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Master Thesis Valemax

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Norwegian School of Economics

Bergen, Spring 2014

Analysis of the economics of

Valemax vessels
Styliani Papadionysiou

Supervisor: Roar dland

Master thesis within the main profile of Energy, Natural Resources

and the Environment


This thesis was written as a part of the Master of Science in Economics and Business
Administration at NHH. Please note that neither the institution nor the examiners are
responsible through the approval of this thesis for the theories and methods used, or
results and conclusions drawn in this work.

In 2008, Vale, the Brazilian mining giant signaled a significant transformation in the dry bulk
shipping industry. The firm ordered the biggest vessels, ever constructed, called the Valemaxes
(400,000 tons deadweight) to transport its iron ore from Brazil to China. The destination between
these countries is far and in comparison with the companys big Australian competitor costlier.
Vale needed to cut its transportation cost and one solution was the economies of scale in ship
size. Constructing bigger vessels with twice the transporting capacity of the traditionally
chartered Capesize vessels can provide significant cost reduction. This strategy raised fears of
monopolistic attempts over this route resulting in a ban by the Chinese authorities leading to
Vales shipping cost increase. This paper, analyzes the operational and economic aspects of the
fleet of Valemaxes and attempts to find out the formation of the transportation cost after the
imposition of the unexpected ban.


First and foremost, I am very grateful to and would like to give my warmest thanks to my
supervisor, Mr. Roar dland for being so helpful, cooperative and supportive with the
progress of this thesis. Furthermore, I would like to thank my family for standing by me,
and motivating me to complete my diploma, my sister Evaggelia Papadionysiou and my
friend Marialena Athanasopoulou for their helpful comments.

Styliani Papadionysiou, Bergen, December 2014


1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 6

2. LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 9

2.1 DRY BULK SHIPPING INDUSTRY ..................................................................................................... 9

2.1.1 Structure of the dry bulk market........................................................................................ 9

2.1.2 Demand and supply Drivers of the dry bulk market ........................................................ 9

2.1.3 Dry bulk freight market.................................................................................................... 11

2.2 IRON ORE MARKET ....................................................................................................................... 13

2.2.1 Supply and Demand sides of the iron ore market .......................................................... 13

2.2.2 Production and trade ....................................................................................................... 14

2.2.3 Pricing mechanism........................................................................................................... 17

2.3 THE CASE OF V ALEMAX .............................................................................................................. 20

2.3.1 Vales profile .................................................................................................................... 20

2.3.2 Vales strategy .................................................................................................................. 22

2.3.3 Vales challenges ............................................................................................................. 26

2.3.4 Vales alternative strategy............................................................................................... 27

3. METHODS ...................................................................................................................................... 31

4. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................ 44

4.1 COST COMPARISON ...................................................................................................................... 44

4.2 VALEMAX FLEET S TRANSPORTING CAPACITY ........................................................................... 53

RATE .................................................................................................................................................... 56

5. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................... 59

REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................................... 60

1. Introduction
The shipping business is crucial for the development of economic activities, as ships provide
a cost effective way of transporting large volumes of basic commodities and finished goods
from the places of production to the places of consumption. The demand for shipping
services derives from the demand for commodities. Freight would not be transported to a
location if no customers demanded the particular product. In fact, the economic growth
generates the international trade that creates demand for transport. The demand for sea
transport is driven by the demand for the physical commodity and is affected by a number of
factors such as political factors, the world economy, the seaborne commodity trade, the
distance on which the cargo is shipped and the transport cost which essentially is the price of
the transport service. Supply is affected by the fleet size and the operational efficiency
(Cheng et.al, 2010).

Dry bulk shipping can be defined as the transportation segment used to carry commodities
such as iron ore, grain and coal that can be more easily handled if transported in bulk or
large quantities, (Stopford, 2009). It is classified in two categories major and minor bulk.
Major bulks are iron ore, coal and grain which are shipped in larger ships and minor bulks
are fertilizers, steel, sugar, cement etc., which are carried in smaller and more versatile ships,
(Bornozis, 2006). Its development started back to the nineteenth century as a result of the
need to cut the transport costs, when the shipment size of commodities increased so much
that the commodities should be transported in shiploads and the economies of scale could be
utilised, (Grammenos, 2002).

During the past few decades, the dry bulk trade volume has considerably increased and
represents one third of the world trade due to the development of Asian economies. The
industrialisation, the liberalisation of the international trade, the technological advances and
the higher demand for dry bulk commodities have led to an expansion of the dry bulk fleet
and the ship size. By using bigger ships, shipowners can gain maximum profits as these
ships have lower unit costs and cargo handling. However bigger is not always better due to
the lack of flexibility and trading routes. Constraints exist due to the larger size, as the
number of ports and terminals where they can berth is constrained since special
infrastructure to handle them should be built, (Stopford, 2009).

Dry bulk shipping has been capable of carrying of over 300000 tons deadweight with the
main categories: Handies, Handymax, Capesize and Panamax. Other dry bulk carriers are the
combined carriers and the VLOCs (Very Large Ore Carriers). Iron ore has been the largest of
the dry bulk commodity trades and is the primary raw material for making steel. The
urbanization and industrialization of the Chinese economy led to a sharp increase of the steel
production, which requires high consumption of iron ore, (Sukagawa, 2007). Despite the fact
that China belongs to the biggest iron ore producers, the production was not sufficient to
cover the industrial needs, rendering China the biggest importer of iron ore in the world.
This triggered an augmentation of the iron ore demand that ended up to high prices,
intensified by a simultaneous increase at the freight cost. When the financial crisis hit the
iron ore market and the prices plummeted, Vale the Brazilian mining giant and one of the
main iron ore suppliers of the Chinese steel industry faced challenges. Besides this, the
freight cost that Vale faced was twice the freight cost of its competitors.

To respond to these challenges, Vale decided to build the biggest dry bulk vessels existed in
order to transport its iron ore to Asia and mostly to China. Hence, in 2008, they ordered 35
valemax vessels of a capacity that reached 402,347 tons deadweight, to be delivered in 2012.
These ships have twice the capacity of the capesizes used for the transportation of iron ore.
The rationale behind this was to take advantage of the economies of scale that the bigger size
of the vessels would render and shrink the geographical disadvantage. Nevertheless, the
market conditions had changed by the delivery period and Vales venture faced serious
opposition. The Chinese government did not allow the valemax vessels to berth to its ports
claiming safety reasons resulting in Vales soaring shipping costs. Thus, the firm has made
an alternative plan to ship its production to Asia. They will use two floating transfer stations
in Philippines and a storage and distribution centre in Malaysia to transship the cargo to
smaller vessels, approved by the Chinese authorities and allowed to unload to the countrys

Thus, it turns out that numerous factors affect the operation of the dry bulk shipping market
and numerous actors involved in the business whose decisions are interrelated. The trading
and sea transportation of the commodities have a central role in this business since the
efficiency and the availability of services of the first ensure the effective economic
development and trade. The purpose of this thesis is to provide further evidence on the
ongoing Valemax discussion. Vale is both shipowner and charterer of the vessels. It charters
Valemaxes under a 25- year contract of affreightment. However, the company proceeded to

the called vertical integration strategy, under which Vale is a cargo owner who owns his own
vessels to handle the transported capacity. Both types of deploying the Valemaxes for the
transportation of iron ore entail a high cost after the Chinese intervention.

