Video Lecture On Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Prof. K. Ramesh, IIT Madras 1
Video Lecture On Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Prof. K. Ramesh, IIT Madras 1
Video Lecture On Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Prof. K. Ramesh, IIT Madras 1
And I drew your attention that, the first fringe what you see here is backward tilted, second is
also slightly backward tilted and the third fringe is forward tilted and fourth fringe is almost
straight and near the tip of the crack you really do not have data and this observation is quite
important for an experimentalist.
See, we have been looking at when you have a crack in the immediate vicinity of the crack
the stresses would be very, very high and you will have plastic deformation. You really do
not have mathematical equations to fully capture, what happens exactly at the crack-tip.
From an experimental point of view, you will not be able to go close and collect data; you
have to collect data only from a region away from near vicinity of the crack-tip. And in this
you findseveral geometric features, which really give a clue for you to incorporate, how
many terms in your analytical expression that need to be used to extract and process data
from experiment to calculate the stress intensity factor.
And there are many other books. The book by Professor Simha from IISc Bangalore. This
focuses more on conceptual development and the mathematical rigor is consciously avoided
to drive home the basic tenets of fracture mechanics. And you have the very famous book
by Broek on Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics. This was originally published by
Kluwer academic publishers. Now, it is taken over by Springer Science and Business Media.
And there is also another important book by Broek, The Practical Use Of Fracture
Mechanics. So in all these references you please write the name of the author, the
publisher and year of publication.
That would quicken up your writing of these references. The title you can always find out
from the internet. Then the other the book is by Gdoutos, Fracture Mechanics An
Introduction and each one of these provide you different flavor of fracture mechanics. You
know what I have attempted to give is a conglomeration of all these books.
Whatever the ideas that they have focused they are presented in a convenient fashion for
you to appreciate both concepts as well as mathematical development. You may be thinking
in the overview that, we have been listening more of concepts. But we would soon get into
mathematics where you would find the mathematics is quite complex.
And finally you have book by Anderson. This is more like an encyclopedia. It covers very
many topics in fracture mechanics and this is again available in the library. It could be used
more as a reference, what in my opinion. It would be a better book as a reference rather
than a text book.
And fracture also people have observed stable fracture. And when you have actually looked
at a broken specimen, you find there is a shear lip and it is worthwhile to spend some time
on understanding the shear lip, this is seen in a conventional tension test itself.
Shear-lip in necking
We would see the animation full. So this gives a possible explanation on how necking could
be viewed at. And what this slide shows is: In a simulation, it is shown that necking has
taken place at the center of the specimen. This need not be. And I am going to show you
examples from an actual material failure done in a tension test. You have one example, you
have another example. This is of aluminum specimen. There is a third example; this is on
steel. These are done at various points in time. And what these specimens show is necking
location can be different. So you find it is exactly at the center in the case of a simulated test
specimen. On the other hand it is more or less at the center in this specimen. It is slightly off,
whereas this is very close to the grips. Since we have seen what really causes necking, you
are in a position to appreciate, because you have internal flaws that dictate where necking
would precipitate.
Video lecture on Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Prof. K. Ramesh, IIT Madras 9
And we will look at crack growth mechanisms. You will be very familiar with fatigue and
fatigue occurs, because of cyclical loading. Whenever people think of crack growth they
immediately jump all cracks grow by fatigue. So what you will have to keep in mind is fatigue
is one of the mechanisms for crack growth and its widely prevalent. There is no harm that
when you have a crack growth to feel, that it could have been a fatigue crack. That is quite
all right but, thats not the only mechanism; that is what you have to keep in mind. Crack can
also grow by stress corrosion cracking, which is abbreviated as SCC. What happens in this,
you do not have an alternating stress but, you have a sustained static stress. But, the
specimen as a whole is under aggressive environment.
So, you can have, what is known as corrosion fatigue, creep fatigue; it is a combination of
corrosion and fatigue you call it as corrosion fatigue, combination of creep and fatigue you
call it as creep fatigue. And you could also have liquid metal embrittlement.
So, there could be many crack growth mechanisms. And we need to understand, I have
already mentioned that you need to know the degradation mechanisms of structures. And
that is very important for you to develop concepts related to damage tolerant design. Unless
you understand the degradation mechanisms, you will not be in a position to develop the
appropriate methodologies. We have looked at crack growth mechanisms. We will also look
at what are the fracture mechanisms. You could have brittle fracture or cleavage fracture.
We would see each of them in detail. You have ductile fracture, which is also called as
rupture. We would see each of this in detail. And brittle fracture is very, very fast. Ductile
fracture is also equally fast from conventional point of view but, compared to brittle fracture it
is slow.
Video lecture on Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Prof. K. Ramesh, IIT Madras 11
Now, what we will look at is, we look at a reasonably a good model which explains how a
crack grows, because of repeated loading. So, the first thing what happens is you have to
recognize, there is plastic deformation at the crack-tip and because of this slip of atomic
planes occur. So it could happen in complementary planes and that is what is shown in the
next sketch. So what you have here is, because of successive slip you find the crack has
taken a shape like this. Make a neat sketch of this. This will give you a conceptual
appreciation, how a crack grows in the case of fatigue, in contrast to what you come across
in fracture.
