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Lect 21

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Part III - Lent Term 2003

Approximation Theory Lecture 21

21 Orthogonal spline projector

21.1 Least squares approximation
Definition 21.1 (Inner product space) A linear space X is called an inner product space if, for every
f and g in X, there is a scalar (f, g), called the scalar product that has the followig properties:
1) (f, g) = (g, f ), 2) (f, f ) 0 with equality iff f = g, 3) (f, g) is linear in both f and g.
One can deduce the well-known Cauchy-Schwarz and triangle inequalities

|(f, g)| (f, f )1/2 (g, g)1/2 , (f +g, f +g)1/2 (f, f )1/2 + (g, g)1/2 .
Thus, with the choice kf k = (f, f )1/2 , X becomes a normed linear space.
Theorem 21.2 Let X be an inner product space, Un be a subspace. Then u Un is a best approximation
to f X if and only if
(f u , v) = 0 v Un . (21.1)
Proof. If (21.1) holds, then, for any u Un , letting v := u u, we find that
kf uk2 = k(f u ) + vk2 = kf u k2 + kvk2 > kf u k2 ,

i.e., u is a b.a. Conversely, if (f u , v) 6= 0 for some v Un , then with = (f u
we obtain

k(f u ) + vk2 = kf u k2 + 2(f u , v) + 2 kvk2 = kf u k2 2 kvk2 < kf u k2 ,

i.e., u is not optimal.
Corollary 21.3 If u Un is a best approximation to f X, then
kf u k2 + ku k2 = kf k2, in particular ku k kf k,
the latter inequality being strict for x X \ Un
Method 21.4 If ui is a basis for Un and if we write u = ai ui , then running v in (21.1) through
the basis functions ui we obtain a linear system of equations for determining the coefficients a,
Ga = b, G = [(ui , uj )]ni,j=1 , b = [(f, ui )]ni=1 .
These equations are called the normal equations. The matrix G is called the Gram matrix. Since the
system is uniquely solvable, the Gram matrix G is invertible.

21.2 Smooth interpolation

Discussion 21.5 Let X be a Hilbert space (a complete inner product space), let f X, and let the
available information about f consists of interpolating data i (f ) with respect to some sequence
of functionals (i ) X . We seek a (quasi-) interpolation u to f that satisfies the same interpolat-
ing conditions, but among many candidates we choose the smoothest one in the sense that it
has the least norm
b = arg min {kuk : i (u) = i (f )}.
By Riesz theorem, any linear functional on the Hilbert space X can be represented as the scalar
i (f ) = (f, ui ), ui X.

b coincides with u , the best approximation to f
Lemma 21.6 Given (i (f )), the smoothest interpolant u
from Un := span(ui ).
Proof. The best approximation u = ai ui to f is a solution of the normal equations

Ga = b, b = (f, ui ) = i (f ), (21.2)

and it satisfies the inequality ku k kf k. For any other interpolant g, with i (g) = i (f ), the
right-hand side of (21.2) remains the same, therefore u is the best approximation to such a g, too,
and thus ku k kgk for any such g. Hence, u is the smoothest interpolant.

Theorem 21.7 Let = (ti )n+k i=1 be a knot-sequence in [a, b], and let the values (yi ) be given. Then a
solution to the minimization problem

s := arg min {kf (k) kL2 [a,b] : f (ti ) = yi } (21.3)

is a spline of degree 2k1 on the knot sequence . In other words, among all interpolants to a given data
the intepolating spline of degree 2k 1 has the least L2 -norm of the k-th derivative.

Proof. From the sequence (yi )n+k

i=1 on , let us form the sequence

zi := y[ti ...ti+k ], i = 1...n,

of divided differences of order k, and let

se := arg min {kf (k) kL2 [a,b] : f [ti ...ti+k ] = zi }.

Since both the kth derivative and a divided difference of order k vanish on polynomials of degree
k 1, this se is determined up to such a polynomial. We claim that s, a solution to the original
problem (21.3), is given by s = se (s) + (y), where are Lagrange interpolating polynomials
of degree k 1 on (t1 , ..., tk ). Indeed, by definition,

s(ti ) = yi , i = 1...k

and, because divided differences of order k vanish on polynomials, we also have

s[ti ...ti+k ] = se[ti ...ti+k ] = zi = y[ti ...ti+k ].

For [t1 ...tk+1 ], the latter equality combined with the previous ones gives s(tk+1 ) = yk+1 , and
increasing i one by one we obtain successively that s(ti ) = yi for all i. Since also s(k) = se(k) , the
value of ks(k) k is minimal.
2) Now recall that B-splines are Peano kernels for the divided diffrences
Z b
k! f [ti ...ti+k ] = Mi (t)f (k) (t) dt = (Mi , f (k) ),

i.e., with g = f (k) and = se(k) , we are looking for the solution

:= arg min {kgkL2[a,b] : (Mi , g) = k!zi }.

By the previous lemma, the minimal solution is a linear combination i ai Mi . Hence,

= s(k) Sk (),

and respectively s S2k1 ().

21.3 Exercises
21.1. Prove that, for any basis (ui ) of Un , the Gram matrix G = [(ui , uj )] is positive definite, i.e.,
(Gx, x)2 > 0 for any nonzero vector x Rn .
Prove the converse: for any positive definite matrix G Rnn , there exists a basis (ui ) of Un
such that G = [(ui , uj )].
21.2. Prove that ub that interpolates (i (f ) is the smoothest innterpolant if and only if u
b is orthog-
onal to ker , i.e.,
u, g) = 0 for all g such that i (g) = 0.

21.3. (Optimal recovery.) Condiser the problem:

given functionals (i )ni=1 and , and the values i (f ) = yi evaluate (f )

(e.g., a quadrature rule (f ) = a f (t) dt or a formula for numerical differentiation (f ) =
f (x0 )). We expect that the value (f ) is bounded, so we need to put some restriction on f ,
say kf k M . Set
F := {f X : i (f ) = yi , kf k M }
Then the values of the functional on F lie inside a certain finite interval

a inf (f ) sup (f ) b.
f F f F

Clearly, the optimal approximation (or, recovery) of on F is the value 2 .
b to (yi ) gives the optimal recovery to any , i.e.,
Prove: the smoothest interpolant u
u) =
(b 2 .

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