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1. How many bit combinations are there in a byte?

Byte contains 8 combinations of bits.

2. Have you studied buses? What types?
There are three types of buses.Address bus: This is used to carry the
Address to the memory to fetch either Instruction or Data.Data bus :
This is used to carry the Data from the memory.Control bus : This is
used to carry the Control signals like RD/WR, Select etc.
3. What is the Maximum clock frequency in 8086?
5 Mhz is the Maximum clock frequency in 8086.
4. What is meant by Maskable interrupts?
An interrupt that can be turned off by the programmer is known as
Maskable interrupt.
5. What is Non-Maskable interrupts?
An interrupt which can be never be turned off (ie. disabled) is known as
Non-Maskable interrupt
6. What are the different functional units in 8086?
Bus Interface Unit and Execution unit, are the two different functional
units in 8086.
7. What are the various segment registers
in 8086?
Code, Data, Stack, Extra Segment registers in 8086.
8. What does EU do?
Execution Unit receives program instruction codes and data from
BIU, executes these instructions andstore the result in general registers.
9. Which Stack is used in 8086? k is used in 8086?
FIFO (First In First Out) stack is used in 8086.In this type of Stack the
first stored information isretrieved first.
10. What are the flags in 8086?
In 8086 Carry flag, Parity flag, Auxiliary carry flag, Zero flag, Overflow
flag, Trace flag, Interrupt flag,Direction flag, and Sign flag.
11. What is SIM and RIM instructions?
SIM is Set Interrupt Mask. Used to mask the hardware interrupts.RIM is
Read Interrupt Mask. Used to check whether the interrupt is Masked
or not.
12. What is the difference between 8086 and
The BIU in 8088 is 8-bit data bus & 16- bit in 8086.Instruction queue is
4 byte long in 8088and 6 bytein 8086.
13. Give example for Non-Maskable interrupts?
Trap is known as Non-Maskable interrupts, which is used in emergency
14. Give examples for Micro controller?
Z80, Intel MSC51 &96, Motorola are the best examples of
15. What is clock frequency for 8085?
3 MHz is the maximum clock frequency for 8085.
16. Give an example of one address
8085 is a one address microprocessor.

17. Give examples for 8 / 16 / 32 bit

8-bit Processor - 8085 / Z80 / 6800; 16-bit Processor - 8086 / 68000
/ Z8000; 32-bit Processor -80386 / 80486
18. What is meant by a bus?
A bus is a group of conducting lines that carriers data, address, & control
19. What are the various registers in 8085?
Accumulator register, Temporary register, Instruction register, Stack
Pointer, Program Counter are thevarious registers in 8085
20. Why crystal is a preferred clock source?
Because of high stability, large Q (Quality Factor) & the frequency that
doesnt drift with aging. Crystalis used as a clock source most of the
21. In 8085 which is called as High order / Low
order Register?
Flag is called as Low order register & Accumulator is called as High
order Register.
22. Name 5 different addressing modes?
Immediate, Direct, Register, Register indirect, Implied addressing modes
23. In what way interrupts are classified in
In 8085 the interrupts are classified as Hardware and Software
24. What is the difference between primary
& secondary storage device?
In primary storage device the storage capacity is limited. It has a volatile
memory. In secondary storagedevice the storage capacity is larger. It is a
nonvolatile memory. Primary devices are: RAM / ROM.Secondary
devices are: Floppy disc / Hard disk.
25. Which Stack is used in 8085?
LIFO (Last In First Out) stack is used in 8085.In this type of Stack the
last stored information can beretrieved first.
26. What is Program counter?
Program counter holds the address of either the first byte of the next
instruction to be fetched forexecution or the address of the next byte of a
multi byte instruction, which has not been completelyfetched. In both
the cases it gets incremented automatically one by one as the instruction
bytes getfetched. Also Program register keeps the address of the next
27. What is the RST for the TRAP?
RST 4.5 is called as TRAP.
28. What are level-triggering interrupt?
RST 6.5 & RST 5.5 are level-triggering interrupts.
29. Which interrupt is not level-sensitive in
RST 7.5 is a raising edge-triggering interrupt.
30. What are Software interrupts?
31. What are the various flags used in 8085?
Sign flag, Zero flag, Auxiliary flag, Parity flag, Carry flag.
32. In 8085 name the 16 bit registers?
Stack pointer and Program counter all have 16 bits.

33. What is Stack Pointer?

Stack pointer is a special purpose 16-bit register in the Microprocessor,
which holds the address of thetop of the stack.
34. What happens when HLT instruction is
executed in processor?
The Micro Processor enters into Halt-State and the buses are tri-stated.
35. What does Quality factor mean?
The Quality factor is also defined, as Q. So it is a number, which
reflects the lossness of a circuit.Higher the Q, the lower are the losses.
36. How many interrupts are there in 8085?
There are 12 interrupts in 8085.
37. What is Tri-state logic?
Three Logic Levels are used and they are High, Low, High impedance
state. The high and low arenormal logic levels & high impedance state is
electrical open circuit conditions. Tri-state logic has athird line called
enable line.
38. Which interrupt has the highest priority?
TRAP has the highest priority
39. What are Hardware interrupts?
TRAP, RST7.5, RST6.5, RST5.5, INTR
40. Can an RC circuit be used as clock source
for 8085?
Yes, it can be used, if an accurate clock frequency is not required. Also,
the component cost is low compared to LC or Crystal.

41. 1}What is Microprocessor

ans:-It is a program controlled semiconductor device
(IC},which fetches,decode and executes instructions.

2} Explain the function of CPU in Microprocessor

ans:-A microprocessor controls all functions of the CPU, or
central processing unit, of a computer or other digital device.
The microprocessor is programmed to give and receive
instructions from other components of the device. The
system can control everything from small devices such as
calculators and mobile phones, to large automobiles.

3} Define Compiler
ans:-A compiler is a computer program (or set of programs)
that transformssource code written in a programming
language (the source language) into another computer
language (the target language, often having a binary form
known as object code). The most common reason for
wanting to transform source code is to create an executable

4}Define Intrepreter
ans:- An interpreter may be a program that either :-executes
the source code directly; translates source code into some
efficient intermediate representation (code) and immediately
executes this; explicitly executes stored precompiled code[1]
made by a compiler which is part of the interpreter system.

