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Dielectric Properties and Temperature Profile

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International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 242248

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International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / i c h m t

Dielectric properties and temperature prole of y ash-based geopolymer mortar

Saysunee Jumrat a, Burachat Chatveera a,, Phadungsak Rattanadecho b
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University, Rangsit Campus, Khlong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand
Research Center of Microwave Utilization in Engineering (RCME), Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University, Rangsit Campus, Khlong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online 4 December 2010 In this paper, the fresh properties, dielectric properties and temperature prole of y ash-based geopolymer
mortars are investigated to observe the effect of mixture proportions and time after mixing. Sodium
Keywords: hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) were used as the activators. The results of fresh properties
Dielectric properties revealed that the added water could improve the workability of geopolymer mortar. It is also found that the
Geopolymer initial and nal setting times of all the geopolymer mortars are less than those of cement mortars. For the
dielectric properties and surface temperature, mortars were measured during a 24-hours geopolymerisation
Setting time
Microwave energy
period at room temperature. The obtained results show that dielectric properties and surface temperature of
geopolymer mortars tended to decrease with increasing time after mixing. And the geopolymer mortars had
the highest value of dielectric properties and surface temperature at right after mixing. In addition, the
dielectric properties (r' and r) of the specimens with more liquid constituents were also higher. In
particular, this work shows that it is possible to cure the y ash-based geopolymer mortars with microwave
energy depending on the mixture proportion and time after mixing.
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction proved heating efciencies and was pollution-free environment since

there are no products of combustion [10]. In contrast to that in
The term geopolymers was rst introduced by Davidovits in 1979 conventional drying, microwave drying gives higher temperatures
to designate a new class of three-dimensional alumino-slilicate inside the drying sample while the surface temperature stays colder
materials [1]. Geopolymer is the new cementitious binder material. due to the cooling effect of ambient air [11]. The principles and
The synthesis of geopolymer takes place by polycondensation from advantages of microwave heating suggest that microwave energy can
the reaction of a solid aluminosilicate with a highly concentrated be applied for geopolymer curing. Knowledge of the dielectric
aqueous alkali hydroxide or silicate solution. Geopolymeric materials properties is useful in studying and developing heating processes or
are attractive because excellent mechanical properties and durability grading techniques based on electromagnetic energy since electric
can be achieved [2,3]. The wide variety of potential applications of conduction, dipoles, electronic, ionic and MaxwellWagner mecha-
geopolymer-based materials includes: new ceramics, cements, ma- nisms directly inuence materials' dielectric properties and are
trices for hazardous waste stabilization, re-resistant materials, closely dependent on electromagnetic wave frequency [12]. There-
asbestos-free materials and high-tech materials are some of the fore, in order to conrm the possibility of using microwave heating
potential uses of geopolymers [48]. Normally, geopolymer is mixed in geopolymer, dielectric properties of materials must be examined
at room temperature and then cured in ranking from room to verify the curing. The ability of a dielectric to be polarized is
temperature to 95 C for about 6 h to 4 days [9]. The conventional expressed in terms of the electric permittivity of the material. Most
heating methods to cure geopolymer require heat conduction from materials exhibit a difference in phase, in which the polarization
material's outward surface and these methods are slow and inefcient movement lags behind the alternating electric eld frequency and
for materials that poorly conduct heat. indicates a loss in conductivity within the material lling the cavity.
Unlike the conventional heating, microwave is an attractive To account for this change in conductivity, the electric permittivity
method to heat materials. Microwave generates heat within the is described as a complex quantity (Eq. (1)) with both real and
material and heats the entire volume at about the same rate. By the imaginary parts (the imaginary part accounts for the loss in
microwave heating differs by means of the in-situ method of heating conductivity in the material) [10]:
providing the prospect of uniform temperature distribution, im-
 = j 1
Communicated by W.J. Minkowycz.
Corresponding author. : real permittivity (F/m), : imaginary
permittivity (F/m), :
E-mail address: jr.sainee@gmail.com (B. Chatveera). complex permittivity (F/m), j: 1 The relationship between the real

