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GX7 GX 11

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Atlas Copco

Oil-injected rotary screw compressors

GX 7, GX 11

Parts list
Atlas Copco
Oil-injected rotary screw compressors

GX 7, GX 11

From following serial No. onwards: CAI 275 524

Parts list

Copyright, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerp, Belgium.

Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited.
This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and

Use only authorized parts. Any damage or malfunction caused by the use
of unauthorized parts is not covered by Warranty or Product Liability.

2014 - 08

No. 2930 7109 51

Replaces No. 2930 7109 50

Parts list


Always specify the part number, the name and quantity of the required items, as well as the type and serial number of the machine.
Pages marked with Service symbol - contain parts of Service kit(s). For complete contents of the kit see chapter 1 - Service kits.

Ref. - Reference number: links a specific listed part to the drawing. Only parts with a reference number are shown in the drawing. Parts in the drawing without a reference number
are simply there to illustrate the assembly.
Part number - Part number: if no part number is specified, the component is not available as a spare part. A line shown in bold is an assembly. A part of which the number is fol-
lowed by a black dot is comprised in the bold printed assembly right above.
<<< >>> Directs to another list with the same title as the Name.
When the part number of the specific parts is placed below the Ref./Name line a choice must be made upon the type/version of the machine.
Qty - Quantity: indicates the number of parts in connection with the corresponding reference number. AR means As required: quantity or number to be determined.
Name - Part name: translations of the English names can be found in document Glossary of part names.
Remarks - Extra information about the part.
A series of letters can indicate that a particular part has been certified by the specified authorized body, in accordance with the codes or rules of the list.
Measurements are given in millimeters.

bg -

, , .
, - , (). . 1 - Service kits (1 -

Ref. - : . .
Part number - : , . . ,
, , .
<<< >>> Name.
Ref./Name, / .
Qty - : , . : .
Name - : .
Remarks - .


Sempre especifique o nmero da pea, o nome e a quantidade dos itens necessrios, assim como o tipo e o nmero de srie da mquina.
Pginas marcadas com o smbolo Servio - contm peas do(s) Kit(s) de servio. Para conhecer o contedo completo do kit, consulte o captulo 1 - Service kits (1 - Kits de


Ref. - Nmero de referncia: indica onde est uma pea especfica listada no desenho. Somente peas com nmero de referncia so mostradas no desenho. As peas no desenho que
no tm um nmero de referncia destinam-se simplesmente a ilustrar o conjunto.
Part number - Nmero da pea: se nenhum nmero de pea estiver especificado, o componente no est disponvel como pea sobressalente. Uma linha mostrada em negrito um
conjunto. Uma pea cujo nmero seja seguido por um ponto preto faz parte do conjunto impresso em negrito imediatamente acima dela.
O smbolo <<< >>> direciona para outra lista com o mesmo ttulo, como Name (Nome).
Quando o nmero de pea especfico colocado abaixo da linha Ref./Name (Ref. / Nome), preciso escolher o tipo/verso da mquina.
Qty - Quantidade: indica o nmero de peas e os nmeros de referncia correspondentes. AR significa As required (Conforme solicitado): a quantidade ou o nmero a ser
Name - Nome da pea: as tradues dos nomes em ingls podem ser encontradas no documento Glossary of part names (Glossrio de nomes de peas).
Remarks - Observaes - Informaes extras sobre a pea.
Uma srie de letras pode indicar que uma determinada pea certificada pelo rgo autorizado especfico, de acordo com os cdigos ou as regras da lista.
As medidas so fornecidas em milmetros.

Vdy uvete pesn slo dlu, nzev a mnostv poadovanch poloek, a tak typ a sriov slo stroje.
Strnky oznaen symbolem servisu - obsahuj sousti servisn sady (servisnch sad). Kompletn obsah sady naleznete v kapitole 1 - Service kits (1, Servisn sady).

Ref. - Referenn slo: odkazuje dl uveden v seznamu k mstu ve vkresu. Ve vkresu jsou uvedeny pouze dly s referennm slem. Dly bez referennho sla, kter jsou ve
vkresu uvedeny, slou pouze jako ilustrace.
Part number. - slo dlu: pokud nen uvedeno slo dlu, komponent se jako nhradn dl nedodv. dek tun je sestava. Dl, jeho slo je nsledovno ernou tekou, je
soust sestavy, jej nzev je vytitn tun ve.
<<< >>> vede na dal seznam se stejnm nzvem, jak je uveden v poli Name (Nzev dlu).
Pokud je pod dkem Ref./Name umstno slo dlu konkrtnho dlu, mus bt proveden vbr typu/verze stroje.
Qty - Mnostv: uvd poet dl spojench s pslunm referennm slem. AR znamen As required (podle poadavk): mnostv nebo slo, kter m bt ureno.
Name - Nzev dlu: peklad anglickho nzvu lze najt v dokumentu Rejstk nzv dl.
Remarks - Doplkov informace k dlu.
Srie psmen me oznaovat, e urit dl byl certifikovn autorizovanou osobou v souladu s kdy a pravidly seznamu.
Rozmry jsou uvedeny v milimetrech.

4 2930 7052 03
Parts list

Angiv altid reservedelsnummer, navn og antal for de dele, du nsker, samt maskinens typebetegnelse og serienummer.
Sider markeret med servicesymbolet - indeholder dele af service-kittet(ene). For et samlet overblik over kittets indhold, se kapitel 1 - Service kits(1 - Service kits).


Ref. - Referencenummer: knytter en specifik del p listen til tegningen. P tegningen vises kun reservedele, som har et referencenummer. Reservedele p tegningen, som ikke har et
referencenummer, er medtaget for illustrationens skyld.
Part number. - Reservedelsnummer: hvis der ikke er angivet noget reservedelsnummer, fs den pgldende komponent ikke som reservedel. En linje, som vises med fed skrift, er
en samling af dele. En reservedel, hvor nummeret er efterfulgt af en sort prik, er en af de dele, der indgr i samlingen af dele, som vises med fed skrift ovenover.
<<< >>> henviser til en anden liste med samme titel som Name.
Nr den specifikke reservedels nummer placeres under linjen Ref./Name, skal du vlge type/version for maskinen.
Qty - Antal: angiver antallet af reservedele, der indgr i det tilsvarende referencenummer. AR betyder As required (som krvet): mngde eller antal skal bestemmes.
Name - Reservedelsnavn: oversttelse af de engelske navne kan findes i dokumentet Liste over reservedelsnavne.
Remarks - Ekstra information om reservedelen.
En bogstavrkke kan angive, at en bestemt reservedel er blevet certificeret af det pgldende godkendende organ, i henhold til standarderne p listen.
Alle ml er angivet i millimeter.

Immer Teilenummer, Bezeichnung und Anzahl der erforderlichen Teile sowie Typ und Seriennummer der Maschine angeben.
Seiten mit dem Servicesymbol - enthalten Teile von Service-Kit(s). Informationen zum vollstndigen Inhalt des Kits finden Sie im Kapitel 1 - Service kits (1 - Service-Kits).


Ref. Referenznummer: Querverweis zwischen einem aufgefhrten Teil und der Zeichnung. In der Zeichnung sind nur Teile mit einer Referenznummer abgebildet. Abgebildete
Teile ohne Referenznummer dienen lediglich der Darstellung der Baugruppe.
Part number Teilenummer: Falls keine Teilenummer angegeben ist, ist das Bauteil nicht als Ersatzteil lieferbar. Baugruppen sind fett hervorgehoben. Wenn sich hinter einer
Teilenummer ein schwarzer Punkt befindet, gehrt dieses Teil zur darber stehenden Baugruppe.
<<< >>> bedeutet, da Sie eine andere Liste nachschlagen mssen.
Steht die Teilnummer unter der Ref./Name Zeile, so mu eine Wahl gemacht werden je nach Typ/Ausfhrung der Maschine.
Qty Anzahl: Gibt die Anzahl der Teile in Bezug auf die entsprechende Referenznummer an. AR steht fr As required (nach Bedarf), die gewnschte Anzahl muss angegeben
Name Teilebezeichnung: Eine bersetzung der englischen Bezeichnungen finden Sie im Dokument Glossary of part names (Glossar Teilebezeichnungen).
Remarks Zustzliche Information zu dem Teil.
Eine Buchstabenfolge weist darauf hin, dass ein bestimmtes Teil durch die angegebene zustndige Stelle gem den aufgefhrten Normen und Richtlinien zertifiziert wurde.
Abmessungen sind in Millimetern angegeben.

el -
, , , .
- . ,
1 - Service kits (1 ).

Ref. - : .
. .
Part number - : , .
To <<< >>> Name.
Ref./Name, / .
Qty - : . AR As required ( ):
Name - : .
Remarks - .

Especifique siempre la designacin, el nombre y la cantidad de las piezas deseadas, as como el tipo y el nmero de serie de la mquina.
Las pginas marcadas con el smbolo de Servicio - contienen piezas de kit(s) de servicio. Para el contenido completo del kit, vea el captulo 1 - Service kits (1 - Kits de


Ref. - Nmero de referencia: establece un vnculo entre una pieza especfica de la lista y el dibujo. Slo las piezas con nmero de referencia aparecen en el dibujo. Las piezas que
aparezcan sin nmero de referencia slo se muestran en el dibujo para ilustrar el conjunto.
Part number - Designacin: si no se indica ninguna designacin, el componente no se encuentra disponible como pieza de repuesto. Los conjuntos aparecen con una lnea en
negrita. Las piezas con nmeros seguidos por un punto negro, indican que forman parte del conjunto que aparece en negrita anteriormente.
<<< >>> dirige a otra lista con el mismo ttulo que el Name.
Cuando la designacin de una pieza especfica est situada debajo de la lnea Ref./Name se debe elegir el tipo/versin de la mquina.
Qty - Cantidad: indica la cantidad de piezas asociadas al nmero de referencia correspondiente. AR significa As required (segn se requiera): debe determinarse la cantidad o el
Name - Nombre de la pieza: las traducciones de los nombres en ingls se encuentran en el documento Glosario de nombres de piezas.
Remarks - Observaciones: informacin adicional sobre las piezas.
Una serie de letras puede indicar que una pieza especfica ha sido certificada por la entidad autorizada indicada, conforme a los cdigos o reglas especificados.
Las dimensiones se expresan en milmetros.

2930 7052 03 5
Parts list

Mrake alati osa number, vajalike osade nimed ja kogused, samuti masina tp ja seerianumber.
Hooldussmboliga thistatud lehekljed - sisaldavad hoolduskomplketi(de) osi. Komplekti tieliku sisu jaoks vt peatkki 1 - Service kits (1- Hoolduskomplektid).

Ref. viitenumber seostab konkreetse nimistus oleva osa vastava joonisega. Joonisel on toodud ainult viitenumbriga osad. Joonisel olevad viitenumbrita osad on meldud ainult il-
Part number: osa number. Kui osa number pole mratud, siis pole see komponent varuosana saadaval. Rasvane joon thistab seadet. Osa, millele jrgneb must punkt, koosneb
paremal leval rasvaselt trkitud koostisest.
<<< >>> viib teise loendini, millel on samasugune pealkiri kui Nimi.
Kui osa number vi konkreetne osa on paigutatud Viite/Nime joone alla, tuleb valida seadme tp/versioon.
Qty: kogus nitab vastava viitenumbriga thistatud osade arvu. AR thendab As required (Vastavalt vajadusele): mratletakse kas kogus vi number.
Name ehk osa nimi: ingliskeelsete nimede tlked leiate dokumendist Osa nimede snastik.
Remarks osa kohta kiv lisateave.
Thtede seeria vib nidata, et mingi osa on vastavalt nimekirja koodidele vi reeglitele volitatud organist sertifitseeritud.
Mtmed on millimeetrites.

Mainitse aina osan numero, haluttujen osien nimitykset ja mrt, sek koneen malli ja valmistusnumero.
Huoltosymbolilla - merkityill sivuilla on huoltotarvikesarjojen osia. Katso sarjan tydellinen sislt luvusta 1 - Service kits (1 - Huoltotarvikesarjat).

Ref. - Viitenumero: Viittaa osaan luettelossa ja piirustuksessa. Vain osat, joilla on viitenumero, nkyvt piirustuksessa. Ilman viitenumeroa piirustuksessa olevien osien tarkoituksena
on vain selkeytt kokonaisuutta.
Part number - Osanumero: Jos osanumeroa ei ole ilmoitettu, osaa ei ole saatavana varaosana. Lihavoituna nkyv rivi on kokonaisuus. Osa, jonka numeroa seuraa musta piste,
sisltyy lhinn ylhll lihavoidulla painettuun tarvikesarjaan.
<<< >>> kehottaa katsomaan toista luetteloa, jonka Name-otsikko on sama.
Kun tietyn osan osanumero on Ref./Name-viivan alapuolella, on valittava koneen tyyppi/versio.
Qty - Mr: Ilmoittaa viitenumeroon liittyvien osien mrn. AR tarkoittaa As required (tarpeen mukaan): irtotavaraa tai mr on selvitettv.
Name - Osanimi: englanninkielisten osanimien knnkset lytyvt painotuotteesta Osien nimien sanasto.
Remarks - Listietoa osasta.
Kirjainyhdistelm voi ilmoittaa, ett mainittu valtuutettu elin on hyvksynyt osan luettelon koodien tai sntjen mukaisesti.
Mitat on annettu millimetrein.

Prcisez toujours le numro de pice, la dsignation et la quantit de composants souhaite, ainsi que le type et le numro de srie de la machine.
Les pages sur lesquelles figure le symbole dentretien - traitent de pices comprises dans un/des kit(s) dentretien. Pour le contenu complet du kit, voir le chapitre 1 - Service
kits (1- Kits dentretien)
Ref. - Numro de rfrence : se rfre une pice particulire dans la liste et le schma. Seules les pices auxquelles un numro de rfrence a t attribu sont reprsentes sur le
schma. Les pices sans numro de rfrence sur le schma sont simplement destines complter lillustration.
Part number - Numro de pice dtache : si aucun numro de pice nest spcifi, le composant nest pas disponible en tant que pice dtache. Une ligne qui apparat en gras
correspond un ensemble. Une pice dont le numro est suivi dun point noir est comprise dans lensemble apparaissant en gras juste au-dessus.
<<< >>> indique consulter une autre liste.
Si le numro de pice dune pices spcifiques est plac au-dessous de la ligne de rfrence/nom, il faut choisir le type/version de la machine.
Qty - Quantit : indique le nombre de pices avec le numro de rfrence correspondant. AR signifie As required (comme requis) : il sagit de la quantit ou du nombre
Name - Dsignation de la pice : la traduction des dsignations anglaises est disponible dans le document Glossary of part names (Glossaire des dsignations des pices).
Remarks - Remarques : informations supplmentaires concernant la pice.
Une srie de lettres peut indiquer quune pice spcifique a t certifie par lorganisme autoris mentionn, conformment aux codes et rglements de la liste.
Les dimensions sont indiques en millimtres.

