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Republic of the Philippines

Bicol University
Graduate School, Gubat Campus
Master of Arts in Nursing
Gubat, Sorsogon

Name: Ynneb Reine H. Manginsay, R.N.

Topic: Community Organizing and COPAR
Subject: MAN 212: Dynamics of Communication Health and Development
Professor: Mr. Gaspar Santos, R.N., M.N.
Term: 2nd Semester, S.Y. 2012-2013


Healthy Community

(WHO 1998)

-It is a social group determined by:

Geographical boundaries
Common values and interests
Members know and interact with each other
Creates norms, values and social institutions


Not only the absence of disease in individuals

It is a state of physical, social and mental well-being
People are aware of political, religious, economic and cultural factors that affect
their health
Could act to prevent illness and promote health

Classification of Communities


Characteristics of Community

(Reyes and Layug)

1. Environment physical, socio-cultural, educational and employment milieu

2. Population Behavior/lifestyle, self responsibility, self care competency
3. Human Biology Genetic characteristics of a population
4. Systems of Health Care Prevention, promotion, cure and rehabilitation
Characteristics of a Healthy Community

(Hunt and Zurek, 1997:12)

1. Awareness that we are a community

2. Uses and conserves its natural resources
3. Recognition of and respect for the existence of subgroups and welcomes their
participation in community affairs
4. Prepared to meet crises
5. Has open channels of communication
6. Resources available to all
7. Settling of disputes through legitimate mechanisms
8. Encourages maximum citizen participation in decision making
9. Promotes high level wellness among all its members

Components of Community

1. The PEOPLE core

2. Subsystems of Community
Fire and Safety
Politics and Government

Factors Affecting Community Health

Political factors way of leadership

Socio cultural factors Composed of beliefs and practices of the members of
the community
Economic factors refers to the production, distribution and consumption of
goods and how these affect health and development
Environment The sum total of all conditions and elements that make up the

Approaches in Community Development

1. Welfare Approach (Traditional Approach)

2. Modernization Approach
3. Transformative/Participatory Approach

Community Organizing


-Process whereby community members develop the capability:

To assess their health needs and problems

Plan and implement actions to solve these problems
Put up and sustain organizational structures
Support and monitor implementation of health initiatives by the people


(Human Resource Development Program (HRDP III))

A continuous and sustained process of educating the people

It is working with the people collectively and efficiently, discover their immediate
and long term problems and mobilizing the people to develop their capabilities
and readiness to respond and take action on their immediate needs toward the
solution of their long term problems.


- It is the people who organize themselves into a working team who can effectively
solve their own health problems
As applied to Primary Health Care it is defined as the process and structures
through which people are tapped to become organized to participate in health
care and community development activities
As a process is the sequence of steps whereby the members of the
community work together to critically assess, evaluate and improve its condition
As a structure refers to the particular group of community members that work
together for common health and health- related problems


Assumes social change involves conflict and social struggle

Core goal is to generate durable power (collective power) allowing it to influence
key decision makers on the range of issues overtime

(Mike Miller)

Is a developmental strategy for building peoples capabilities towards self

determination and self reliance
A method and a process of educating, organizing and mobilizing people which
leads to their own development.
2 things to rectify the problem of power of imbalance:
Builds a permanent base of power dominant institutional power can be
Transforms individuals and communities aims to transform the apathetic,
individualistic, voiceless poor into a dynamic, participatory and politically
responsive community.

Objectives of Community Organizing (as identified by PHC)

1. To make people aware of social realities

2. To form structures that hold the peoples basic interests
3. To initiate the responsible actions

History of Community Organizing in the Philippines

September 21, 1972 Marcos declaration of martial rule led to:

Elimination of social movements and groups

Church-based programs functioned as NGOs and started community organizing
Urban and rural Missionaries of the Philippines
Taskforce detainees of the Phil.
Episcopal Commission on Tribal Filipinos
Share and Care Apostolate for poor Settlers and PEACE
NGOs followed and resumed grassroots activities discretely
Political formations saw the need to set up NGOs in order to pursue their own
Positive side vs. Negative side

December 1972- Developmental institutions saw the need for more coordinated
activities from 10 foundations to 40 by 1976.