And simultaneously, people who have drawn this they could also have a look at this
animation. Seeing this 2, 3 times will make your concepts clear. So what you find is the
crack which was originally like this, it has taken a shape when you recognize that, there
could be slip on complementary planes. Nevertheless, you should recognize you have
plastic deformation, so nothing can remain sharp. The plastic deformation will deform it. So
you can reasonably anticipate the crack would blunt by itself. So what you find is, you had a
sharp crack from the knowledge of Inglis solution, you can anticipate the stresses would be
very high, even for very small external loads.
loading phase, it becomes blunt. Then it becomes sharp when it is unloaded. So you could
see the loading, unloading on this scale of the animation. Suppose, I magnify you will see
what happens at the crack-tip. You have to recognize that, this is highly a magnified picture.
It is in the level of microns. We have magnified it several times just to illustrate what is
reasonably a good model to appreciate growth of a crack in fatigue. You could see here
during the loading phase the crack advances by slip and slip in complementary planes.
So, it becomes sharp, then it becomes blunt. And when you have unloading the crack has
become sharp. Then the whole process starts. The whole process starts all over again. And
what is also attempted to show here is, the delta a, what you come across after each cycle
would be slightly different. After several cycles because the crack is growing larger, stresses
also will be very high. So the increment also will become larger and larger as the crack
grows. This is easy for you to extrapolate.
In fact, in one of the assignment sheets you will go and find out crack growth rate by
processing the micrographs. Now, what I am going to draw your attention is the model says,
there is crack-tip blunting and then it becomes sharp when it is unloaded. The crack has
grown by loading it has become blunt and when I do the unloading it becomes sharp.
Common sense tells this should leave some residue on the actual material, because you
say that it is opening closing, opening closing, opening closing it becomes blunt and sharp
something should happen. In fact, it is so. People have done postmortem and understood
whatever the model that you have, indeed such model is explainable by looking at what are
known as striations. We look at that.
Some kind of a natural phenomenon happens even when a structure is subjected to external
loads. We think that it is inert. It is not inert. It also has some kind of an intelligence. It is
expressing itself, that this is the way I have been loaded. I carry all this information. So, this
is what metallurgists do in their postmortem analysis. A normal mechanical engineer, may
not even heard the term what is striations. But, once you come to take a course in fracture
mechanics, you need to have certain rudiments from material science, which would help you
Video lecture on Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Prof. K. Ramesh, IIT Madras 15
to appreciate fracture mechanics better. So, that is the reason why I thought, I would spend
some time on explaining what are striations.
And now we are looking at Beachmarks. I also have a nice picture. Here again you see a
failure by a shear lip. This is always shown at 45 degrees. I would like you to make a sketch
of it.
So, you have to make a distinction between what are striations and what are Beachmarks
and this is what is again emphasized. Beachmarks must not be confused with striations.
Although they are present frequently on the same crack surface, there may be many
thousands of microscopic striations between each pair of macroscopic Beachmarks. And
make a neat sketch of this and make a distinction between striations and Beachmarks.So,
you will have many thousands of striations between the Beachmarks. So, this explains what is
the mechanism of crack growth by
local tensile stress zones or if you have a oversized pin and that is what is summarized
The required tensile stresses may be in the form of directly applied stresses or in the form of
residual stresses like oversized pins used in assembly. And this is usually ignored. See if
you go to a company if they make a part by interference they dont even recognize, that
interference fit would induce quite a lot of stresses in the vicinity.
They ignore that. When they do the analysis they only take the external loads and they find
eventually whatever the component that they have made, they fail in service. Then they
come back to us and we have to tell them you have overlooked the residual stresses
created by interference.
So, interference fits are very, very important and you have to analyze and handle them
carefully. You should not overlook the role of residual stresses induced because of
interference fit. And if you look at SCC, there is also a material angle to it. What is the exact
alloy composition, so that also gives you some kind of a way to come out of SCC.
If I have a SCC problem can I go and play with the alloy composition or can I go and play
with the microstructure and also the heat-treatment? By such methodologies, you may be
able to find out a way out from minimizing the crack growth due to SCC. In fact one of the
examples which we would see later, would bring out what kind of steels that you should
choose for a given application.
There are three mechanisms identified to cause SCC: one is active path dissolution, second
one is hydrogen embrittlement, the third one is film induced cleavage.
In fact we would look at these mechanisms in the next class and what we saw today was the
geometric features of the photoelastic fringe, gives you an indication of what kind of loading
that exists and I also pointed out, if I have to find out stress intensity factor by processing
experimental data, I need to take an appropriate analytical equation with as many terms as
possible. So, that analytical modeling of the region from where I take the experimental data
is valid.
Then we looked at some of the books and references and then we moved on to
understanding a shear lip; what is seen in a simple tension test as cup and cone fracture.
We utilize that understanding for appreciating the growth of a crack by fatigue. Then we
moved on to another crack growth mechanism named as stress corrosion cracking. Thank