The total cost of three different transportation systems for the route Brazil- China will be
computed and compared over 2012-2014. One is the transportation of iron ore from Brazil to
China, transhipping the cargo into smaller vessels at the Subic Bay in Philippines, the second
is the direct transportation of the cargo from Brazil to China and the third is the deployment
of capesizes from the spot market to transport iron ore from Brazil to China. The purpose of
this thesis is to investigate the issue from every economic aspect and give an answer on the
questions aroused concerning the Valemaxes profitability

The rest of the study is organized, as follows. Part I is the introduction of the thesis. Part II is
the literature review. Part III includes the composition of the problem and the methods used
to solve the question. Part IV is the final section where the data and the conclusions of the
research are presented.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Dry bulk shipping industry

2.1.1 Structure of the dry bulk market

By definition, dry bulk shipping is associated with the sea transportation of commodities in
an unpackaged form on a one cargo/one ship basis, (Gratsos, 2010). The demand and
supply of the dry bulk services and the market structure are the main drivers of the dry bulk
markets performance. Recent research suggests that dry bulk market structure is nearing
that of perfect competition. First, there is a large number of ship-owner firms, providing
services. Secondly, information can be accessed to some extent, as freight rates are indexed
in the Baltic Dry Index and the existing customers are disclosed through shipbrokers. The
barriers to entrance exist because large capital is requested to invest in ships but there is
support from the shipping commercial banks that provide some financing, other than that the
entrance barriers are weak. Regulatory or economic obstacles are very few and firms have no
strong motivation to withdraw from the market, even if they exit the market there is no
decrease of tonnage as the firms are able to sell it to other firms who operate in the second-
hand and purchase market. Lastly, the freight rate, the price and fleet size are determined by
the market largely.

2.1.2 Demand and supply Drivers of the dry bulk market

The demand for dry bulk sea transport services derives from the demand of the physical dry
bulk commodities and it has five determinants. First, the world economy is a determinant of
the demand, as a positive relationship between the global economy growth and the shipping
trade is observed from two different aspects. On the one hand, the world economy generates
the demand for sea transport through imports of raw materials from the source of production
to the region of consumption. The strong growth of the Chinese economy generated the
growth of the iron ore trade and as a result increased the demand for sea transport services.
On the other hand, the economic cycles are reflected to the demand for ships. A recession in
the world economy coincides with a recession in the seaborne trade.

The second decisive factor of the demand for ships is the seaborne trade, related to the cargo
volume of the commodities transported. This effect is apparent in both short term and long

term, which concern the seasonality of some commodities and the economic characteristics
of the commodities industries, respectively. Average haul is the average distance over
which the cargoes are transported and is closely related to the time needed by the ship to
complete a voyage. Chinas demand for iron ore exceeded the Australian abilities to supply
iron ore resulting in the expansion of its supply network. Brazil was the next Chinas top
supplier and therefore, bigger ships for longer distance were in demand.

Political factors play also a central role in the demand for ships, often known as random
shocks. Their impact can destabilise the activity of the economic system, giving rise to the
cyclical process. Some candidates of the random shocks are weather changes, wars, new
resources, commodity price change. The last component of the sea transport demand is the
transportation cost that depends on the shipping operations, as the transportation of raw
materials occurs, only if the transportation cost decreases to a reasonable level or a principal
benefit is secured by the quality of the product, (Stopford, 2009).

The supply of sea transport refers to the amount of transport services provided by the
shipowners based on the optimisation of their freight revenues, or else the available capacity
for carrying cargo from one port to another by sea, namely the supply of tonnage and mainly
concerns the fleet size. Its main drivers are four parties. Shipowners resolve whether to order
new ships or scrap old ships. Shippers order new space to transport their cargo from the
shipowners. As a result, shippers may exert some influence on the shipowners decision for
ordering new ships or not. Bankers control partly the market, by selecting the lenders of the
capital and regulators implicitly affect the fleet capacity through the safety and
environmental legislation, (Cheng, 2010).

There are four determinants of the supply for sea transport services. The merchant fleet is
fixed in the short-run, but in the long run scrapping and deliveries determine the fleet
growth, (Stopford, 2009). By the end of 2013, the dry bulk fleet has grown considerably and
the delivery of the valemax vessels has contributed to this, creating an overcapacity situation
in the market, (BRS-Paris, 2014). The supply of dry bulk carriers does not only concern the
number of ships in service but also to the operational efficiency of the worldwide fleet, often
called, fleet productivity.

Fleet productivity is measured in tonne miles (tonnage) per deadweight and depends on
speed, port time, deadweight utilization, and loaded days at sea. Speed is the main

determinant of the time required to complete a voyage. If a ship is designed to take on a

voyage with a low speed, then the time to discharge is greater and as a result, the transport
capacity is reduced. Port time is associated with the ships physical performance. Heavy
congestion in ports decreases the availability of ships for trading. The deadweight utilization
brings up the issue of the cargo capacity lost due to factors such as bunkers and stores. The
time of vessels, divided into loaded days and unproductive days, affects the operational
efficiency and is subject to the prevalent market conditions, (Stopford, 2009).

Dry bulk market consists of four interrelated markets, (Cheng, 2010):

Freight market, which involves the sea transport services trading

The new building which concerns the ordering and building of new ships
The sale and purchase market where second hand ships and vessels are traded
The demolition market, where old vessels are sold for scrap to dealers.

The shipbuilding production plays a central role in the adjustment of the fleet that does not
take place quickly or easily. In fact, the time lag between ordering and delivering is between
1 and 4 years. Scrapping and losses deal with the rate of the fleet growth through deliveries
of new ships and deletions of ships from the fleet as scrapped or lost at sea. Finally, freight
revenue is a mechanism that the market uses to make decision makers adjust the capacity in
the short term whilst in the long term is seen as a way to reduce the costs and improve the
provided services, (Stopford, 2009).

2.1.3 Dry bulk freight market

The freight market is the adjustment mechanism linking the supply and demand described in
the above section. Shipowners and shippers negotiate to determine a freight rate, which
reflects the balance of ships and cargoes available in the market. Too many ships in the
market mean a low freight rate and very few ships a high freight rate, (Stopford, 2009).
Therefore, the construction of the Valemaxes affects the freight market and is important to
assess what this impact is.

After 2003, the emergence of the fast growing economies of China as a major importer
caused a sudden positive change in the growth of demand, which brought a boom in freight
rates and freight volatility, ultimately triggering a rise of the supply growth. Scrapping
stopped and new building started. Uncertainty around the future fleet requirements and the

risk of over tonnage aroused following of a prolonged peak freight volatility. Xu et.al
(2011) also noticed that a positive change in the fleet size growth will boost the freight
volatility and that the spot rate volatility of Capesize dry bulk has a stronger influence on the
change of fleet size because Capesize ships are more susceptible to market changes due to
the trading inflexibility of larger vessels. The strong iron ore demand from China led to a
continual upward trend of the freight rates up to the middle of 2008 when the freight rates
reached the peak, as the Dry Baltic Index reached the all-time high of 11973 and the new
building order book was full at over 170 million deadweight tons. The volatility of the
freight rate and its increasing trend raised significantly Vales shipping cost, which hired
capesizes from the spot market. Thus, just before the economic collapse Vale decided to
reduce its exposure to the freight volatilities and establish its presence to Asia by creating its
own fleet.