Association of Foundations

1977- Repression continued, human rights violation increased

-Advocacy was used to organize mass movement

-NGOs recognized the need to band together into networks for purposes of
linkaging, synchronization of activities and cooperative exchange of experiences
and resources.

1983- Assassination of Benigno Aquino led to:

Widespread street protests

Attracted cooperation of unpoliticized sectors of society (businesses and church)
Coalitions were formed
Major organizations among the ranks of the peasant, fisherfolks and indigenous
people were organized
Other venues of developmental work were explored

Elements of Community Organizing

(Joan Minieri, Paul Getsos and Chardon Press, Tools for Radical Democracy)

1. Power
Ability to make something happen
Getting people understand the source of problem, devise solutions, strategies,
take on leadership and move to action thru campaigns that win concrete changes
2. Relationship Building
People are accountable to one another for their activities on behalf of the group

2 kinds

1. One on one
2. Public relationships
3. Leadership Development
must build a base of members, get them to see the root of the problem and get
them involved to develop them into leaders
4. Political Education
Form of training whether formally or informally about issues, social movements
and history of the organization
5. Strategy
Overall approach to achieving objectives
Way that a community uses its power to win what it wants by:
Collaboration and alliances
6. Mobilization
Essential process of moving people to action
7. Action
A public showing of an organizations power
Takes place during campaigns

8. Winning
Organizing focuses on winning
Unless the organization wins concrete, measurable benefits for those who
participate, it will not last long.
They must see a potential for either benefit or harm to themselves if the
group succeeds or fails
Their personal involvement has an impact on the whole effort.
9. Movement Building
Groups engage in broader social justice activities that are not solely connected to
winnable campaigns or self interest of community
10. Evaluation
Monitors and improves performance (Action-reflection-action)
Continuous process of assessing actions whether the goals are met or not
Principles of Community Organizing

1. People are motivated by self-interest

2. Community Organizing is a dynamic process
3. Learn to deal with conflict and confrontation
4. Take into account the fundamental definition of an issue
5. Tactics should be within the experience of the people and outside the experience of
the target
6. Man learns more effectively from his own actual experiences
7. Man needs to deepen and widen his horizon
8. People must make their own decisions

Types of Community Organizing


Strengths of Community Organizing (Miller)

Builds self-reliant, creative grass root organizations

Openness to experiment
Rooted in the community
Generates immediate success
Empowers people simple and can be learned by anyone

Emphases of Community Organizing in Primary Health Care (Jimenez)

1. The community works to solve their own problems

2. The direction is internal rather than external
3. The development of the capacity to establish a project is more important than the
4. There is a consciousness-raising to perceive health and medical care within the
total structure of society.

Characteristics of Consolidated and Viable Organization (Miller)

1. Ability to facilitate, lead and effectively carry out policies, etc. with maximum
participation of members in decision making
2. Ability to achieve desired objectives through maximizing their planning and
implementing skills.
3. Capable of effecting institutional and development changes within the
organization that would accrue to the welfare of the members
4. Consciousness content: organizational matter

Characteristics of Stable Organization (Miller)

1. Keeps and maintains self-reliance and self-sufficiency
2. Capable of effecting institutional and development changes that would increase
the benefit of the people
3. Seeks meaningful participation in policy making bodies where some sectors are
not represented at all but which decision affect them
4. Conscious content, community or regional matters affecting the whole population

Phases of Community Organizing


1. Area Selection
2. Community Profiling
3. Entry in the Community and Integration with the People
Recognize the role and position of local authorities
Adopt a lifestyle in keeping with that of the community
Choose a modest dwelling
Avoid raising expectations of the people
Participate directly in production process and social activities
Make house calls
Seek out people where they usually gather
1. Social Preparation
2. Spotting and developing potential leaders
3. Core Group formation
- Represented by different sectors of the community

The core group serves as training ground for developing potential leaders in:

Democratic and collective leadership

Planning and assuming tasks for the formation of a community wide
Handling and resolving group conflicts
Critical thinking and decision making process
4. Setting up the Community Organization
1. Conducting Community Diagnosis
2. Training of Community Health Workers
3. Health Services and Mobilization
4. Leadership Formation Activities
As the organization grows, its needs also grow
Assistance and support can be achieved through collaboration with other
organizations and communities
Turn-over of work
Monitoring and subsequent follow up of activities until the community is ready for
full disengagement

Basic Community Organizing Process



The decision to enter a community and establish a helping/working relationship should
consider the ff:
A. Clarity of purpose of the relationship between the agency/community organizer
and the people
B. Existence of social problems and needs
C. Communitys desire and willingness to work for change
- Is establishing rapport with the people in a continuing effort to imbibe in their
community life
- Immerses himself/herself in the community to know and respect the culture,
history, economy, leaders, and lifestyle of people
- Facilitates social investigation and vice versa
- Is the process of systematically learning and analyzing the various structures and
force in the community study economic, political and socio-cultural
- Comes at the beginning and as a process. It is continuous. no community study
is ever complete


1. To gather data
2. To identify the classes and sectors present
3. To determine the correct approach and method of organizing
4. To provide a basis of planning and programming of organizing activities

General methodology and guidelines in social investigation:

A. Interview
B. Observations
C. Examination/Review of Secondary Data
- Assumes that much of the initial information needed is already available
- Major data to be gathered:
a. Geographic and demographic data
b. Economy system/type of economic production
c. Political system/decision-making structure/s
d. Socio-political system
- Peoples participation should be observed

Participatory Data Gathering the process of involving the community residents in the
collection and consolidation of data or information

Knowing the answers to the ff:

1. Why data are gathered

2. What data to gather
3. How data are to be gathered (tools to be used)
4. Where data are to be gathered (sources)

It is important in CO because it provides:

1. Demographic profile
2. Inventory of community resources
3. Identification of community trends and issues
4. Picture of network of service and organization in the area
5. Opportunity for raising the level of consciousness

Aids the community organizer in:

1. Identifying the situation he/she is entering

2. Initial view of the social problems
3. Specifying his role face to face with the people
4. Setting relevant objectives and effective programs
5. Evaluating the communitys progress

Problem Identification process of defining, analyzing and ranking community problems

and needs

- Helping communities perceive and analyze their situation from a more

comprehensive and analytical viewpoint

Guide in Problem Identification:

1. Scope/degree of the problem

2. Past change efforts
3. Origin of the problem
4. Factors that maintain/increase or eliminate the problems
5. Consequence analysis
6. Problem on organization

Planning process of translating goals/objectives into specific activities to meet

community needs or solve community problems
Planning process involves:

A. Identification of perceived problems and needs

B. Identification of existing resources
C. Study on the block to the utilization of their resources
D. Formulation of the possible solutions
E. Setting Plans of Actions
- Plans are further broken down into strategies and tactics
- Strategy general/over-all direction that organizing process will take course
(long range goal)
- Tactics a specific action/goal within a strategy

Guidelines for forming strategies:

a. Principal issue/ problem

b. Solution to the problem
c. Strengths and weaknesses
d. Other secondary issues
e. Larger outside issues
- Identification of potential leaders


Belongs to poor sectors and classes engaged in production

Well-respected and has relatively wide influence
Willing to work for change
Can find time, conscientious and resourceful
Must be able to communicate effectively

Functions of a core group:

Training ground for democratic and collective leadership

Builds peoples potential and self-confidence
Helps gather data, spotting other potential leaders and members for a community
wide organization
Helps in laying out plans and tasks for the formation and maintenance of the
- Forming a community-wide organization after formation of the core group

Techniques to recruit members:

A. Ground Work to go around and motivate people on a one-on-one basis

B. The Meeting the people collectively ratify what they already have decided
- Gives a sense of collective power and confidence
- creation of working committees and tasks
C. Organizational structure formal setting up of the community organization where
constitution and organizational plans are ratified and approved
- Organizing process results in consolidating a viable peoples organization
D. Leadership Training and development revolves on indigenous leaders who will
eventually take over the role of community organizer
- Promotes collective or shared leadership
- May be done formally or informally

