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Clues: Roots of a Scientific Paradigm

Author(s): Carlo Ginzburg

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Theory and Society, Vol. 7, No. 3 (May, 1979), pp. 273-288
Published by: Springer
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/656747 .
Accessed: 06/08/2012 16:40

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Roots of a Scientific Paradigm


The distinction between sciences of natureand human scienceshas been long

debated and will probably be discussedfor some time. Although some, like
Levi-Strauss,believe that the distinction does not exist on principle, there can
be no doubt of its existence in fact. The following brief remarksapproach
this issue from a standpoint that is perhaps ratherunusual. In particular,I
intend to show how, towardsthe end of the nineteenth century, there quietly
emerged in the sphere of human sciences an epistemological model (or
"paradigm'"1) which has not yet been given enough attention.

Between 1874 and 1876, a seriesof articleson Italianpaintingappearedin the

Zeitschriftfur bildendeKunst. Theirauthorwas an unknown Russianscholar,
Ivan Lermolieff; their translationinto Germanhad been done by another
unknown, Johannes Schwarze.These articles proposeda new method for the
attribution of ancient paintings that kindled divergent reactions and lively
discussions.Severalyears passed before the author cast off the double mask
behind which he had hidden himself. The author was an Italian, Giovanni
Morelli(Schwarzewas a Germanequivalentof this last name, and Lermolieff
a quasi-anagramof it). Art historians even nowadays still talk about a

Let us see of what this method consisted. Museums,Morellisaid, are full of

paintingswhose authorshiphas been attributedinaccurately.But to restore
each painting to its real author is a difficult task: often these works are not
signed,have been re-paintedor are in bad condition. In such a situationit is
indispensableto be able to distinguishbetween originalsand copies. But to
do this, Morellisaid, one should not work (as is usually done) on the basis of
the most striking features of paintings, which for this very reason are the
easiest to imitate. the lifted-to-heaveneyes of Perugino'sfigures,the smile of

Universitd degli Studi, Bologna.


Leonardo's,and so on. One should ratherexamine the most negligibledetails,

those least influenced by the characteristicsof the school the painterbelongs
to: the lobes of the ears, the fingernails,the shape of the fingersand toes. In
this mannerMorellidiscovered,and painstakinglycataloged,the shape of ears
typical of Botticelli, that of Cosme Tura, and so on: these traitswere present
in originals, but not in copies. With this method he proposed scores of new
attributions in some of the most important museums of Europe. In many
cases his attributionswere sensational:for instance, a stretched-outVenus in
the Dresden Gallery, always considered a copy by Sassoferrato of a lost
painting of Tiziano, was identified by Morellias one of the very few works
certainlyattributableto Giorgione.

Despite these results, Morelli'smethod was very much criticized,partly may-

be because of the almost arrogantassurancewith which it was presented.
Afterwards it was considered mechanical, grossly positivistic, and fell into
discredit.3(It may well be however, that many scholarswho resistedit went
on using it silently for their attributions.)The renewalof interest in Morelli's
writingswas an achievementof E. Wind, who consideredthem typical of the
modern attitude to works of art - an attitude tending to an appreciationof
details rather than of the work as a whole. In Morelli,Wind believed, there
was an exasperationwith the worshipfor the directnessof genius, that he had
seen during his youth in his contacts with the Romantic groups in Berlin.4
This interpretationis not very convincing,since Morellidid not propose to
solve problemsof an aestheticnature(and he was criticizedfor this later), but
preliminaryproblems of a philologicalnature.5 Actually the implications of
the method proposedby Morelliwere different, and much more complex. We
shall see that Windcame very near to diviningthem.

The problems that Morellitried to solve were of a philologicalnaturein that

they were similar,in a certain sense, to those of a philologist editing a text,
or of a textual critic.6 Like the latter, Morelliwas dealingwith texts (that is,
paintings) that were anonymous, damaged, palimpsestic and copied only
more or less faithfully; he aimed at reconstructingthe text (the painting) as
it was originally. But to mention copies is probably a sufficient indication
of the existence, side by side with the similarity, of a decisive difference.
For our culture, only a literarytext is perfectly reproducible(after the inven-
tion of printing,even with mechanicalmeans), whereasa work of figurative
art is reproducible only imperfectly (despite the invention of engraving
techniques and later of photography).7The editions of OrlandoFurioso may
exactly reproducethe text as it was written by Ariosto; the copies of a pro-
trait by Raffaello will never be able to do this. A painting is, by definition,
something unique that can never be repeated - a fact well-known for its

considerablecommercial implications. Hence the problem raisedby Morelli

-how to identify the originalamong a multitude of copies.

The distinction between literary texts and pictorial "texts" cannot be

explained by the alleged eternal characteristicsof literatureand painting.On
the contrary, the distinction is eminently historical,based on the assumption
of two decisive historical turning points: the invention of writing and the
invention of printing. It is well known that textual criticism was born after
the former (when Homer's poems were transcribed)and was consolidated
after the latter (when humanists began to prepare the first editions of the
Classics).8 At first, all elements connected with voice and gesture were
consideredirrelevantto the text; later all elements connected to the physical
aspects of writing were deemed irrelevant.The result of this double process
was a progressive dematerializationof the text; it gradually came to be
purified of all sensory references.All this strikes us as obviousnow, but it is
not at all obvious. It is sufficient to rememberthe decisive role of voice
intonation in oral literatureto see that this concept of text is connected to a
cultural choice of incalculable significance. That this choice was not oc-
casioned by mechanicalreproductionreplacingwriting by hand is provedby
the strikingcase of China,where the invention of printingdid not cut the ties
between literarytext and handwriting.On the contrary,in fourteenthcentury
Italy, people who were able to discriminate between "good" and "bad"
codices of the Commediawere alreadywell awarethat texts werenot identical
with their material prop of paper or vellum, no matter how elegantly il-
lumated they might be.9