0735-1933/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Jumrat et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 242248 243

layers. To compact the specimen, each layer was given 25 to 30

strokes by the rod bar, and then vibrated for 15 s on a vibrating table.
Furthermore, ordinary Portland cement type 1 was used to
tan Loss tangent
produce cement mortar in order to compare with geopolymer mortar,
Real permittivity (dielectric constant) (F/m)
and the specimens were prepared in accordance with ASTM C 305
Imaginary permittivity (loss factor) (F/m)
standard by using the weight ratio of water-to-cement (w/c) and the
Complex permittivity (F/m)
sand-to-cement ratio of 0.5 and 2.0, respectively.
r Relative dielectric constant
r Relative dielectric loss factor
2.4. Dielectric property measuring of constituents

In this study, the workability of the fresh geopolymer mortar was

and imaginary parts is expressed as the loss tangent (Eq. (2)). The measured by applying the conventional ow and setting time tests of
loss tangent (tan ) can be used to represent the fraction of stored mortar cement. The details of these two test methods were explained
energy lost per period of eld oscillation: in Sections 2.5 and 2.6, respectively.

tan = r = r 2 2.5. Flow test

The objectives of this research are to study the inuences of both In this study, the ow table of geopolymer mortar was studied.
the time after mixing and mix proportions to the fresh and the Because the ow table test indicates the workability of the fresh
dielectric properties of y ash-based geopolymer during a 24-hours mortar as according to ASTM C 109 standard. The workable ow of
geopolymerisation period. In addition, its surface temperature is geopolymer mortar was in the range of 110 5%. The details of each
observed since it is well known that complex dielectric properties are mixture of geopolymer mortar for ow test are given in Table 1.
temperature dependent.
2.6. Setting time test
2. Materials and methods
As for cement paste, the geopolymer mortar specimens with added
In this section, the details of material, mixture proportion and water to meet ow values according to ASTM standard were tested for
mixing and casting to prepare the geopolymer mortar are shown. setting time by using the Vicat needle apparatus in accordance with
ASTM C 191 standard.
2.1. Materials In order to study the effect of the time after mixing before heat
curing on dielectric properties geopolymer, the cast specimens were
The constituents of geopolymer mortar were y ash, sodium wrapped with vinyl sheet to prevent moisture loss and kept in
hydroxide (NaOH) solution, sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) solution, sand laboratory at room temperature of 2829 C. Then the dielectric
and tap water. Lignite y ash (FA) from Mae Moh power station in properties of geopolymer mortars were measured over 24 h after
Thailand was used as a source material. The chemical composition of mixing. The detailed testing of the dielectric properties is explained in
y ash was 36.4% SiO2, 20.5% Al2O3, 15.8% Fe2O3, 16.4% CaO, 3.6% MgO, Sections 2.7.
2.3% K2O, 0.9% Na2O, 3.4% SO3, 0% TiO2 and 1.2% Free CaO. The specic
surface area (Blaine) of y ash was 2133 cm2/g. Sodium hydroxide 2.7. Dielectric property measurement
solutions of 10 M concentration were prepared by dissolving NaOH
pellets in tap water. Sodium silicate solution with composition of In order to analyze the feasibility of using microwave energy
28.75 SiO2 wt.%, 9.58 Na2O wt.%, and 61.67 wt.% water was also used. application to cure geopolymer, the dielectric properties were studied
River sand passed sieve No. 16 (1.18 mm opening) and retained on to obtain the relative dielectric constant (r) and the relative dielectric
No. 100 sieve (150 m opening) with neness modulus of 2.8 and loss factor (r). These dielectric properties demonstrate the absorb-
specic gravity of 2.65 was used. ability of microwave energy and the productivity of heating generated
from microwave energy.
2.2. Mixture proportions The open-ended probe technique was employed for measuring the
dielectric properties of constituents and mortar of geopolymer. This
Nine mixtures of geopolymer mortar were prepared. The para- technique, by itself, calculated the dielectric properties from the phase
meters of geopolymer mortar are as follows: and amplitude of the reected signal at the end of an open-ended
coaxial line, which was inserted into a specimen measured by a
1) The weight ratios of y ash-to-alkaline solution (FA/AS) were 2.0
portable network analyzer, as shown in Fig. 1. The analyzer consists of
and 2.5
a coaxial cavity, microwave reectometer, 0.35-cm coaxial cable,
2) The weight ratios of sodium silicate-to-sodium hydroxide solution
0.35-cm female calibration, and short-and open-matched load and
(NS/NH) were 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0.
All geopolymer mortars were made with the weight ratios of 2.0
sand-to-y ash. Table 1
Mixture proportions of geopolymer mortar for ow test.