Mindig adja meg a cikkszmot, a krt elemek nevt s mennyisgt, valamint a kszlk tpust s gyri szmt.
A Szerviz - szimblummal jellt oldalak a szervizkszlet(ek) egyes alkatrszeire vonatkoznak. A kszlet teljes tartalmt lsd az 1 - Service kits (1 - Szervizkszletek) fejezet-

Ref. - Hivatkozsi szm: a felsorolt alkatrszt a megfelel brhoz trstja. A rajzon csak hivatkozsi szmmal elltott alkatrszek lthatk. Az bra hivatkozsi szm nlkli rszei
csak az sszeszerels mdjt illusztrljk.
Part number. ha nincs megadva cikkszm, az adott alkatrsz nem kaphat ptalkatrszknt. A vastag vonal szerelvnyt jelez. Ha a cikkszm utn fekete pont ll, az alkatrsz a
jobbra fent vastaggal jellt szerelvny rsze.
A <<< >>> jel tirnyt egy msik listhoz, amely a Name elemmel azonos nev.
Ha egy adott alkatrsz cikkszmt a Ref./Name oszlopba helyezik, ki kell vlasztani a kszlk tpust/verziszmt.
Qty - Mennyisg: az adott hivatkozsi szmhoz kapcsold alkatrszek szmt jelli. Az AR jelentse As required (igny szerint): itt megadhatja a mennyisget vagy a szmot.
Name - Az alkatrsz neve: az angol nyelv elnevezsek fordtsai az Alkatrsznevek listja c. dokumentumban tallhatk.
Remarks - Az alkatrsszel kapcsolatos tbbletinformci.
Egy betsor jelzi azt, hogy az adott alkatrszt az illetkes hatsg a lista kdjainak vagy szablyainak megfelel tanstvnnyal ltta el.
A mrsi eredmnyek millimterben rtendk.

6 2930 7052 03
Parts list


Indicare sempre il numero categorico, il nome e la quantit delle parti richieste, come pure il tipo e il numero di serie della macchina.
Le pagine contrassegnate dal simbolo di assistenza - descrivono componenti appartenenti ai kit di manutenzione. Per informazioni sul contenuto completo del kit, consultare il
capitolo 1 - Service kits (1 - Kit di manutenzione).


Ref. - Numero di riferimento: indica un componente specifico elencato nel disegno. Nel disegno sono presenti solo i componenti con un numero di riferimento. I componenti senza
numero di riferimento sono presenti al solo scopo di illustrare il gruppo.
Part number - Numero categorico: se non specificato nessun numero categorico, il componente non disponibile come parte di ricambio. Una riga in grassetto indica un assem-
blaggio. Una parte il cui numero seguito da un punto nero compresa nellassemblaggio stampato in grassetto in alto a destra.
<<< >>> indica di consultare un altro elenco di parti di ricambio.
Quando il numero di catalogo di una parte specifica messo sotto la linea del riferimento/denominazione si deve fare una scelta in base al tipo/versione della macchina.
Qty - Quantit: indica il numero di componenti relativo al numero di riferimento. AR significa As required (Come richiesto): devono essere determinati la quantit o il numero.
Name - Nome parte: le traduzioni dei nomi inglesi dei componenti possono essere reperite nel Glossary of part names (Glossario dei nomi parti).
Remarks - Ulteriori informazioni sul componente.
Una serie di lettere possono indicare la certificazione di un componente da parte di un ente autorizzato specificato, in conformit alle normative riportate nellelenco.
Le misure sono espresse in millimetri.

ja -

Ref. -

Part number -

<<< >>>Name

Qty - AR

Name - Glossary of part names

Remarks -

Visada nurodykite detals numer, pavadinim ir reikiam kiek bei renginio tip ir serijos numer.
Puslapiuose, paymtuose techninio aptarnavimo simboliu - , yra aptarnavimo reikmen rinkinio (-i) dali. Nordami gauti informacijos apie vis rinkinio turin, r. skyri 1
- Service kits (1 - Aptarnavimo reikmen rinkiniai).

Ref. - Nuorodos numeris: susieja srae nurodyt detal ir brin. Brinyje pavaizduotos tik detals, turinios nuorodos numer. Brinio detals, neturinios nuorodos numerio, tik
iliustruoja komplektin blok.
Part number - detals numeris: jeigu detals numeris nenurodytas, komponento kaip atsargins detals sigyti negalima. Eilutje, kuri parodyta parykintu riftu, yra agregatas.
Detal, po kurios numerio eina juodas takas, yra montuota parykintu riftu aukiau ispausdintame agregate.
<<< >>> nukreipia kit sra, kurio pavadinimas toks pat, kaip Name (detals pavadinimas).
Kai specifins detals numeris yra nurodytas emiau Ref. (nuoroda) /Name (detals pavadinimas) eiluts, reikia apsisprsti dl renginio tipo/versijos.
Qty - Kiekis: naudojamas su atitinkamu nuorodos numeriu ir nurodo detali kiek. AR reikia As required (prireikus): dar neinomas kiekis ar skaiius.
Name - detals pavadinimas: anglik pavadinim vertimus galima rasti dokumente rangos dali terminai.
Remarks - Papildoma informacija apie detal.
Raidi derinys gali rodyti, kad konkreiai detalei sertifikuot idav galiota institucija pagal srao nurodymus ir taisykles.
Matmenys pateikti milimetrais.

2930 7052 03 7
Parts list


Vienmr nordiet nepiecieams iekrtas detaas numuru, nosaukumu un daudzumu, k ar tipu un manas serilo numuru.
Lappuses, kas apzmtas ar apkopes simbolu - satur Apkopes komplekta(u) daas. Pilnam komplekta satura prskatam, skatiet nodau 1 - Service kits (1 - Apkopes komple-

Ats. - Inventra numurs: savieno atbilstos saraksta daas ar attlu. Tikai detaas ar inventra numuru ir pardtas attl. Detaas attl bez inventra numura ir montai, vienkri
paskaidrotas attl.
Part number detaas numurs: ja nav nordts detaas numurs, komponents nav pieejams k rezerves detaa. Treknrakst pardt lnija ir monta. Detaa, aiz kuras numura seko
melns punkts, ir ietverta tiei augpus treknrakst druktaj mont.
<<< >>> novirza uz citu sarakstu, kuram ir tds pats nosaukums k Nosaukums.
Kad kdas noteiktas detaas numurs ir novietots zem lnijas Ats./Nosaukums ir jizvlas iekrtas veids/versija.
Qty daudzums: norda detaas daudzumu savienojum ar attiecgo inventra numuru. AR nozm As required (pc vajadzbas): daudzums vai numurs, kuru jnosaka.
Name detaas nosaukums: angu nosaukumu tulkojumus var atrast dokument Detau nosaukumu vrdnca.
Remarks specila informcija par detau.
Burtu rindia, saska ar saraksta noteikumiem un kodiem, var nordt, ka o detau ir sertificjusi autorizta organizcija.
Izmri ir nordti milimetros.



Vermeld altijd het onderdeelnummer, de benaming en de hoeveelheid van de gewenste onderdelen, alsmede het type en het serienummer van de machine.
Paginas gemarkeerd met het servicesymbool - bevatten onderdelen uit servicekits. Voor de complete inhoud van de kit, zie paragraaf 1 - Service kits (1 - Servicekits).

Ref. - Referentienummer: koppelt een specifiek onderdeel in de lijst aan de desbetreffende tekening. Alleen onderdelen met een referentienummer zijn in de tekening afgebeeld.
Onderdelen zonder referentienummer die op de tekening voorkomen, worden slechts getoond om het samenstel te illustreren.
Part number - Onderdeelnummer: indien geen onderdeelnummer is aangegeven, is de betreffende component niet als reserveonderdeel verkrijgbaar. Een regel in een vet lettertype
is een samenstel. Een onderdeel waarvan het nummer gevolgd wordt door een zwart rondje, maakt deel uit van het vet afgedrukte samenstel direct erboven.
<<< >>> verwijst naar een andere lijst met dezelfde titel als de Name (benaming).
Als het onderdeelnummer van het desbetreffende onderdeel onder de regel Ref./Name (Ref./Benaming) staat vermeld, moet er een keuze met betrekking tot het machinetype en
de machineversie worden gemaakt.
Qty - Aantal: geeft het aantal onderdelen aan in samenhang met het overeenkomstige referentienummer. AR betekent As required (benodigde hoeveelheid): de hoeveelheid of
het aantal moet nader worden bepaald.
Name - Naam van het onderdeel: vertalingen van de Engelse benamingen zijn te vinden in het document Glossary of part names (Woordenlijst van onderdelen).
Remarks - Extra informatie over het onderdeel.
Een reeks letters kan aangeven dat een bepaald onderdeel gecertificeerd is door het opgegeven bevoegde orgaan, in overeenstemming met de codes of voorschriften in de lijst.
Afmetingen zijn in millimeters vermeld.


Angi alltid delenummeret, navnet og antallet deler samt type- og serienummeret for maskinen.
Sidene som er merket med Service-symbolet - , omtaler deler av servicesettene. Du finner informasjon om hele innholdet i settet i kapittel 1 - Service kits (1 - Servicesett).


Ref. Referansenummer: knytter en bestemt del i listen til tegningen. Deler uten referansenummer vises ikke p tegningen. Delene p tegningen som ikke har referansenummer, er
tatt med for illustrere monteringen.
Part number Delenummer: Hvis det ikke er angitt noe delenummer, kan ikke delen bestilles som reservedel. En fet linje er en montering. En del som har et nummer som er et-
terfulgt av en svart prikk, er omfattet i monteringen med fet skrift ovenfor.
<<< >>> henviser til en annen liste som heter det samme som Navn.
Nr delenummeret til en bestemt del plasseres under linjen Ref./Name m man velge hva slags type/versjon maskinen er.
Qty Antall: angir hvor mange deler som er knyttet til referansenummeret. AR str for As required (etter behov): Antall eller nummer m spesifiseres.
Name Delenavn: Oversettelsene av de engelske navnene finner du i dokumentet Ordliste med delenavn.
Remarks Anmerkninger: tilleggsinformasjon om delen.
Bokstaver kan indikere at en bestemt del er sertifisert i henhold til det autoriserte organet som er angitt, i samsvar med kodene eller reglene for listen.
Ml er angitt i millimeter.


Zawsze podawa numer czci, nazw i ilo potrzebnych elementw, a take typ i numer seryjny urzdzenia.
Strony oznaczone symbolem - zawieraj czci zestaww serwisowych. Pen zawarto zestaww mona znale w rozdziale 1 - Service kits (1 - Zestawy serwisowe).

Ref. - Numer referencyjny: czy konkretn cz z listy ze schematem. Na schemacie prezentowane s wycznie czci posiadajce numer referencyjny. Czci na schemacie nie
majce numeru referencyjnego umieszczono w celu zilustrowania montau.
Part number - Numer czci: jeli nie podano numeru czci, dany element nie jest dostpny jako cz zapasowa. Tekst wytuszczony oznacza zesp. Cz, po numerze ktrej
wystpuje czarna kropka, wchodzi w skad wytuszczonego zespou wskazanego powyej po prawej stronie.
<<< >>> su do przechodzenia do innej listy o tym samym tytule, co w kolumnie Name (Nazwa).
Jeli numer dla konkretnej czci jest umieszczony poniej wiersza Ref./Name, naley wybra typ/wersj maszyny.
Qty - Ilo: oznacza liczb czci w odniesieniu do odpowiadajcego im numeru referencyjnego. AR oznacza As required (Wg zapotrzebowania): ilo zostanie uzgodniona.
Name - Nazwa czci: tumaczenie nazw angielskich mona znale w dokumencie Glossary of part names (Sownik czci).
Remarks - Informacje dodatkowe o danej czci.
Cig liter moe informowa, e dana cz uzyskaa certyfikat okrelonej, upowanionej organizacji, zgodnie z kodami lub zasadami z listy.
Wymiary zostay podane w milimetrach.

8 2930 7052 03
Parts list


Especificar sempre a referncia da pea, o nome e a quantidade de itens necessrios, bem como o tipo e o nmero de srie da mquina.
Pginas marcadas com o smbolo de assistncia - contm peas de kits de assistncia. Para ver todos os contedos do kit consultar o captulo 1 - Service kits (1 - Kits de


Ref. - Nmero de referncia: estabelece a ligao entre uma pea especfica listada e o desenho. No desenho, apenas so mostradas peas com um nmero de referncia. As peas
mostradas no desenho que no apresentem um nmero de referncia servem apenas para ilustrar o conjunto.
Part number - Referncia da pea: se no for indicada a referncia da pea, o componente no est disponvel como pea sobresselente. Uma linha em negrito representa um con-
junto. Uma pea cujo nmero esteja seguido de um ponto preto est includa no conjunto impresso em negrito, imediatamente acima.
<<< >>> conduz a outra lista com o mesmo ttulo de Name.
Quando a referncia da pea especfica se encontra por baixo da linha Ref./Name, preciso escolher o tipo/verso da mquina.
Qty - Quantidade: indica o nmero de peas relacionadas com o nmero de referncia correspondente. AR significa As required (consoante requerido): quantidade ou nmero a
Name - Nome da pea: possvel encontrar tradues dos nomes ingleses das peas no documento Glossrio de designaes de peas.
Remarks - Informao extra sobre a pea.
Uma srie de letras pode indicar que uma determinada pea foi certificada pela entidade autorizada referida, de acordo com os cdigos ou as normas da lista.
As medidas so indicadas em milmetros.