By the end of 2008, the financial crisis hit the dry bulk market and the Dry Baltic Index
plunged to 663 points. As a consequence the capesize earning dropped by 90%, creating
serious financial problems to the capesize shipowners who were not able to cover their
marginal cost, namely their running costs and had to pay for the capital costs, (UNCTAD,
2009). As a result, many capesize shipowners did not send their vessels to load in Brazil and
Vale found itself in default. The graph below shows the spot freight rates of the capesizes for
the route Tubarao-Qingdao. The freight rates remained at the relatively low levels generated
in 2008, when the rates plunged. It seems that the reduction of Vales shipping cost would be
on the right direction if the ban rebounded. The spot freight rate of capesize is almost the
same as the cost of the direct transportation of iron ore from Brazil to China with the
Valemaxes, reckoned by alphabulk to be around 17-18 US$ per ton, while transporting twice
the quantity that capesizes can carry.

In 2013, the majority of the valemax vessels was delivered, bringing about a series of
troubles. First, the smaller vessels around the size of 300,000 tons deadweight faced
employment difficulties but the most important issue aroused from these vessels is that the
Baltic Exchange 4TC averaged at the lowest rate ever recorded during this super cycle. The
blame is put on the expansion of the valemax fleet which consisted by 1st April of 2013 of 26
vessels, (BRS-Paris, 2014). Fortunately, the low levels of freight rate prevailed over the first
seven months, as later the spike of the tonnage demand brought the recovery. Thus, 2013 is
characterised by a split in two regarding earnings, (RS Platou, 2014).

(Figure 1: BCI C3: Tubarao/Qingdao, 160,000 or 170,000 mt. Source: Clarkson Research Services)

Views differ over the extent to which the injection of valemaxes affected the freight rates
and capesize earnings. Currently there are 29 valemaxes adding 11.6 million tonnes capacity
to an oversupplied market, which depresses the capesize rates. These vessels have though
some positive effect on the market as their innovative design increases the fleet productivity
and efficiency in the dry bulk transport, while the transhipment hubs engage feeder ships
necessitating the employment of the smaller ships.

2.2 Iron ore market

2.2.1 Supply and Demand sides of the iron ore market

The iron ore market is the starting point of the valemax vessels construction. The reason
that Vale wanted to achieve a cost advantage was to sell cheaper iron ore to China. Thus, it is
essential to comprehend the supply and demand sides of this market to conceive its changes
and effects on the case.

Supply side:

Mining companies: In the iron ore trade, the supply is determined by the production
and stockpiles of iron ore, which increase the availability of the source. If the
availability is higher than the demand, prices will decline. The opposite happens
when the supply is lower than the demand. Vale together with the Australian BHP
Billiton and Rio Tinto are the mining leaders as their exports amount to 70% of the
world iron ore exports which can be observed in the following table.

(Table 1: Iron ore exports, 2010-2017. Source: BREE, 2012)

Bulk Capesize Owners and Operators: They provide the transport service on the main
iron ore routes and as iron ore trade is mostly served by capesizes, they determine the

Demand side

China: Its strong steel production and massive demand of iron ore have led to its
prevalence on this side.

(Table 2: World Iron ore Imports, 2010-2017. Source: BREE, 2012)

2.2.2 Production and trade

Iron ore is a dry bulk commodity used as an intermediate raw material for the production of
pig iron and steel, combined with finished steel constitutes the worlds second largest

commodity by value after crude oil. Iron ore is categorised by the place of production,
pricing and the ferrous content, expressed as a percentage. Ores carrying high quantities of
hematite or magnetite (> 60% of iron concentration) can be fed directly into the iron making
blast furnaces. The most merchantable grades of iron ore lie between 58% and 66%. Mining
iron ore is a highly capital intensive business as it requires strong investment in
infrastructure and transport facilities. As such, the supply side of the iron ore trade is
dominated by few countries, (Intercontinental Exchange, 2010).

Iron ore trade is of crucial importance. It is one of the the demand for transport services
determinants and the main reason that led Vale to construct the Valemax vessels. Iron ore
demand is driven by the steel production. The global production of iron ore used to be stable
at 800 to 900 million tons per year by 2000, when it started to increase and reached
approximately 2950 million tons of annual production by the year 2013. The sharp increase
of steel production is not a coincidence, (Hellmer et.al, 2012). The large-scale urbanization
and industrialisation of the Chinese economy led to a consumption of almost 480 million
tons of steel over this period. As the domestic production was not sufficient to cover its
industrial needs, China turned to the foreign suppliers, becoming the biggest importer of iron
ore in the world and the main driver of the iron ore markets demand side.

The reason for this outcome is the limited supply of construction materials and the limited
labour force, as the rapid economic growth overcame the available amount of producing
factors. However, the main reason for the rapid increase of imports is that most mines in
China are old and the deposits are magnetite. The iron content of magnetite is low, estimated
to be between 25% and 40% and even though the Chinese government promoted the
expansion of the domestic iron ore mines, many had to undertake an elevated operational
cost and they shut down, (Sukagawa, 2010). China is the only country that steadily increases
its imports, as indicated in the graph below.

(Figure 2: China Iron ore Imports. Source: Clarkson Research Services)

The quality of iron ore is a salient factor for the steel producers because it reduces their
operational cost. The Brazilian iron ore is considered to be of high quality (>60% of iron
content) and thus in high demand by the booming Chinese steel industry, resulting in its
increasing exports as showed in figure 3, where large spikes are observed in the exports but
the general trend is increasing. Vale increased its production to keep up with the growing
Chinese demand. After 2008, the production of iron ore fell and reached 1.6 billion mt, the
first drop in production after seven consecutive years of growth. Steel production also fell
the first quarter of 2009 but quickly recovered due to China that increased its steel
production by 13.5%, (Magnus Ericson, 2010).

(Figure 3: Brazilian Iron ore Exports. Source: Clarkson Research Services)


Iron ore market keeps growing until 2011 while Chinese production declines, rendering
Australia and Brazil as the dominant suppliers who control the iron ore production. India
may also have large and good quality resources of iron ore but its steel industry continually
grows and Indian iron ore is domestically used. However, the growth in the world of iron ore
market stopped in 2012 and the production declined marginally. Among the major
producers, Australia was the country that grew its output by 8.9% while Brazil, India, China
dropped its production and Australia became the dominating force in the iron ore production.
The rate of the economic recovery in 2012 is rather slow and the Chinese economic growth
slows down but the demand for iron ore remains strong up to 2013, according to Metal
Miner. The concentration of iron ore supply side increases and the supply of iron ore rises as
BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Vale invest in new major expansion projects with the purpose
of keeping the prices high enough to cover these costs but at the same time low enough to
prevent the entrance of new players in the market. Chinas inventory of iron ore shrank. The
imports werent stockpiled but the end consumers directly used them.

In 2014, Vale has been unable to provide new tonnage in the Chinese market, being at risk
for losing the title of the biggest iron ore exporter and the Rio Tinto will replace its place.
Australia has gained the lead in the demand response and Fortescue Metals enters the
market, growing rapidly its production and thus becoming the fourth largest iron ore
producer. The year, 2014 is a transitional year. The market is moving from a deficit to a
surplus condition. Taking into consideration the certain and probable projects, 536 million
mt will be added by the end of 2015, whilst 230 million mt will be needed. However, the
reversal of the market cannot be assured yet due to several factors. The most important is
that the market will be maintained tight, the large iron ore producers have the flexibility to
reach their expansion plans and a segment equal to 150 million mt of the Chinese capacity
may be closed down to keep the price at the present levels, (UNCTAD, 2013).