2.3. Mixing and casting Specimen Ratios by weight Weight (g)

Fly ash/activators Na2SiO3/NaOH Sand Fly ash Na2SiO3 NaOH
The y ash and NaOH solution are rstly mixed together in a (FA/AS) (NS/NH)
Hobart mixer for about 5 min with the speed paddle of 285 10 rpm.
1) 2.0FA0.5 2.0 0.5 600 300 50 100
During this process, the added water was mixed for about 1 min. Next, 2) 2.0FA1.0 2.0 1.0 600 300 75 75
sand was added and mixed for about 3 min. Finally, the Na2SiO3 3) 2.0FA2.0 2.0 2.0 600 300 100 50
solution was added to the mixture, followed by paddling for 4) 2.5FA0.5 2.5 0.5 600 300 40 80
additional 2 min. The fresh geopolymer mortar was casted into the 5) 2.5FA1.0 2.5 1.0 600 300 60 60
6) 2.5FA2.0 2.5 2.0 600 300 80 40
acrylic mould of 5 5 5 cm in immediately after mixing in two
244 S. Jumrat et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 242248

moisture loss and cured in ambient condition at room temperature

(2829 C). After that the mortars were measured surface tempera-
ture again at time 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12 and 24 h.

3. Results and discussion

In this section, the experimental results of geopolymer mortar

which cover the effects of time after mixing and mixture proportion
on the geopolymer mortar properties of fresh and hardened stage are
presented and discussed. The ow characteristic and setting time
were studied as the fresh properties of geopolymer and the results
are explained in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, respectively. The results of
dielectric properties of constituents and mortars of geopolymer at
various times are shown in Sections 3.3 and 3.4, respectively. Finally,
the variation in surface temperature of mortars with various mixture
proportions and time after mixing are shown in Section 3.5.

3.1. Flow characteristic

The fresh y ash-based geopolymer mortars have dark color and

shiny appearance. Also, the mixtures are generally cohesive. Table 2
shows the ows of the mortar, it can be seen that all mortars were very
stiff with no ow value and some specimens hardened immediately at
right after the mixing. In order to obtain the workable geopolymer
mortar in accordance with ASTM C 109 standard and have the right
liquid volume to ensure constant workability, the added water was
gradually adjusted into the mixture. This reason is in agreement with
those reported by Chindaprasirt et al. [13] who claimed that adding
water could improve workability of the mortar. The added water
Fig. 1. Portable dielectric measurement (Network analyzer). content of each mixture was calculated with the percentage of
geopolymer paste (y ash + NaOH + Na2SiO3) by weight. For the
same of added water content, it is shown that the ow value of
software. The coaxial cavity is characterized by a measurement range mixtures decrease with the increasing of the weight ratios of FA/AS
of 1.52.6 GHz with a precision of not more than 2% of the dielectric and NS/NH. This result is in agreement with those reported by
constant and 5% of the dielectric loss factor. The measured specimen Sathonsaowaphak et al. [14] who found that the workability decreased
should be assumed to be of innite size and non-magnetic material, with the increasing in the sodium silicate-to-sodium hydroxide ratio
and have isotropic and homogeneous properties. In addition, the owing to the high viscosity of sodium silicate. Fig. 2 shows the effect of
coaxial cavity must be in close contact to the specimen during the test. mixture proportion on the amount of added water to obtain the ow
The ve values of r and r were averaged in order to represent the value in accordance with ASTM standard. It is shown that the amount
dielectric properties of each sample. of added water increases with the increment of the weight ratios of FA/
AS and NS/NH. This is because the internal structure of geopolymer
2.7.1. Dielectric properties measurement of geopolymer constituents were developed rapidly and continuously with increasing amount of Si
Since the dielectric constant () of composite material is based on [15] and the geopolymer system has more reactive SiO2 when Na2SiO3
the weighted average of the constituents, this study examines not is added, and this phenomenon results to the proper adjustment of Si/
only the dielectric properties (r and r) of geopolymer mortars but Al ratio to form geopolymerisation.
also the dielectric properties of constituents. Each constituent was
poured into the acrylic mold of 5 5 5 cm. Then, dielectric 3.2. Setting time
properties (r and r) measurement were carried out at room
temperature of 2829C. As mentioned earlier in Section 3.1, the ow value of the
specimens without added water were very stiff with no ow value.
2.7.2. Dielectric properties measurement of geopolymer mortar As observed by van Davidovits [16] who claimed that geopolymer
Immediately after casting, the mortar specimens were measured cement hardens rapidly at room temperature. Fast setting is the
for the dielectric properties (r and r) by using the coaxial probe
technique and evaluating through the Network analyzer apparatus.
Table 2
Since, being able to cure at ambient temperature is very important in
Flow values of geopolymer mortars.
terms of practical application, the effect of time after mixing on the
properties of geopolymer mortar were measured at time of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Specimen Flow (%)
6, 12 and 24 h. series
Additional water (% of geopolymer paste)

