 TA 6 KNX 4969206
KNX Presence detectors
Technical data
-- KNX passive infrared presence detector for ceiling -- Switching or constant light control with standby
installation function
-- Square detection area -- Fully or semi-automatic operation, switchable
-- Mixed light measurement suitable for LEDs, fluorescent -- Short presence; reduction of time delay in the event
lamps (FL/PL/ESL), halogen and incandescent lamps of short presence
-- Adjustable sensitivity -- Presence channel with time delay and switch-on delay
-- Light channels for control of one or two lighting groups -- Protection rating IP 54
-- KNX passive infrared presence detector for ceiling -- Restriction of detection area with cover clip
installation -- 2 lighting channels with a joint light measurement
-- Circular detection area -- 2 presence channels can be configured individually
-- Mixed light measurement suitable for LEDs, fluorescent -- Fully or semi-automatic, switchable
lamps (FL/PL/ESL), halogen and incandescent lamps -- Switch or constant light control mode with
-- 2 light channels and 2 presence channels standby function
-- 2 light channels C1, C2 with 1 light measurement -- Lighting dimmable when in switching operation with
-- 2 presence channels can be configured standby function
-- Adaptable 1 channel light measurement -- Brightness switching value or set point value can be set
-- Fully or semi-automatic operation, switchable in lux by using parameters, object, or remote control
-- Switch or constant light control mode with -- Teach-in of the brightness switching value or the set
standby function point value
-- Lighting dimmable when in switching operation with -- Reduction of the time delay (short presence)
standby function
-- KNX passive infrared presence detector for ceiling -- Lighting dimmable when in switching operation with
installation standby function
-- Square detection area -- Brightness switching value or set point value can be set
-- Mixed light measurement suitable for LEDs, fluorescent in lux by using parameters, object, or remote control
lamps (FL/PL/ESL), halogen and incandescent lamps -- Teach-in of the brightness switching value or set point
-- Fully or semi-automatic operation, switchable value
-- Switch or constant light control mode with -- Setting of the room correction factor for brightness
standby function measurement calibration
years 49 m (7.0 x 7.0 m) White thePrema S360 KNX UP WH 2079500
guarantee 1
KNX presence detector
Technical data
-- KNX passive infrared presence detector for ceiling -- Switching or constant light control
installation -- Choice of fully or semi-automatic operation
-- Rectangular detection area -- Presence output for HVAC control with switch-on
-- Mixed light measurement suitable for LEDs, fluorescent and time delay
lamps (FL/PL/ESL), halogen and incandescent lamps -- Room monitoring
-- Two light outputs for controlling two lighting groups -- Integrated bus coupling
-- KNX passive infrared presence detector for wall -- Switching or constant light control with standby
mounting function
-- Detection area 180 -- Fully or semi-automatic operation, switchable
-- Mixed light measurement suitable for LEDs, fluorescent -- Short presence; reduction of time delay in the event of
lamps (FL/PL/ESL), halogen and incandescent lamps short presence
-- Adjustable sensitivity -- Presence channel with time delay and switch-on delay,
-- Light channels for control of one or two lighting groups and value transmission
-- Channel monitoring with manipulation protection
KNX motion detectors
Technical data
-- KNX passive infrared motion detector for ceiling -- Continuous constant light control/movement-depen-
installation dent
-- Automatic lighting control based on presence and -- Functions: e.g. lighting ON/OFF, roller blinds/
brightness blinds UP/DOWN, time functions (switch-off delay),
-- Integrated bus coupling locking the motion detector, dimming values, dimming
-- With constant light control UP/DOWN, master/slave function
-- Lighting control "movement-dependent only" and -- Very flat construction (projects 4 mm from ceiling)
"movement and brightness dependent"
-- KNX passive infrared motion detector -- For wall and ceiling installationIntegrated temperature
-- Automatic lighting control depending on presence sensor
and brightness -- For larger, commercial outdoors properties such as
-- Can be integrated into KNX building systems administration buildings, hotels, schools, underground
technology car parks and warehouses
-- For outdoor use -- Easy to program with ETS software for KNX
-- Adjustable brightness switching value and time delay
KNX weather sensors
Technical data
-- KNX brightness and temperature sensor -- Universal channels allow linking of brightness and
-- For brightness and temperature dependent controlling temperature
in outdoor areas -- Brightness range from 1100,000 lux
-- 5 freely configurable channels: 1 sun protection channel -- Temperature range 20 C to + 55 C
and 4 universal channels
-- Sun protection channel with automated sun protection Type Item No.
specifically for blinds, awning and roller blinds appli-
cations LUNA 131 S KNX 1319201
-- KNX combi sensor/weather station -- Operation possible without voltage, in this case the
-- For detecting wind, rain, brightness and temperature heating of the rain sensor has no function
-- For fully automatic blinds and sun protection control -- Detection and evaluation directly in the device
with automatic sun position tracking -- Sun protection for up to eight facades via 3 integrated
-- Rain sensor with heating brightness sensors
-- KNX weather forecast receiver -- By using the data, heating and shades can be con-
-- Receives weather data from the HKW via longwave on trolled with foresight, e.g.: exact time entry in the KNX
temperature, hours of sunlight, probability of rain, and system by a time signal, which is sent with the weather
wind speed data
-- Weather forecasts for the next 3 days are displayed in
6hour blocks Type Item No.