Principles and Concepts of Leadership training

1. Leadership as service
2. Corporate/collective leadership
3. Delegation of Authority
4. Eliciting Participation
5. Problem Solving

Activities in informal leadership training:

Continuous exposure to and active participation to mobilization activities
Action-reflection and criticism-self criticism

Activities in Formal leadership training

Structured study Sessions
- Refers to the activities undertaken by the community to solve problems
- Builds and strengthens peoples self-confidence and collective spirit
- Actual experience of the people confronting the powerful and the actual exercise
of people power

Steps and guidelines in preparing Conflict Mobilization:

A. Issue(s) spotting and analysis

B. Target Analysis
C. Planning
D. Role playing

Reflection analyzing the finished mass action, its good and weak points identified.
- Relates practice to theory and creates an awareness of global issues

Continual self analysis necessary to maintain and consolidate a cooperative and

participatory spirit to ensure that no oppressor-oppressed relationship emerge within the

Evaluation - Process of discovering the way it has been accomplished, what has been
left out and what remains to be done

- Peoples participation in evaluation is as important

Guidelines for evaluating a community:


A. General Description
B. Listing of activities
1. Peoples issues handled, completed, on-going and potential
2. Mobilization/Negotiation taken
3. Meeting/Reflection sessions held
4. Seminars and Conventions


A. Area Description
B. Issues
C. Organization/Groups
1. Knowledge gained
2. Involvement and outlook of people
3. Attitudinal changes
- After some time, community organizers become dispensable and the peoples
organization takes over.

Turn-over of the organizing process is done if the ff. are satisfactory achieved:

High level of sociopolitical awareness

Sustained membership participation
Trained pool of leaders
Well set up community structures and linkages
Delineated goals, directions, plans of actions are clear
- Organizers may assume a supportive role monitoring, consultant, and evaluator

Five Stages of Organizing: A Community Health Promotion Model

(Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 10th edition)


Five Components:

Demographic, social and economic profile from secondary data

Health risk profile
Health/Wellness outcomes profile
Survey of current health promotion programs
Studies in certain target groups


1. Define the community

2. Collect data
3. Assess community capacity
4. Assess community barriers
5. Assess readiness for change
6. Synthesis data and set priorities


a. Establish a core planning group and local organizer

b. Choose an Organizational structure
c. Identify, select and recruit organizational members
d. Define the organization mission and goals
e. Clarify roles and responsibilities of the people
f. Provide training and recognition


a. Generate broad citizen participation

b. Develop a sequential work plan
c. Use comprehensive, integrated strategies
d. Integrate community values into the programs, materials and messages


a. Integrate intervention activities into community networks

b. Establish a positive organizational culture
c. Establish an ongoing recruitment plan
d. Disseminate results


a. Update the community analysis

b. Assess effectiveness of interventions/programs
c. Chart future directories and modifications
d. Summarize and disseminate results



An investigation on problems and issues concerning life and environment of the

underprivileged by way of research collaboration with the underprivileged whose
representatives participate in the actual research as researchers themselves,
doing research of their own problem
A community-directed process of gathering and analyzing information or an issue
for the process of taking actions and making changes

PARTICIPATION main element

The beneficiaries of the research are the main actors of the research process
Involves research, education and actions to empower people to determine the
cause of their problems, analyze these problems and act by themselves in
responding to their own problem


Traditional PAR
1. Purpose: to identify and meet 1. Purpose: Social
individual needs within existing social Transformation
2. Community problems or needs 2. Research problems are defined by
are defined by experts the community
3. Research problems is studied by the 3. The community undertakes the
researchers research process. External
researchers work alongside

4. Recommendations are based on the 4. Community formulates

researchers findings and analysis recommendations and an action plan
based on research outcome


There is an outside researcher, a professional one who through immersion and

integration on the community becomes a committed participant and learner in the
The local researchers are trained in the process of research and are made aware
of the needs of their people


