24 Environmental Management Plans: 24.2.1 Plan Applicability
24 Environmental Management Plans: 24.2.1 Plan Applicability
24 Environmental Management Plans: 24.2.1 Plan Applicability
February 2014
Project No. 1231-10537
Pacific NorthWest LNG
Environmental Impact Statement and Environmental Assessment Certificate Application
Section 24: Environmental Management Plans
February 2014
Project No. 1231-10537
Pacific NorthWest LNG
Environmental Impact Statement and Environmental Assessment Certificate Application
Section 24: Environmental Management Plans
up, disposal, and communications will also be included. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all
materials kept onsite will describe toxic exposure effects and proper medical treatment procedures.
The site supervisor will be responsible for making this accessible to all individuals onsite.
The ERP will specifically address several types of incidents that could occur during construction and
operations, including:
Security related incidents
Accidents or malfunctions (see Section 22), including:
Emergency flaring and emergency liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility shutdown
Explosion or fire
Fuel or hazardous material spill at the storage or loading facilities (from mobile
equipment and storage vessels)
LNG release at the storage or loading facilities
Marine vessel collision (vessel striking another fixed vessel or object), grounding, or
allision (two moving vessels).
Extreme weather events (see Section 23.1).
The ERP will contain succinct information on response strategies, associated resources, and
potential escalation hazards for project-specific incident scenarios and will be used by emergency
responders to rapidly establish control and successfully deal with an incident.
The ERP will include information on correctly identifying an environmental emergency that could
occur as a result of project activities causing harm to the environment or danger to human life or
health. The following information will be provided:
A description of the measures used to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from an
environmental emergency
An emergency response organization structure and a description of the roles and
responsibilities of individuals responsible for implementing the ERP
A description of training requirements
An inventory of the emergency response equipment included in the ERP and the
corresponding storage locations
Internal and external notification, communication, and activation procedures to notify
members of the public who could be adversely affected.
Outline policies and procedures for the use of the Prince Rupert Airport and the Northwest
Regional Airport Terrace-Kitimat for project-related activities
Provide policies for the movement of workers to and from construction sites and airports;
where possible workers will be transported by bus or crew-cab truck
Require PNW LNG to engage in frequent communication between BC Ministry of
Transportation and Infrastructure, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Prince Rupert Port
Authority, and the council members of Port Edward and Prince Rupert to address potential
concerns and changes in demand of infrastructure and services.
February 2014
Project No. 1231-10537
Pacific NorthWest LNG
Environmental Impact Statement and Environmental Assessment Certificate Application
Section 24: Environmental Management Plans
Ecological communities of management concern located adjacent to construction limits and wetlands
outside the PDA will be clearly marked to alert workers and restrict access to these features for
protection. The use of herbicides will be restricted near such communities. Mitigation measures to
protect, or reduce disturbance to the sensitive areas will be implemented during construction and
operations phases of the Project. These measures may include, but are not be limited to, exclusion
fencing, seed and plant salvage, and/or replanting. Training and education about sensitive areas and
locations will be provided to all parties working on site.
Environmental management BMPs for soil management will be included in the vegetation
management plan and implemented during construction of the Project, including mitigation of the
impacts of sedimentation, erosion, and drainage to vegetation within construction areas. Information
on correctly delineating work boundaries, salvaging soil, handling wet soils, handling previously
disturbed soils and general site clean-up practices will be provided. The Project intends to maintain
and restore baseline hydrological regimes, which will serve to reduce potential indirect impacts to
ecological communities around the perimeter of the PDA during and post construction.
February 2014
Project No. 1231-10537
Pacific NorthWest LNG
Environmental Impact Statement and Environmental Assessment Certificate Application
Section 24: Environmental Management Plans
to marine mammals to adhere to DFOs Blasting Guidelines. Monitoring will also be conducted for
marine bird mortality and fish habitat, and for wetland habitat compensation projects to assess the
success of compensation activities.
Air quality monitoring will be conducted as required by regulatory agencies to monitor any increases
in air contaminant concentrations.
24.5 References
Wright, D.L. and G.E. Hopky. 1998. Guidelines for the Use of Explosives In or Near Canadian
Fisheries Waters. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,.
(No. 2107). Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada. Winnipeg, MB.
39 pp.
February 2014
Project No. 1231-10537