2.2.3 Pricing mechanism

Historically, the iron ore market is characterised by the producer pricing, that is, large
producers and consumers in two dominating regional markets, negotiated an annual price,
called benchmark price. The main reason for this pricing regime is that the demand of iron
ore is sensitive to changes in the GDP growth and both iron ore and steel producers favoured
the stabilisation of pricing. During the past few years, a change of salient importance has
occurred in the pricing mechanism. The largest volumes of iron ore are traded in the spot

market. In 2010, the benchmark system abandoned and replaced by the system of quarterly
negotiated prices, influenced by the spot market prices during the previous quarter, (Wrell,

Iron ore prices are categorized between two types: Freight on Board (FOB) and Cost and
Freight (CFR) or cost insurance freight (CIF). The former indicates that the seller of the
commodity is responsible for paying the transportation cost to the port of shipment and the
buyer pays for the cost of loading/unloading of the goods on both the port of export and
import, inland haulage cost, customs clearance, origin documentation charges, demurrage if
any and port handling charges. The latter indicates that the seller also pays for the freight
between the port of delivery and the destination port and the risk transferred to the buyer
once the goods are loaded on the vessel. In CIF terms, the seller is in charge for the
insurance too, (Mining Journal, 2012). The spot price in China is the basis for pricing in all
the parts of the world and there are three main series: Metal Bulletin, Platts and SBB, but
uncertainty over their representativeness and security is aroused, (E&MJ, 2010).

There are some oppositions concerning the introduction of a spot market of iron ore by the
European steel industry, as they claimed that this could bring more volatility to the steel
prices. However, Wrell (2013) conducted an analysis on the effect that the change of the
pricing regime would have on the iron ore prices. The conclusion of this research supports
that the volatility indeed increased after the spot prices were introduced and the effect of this
change is also significant but not from the consumer point of view where the volatility exists
in the transportation cost market. The price of iron ore is essential; as it is the revenue
derived from the iron ore transactions and determined by the interactions of iron ore demand
and supply under the new pricing system. Vale used to sell its iron ore on a FOB basis but in
2010, it switched to the CFR spot prices. As it referred above, China is driving the demand
and has a central role in the price formation. In the below graph it can be noticed that the
strong demand after 2009 along with severe weather conditions and delays to expansions
have caused supply disruptions which led to a price increase, triggering the entrance of
suppliers in the market, (Resource Capital Research, 2012).

(Figure 4: Iron ore price. Source: www.indexmundi.com)

However, the high prices did not last for long as by 2014 prices dropped to levels below US$
100 per ton (Figure 4), a level not affordable by the high cost Chinese producers. If the price
does not recover, the Chinese will exit the market. The main trigger for this reduction is the
significant low cost production added by the big three mining companies: Vale A.S, BHP
Billiton and Rio Tinto. The fall of the iron ore price affected Vales performance that saw its
losses to increase since its production cost estimated to be US$104 per ton and thus, higher
than the sales price, urging its need to reduce the cost, (Boling, 2014).

According to Murilo Fereira, increased production can lower the cost and improve the
quality that in its turn can substitute other productions inside and outside Vale that have
higher cost and lower quality. He added that the transportation cost of iron ore from Brazil to
China is much higher than its competitors US$ 7.5 to $10 per ton, should be significantly
lower. To decrease the shipping cost Vale signed, as referred above, a long-term contract
with COSCO, according to which they transferred four of its Valemax vessels (400,000 tons
dwt) to them that will be chartered back to Vale for 25 years, (Fan, 2014).
As Martins, explains:
We do not need to be the owner. To have or not have the ship is not the strategy. It is a
financial issue. If I can get a better freight rate by selling them, sure we would sell, as long
as we have the long term contracts of affreightment on the ships., (TW, 2013).

However, it is expected that the iron ore market will be characterized by tight conditions
within the coming years, while prices will decline slowly as new production is coming on
stream, but sufficiently high to keep the Chinese iron ore mining industry operating at 222
million mt, (UNCTAD, 2013).

2.3 The case of Valemax

2.3.1 Vales profile

Vale S.A. or Companhia do Rio Doce is a Brazilian multinational mining company operating
in more than 30 countries around the globe and one of the largest logistics operators in
Brazil. It produces a wide range of products such as ferroalloys, manganese, copper, bauxite,
potash, kaolin, aluminium and alumina, while being also active in the energy sector and
operating nine hydroelectric plants, but the largest production comes from iron ore, pellets
and nickel. In fact, Vale is the largest producer of iron ore and pellet and the second largest
of nickel in the world. Iron ore found as fines, in the form of grains like sand, is turned into
pig iron and in combination with coking coal and energy, is then used to produce crude steel.
The most merchantable grades stand between 58% and 65% of ferrous content, (Global
Business Report, 2013).

Vale operates four systems in Brazil for producing and distributing iron ore (northern,
southern, southeastern and Midwestern systems). Two of these systems are fully integrated
(the northern and the southeastern systems) and consist of mines, railroads and a marine
terminal and a port. The southern system consists of three mining sites and two maritime
terminals. Ten pellet plants are operated in Brazil and two in Oman. During the first quarter
of 2012 three of the pellet plants, operated in Brazil, were suspended due to the market
conditions. They also have a 50% stake in a joint venture that owns 3 integrated pellet plants
in Brazil and a 25% stake in two pellet companies in China.

As referred above, this firm is the leading operator of iron ore logistic services in Brazil and
other regions of the world due to its extensive logistics infrastructure, including railroads,
ports, maritime terminals and distribution centres. Two of the four iron ore systems are
integrated and linked to the ports and terminals. In this way, the fast and efficient
transportation of the firms products is ensured. Iron ore market is highly competitive. The
biggest producers are Australia, Brazil, India, South Africa and China and the biggest

consumers are Japan, Korea, China which accounts for 60% of the global steel production
and other developed and developing countries, (Intercontinental Exchange, 2010).

Vales main competitors come from Australia, including its subsidiaries and affiliates of
BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto Ltd and Fortescue Metals Group Ltd. Brazil and Australia account
for 70% of the worlds iron ore exports. Asia and in particular China is the main driver of the
iron ore trade and Vales biggest trading partner (China absorbs 36% of Vales sales),
Australia is privileged due to the close proximity to Asia and as such a lower transportation
cost than Vale is undertaken. Vales distinctive advantage over Australia is the quality of
iron ore (65% of iron content, according to the China iron and steel association). The higher
the quality of ore the less the levels of impurity are, the less the need for ore processing is
and thus steel making companies are ensured minimum cost of production, (Vales annual
report, 2013).

In 2008, they ordered from the Jiangsu Rongsheng Heavy Industries (RSHI) 12 vessels of
400000 tons deadweight, called valemax vessels and in 2009, they acquired 22 Capesizes
and ordered another seven from the South Korean Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine
Engineering (DSME) with a cost at around $140 million a vessel. Additionally, another 16
ships of similar vessels will be constructed in China and South Korea for other shipping
companies, but will be chartered to Vale under long-term contracts. The first Valemax, Vale
Brazil, was delivered in 2011 and it was expected that all the 35 of them would be in
operation by 2013 but 2014 has come and four of them are still under construction.