Is a social development approach that aims to transform the apathetic,

individualistic and voiceless poor into a dynamic, participatory and politically
responsive community
is a continuous and a sustained process of:
1. Educating the people - to understand and develop their critical
2. Working with people - to work collectively and effectively on their
immediate and long term problems
3. Mobilizing with people - develop their capability and readiness to respond,
take action on their immediate needs towards solving the long term problems
It is a process and a structure through which the members of the community are
tapped to become organized for participation in health care and community
development activities
A strategy used by the HRDP III in implementing the Primary Health Care
delivery in depressed and underserved communities to become self-reliant


The sequence of steps whereby members of the community come together to critically
assess to evaluate community conditions and work together to improve those conditions


Refers to a particular group of community members that work together for a common
health and health related goals

Emphasis of COPAR

1. Community working to solve its own problem

2. Direction is established internally and externally
3. Development and implementation of a specific project less important than the
development of the capacity of the community to establish the project
4. Consciousness raising involves perceiving health and medical care within the total
structure of society

Importance of COPAR

1. COPAR is an important tool for community development and people empowerment

2. COPAR prepares people/clients to eventually take over the management of a
development programs in the future.
3. COPAR maximizes community participation and involvement; community resources
are mobilized for community services.


1. People especially the most oppressed, exploited and deprived sectors are open to
change, have the capacity to change and are able to bring about change.
2. COPAR should be based on the interest of the poorest sector of the community.
3. COPAR should lead to a self-reliant community and society.

Process/Methods Used in COPAR

A Progressive Cycle of Action Reflection Action begins with small, local and concrete
issue identified by the people and the evaluation and reflection of and on the action
taken by them
Consciousness Raising through experiential learning is central to the COPAR
process because it places emphasis on learning that emerges from concrete action
and which encircles succeeding action
COPAR is Participatory and Mass-Based because it is primarily directed towards
and biased in favor of the poor, the powerless and the oppressed
COPAR is Group Centered- not leader centered. Leaders are identified, emerged and
are tested through action rather than appointed or selected by some force or entity


1. Integration the health worker becomes one with the people in order to:
a) Immerse in the community
b) Understand deeply the culture, economy, leaders, history, rhythms and
lifestyle in the community
2. Social Investigation (Community Study)
- Systematic process of collecting, collating, analyzing data to draw a clear
picture of the community
- Must remember the following:
a) Use of survey questionnaires is discouraged
b) Community leaders can be trained to initially assist in the social
c) Secondary data should be thoroughly examined
d) Social investigation is facilitated if the health worker is properly integrated
and has acquired the trust of the people
e) Confirmation and validation of community should be regularly done
3. Tentative Program Planning CO to choose one issue to work on in order to
begin organizing people
4. Groundwork going around and motivating the people on a one on one basis to
do something on the issue that has been chosen
5. The meeting people collectively ratify what they have decided individually
- Gives collective power and confidence
- Problems and issues are discussed
6. Role Play acting out the meeting that will take place between the leaders of the
people and the government representatives
- way of training people to anticipate what will happen and prepare them for
such eventually
7. Mobilization or action actual experience of the people in confronting the
powerful and the actual exercise of people power.
8. Evaluation the people reviewing the steps 1-7 so as to determine they were
successful or not in their objectives
9. Reflection dealing with deeper, ongoing concerns to look at the positive values
CO is trying to build in the organization
- Gives people time to reflect on the stark reality of life compared to the
10. Organization the peoples organization is the result of many successive and
similar actions of the people.
- a final organizational structure is set up with elected officers and
supporting members

COPAR Process

1. Pre-entry Phase

Organizers look for communities to serve/help.