5}Define Assembler
ans:-An assembler is a program that takes basic computer
instructions and converts them into a pattern of bits that the
computer's processor can use to perform its basic

6}What is Assembly level language

ans:-An assembly language is a low-level programming
language for microprocessors. It implements a symbolic
representation of the binary machine codes and other
constants needed to program a particular CPUarchitecture.
This representation is usually defined by the hardware
manufacturer, and is based on mnemonics that symbolize
processing steps (instructions), processor registers, memory
locations, and other language features.

7)What are Mnemonics

ans:-mnemonics are instructions or commands to perform a
perticular opration
given by user to microprocessor e.g MOV

42. 8)What is a bus

ans:-Information is transferred between units of the
microcomputer by collections of conductors called buses.
There will be one conductor for each bit of information to be
e.g., 16 lines for a 16 bit address bus. There will be address,
control, and data buses.

9)Distinguish between Microprocessor & Microcontroller.

ans:-The microprocessor is a digital integrated circuit device
that can be programmed with a series of instructions to
perform specified functions on data.
43. But micro controller is a computer on a chip which has
memory,input,ouput on the chip itself.
44. So,micro processor can perform only few functions but
micro controller can perform so many functions.

45. 10)Define address bus, data bus and control bus

ans:- ADDRESS BUS:-An address bus is a computer bus (a
series of lines connecting two or more devices) that is used
to specify a physical address. When a processor or DMA-
enabled device needs to read or write to a memory location,
it specifies that memory location on the address bus (the
value to be read or written is sent on the data bus). The
width of the address bus determines the amount of memory
a system can address.

DATA BUS:-The bus (connections between and with in the

CPU, memory, and peripherals) used to carry data. Other
connections are the address bus and control signals. The
width and clock rate of the data bus determine its data rate
(the number of bytes per second it can carry), which is one
of the main factors determining the processing power of a

CONTROL BUS:-The control bus (or command bus)

transports orders and synchonisation signals coming from
thecontrol unit and travelling to all other hardware
components. It is a bidirectional bus, as it also transmits
response signals from the hardware.

11)What is nibble, byte and word

ans:-NIBBLE:-In computing, a nibble is a four-bit aggregation
or half an octet. As a nibble contains 4 bits.

The byte (pronounced /bat/) is a unit of digital information in
computing and telecommunications. The size of a byte is
typically hardware dependent, but the modern de facto
standard is 8 bits, as this is a convenient power of 2.
WORD:- The most common microprocessors used in
personal computers (for instance, the Intel Pentiums and
AMD Athlons) are an example of this; their IA-32 architecture
is an extension of the original Intel 8086 design which had a
word size of 16 bits.

12)What is a register
ans:-In computer architecture, a processor register (or
general purpose register) is a small amount of storage
available on the CPU whose contents can be accessed more
quickly than storage available elsewhere. Typically, this
specialized storage is not considered part of the normal
memory range for the machine. Processor registers are at
the top of the memory hierarchy, and provide the fastest way
for a CPU to access data.

13) Why is the data bus bidirectional

ans:-Data bus is bi-directional bcoz same bus is used for
data transmission from microprocessor
to memory location or input/output device and vice versa.
thats y data bus is bi-directional
47. 14. Give the features of 8085 microprocessor
48. 8-bit microprocessor, Up to 8 MHz, 64 KB RAM,
Single voltage, On-chip peripherals, 256 I/O ports,
49. 8080 object-code compatible,40-pin DIP,44-pin PLCC
51. 15. Give the features of 8086 microprocessor
16)What is a flag
ans:-Flag Registers:-
* The flag indicates the condition of the microprocessor as
well as controls its operations. * A flag register is a flip-flop
which indicates some conditions produced by the execution
of an instruction or controls certain operations of the EU. A
16-bit flag register in the EU contains nine active flags. Two
types of flags: Conditional or status flags: Six flags are
conditional flags. They are set or reset by the EU on the
basis of the results of some arithmetic operation.
52. 16-bit microprocessor, 16-bit data bus, Up to 10
MHz, 1 MB RAM, 64K I/O ports,40-pin DIP,56-pin QFP,
53. 44-pin PLCC
17)What is the function of the accumulator
ans:-An accumulator is an 8-bit register that is a part of ALU
(Arithmatic-Logic Unit) of a processor. It is used for
temporary storage of 8-bit data and to perform arithmatic
operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
or logical operations like AND, OR, XOR etc. The result of
operation is stored in accumulator.
18) What is stack pointer
ans:-The CPU has an automatic program stack. At any given
time, the SP holds the 16-bit address of the next free
location in the stack. The stack acts like any other stack
when there is a subroutine call or on an interrupt. ie. pushing
the return address on a jump, and retrieving it after the
operation is complete to come back to its original location.
There are instructions that push and pull the A and B
accumulators and the X and Y index registers. These
instructions are often used to preserve program context.
56. 19) What are the advantages of 8086 microprocessor
over 8085
ans:-The Intel 8085 and 8086 microprocessors is that
the 8085 is an 8-bit system and the 8086 is a 16-bit
This difference allows the 8086 system to have a much
larger set of operational instructions and can make
calculations to more significant places.

20)Define effective address

ans:-Effective address is the
final address generated by offsetting and indexing
which is sent to the virtual translation logic. It is
the address of the operand in the
virtual address space of the process, but not
necessarily the address of the operand in the
physical address space of the computer.

21)How many segment registers are there in 8086

ans:-4 different types of segments in 8086
CS(Code Segment)to hold code area SS(Stack Segment)to
run program DS(Data Segment)to hold data ES(Extra
Segment)to hold large data

22)What are the registers present in internal architecture

ans:-The 8086 had eight (more or less general) 16-bit
registers including the stack pointer, but excluding the
instruction pointer, flag register and segment registers. Four
of them, AX, BX, CX, DX, could also be accessed as twice
as many 8-bit registers (see figure) while the other four, BP,
SI, DI, SP, were 16-bit only.
23)What are the advantages of overlapping segments

24)What is PSW. Give its structure and explain

ans:-The current state of the processor is stored in a
register called ProcessorStatus
Word(PSW).The PSW contains bits which indicate such
things as whether the previous arithmetic operations
produced a positive,negative or zero result. If a subtract
instruction is followed by a "branch on zero" instruction ,then
the branch will be taken if the PSW indicates that the
subtraction resulted in a zero. Most loops,such as DO-
WHILE,FOR,etc involve incrementing or decrementing a
counter and repeating the loop until the counter reaches the
limit.Each time the counter is changed,the result is
compared with the limit,the PSW is set accordingly,and
branch is taken or not depending on the contents of
the PSW. The 8086 microprocessor has a 16-bit PSW.