Specificai ntotdeauna numrul de reper, numele i cantitatea articolelor necesare i tipul i numrul de serie ale mainii.
Paginile marcate cu simbolul Service - conin componente din kituri de service. Pentru coninutul complet al acestui kit consultai capitolul 1 - Service kits (1 - Kituri de


Ref. - Numrul de referin: coreleaz piesa respectiv din list cu desenul. n desen sunt prezentate numai piesele care au numere de referin. Piesele din desen care nu au niciun
numr de referin se afl acolo numai pentru a ilustra ansamblul.
Part number - Numr de reper: dac nu este specificat niciun numr de reper, componenta nu este disponibil ca pies de schimb. O linie ngroat reprezint un ansamblu. Un
reper al crui numr este urmat de un punct negru este cuprins n ansamblul tiprit ngroat de deasupra sa.
<<< >>> direcioneaz ctre o alt list care are titlul identic cu Nume.
Cnd numrul de reper al piesei respective este plasat sub linia Referin/Nume, este obligatorie selectarea unui tip sau a unei versiuni a mainii.
Qty - cantitate: indic numrul de piese corespunztoare numrului de referin respectiv. AR nseamn Conform necesar: cantitate sau numr care urmeaz a fi determinat.
Name - Nume reper: traducerile numelor englezeti pot fi gsite n documentul Glosar de nume de repere.
Remarks - Informaii suplimentare despre piese.
O serie de litere poate indica faptul c o anumit pies a fost certificat de organismul de autorizare specificat, n conformitate cu regulile sau codurile listei.
Dimensiunile sunt date n milimetri.

ru -

, , . ,
Service - , () (). 1 - Service kits (1 - ).

Ref. - : , , . , .
Partnumber - : , .
. , , , .
<<< >>> , Name ( ).
Ref./Name, , / .
Qty - : . AR As required ( ):
Name - : Glossary of Part Names ( ).
Remarks - - . , ,
. .

Vdy zadajte slo sasti, nzov a mnostvo poadovanch poloiek a takisto typ a vrobn slo zariadenia.
Strany oznaen servisnm symbolom - obsahuj asti servisnej spravy/servisnch sprav. pln zoznam prslunej spravy njdete v kapitole 1 - Service kits (1 - Servisn
spravy) .

Ref. - Referenn slo: sli na prepojenie konkrtnej uvedenej sasti k prslunmu vkresu. Na vkrese s zobrazen len sasti s referennm slom. Sasti bez referennho
sla na vkrese slia len na ilustrciu montnej skupiny.
Part number - slo sasti: ak nie je uren iadne slo sasti, dan komponent nie je k dispozcii ako nhradn siastka. Riadok uveden tunm psmom predstavuje
montnu skupinu. Sas, za ktorej slom nasleduje ierna bodka, je zahrnut vo vyie uvedenej hrubo vytlaenej zostave vpravo.
<<< >>> smeruje na al zoznam s rovnakm nzvom ako v poloke Name.
Ke sa slo uritej sasti nachdza pod riadkom Ref./Name, je potrebn vybra typ/verziu zariadenia.
Qty - Mnostvo: oznauje poet sast vzhadom na prslun referenn slo. Skratka AR znamen As required (poda potreby): mnostvo alebo slo bude stanoven.
Name - Nzov siastky: preklady anglickch nzvov mete njs v dokumente Register nzvov sast.
Remarks - alie informcie o danej sasti.
Postupnos psmen me urova, e urit sas bola certifikovan stanovenou oprvnenou intitciou poda kdov alebo pravidiel v danom zozname.
Rozmery s uveden v milimetroch.

2930 7052 03 9
Parts list


Vedno navedite tevilko dela, ime in koliino zahtevanih predmetov ter tip in serijsko tevilko stroja.
Strani, oznaene s simbolom za servis , vsebujejo dele servisnih kompletov. Za celotno vsebino kompleta si oglejte poglavje 1 - Service kits(1 - Servisni kompleti).

Ref. - Referenna tevilka: povezuje doloen navedeni del z risbo. Na risbi so prikazani samo deli z referenno tevilko. Deli na risbi, ki nimajo referenne tevilke, so namenjeni
samo prikazu sklopa.
Part number - tevilka dela: e tevilka dela ni navedena, komponenta ni na voljo kot rezervni del. Vrstica z odebeljenim tiskom predstavlja sklop. Del, katerega tevilki sledi rna
pika, spada v sklop, natisnjen z odebeljenim tiskom neposredno nad njim.
<<< >>> vas usmeri na drug seznam z enakim nazivom kot Name (Ime).
e je pod vrstico Ref./Name navedena tevilka dela za doloeni del, mora izbira temeljiti na tipu/razliici stroja.
Qty - Koliina: doloa tevilo delov v povezavi z ustrezno referenno tevilko. AR pomeni As required (kot je zahtevano): koliina ali tevilo za doloitev.
Name - Ime dela: prevodi anglekih imen se nahajajo v dokumentu Pojmovnik z imeni delov.
Remarks - Dodatne informacije o delu.
Zaporedje rk lahko pomeni, da je bil doloen del certificiran s strani navedenega pooblaenega organa, v skladu z zakoni ali pravili seznama.
Mere so podane v milimetrih.


Ange alltid reservdelsnummer, namn och antal delar som nskas, samt typbeteckning och tillverkningsnummer p maskinen.
Sidor markerade med servicesymbolen - innehller delar av servicesatser. Hela innehllet i satsen redovisas i kapitlet 1 - Service kits (1 - Servicesatser).

Ref. - Referensnummer: kopplar ihop en viss reservdel i frteckningen med ritningen. Endast reservdelar med referensnummer visas i ritningen. Reservdelar som saknar referens-
nummer i ritningen finns med fr att illustrera sjlva monteringen.
Part number - Reservdelsnummer: om reservdelsnummer saknas finns komponenten inte som reservdel. Monteringsanvisningar visas med fet stil. En reservdel vars nummer fljs
av en svart punkt finns med i den fetstilta monteringsanvisningen direkt ovanfr.
<<< >>> hnvisar till en annan lista med samma titel som namnet.
Nr reservdelsnumret fr den specifika delen r placerad nedanfr Ref./Namn-raden mste ett val gras utifrn maskinens typ/version.
Qty - Antal: anger hur mnga delar som r kopplade till motsvarande referensnummer. AR betyder As required (som erfordras): antal eller nummer bestms senare.
Name - Reservdelsbeteckningar: versttningar av de engelska beteckningarna terfinns i dokumentet Glossary of part names (Ordlista med reservdelsbeteckningar).
Remarks - Extrainformation om reservdelen.
En uppsttning bokstver kan ange att en viss reservdel har certifierats av det befullmktigade organet, enligt koderna eller reglerna i frteckningen.
Mtt anges i millimeter.


Gerekli elerin para numaralar, ad ve miktarnn yan sra makinenin tip ve seri numarasn da mutlaka belirtin.
Servis simgesi - tayan sayfalarda Servis kiti (kitleri) paralar bulunmaktadr. Kitle ilgili tm bilgilere ulamak iin 1 - Service kits (1 - Servis kitleri) blmne bavurun.

Ref. - Referans numaras: zel olarak listelenmi bir para iin izimden balant salar. Sadece referans numaras olan paralar izimde gsterilir. izimde referans numaras bulun-
mayan paralar sadece montaj ilemlerini gstermek iin verilmitir.
Part number - Para numaras: para numaras belirtilmemise, bileen yedek para olarak bulunmamaktadr. Koyu harflerle gsterilen satr montajdr. Numarasndan sonra siyah
bir nokta gelen para, yukarda koyu harflerle baslm montaja dahildir.
<<< >>>, Name (Ad) ile ayn balkta bir baka listeye ynlendirir.
Belirli bir parann para numaras Ref./Name (Ref./Ad) satrnn altna yerletirildiinde, makine tipi/modeli konusunda seim yaplmaldr.
Qty - Miktar: uygun referans numarasyla balantl olarak para saysn gsterir. AR, As required (Gerektii gibi) anlamna gelmektedir: belirlenecek olan miktar veya say.
Name - Para ad: ngilizce adlarn evirileri, Para adlar szlnde bulunabilir.
Remarks - Aklamalar: Para hakknda ek bilgiler.
Bir dizi harf, belirli bir parann yasalara veya liste kurallarna uygun olarak zel yetkili bir makam tarafndan sertifikalandrldn gsterebilir.
lmler milimetre cinsinden verilmitir.

zh -

1 - 1 - Service kits

Ref. -

Part number -

<<< >>>
Qty - ARAs required
Name -
Remarks -

10 2930 7052 03
Parts list

2930 7052 03 11
Parts list

Table of contents

1 Service kits................................................................................................................ 15

2 Drive arrangement.................................................................................................... 17

3 Air flow - Air inlet....................................................................................................... 23

4 Air dryer - Connections............................................................................................. 25

5 Air dryer - Components............................................................................................. 27

6 Oil system................................................................................................................. 31

7 Cubicle - IEC............................................................................................................. 33

8 Cubicle - UL-cUL....................................................................................................... 55

9 Dryer transformer cubicle.......................................................................................... 65

10 Bodywork - Common................................................................................................. 67

11 Bodywork - Pack - Floor mounted............................................................................. 69

12 Bodywork - Pack - Tank mounted.............................................................................. 71

13 Bodywork - Full Feature - Floor mounted.................................................................. 75

14 Bodywork - Full Feature - Tank mounted.................................................................. 77

15 Standard option - Electronic water drain - Air receiver.............................................. 81

16 Standard option - Electronic water drain - Compressor............................................ 83

17 Standard option - Timer drain - Air receiver.............................................................. 85

18 Standard option - Timer drain - Compressor............................................................. 87

19 Standard option - DDX/PDX filter.............................................................................. 89

20 Standard option - Water separator drain................................................................... 91

21 Standard option - After-cooler................................................................................... 93

22 Standard option - Air receiver - 500 litres.................................................................. 95

12 2930 7109 51
Parts list



2930 7109 51 13
Parts list

1 Service kits

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

2901 0919 00 1 Filter kit

1613 9001 00 1 Air filter element
2903 0337 01 1 Oil filter
2903 0871 00 1 Oil separator
0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
0663 2101 15 1 O-ring
1622 0624 00 1 Nipple

2901 0561 00 1 Shaft seal kit
1616 7154 00 1 Seal retainer
1616 7247 00 1 Bushing

2901 1095 00 1 Minimum Pressure Valve/Thermostat kit 71 C
2200 5998 20 1 Thermostatic valve kit
2904 0180 00 1 Instruction MPV Kit

2901 0563 00 1 Automatic drain kit
1617 7046 00 1 Nut
1617 7047 00 1 Automatic drain valve
0663 2111 29 1 O-ring

2901 0864 00 1 Filter kit PDx32

1 Oil
2901 0245 01 ROTO-INJECTFLUID 5 litres
2901 1700 00 ROTO-XTEND DUTY FLUID 5 litres
2901 0522 00 ROTO-INJECTFLUID 20 litres
2901 1701 00 ROTO-XTEND DUTY FLUID 20 litres

2200 7517 36 1 Kit Nipple/O-ring

2901 1097 00 1 Seal kit
0663 2112 44 1 O-ring
0663 9822 00 1 O-ring
0661 1000 39 5 Seal washer
0661 1000 38 3 Seal washer
0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer
0661 1000 43 1 Seal washer
2904 0181 00 1 Instruction
9820 4780 00 1 Service diagram

2901 0298 01 1 Unloader kit
0335 2136 00 1 Circlip
0663 7132 00 1 O-ring
1622 5118 00 1 Piston ring
0663 2105 13 1 O-ring
1622 5116 00 1 Spring
1622 4375 00 1 Piston
1513 0020 00 1 Valve
1622 5122 02 1 Spring
0663 6129 00 1 O-ring
0335 2130 00 1 Circlip
1613 9101 00 1 Gasket

14 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Service kits 1

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1513 0028 01 1 Gasket

1513 0434 00 1 Valve
9820 4856 01 1 Instruction

2200 9009 61 1 Kit spares unloader C55

2901 1411 50 1 Minimum pressure valve kit 1)
1513 0401 01 1 Valve disc
1513 0064 00 1 Spring
0663 2105 40 1 O-ring
1622 0259 00 1 Spring
0661 1000 60 1 Seal washer
1622 3364 80 1 Instruction
9820 3911 00 1 Instruction drawing

2901 1575 10 1 Single membrane kit 1)
0661 1000 40 3 Seal washer
1622 3363 03 1 Membrane
2202 7717 00 1 Fitting elbow
9828 4948 00 1 Instruction

2901 1575 20 1 Dual membrane kit 1)
0661 1000 40 6 Seal washer
1622 3363 03 2 Membrane
2202 7717 00 1 Fitting elbow
2202 7825 00 1 Elbow
9828 4948 00 1 Instruction

2901 1575 30 1 Tri membrane kit 1)
0661 1000 40 9 Seal washer
1622 3363 03 3 Membrane
2202 7717 00 1 Fitting elbow
2202 7825 00 2 Elbow
9828 4948 00 1 Instruction

1) These kits are specific for Nitrogen compressors.

