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Prevalence of Tinea Corporis and Tinea Cruris in Outpatient Department of Dermatology Unit of A Tertiary Care Hospital

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Journal of

Pharmacology & Clinical Research

ISSN: 2473-5574

Research Article J of Pharmacol & Clin Res

Volume 3 Issue 1 - May 2017
Copyright All rights are reserved by Brigida S
DOI: 10.19080/JPCR.2017.03.555602

Prevalence of Tinea Corporis and Tinea Cruris in

Outpatient Department of Dermatology Unit of a
Tertiary Care Hospital
Brigida S* and Muthiah NS
Department of Pharmacology, Sree Balaji Medical College and Research Hospital, India
Submission: March 06, 2017; Published: May 30, 2017
*Corresponding author: Brigida S, Department of Pharmacology, Sree Balaji Medical College and Research Hospital, Chrompet, Chennai-
Tamilnadu, India, E-mail:


Background: Dermatophytes are the major causal organism of the most common superficial fungal infections. Among that Tinea corporis
and Tinea cruris infections are not uncommon among general population irrespective of their glycemic or hygienic status.

Objective: This study is to evaluate the prevalence of Tinea corporis and Tinea cruris among different age groups in outpatient department
of dermatology unit of Sree Balaji medical college and research hospital.

Result: In this present study out of 587 patients attended skin OPD with skin lesion or complaints, dermatologist diagnosed as 151 patients
had Tinea corporis infection and 138 had Tinea cruris infection. Out of 151 Tinea corporis patients 84 are male and 67 are female. In male 75
patients are KOH positive and remaining are negative. In female 62 are KOH positive and 5 are KOH negative. Total of 138 Tinea cruris patient
reported out of which 62 are males and 76 are females. Out of 62 in males 59 and out of 76 in females 73 are KOH positive and 3 in male and 3 in
female are KOH negative. It is found that higher incidence of Tinea corporis in male and Tinea cruris in female.

Keywords: Prevalence, Superficial Fungal infection, KOH mount ,microscopic examination

(except scalp, groin, palms and soles)1. It is most commonly
Dermatophytes are filamentous fungi in the genera
caused by Trichophyton species that digest keratin in the cells of
Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton of which
the stratum corneum. T. rubrum is the most common infectious
Trichophyton is the common species responsible for Tinea
agent in the world and is the source of 47% of Tinea corporis
infections. More than a million healthy as well as immuno
cases1.It starts as a flat, scaly and more often as a pruritic
compromised are the victims of this infection worldwide.
macules which may further develop into a lesion with raised
Dermatophytes manifest in humans in different forms and
border spreading radially with erythematous vesicular edges.
most common major infections are Tinea corporis and Tinea
This may expand as a ring with central clearance and irregular
cruris most commonly caused by Trichophyton species, that
circles giving this infection a layman name ring worm. Tinea
disrupts keratin in the stratum corneum (epidermis of skin).
corporis occurs worldwide and is relatively frequent, but its
This is because the dermatophyte group of fungi are unable
incidence is higher in tropics and subtropics. Infection can occur
to penetrate tissues which are not fully keratinized. However
from direct or indirect contact with skin and scalp lesions of
its severity varies from mild to moderate according to host
infected persons or animals.
immunity, virulence of the infecting species, site of infection and
environmental factors [1-5]. Tinea cruris, the other variety of superficial Trichophyton
infection, most commonly caused by T. rubrum, E. floccosum which
Tinea corporis, one of the superficial dermatophyte infection
manifest as an inflammatory lesion or asymptomatic,(depends
manifest either as an inflammatory or non inflammatory lesions
on species virulence and patients immune response) most
on the glabrous skin, most commonly trunk, shoulder and limbs

J of Pharmacol & Clin Res 3(1): JPCR.MS.ID. 555602 (2017) 001

Journal of Pharmacology & Clinical Research

commonly in the groin and genital area(perianal and perineal are females (Figure 5). Out of 62 in males 59 and out of 76 in
sites) with a tendency to use keratin as its nitrogen source for females 73 are KOH positive and 3 in male and 3 in female are
growth. Lesions are erythematous and covered with thin, dry KOH negative.
scales, can extend to inner thigh with raised, defined border with
small vesicles [6-8].

Aim and Objective

In this study our aim was to evaluate the prevalence of
Tinea corporis and Tinea cruris among different age group
in outpatient department of dermatology unit of Sree Balaji
medical college and Research Hospital.

