Branch/Sem : ECE / V
Question Bank
1. Define microcomputer.
A system designed using microprocessor as its CPU is called a microcomputer.
5. What is ALE?
The ALE (address latch enable) is a signal used to demultiplex the address and data lines, using an
external latch. It is used to enable the external latch.
7. What is a flag?
Flag is a flip-flop used to store the information about the status of the processor and the status of the
instruction executed most recently. There are five flags in 8085.They are sign flag, zero flag,
auxiliary carry flag, parity flag and carry flag.
25. How clock signal is generated in 8086?what is the maximum internal clock frequency
of 8086?
The 8086 do not have on-chip clock generation circuit. Hence the clock
generation chip,8284 is connected to CLK pin of 8086.the clock signal supplied by 8284
is divided by three for internal use. the maximum internal clock frequency is 5MHz.
28. What is the difference between segment register and general-purpose register?
The segment registers are used to store 16-bit segment base address of the four
memory segments. The general-purpose registers are used s the source or destination
register during data transfer and computations, as pointers to memory and as counters.
32. Give any two difference between 8085 and 8086 processor.
8085 8086
It is a 8 bit processor It is a 16 bit processor
It contains 16 address lines It contains 20 address lines
42. Give any two differences between LCALL and ACALL instruction.
Long call(LCALL) Absolute call(ACALL)
3 byte instruction 2byte instruction
Issues 11 bit absolute addressing It addresses full 64 Kbytes
46. What are the basic digital output units used in microcomputer?
A simple system uses 7-segment LED displaysfor numbers and hexadecimal
letters,18-segment LED display or 5 x 7 matrix LED displays for displaying numbers
and letters of an alphabet.
47. Why the seven segment LED display is referred as static display?
In this circuit the current is passed through the display at all times,and hence it is
referred as static display.
48. What are the interface devices used to connect output port and high power devices?
Integrated circuit buffers and transistor buffers are used as interface devices
between the output port pins and high power devices.
50. What is the advantage in using INTEL 8279 for keyboard and display interfacing?
When 8279 is used for keyboard and display interfacing, it takes care of all the task involved in
keyboard scanning and display refreshing. Hence the processor is relieved from the task of keyboard
scanning, debouncing, keyboard generation and display refreshing and the processor time can be
more effectively used fro computing.
51. What is a programmable peripheral device?
If the functions performed by a peripheral device can be altered or changed by a
program instruction then the peripheral device can be altered or changed by a program
instruction then the peripheral device is called programmable device.
58. What are the control words of 8251 and what are its functions?
The control words of 8251 are mode word and command word. The mode word
informs 8251 about the baud rate, character length, parity and stop bits .The command
word can be send to enable the data transmission and reception.
59. What are the information that can be obtained from the status word of 8251?
The CPU to check the readiness of the transmitter or receiver and to check the
character synchronization in synchronous reception can read the status word. It also
provides information regarding various errors in the data received .The various error
conditions that can be checked from the status word are the parity error, overrun error
60. What is baud rate?
The baud rate at which the serial data are transmitted. Baud rate is defined as
1/(the time for a bit cell).In some systems one bit cell has one data bit, then the baud rate
and bits/sec are same.
62. What are the different types of DMA data transfer scheme?
The different types of DMA data transfer scheme are
· Cycle stealing DMA
· Block or burst mode DMA
· Demand transfer mode DMA
67. What are the features of 8259 that can be programmed using OCW’s?
The OCW’s are used to program the following features of 8259
· masking of individual interrupts
· specific on nonspecific end of interrupt
· priority modes
69. What are the different programmed data transfer schemes used in microprocessor?
The various data tranfer schemes are
· Synchronous data transfer
· Asynchronous data transfer(hand shaking) · Interrupt driven data transfer
70. What are the two various modes of DMA transfer?
· Burst mode
· Cycle stealing
73. What is multiplexing and what is its advantage? How the address and data lines are
demultiplexed in 8085?
81. What is handshake port ? Explain the working of a handshake input port and output
In handshake port, signals are exchanged between I/O device and port or
port and processor for checking or informing various condition of the device.
In handshake input operation, the input device will check whether the port is empty or
not. If the port is empty then it will load data to port. When the port receives the data, it
will inform the processor for read operation. Once the data have been read by the
processor, the port will signal the input device that it is empty. Now the input device can
load another data to port and the above process is repeated.
In handshake output operation, the processor will load a data to port. When the
port receives the data, it will inform the output device to collect the data. Once the
output device accepts the data, the port will inform the processor that it is empty. Now
the processor can load another data to port and the above process is repeated.
87. What is the difference between segment register and general purpose register?
The segment registers are used to store 16 bit segment base address of the
four memory segments. The general purpose registers are used as the source or
destination register during data transfer and computation, as pointers to memory
and as counters.