2930 7109 51 15
Parts list




3120 3125 3130 3060


3135 5030
3140 4005

3025 3030 3120

2005 5005

2015 5015


3145 3100




6015 6010

Scale XXX%
9828 4987 10-01ed00 Fast Scale XXX%

16 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Drive arrangement 2

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 010 1616 6575 93 1 Service stage

2 005 1 Pulley element
2202 2512 57 GX 7 7.5bar(e)
2202 7044 01 GX 7 10bar(e)
2202 7044 03 GX 7 13bar(e)
2202 2500 90 GX 7 100psig
2202 2513 35 GX 7 125psig
2202 2513 35 GX 7 150psig
2202 2500 90 GX 7 175psig
2202 2512 57 GX 11 7.5bar(e)
2202 7044 02 GX 11 10bar(e)
2202 7044 02 GX 11 13bar(e)
2202 2512 57 GX 11 100psig
2202 7044 03 GX 11 125psig
2202 7044 02 GX 11 150psig
2202 2500 89 GX 11 175psig
2 010 1 Pulley motor
2202 7032 03 GX 7 7.5bar(e)
2202 7032 02 GX 7 10bar(e)
2202 7031 00 GX 7 13bar(e)
2202 7032 02 GX 7 100psig
2202 7032 02 GX 7 125psig
2202 7032 03 GX 7 150psig
2202 7031 00 GX 7 175psig
2202 7032 01 GX 11 7.5bar(e)
2202 7032 01 GX 11 10bar(e)
2202 7032 04 GX 11 13bar(e)
2202 7032 04 GX 11 100psig
2202 7032 04 GX 11 125psig
2202 7032 02 GX 11 150psig
2202 7032 02 GX 11 175psig
2 015 2 V-belt
0367 0100 55 GX 7 7.5bar(e)
0367 0100 57 GX 7 10bar(e)
0367 0100 60 GX 7 13bar(e)
0367 0100 63 GX 7 100psig
0367 0100 63 GX 7 125psig
0367 0100 57 GX 7 150psig
0367 0100 55 GX 7 175psig
0367 0100 63 GX 11 7.5bar(e)
0367 0100 58 GX 11 10bar(e)
0367 0100 57 GX 11 13bar(e)
0367 0100 57 GX 11 100psig
0367 0100 57 GX 11 125psig
0367 0100 57 GX 11 150psig
0367 0100 57 GX 11 175psig
3 005 2202 7023 00 1 Support
3 010 0392 1100 06 2 Damper
3 020 0333 3100 17 2 Washer
3 025 0211 1328 03 4 Screw
3 030 0300 8019 00 4 Washer
3 040 0147 1362 03 4 Screw
3 045 0333 4232 00 4 Washer
3 050 2202 7033 00 2 Stirrup

2930 7109 51 17
Parts list




3120 3125 3130 3060


3135 5030
3140 4005

3025 3030 3120

2005 5005

2015 5015


3145 3100




6015 6010

Scale XXX%
9828 4987 10-01ed00 Fast Scale XXX%

18 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Drive arrangement  2

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

3 055 0301 2335 00 2 Washer

3 060 0266 2110 00 2 Nut
3 070 2202 8475 00 1 Plate
3 075 0211 1325 03 2 Screw
3 080 0300 8019 00 2 Washer
3 100 0266 2110 00 2 Nut
3 105 0147 1360 03 1 Screw
3 115 0392 1100 15 1 Damper
3 120 0266 2110 00 2 Nut
3 125 0333 3100 17 2 Washer
3 130 0300 8019 00 1 Washer
3 135 2202 7047 00 1 Stirrup
3 140 0215 0003 91 4 Screw
3 145 2202 2500 96 1 Screw
4 005 1 Motor
2202 9798 03 GX 7 200V/50Hz
2202 9798 03 GX 7 200V/60Hz
2202 8644 00 GX 7 230V/50Hz
2202 8643 00 GX 7 400V/50Hz
2202 8712 00 GX 7 500V/50Hz
2202 9800 01 GX 7 575V/60Hz
2202 9799 01 GX 7 TRI-V/60Hz
2202 9801 03 GX 11 200V/50Hz
2202 9801 03 GX 11 200V/60Hz
2202 8705 00 GX 11 230V/50Hz
2202 8704 00 GX 11 400V/50Hz
2202 8713 00 GX 11 500V/50Hz
2202 9803 01 GX 11 575V/60Hz
2202 9802 01 GX 11 TRI-V/60Hz
4 100 1 Fan
2202 9496 02 GX 7 200V/50Hz
2202 9496 02 GX 7 200V/60Hz
2202 9496 02 GX 7 230V/50Hz
2202 9496 02 GX 7 400V/50Hz
2202 9496 02 GX 7 500V/50Hz
2202 9496 02 GX 7 575V/60Hz
2202 9496 02 GX 7 TRI-V/60Hz
2202 9496 02 GX 11 200V/50Hz
2202 9496 02 GX 11 200V/60Hz
2202 9496 02 GX 11 230V/50Hz
2202 9496 02 GX 11 400V/50Hz
2202 9496 02 GX 11 500V/50Hz
2202 9496 01 GX 11 575V/60Hz
2202 9496 01 GX 11 TRI-V/60Hz
4 105 2202 9497 02 1 Fan cover
4 110 5541 0818 00 4 Screw
5 005 0337 0009 57 1 Parallel key
5 010 2 Damper
0392 1100 22 GX 7
0392 1100 23 GX 11
5 015 2 Hexagon bolt
0147 1326 03 GX 7
0147 1363 03 GX 11

2930 7109 51 19
Parts list




3120 3125 3130 3060


3135 5030
3140 4005

3025 3030 3120

2005 5005

2015 5015


3145 3100




6015 6010

Scale XXX%
9828 4987 10-01ed00 Fast Scale XXX%

20 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Drive arrangement  2

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

5 020 2 Washer
0300 8019 00 GX 7
0300 0274 17 GX 11
5 025 2202 7214 00 1 Stirrup
5 030 0346 1000 41 1 Pipe clamp
6 005 1 Fan
2202 7043 04 GX 7 50Hz
2202 7043 06 GX 7 60Hz
2202 7043 02 GX 11 50Hz
2202 7043 04 GX 11 60Hz
6 010 0333 3100 19 1 Lock washer
6 015 0147 1405 03 1 Screw

2930 7109 51 21
Parts list

9828 4987 11-01ed00

22 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Air flow - Air inlet 3

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 005 1613 9000 80 1 Air filter assembly

1613 9001 00 Filter element
1 010 2203 0161 00 1 Intake valve
1 015 0347 6113 00 1 Hose clamp
1 025 0300 8019 00 4 Washer
1 030 0211 1325 03 4 Screw
1 050 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer
1 055 0571 0035 77 1 Nipple
1 060 2202 7050 01 1 Flexible
1 065 2202 7042 00 1 Nipple
1 070 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer
1 075 2202 7639 01 1 Coupling
1 080 0070 6002 09 1 Hose
1 085 1622 0871 00 1 Oil separator
1 090 9090 0239 00 1 Pressure gauge
1 095 0663 9031 00 1 O-ring
1 100 0583 8100 62 1 Coupling
1 105 0070 7250 04 1 Hose
1 110 9090 1536 00 1 Coupling
1 115 2202 7814 00 1 Reducing nipple
1 120 2202 7803 00 1 Stirrup
1 125 0129 3270 38 3 Rivet
1 130 0623 2504 00 1 Nut
1 135 0663 9821 00 1 O-ring
1 140 1089 0397 47 1 Pressure switch
2 005 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
0661 1000 38 7.5-10bar(e) Floor mounted
0661 1000 38 7.5-10bar(e) Floor mounted AM
0661 1000 38 7.5-10bar(e) Tank mounted
0661 1000 38 7.5-10bar(e) Tank mounted AM
0661 1000 38 13bar(e) Floor mounted
0661 1000 38 13bar(e) Floor mounted AM
0661 1000 38 13bar(e) Tank mounted
0661 1000 38 13bar(e) Tank mounted AM
2 010 1 Safety valve
2202 7215 02 7.5-10bar(e) Floor mounted
2202 7215 03 7.5-10bar(e) Frame mounted AM
2202 7215 02 7.5-10bar(e) Tank mounted
2202 7215 03 7.5-10bar(e) Tank mounted AM
2202 7215 02 13bar(e) Floor mounted
2202 7215 03 13bar(e) Frame mounted AM
2202 7215 02 13bar(e) Tank mounted
2202 7215 03 13bar(e) Tank mounted AM
0830 1009 68 100-125-150psig Floor mounted
0830 1009 68 100-125-150psig Tank mounted
0830 1009 69 175psig Floor mounted
0830 1009 69 175psig Tank mounted

2930 7109 51 23
Parts list



2010 2005

2025 2020


9828 4987 20-01ed00

Scale XXX%
24 2930XXX%
Fast Scale 7109 51
Parts list

Air dryer - Connections 4

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 005 1 Dryer
2200 9024 46 230V/50Hz
2200 9024 45 230V/60Hz
2 005 2202 8474 00 1 Air connection pipe
2 010 2202 8471 01 1 Air cooler
2 015 0661 1000 39 1 Seal washer
2 020 0603 5522 03 1 Nipple
2 025 2202 7685 06 1 Flexible
2 030 0661 1000 40 2 Seal washer
2 035 0147 1323 03 3 Hexagon head screw
2 040 0300 8019 00 3 Washer
2 045 2202 8834 00 AR Seal

2930 7109 51 25
Parts list

6015 3010

1044 9025
1050 6005


6010 4180
8010 4140
6020 4030





4010 4055

5015 7030


2010 7020




4070 1040



9828 4987 21-01ed00

Scale XXX%
26 2930XXX%
Fast Scale 7109 51
Parts list

Air dryer - Components 5

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Dryer
2200 9024 46 230V/50Hz
2200 9024 45 230V/60Hz
1 030 0129 3270 42 2 Rivet
1 040 0266 2108 00 1 Nut
1 044 0291 1128 15 2 Lock nut
1 045 0298 1000 22 4 Insert
1 050 0300 0274 64 2 Washer
1 060 0333 4220 00 2 Washer
1 070 0348 0101 20 6 Cable tie
1 080 2200 5997 43 1 Check valve
1 110 2202 0051 33 3 Snup-on fasteners
1 130 2202 7731 01 1 Rod
1 140 2202 7731 02 1 Rod
2 010 0129 3270 40 4 Rivet
2 020 2202 7662 00 1 Stirrup
3 010 1613 0974 03 1 Thermometer
4 010 0070 6002 49 AR Plastic tube
4 015 1 Insert
0298 1000 22 230V/60Hz
4 030 2200 6006 78 1 Pressure switch
4 035 2200 7099 06 1 Terminal cap
4 050 2202 7547 01 1 Electronic drain
4 055 1 Filter
2202 7569 04 230V/50Hz
2202 7569 04 230V/60Hz
4 065 1 Capillary tube
2202 7584 05 230V/50Hz
2202 7584 06 230V/60Hz
4 070 9828 4401 01 1 Cubicle
4 140 0348 0101 20 1 Cable tie
4 150 0395 1010 05 AR Insulation tape
4 160 2200 5997 43 1 Check valve
4 170 0348 0101 20 1 Cable tie
4 180 1 Insert
0298 1000 22 230V/50Hz
5 005 1 Refrigerant compressor
1627 0200 80 230V/50Hz
1627 1774 04 230V/60Hz
5 010 1 Start capacitor
1617 1549 25 230V/50Hz
- 230V/60Hz
5 015 1 Overload protector
1617 1550 93 230V/50Hz
- 230V/60Hz
5 020 1 Relay
1617 1551 74 230V/50Hz
- 230V/60Hz
5 030 1 Anti-vibration mounting set
1617 1528 80 230V/50Hz
- 230V/60Hz
2202 8922 86 1 Heat exchanger assembly
6 005 2202 8922 06 1 Heat exchanger
6 015 2202 8930 00 1 Insulation

2930 7109 51 27
Parts list

6015 3010

1044 9025
1050 6005


6010 4180
8010 4140
6020 4030





4010 4055

5015 7030


2010 7020




4070 1040



9828 4987 21-01ed00

Scale XXX%
28 2930XXX%
Fast Scale 7109 51
Parts list

Air dryer - Components  5

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

6 020 2202 8895 01 1 Pipe connection

6 025 2202 8924 00 1 Gasket
1 Condenser unit
2202 7512 87 230V/50Hz
2202 7512 85 230V/60Hz
7 010 2202 7620 04 1 Condenser
7 020 2202 7621 03 1 Fan shroud
7 030 1 Motor fan
2202 7622 05 230V/50Hz
2202 7622 02 230V/60Hz
7 040 1 Fan
2202 7623 04 230V/50Hz
2202 7623 02 230V/60Hz
2202 9092 81 1 Pipe assembly
8 010 2202 7324 04 1 Hot gas by-pass valve
8 020 2202 8516 00 1 No ret. Valve Schrader
2202 9758 82 1 Frame
9 005 2202 9758 02 1 Frame
9 010 2203 0763 01 1 Decal
9 015 1079 9926 55 1 Warning label
9 025 1079 9930 30 1 Label

2930 7109 51 29
Parts list


1150 1045 1065
1060 4010
1145 1055 1010
1070 1025


1085 4005
1030 4020




2005 1155



9828 4987 12-01ed00

Scale XXX%
30 2930XXX%
Fast Scale 7109 51
Parts list

Oil system 6

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 005 1 Thermostatic valve

2202 9992 04 71 C
2202 9992 05 83 C 1)
1 010 0211 1329 03 4 Screw
1 015 0686 3115 55 1 Plug
1 020 0661 1000 39 2 Seal washer
1 025 0627 5100 05 1 Pressure screw
1 030 2202 7050 02 1 Flexible
1 035 0571 0035 76 1 Nipple
1 040 0661 1000 39 1 Seal washer
1 045 0661 1000 42 1 Seal washer
1 050 2200 7514 34 1 Nipple
1 055 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1 060 0823 0050 39 1 Non return valve
1 065 0583 8181 18 1 Straight coupling
1 070 0070 6002 48 AR Hose
1 075 9740 2004 32 1 Coupling
1 080 0661 1000 39 1 Seal washer
1 085 2202 8285 00 1 Tube
1 090 2202 8274 00 1 Tube
1 095 2202 2608 45 1 Oil gauge
1 100 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer
1 105 1513 0337 01 1 Oil filter
1 110 0211 1325 03 2 Screw
1 115 0333 4232 00 2 Washer
1 120 0301 2335 00 2 Washer
1 125 2200 7599 10 1 Plug
1 130 0852 0010 45 1 Drain cook
1 135 0583 8120 22 1 Coupling
1 140 0070 6002 15 AR Hose
1 145 0661 1000 39 1 Seal washer
1 150 1089 0637 16 1 Temperature switch
1 155 2202 8843 01 1 Plate
1 160 0333 3100 17 2 Washer
2 005 1 Vessel
2202 7035 01 GX 7 CE
2202 7035 01 GX 11 CE
2202 7035 04 GX 7-11 ASME
2202 7035 04 GX 7-11 MOM
2202 7035 04 GX 7-11 CRN
3 005 1 Oil cooler
2202 8156 03 GX 7
2202 8544 01 GX 11
3 010 2202 8834 00 AR Seal
4 005 2901 1095 00 1 Thermostatic valve kit
4 010 2200 7517 36 1 Kit nipple
4 020 0663 9822 00 1 O-ring
4 030 0663 2112 44 1 O-ring