It is considered the simplest phase in terms of actual outputs, activities and strategies
and time spent for it

Preparation of the Institution

o Train faculty and students in COPAR.

o Formulate plans for institutionalizing COPAR.
o Revise/enrich curriculum and immersion program.
o Coordinate participants of other departments.
Site Selection

o Initial networking with local government.

o Conduct preliminary investigation.
Criteria for Initial Site Selection
Economically depressed.
Health services are inaccessible/ inadequate
Poor community health status
Acceptance of the program by community.
No serious peace and order problem.
No similar group or organization holding the same program.
o Do final networking and consultation with local government and NGOs
o Generate secondary data.
o Make long/short list of potential communities.
o Do ocular survey of listed communities.
Choosing Final Barangay/Site

o Conduct interviews with barangay officials and key informants to choose project site.
o Discuss suitability of project site
o Coordinate with local government and NGOs for assistance of the programs
implementation in the future.
o Develop community profiles from secondary data.
o Develop survey tools.
After site selection
o Pay courtesy call to community leaders.
o Conduct Community Assembly
o Create a working committee
o Conduct baseline study
o Conduct Staff planning, strategizing for entry phase

2. Entry Phase (social preparation phase)

crucial in determining which strategies for organizing would suit the chosen
Success of the activities depend on how much the community organizers has
integrated with the community
Guidelines for Entry

o Recognize the role of local authorities by paying them visits to inform their presence
and activities.
o Her appearance, speech, behavior and lifestyle should be in keeping with those of
the community residents without disregard of their being role model.
o Avoid raising the consciousness of the community residents; adopt a low-key profile.
Activities in the Entry Phase

1. Integration - establishing rapport with the people in continuing effort to imbibe

community life.
living with the community
seek out to converse with people where they usually congregate
lend a hand in household chores
avoid gambling and drinking
2. Deepening social investigation/community study
verification and enrichment of data collected from initial survey
a previous investigation was done but this time it is needed to better view how
the community and its people perform in general
conduct baseline survey by students results relayed through community
Core Group Formation

Leader spotting through sociogram.

Key persons - approached by most people
Opinion leader - approach by key persons
Isolates - never or hardly consulted
define roles and functions of the core group
prepare community for health and development work
organize research team
set-up community health organization
The staff can assist the community leaders and core group in creating a project:
Management of health programs and to ensure the collective participation
of the residents
establish networks and linkages
Generate resources
Raising consciousness of the community in health and other issues
Mobilize residents to act
identification of possible community worker
scrutinize and mobilize residents
Conduct team building activities and informal education of the group
Train community researchers

3. Community Study/ Diagnosis Phase (Research Phase)

Is a comprehensive documentation of the data about the community gathered through
social investigation

Components of the study:

1. Physical and geographical data

2. Demographic data
3. Economic Condition
4. Mortality and morbidity data
5. Food Supply and Nutrition
6. Cultural Patterns
7. Health Services and Facilities
8. Education
9. Community Leadership and organization
10. Development agencies
11. Community Problems and Needs


1. clustering of household and spot mapping

2. selection of the research team
3. training on data collection methods and techniques/ Capability building (data
collection tools)
4. Planning for the actual gathering of data
5. data gathering
6. Training on data validation (tabulation and preliminary analysis of data
7. Community Validation
8. Presentation of the community study/ diagnosis and recommendations
9. Prioritization of community needs/ problems for action

4. Community Organization and Capability Building Phase


1. draw up guidelines for the organization of Community Health organization

2. Election and induction of officers
3. Development of management systems and procedures
4. team building activities
5. Action-reflection-action session (ARAS)
6. Working out legal requirements of CHO
7. Organization of the working committees
8. Training of CHO officers and members

5. Community Action Phase


1. Organization and Training of Community Health Workers:

a. development of selection criteria of CHWs
b. selection of CHWs each zone of group of families will select from their
c.training of CHWs
2. setting up linkages, network and referral systems
3. Project implementation, monitoring and evaluation (PIME) of health services,
intervention schemes and community development projects
4. Initial identification and implementation of resource mobilization schemes

6. Sustenance and strengthening Phase

1. Develop financial and management systems

2. Identification and development of secondary leaders
3. Formulation and ratification of the constitution and by-laws of the CHO
4. Work for the registration of CHD with the securities and exchange Commission
5. Formalize and institutionalize linkages, networks and referral systems
6. Development and implementation of viable management systems and
procedures, committees, continuing education/training of leaders, CHWs,
community residents
7. Continuing Education and upgrading of community leaders, CHWs and CHO
8. development of medium and long term community health and development plans

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