0 3 5 8 10 13 15 18 20 23
2.8. Temperature measurement
1) 2.0FA0.5 42 112 152 NA
2) 2.0FA1.0 27 61 110 245 NA
After casting (time after mixing at 0 h), the surface temperature of 3) 2.0FA2.0 NA 15 32 81 107 139 NA
geopolymer mortars are measured by using an infrared thermometer. 4) 2.5FA0.5 NA 23 67 113 152 NA
This conguration facilitates temperature measurement from a 5) 2.5FA1.0 NA 18 42 86 105 151 NA
distance without contact with the sample to be measured. Then, the 6) 2.5FA2.0 NA NA NA 19 34 75 105 148 NA

test specimens and moulds were wrapped with vinyl sheet to prevent Flow (%) were in accordance with ASTM C 109.
S. Jumrat et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 242248 245

Fig. 2. Amount of required added water in geopolymer mortar for the ow to meet
ASTM C 109 standard. Fig. 3. Setting times of geopolymer mortars at various mixture proportions.

result of improved dissolution of the y ash into alkaline liquid; 3.4. Dielectric properties of mortar
leading to improved polymerisation and hardening of the gel phase
[17]. Therefore this study only investigated setting time of the Consequently, the dielectric properties of geopolymer mortars are
specimens with added water to reach the standard ow. The strongly affected by their constituents and mix proportion character-
mixtures are given in Table 2 which have symbol of (*), namely istics. In this section, the inuences of time after mixing and mixture
2.0FA0.5 + 3%, 2.0FA1.0 + 5%, 2.0FA2.0 + 10%, 2.5FA0.5 + 8%, proportions on the dielectric properties of geopolymer mortars are
2.5FA1.0 + 10% and 2.5FA2.0 + 15%. discussed.
From the tested results, it shows that y ash-based geopolymer
mortars with added water were not hardened immediately at room 3.4.1. Effect of time after mixing
temperature. As seen in Fig. 3, the initial and nal setting times are For dielectric properties of geopolymer mortar, the variations
hardly affected by the weight ratio of FA/AS and NS/NH. The setting of r and r with time after mixing are given in Figs. 4 and 5,
time decreases when the weight ratio of FA/AS and NS/NH increase. respectively. It can be seen that both values of r and r for all
For example, the 2.0FA0.5 + 3% and 2.5FA0.5 + 8% have initial setting specimens are the highest at right after mixing. After that all the
times of 82 and 52 min, respectively, and the nal setting times of data show the decrease of the r and r as a function of the time
106 and 78 min, respectively. This result has been reported by Provis after mixing. This decreasing is strong at the 3 h rst-geopolymer-
and van Deventer [18] that the specimens with higher weight ratio isation period and then slow down. Until the values of r and r are
of solid materials-to-alkaline solution created more geopolymerisa- the lowest at 24 h after mixing. This is because, in the early stages of
tion than other specimens. The explanation of this result is that the the reaction, geopolymer composes of a large amount of free water
weight ratio of FA/AS affects geopolymerisation reaction since this and monomers as the main compositions [20] as shown in semi-