1) Standard option

2930 7109 51 31
Parts list

9828 4987 22-01ed00

32 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Cubicle - IEC 7

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Cubicle
9828 4139 01 GX 7 Pack 200V/50Hz CE
9828 4138 01 GX 7 Full Feature 200V/50Hz CE
9828 4139 03 GX 7 Pack 200V/60Hz CE
9828 4138 03 GX 7 Full Feature 200V/60Hz CE
9828 4137 03 GX 7 Pack 230V/50Hz CE
9828 4131 01 GX 7 Full Feature 230V/50Hz CE
9828 4137 07 GX 7 Pack 230V/60Hz CE
9828 4131 03 GX 7 Full Feature 230V/60Hz CE
9828 4137 05 GX 7 Pack 380V/60Hz CE
9828 4130 03 GX 7 Full Feature 380V/60Hz CE
9828 4137 01 GX 7 Pack 400V/50Hz CE
9828 4130 01 GX 7 Full Feature 400V/50Hz CE
9828 4132 01 GX 7 Full Feature 400V+N/50Hz CE
9828 4137 11 GX 7 Pack 460V/60Hz CE
9828 4130 07 GX 7 Full Feature 460V/60Hz CE
9828 4137 09 GX 7 Pack 500V/50Hz CE
9828 4130 05 GX 7 Full Feature 500V/50Hz CE
9828 4139 02 GX 11 Pack 200V/50Hz CE
9828 4138 02 GX 11 Full Feature 200V/50Hz CE
9828 4139 04 GX 11 Pack 200V/60Hz CE
9828 4138 04 GX 11 Full Feature 200V/60Hz CE
9828 4137 04 GX 11 Pack 230V/50Hz CE
9828 4131 02 GX 11 Full Feature 230V/50Hz CE
9828 4137 08 GX 11 Pack 230V/60Hz CE
9828 4131 04 GX 11 Full Feature 230V/60Hz CE
9828 4137 06 GX 11 Pack 380V/60Hz CE
9828 4130 04 GX 11 Full Feature 380V/60Hz CE
9828 4137 02 GX 11 Pack 400V/50Hz CE
9828 4130 02 GX 11 Full Feature 400V/50Hz CE
9828 4132 02 GX 11 Full Feature 400V+N/50Hz CE
9828 4137 12 GX 11 Pack 460V/60Hz CE
9828 4130 08 GX 11 Full Feature 460V/60Hz CE
9828 4130 06 GX 11 Full Feature 500V/50Hz CE
1 010 1 Line contactor
1089 9415 27 9828 4137 01
1089 9415 28 9828 4137 02
1089 9415 28 9828 4137 03
1089 9415 29 9828 4137 04
1089 9415 27 9828 4137 05
1089 9415 28 9828 4137 06
1089 9415 29 9828 4137 08
1089 9415 27 9828 4137 09
1089 9415 27 9828 4137 11
1089 9415 28 9828 4137 12
1089 9415 29 9828 4139 01
1089 9415 37 9828 4139 02
1089 9415 29 9828 4139 03
1089 9415 37 9828 4139 04
1089 9415 28 9828 4131 01
1089 9415 29 9828 4131 02
1089 9415 28 9828 4131 03
1089 9415 29 9828 4131 04
1089 9415 27 9828 4132 01

2930 7109 51 33
Parts list

9828 4987 22-01ed00

34 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Cubicle - IEC  7

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1089 9415 28 9828 4132 02

1089 9415 27 9828 4130 01
1089 9415 28 9828 4130 02
1089 9415 27 9828 4130 03
1089 9415 28 9828 4130 04
1089 9415 27 9828 4130 05
1089 9415 28 9828 4130 06
1089 9415 27 9828 4130 07
1089 9415 28 9828 4130 08
1089 9415 29 9828 4138 01
1089 9415 37 9828 4138 02
1089 9415 29 9828 4138 03
1089 9415 37 9828 4138 04
1 020 1 Delta contactor
1089 9415 27 9828 4137 01
1089 9415 28 9828 4137 02
1089 9415 28 9828 4137 03
1089 9415 29 9828 4137 04
1089 9415 27 9828 4137 05
1089 9415 28 9828 4137 06
1089 9415 29 9828 4137 08
1089 9415 27 9828 4137 09
1089 9415 27 9828 4137 11
1089 9415 28 9828 4137 12
9828 4139 29 9828 4139 01
9828 4139 37 9828 4139 02
9828 4139 28 9828 4139 03
9828 4139 37 9828 4139 04
1089 9415 28 9828 4131 01
1089 9415 29 9828 4131 02
1089 9415 28 9828 4131 03
1089 9415 29 9828 4131 04
1089 9415 27 9828 4132 01
1089 9415 28 9828 4132 02
1089 9415 27 9828 4130 01
1089 9415 28 9828 4130 02
1089 9415 27 9828 4130 03
1089 9415 28 9828 4130 04
1089 9415 27 9828 4130 05
1089 9415 28 9828 4130 06
1089 9415 27 9828 4130 07
1089 9415 28 9828 4130 08
1089 9415 29 9828 4138 01
1089 9415 37 9828 4138 02
1089 9415 29 9828 4138 03
1089 9415 37 9828 4138 04
1 025 1 Auxiliary contactor
1089 9415 08 9828 4137 01
1089 9415 08 9828 4137 02
1089 9415 08 9828 4137 03
1089 9415 08 9828 4137 04
1089 9415 08 9828 4137 05
1089 9415 08 9828 4137 06
1089 9415 08 9828 4137 07

2930 7109 51 35
Parts list

9828 4987 22-01ed00

36 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Cubicle - IEC  7

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1089 9415 08 9828 4137 08

1089 9415 08 9828 4137 09
1089 9415 08 9828 4137 11
1089 9415 08 9828 4137 12
1089 9415 08 9828 4139 01
1089 9415 09 9828 4139 02
1089 9415 08 9828 4139 03
1089 9415 09 9828 4139 04
1089 9415 08 9828 4131 01
1089 9415 08 9828 4131 02
1089 9415 08 9828 4131 03
1089 9415 08 9828 4131 04
1089 9415 08 9828 4132 01
1089 9415 08 9828 4132 02
1089 9415 08 9828 4130 01
1089 9415 08 9828 4130 02
1089 9415 08 9828 4130 03
1089 9415 08 9828 4130 04
1089 9415 08 9828 4130 05
1089 9415 08 9828 4130 06
1089 9415 08 9828 4130 07
1089 9415 08 9828 4130 08
1089 9415 08 9828 4138 01
1089 9415 09 9828 4138 02
1089 9415 08 9828 4138 03
1089 9415 09 9828 4138 04
1 030 1 Star contactor
1089 9415 27 9828 4137 01
1089 9415 27 9828 4137 02
1089 9415 27 9828 4137 03
1089 9415 29 9828 4137 04
1089 9415 27 9828 4137 05
1089 9415 27 9828 4137 06
1089 9415 27 9828 4137 07
1089 9415 29 9828 4137 08
1089 9415 27 9828 4137 09
1089 9415 27 9828 4137 11
1089 9415 27 9828 4137 12
1089 9415 27 9828 4139 01
1089 9415 29 9828 4139 02
1089 9415 27 9828 4139 03
1089 9415 29 9828 4139 04
1089 9415 27 9828 4131 01
1089 9415 29 9828 4131 02
1089 9415 27 9828 4131 03
1089 9415 29 9828 4131 04
1089 9415 27 9828 4132 01
1089 9415 27 9828 4132 02
1089 9415 27 9828 4130 01
1089 9415 27 9828 4130 02
1089 9415 27 9828 4130 03
1089 9415 27 9828 4130 04
1089 9415 27 9828 4130 05
1089 9415 27 9828 4130 06

2930 7109 51 37
Parts list

9828 4987 22-01ed00

38 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Cubicle - IEC  7

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1089 9415 27 9828 4130 07

1089 9415 27 9828 4130 08
1089 9415 27 9828 4138 01
1089 9415 29 9828 4138 02
1089 9415 27 9828 4138 03
1089 9415 29 9828 4138 04
1 035 1089 9415 08 1 Auxiliary contactor
1 040 1 Dryer contactor
1089 9415 17 9828 4131 01
1089 9415 17 9828 4131 02
1089 9415 17 9828 4131 03
1089 9415 17 9828 4131 04
1089 9415 17 9828 4132 01
1089 9415 17 9828 4132 02
1089 9415 17 9828 4130 01
1089 9415 17 9828 4130 02
1089 9415 17 9828 4130 03
1089 9415 17 9828 4130 04
1089 9415 17 9828 4130 05
1089 9415 17 9828 4130 06
1089 9415 17 9828 4130 07
1089 9415 17 9828 4130 08
1089 9415 19 9828 4138 01
1089 9415 19 9828 4138 02
1089 9415 19 9828 4138 03
1089 9415 19 9828 4138 04
1 050 1 Overload relay
1089 9424 27 9828 4137 01
1089 9424 28 9828 4137 02
1089 9424 29 9828 4137 03
1089 9424 31 9828 4137 04
1089 9424 27 9828 4137 05
1089 9424 28 9828 4137 06
1089 9424 29 9828 4137 07
1089 9424 31 9828 4137 08
1089 9424 27 9828 4137 09
1089 9424 27 9828 4137 11
1089 9424 28 9828 4137 12
1089 9424 30 9828 4139 01
1089 9424 39 9828 4139 02
1089 9424 30 9828 4139 03
1089 9424 39 9828 4139 04
1089 9424 29 9828 4131 01
1089 9424 31 9828 4131 02
1089 9424 29 9828 4131 03
1089 9424 31 9828 4131 04
1089 9424 19 9828 4132 01
1089 9424 28 9828 4132 02
1089 9424 19 9828 4130 01
1089 9424 28 9828 4130 02
1089 9424 19 9828 4130 03
1089 9424 28 9828 4130 04
1089 9424 19 9828 4130 05
1089 9424 28 9828 4130 06

2930 7109 51 39
Parts list

9828 4987 22-01ed00

40 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Cubicle - IEC  7

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1089 9424 19 9828 4130 07

1089 9424 28 9828 4130 08
1089 9424 30 9828 4138 01
1089 9424 39 9828 4138 02
1089 9424 30 9828 4138 03
1089 9424 39 9828 4138 04
1 070 1 Cable gland (Supply)
0698 5141 20 9828 4137 01
0698 5141 20 9828 4137 02
0698 5141 27 9828 4137 03
0698 5141 27 9828 4137 04
0698 5141 20 9828 4137 05
0698 5141 20 9828 4137 06
0698 5141 27 9828 4137 07
0698 5141 27 9828 4137 08
0698 5141 20 9828 4137 09
0698 5141 20 9828 4137 11
0698 5141 20 9828 4137 12
0698 5141 20 9828 4139 01
0698 5141 27 9828 4139 02
0698 5141 20 9828 4139 03
0698 5141 27 9828 4139 04
0698 5141 27 9828 4131 01
0698 5141 27 9828 4131 02
0698 5141 27 9828 4131 03
0698 5141 27 9828 4131 04
0698 5141 20 9828 4132 01
0698 5141 20 9828 4132 02
0698 5141 20 9828 4130 01
0698 5141 20 9828 4130 02
0698 5141 20 9828 4130 03
0698 5141 20 9828 4130 04
0698 5141 20 9828 4130 05
0698 5141 20 9828 4130 06
0698 5141 20 9828 4130 07
0698 5141 20 9828 4130 08
0698 5141 20 9828 4138 01
0698 5141 27 9828 4138 02
0698 5141 20 9828 4138 03
0698 5141 27 9828 4138 04
1 075 0697 9809 51 1 Nut (Supply)
1 080 1 Cable gland (Dryer supply)
0698 5141 21 9828 4131 01
0698 5141 21 9828 4131 02
0698 5141 21 9828 4131 03
0698 5141 21 9828 4131 04
0698 5141 21 9828 4132 01
0698 5141 21 9828 4132 02
1 085 1 Nut (Dryer supply)
0697 9809 53 9828 4131 01
0697 9809 53 9828 4131 02
0697 9809 53 9828 4131 03
0697 9809 53 9828 4131 04
0697 9809 53 9828 4132 01

2930 7109 51 41
Parts list

9828 4987 22-01ed00

42 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Cubicle - IEC  7

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

0697 9809 53 9828 4132 02

1 090 0698 5141 17 1 Cable gland (TSH)
1 095 0697 9809 54 1 Cable gland (TSH)
1 096 0698 5148 12 1 Multiple sealing
1 097 0698 5148 11 2 Plug
1 100 0698 5141 17 1 Cable gland (Y1-PS)
1 105 0697 9809 54 1 Nut (Y1-PS)
1 106 0698 5148 12 1 Multiple sealing
1 107 0698 5148 11 1 Plug
1 110 1 Transformer
2200 7023 15 9828 4137 01
2200 7023 15 9828 4137 02
2200 7023 15 9828 4137 03
2200 7023 15 9828 4137 04
2200 7023 15 9828 4137 05
2200 7023 15 9828 4137 06
2200 7023 15 9828 4137 07
2200 7023 15 9828 4137 08
2200 7023 16 9828 4137 09
2200 7023 16 9828 4137 11
2200 7023 16 9828 4137 12
2200 7023 19 9828 4139 01
2200 7023 19 9828 4139 02
2200 7023 19 9828 4139 03
2200 7023 19 9828 4139 04
2200 7023 15 9828 4131 01
2200 7023 15 9828 4131 02
2200 7023 15 9828 4131 03
2200 7023 15 9828 4131 04
2200 7023 15 9828 4132 01
2200 7023 15 9828 4132 02
2200 7023 15 9828 4130 01
2200 7023 15 9828 4130 02
2200 7023 15 9828 4130 03
2200 7023 15 9828 4130 04
2200 7023 16 9828 4130 05
2200 7023 16 9828 4130 06
2200 7023 16 9828 4130 07
2200 7023 16 9828 4130 08
2200 7023 19 9828 4138 01
2200 7023 19 9828 4138 02
2200 7023 19 9828 4138 03
2200 7023 19 9828 4138 04
1 130 4 Terminal (End stop)
1088 0031 81 9828 4137 01
1088 0031 81 9828 4137 02
1088 0031 81 9828 4137 03
1088 0031 81 9828 4137 04
1088 0031 81 9828 4137 05
1088 0031 81 9828 4137 06
1088 0031 81 9828 4137 07
1088 0031 81 9828 4137 08
1088 0031 81 9828 4137 09
1088 0031 81 9828 4137 11

