Stacking in Non-Aromatic Molecules (Hydrogen-Bridged) : Anand Kamal
Stacking in Non-Aromatic Molecules (Hydrogen-Bridged) : Anand Kamal
Stacking in Non-Aromatic Molecules (Hydrogen-Bridged) : Anand Kamal
molecules (Hydrogen-bridged)
Anand Kamal
Intermolecular stacking between planar five-membered hydrogen bridged
ring having strong interactions leads to high energy, is alternative of aromatic
stacking, and useful in material design and biochemistry.
Supramolecular chemistry, biochemistry have very important role in our daily life. Likewise stacking
in aromatic molecules it is also seen in planar rings. We have already learned about intramolecular
hydrogen bonding in acyclic systems. First time in this article they have studied through Cambridge
Structural Database (CSD) and using quantum chemical calculations about interactions of five-
membered hydrogen bridged rings that contains single bonded planar atoms. Now the five
membered rings has donor (D), acceptor (A) and hydrogen atom in between them during their
search through CSD they followed some constraints such as
Out of 978 rings 307 are found to be have distance between centroids less than 4.5 A, while 264
forms parallel interactions. Stacking in aromatic rings is near about (3-4 A), and that of single bonded
planar rings is (3.0-3.5 A) indicate some similarity between two.
For the calculation of the strength of the interaction between two stacked hydrogen bridged rings
that are in antiparallel position optimization of monomers are done using MP2/cc-pVTZ level.
Stacking interaction energies between two rings is calculated using CCSD (T)/CBS method.
Interaction energy is defined as difference between the dimer energy and the sum of energies of
monomers. Molecules in first move along (O-C) direction where O represents centroid of molecule
and C represents centroid of hydrogen acceptor bond. In another, molecules can move orthogonal
to (O-C) direction. For both potential curves are made using DFT methods. In potential curves the
minima is obtained along O-C direction for 0A (means rings are perpendicularly above each other),
and there energy difference is slightly less. For orthogonal case minima on potential curve is at offset
of -1.0A while strongest interactions at offset of 2.5A which is for doubly bonded methylidene group
.These strong interaction shows the importance of parallel interactions of hydrogen bridged rings
and proves that parallel alignment is not enough for crystal packing.
This was all that was researched about stacking in non-aromatic hydrogen bridged rings.