25. What is an instruction

ans:-An instruction is an order given to a computer
processor by a computer program.At the lowest level, each
instruction is a sequence of 0s and 1s that describes a
physical operation the computer is to perform (such as
"Add") and, depending on the particular instruction type, the
specification of special storage areas called registers that
may contain data to be used in carrying out the instruction,
or the location in computer memory of data.

The Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) is an x86

assembler for MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows. It supports
a wide variety of macro facilities and structured programming
idioms, including high-level functions for looping and

26. What are different types of instructions. Give

ans:-There are different instruction types:-
1)Data Movement:-examples:-{Load,Move,Push,Pop}
(2)Logical Operations:-ex:-{And,Or,Xor,Not,Shl,Shr}
3)Arithmetic Operations:-ex:-
{Add,Sub,Mulu*,Muls*,Divu*,Divs*} (4)Comparison:-ex:-
5)Flow Control:-ex:-{Bra,Bsr,Rts,Rti} (6)Others:-ex:-{Nop}

27. What are addressing modes

ans:-1. Immediate addressing.2. Register addressing.3.
Direct addressing.4. Indirect addressing.

28. Give the different type of data related addressing

modes and explain with examples.
ans:-1}Immediate addressing
Load the immediate data into the register, R.
Example: MVI R,data
2)Register addressing
Data from source register is moved into destination register.
Example: MOV Rd, Rs
3)Direct addressing
Accepts data from external devices to be stored in the
accumulator or sends the data from the accumulator to the
external device.
Example: IN 00H or OUT 01H

57. 29. What are the different types of branch related

addressing modes
ans:-II. Branch Addressing Modes
1. Intrasegment Direct2. Intrasegment Indirect3.
Intersegment Direct4. Intersegment Direct

30. Distinguish between packed BCD and unpacked

ans:-Packed BCD numbers are stored two digits to a byte in
4 bit groups referred as nibbles
Ex:86 in unpacked BCD there is only one digit per byte Ex:
08, 06

31. Describe CBW and CWD instructions

ans:-The CBW and CWDE mnemonics reference the same
opcode. The CBW instruction is intended for use when the
operand-size attribute is 16 and the CWDE instruction for
when the operand-size attribute is 32. The CWDE instruction
is different from the CWD (convert word to double)
instruction. The CWD instruction uses the DX:AX register
pair as a destination operand; whereas, the CWDE
instruction uses the EAX register as a destination.

32)Describe about MUL, IMUL, DIV, IDIV instructions

ans:-MUL (multiply) instruction is used for unsigned
multiplication. This instruction multiplies bytes or words.
IMUL (Integer multiply) instruction is used for signed
multiplication. This instruction multiply bytes or words.
The DIV instruction is to divide unsigned data. We can divide
a byte by byte, a word by byte, double word by word.
The IDIV instruction is to divide signed data. We can divide a
byte by byte, a word by byte, double word by word and the
operations are just like DIV instructions

33)Describe about LOOP instructions

ans:-The LOOP instruction is a combination of a decrement
of CX and a conditional jump. In the 8086, LOOP
decrements CX and if CX is not equal to zero, it jumps to the
address indicated by the label. If CX becomes a 0, the next
sequential instruction executes.

34)Give examples of conditional branch instructions

ans:-In a loop if there are different jump instructions with a
condition or counter called conditional loop and instructions
in that loop are called unconditional branch instructions.

35)Give examples of unconditional branch instructions

ans:-In a loop if there are different jump instructions with no
condition it is called unconditional loop and instructions in
that loop are called unconditional branch instructions.

36)What are flag manipulation instructions ? Give

ans:-Flag manipulation instructions. STC, CLC, CMC. Set,
clear, complement carry flag. STD, CLD. Set, clear direction

39. What are directives.

ans:-Assembler directives are instructions to the assembler
concerning the program being assembled.

41. Define assembly process

ans:-A microprocessor executes a collection of machine
instructions that tell the processor what to do is known as
assembly process.

42. Define two pass assembler

ans:-A two pass assembler does two passes over the source
file ( the second pass can be over a file generated in the first
pass ). In the first pass all it does is looks for label definitions
and introduces them in the symbol table. In the second pass,
after the symbol table is complete, it does the actual
assembly by translating the operations and so on.

43. What are the advantages of modular programming

ans:-Modular programming can be used to break up a large
program into manageable units, or to create code that can
be easily re-used. Reduce problem to smaller, simpler,
humanly comprehensible problems

58. 44. What is linking and relocation

ans:- A linker is a program used to join together several
object files into one large object file. The linker produces a
link file which contains the binary codes for all the combined
modules. It also produces a link map which contains the
address information about the link files. The linker does not
assign absolute addresses but only relative address starting
from zero, so the programs are relocatable & can be put
anywhere in memory to be run.

45. What is a stack

ans:-A stack is a last in, first out (LIFO) abstract data type
and data structure. A stack can have any abstract data type
as an element, but is characterized by only two fundamental
operations: push and pop.

46. What are stack operated instructions. Explain

ans:-The generic use of stack is for, Return address return
value ,parameters to called function, local variables in the
called function, processor registers that will be reused in the
called function.

47. Define Procedure

ans:-Procedures are a group of instructions stored as a
separate program in memory and it is called from the main
program whenever required. The type of procedure depends
on where the procedures are stored in memory. If it is in the
same code segment as that of the main program then it is a
near procedure otherwise it is a far procedure.