2930 7109 51 43
Parts list

9828 4987 22-01ed00

44 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Cubicle - IEC  7

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1088 0031 81 9828 4137 12

1088 0031 81 9828 4139 01
1088 0031 81 9828 4139 02
1 140 Terminal clamp
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4137 01
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4137 02
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4137 03
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4137 04
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4137 05
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4137 06
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4137 07
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4137 08
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4137 09
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4137 11
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4137 12
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4139 01
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4139 02
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4139 03
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4139 04
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4131 01
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4131 02
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4131 03
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4131 04
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4132 01
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4132 02
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4130 01
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4130 02
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4130 03
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4130 04
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4130 05
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4130 06
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4130 07
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4130 08
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4138 01
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4138 02
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4138 03
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4138 04
1 150 1089 0506 76 3 Ground terminal
1 170 1089 9337 72 1 Emergency stop button
1 175 1089 0362 50 2 Switch
1 176 1089 0362 80 1 Button support
1 177 1089 9125 13 1 Yellow ring
1 180 2202 8420 00 1 Elektronikon
1 190 1 Hourmeter
1089 0642 41 9828 4137 01
1089 0642 41 9828 4137 02
1089 0642 41 9828 4137 03
1089 0642 41 9828 4137 04
1089 0642 46 9828 4137 05
1089 0642 46 9828 4137 06
1089 0642 46 9828 4137 07
1089 0642 46 9828 4137 08
1089 0642 41 9828 4137 09
1089 0642 46 9828 4137 11

2930 7109 51 45
Parts list

9828 4987 22-01ed00

46 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Cubicle - IEC  7

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1089 0642 46 9828 4137 12

1089 0642 41 9828 4139 01
1089 0642 41 9828 4139 02
1089 0642 46 9828 4139 03
1089 0642 46 9828 4139 04
1089 0642 41 9828 4131 01
1089 0642 41 9828 4131 02
1089 0642 46 9828 4131 03
1089 0642 46 9828 4131 04
1089 0642 41 9828 4132 01
1089 0642 41 9828 4132 02
1089 0642 41 9828 4130 01
1089 0642 41 9828 4130 02
1089 0642 46 9828 4130 03
1089 0642 46 9828 4130 04
1089 0642 41 9828 4130 05
1089 0642 41 9828 4130 06
1089 0642 46 9828 4130 07
1089 0642 46 9828 4130 08
1089 0642 41 9828 4138 01
1089 0642 41 9828 4138 02
1089 0642 46 9828 4138 03
1089 0642 46 9828 4138 04
1 200 2 Fuse
1089 0612 22 9828 4137 01
1089 0612 22 9828 4137 02
1089 0612 23 9828 4137 03
1089 0612 23 9828 4137 04
1089 0612 22 9828 4137 05
1089 0612 22 9828 4137 06
1089 0612 23 9828 4137 07
1089 0612 23 9828 4137 08
1089 0612 22 9828 4137 09
1089 0612 22 9828 4137 11
1089 0612 22 9828 4137 12
1089 9332 12 9828 4139 01
1089 9332 12 9828 4139 02
1089 9332 12 9828 4139 03
1089 9332 12 9828 4139 04
1089 0612 23 9828 4131 01
1089 0612 23 9828 4131 02
1089 0612 23 9828 4131 03
1089 0612 23 9828 4131 04
1089 0612 22 9828 4132 01
1089 0612 22 9828 4132 02
1089 0612 22 9828 4130 01
1089 0612 22 9828 4130 02
1089 0612 22 9828 4130 03
1089 0612 22 9828 4130 04
1089 0612 22 9828 4130 05
1089 0612 22 9828 4130 06
1089 0612 22 9828 4130 07
1089 0612 22 9828 4130 08
1089 9332 12 9828 4138 01

2930 7109 51 47
Parts list

9828 4987 22-01ed00

48 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Cubicle - IEC  7

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1089 9332 12 9828 4138 02

1089 9332 12 9828 4138 03
1089 9332 12 9828 4138 04
1 205 1089 9594 02 1 Fuse holder
1 210 1089 9037 20 1 Fuse
1 215 1089 0506 16 1 Fuse holder
1 220 1089 9037 19 2 Fuse
1 225 1089 0506 16 2 Fuse holder
1 230 2 Fuse
1089 0612 25 9828 4131 01
1089 0612 25 9828 4131 02
1089 0612 25 9828 4131 03
1089 0612 25 9828 4131 04
1089 0612 25 9828 4132 01
1089 0612 25 9828 4132 02
1089 9332 02 9828 4130 01
1089 9332 02 9828 4130 02
1089 9332 02 9828 4130 03
1089 9332 02 9828 4130 04
1089 9332 02 9828 4130 05
1089 9332 02 9828 4130 06
1089 9332 02 9828 4130 07
1089 9332 02 9828 4130 08
1089 9332 13 9828 4138 01
1089 9332 13 9828 4138 02
1089 9332 13 9828 4138 03
1089 9332 13 9828 4138 04
1 235 1 Fuse holder
1089 9594 02 9828 4131 01
1089 9594 02 9828 4131 02
1089 9594 02 9828 4131 03
1089 9594 02 9828 4131 04
1089 9594 02 9828 4132 01
1089 9594 02 9828 4132 02
1089 9594 02 9828 4130 01
1089 9594 02 9828 4130 02
1089 9594 02 9828 4130 03
1089 9594 02 9828 4130 04
1089 9594 02 9828 4130 05
1089 9594 02 9828 4130 06
1089 9594 02 9828 4130 07
1089 9594 02 9828 4130 08
1089 9594 02 9828 4138 01
1089 9594 02 9828 4138 02
1089 9594 02 9828 4138 03
1089 9594 02 9828 4138 04
1 240 1079 9925 69 1 Label
1 250 1088 1001 02 1 Label
1 280 2202 7025 00 1 Support
1 290 1 Right panel
2202 8766 05 9828 4137 01
2202 8766 05 9828 4137 02
2202 8766 05 9828 4137 03
2202 8766 05 9828 4137 04

2930 7109 51 49
Parts list

9828 4987 22-01ed00

50 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Cubicle - IEC  7

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

2202 8766 05 9828 4137 05

2202 8766 05 9828 4137 06
2202 8766 05 9828 4137 07
2202 8766 05 9828 4137 08
2202 8766 05 9828 4137 09
2202 8766 05 9828 4137 11
2202 8766 05 9828 4137 12
2202 8766 05 9828 4139 01
2202 8766 05 9828 4139 02
2202 8430 85 9828 4139 03
2202 8430 85 9828 4139 04
2202 8430 85 9828 4131 01
2202 8430 85 9828 4131 02
2202 8430 85 9828 4131 03
2202 8430 85 9828 4131 04
2202 8430 85 9828 4132 01
2202 8430 85 9828 4132 02
2202 8430 85 9828 4130 01
2202 8430 85 9828 4130 02
2202 8430 85 9828 4130 03
2202 8430 85 9828 4130 04
2202 8430 85 9828 4130 05
2202 8430 85 9828 4130 06
2202 8430 85 9828 4130 07
2202 8430 85 9828 4130 08
2202 8430 85 9828 4138 01
2202 8430 85 9828 4138 02
2202 8430 85 9828 4138 03
2202 8430 85 9828 4138 04
1 Insulation foam
2202 8741 02 9828 4137 01
2202 8741 02 9828 4137 02
2202 8741 02 9828 4137 03
2202 8741 02 9828 4137 04
2202 8741 02 9828 4137 05
2202 8741 02 9828 4137 06
2202 8741 02 9828 4137 07
2202 8741 02 9828 4137 08
2202 8741 02 9828 4137 09
2202 8741 02 9828 4137 11
2202 8741 02 9828 4137 12
2202 8741 02 9828 4139 01
2202 8741 02 9828 4139 02
2202 8741 02 9828 4139 03
2202 8741 02 9828 4139 04
2202 8741 02 9828 4131 01
2202 8741 02 9828 4131 02
2202 8741 02 9828 4131 03
2202 8741 02 9828 4131 04
2202 8741 02 9828 4132 01
2202 8741 01 9828 4132 02
2202 8741 02 9828 4130 01
2202 8741 01 9828 4130 02
2202 8741 02 9828 4130 03

2930 7109 51 51
Parts list

9828 4987 22-01ed00

52 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Cubicle - IEC  7

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

2202 8741 01 9828 4130 04

2202 8741 02 9828 4130 05
2202 8741 01 9828 4130 06
2202 8741 02 9828 4130 07
2202 8741 01 9828 4130 08
2202 8741 02 9828 4138 01
2202 8741 01 9828 4138 02
2202 8741 02 9828 4138 03
2202 8741 01 9828 4138 04
1 300 2202 7595 85 1 Cubicle door
1 310 2202 7222 01 2 Hinge
1 320 2202 8808 00 1 Lock
1 330 2202 2512 59 1 Draw latch
1 340 1089 9154 02 1 Key
1 350 2202 7054 00 AR Seal
1 360 0216 1207 00 2 Screw

2930 7109 51 53
Parts list

9828 4987 23-01ed00

54 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Cubicle - UL-cUL 8

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Cubicle
9828 4306 71 GX 7 Pack 200V/60Hz UL-cUL
9828 4306 61 GX 7 Full feature 200V/60Hz UL-cUL
9828 4305 31 GX 7 Pack TRI-V/60Hz UL-cUL
9828 4305 21 GX 7 Full feature TRI-V/60Hz UL-cUL
9828 4305 71 GX 7 Pack 575V/60Hz UL-cUL
9828 4305 61 GX 7 Full feature 575/60Hz UL-cUL
9828 4306 51 GX 11 Pack 200V/60Hz UL-cUL
9828 4306 31 GX 11 Full feature 200V/60Hz UL-cUL
9828 4305 11 GX 11 Pack TRI-V/60Hz UL-cUL
9828 4305 01 GX 11 Full feature TRI-V/60Hz UL-cUL
9828 4305 51 GX 11 Pack 575V/60Hz UL-cUL
9828 4305 41 GX 11 Full feature 575V/60Hz UL-cUL
1 010 1 Contactor
1089 9415 69 9828 4306 31
1089 9415 69 9828 4306 51
1089 9415 73 9828 4306 61
1089 9415 73 9828 4306 71
1089 9415 73 9828 4305 01
1089 9415 73 9828 4305 11
1089 9415 37 9828 4305 21
1089 9415 37 9828 4305 31
1089 9415 28 9828 4305 41
1089 9415 28 9828 4305 51
1089 9415 27 9828 4305 61
1089 9415 27 9828 4305 71
1 015 1 Auxiliary contactor
1089 9415 09 9828 4306 31
1089 9415 09 9828 4306 61
1089 9415 09 9828 4305 01
1089 9415 09 9828 4305 21
1089 9415 07 9828 4305 41
1089 9415 07 9828 4305 61
1 020 1 Label
2202 8789 09 9828 4306 71
2202 8789 07 9828 4305 31
2202 8789 11 9828 4305 71
2202 8789 03 9828 4306 51
2202 8787 00 9828 4305 11
2202 8789 15 9828 4305 51
2202 8789 08 9828 4306 61
2202 8789 16 9828 4305 21
2202 8789 10 9828 4305 61
2202 8789 02 9828 4306 31
2202 8789 00 9828 4305 01
2202 8789 14 9828 4305 41
1 040 1 Contactor
1089 9415 19 9828 4306 31
1089 9415 19 9828 4306 61
1089 9415 17 9828 4305 01
1089 9415 17 9828 4305 21
1089 9415 17 9828 4305 41
1089 9415 17 9828 4305 61

2930 7109 51 55
Parts list

9828 4987 23-01ed00

56 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Cubicle - UL-cUL 8

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 050 1 Overload relay

1089 9424 46 9828 4306 31
1089 9424 46 9828 4306 51
1089 9424 40 9828 4306 61
1089 9424 40 9828 4306 71
1089 9446 61 9828 4305 01
1089 9446 61 9828 4305 11
1089 9446 61 9828 4305 21
1089 9446 61 9828 4305 31
1089 9424 30 9828 4305 41
1089 9424 30 9828 4305 51
1089 9424 28 9828 4305 61
1089 9424 28 9828 4305 71
1 055 1 Auxiliary contactor
1089 9438 10 9828 4306 61
1 060 2 Cable gland
0698 5141 27 9828 4306 31
0698 5141 27 9828 4306 51
0698 5141 20 9828 4306 61
0698 5141 20 9828 4306 71
0698 5141 17 9828 4305 41
0698 5141 17 9828 4305 51
0698 5141 17 9828 4305 61
0698 5141 17 9828 4305 71
1 065 1 Nut
0697 9809 51 9828 4306 31
0697 9809 51 9828 4306 51
0697 9809 51 9828 4306 61
0697 9809 51 9828 4306 71
0697 9809 54 9828 4305 41
0697 9809 54 9828 4305 51
0697 9809 54 9828 4305 61
0697 9809 54 9828 4305 71
1 066 1 Cable gland (M1)
0698 5141 28 9828 4305 41
0698 5141 28 9828 4305 51
0698 5141 28 9828 4305 61
0698 5141 28 9828 4305 71
1 070 1 Cable gland
0698 5141 27 9828 4306 31
0698 5141 27 9828 4306 51
0698 5141 27 9828 4306 61
0698 5141 27 9828 4306 71
0698 5141 27 9828 4305 01
0698 5141 27 9828 4305 11
0698 5141 20 9828 4305 21
0698 5141 20 9828 4305 31
0698 5141 17 9828 4305 41
0698 5141 17 9828 4305 51
0698 5141 17 9828 4305 61
0698 5141 17 9828 4305 71
1 075 1 Nut
0697 9809 51 9828 4306 31
0697 9809 51 9828 4306 51