This thoroughly abstractconcept of a text explainswhy philology, especially

textual criticism, was the first of all humanistic disciplines to acquire a
scientific character.Makinga radicaldecision, it attended to only the repro-
ducible featuresof a text (reproducibleat first by hand,later,afterGutenberg,
mechanically). This way it avoided the main stumbling-blockof the human
sciences: quality.10 It is significant that Galileo, when founding (with an
equally drasticreduction)the modern science of nature,referredto philology.
The traditionalmedieval comparisonbetween book and world was founded
on the self-evidence,the immediatelegibility of both: Galileoon the contrary
emphasized that "philosophy . . . written down on this great book that is
continually open to our eyes (I mean the universe).. . cannot be understood
unless one learnsfirsthow to understandits languageand recognizethe letters
in which it is written," that is, "triangles, circles, and other geometric
figures."' For the natural philosopher, as for the philologist, the text is
something deep and invisible that has to be reconstructedbeyond all sensory
data: "figures,numbers and movements, but not odors or tastes or sounds,
which I believe to be, out of the livinganimal,nothing but words.12

With this sentence Galileo gave a radically new direction to the science of
nature, in a tendentially anti-anthropocentricand anti-anthropomorphic
sense it never lost. This was the point where the gulf between the sciences of
natureand human sciencesbeganto open.13

Attempts to bridge this gulf are well known. One of them is Morelli's
seeminglynegligibleattempt. He declaredthat his aim was to give - at last -
a scientific basis to the studies of art history, polluted as they were by
amateurishnessand inaccuracy,througha systematicuse of the "experimental
method, which beginningfrom Leonardoand Galileoup to Volta and Darwin,
has made possible the most glorious discoveries."14Whatmeaning are we to
give this assertion?

We have seen that Morelli'smain object, the discovery of a reliablemethod

for identifying unique artistic personalities, distinguishing originals from
copies, excluded the conventional methods of textual criticism.All the more
reason, apparently,for excludingthe methods of the sciences of nature.What
Morelli meant to locate was unique artistic personality, precisely for its
uniqueness. But is it possible to take absolute singularityas the object of
scientific analysis? Modern science has implicitly adopted the scholastic
motto individuumestineffabile; i.e., one cannot talk about what is individual.
The quantitativeand anti-anthropocentricapproachof the sciences of nature
from Galileo on has placed human sciences in an unpleasantdilemma;they
must either adopt a weak scientific standardso as to be able to attain signif-
icant results, or adopt a strongscientific standardto attain resultsof no great
importance.Only linguisticshas been able to escape this dilemma.But Morelli,
several decades earlier, had already proposed a different solution, that was
later to turn out to be extraordinarilysuccessful.

"Morelli's books," writes Wind, "look different from those of any other
writer on art. They are sprinkledwith illustrationsof fingersand ears, careful
records of the characteristictrifles by which an artistgiveshimself away, as a
criminal might be spotted by a fingerprint. . . any art gallery studied by
Morelli begins to resemble a rogues' gallery . . ,,15 This comparison was
brilliantlydeveloped by Castelnuovo,who comparedMorelli'smethod, based
on the study of clues, to a method that, almost in those same years, was
attributedto Sherlock Holmesby his creator,ArthurConanDoyle.16 The art
connoisseur is comparable to a detective who establishes the author of a
"crime"of a painting) on the basis of clues that are not perceptibleto most
people. The instances of Holmes' shrewdnessin interpretingfootprints in
the mud, cigarette ashes, and so on, are countless and well known. But to
convince ourselves of the accuracy of the comparison proposed by Castel-

nuovo, it will be sufficient to take a look at a relatively late story, The

CardboardBox (1917), where Sherlock Holmes literally "morellizes."The
case begins with two severed ears sent by mail to an innocent old lady. Here
we see an expert at work: Holmes "wasstaringwith singularintentnessat the
lady's profile. Surpriseand satisfaction were both for an instant to be read
upon his eager face, though when she glanced round to find out the cause of
his silence he had become as demureas ever. I [Watson]staredhardmyself at
her flat, grizzledhair,her trim cap, her little gilt ear-rings,her placid features,
but I could see nothing which could account for my companion's evident
excitement."17 Later on Holmes explains to Watson(and to the reader)the
route his quick-as-lightingmental workingshave taken: "As a medical man,
you are aware,Watson,that there is no part of the body which variesso much
as the human ear. Each ear is as a rule quite distinctive, and differs from all
other ones. In last year's AnthropologicalJournal you will find two short
monographsfrom my pen upon the subject. I had, therefore, examined the
ears in the box with the eyes of an expert, and had carefully noted their
anatomicalpeculiarities.Imaginemy surprisethen, when, on looking at Miss
Cushing, I perceived that her ear correspondedexactly with the female ear
which I had just inspected. The matter was entirely beyond coincidence.
There was the same shortening of the pinna, the same broad curve of the
upper lobe, the same convolution of the inner cartilage.In all essentials the
same ear. Of course, I at once sawthe enormousimportanceof the observation.
It was evident that the victim was a blood relation, and probably a close
one . . ."18

We shall soon see what the implicationsof this parallelismwere.19But first it

will be useful to consider another valuable insight of Wind's: "To some of
Morelli'scritics it has seemed odd that 'personality should be found where
personal effort is weaker.' But on this point modem psychology would
certainly support Morelli: our inadvertentlittle gesturesreveal our character
far more authentically than any formal posture that we may carefully