Materials and Methods

The present study has been conducted on a symptomatic
group who visited dermatological OPD of Sree Balaji Medical
Figure 1: Total Tinea Corporis and Cruris Cases.
college and research hospital.

Selection of Patients
Patients of all age group who visited OPD with complaint
of itching or lesion were screened and then filtered after the
diagnosis by dermatologist as Tinea corporis and Tinea cruris
were included in the study irrespective of their comorbid
condition. A brief history about any systemic diseases was
noted. Most patients with tinea corporis and tinea cruris are
diagnosed clinically. To avoid a misdiagnosis, identification of
dermatophyte infections from skin scraping is suggestible. And
hence the patient was taken to mycological unit of Microbiology
Figure 2: Male and Female Distribution of Tinea Corporis.
department. Microscopic examination, consisting of a 10%
to15% KOH preparation, from skin scrapings from peripheral
margins and roof of the blister using small scalpel blade,
dermatophytes are easily recognized under microscope by their
long branch like tubular structures called HYPHAE and it was
taken as confirmation.

Study Period
This study was conducted for a period of one year from
September 2015-August 2016 after approval from institutional
ethics committee.

Figure 3: KOH Positive and KOH Negative Cases.
In this present study out of 587 patients attended skin OPD
with skin lesion or complaints, dermatologist diagnosed as
151 patients had Tinea corporis infection and 138 had Tinea
cruris infection (Figure 1). The initial diagnosis was done
by dermatologist and after that mycological confirmation of
presence of hyphae in KOH mounts under microscopy (Figure 2).
The graph shows 31-45 years age group have greater incidence
of Tinea corporis infection with male predominance. Out of 151
Tinea corporis patients 84 are male and 67 are female (Figure 3).
In male 75 patients are KOH positive and remaining are negative.
In female 62 are KOH positive and 5 are KOH negative (Figure 4).
The graph shows16-45 years age group have greater incidence
of Tinea cruris infection with female predominance. Total of 138 Figure 4: Male and Female Distribution of Tinea Cruris.
Tinea cruris patient reported out of which 62 are males and 76

How to cite this article: Brigida S, Muthiah N. Pediatric Sedation: Prevalence of Tinea Corporis and Tinea Cruris in Outpatient Department of Dermatology
002 Unit of a Tertiary Care Hospital. J of Pharmacol & Clin Res. 2017; 3(1): 555602. DOI: 10.19080/JPCR.2017.02.555602.
Journal of Pharmacology & Clinical Research

Further detailed study can be conducted to analyze the
risk factors for Tinea corporis and Tinea cruris infection. In
this study KOH negative cases were excluded and they can be
further evaluated through culture to confirm the diagnosis and
it might show variation in prevalence. Similarly detailed history
about the recurrence of infection if any can help us to find the
contribution of underlying co morbidities like diabetes.

My sincere thanks to Department of dermatology and
department of Microbiology. My heartfelt gratitude to my
beloved professors, faculty, peers and well wishers.
Figure 5: KOH Positive and KOH Negative Tinea Cruris Cases.
Discussion 1. Gupta Sarika, Agrawal Purva, Rajawat Rahul, Gupta Saksham (2014)
Prevalence Of Dermatophytic Infection And Determining Sensitivity
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assumed very great importance because of poor hygiene and
sanitation awareness and because of climate in tropical region 3. Tan H H (2005) Superficial fungal infections seen at the National Skin
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like Chennai. Although most superficial fungal infections are
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in immunocompromised individuals or as an opportunistic
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Conclusion 6. ALY R (1994) Ecology and epidemiology of dermatophyte infections. J
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It may be concluded that in tropical countries like India
dermatophyte infections like Tinea corporis and Tinea cruris 7. AMEEN M (2010) Epidemiology of superficial fungal infections. Clin
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are not uncommon irrespective of rural or urban population
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Dermatophyte infections in patients attending a tertiary care hospital
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completely by targeting the pathology systemically and topically
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the hygienic measures. trends in skin mycoses worldwide. Mycoses 51 (Suppl. 4): 2-15.

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How to cite this article: Brigida S, Muthiah N. Pediatric Sedation: Prevalence of Tinea Corporis and Tinea Cruris in Outpatient Department of Dermatology
003 Unit of a Tertiary Care Hospital. J of Pharmacol & Clin Res. 2017; 3(1): 555602. DOI: 10.19080/JPCR.2017.02.555602.

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