2930 7109 51 57
Parts list

9828 4987 23-01ed00

58 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Cubicle - UL-cUL 8

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

0697 9809 51 9828 4306 61

0697 9809 51 9828 4306 71
0697 9809 51 9828 4305 01
0697 9809 51 9828 4305 11
0697 9809 51 9828 4305 21
0697 9809 51 9828 4305 31
0697 9809 54 9828 4305 41
0697 9809 54 9828 4305 51
0697 9809 54 9828 4305 61
0697 9809 54 9828 4305 71
1 090 0698 5141 17 1 Cable gland
1 095 0697 9809 54 1 Nut
1 096 0698 5148 12 1 Multiple sealing
1 097 0698 5148 11 2 Plug
1 100 0698 5141 17 1 Cable gland
1 105 0697 9809 54 1 Nut
1 106 0698 5148 12 1 Multiple sealing
1 107 0698 5148 11 1 Plug
1 110 1 Transformer
2202 8786 01 9828 4306 31
2202 8786 01 9828 4306 51
2202 8786 01 9828 4306 61
2202 8786 01 9828 4306 71
2202 8786 01 9828 4305 01
2202 8786 01 9828 4305 11
2202 8786 01 9828 4305 21
2202 8786 01 9828 4305 31
2202 8786 02 9828 4305 41
2202 8786 02 9828 4305 51
2202 8786 02 9828 4305 61
2202 8786 02 9828 4305 71
1 140 Terminal clamp
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4306 31
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4306 61
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4305 01
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4305 21
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4305 41
1088 0037 50 12 9828 4305 61
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4306 51
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4306 71
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4305 11
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4305 31
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4305 51
1088 0037 50 14 9828 4305 71
1 145 1088 0031 74 10 Power terminal
1 146 1088 0031 96 6 Terminal bridge
1 150 1089 0506 76 3 Ground terminal
1 170 1089 9337 72 1 Emergency stop button
1 175 1089 0362 50 2 Switch
1 176 1089 0362 80 1 Button support
1 177 1089 9125 13 1 Yellow ring
1 180 2202 8420 00 1 Elektronikon
1 190 1089 0642 46 1 Hourmeter

2930 7109 51 59
Parts list

9828 4987 23-01ed00

60 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Cubicle - UL-cUL 8

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 200 2 Fuse
1089 9167 02 9828 4306 31
1089 9167 02 9828 4306 51
1089 9167 02 9828 4306 61
1089 9167 02 9828 4306 71
1089 9168 48 9828 4305 41
1089 9168 48 9828 4305 51
1089 9168 48 9828 4305 61
1089 9168 48 9828 4305 71
1 201 2 Fuse
1089 9168 48 9828 4305 01
1089 9168 48 9828 4305 11
1089 9168 48 9828 4305 21
1089 9168 48 9828 4305 31
1 205 1089 9594 02 1 Fuse holder
1 210 1089 9168 79 1 Fuse
1 215 1089 0506 16 1 Fuse holder
1 220 1089 9168 74 2 Fuse
1 225 1089 0506 16 2 Fuse holder
1 230 2 Fuse
1089 9168 42 9828 4306 31
1089 9168 42 9828 4306 61
1089 9168 51 9828 4305 01
1089 9168 51 9828 4305 21
1089 9168 27 9828 4305 41
1089 9168 27 9828 4305 61
1 235 1 Fuse holder
1089 9594 04 9828 4306 31
1089 9594 04 9828 4306 61
1089 9594 04 9828 4305 01
1089 9594 04 9828 4305 21
1089 9594 04 9828 4305 41
1089 9594 04 9828 4305 61
1 240 1079 9925 69 1 Label
1 245 1 Connection label
2202 8788 05 9828 4305 01
2202 8788 05 9828 4305 11
2202 8788 05 9828 4305 21
2202 8788 05 9828 4305 31
1 250 1088 1001 02 1 Label
1 255 1 Label
2202 8788 03 9828 4306 31
2202 8788 03 9828 4306 51
2202 8788 03 9828 4306 61
2202 8788 03 9828 4306 71
2202 8788 00 9828 4305 01
2202 8788 00 9828 4305 11
2202 8788 00 9828 4305 21
2202 8788 00 9828 4305 31
2202 8788 04 9828 4305 41
2202 8788 04 9828 4305 51
2202 8788 04 9828 4305 61
2202 8788 04 9828 4305 71

2930 7109 51 61
Parts list

9828 4987 23-01ed00

62 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Cubicle - UL-cUL 8

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 260 1 Label 3ph 208V

2202 8859 00 9828 4305 01
2202 8859 00 9828 4305 11
2202 8859 00 9828 4305 21
2202 8859 00 9828 4305 31
1 261 1 Label removable warning
2202 8857 00 9828 4305 01
2202 8857 00 9828 4305 21
1 Label
2202 8788 01 9828 4306 31
2202 8788 01 9828 4306 51
2202 8788 01 9828 4306 61
2202 8788 01 9828 4306 71
2202 2610 04 9828 4305 01
2202 2610 04 9828 4305 11
2202 2610 04 9828 4305 21
2202 2610 04 9828 4305 31
2202 2610 02 9828 4305 41
2202 2610 02 9828 4305 51
2202 2610 02 9828 4305 61
2202 2610 02 9828 4305 71
1 270 1 Label 3ph 460V
2202 2610 70 9828 4305 01
2202 2610 70 9828 4305 11
2202 2610 70 9828 4305 21
2202 2610 70 9828 4305 31
1 280 2202 7025 00 1 Support
1 290 1 Right panel
2202 8430 85 9828 4306 31
2202 8766 05 9828 4306 51
2202 8430 85 9828 4306 61
2202 8766 05 9828 4306 71
2202 8430 85 9828 4305 01
2202 8430 85 9828 4305 11
2202 8430 85 9828 4305 21
2202 8430 85 9828 4305 31
2202 8766 05 9828 4305 41
2202 8766 05 9828 4305 51
2202 8766 05 9828 4305 61
2202 8766 05 9828 4305 71
1 Insulation foam
2202 8741 01 9828 4306 31
2202 8741 02 0982 4306 61
2202 8741 01 9828 4305 01
2202 8741 02 9828 4305 21
2202 8741 01 9828 4305 41
2202 8741 02 9828 4305 61
1 300 2202 7595 85 1 Cubicle Door
1 310 2202 7222 01 2 Hinge
1 320 2200 8808 00 1 Lock
1 330 2202 2512 59 1 Draw latch
1 340 1089 9154 02 1 Key
1 350 2202 8453 00 AR Seal
1 360 0216 1207 00 2 Screw

2930 7109 51 63
Parts list

9828 4987 24-01ed00

64 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Dryer transformer cubicle 9

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Cubicle
9828 4135 01 GX 7 Full Feature 200V/50HZ IEC
9828 4135 01 GX 7 Full Feature 200V/60HZ IEC
9828 4134 01 GX 7 Full Feature 380V/60HZ IEC
9828 4134 01 GX 7 Full Feature 400V/50HZ IEC
9828 4134 02 GX 7 Full Feature 460V/60HZ IEC
9828 4134 03 GX 7 Full Feature 500V/50HZ IEC
9828 4135 01 GX 11 Full Feature 200V/50HZ IEC
9828 4135 01 GX 11 Full Feature 200V/60HZ IEC
9828 4134 01 GX 11 Full Feature 380V/60HZ IEC
9828 4134 01 GX 11 Full Feature 400V/50HZ IEC
9828 4134 02 GX 11 Full Feature 460V/60HZ IEC
9828 4134 03 GX 11 Full Feature 500V/50HZ IEC
1 400 1 Transformer
2202 8770 01 9828 4134 01
2202 8770 01 9828 4134 02
2202 8770 01 9828 4134 03
2202 8793 01 9828 4135 01
1 410 1 Fuse holder
1089 9594 01 9828 4134 01
1089 9594 01 9828 4134 02
1089 9594 01 9828 4134 03
1089 9594 02 9828 4135 01
1 415 Fuse
1089 0612 25 1 9828 4134 01
1089 0612 25 1 9828 4134 02
1089 0612 25 1 9828 4134 03
1089 0612 25 2 9828 4135 01
1 420 1 Terminal clamp
1089 0506 09 9828 4134 01
1089 0506 09 9828 4134 02
1089 0506 09 9828 4134 03
1 430 1089 0031 81 1 End stop
1 440 1089 0506 28 2 Ground terminal
1 450 0698 5141 21 1 Cable gland
1 455 0697 9809 53 1 Nut
1 460 0698 5141 21 1 Cable gland
1 465 0697 9809 53 1 Nut
1 466 0698 5141 21 1 Cable gland
1 467 0697 9809 53 1 Nut
1 470 2202 8768 00 1 Transformer box
1 480 1088 1001 02 1 Label
1 481 2202 8856 00 1 Label

2930 7109 51 65
Parts list


9828 4987 15-01ed00

66 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Bodywork - Common 10

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 005 2202 7016 05 1 Panel 1)

1 010 0216 1957 75 2 Screw
1 015 2202 7017 05 1 Panel 1)
1 020 0216 1957 75 4 Screw
1 025 2202 7015 05 1 Panel 1)
1 030 2200 5402 77 1 Key
1 035 2202 8769 00 1 Baffle
1088 0803 07 1 Grommet
1088 0803 08 1 Grommet
1 040 2202 8799 00 1 Stirrup
1 045 0129 3270 40 3 Rivet
1 050 0129 3270 38 5 Rivet
1 055 2202 7029 00 1 Cooling duct
1 060 0333 3100 26 5 Lock washer
1 065 0147 1170 03 5 Hexagon bolt
1 070 0348 0101 20 10 Cable tie
2 005 2202 2603 49 1 Label
2 010 2202 2607 91 1 Label
2 015 2202 2610 07 1 Label
2 020 2202 2603 50 1 Label
3 005 1 Decal
1622 0232 24 GX7P FM
1622 0232 24 GX7P TM
1622 0232 23 GX7FF FM
1622 0232 23 GX7FF TM
1622 0232 14 GX11P FM
1622 0232 14 GX11P TM
1622 0232 13 GX11FF FM
1622 0232 13 GX11FF TM

1) Lined with:
Foam: 2900 2060 30 (AR) 30 x 2040 x 1650 (self-adhesive)

2930 7109 51 67
Parts list






1055 1045


1110 1040

1105 1015
3025 3080 1065







1035 2010


9828 4987 16-01ed00

Scale 80%
68 2930XXX%
Fast Scale 7109 51
Parts list

Bodywork - Pack - Floor mounted 11

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 005 2202 8809 05 1 Base frame

1 010 1 Stirrup
2202 8812 05 GX 7
2202 8813 05 GX 7 60Hz
2202 8812 05 GX 11
1 015 0215 0003 91 5 Screw
1 020 2202 8811 05 1 Stirrup
1 025 0215 0003 91 5 Screw
1 030 2202 8539 05 4 Plate
1 035 2200 7199 53 8 Screw
1 040 2202 7150 00 1 Air filter
1 045 2202 7148 00 1 Suction grid
1 050 2200 7302 47 4 Plate
1 055 0686 9253 26 1 Plug
1 060 2202 2604 43 1 Sleeve
1 065 0129 3270 38 7 Rivet
1 070 0215 0003 91 1 Screw
1 090 2202 8479 05 1 Roof 1) 2)
1 095 0216 1957 76 4 Screw
1 100 0216 1957 75 2 Screw
1 105 2202 8431 00 1 Plate
1 110 0129 3270 42 4 Rivet
1 145 0348 0110 03 1 Anchor plate
1 150 0129 3112 00 1 Rivet
1 155 0348 0101 20 1 Cable tie
1 170 0211 1246 03 1 Screw
2 005 2202 9392 01 17 Washer
2 010 2202 9421 00 1 Label
3 015 0661 1000 43 1 Seal washer
3 020 2202 8858 00 1 Reducer
3 025 2200 7601 07 1 Ball valve
3 070 9740 2004 31 1 Elbow coupling
3 080 2202 8815 00 1 Pipe
3 085 0989 4220 45 1 Grommet
3 095 0070 7250 04 1 Hose

1-2) Lined with foam

2930 7109 51 69
Parts list


2095 2090




2105 2145
3080 3085 2025




2005 6005

3060 3025


3050 3045




9828 4987 17-01ed00

Scale 80%
70 2930XXX%
Fast Scale 7109 51
Parts list

Bodywork - Pack - Tank mounted 12

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 005 1 Vessel
2202 9783 23 ASME/CRN 80G 192psi
2202 9783 17 CE 270 litres 11bar(e)
2202 9783 17 CE 270 litres 14bar(e)
2202 9783 21 DIR 270 litres 13bar(e)
2202 9783 27 MOM 270 litres 14bar(e)
2202 9783 27 MOL 270 litres 14bar(e)
2 005 2202 7019 05 1 Frame
2 010 0215 0003 92 2 Screw
2 015 0216 1957 86 2 Screw
2 020 2202 8432 05 2 Plate
2 025 2200 7199 53 12 Screw
2 030 2202 7054 00 1 Seal
2 035 2202 7896 00 2 Stirrup
2 040 0129 3270 38 6 Rivet
2 045 2202 7054 00 AR Seal
2 065 0129 3270 38 3 Rivet
2 070 0215 0003 91 1 Screw
2 075 2202 8427 00 2 Stirrup
2 080 0147 1400 03 4 Screw
2 085 0266 2112 00 4 Nut
2 090 2202 8479 05 1 Roof 1) 2)
2 095 0216 1957 76 4 Screw
2 100 0216 1957 75 2 Screw
2 105 2202 8431 00 1 Plate
2 110 0129 3270 42 4 Rivet
2 145 0348 0110 03 1 Anchor plate
2 150 0129 3112 00 1 Rivet
2 155 0348 0101 20 1 Cable tie
2 170 0211 1246 03 1 Screw
3 005 2200 7506 45 2 Reducer
3 015 2200 7509 12 1 Plug
3 020 0686 9128 00 1 Plug
3 025 2200 7601 07 1 Ball valve
3 030 0583 8120 92 2 Fitting
3 035 0070 6002 64 AR Hose
3 040 0605 9500 42 1 Fitting
3 045 0852 0010 09 1 Ball valve
3 050 0607 1150 08 1 Sleeve
3 055 2200 7509 12 1 Plug
3 060 0686 3115 55 1 Plug
3 065 0605 8300 82 1 Bushing
3 070 9090 1519 00 1 Coupling
3 075 2203 0351 00 1 Nipple
3 080 2202 7036 00 1 Air connection tube
3 085 0989 4220 25 1 Grommet
3 095 0070 7250 04 1 Hose
4 015 1 Safety valve
2202 8891 03 7.5-10bar(e) TM
2202 8891 03 7.5-10bar(e) TM AM
2202 8891 02 13bar(e) TM
2202 8891 06 13bar(e) TM AM
0830 1009 67 100-125-150psig TM
0830 1009 67 175psig TM

2930 7109 51 71
Parts list


2095 2090




2105 2145
3080 3085 2025




2005 6005

3060 3025


3050 3045




9828 4987 17-01ed00

Scale 80%
72 2930XXX%
Fast Scale 7109 51
Parts list

Bodywork - Pack - Tank mounted  12

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

5 010 1079 9931 29 1 Label

6 005 2202 2610 66 1 Reducer
6 010 2202 2610 67 1 Reducer

1-2) Lined with foam

2930 7109 51 73
Parts list












3090 1040

3085 1065

3025 3095








9828 4987 18-01ed00

Scale 70%
74 2930XXX%
Fast Scale 7109 51
Parts list

Bodywork - Full Feature - Floor mounted 13

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 005 2202 8810 05 1 Base frame