"Ourinadvertentlittle gestures . . .": we are immediatelytempted to replace

the generic phrase "modern psychology" with a specific name - that of
Freud. Texts give a surprisingcorroborationto this. Wind's writing about
Morelli has attracted the attention of scholars21to a long-neglectedpassage
of Freud's famous essay The Mosesof Michelangelo(1914). At the beginning
of the second paragraph,Freud writes: "Long before I had any opportunity
of hearing about psychoanalysis,I learnt that a Russianart-connoisseur,Ivan
Lermolieff, had caused a revolution in the art galleries of Europe by
questioning the authorship of many pictures, showing how to distinguish

copies from originals with certainty, and constructing hypothetical artists

for those works of art whose former supposed authorship had been dis-
credited. He achieved this by insisting that attention should be diverted
from the general impression and main features of a picture, and he laid
stress on the significance of minor details, of things like the drawing of
the fingernails,of the lobe of an ear, of aureoles and unconsidered trifles
which the copyist neglects to imitate and yet which every artist executes in
his own characteristicway. I was then greatly interested to learn that the
Russian pseudonym concealed the identity of an Italian physician called
Morelli, who died in 1891. It seems to me that his method of inquiry is
closely related to the technique of psychoanalysis.It, too, is accustomed
to divine secrets and concealed things from unconsidered or unnoticed
details, from the rubbish-heap,as it were, of our observations(auch diese
ist gewohnt, aus gering geschdtzten oder nicht beachteten Zuigen,aus dem
Abhub - dem 'refuse' - der Beobachtung, Geheimes und Verborgenezu
erraten). "22

The essay on the Moses of Michelangelowas published anonymously at

first: Freud acknowledgedit as his only when he included it in his complete
works. Some have surmisedthat Morelli'stendency to erasehis own persona-
lity as a writerby concealingit underpseudonymshad been caught by Freud:
and conjectures, varying in acceptability, have been advanced upon the
meaningof this convergence.23Thereis no doubt, in any case, that, under the
cloak of anonymity, Freud had stated, in a form that was both explicit and
reticent, that Morelli had had a considerableintellectual influence on him
long before his discovery of psychoanalysis("lange bevor ich etwas von der
Psycho-analysehoren konnte .. ."). To reduce this influence to the essay
upon the Moses of Michelangeloalone, or more generallyto the essaysupon
subjects connected to art history, as some authorshave done,24 improperly
limits the significance of Freud's words: "It seems to me that his method
of inquiry is closely related to the technique of psychoanalysis".In fact, the
whole of Freud's statement places Morelliin a specialposition in the history
of psychoanalysis.It is a connection corroboratedby definite evidence, and
not conjecturallike most of Freud's "antecedents"or "forerunners";more-
over, the contact with Morelli'swritingstook place, as we have said in Freud's
"pre-analytic"period.We are thereforein the presenceof an element that has
contributed directly to the crystallizationof psychoanalysis,and not (as in the
case of the passageon dreamsof J. Popper"Lynkeus"mentioned in reprints
of Traumdeutung25) of a coincidence that has been found out later, after the
discoveryhad taken place.

Before we try to understandwhat Freud was able to acquire from reading


Morelli,it will be useful to state precisely the moment in which this reading
took place. The moment, or ratherthe moments, because Freudmentions two
distinct stages: "Long before I had any opportunity of hearingabout psycho-
analysis,I learnt that a Russian art-connoisseur,Ivan Lermolieff. .."; "I was
then greatly interested to learn that the Russianpseudonym concealed the
identity of an Italianphysiciancalled Morelli..."

About the date of the first statement we can only advance a conjecture.
As a terminusante quem we can propose the year 1895 (when Freud's and
Breuer'sStudies upon Hysteria were published)or 1896 (when Freudfor the
first time used the term "psychoanalysis".26As a terminuspost quem we can
propose 1883. That year, in December,Freudwrote his fiancee a long letter
about his "discoveryof painting"duringa visit to the DresdenGallery.Before
that he had had no interest in painting;now, he wrote, "I sloughed off my
barbarismand began to admire."27It seems unlikely that before this date
Freud could be attracted by the writing of an unknown art historian;it is
perfectly plausible, on the other hand, that he should start reading them
shortly after his letter to his fiancee about the DresdenGallery,since the first
of Morelli'sessays to be collected in a volume (Leipzig, 1880) were precisely
about the works of Italian masters in the galleriesin Munich,Dresden and

It is possible to establish perhapswith an even better approximationthe date

of Freud's second contact with Morelli's writings. Ivan Lermolieff's real
name was revealedfor the first time in the frontispieceof the Englishtransla-
tion of these same essays, which appearedin 1883; in reprintsand transla-
tions appearingafter 1891 (the year of Morelli'sdeath) both his name and his
pseudonym are mentioned.29It is not impossible that one of these volumes
should have been seen eventuallyby Freud:but probablyhe found out about
IvanLermolieffs identity by pure chance,in September1898, while browsing
in a bookshop in Milan. Among Freud's books that have been preservedin
London there is a copy of GiovanniMorelli(Ivan Lermolieff), Lella pittura
italiana: Studii storico critici. - Le gallerie Borghese e Doria Pamphili in
Roma, Milano, 1897. Upon his copy Freud wrote the date of the purchase:
Milan, September 14.30 The only time Freud visited Milan was in the
autumn of 1898.31 At that moment, moreover,Morelli'sbook had a further
interest for Freud. For some months he had been concerned with memory
lapses; a short time before, in Dalmatia, the episode - later analyzed in
Psychopathologyof EverydayLife -had taken place in which he had vainly
tried to rememberthe name of the artist of the Orvietofrescoes. Now, both
the real artist(Signorelli) and the incorrectones that Freudhad first recalled
(Botticelli, Boltraffio)were mentioned in Morelli'sbook.32