48. Explain about CALL and RETURN instructions

ans:-CALL 16-bit memory address of a subroutine
It is a 3-byte instruction that transfers the program sequence
to a subroutine
Saves the content of the PC (Program Counter-16-bit
register) , the address of the next instruction , on the stack.
Decrements the stack pointer register by 2. Jumps
unconditionally to the memory location specified by the 2nd
and 3rd bytes. This instruction is accompanied by a

RETURN instruction in the subroutine.The return instruction

is used either to return a function value or to terminate the
execution of a function. The exit may be from anywhere
within the function body, including loops or nested blocks. If
the function returns a value, the return instruction is required

49. What is recursive procedure

ans:-A recursive procedure is a procedure, which calls itself.
Recursive procedures are used to work with complex data
structures called trees. If the procedure is called with N=3,
then the N is decremented by 1 after each procedure CALL
and the procedure is called until N=0.
ans:-An interrupt is a condition that causes the
microprocessor to temporarily work on a different task, and
then later return to its previous task. Interrupts can be
internal or external. Internal interrupts, or "software
interrupts," are triggered by a software instruction and
operate similarly to a jump or branch instructionTurbo
Assembler (TASM) is an x86 assembler package developed
by Borland. It is used with Borland's high-level language
compilers, such as Turbo Pascal, Turbo Basic and Turbo C.

1.What is a Microprocessor?
Microprocessor is a CPU fabricated on a single chip, program-controlled device, which
fetches the instructions from memory, decodes and executes the instructions.

2. What is Instruction Set?

It is the set of the instructions that the Microprocessor can execute.

3. What is Bandwidth ?
The number of bits processed by the processor in a single instruction.

4. What is Clock Speed ?

Clock speed is measured in the MHz and it determines that how many instructions a
processor can processed. The speed of the microprocessor is measured in the MHz or

5. What are the features of Intel 8086 ?

Released by Intel in 1978
Produced from 1978 to 1990s
A 16-bit microprocessor chip.
Max. CPU clock rate:5 MHz to 10 MHz
Instruction set: x86-16
Package: 40 pin DIP
16-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit
16-bit data bus (8088 has 8-bit data bus)
20-bit address bus - 220 = 1,048,576 = 1 meg
The address refers to a byte in memory.
In the 8088, these bytes come in on the 8-bit data bus. In the 8086, bytes at even
addresses come in on the low half of the data bus (bits 0-7) and bytes at odd addresses
come in on the upper half of the data bus (bits 8-15).
The 8086 can read a 16-bit word at an even address in one operation and at an odd
address in two operations. The 8088 needs two operations in either case.
The least significant byte of a word on an 8086 family microprocessor is at the lower

6. What is Logical Address:?

A memory address on the 8086 consists of two numbers, usually written in hexadecimal and
separated by a colon, representing the segment and the offset. This combination of segment and
offset is referred to as a logical address
Logical address=segment: offset

7. What is The Effective Address:

In general, memory accesses take the form of the following example:
Mov ax, [baseReg + indexReg + constant]
This example copies a word sized value into the register AX.
Combined, the three parameters in brackets determine what is called the effective address, which is
simply the offset referenced by the instruction

8. What is Physical Address?

Physical memory address pointed by SEGMENT:OFFSET pair is calculated as:

Physical address = (<Segment Addr> * 10) + <Offset Addr>

9.What are the flags in 8086?

In 8086 Carry flag, Parity flag, Auxiliary carry flag, Zero flag, Overflow flag, Trace flag,
Interrupt flag, Direction flag, and Sign flag.

10.Why crystal is a preferred clock source?

Because of high stability, large Q (Quality Factor) & the frequency that doesnt drift with
aging. Crystal is used as a clock source most of the times.

11.What is Tri-state logic?

Three Logic Levels are used and they are High, Low, High impedance state. The high and
low are normal logic levels & high impedance state is electrical open circuit conditions.
Tri-state logic has a third line called enable line.

12.What happens when HLT instruction is executed in processor?

The Micro Processor enters into Halt-State and the buses are tri-stated.

13.What is Program counter?

Program counter holds the address of either the first byte of the next instruction to be
fetched for execution or the address of the next byte of a multi byte instruction, which
has not been completely fetched. In both the cases it gets incremented automatically one
by one as the instruction bytes get fetched. Also Program register keeps the address of
the next instruction.

14.What is 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th generation processor?

The processor made of PMOS / NMOS / HMOS / HCMOS technology is called 1st / 2nd /
3rd / 4th generation processor, and it is made up of 4 / 8 / 16 / 32 bits.

15.Name the processor lines of two major manufacturers?

High-end: Intel - Pentium (II, III, 4), AMD - Athlon. Low-end: Intel - Celeron, AMD - Duron.
64-bit: Intel - Itanium 2, AMD - Opteron.

16.How many bit combinations are there in a byte?

Byte contains 8 combinations of bits.

17.Have you studied buses? What types?

There are three types of buses.
Address bus: This is used to carry the Address to the memory to fetch either Instruction
or Data.
Data bus : This is used to carry the Data from the memory.
Control bus : This is used to carry the Control signals like RD/WR, Select etc.

18.What is the Maximum clock frequency in 8086?

5 Mhz is the Maximum clock frequency in 8086.

19.What is meant by Maskable interrupts?

An interrupt that can be turned off by the programmer is known as Maskable interrupt.

20.What is Non-Maskable interrupts?

An interrupt which can be never be turned off (ie. disabled) is known as Non-Maskable

21.What are the different functional units in 8086?

Bus Interface Unit and Execution unit, are the two different functional units in 8086.

22.What are the various segment registers in 8086?

Code, Data, Stack, Extra Segment registers in 8086.

23.What does EU do?

Execution Unit receives program instruction codes and data from BIU, executes these
instructions and store the result in general registers.

24.Which Stack is used in 8086? k is used in 8086?

FIFO (First In First Out) stack is used in 8086.In this type of Stack the first stored
information is retrieved first.

25.What are the flags in 8086?

In 8086 Carry flag, Parity flag, Auxiliary carry flag, Zero flag, Overflow flag, Trace flag,
Interrupt flag, Direction flag, and Sign flag.

26.What is SIM and RIM instructions?

SIM is Set Interrupt Mask. Used to mask the hardware interrupts.
RIM is Read Interrupt Mask. Used to check whether the interrupt is Masked or not.

27.What are the different types of Addressing Modes?

A:- There are 12 different types of Addressing Modes.They are:-
<1> Immediate:-The Immediate data is a part of instruction, and appears in the form of
successive bytes.

<2> Direct:-A 16-bit memory address(offset) is directly specified in the instruction as a

part of it.

<3> Register:-Data is stored in a register and it is referred using the particular register
(except IP).