1 010 1 Stirrup
2202 8812 05 GX 7
1 015 0215 0003 91 5 Screw
1 020 2202 8811 05 1 Stirrup
1 025 0215 0003 91 5 Screw
1 030 2202 8539 05 4 Plate
1 035 2200 7199 53 8 Screw
1 040 2202 7150 00 1 Air filter
1 045 2202 7148 00 1 Suction grid
1 050 2200 7302 47 4 Plate
1 055 0989 4220 08 1 Grommet
1 060 2202 2604 43 1 Sleeve
1 065 0129 3270 38 7 Rivet
1 070 0215 0003 91 1 Screw
1 090 2202 8428 05 1 Roof 1) 2)
1 095 0216 1957 76 4 Screw
1 100 0216 1957 75 2 Screw
1 105 2202 8739 85 1 Panel cover
1 110 0215 0003 91 2 Screw
1 125 2202 8740 05 1 Panel cover
1 130 0216 1957 75 4 Screw
1 145 0348 0110 03 1 Anchor plate
1 150 0129 3112 00 1 Rivet
1 155 0348 0101 20 1 Cable tie
1 170 0211 1246 03 1 Screw
1 175 1088 1305 02 1 Anchor
1 180 0348 0101 20 1 Cable tie
2 005 2202 9392 01 17 Washer
2 010 2202 9421 00 1 Label
3 010 0661 1000 39 1 Seal washer
3 015 0661 1000 43 1 Seal washer
3 020 2202 8858 00 1 Reducer
3 025 2200 7601 07 1 Ball valve
3 070 9740 2004 31 1 Elbow coupling
3 075 0603 5522 03 1 Nipple
3 080 2202 8681 02 1 Hose
3 085 0989 4220 45 1 Grommet
3 090 1088 0803 08 2 Grommet
3 095 0070 7250 04 AR Hose

1-2) Lined with foam

2930 7109 51 75
Parts list





2175 2125
3005 2100



4085 2110


2155 2150
2145 2070

2010 2020

2015 2065

2020 2005 4020

2025 4080

4070 RGA








2060 4055

2045 4040
2050 2035 4030 4050 4045

2040 4030



9828 4987 19-01ed00

Scale 60%
76 2930XXX%
Fast Scale 7109 51
Parts list

Bodywork - Full Feature - Tank mounted 14

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 005 1 Vessel
2202 9783 23 ASME/CRN 80G 192psi
2202 9783 17 CE 270 litres 11bar(e)
2202 9783 17 CE 270 litres 14bar(e)
2202 9783 21 DIR 270 litres 13bar(e)
2202 9783 27 MOM 270 litres 14bar(e)
2202 9783 27 MOL 270 litres 14bar(e)
2 005 2202 7020 05 1 Frame
2 010 0215 0003 92 2 Screw
2 015 0216 1957 86 2 Screw
2 020 2202 8432 05 2 Plate
2 025 2200 7199 53 12 Screw
2 030 2202 7054 00 1 Seal
2 035 2202 7896 00 1 Stirrup
2 040 0129 3270 38 3 Rivet
2 045 2202 7054 00 AR Seal
2 050 2202 8798 00 1 Stirrup
2 055 0129 3270 38 4 Rivet
2 060 2202 7054 00 AR Seal
2 065 0129 3270 38 3 Rivet
2 070 0215 0003 91 1 Screw
2 075 2202 8427 00 2 Stirrup
2 080 0147 1400 03 4 Screw
2 085 0266 2112 00 4 Nut
2 090 2202 8428 05 1 Roof 1) 2)
2 095 0216 1957 76 4 Screw
2 100 0216 1957 75 2 Screw
2 105 2202 8739 85 1 Panel cover
2 110 0215 0003 91 2 Screw
2 125 2202 8740 05 1 Panel cover
2 130 0216 1957 75 4 Screw
2 145 0348 0110 03 1 Anchor plate
2 150 0129 3112 00 1 Rivet
2 155 0348 0101 20 1 Cable tie
2 160 2202 8797 05 1 Plate
2 165 2200 7199 53 4 Screw
2 170 0211 1246 03 1 Screw
2 175 1088 1305 02 1 Anchor
2 180 0348 0101 20 1 Cable tie
3 005 2202 9392 01 12 Washer
3 010 2202 9421 00 1 Label
4 005 2200 7506 45 2 Reducer
4 015 2200 7509 12 1 Plug
4 020 0686 9128 00 1 Plug
4 025 2200 7601 07 1 Ball valve
4 030 0583 8120 92 2 Fitting
4 035 0070 6002 64 AR Hose
4 040 0605 9500 42 1 Fitting
4 045 0852 0010 09 1 Ball valve
4 050 0607 1150 08 1 Sleeve
4 055 2200 7509 12 2 Plug
4 065 0605 8300 82 1 Bushing
4 070 9090 1519 00 1 Coupling
4 075 0606 0000 36 1 Nipple

2930 7109 51 77
Parts list





2175 2125
3005 2100



4085 2110


2155 2150
2145 2070

2010 2020

2015 2065

2020 2005 4020

2025 4080

4070 RGA








2060 4055

2045 4040
2050 2035 4030 4050 4045

2040 4030



9828 4987 19-01ed00

Scale 60%
78 2930XXX%
Fast Scale 7109 51
Parts list

Bodywork - Full Feature - Tank mounted  14

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

4 080 2202 7685 05 1 Flexible

4 085 0989 4220 45 1 Grommet
4 090 1088 0803 08 2 Grommet
4 095 0070 7250 04 AR Hose
5 015 1 Safety valve
2202 8891 03 7.5-10bar(e)
2202 8891 02 13bar(e)
0830 1009 67 100-125-150psig
0830 1009 67 175psig
6 010 2202 9383 00 1 Label
7 005 2202 2610 66 1 Reducer
7 010 2202 2610 67 1 Reducer

1-2) Lined with foam

2930 7109 51 79
Parts list


1 2 3 4 5 6

10501005 1020 1025

2010 1015

2005 1040
1020 1075




9828 4987 25-01ed00

80 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Standard option - Electronic water drain - Air receiver 15

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Standard option
8092 3201 45 Electronic water drain
1 005 0583 8100 89 2 Fitting
1 010 0070 6002 64 AR Hose
1 015 9740 2027 33 1 Tee
1 020 0605 8995 02 2 Bushing
1 025 0661 1000 39 1 Seal washer
1 030 1613 8913 07 1 EWD 50
1 040 0160 6066 00 2 Screw
1 045 0583 8120 65 2 Coupling
1 050 0070 7250 07 AR Hose
1 065 0147 1323 03 2 Screw
1 070 0291 1128 18 2 Lock nut
1 075 2202 9374 05 2 Support
1 080 2203 0402 05 1 Stirrup
2 005 0697 9809 55 2 Lock nut
2 010 0698 5140 71 2 Cable gland

2930 7109 51 81
Parts list


1 2 3 4 5




1025 1030 1035

9828 4987 26-01ed00 Tole


82 2930 7109 51 Nam

Parts list

Standard option - Electronic water drain - Compressor 16

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Standard option
8092 3200 53 Electronic water drain
1 005 2202 8855 00 1 Adapter
1 010 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1 015 0607 1151 08 1 Bushing
1 020 2200 7513 73 1 Nipple
1 025 1613 8913 07 1 EWD 50
1 030 0347 6100 52 1 Clamp
1 035 0070 6002 51 AR Plastic tube
2 005 0697 9809 55 2 Lock nut
2 010 0698 5140 71 2 Cable gland

2930 7109 51 83
Parts list

1 2 3 4 5 6

1045 1050
2005 1040 1035 1020

1030 1035

2010 1020

1015 2010




1065 1015 Tolerance




9828 4987 27-01ed00

84 2011-09-23 gkulkarn 2930 7109 51

00 9828498727 00.00

Posi- Modified from Date Intr./Appd. Parent 3D model Ed . Version 3D

Parts list

Standard option - Timer drain - Air receiver 17

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Standard option
8092 3200 46 Timer drain
1 005 9740 2028 33 1 Tee
1 015 0070 7250 07 AR Hose
1 020 0583 8120 70 2 Elbow coupling
1 025 2202 8866 05 1 Support
1 030 2200 7513 20 1 Coupling
1 035 0603 4100 16 2 Fitting
1 040 0803 5010 09 1 Strainer
1 045 2200 5996 21 1 Valve
1 050 2202 2610 18 1 Timer
1 065 0583 8120 65 2 Coupling
1 070 0583 8100 63 1 Fitting
2 005 0697 9809 55 2 Lock nut
2 010 0698 5140 71 2 Cable gland

2930 7109 51 85
Parts list


1 2 3 4 5 6




1025 1030

9828 4987 28-01ed00


86 2930 7109 51 ATLAS

Parts list

Standard option - Timer drain - Compressor 18

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Standard option
8092 3200 20 Timer drain
1 005 2202 8855 00 1 Adapter
1 010 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1 015 0607 1151 08 1 Bushing
1 020 0603 4100 17 1 Nipple
1 025 2200 5996 21 1 Valve
1 030 2202 2610 18 1 Timer
1 035 9090 1519 00 1 Coupling
1 040 0070 7250 04 1 Hose
2 005 0697 9809 55 2 Lock nut
2 010 0698 5140 71 2 Cable gland

2930 7109 51 87
Parts list


1 2 3 4 5

1030 1020

1005 1035

1015 1045



9828 4987 29-01ed00 Toler

88 2930 7109 51 Nam

Parts list

Standard option - DDX/PDX filter 19

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Standard option
8092 3200 79 DDX filter - Floor mounted
8092 3200 87 DDX filter - Tank mounted
8092 3200 95 PDX filter - Floor mounted
8092 3201 03 PDX filter - Tank mounted
1 005 1 Filter
8102 2652 49 DDX 40 - Floor mounted
8102 2652 49 DDX 40 - Tank mounted
1624 1090 01 PDX 40 - Floor mounted
1624 1090 01 PDX 40 - Tank mounted
1 015 2202 8749 00 1 Stirrup
1 020 2202 8833 00 1 Pipe
1 030 2202 8062 00 1 Adaptor
1 035 0661 1000 39 2 Seal washer
1 040 0603 5522 03 1 Nipple
1 045 0266 2108 00 2 Nut
1 050 0211 1246 03 2 Screw
1 060 1617 7082 02 1 Quick coupling
1 065 9090 1519 00 1 Coupling
1 070 1 Hose
0070 7250 04 Tank mounted
2202 7685 07 Floor mounted
1 080 0129 3270 38 2 Rivet
1 085 0300 0274 64 2 Washer

2930 7109 51 89
Parts list


1 2 3 4 5 6



1015 2005



90 2930 7109 51

Parts list

Standard option - Water separator drain 20

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Standard option
Water separator drain
8092 3200 04 Floor mounted
8092 3200 12 Tank mounted
1 005 1613 8223 80 1 WSD
1 010 2202 8830 00 1 Pipe
1 015 9090 1519 00 1 Coupling
1 020 0070 7250 04 1 Hose
1 025 0686 3718 12 2 Plug
2 005 1 Pipe
2202 8831 00 Floor mounted
2202 8832 00 Tank mounted

2930 7109 51 91
d shall not without our permission be altered,
communicated to any other person or company.


9828 4987 31-01ed00


Parts list

2930 7109 51
Parts list

Standard option - After-cooler 21

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 005 2202 8471 01 1 Air cooler

1 010 2202 8474 00 1 Air connection pipe
1 015 1 Pipe
2202 8829 00 Floor mounted
2202 8828 00 Tank mounted

2930 7109 51 93
Parts list


1 2 3 4 5 6 7




2035 2025 2030

copied, used for manufacturing or communicated to any other person or company.
This document is our properety and shall not without our permission be altered,

Tolerances, if not indicated, according to:


Name -


Scale 1:12

Drawn by gkulkarn
2011/09/23 gkulkarn Version Drwg
00.00 9828498733 00.00 STATUS 00.00 Blank
Posi- Des checked. Prod c
Modified from Date Intr./Appd. Parent 3D model Ed . Version 3D Preliminary

9828 4987 33-01ed00

94 2930 7109 51
Parts list

Standard option - Air receiver - 500 litres 22

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 005 1 Vessel
2202 9783 29 GX 7 11bar(e) Pack 500 litres CE
2202 9783 29 GX 7 11bar(e) Full Feature 500 litres CE
2202 9783 29 GX 7 14bar(e) Pack 500 litres CE
2202 9783 29 GX 7 14bar(e) Full Feature 500 litres CE
2202 9783 35 GX 7 200psig Pack 125G ASME
2202 9783 35 GX 7 200psig Full Feature 500 litres ASME
2202 9783 29 GX 11 11bar(e) Pack 500 litres CE
2202 9783 29 GX 11 11bar(e) Full Feature 500 litres CE
2202 9783 29 GX 11 14bar(e) Pack 500 litres CE
2208 9783 29 GX 11 14bar(e) Full Feature 500 litres CE
2202 9783 35 GX 11 200psig Pack 125G ASME
2202 9783 35 GX 11 200psig Full Feature 500 litres ASME
2 005 2202 8779 05 2 Stirrup
2 010 1 Plug
2200 7509 12 GX 7-11
2 015 Plug
0686 9099 11 4 GX 7-11
0686 9099 11 2 GX 7-11 FF
2 020 1 Plate
2202 7028 05 GX 7-11 FF
2 025 9740 2027 33 1 Tee
2 030 0583 8100 89 1 Coupling
2 035 2202 7748 00 1 Plug

2930 7109 51 95
Parts list



96 2930 7109 51
Parts list



2930 7109 51 97
Parts list



98 2930 7109 51
In order to be First in MindFirst in Choice for all your quality

compressed air needs, Atlas Copco delivers the products

and services that help to increase your business efficiency

and profitability.

Atlas Copco's pursuit of innovation never ceases,

d r i v e n b y o u r n e e d f o r r e l i a b i l i t y a n d e f f i c i e n c y.

Always working with you, we are committed to providing

you the customized quality air solution that is the driving

force behind your business.

No. 2930 7109 51 / 2014 - 08 Printed in Belgium


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