But what significance did Morelli's essays have for Freud? Freud himself
indicates it: the proposal of an interpretativemethod based on debris, on
marginaldata, considered as detectors. This way, details usually considered
unimportantor even trivial, "low," could provide the key for understanding
the highest productof humanspirit:"my opponents," Morelliwrote ironically
- just the sort of irony Freud was bound to like - "are pleasedto define me
as one who is unable to see the spiritualmeaning of a work of art and there-
fore attaches particularimportance to outward signs such as the shape of
hands, ears, or even, horribile dictu, of such a disagreeableobject as the
fingernails."33Morellitoo could have appropriatedthe Virgilianmotto Freud
was fond of and had chosen as an epigraphto his Interpretationof Dreams:
"Flecteresi nequeo Superos,Acherontamovebo."("If HeavenI cannot bend,
then Hell I will arouse!")34Besides, these marginaldata were revealing,in
Morelli'sopinion, because they representeda moment in which the artist's
subordinationto cultural tradition was loosened and replaced by a purely
individual trait, which was repeated "as a consequence of habit and almost
unconsciously."35 Even more than the reference to the unconscious- not
exceptionalin that period36 - what is strikinghere is the identificationof the
intimatecore of artisticpersonalitywith elements that are beyond the control
of consciousness.

An analogy between Morelli's,Holmes' and Freud'smethods has thus been

coming into focus. We have already mentioned the connection between
Morelliand Holmes and the one between Morelli and Freud. Steven Marcus
has discussed the remarkable convergence between Holmes' and Freud's
proceedings.37In all three cases, traces that may be infinitesimal make it
possible to understanda deeper reality than would otherwise be attainable.
Traces - or more precisely, symptoms in Freud'scase, or clues in Sherlock
Holmes'case. As for Morelli,we might say that the originalityof his method
consistedin his consideringtraces,pictorialtraces,as symptoms or clues.38

How can this triple analogy be explained? At first sight, the explanation
seemssimple. Freud was a doctor; Morellihad a degree in medicine; Conan
Doylehad been a doctor before he began to write. In all three cases we have a
glimpseof the model of medical semiotics that makesit possible to diagnose
diseasesnot recognizablethrough a direct observationand is based on super-
ficialsymptoms sometimes irrelevantto the layman- to Doctor Watson,for
instance.(Incidentally, it is worth pointing out that the Holmes-Watsonpair,
withthe shrewd detective and the slow-witted doctor, is a splitting of a real
figure,one of ConanDoyle's professorsin his student days, a man renowned
forhis extraordinarydiagnostic ability.39 But this is not a case of mere bio-
graphiccoincidences. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, more

preciselyin the decade 1870-1880, a paradigmbased on semiotics began to

emergein humansciences.Why semiotics?

It developed for internal and external reasons. For the sake of

clarity, we
shallseparatethem and begin with the former.

At presentonly etymology revealsthe extremely ancient

medical semiotics and other sciences based on the
decipheringof signs. The
epistemologicalmodel that unites them, beyond all differences, probably
tracesback to divination.40This does not imply - as some have
thatthese particularpractices were historically preceded a
by generalscience
of signs; far from it. The oracle, the priest, the interpreterof
the medical man (social figures that were for a
long time merged into a
singleindividual)obviously are much more ancient than the
semiologistor his

Inthis groupof sciences one undeniablydiffersfrom the

all others: philology,
the science that deciphers and interprets languagesand
writings other than
thoseof the gods. Itsfirst development,made possible the
by social system of
theGreekpolis, was a decisiveevent the secularization and democratization
(potential,at least) of culture.42But philology too is a science of
signs: and
assuch it canbe included in this group of disciplines,that
might be defined
asbased on signs.Whatunites them is, 1. their
being based on the deciphering
ofsigns; 2. their havingas objects individualcases,
situations,and documents,
inasmuchas they are individual;3. their attaining a
knowledge that implies
aninevitable margin of
hazardousness,of conjecture.43As regardsthis last
point,which is decisive, one should consider the role of
conjecture both in
thevariousforms of
mantics and in philology.44

Thesecharacteristicsexplain the
epistemologic ups and downs of medicine;
sinceHippocrates time, semiotics has been considered an
integral part of
medicine.Inthe seventeenth century, when an
ofthe sciences of natureresultedin a rearrangementof the
map of knowledge,
medicine(includingsemiotics) was suddenlyplaced in an
Itsreputation was torn to tatters in comparison with human sciences. Its
methodsseemed "uncertain,"its results, dubious.
Writings on the "un-
certainty"of medicine, fromLionardo di Capua (end of the seventeenth
century)to Cabanis(end of the eighteenth century), admitted this lack
though afterwardsthe latter tried to recognizethat medicinehad a
scientificcharacter of its own.45

Thereasons for the "uncertainty"of medicine seemed

to be basically two.

First, as Cabanis said, it was not enough to catalog single diseases so as to

build up an orderly framework:in each individual,diseasestake on different
characteristics.Second, knowledge of diseaseswas always indirect and based
on clues: living bodies were, by definition, inaccessible. Of course it was
possible to dissect corpses; but how could one infer from a corpse, already
injuredby the processes of death, the characteristicsof living individuals?46
This double diifficulty made it inevitable that it was not possible to prove
the effectivenessof medicalpractice.