<4> Register Indirect:-The address of the memory location which contains data or
operand is determined in an indirect way.

<5> Indexed:-offset of the operand is stored in one of the index registers.

<6> Register Relative:-The data is available at an eefective address formed by adding an

8-bit or 16-bit displacement with the content of any one of the registers BX,BP,SI and DI
in the default (either DS or ES) segment.

<7> Based Indexed:-The effective address of the data is formed,in this addressing
mode,by adding content of a base register to the content of an index register.
<8> Relative Based Indexed:- The effective address is formed by adding an 8 or 16-bit
displacement with the sum of contents of any one of the base registers and any one of
the index registers,in the default segment.

<9> Intrasegment Direct Mode:-In this mode,the address to which the control is to bve
transferred lies in the segment in which the control transfer instruction lies and appears
directly in the instruction as an immediate displacement value.

<10> Intrasegment Indirect Mode:-In this mode,the displacement to which the control is
to be transferred,is in the same segment in whgich the control transfer instruction
lies,but it is passed to the instruction indirectly.
<11> Intersegment Direct:-In this mode,the address to which the control is to be
transferred is in a different segment.
<12> Intersegment Indirect:-In this mode,the address to which the control is to be
transferred lies in a different segment and it is passed to the instruction indirectly

28.What are the General Data Registers & their uses?

A:- The Registers AX,BX,CX,DX are the general Purpose 16-bit registers.AX register as
16-bit accumulator.BX register is used as an offset Storage.CX register is used as default
or implied counter.Dx register is used as an implicit operand or destination in case of a
few instructions.

29.What are Segment Registers & their uses?

A:-There are 4 Segment Registers Code Segment(CS),Data Segment(DS),Extra
Segment(ES) & Stack Segment(SS) registers.CS is used for addressing memory
locationin code.DS is used to points the data.ES refers to a segment which is essentially
in another data segment.SS is used fopr addressing stack segment of memory.

30.What are Flag registers?

A:-Divided into 2 parts:-Condition code or status flags and machine control flags.
S-Sign Flag:-Is to set when the result of any computation is negative.
Z-Zero Flag:-Is to set if the result of the computation or comparision performed by the
previous instruction is zero.
C-Carry Flag:-Is set when there is carry out of MSB in case of addition or a borrow in
case of subtraction.
T-Trap Flag:-Is set,the processor enters the single step execution mode.
I-Interrupt Flag:-Is set,the maskable interrupts are recognised by the CPU.
D-Direction Flag:-Is set for autoincrementing or autodecrementing mode in string
manipulation instructions.
AC-Auxiliary Carry Flag:-Is set if there is a carry from the lowest nibble during addition or
borrow for the lowest nibble.
O-Overflow Flag:-Is setif the result of a signed operation is large enough to be
accommodated in a destination register.

31.What does the 8086 Architecture contain?

A:-The complete architecture of 8086 can be divided into 2types :-Bus Interface Unit(BIU)
& Execution Unit.
The BIU contains the circuit for physical address calculations and a precoding
instruction byte queue & it makes the bus signals available for external interfacing of the
The EU contains the register set of 8086 except segment registers and IP.It has a 16-bit
ALU,able to perform arithmetic and Logic operations.

32) What are Data Copy/Transfer Instructions?

A:- Mov

33. What are Machine Control Instructions?

A:- Nop

34) What are Flag Manipulation Instructions?

A:- Cld

35) What are String Instructions?

A:- Rep

36) What are different parts for 8086 architecture?

A:- The complete architecture of 8086 can be divided into 2types :-Bus Interface Unit(BIU)
& Execution Unit.
The BIU contains the circuit for physical address calculations and a precoding
instruction byte queue & it makes the bus signals available for external interfacing of the
The EU contains the register set of 8086 except segment registers and IP.It has a 16-bit
ALU,able to perform arithmetic and Logic operations.

37.What is an Interrupts
Def:- An interrupt operation suspends execution of a program so that the system can
take special action.The interrupt routine executes and normally returns control to the
interrupted procedure, which then resumes execution.BIOS handles Int 00H-1FH,
whereas DOS handles INT 20H-3FH.

38. What is an Opcode?

A:-The part of the instruction that specifies the operation to be performed is called the
Operation code or Op code.

39.What is an Operand?
A:-The data on which the operation is to be performed is called as an Operand.

40.Explain the difference between a JMP and CALL instruction?

A:-A JMP instruction permantely changes the program counter.
A CALL instruction leaves information on the stack so that the original program
execution sequence can be resumed.

41.What is meant by Polling?

A:- Polling or device Polling is a process which idenfies the device that has interrupted
the microprocessor.

42.What is meant by Interrupt?

A:-Interrupt is an external signal that causes a microprocessor to jump to a specific

43.What is an Instruction?
A:-An instruction is a binary pattern enetered through an input device to command the
microprocessor to perform that specific function.

44.What is Microcontroller and Microcomputer?

A:- Microcontroller is a device that includes microprocessor:memory and I/O signal lines
on a single chip,fabricated using VLSI technology.
Microcomputer is a computer that is designed using microprocessor as its CPU.It
includes microprocessor,memory and I/O.
45.What is Assembler?
A:-The assembler translates the assembly language program text which is given as input
to the assembler to their binary equivalents known as object code.
The time required to translate the assembly code to object code is called access
time.The assembler checks for syntax errors&displays them before giving the object

46.Define Variable?
A:-A Variable is an identifier that is associated with the first byte of data item.

47.Explain Dup?
A:-The DUP directive can be used to initialize several location & to assign values to these

48.Define Pipelining?
A:-In 8086,to speedup the execution program,the instructions fetching and execution of
instructions are overlapped each other.this is known as Pipelining.

49.What is the use of HLDA?

A:-HLDA is the acknowledgment signal for HOLD. It indicates whether the HOLD signal is
received or not.
HOLD and HLDA are used as the control signals for DMA operations.

50. Explain about "LEA"?

A:-LEA(Load Effective Address) is used for initializing a register with an offset address.
A common use for LEA is to intialize an offset in BX, DI or SI for indexing an address in
An equivalent operation to LEA is MOV with the OFFSET operator, which generates
slightly shorter machine code.