Valemaxes belong to the VLOC fleet and are mostly deployed for the transportation of ore
from Brazil to China. Some authors claim these vessels form their own fleet category of the
Ultra Large Ore Carriers (ULOCs). Their carrying capacity is estimated to be slightly over
400000 tons deadweight. Their length is 362 meters and draught of 23 meters, slightly larger
than the Chinamax vessels (380000 ton deadweight). They are designed to sail for 30 years
and are up to form their own fleet category. In total, the company controls 80 vessels of
various sizes. This venture signals a big transformation of the dry bulk market as it
represents a fleet expansion and affects all the major parties involved in the iron ore trade
and transportation.

2.3.2 Vales strategy

Since iron ore is the companys main product and the demand for it from China and the
Asian countries was strong, Vale decided to establish its presence to Asia. To achieve this
goal, they needed to reduce the transportation cost, which was much higher than the
Australian competitors due to its geographical proximity. A ship loaded with iron ore takes
an average of 45 days to make the journey from Brazil to China, while the journey from
Australia to China completes in 10 days. The big distance in association with the robust
demand from China which was almost doubled the freight rates by 2008 raised the delivered
cost of ore to China above a comparable cost of Australian ore and led Vale to search for a
strategy that would remove the distance related competitive disadvantage.

Generally, competitive advantage is the ability attained through attributes and resources to
perform at a higher level than other competitors do, operating in the same industry or
market. In other words, an organization manages to outperform its competitors by
developing an attribute or a combination of attributes. It is an advantage over competitors
gained by offering consumers greater value through either a lower price or providing greater
benefits and service, which justify the price, (Stutz and Warf, 2009). This is what Vale is
trying to achieve, that is, the company intends to lower the price offered to the buyers by
reducing the cost. Another definition of competitive advantage, first set by Michael Porter
(2009) in his generic business strategies was that of the cost leadership, where a company
intends to become the lowest cost producer in the market. Such a producer will make profits
if the selling price is at its lowest level that can be reached, if a firm is able to operate at a
lower level than its rivals do.

One approach to do this is the economies of scale, which are cost advantages obtained due to
size, output or scale of operation with the cost per unit of output decreasing with increasing
scale as fixed cost spreads out over more units, (Sheffrin, 2003). The shipping cost consists
of three parts: capital cost, operating cost and voyage related costs. The fixed cost is
comprised of the capital and operating cost. Capital cost depends on the price of the ship, the
ship financing and the operating cost that constitutes expenses in insurance, hull and
machinery, crew wages, administration and other day-to- day costs. Capital cost is subject to
economies of scale because big ships cost less per ton than smaller ones. The voyage costs
are the variable costs associated with the costs of a specific voyage and it includes items
such as fuel costs, canal dues, port dues and cargo handling costs such as stowage, loading

and discharging charges. Optimizing the ship design can minimize these costs. Factors that
affect these costs are the size, the speed, the age, the type of the vessel. Larger vessels
consume more fuel than smaller ones and older vessels consume more fuel than the newer
vessels, (Kassemble et.al, 2011). Therefore, fuel consumption per ton-mile strongly affects
the voyage cost as it is determines the fuel cost. The improvement of the vessels
technological features can greatly contribute to the transportation cost cutting.

It has been observed that a larger vessel is more benefited by sailing with low speed under
long voyage and this can explain the fact that dry bulk carriers keep a low speed in the
voyages. Selecting the speed that minimizes the transportation cost, often called economical
speed is of high importance and positively related to the fixed costs. When the fixed costs go
up, the speed also rises and vice versa. A negative relationship exists between the bunker
cost and the vessels speed. A drop at the bunker cost will result in a rise of the speed. Thus,
the bunker prices have a central role at the speed design since a high bunker price may be
translated into savings for the shipowner when the vessels keep a slow speed, but a slower
speed means that less cargo is delivered and decreases the supply of tonnage, (Shun et.al,

Jonkeren et.al (2012) studied the effect of the fuel price and the freight price on the speed
taking into consideration the endogenous character of the freight price and their results
indicated a positive effect of the freight price on the speed and a negative effect of the fuel
price on the speed. Technical innovations in the ship hull and engine power may allow the
augmentation of the cruising speed resulting in a larger number of round voyages, while at
the same time the fuel consumption may be reduced. Higher sailing frequency means faster
delivery and responsiveness to customers, implying the possibility of higher income and
lower unit cost since the latter is allocated to a greater number of trips.

Investing in larger ships has traditionally been the way to increase the capacity of cargo
transportation and raise the profitability of shipping through higher freight income, (Laine
et.al, 1994). Kendall (1972) described that the optimal size of a particular vessel used on a
particular route, is the one that minimizes the total transportation cost. In the total
transportation cost he included the terminal costs (port cost, dredging, berthing cost,
handling cost and storage cost) and not only the cost incurred by the ship at sea. According
to his theory, the size is determined by the trade volume, the value of the cargo and the

distance, as demand will cause tonnage which will determine ship size and the ship size will
affect the depth of water provided by the ports.

Cullinance and Khanna (2000) point out that on any given voyage the overall efficiency of a
ship is contingent on the total time the ship takes to complete the voyage. The reason that
stands for this is that the time spent in port is unavoidable, as cargo need to be loaded and
unloaded, but the time in port is a function of the ports cargo handling rate and
infrastructure and as such its improvement is not directly related to the increase of the ship
size. Hence, as Jaason and Shneerson (1982) stated, the optimal ship size is obtained by the
trade off between the economies of size in the hauling operations and the diseconomies of
size in the handling operations. In port the handling cost per ton increases with the ship size
but the hauling cost per ton declines with the size of the ship. Larger ships are deployed for
larger distances.

Investments in ship size, cruising and loading speed are interrelated their trade-offs are
traced starting from the traditional operations and extended to the new opportunities offered
by new technology, (Laine et.al, 1994). The technical economies of scale were what Vale
wanted to exploit in order to significantly reduce its transportation cost and become
competitive. Valemax is an innovative ship design, the vessels have the ability to load 13500
tons/h delivered to each of the seven holds in a single pour. This mode of loading has
drastically diminished the loading time.

Traditional bulk carriers cannot support this loading rate and during the loading operation,
the ship loader needs to move alongside the hull in order to keep the vessel stable and under
minimal levels of stress. This trait is vital for Vale as it ameliorates the terminal productivity.
In addition to this, the vessels main engine is highly efficient with very low fuel
consumption of about 108t/ day at about 15 knots. In energy and transportation, the vessels
are able to cut the carbon emission by 35% per ton of cargo carried in comparison with older
ships. All these features combined provide Vale a very competitive transportation cost and a
much greater capacity to ship iron ore to clients, (Sterling, 2012).