In conclusion, the impossibility of medicine achievingthe reliability of the

sciences of nature stemmed from the impossibility of quantification;the
impossibility of a quantificationstemmed from the inevitable presence of
qualitativeand individualelements; and the presence of individualelements,
from the identity of the subject that knows and the object that is known.
Discussionsabout the "uncertainty" of medicine quickly formulated the
epistemologicalcrux of the "human sciences." In fact, as these discussions
beganto develop in the early nineteenth century they took medicine as their
model. While other recently formulated disciplines based on signs (as
phrenology)were about to be definitely labelled as fictitious sciences, and
degradedto the rank of forms of divination, medicine acquired an un-
precendentedepistemologicaland social ascendancy.

Butwhich part of medicine? Towardsthe middle of the nineteenth century,

analternativebegins to appear:the anatomic paradigmon the one hand, the
semioticone on the other. The metaphor of the anatomy of society, used
forinstance by Marx and Engels, expresses an aspirationto a systematic
knowledge in an agethathad witnessedthe collapse of the last greatphilosphic
system,that of Hegel. But despite the great success of Marxism,human
scienceshave adopted (with few exceptions, one of them linguistics) the
paradigmof semiotics, based on signs. The fluttering robes depicted by
fifteenth-century Florentine painters,the neologisms of Rabelais,the healing
ofscrofula patients by French and English kings (to quote only a few of
manypossible instances) have been taken, each time in a different sense, as
smallbut significant clues of more general phenomena: the outlook of a
socialclass, or of a writer, or of an entire society.47 A discipline such as
psychoanalysis developed,as we haveseen, fromthe assumptionthat seemingly
negligibledetails could reveal deep and far-reachingphenomena.Side by side
withthe decadence of systematic thought, there was a rise in the fortunesof
aphoristicthought - from Nietzsche to Adorno. The very word aphoristic
isrevealing.(It is a clue, a symptom, a telltale light: there is no escapingthe
paradigm). Aphorisms, as a matter of fact, was the title of a famous work
byHippocrates.In the seventeenthcentury collections of PoliticalAphorisms

began to be published.48Aphoristicliteratureis by definition an attempt to

formulateopinionsaboutman and society on the basis of clues, of symptoms:
a humanity and a society that are diseased, that are undergoinga crisis.
"Crisis"too is a medical,hippocraticterm.49

The success of an epistemology based on clues can also be explained by

external reasons. Until the middle of the nineteenth century, the figures of
criminalandproletariantendedto merge:that is, as the criminalcodesbecame
tighter and covered a larger area, the distinction between lower classes and
criminalsblurred.50Later, individuality and identity grew in importanceas
issuesto specific social groups,among them those interestedin social control.
The increasing uncontrollability of social tensions produced a new pheno-
menon: thegrowing"criminalization"of the "classopponent." Factorieshad
been built takingjails as a model, and disciplinein workhousesfollowed that
of convict prisons. New social controllers appeared: the doctor and the
policeman.It was in this context that the new paradigmemerged,especially
afterthe economic crisis of 1873.

Ina sense it canbe said that a distinct criminalfringebeganto form only in

thelatter part of the century. An analysisof statisticaldata about criminality
in France since 1870 onwards shows a dramaticincreasein the number of
recidivists:at the end of the century they were 50%of prosecutedcriminals.5s
Thisphenomenon testified to thecomplete failureof theredeemingqualities
ascribedby philanthropists tothe new penitentiarysystem.Juvenileoffenders,
marginals,occasional thieves transformedthemselvesin jail into criminalsin
thefull sense of the word. But the growingpercentageof recidivists,as well
as the rising influence of international workers' associations, posed fresh
problemsto policemen and governments.To identify somebody as a reci-
divist,it was necessaryto prove that (a) he/she had been condemnedbefore,
and(b) he/she was the same person who had been condemned before. The
firstproblem was solved by creatingpolice registers;the second, by
new identification methods, supersedingthe old marks, which had been
abolishedin all advanced countries. It is highly significant,in this context,
that the anthropometric method elaborated by Alphonse Bertillon was
defeated,at the end of the century, by the finger-print method based on
FrancisGalton's discoveries.To catchthe elusive uniquenessof individuals,
the clueprovided by a small detail like papillaryridges proved more useful
thanthe complex description of macroscopicbodily features such as

Thisexampleshows thedeep connection between the problemof

andthe problem of social control. In fact, it canbe said that the

bornin a religious context (persona), acquired its modern, secularized mean-

ingonly in relation with the State. Concern with an individual's uniqueness
astaxpayer, soldier, criminal, political subversive and so on - is a typical
featureof developed bureaucracies. Most aptly, in the nineteenth century,
traditional figures of those who control everyday life in society, such as
priests,were increasingly superseded by new ones: physicians, policemen,
psychiatrists,later on psychoanalysts and social scientists. It is in this context
thatwe can understand the pervasive influence of the model based on clues
thesemiotic paradigm.