51. Difference between "Shift" and "Rotate".

A:-Shift and Rotate commands are used to convert a number to another form where
some bits are shifted or rotated.
A rotate instruction is a closed loop instruction.That is,the data moved out at one end is
put back in at the other end.
The shift instruction loses the data that is moved out of the last bit locations.
Basic difference between shift and rotate is shift command makes "fall of " bits at the
end of the register.
Where rotate command makes "wrap around" at the end of the register.

52. Explain about .MODEL SMALL?

A:- .MODEL directive:-This simplified segment directive creates default segments and the
required ASSUME and GROUP statements.
Its format is .MODEL memory-model.The following are the memry models
Tiny:-Code and data in one segment, for .COM programs.
Small:-Code in one segment (<=64K), data in one segment (<=64K). It generates 16-bit
offset addresses.
Medium:-Any number of code segments, data in one segment (<=64K).
Compact:-Code in one segment (<=64K), any number of data segments. It generates 32-
bit adresses, which require more time for execution.
Large:-Code and data both in any number of segments, no array >64K.
Huge:-Code and data both in any number of segments, arrays may be >64K.
Flat:-Defines one area upto 4 gigabytes for both code and data.It is unsegmented.The
program uses 32-bit adressing and runs under Windows in protected mode.

53.Difference between JMP and JNC?

A:-JMP is Unconditional Branch.
JNC is Conditional Branch.

54.List the String Manipulation Commands?

MOVS=Move Byte/Word
CMPS=Compare Byte/Word
SCAS=Scan Byte/Word
LODS=Load byte/Wd to AL/AX
STOS=Stor Byte/Wd from AL/A

55.What are the 4 Segments?

A:-Code Segment Register {CS}
Data Segment Register {DS}
Extra Segment Register {ES}
Stack Segment Register{SS}

56.What is the main use of ready pin?

A:-READY is used by the microprocessor to check whether a peripheral is ready to
accept or transfer data.
A peripheral may be a LCD display or analog to digital converter or any other.
These peripherals are connected to microprocessor using the READY pin.
If READY is high then the periphery is ready for data transfer. If not the microprocessor
waits until READY goes high.

57.Explain about Direction Flag?

A:-This is used by string manipulation instructions.
If this flag bit is 0 , the string is processed beginning from the lowest to the highest
address,i.e.,.Autoincrement mode.
Otherwise,the string is processed from the highest towards the lowest
address,i.e.,.Autodecrementing mode.

58.What are the basic units of a microprocessor ?

The basic units or blocks of a microprocessor are ALU, an array of
registers and control unit.

59.what is Software and Hardware?

The Software is a set of instructions or commands needed for

performing a specific task by a programmable device or a computing machine.

The Hardware refers to the components or devices used to form

computing machine in which the software can be run and tested. Without software the
Hardware is an idle machine.

60.What is assembly language?

The language in which the mnemonics (short -hand form of

instructions) are used to write a program is called assembly language. The
manufacturers of microprocessor give the mnemonics.

61.What are machine language and assembly language programs?

The software developed using 1's and 0's are called machine language,
programs. The software developed using mnemonics are called assembly language

62. What is the drawback in machine language and assembly language,


The machine language and assembly language programs are machine

dependent. The programs developed using these languages for a
particular machine cannot be directly run on another machine .
63. Define bit, byte and word.

A digit of the binary number or code is called bit. Also, the bit is the
fundamental storage unit of computer memory.
The 8-bit (8-digit) binary number or code is called byte and 16-bit
binary number or code is called word. (Some microprocessor manufactures refer the
basic data size operated by the processor as word).

64. What is a bus?

Bus is a group of conducting lines that carries data, address and control signals.

65. Why data bus is bi-directional?

The microprocessor has to fetch (read) the data from memory or input
device for processing and after processing, it has to store (write) the data to memory or
output device. Hence the data bus is bi-directional.

66. Why address bus is unidirectional?

The address is an identification number used by the microprocessor to
identify or access a memory location or I / O device. It is an output signal from the
processor. Hence the address bus is unidirectional.

67. What is the function of microprocessor in a system?

The microprocessor is the master in the system, which controls all the
activity of the system. It issues address and control signals and fetches the instruction
and data from memory. Then it executes the instruction to take appropriate action.

68. What are the modes in which 8086 can operate?

The 8086 can operate in two modes and they are minimum (or
uniprocessor) mode and maximum ( or multiprocessor) mode.

69. What is the data and address size in 8086?

The 8086 can operate on either 8-bit or 16-bit data. The 8086 uses 20
bit address to access memory and 16-bit address to access 1/0 devices.

Explain the function of M/IO in 8086.

The signal M/IO is used to differentiate memory address and 1/0

address When the processor is accessing memory locations MI 10 is asserted high and
when it is accessing 1/0 mapped devices it is asserted low.
Write the flags of 8086.
The 8086 has nine flags and they are
1. Carry Flag (CF) 6. Overflow Flag (OF)
2. Parity Flag (PF) 7. Trace Flag (TF)
3. Auxiliary carry Flag (AF) 8. Interrupt Flag (IF)
4. Zero Flag (ZF) 9. Direction Flag (DF)
5. Sign Flag (SF)

16. What are the interrupts of 8086?

The interrupts of 8085 are INTR and NMI. The INTR is general
maskable interrupt and NMI is non-maskable interrupt.

17. How clock signal is generated in 8086? What is the maximum internal
clock frequency of 8086?

The 8086 does not have on-chip clock generation circuit. Hence the
clock generator chip, 8284 is connected to the CLK pin of8086. The clock signal supplied
by 8284 is divided by three for internal use. The maximum internal clock frequency
of8086 is 5MHz.

18. Write the special functions carried by the general purpose registers of
The special functions carried by the registers of 8086 are the following.
Register Special function
1. AX 16-bit Accumulator
2. AL 8-bit Accumulator
3. BX Base Register 4. CX Count Register 5. DX .Data Register

19. What is pipelined architecture?

In pipelined architecture the processor will have number of functional

units and the execution time of functional units are overlapped. Each functional unit
works independently most of the time.

20. What are the functional units available in 8086 architecture?

The bus interface unit and execution unit are the two functional units
available in 8086 architecture.

21. List the segment registers of 8086.

The segment registers of 8086 are Code segment, Data segment, Stack
segment and Extra segment registers.