reaction requires SiO2 and Al2O3 in y ash [4]. The specimens with schematic structure for geopolymer in Fig. 6. As mentioned in the
greater amount of y ash have higher geopolymerisation reaction early stages of the reaction, the speed of formation of dissolved
and rapid development of the internal structure. Thus, the setting monomers is greater than the speed of precipitation of the gel. The
time becomes lower. water and monomer are high lossy material corresponding to with
higher than that of the other components [10]. For any mixture,
3.3. Dielectric properties of constituents the values of r and r decrease with increasing time, as expected.
Because the free water and monomers in the early stages are
Table 3 demonstrates the dielectric properties of constituents. The transformed into bound water and polymer components, respec-
results show that constituents can be separated into two groups tively which these components absorb microwave energy less than
including the following: free water and monomer. And the bound water is tightly held and
less rotationally free than the free water which makes higher
(a) The water-based material group consists of water and alkaline dielectric losses possible [21]. In other words, the structure and
solution (Na2SiO3 and NaOH (10 M)). It has a reasonably wide chemical compositions of geopolymer are changed dramatically at
range of both properties (r and r). This is because water is a the early stages of mixing process and decrease steadily after
high lossy material corresponding to with r and r much mixing time of 1 hour. However the r of the mortar during a 1 hour
higher than that of the other components [19]. This effect rst-period has a wide variation that is greater that its dielectric
shows clearly in alkaline solution that consists mainly of water
and polymer.
Table 3
(b) The solid material group comprises y ash and sand (saturated Dielectric properties of geopolymer mortar constituents.
surface-dry). This group shows a narrow range of dielectric
constant (r) and dielectric loss factor (r). The dielectric Material Relative dielectric Relative dielectric loss
constant (r) factor (r)
properties of this group are narrower than those of the water-
based material group. This is caused by the facts that liquid Fly ash 2.90 0.21
Sand 2.78 0.20
constituents contain water is a polar molecule and the HOH
(Saturated surface-dry)
bonding angle is not straight. This means that it can be easily Sodium silicate 8.94 1.70
polarized by an electric eld and this is the main characteristic (Na2SiO3)
of a good dielectric [10]. But y ash and sand have less polarity Sodium hydroxide 14.32 1.17
than that of water molecules, and thus become less affected by (NaOH, 10 M)
Water (27 C) 72.18 11.75
the forces generated by the alternating electromagnetic elds.
246 S. Jumrat et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 242248

Fig. 4. Variation in dielectric constant with time after mixing. Fig. 6. Proposed semi-schematic structure for Na-polysialate polymer [14].