1. I am using this term in the meaning proposed by T. S. Kuhn, Lastruttura delle

rivoluzioni scientifiche, It. trans., Torino 1969, not considering the distinctions
andspecifications introduced later by the same author (see "Postcript 1969",
in The Structure of Scientific Revolution, Second Edition, Enlarged, Chicago
1974,pp. 174sgg.).
2. OnMorelli, see first of all E. Wind, Art and Anarchy, London 1963, pp. 32-51,
and the bibliography quoted herewith. On Morelli's biography, add M. Ginoulhiac,
"GiovanniMorelli. La vita", in Bergomum, XXXIV (1940), n. 2, pp. 51-74; the
Morellianmethod was recently re-examined by Wollheim, "Giovanni Morelli and
the Origins of the Scientific Connoisseurship", in On Art and the Mind: Essays
and Lectures, London 1973, pp. 177-201. Other contributions will be quoted
later,in footnote 21. Unfortunately, there is no general study on Morelli. It would
be useful to analyze, besides his writings on art history, his early scientific educa-
tion, his relationship with the German intellectual milieu, his friendship with the
great Italian literary critic Francesco De Sanctis, his engagement in politics.
for De Sanctis, see Morelli's letter, proposing him for the chair of Italian Literature
in Zurich (F. De Sanctis, Lettere dall'esilio (1853-1860), ed. by B. Croce, Bari
1938, pp. 34-38). See also the indices of De Sanctis' Epistolario being published
by Einaudi Publishers in Turin. On Morelli's political engagement, one might
see the passing references in G. Spini, Risorgimento e protestanti, Napoli 1956,
pp. 114, 261, 335. For the European echo of Morelli's writings, see his letter
MarcoMinghetti from Basel, dated June 22, 1882: "Old Jacob Burckhardt, whom
I visited last night, was extremely kind to me, and insisted on spending the whole
evening with me. He is a very original man, both in his behaviour and in
thinking; you, and especially Donna Laura, would like him. He talked about
lot of
Lermolieff's book, as if he knew it by heart, and used it to ask me a
- which flattered me a great deal. This morning I am going to meet him
again . . ." (Biblioteca Comunale di Bologna, Archiginnasio, Carteggio Minghetti,
XXIII, 54).
3. Longhi judged Morelli, compared to the "great" Cavalcaselle, "a lesser, but con-
siderable man": immediately afterwards, however, he spoke about "materialistic
indications" which rendered "his method shallow and useless from the aesthetician's
point of view" ("Cartella tizianesca," in R. Longhi, Saggi e ricerche: 1925-1928,
Firenze 1967, p. 234). A damaging comparison with Cavalcaselle is taken up, for
instance, by M. Fagiolo in G. C. Argan - M. Fagiolo, Guida alla storia dell'arte,
Firenze 1974, pp. 97, 101.
4. See Wind, Art. 000, op. cit., pp. 42-44. Croce, on the other hand, spoke about
"the sensualism of immediately perceived details" (La critica e la storia delle arti
figurative. Questioni di metodo, Bari 1946, p. 15).

5. See Longhi, Saggi. . ., op. cit., p. 321.

6. The analogy, as far as I know, never is explicit in Morelli's writings. He emphasizes,
however,the parallel between "the spoken language and the painted or sculpted
language"(I. Lermolieff, Le opere dei maestriitaliani nelle galleriedi Monaco,
Dresdae Berlino, saggio critico . . . tradotto dalrusso in tedesco per cura deldott.
GiovanniSchwarze e daltedesco in italiano dallabaronessa K . . . A . . ., Bologna
1886,p. 6;see also G. Morelli (I. Lermolieff), Della pitturaitaliana. Studii istorico
critici.- Le GallerieBorghese e Doria Pamphili in Roma, Milano 1897, p. 73.
7. See W. Benjamin, L 'opera d'arte nell'epoca della sua riproducibilitd tecnica, It.
trans.,Torino 1974.
8. On the impact of the invention of writing, see J.Goody and J.Watt, "The Conse-
quencesof Literacy", in Comparative Studies in Society and History, V(1962-63),
pp. 304-45. See also E. A. Havelock, Culturaorale e civiltd della scrittura, Da
Omeraa Platone, It. trans., Bari 1973.
9. See the introduction to the critical edition of the Commedia edited by G. Petrocchi
(DanteAlighieri, LaDivina Commedia, Torino 1975).
10. I will further discuss this point in the forthcoming broader version of this essay.
See,for the moment, the stimulating remarks by S. Timpanaro, IIlapsus freudiano.
Psicanalisie critica testuale, Firenze, 1974).
11. G. Galilei, 71Saggiatore, ed. by L. Sosio, Milano 1965, p. 38. See E. Garin, "La
nuova scienza e il simbolo del 'libro,'" in Lacultura filosofica del Rinascimento
italiano.Ricerche e documenti, Firenze 1961, pp. 451-65, who discusses the inter-
pretation of this (and other) passages by Galileo, advanced by E. R. Curtius. Garin's
pointof viewis quite similar to my own.
12. Galilei, l7 Saggiatore,cit., p. 264. See also, on this subject, J.A. Martinez, "Galileo
on Primary and Secondary Qualities", in Journal of the History of Behavioral
Sciences, 10 (1974), pp. 160-69.
13. On the seventeenth century roots of this contrast, see my article "High and Low:
The Theme of Forbidden Knowledge in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries",
inPast and Present, 73 (Nov. 1976), pp. 35-37.
14. I. Lermolieff, Le opere dei maestriitaliani.. ., op. cit., p. 4.
15. See Wind,Art . ., op. cit., p. 40-41.
16. See E. Castelnuovo, "Attribution", in Encyclopaedia Universalis, II, 1968, p. 782.
More generally, see A. Hauser, Le teorie dell'arte. Tendenze e metodi della critica
moderna, It. trans., Torino 1969, p. 97, who compares Freud's detective-like method
to Morelli's (see further, footnote 21).
17. See A. Conan Doyle, "The Cardboard Box", in The Complete Sherlock Holmes
Short Stories, London 1976, pp. 923-47 (for the quoted passage, see p. 932).
18. See A. Conan Doyle, The Complete Sherlock Holmes . . . op. cit., pp. 937-38.
"The Cardboard Box" was printed for the first time in The Strand Magazine, V
(January-June 1893), pp. 61-73. It has been remarked (see A. Conan Doyle, The
Annotated Sherlock Holmes, ed. by W. S. Baring-Gould, London 1968, II, p. 208)
that in the same quarterly, a few months later, there appeared an anonymous
article on the different shapes of the human ear ("Ears: a chapter on", in The
Strand Magazine, VI, July-December 1893), pp. 388-91, 525-27). The editor
of The Annotated Sherlock Holmes (op cit., p. 208) surmises that the article's
author could have been Conan Doyle himself. In other words, Conan Doyle would
have finally written Holmes' contribution to the Anthropological Journal (mis-
quotation of Journal of Anthropology). But this is very likely to be a gratitous
assumption: the article on ears had been preceded, in the same Strand Magazine,
by an article entitled "Hands", signed by Beckles Willson. Anyway, the page
reproducing the different shapes of ears in the magazine irresistibly recalls the
illustrations to Morelli's writings: this confirms the diffusion, in those years, of this
specific range of interests.