Thus, the benefits from the Valemaxes are twofold for Vale. One is the competitive
advantage over Australia due to the less expensive shipping options and the other is the risk
mitigation for the Cape freight rate volatilities. Since 2003 and until the mid-2008 the Cape
freight rate increased substantially, having a straight impact on Vales trade margins. This is

because the high levels of freight rates for ore cargoes from Brazil to China were far higher
than freight rates from Australia, as the voyage involves a much greater distance about 3.5
times the Australian one. Higher freight costs mean higher delivered cost of the Brazilian ore
to China way above the costs of Australian ore. Therefore, Valemaxes would provide a cost
profile considerably lower than a Cape spot chartering strategy, offering a greater cost
control. Vale does not desire to depend on the spot freight to move more than 100 or 150
million tons of ore. That is why they built the fleet of 19 valemaxes costing $2.3 billion and
agreed to a 25-year contract of affreightment valued at $5.84 billion with STX Pan Ocean
Co., a Seoul based shipping firm to haul its ore from Brazil, (Bloomberg, 2012). The
construction cost and the bunker consumption are the main drivers, which contribute to this

In 2008 that Vale placed its first orders the potential to obtain a much lower pricing than the
Capes per dwt basis existed and the savings were estimated to be 40% down than the Cape
quotes. In 2009 that Vale placed the second set of orders, Cape newbuilding contract prices
had dropped by 50% while Vales orders had a 20% discount to the prices prevailed in 2008.
As a result, the Valemaxes lost the capital cost advantage eliminating the gains that Vale
would make otherwise, (Sterling, 2012). Initially the cost of transporting iron ore from Brazil
to China was expected to be at around 17-18$ per ton which is cost saving as the
transportation for the same route with capes currently costs 21-22$ per ton, (Antonioli,
2011). This can be translated into an almost 20% -25% cost reduction.

To conclude, Vale followed a strategy called vertical integration strategy which occurs when
the same firm directly controls both the production process and the shipping of one or more
of its inputs or outputs, (Casson, 1986). It refers to cooperation among the stages of the
supply chain, (Van de Voorde, 2009). Under vertical integration, the economies of vessel
size in a route may create a natural monopoly, which the company can exploit by raising the
price of its services, (Casson, 1986). The construction of Valemax is part of a logistical
solution that brings Brazil closer to China. However, the larger size imposes some
constraints concerning the physical characteristics of the ports of loading and discharge,
cargo handling facilities and the draught factor. Valemaxes cannot have access at all the
ports and terminals. In fact, the loading terminal options are restricted to the terminals:
Tubarao and Ponta da Madeira located in the southeastern and northeastern part of Brazil,
respectively. The same applies to the discharge terminals which are few, among them

Qingdao (Dongjiakou) and Dalian in China and then Rotterdam. Apparently, such a strategy
could not be implemented without any challenges and oppositions.

2.3.3 Vales challenges

Two factors that dramatically altered the economics of the above plan. One is the collapse of
the global dry bulk freight market in 2008. The freight rates plunged and remained since then
at low level, diminishing the additional cost of transporting iron ore from Brazils long
distance exports to Asian countries and thus, the advantage of the Valemax employment
reduced. The second contributing factor to undermining Vales strategy was that after the
first delivery of the Valemax in 2011, the Chinese authorities banned the Valemaxes
berthing at the countrys ports. These ships especially designed to anchor to the Chinese
ports: Dalian, Dongjiakou and Majisan near Shanghai, but the Chinese government did not
allow anchoring to these ports because they are not equipped with the necessary facilities to
accommodate them.

Hence, they claimed port safety grounds due to the ballast crack that Vale Beijing had and
took on water ahead of its maiden voyage. This incident did not have any serious
consequences as there was no injury and after this, the ship was able to sail with 200,000
tonnes of cargo. The real reason behind setting this restriction was that the local shipowners
complained that the carriers would deteriorate the oversaturated bulk market by dropping the
freight rates even further and the steel makers were worried that the new vessels would
ensure the vales control over pricing and delivery on the iron ore market, if received in full,
(TW, 2013). Vale had gained the monopoly on the Brazil-China route, which might result in
losses for other shipping companies operating Capesize ore carriers. Apparently, the Chinese
government persuaded by these arguments, prevented Valemaxes from berthing in China.
The vessels delivery delayed: the Chinese shipyard delivered only one Valemax vessel in
2011, while the agreement was for six vessels.

Besides this, the loaded voyages of the first delivered Valemax ships: Vale Rio de Janeiro,
and sister ships Vale Brazil did not sail to China as it intended. The Vale Rio de Janeiro
entered the port of Rotterdam on eighth of January 2012 and the Vale Brazil was re-routed
Italy while she was on her way to China, (Ellsworth & Blount, 2011). The first and only
VLOC that docked at Dalian port in China was the 380,000 tons Berge Everest in December
2011. Since then, none of Vales carriers was allowed to dock to the Chinese ports and in

January 2012 the Chinese Ministry of Transport officially announced that dry bulk carriers
exceeding the 350,000 tons dwt will not be allowed to berth at the countrys ports.

The Chinese regulations have significantly weakened Vales initial plan to become more
efficient. The firms shipping cost escalated and the realized saving diminished. According
to Paris Analysts calculations, the ships had cost $344 million more than the chartering of
conventional capesize tonnage from the spot market by the end of 2013. During the first 18
months, the operations of Valemax cost $160 million in freight costs in comparison with the
conventional spot market capes and this number almost doubled seven months later. It was
recently estimated that it cost Vale 35$ per ton to shift its iron ore to China due to the high
capital cost of the vessels which means that it cost at least $16 per tonne more than the
$19.53 per tonne that it would have cost Vale if it had relied on fixing spot. However,
alphabulk calculations suggest that even if the vessels berthed directly from Brazil to China,
it would still cost $6 per tonne more than the spot market tonnage. The newly built vessels
reached to cost $126 million each, with the most expensive being $140 million. Alphabulk
has reckoned that during the first quarter of 2013, Vale paid $87 million above the market
and in the second $67million. Vale argues claiming that their strategy is sustainable while
the spot conventional chartering is not, (TW, 2013).

2.3.4 Vales alternative strategy

To combat these challenges and oppositions, the company looked into the alternative
solutions, ended up to a hub and spoke network. Hub and spoke concept is a distribution
model that has become very popular in marine transportation for container carriers and the
one implemented by Vale. In maritime, the hub and spoke networks major ports are usually
selected as hub ports based on their location and the demand of freight shipping while the
other ports serve as feeder port, often known as spoke ports, (Chaug-Ing Hsu et.al, 2006).
Large ships operate on a limited number of transhipment terminals (hubs), serving the main
lines and smaller vessels (feeders) provide services between the hub ports and the other ports
(spokes), (Monaco et.al, 2009). Main lines are usually shipping services between two
continents or regions such as Transpacific, Transatlantic, Asia-Europe and Asia-Australia
services while feeder lines are mainly the ones used to collect or distribute freight within a
continent or a region.

Vale built two floating transfer stations in the Philippines to use them as transhipment hubs
and an emerging port and terminal operation in Malaysia as sites to transfer cargoes into
smaller, China-approved vessels. In February 2012, the company started to operate the first
floating transfer station, Ore Fabrica (284,500 tons dwt), formerly a crude oil tanker which
now operates as a platform for unloading the Valemax vessels and transferring the ore to
smaller vessels that are eligible to unload to the Chinese ports. In 2013 the company built the
second floating transfer station, Ore Sossego (260,600 ton dwt) at the same position as the
first one. Both stations are mobile and possible to move them to operate in different offshore
regions, always close to its main customers in South East Asia and other parts of Asia,
(Almeida, 2012). It is said that a third transshipment vessel, Ore Brucutu (251,200 tonnes
dwt) is also operated, (TW, 2013). In this way, Vale achieves greater operational efficiency
and shorter delivery time for the customers. The fleet of Valemax is deployed to transport
iron ore for 85% of the distance from Brazil to its Asian customers, which is the distance
from Brazil to the floating transfer stations in Philippines, while the remaining 15% of the
distance is served by the smaller Capesize vessels hired from the shipowners via public
offers, (Leung&Fabi, 2012). The transhipment of freight means extra cost to the company
due to the extra shipping distance, time, port charges and loading/unloading charges but if
there is enough flow, economies of flow for direct service can be exploited. Additionally, the
trade of dry bulk commodities requires that suppliers have constructed some storage
facilities in order to handle and ship the commodities into the consignment size, requested by
the customer.