22. Define machine cycle.

Machine cycle is defined as the time required to complete one

operation of accessing memory, I/O, or acknowledging an external request. This cycle
may consist of three to six T-states.

23. Define T-State.

T-State is defined as one subdivision of the operation performed in

one clock period. These subdivisions are internal states synchronized with the system
clock, and each T-State is precisely equal to one clock period.

24. List the components of microprocessor (single board microcomputer)

based system
The microprocessor based system consist of microprocessor as CPU,
semiconductor memories like EPROM and RAM, input device, output device and
interfacing devices.

25. Why interfacing is needed for 1/0 devices?

Generally I/O devices are slow devices. Therefore the speed of I/O
devices does not match with the speed of microprocessor. And so an interface is
provided between system bus and I/O devices.

26. What is the difference between CPU bus and system bus?

The CPU bus has multiplexed lines but the system bus has separate
lines for each signal. (The multiplexed CPU lines are demultiplexed by the CPU interface
circuit to form system bus).

27..What does memory-mapping mean?

The memory mapping is the process of interfacing memories to

microprocessor and allocating addresses to each memory locations.

28..What is interrupt 1/0?

If the 1/0 device initiate the data transfer through interrupt then the 1/0
is called interrupt driven 1/0.
29. Why EPROM is mapped at the beginning of memory space in 8085


In 8085 microprocessor, after a reset, the program counter will have

OOOOH address. If the monitor program is stored from this address then after a reset, it
will be executed automatically. The monitor

program is a permanent program and stored in EPROM memory. If

EPROM memory is mapped at the beginning of memory space, i.e., at OOOOH, then the
monitor program will be executed automatically after a reset.

31.What is DMA?
The direct data transfer between I/O device and memory is called

32. What is the need for Port?

The I/O devices are generally slow devices and their timing
characteristics do not match with processor timings. Hence the I/O devices are
connected to system bus through the ports.

33.What is a port?

The port is a buffered I/O, which is used to hold the data transmitted
from the microprocessor to I/O device or vice-versa.

34.Give some examples of port devices used in 8085 microprocessor based


The various INTEL I/O port devices used in 8085 microprocessor

based system are 8212, 8155, 8156, 8255, 8355 and 8755.
35. Write a short note on INTEL 8255?

The INTEL 8255 is a I/O port device consisting of 3 numbers of 8 -bit

parallel I/O ports. The ports can be programmed to function either as a input port or as a
output port in different operating modes. It requires 4 internal addresses and has one
logic LOW chip select pin.

36.What is the drawback in memory mapped I/0?

When I/O devices are memory mapped, some of the addresses are
allotted to I/O devices and so the full address space cannot be used for addressing
memory (i.e., physical memory address space will be reduced). Hence memory mapping
is useful only for small systems, where the memory requirement is less.

37. How DMA is initiated?

When the I/O device needs a DMA transfer, it will send a DMA
request signal to DMA controller. The DMA controller in turn sends a HOLD request to
the processor. When the processor receives a HOLD request, it will drive its tri-stated
pins to high impedance state at the end of current instruction execution and send an
acknowledge signal to DMA controller. Now the DMA controller will perform DMA

38. What is processor cycle (Machine cycle)?

The processor cycle or machine cycle is the basic operation performed

by the processor. To execute an instruction, the processor will run one or more machine
cycles in a particular order.

39. What is Instruction cycle?

The sequence of operations that a processor has to carry out while
executing the instruction is called Instruction cycle. Each instruction cycle of a
processor indium consists of a number of machine cycles.

40. What is fetch and execute cycle?

In general, the instruction cycle of an instruction can be divided into

fetch and execute cycles. The fetch cycle is executed to fetch the opcode from memory.
The execute cycle is executed to decode the
instruction and to perform the work instructed by the instruction.

41.What is Block and Demand transfer mode DMA?

In Block transfer mode, the DMA controller will transfer a block of

data and relieve the bus for processor. After sometime another block of data is
transferred by DMA and so on.
In Demand transfer mode the DMA controller will complete the entire
.data transfer at a stretch and then relieve the bus to processor.

42. What is the need for timing diagram?

The timing diagram provides information regarding the status of

various signals, when a machine cycle is executed. The knowledge of timing diagram is
essential for system designer to select matched peripheral devices like memories,
latches, ports, etc., to form a microprocessor system.

43. How many machine cycles constitute one instruction cycle in 8085?
Each instruction of the 8085 processor consists of one to five machine

44. Define opcode and operand.

Opcode (Operation code) is the part of an instruction / directive that

identifies a specific operation.
Operand is a part of an instruction / directive that represents a value
on which the instruction acts.

45. What is opcode fetch cycle?

The opcode fetch cycle is a machine cycle executed to fetch the opcode
of an instruction stored in memory. Every instruction starts with opcode fetch machine

46. What operation is performed during first T -state of every machine cycle
in 8085 ?
In 8085, during the first T -state of every machine cycle the low byte
address is latched into an external latch using ALE signal.

47. Why status signals are provided in microprocessor?

The status signals can be used by the system designer to track the
internal operations of the processor. Also, it can be used for memory expansion (by
providing separate memory banks for program & data and selecting the bank using
status signals).

48. How the 8085 processor differentiates a memory access (read/write)

and 1/0 access (read/write)?
The memory access and 1/0 access is differentiated using 10 I M signal.
The 8085 processor asserts 10 I M low for memory read/write operation and 10 I M is
asserted high for 1/0 read/write operation.

49. When the 8085 processor checks for an interrupt?

In the second T -state of the last machine cycle of every instruction, the
8085 processor checks whether an interrupt request is made or not.

50. What is interrupt acknowledge cycle?

The interrupt acknowledge cycle is a machine cycle executed by 8085

processor to get the address of the interrupt service routine in-order to service the
interrupt device.

51. How the interrupts are affected by system reset?

Whenever the processor or system is resetted , all the interrupts except

TRAP are disabled. fu order to enable the interrupts, El instruction has to be executed
after a reset.

52. What is Software interrupts?

The Software interrupts are program instructions. These instructions

are inserted at desired locations in a program. While running a program, if software
interrupt instruction is encountered then the processor executes an interrupt service

53. What is Hardware interrupt?

If an interrupt is initiated in a processor by an appropriate signal at the
interrupt pin, then the interrupt is called Hardware interrupt.