-- In addition, weather scenarios such as "fine", "cloudy",
Meteodata 139 KNX* 1399200
"rainy", or similar, and storm warnings are received
-- Data can be visualised purely for information purposes
* This service is not available in all European countries. Find out more at
KNX heating control
Technical data
-- KNX individual room thermostat -- Two rotary controls are included in the scope of
-- For controlling heating actuators or motorised supply: an absolute scale (mounted) and a relative
actuators scale (enclosed)
-- Can be used as a continuous or two point control -- Rotary control can be limited mechanically or via
(can also be combined). parameters
-- Continuous PI control can be configured for 2 stage
heating (basic and additional stage, e. g. underfloor Type Item No.
heating and radiators) or for heating and cooling
(radiators and cooling surfaces) RAMSES 713 S KNX 7139201
-- KNX heating actuator for controlling thermal -- Integrated power supply for a max. 13thermal
actuators (24 V) actuators
-- Can be installed directly on a wall or a rail in the -- Silent semiconductor switch (Triac)
heating circuit distributor -- For integrating boiler control
-- Mains plug on transformer for easy installation -- Continuous or switching actuating value selectable
-- Screwless terminal technology
KNX heating control
Technical data
-- Motorised KNX actuator for heater valves or for control- -- 2 inputs for window contact, presence detector, remote
ling heating valves sensor
-- Simple installation by clicking onto valve adapter -- Can be used in heating circuit distributor
-- Display of valve stroke -- Integrated bus coupling unit
-- Automatic valve stroke recognition -- With summer mode and valve protection
-- 2 different valve adapters included (VA 10, VA 78)
-- KNX individual room thermostat Fan Coil -- 3 binary inputs for conventional switches/push buttons
-- For controlling Fan Coil (switching, dimming, blinds), also for external tempera-
-- Continuous PI controller for heating and cooling ture sensor, window contact or presence signal
-- Two rotary controls are included in the scope of supply: -- LED (red) for heating mode, (blue) for cooling mode
an absolute scale (mounted) and a relative scale -- With integrated bus coupling unit
-- Rotary control can be limited mechanically or via Type Item No.
RAMSES 713 FC KNX 7139202
-- Manual button for OFF, Auto, fan stages 1, 2, 3 operation
-- KNX Fan Coil actuator -- Floating input for window contacts or temperature
-- For controlling Fan Coil sensor
-- For 2 and 4 pipe systems -- Floating input condensation monitoring
-- For up to three fan stages -- Display of operation status via 9 LEDs
-- For 2-way and 3-way valves -- Manual operation on device (fan stages,
-- Additional relay for electrical heater or cooler bank change over between heating and cooling)
KNX time switches
Technical data
-- Digital KNX time switch with annual and -- Interface for OBELISK top2 memory card
Astro programme (PC programming)
-- 8 channels -- 8 year power reserve (lithium battery)
-- DuoFix load line connections for 2 conductors each -- ON-OFF switching times
-- Text-based user guidance in the display -- Pulse programme
-- 800 memory locations -- Cycle programme
KNX system components/visualisation
Technical data
-- The DALI Gateway KNX acts as an interface between -- The allocation of the individual DALI participants in
the DALI system and the KNX bus groups of lights is achieved using a separate software
-- The group-oriented DALI Gateway (for max. 16 groups) tool. Each group of lights can be addressed and moni-
controls operating devices with DALI interface (e.g. EBs, tored via KNX
LED converters, transformers etc.)
-- Up to 64 DALI participants can be connected to one Type Item No.
DALI output. Each individual DALI participant auto-
DALI Gateway KNX 9070722
matically receives an unsorted DALI address via the
-- Line coupler
Type Item No.
-- For connecting KNX lines or areas
-- Galvanic separation of the lines/areas Line coupler S KNX 9070880
-- Bus terminals for main line and subordinate line
-- Telegrams can be filtered (to reduce telegram traffic)
-- KNX power supply and monitoring -- Reset button for 20 sec. bus reset
of the KNX system voltage -- Continuous short-circuit proof
KNX visualisation
-- KNX visualisation for controlling lighting, sun protection, -- Individual program thanks to logic, scene and sequence
and heating systems via smartphone or tablet modules
-- Complete solution with server, configuration software -- Current weather data and forecasts via weather
and app (iOS, Android) stations
-- Graphical display of current energy consumptions
-- Automatic shutdown of consumers when thresholds Type Item No.
are exceeded
theServa S110 8254100
-- Convenient colour mixing of RGB LEDs using a colour
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Theben AG
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