19. It could however be more than a mere parallel. An uncle of Conan Doyle's, Henry
Doyle,painter and art critic, in 1869became director of the National Art Gallery
inDublin (see P. Nordon, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: L'hommeetl'oeuvre, Paris
1964,p. 9).In 1887 Morelli met Henry Doyle and wrote about him to his friend
SirHenry Layard: "What you tell me about the Dublin Gallery interests me very
much,especially since I hadthe opportunity in London to personally make the
acquaintanceof that wonderful Mr. Doyle, who made the best of impressions
me. . . alas, how different from Doyle are the individuals whom one ordinarily
meetsas directors of European galleries!" British Library (the original text is in
French),Add. Ms. 38965, Layard Papers vol. XXXV, c. 120 v). Henry Doyle's
knowledgeof the Morellian method (that we may take for granted in an art historian
inthose years) is proved by his Catalogue of the Works of Art in the National
Galleryof Ireland (Dublin, 1890) where Kugler's handbook, thoroughly revised
byLayard in 1887 under Morelli's supervision, is quoted. The first English transla-
tionof Morelli's writings appeared in 1883 (see the bibliography listed in Italienische
Malerei der Renaissance im Briefwechsel von Giovanni Morelli und Jean Paul
Richter: 1876-1891, herausgeg. von J.und G. Richter, Baden 1960). Holmes' first
adventure (A Study in Scarlet)in 1887. All this shows that Conan Doyle may
possiblyhave directly known Morelli's method. But this is, after all, an unnecessary
assumption: obviously, the intellectual trend that we are analyzing was diffused
evenoutside Morelli's writings.
20. See Wind,Art. . ., op. cit., p. 40.
21. See, besides a precise reference of Hauser (Le teorie dell'arte . . ., op. cit., p. 97;
theoriginal edition was printed in 1959): J. J.Spector, "Les methodes de la critique
d'art et la psychanalyse freudienne", Diogenes, n. 66 (1969), pp. 77-101;
H. Damisch, "La partie et let tout", Revue d'esthetique, 2 (1970), pp. 168-188;
Ibid., "Le gardien de l'interpretation," Tel Quel, n. 44 (Hiver 1971), pp. 70-96;
R.Wollheim, "Freud and the Understanding of the Art," OnArt and theMind . ...
opcit., pp. 209-120).
22. See S. Freud, "The Moses of Michelangelo", in trad. A. Strachey, in Freud on
Creativity and the Unconscious, B. Nelson, ed., New York 1958, pp. 24-25.
wasn'table to see K. Victorius, "Der 'Moses des Michelangelo' von Sigmund Freud,"
in Entfaltung der Psychoanalyse, herausgeg. von A. Mitscherlich, Stuttgart 1956,
pp. 1-10.
23. See S. Kofman, L'enfance de l'art. Une interpretation de l'esthetique freudienne,
Paris 1975, pp. 19, 27; see also Damisch, "Le gardien . . ." op. cit., pp. 70 sgg.;
Wollheim,On Art and the Mind .. ., op cit., p. 210.
24. We can except the perceptive essay by Spector, who, however, denies a real relation-
ship between Morelli's and Freud's methodsm ("Les methodes . . .", op. cit.,
pp. 82-83).
25. See S. Freud, L'interpretazione dei sogni, It. trans., Torino 1976, p. 289, footnote
(the footnote to p. 107 lists two essays by Freud on his relationship with "Lyn-
26. See M. Robert, La rivoluzione psicoanalitica. La vita e l'opera di Freud, It. trans.,
Torino 1967, p. 84.
27. See E. H. Gombrich, "Freud's Aesthetics", in Encounter, XXVI (1966), p. 30. It's
quite surprising that in this essay Gombrich doesn't mention Freud's passage
28. I. Lermolieff, Die Werkeitalienischer Meister in den Galerien von Munchen, Dresden
und Berlin, Ein kritischer Versuch . . . Aus dem Russischen ubersetzt von Dr.
Johannes Schwarze, Leipzig 1880.
29. G. Morelli (I. Lermolieff), Italian Masters in German Galleries: A Critical Essay
the Italian Pictures in the Galleries of Munich, Dresden and Berlin, . . . translated
from the German by L. M. Richter, London 1883.