74. Where is the READY signal used?

READY is an input signal to the processor, used by the memory or I/O

devices to get extra time for data transfer or to introduce wait states in the bus cycles.

75. What is HOLD and HLDA and how it is used?

Hold and hold acknowledge signals are used for the Direct Memory
Access (DMA) type of data transfer. The DMA controller place a high on HOLD pin in
order to take control of the system bus. The HOLD request is acknowledged by the 8085
by driving all its tristated pins to high impedance state and asserting HLDA signal high.

76.What is Polling?

Polling is a scheme or an algorithm to identify the devices interrupting

the processor. Polling is employed when multiple devices interrupt the processor
through one interrupt pin of the processor.

77. What are the different types of Polling?

The polling can be classified into software and hardware polling. In

software polling the entire polling process is govern by a prograrn.1n hardware polling,
the hardware takes care of checking the status of interrupting devices and allowing one
by one to the processor.

78.What is the need for interrupt controller?

The interrupt controller is employed to expand the interrupt inputs. It

can handle the interrupt request from various devices and allow one by one to the

79. List some of the features of INTEL 8259 (Programmable Interrupt


1. It manage eight interrupt request

2. The interrupt vector addresses are programmable.

3. The priorities of interrupts are programmable.

4. The interrupt can be masked or unmasked individually.

80. What is a programmable peripheral device ?

If the functions performed by a peripheral device can be altered or

changed by a program instruction then the peripheral device is called programmable
device. Usually the programmable devices will have control registers. The device can be
programmed by sending control word in the prescribed format to the control register.

81. What is synchronous data transfer scheme?

For synchronous data transfer scheme, the processor does not check the
readiness of the device after a command have been issued for
read/write operation. fu this scheme the processor will request the device to get ready
and then read/W1.ite to the device immediately after the request. In some synchronous
schemes a small delay is allowed after the request.

82. What is asynchronous data transfer scheme?

In asynchronous data transfer scheme, first the processor sends a

request to the device for read/write operation. Then the processor keeps on polling the
status of the device. Once the device is ready, the processor execute a data transfer
instruction to complete the process.
83. What are the operating modes of 8212?

The 8212 can be hardwired to work either as a latch or tri-state buffer.

If mode (MD) pin is tied HIGH then it will work as a latch and so it

can be used as output port. If mode (MD) pin is tied LOW then it
work as tri- state buffer and so it can be used as input port.

84. Explain the working of a handshake output port

In handshake output operation, the processor will load a data to port.

When the port receives the data, it will inform the output device to collect the data. Once
the output device accepts the data, the port will inform the processor that it is empty.
Now the processor can load another data to port and the above process is repeated.

85.What are the internal devices of 8255 ?

The internal devices of 8255 are port-A, port-B and port-C. The ports
can be programmed for either input or output function in different operating modes.

86. What is baud rate?

The baud rate is the rate at which the serial data are transmitted. Baud
rate is defined as l /(The time for a bit cell). In some systems one bit cell has one data bit,
then the baud rate and bits/sec are same.

87. What is USART?

The device which can be programmed to perform Synchronous or
Asynchronous serial communication is called USART (Universal Synchronous
Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter). The INTEL 8251A

is an example of USART.

88. What are the functions performed by INTEL 8251A?

The INTEL 825lA is used for converting parallel data to serial or vice
versa. The data transmission or reception can be either asynchronously or
synchronously. The 8251A can be used to interface MODEM and establish serial
communication through MODEM over telephone lines.

89. What is an Interrupt?

Interrupt is a signal send by an external device to the processor so as to

request the processor to perform a particular task or work.

90. What are the control words of 8251A and what are its functions ?

The control words of 8251A are Mode word and Command word.
The mode word informs 8251 about the baud rate, character length, parity and stop bits.
The command word can be send to enable the data transmission and reception.

91. What are the information that can be obtained from the status word of
8251 ?

The status word can be read by the CPU to check the readiness of the
transmitter or receiver and to check the character synchronization in synchronous
reception. It also provides information regarding various errors in the data received. The
various error conditions that can be
checked from the status word are parity error, overrun error and
framing error.

92. Give some examples of input devices to microprocessor-based system.

The input devices used in the microprocessor-based system are

Keyboards, DIP switches, ADC, Floppy disc, etc.

93. What are the tasks involved in keyboard interface?

The task involved in keyboard interfacing are sensing a key actuation,

Debouncing the key and Generating key codes (Decoding the key). These task are
performed software if the keyboard is interfaced through ports and they are performed
by hardware if the keyboard is interfaced through 8279.

94. How a keyboard matrix is formed in keyboard interface using 8279?

The return lines, RLo to RL7 of 8279 are used to form the columns of
keyboard matrix. In decoded scan the scan lines SLo to SL3 of 8279 are used to form the
rows of keyboard matrix. In encoded scan mode, the output lines of external decoder are
used as rows of keyboard matrix.

95. What is scanning in keyboard and what is scan time?

The process of sending a zero to each row of a keyboard matrix and

reading the columns for key actuation is called scanning. The scan time

is the time taken by the processor to scan all the rows one by one
starting from first row and coming back to the first row again.

96. What is scanning in display and what is the scan time?

In display devices, the process of sending display codes to 7 -segment

LEDs to display the LEDs one by one is called scanning ( or multiplexed display). The
scan time is the time taken to display all the 7-segment LEDs one by one, starting from
first LED and coming back to the first LED again.

97. What are the internal devices of a typical DAC?

The internal devices of a DAC are R/2R resistive network, an internal

latch and current to voltage converting amplifier.

98. What is settling or conversion time in DAC?

The time taken by the DAC to convert a given digital data to

corresponding analog signal is called conversion time.

99. What are the different types of ADC?

The different types of ADC are successive approximation ADC,

counter type ADC flash type ADC, integrator converters and voltage- to-frequency

100. Define stack

Stack is a sequence of RAM memory locations defined by the
101. What is program counter? How is it useful in program execution?

The program counter keeps track of program execution. To execute a

program the starting address of the program is loaded in program counter. The PC sends
out an address to fetch a byte of instruction from memory and increments its content

102. How the microprocessor is synchronized with peripherals?

The timing and control unit synchronizes all the microprocessor
operations with clock and generates control signals necessary for communication
between the microprocessor and peripherals.

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