constant r; this is due to having a high variation and it is related to distribution and the mineral composition of the starting y ash, the
the conductivity of a material's polarization and relaxation type and concentration of the activator, etc. [24]. After 4 h of
behaviors [19]. By the physical (gasliquidsolid) phase undoubt- geopolymerisation period, it not shows clearly for variation of
edly has an effect upon the dielectric properties of materials. Liquids dielectric properties with the ratio of FA/AS and NS/NH. However,
may exhibit much higher values of dielectric constant and loss in next study, moisture measurement is important since the internal
factor than if they are present in the solid state [22]. moisture transport is mainly attributable to capillary ow of liquid
water through the voids during the initial stage of drying [25].
3.4.2. Effect of mixture proportions
Consideration of mixture proportions, it can be seen that at right 3.5. Temperature of mortars
after mixing, the increasing weight ratio of FA/AS and NS/NH
decrease the r values of mortars. All specimens with the ratio of Since geopolymerisation is exothermic [4], the release heat during
FA/AS of 2.0 have the r more than FA/AS of 2.5 specimens. These its geopolymerisation is translated into an important temperature
values have been shown to be correlated with liquid constituents increase from which the heat quantity developed can be evaluated.
content (added water and alkaline solution (Na2SiO3 + NaOH)). The The temperature evolution prole during a 24-hours geopolymerisa-
amount of added water and alkaline solution that were used to tion period at room temperature of all geopolymer mortars are
produce geopolymer mortars as shown in Fig. 7. This is the r value of displayed in Fig. 8. The results show that the temperature of mortars is
mortar with high liquid constituents content is higher than the the highest at right after mixing and decreased with time after mixing.
mortar with less liquid content. This agrees with the results of This decreasing is strong at the 3 h rst-geopolymerisation period and
constituents in Section 3.3 that shown liquid constituents contain then slow down. This result is in agreement with those data from
water has the high values of dielectric properties. It is important to conduction calorimetry testing reported by Palomo et al. [26] that
note that the dielectric properties of geopolymer mortars are shows a rapid and intense release of heat when y ashes and alkalis
strongly inuenced by water content. The water content has a get in contact), as well as the analytical data published by van
substantial effect on the nal properties of the geopolymer [23]. At Deventer et al. (who found the existence of a type of synchronism
right after mixing, not only the r but also the r values decrease correlating the Al and Si dissolution rate in a number of silicoalumi-
with increasing the ratio of FA/AS while it not indicates clearly for nate minerals) [23], conrm for the alkali activation of y ashes a
variation of the r values with the ratio of NS/NH. This is due to the similar process to that of hydration of Portland cement during the rst
variation of the chemical composition of reaction products and the moments of the hydration. For mixture proportions, it can be seen
complex of the internal structure of geopolymer. As the activation that at right after mixing, the increasing weight ratio of FA/AS and NS/
reaction rate as well as the chemical composition of the reaction NH decrease the temperature of mortars. These results agree with
products depend on several factors like for example the particle size

Fig. 5. Variation in dielectric loss factor with time after mixing. Fig. 7. Amount of added water and alkaline solution in geopolymer mortar.
S. Jumrat et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 242248 247

Fig. 8. Temperature evolution with time (024 h).

previous work that reported at high sodium silicate content, its effect
became dominant and the effect of leaching of y ash was less, thus it
lead to decreased polymerization.
In addition, the results indicated that the variation of the surface
temperature with time after mixing is similar to the variation of the
dielectric properties (r and r) as shown in Figs. 9 and 10,
respectively. However, in a previous report [27], the dielectric loss
factor increased with increasing temperature. It is important to note
that the variation of the dielectric constant with temperature is much
less important than its variation with free water content [2830].

Fig. 10. Variation of dielectric loss factor and temperature with time after mixing.
(a) Specimens with weight ratios of FA/AS equal to 2.0 and (b) Specimens with weight
ratios of FA/AS equal to 2.5.

4. Conclusions

Based on the obtained results in this study, it can be concluded as


4.1 Added water improves the workability of fresh geopolymer

mortar and makes the ows of specimens pass the requirement
of ASTM C 109 standard. The amount of added water to obtain
the ow values in accordance with ASTM standard increases
with the increasing of weight ratios of FA/AS and NS/NH.
4.2 Initial and nal setting times of all geopolymer mortars are less
than those of cement mortars. And the setting time of
geopolymer mortar decreases with increasing weight ratio of
FA/AS and NS/NH.
4.3 The dielectric properties (r and r) of geopolymer mortar
constituents have been shown to be correlated with water
content. This is the r and r of liquid constituents are higher
than solid constituents.
4.4 The r and r of geopolymer mortars are affected by time after
mixing and mixture proportions. The dielectric properties of
mortars tend to decrease continuously with increasing time
after mixing. For the mortars with more water and liquid
constituent content, the dielectric constant and dielectric loss
factor are also higher.
4.5 Measurement of dielectric properties of constituents and
Fig. 9. Variation of dielectric constant and temperature with time after mixing.
mortars of geopolymer show that the y ash-based geopolymer
(a) Specimens with weight ratios of FA/AS equal to 2.0 and (b) Specimens with weight mortars can be cured with microwave energy depending on the
ratios of FA/AS equal to 2.5. mixture proportion and time after mixing.
248 S. Jumrat et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 242248

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