In this way, the continuous availability of the iron ore is ensured. Receivers purpose is to
secure reliable transport services. To achieve this goal they permit the direct integration of
inbound transport within the production process, while maintaining a certain level of
inventories to be protected by possible irregularities in the transport performance. Another
factor that affects the operational efficiency of dry bulk logistics is the stock in transit. Thus,
the core of the dry bulk logistics management is to balance the production capacity of
shippers and receivers against inventory. Dry bulk inventory management is governed by
three main principles. The first is that inventory should be concentrated at strategic points to
minimize the stock. Following of this, is that the stock should be located in a place that
minimizes the transport cost of the small shipments and the last one is that the level of
inventory should allow the sales maximisation while minimizing the storage cost, (Comtois
et.al, 2012).

Based on these principles, Vale started securing the few deep-water ports to mitigate the
effect that the Chinese ban had on the cost. The port of Sohar in Oman was one of them and
in July 2012, three-loaded Valemax were on their way to this port. Vale would build super
hubs there based on three traits: the ideal location, iron ore pelletizing plant and port
facilities of discharging. Because of a joint venture with Sohar industrial port, a production
facility and a distribution centre of iron ore pellet were built there. Vales commitment to
such a venture was equal to $1.356 billion and the target group from this hub was India,
UAE and Saudi Arabia. By 2013, nine ports have received Valemax vessels: Dalian
(China), Villanueva (the Philippines), Tumbarao and Ponta da Madeira (Brazil), Taranto
(Italy), Rotterdam (Netherlands), Sohar (Oman), Kimitsu, and Oita (Japan). The second
super hub that Vale will construct is Teluk Rubiah in Malaysia. After the completion of its
marine terminal in Teluk Rubiah during the first half 2014, they will set up an iron ore
pelletizing plant in Lumut, in Malaysia. Once the Teluk Rubiah distribution center begins
operating, iron ore will be transported in Valemax there and then distributed customers in
China, Japan and Taiwan in smaller ships. This distribution center will increase the capacity
from 60 million mt to 200 million mt per year, when completed.

Vale has so far made 31 deliveries with 18 vessels to seven different terminals and all of
them proved safe which is opposed to the Chinese allegations. The ban has cost Vale $2/mt
or $3/mt of ore due to the construction of the transfer vessel Ore Fabrica in Subic Bay.
Vessels that should be saving $6/mt have actually cost more money to Vale, (Gambrel,
2013). Under the alternative plan, Vales VLOCs had transported 34 million tonnes of
cargo, including 15.4 million tonnes to Subic Bay for transhipment, 11.2 million tonnes to
Sohar Oman, 1.16 million tonnes to Japan and 4.86 million tonnes to Europe, (TW, 2013).

In association with the previously analysed strategy, Vale refused to load any of the China
Ocean Shipping Group Co. (COSCO) new 300,000 tonne iron ore bulkers in Brazil. It is
believed that this action was a sort of retaliation for Beijings efforts to prevent the
Valemaxes from discharging at the countrys ports, (Gambrel, 2012). However, China
needed the Brazilian high quality iron ore and Vale needed to sell its iron ore. China will not
receive Vales iron ore if Vales vessels are not allowed to dock to the Chinese ports and
Vale cannot sell iron ore without allowing COSCOs ships to load to the Brazilian ports. The
end of this conflict was a silent cooperation as Vale began loading COSCOs fleet of
300,000-ton vessels at its Sao Luis and Tubarao terminals and then COSCO began hauling
Brazilian iron ore to the Chinese terminals in its fleet. Chinas Transport Ministry in 2012

approved plans to build berths for iron ore vessels of up to 400,000 metric tons to at is
eastern port Nigbo-Zoushan port. This reveals that there may be the possibility that Beijing
may lift the ban on Valemax vessels in the future, (Gambrel, 2012).

More recently, Vale signed cooperation with COSCO. According to this agreement, Vale
will transfer to COSCO 4 of its existing Very Large Ore Carriers of 400,000-ton dwt. These
ships will be chartered back by Vale under a long-term contract of affreightment for 25
years. In addition, 10 new Valemax vessels will be built by COSCO, (Vale, 2014). The
additional capacity will rather keep the freight rate low, which is the key to ensure low iron
ore prices, (Valor Economico, 2014). Prices of iron ore have dropped by 39% this year,
signalling the slowing down of the Chinese demand. As Vale, BHP Billiton Ltd. and Rio
Tinto increase the production, the less competitive miners will be forced to exit the market.
Therefore, it is highly likely that the iron ore prices will remain to the current low levels,
(Peter Millard, 2014). Rumours say that no official ban ever existed for Valemax into China
but the ships were never allowed to operate at full load in Chinese ports, (Valor Economico,
2014). This agreement could potentially open the Chinese ports to the Valemax vessels and
give permission to dock, (Spence, 2014).

3. Methods
One of the objectives of this study is to provide as far as possible properly information on
the cost of carrying cargo in Valemax vessels under the companys alternative plan as
described above, the initial plan and the traditional way of transportation. Following of this,
the shipping cost, generated by three different transportation systems, is estimated over the
route Brazil- China. The considered transportation systems are: 1) the direct transportation of
iron ore from Brazil to China in Valemaxes, 2) the transportation of iron ore from Brazil to
the Subic Bay in Phillipines with Valemaxes and the cargo transshipment into smaller
vessels and 3) the transportation of iron ore in Capesizes chartered from the spot market.
Vale paid a high capital cost for the acquisition of the ships to shipbuilders, based on the
perception that the capital cost per ton is less, while enabling the carrying out of less trips per
year by transporting a greater quantity of cargo.

The transportation cost is calculated considering Vale either charterer or shipowner.

However, the cost efficiency of a sea transportation system is a very wide issue, which
includes the operational efficiency of the ships. The cargo quantity that was annually
transported by each system, the number of voyages that may be completed, the waiting time
at port, are measures of operational productivity that may increase the demand response and
the efficiency.


The big size of the Valemax vessels restricts the number of the ports that the vessels can
berth and operate due to the high draught. The only ports possessing the necessary
infrastructure to load iron ore to the Valemaxes are Tubarao and Ponta Da Madeira. The
same limitation applies to the discharge port and as such, Qingdao is the only Chinese port
of discharge considered. The first transportation system is the Vales initial plan of cost
reduction and that is, the direct shipment of iron ore from Brazil to China as illustrated in the
below scheme. For this route, Vale used capesizes of 170,000-180,000 tonnes dwt employed
from the spot, the benchmark system for this study. In 2008, Vale ordered the Valemax
vessels to deploy them under the direct transportation system. The distance between the ports
calculated by using an online sea distance calculator (ports.com), as showed below.

14,722 n.m
Ponta Da Qingdao
Madeira - China


The return trip of the vessels under the direct transportation system, depending on what the
end port is, on each voyage, is:

3,044n.m 9,620n.m
Qingdao Port of Ponta Da
- China Singapore Madeira

10,792 n.m Tubarao

After the delivery of the vessels in 2011, China banned fleets berthing at the port and since
then the transportation system has differentiated. Valemaxes transport iron ore from Brazil to
the Subic Bay Freeport Zone in Philippines and from there the cargo is transshiped by using
three transshipment vessels: Ore Fabrica (284,500 tonnes dwt), Ore Sossego (260,600 tonnes
dwt) and Ore Brucutu (251,200 tonnes dwt). Cargo is transshiped in these three vessels and
then into smaller capesizes of 170,000-180,000 tonnes dwt to transport the iron ore to China.