30. See H. Trosman and R. D. Simmons, "The Freud Library", in Journal of the
American Psychoanalytic Association, 21 (1973), p. 672 (I am very grateful to Pier
Cesare Bori for calling my attention to this article).
31. See E. Jones, Vita e opere di Freud, It. trans., I, Milano 1964, p. 404.
32. See Robert, La rivoluzione . . ., op. cit., p. 144; G.. Morelli (I.
Lermolieff), Della
pittura italiana . . ., op. cit., pp. 88-89 (on Signorelli), p. 159 (on Boltraffio).
33. Ibid., p. 4.
34. The meaning of Freud's choice of this specific Vergilian verse
fromAeneis, 7, 312,
Loeb edition has been interpreted in various ways: see W. Schoenau,
Freuds Prosa. Literarische Elements seines Stil, Stuttgart 1968, pp. 61-73. The
most convincing interpretation appears to me that of E. Simon (p. 72), who believes
that the motto means that the hidden, invisible side of reality is no less
than the visible one. On the possible political implications of the motto
(which had
been already used by Lassalle) see the fine essay by C. E. Schorske,
"Politique et
parricide dans l"Interpretation des reves' de Freud", in Annales E.S.C., 28 (1973),
pp. 309-328 (particularly p. 325 sgg.).
35. See G. Morelli (I. Lermolieff), Della pittura italiana . . ., op.
cit., p. XVIII.
36. See H. F. Ellenberger, La scoperta dell'inconscio. Storia della
psichiatria dinamica,
It trans., Torino 1976, 2 vols.
37. See his introduction to A. Conan Doyle, The Adventures
of Sherlock Holmes: A
facsimile of the stories as they were first published in the Strand Magazine . . New
York 1976, pp. X-XI. See also the bibliographical appendix to N.
Mayer, La
soluzione sette per cento, It. trans., Milano 1976, p. 214 (this is an undeservedly
successful novel, where Holmes and Freud appear together as characters).
38. For the distinction between symptoms and clues, see T. A.
Sebeok, Contributions
to the Doctrine of Signs, Bloomington, Indiana 1976.
39. See A. Conan Doyle, The Annotated Sherlock Holmes . .,
op. cit., I, Introduction
("Two doctors and a detetective: Sir Arthur Canon Doyle, John A.
Watson, M. D.,
and Mr. Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street"), p. 7 sgg., on John
Bell, the physician
who inspired the character of Holmes. See also A. Conan
Doyle, Memories and
Adventures, London 1924, pp. 25-26, 74-75.
40. I will quote here only AA. VV., Divination and
Rationalite, Paris 1974, and par-
ticularlythe excellent essay by J. Bottero "Symptomes, signes, ecritures" (pp. 70-
197). I will expand this passage in a forthcoming version of this essay.
41. See L. Romeo, "Heraclitus and the Foundations of
Semiotics", in Vs, 15/5 (1977),
pp. 73-90. The relevant fact for the right interpretation of Heraclitus'
fragment is,
inmy view,that it refers to the oracle of Delphi, that is to a
divinatory context.
42. See J. Goody and J. Watt,"The Consequences ..", . op. cit.
43. I mean to enlarge these statements, putting them in a broader
context. For the
moment I will say that by foremost interlocutor (both in agreement and
ment)is S. Timpanaro, //lapsus freudiano, op. cit., pp. 197-98 and passim.
44. See, for instance, the philological Divinationes,
or works such as C. A. Brulley,
Del'art de conjecturer en medecine, Paris 1801 (which I wasn't able to
see). The
very etymology of conjectura (from cum-javio) has divinatory overtones, and
conjectormeans "divine".
45. On Lionardo di Capua see N. Badaloni,
Introduzione a G. B. Vico,Milano 1961,
passim. His Parere . . . divisato in otto ragionamenti, ne'
narrandosil'origine e 'I progresso della medicina, chiaramentel'incertezza della
medesimasi fa manifesta,was printed for the first time in Naples, in 1681.I have
used the Italian translation of Cabanis' tract (La certezza della
medicina, Bari
1974)with an introduction byS. Moravia.
46. See M. Foucault, Nascitadella clinica, It. trans., Torino
47. Readers will have recognized the allusions to A.
Warburg (La rinascita del paga-
nesimo antico, It. trans., Firenze 1966), L. Spitzer(Die
Wortbildungals stilistisches

Mittel exemplifiziertan Rabelais,Halle1910), M. Bloch (I re taumaturgai:Studi sul

caratteresovrannaturale attribuitoalla potenza dei re particolarmentein Franciae
in Inghilterra,It. trans.,Torino1973).
48. See, besides Campanella'sAforismi politici, originallyprinted much in a Latin
translationas part of his RealisPhilosophia('De Politicain Aphorismosdigesta"),
G. Canini,Aforismipolitici cavatidall'Historiad 'Italiadi M. FrancescoGuicciardini,
Venezia1625 (cfr.T. Bozza, Scnttoripolitici italianidal 1550 al 1650, Roma 1949,
pp.. 141-43, 151-52). See also the heading"aphorisme"in Littre'sDictionnaire.
49. The originalimplication,however,referredto the sphereof law: for a shorthistory
of this word, see R. Koselleck,Criticailluministae crisi della societa borghese,It.
trans.,Bologna 1972, pp. 161-63.
50. See the well-knownbook by L. Chevalier,Classeslaborieuseset classesdangereuses
a Parispendantla premieremoitie du XIXesiecle, Paris1958. But the whole issueis
too vast and complexfor a full bibliographyto be listedhere.
51. M. Perrot, "Delinquanceet systeme penitentiaineen France au XIXe siecle,"
AnnalesE.S.C.,30, 1975, p. 68.


This is a draft of an on-going research, a first version of which was discussed

at Bellagio, in June 1977, during a conference on "Humanities and Social
Thought," sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation. I am very grateful to
all participants for their criticisms and suggestions, and to my translator,
MartaSofri Innocenti.

Theoryand Society 7 (1979) 273-288

? ElsevierScientificPublishingCompany,Amsterdam- Printedin the Netherlands

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