Ponta Da Subic Bay- Qingdao -

Madeira Philippines China
Tubarao 12,151n.m

The return trip of the Valemax vessels under this system is:

1,630n.m Ponta Da
Subic Bay- Port of
Philippines Singapore

10,792 n.m Tubarao

The return trip of the Capesizes, used to transport the transshiped cargo to China follows the
next route:
766 n.m 1,642n.m Subic Bay-
Qingdao - Port of
China Japan Philippines

Total cost of transportation

Vales cargo is moved under a contract of affreightment, a long-term agreement according to

which a shipowner agrees to a series of cargoes at a fixed price per ton within a specified
period. The length of the contract of affreightment is 25 years. A shipowner will accept a
voyage if the freight rate at least equals the cost of the voyage, in order to find the price
which is worthwhile, we require that the sum of the present value of all the years is zero, as

=1( )
= 0 = (1+ )
+ (1+ 30
) =8.5%
(1((1+ )
( ) + (1+ 30

( )

= + +
(1( ) 10.75
(1+ )30


( )
= + + , (1)

R= Revenue from a contract of affreightment
= capital cost
i= the life of the ship and the contract [1,.....30]
= weighted average cost of capital

The discount rate used here for the present value is the weighted average cost of capital,
. According to Vales financial statements, is equal to 8.5%. To calculate the
US$ per ton cost of transported cargo, the trip duration is needed and defined as the sum of
the port time and the total sailing days, where port time is defined as follows, depending on
the considered system each time:
= + + , (2)
i= each Valemax vessel
A= Tubarao, Ponta da Madeira
B= Subic Bay, port of Qingdao

Accurate data of cargo intake (carried quantity of iron ore on the vessels), loading days and
waiting time at the Brazilian ports were collected by the LBH Group for all the trips and for
both the Capesizes and the Valemaxes. Additionally, data of the discharge days of
Valemaxes at the Subic Bay, in Philippines were collected by the AIS activity, for the
period, 2011-2013. For the missing trips and for 2014, the average discharge time was
calculated and assumed constant for all the trips and for the direct system. The discharge
time at the port of Qingdao was assumed 2 days. It should be noted that the delivery of cargo
takes place on a quarterly basis, while the average trip duration lasts no less than 3 months
and thus both the trip duration and the cost associated with the voyage are computed on a
quarterly basis. The cost per ton of cargo is:

= , (3)

= , (4)

, where N= the average number of round trips per quarter and D is the average duration of
all the trips carried out each quarter for each year for the period, 2012-2014 and is defined as
the sum of port time and sailing days.

Capital cost ()

This is a fixed cost and represents the actual price of the ship. In 2008, Vale ordered 12
Valemaxes for construction by Jiangsu Rongsheng Heavy industries and entered into
agreement with the Export-Import Bank of China and the Bank of China Limited in 2010 to
finance the construction of the vessels. The agreement provided a credit line up to US$ 1.229
billion, which corresponds to 80% of the ships required cost to fund their construction. The
credit line has a 13-year maturity and the funds will be disbursed during the next 3 years.
Hence, the total capital cost of the fleet is US$1.53625 billion, translated into US$128.028
million for each vessel, (Vales annual financial statements).

The scrap value of the ships is the value of the ships when the shipowner considers that the
vessels are not needed any more. According to Martin Stopford (2009), the scrap value is the
product of the lightweight of the ships by the scrap price of the ships measured in US$/lwt,
but Valemaxes are very new ships and the information concerning their lightweight and their
scrap price, is not disclosed. Therefore, it is assumed that the scrap value of tanker vessels
with a similar size can offer a good approximation of the Valemaxes scrap value. The scrap

values of UL/VLCCs oil tankers were obtained by the Clarkson Research Services database.
It is also assumed that the vessels will be scrapped after their end of life, 30 years. However,
it is not possible to know what the scrap price is going to be in 30 years. Thus, the average of
the UL/VLCCs historical scrap values was calculated, discounted to the present and assumed
that this value will be constant for the next 30 years.

Operating cost (OPEX)

Operating cost is comprised of crew salaries, insurance, protection and indemnity,

maintenance of hull and equipment, consumable stores, spares, virtuals and other similar
expenses. The operating cost, also known as running cost, is included to the vessels fixed
cost. It does not change with the specific voyage and is time related. After a vessel is agreed
to carry out a round trip, the operating cost is payable from the day the vessel is present at
port until the day that the trip ends. The Valemax vessels operating cost is not disclosed but
it is not expected to significantly affect the shipping cost, as a fixed cost. It is assumed that
their operating cost is a bit bigger than the one of the capesizes, due to the economies of
scale. As such it is assumed to be equal to 10000 US$/ day and remain constant. Capesize
operating cost was obtained by Stephen Moore database. The table below, makes obvious
that the operating cost of the capesizes does not change significantly, supporting the adopted
Operating cost Daily rate (US
2011 2012 2013 2014

Capesize 7,437 7,758 7,433 7,500

Valemax 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

Then, the operating cost is reckoned as:

= , (5)

Voyage cost (VC)

Transportation system with transshipment at the Subic Bay

The voyage cost refers to the cost per ton incurred at sea and port, is comprised of fuel cost,
port charges and the cargo handling cost. Port charges including tugs, pilotage, conservancy,
agency fees and light dues are ignored for simplification reasons.

The most important factor of the voyage cost is the time, as increased time at sea and port
may increase the cargo cost per ton. Time spent at port is an unavoidable component of cost,
since loading and unloading of cargo are necessary procedures and a function of cargo
handling cost which includes loading, discharging, trimming, lashing, cargo handling
equipment. However, Vale transports iron ore on freight and cost (CFR) or cost of insurance
and freight (CIF) basis. Recalling that according to the INCO terms, the buyer, China pays
the loading and the discharge cost at both the port of import and export, which is China.
Thus, the cost of cargo handling is not relevant for Vale and excluded from the calculations.

The port cost was obtained from a database published in 2009 and assumed to have remained
constant for the next years. The charges were fixed and analogous to the vessels
deadweight, but not updated for the newly built vessels. For the Brazilian ports Tubarao and
Ponta Da Madeira, the maximum quantity loaded was 310,684 metric tonnes and the charge
equal to $132,071. Valemax vessels have a greater deadweight and the port cost assumed a
bit higher and equal to US$ 150,000 for both ports. The same charge is assumed for the port
of Qingdao when the direct transportation system is considered.

The fuel cost is the most essential component of the voyage cost and defined as the product
of bunker prices and the fuel used. The Fuel used depends on the vessels fuel consumption,
measured in days/ton. Thus, sailing days are crucial for the determination of the fuel used
and cost. The length of the trip depends on the speed of the vessel, a not easily accessible
information. However, accurate data on the speed and the days of the trip for each ship of the
valemax fleet were collected for the period, 2011-2013 by the AIS activity. The data on
speed does not provide complete information concerning the operated speed of the
Valemaxes over the considered routes, but the same is not true for the sailing days. The exact
length of the trips that Valemaxes carried out during 2012-2013, (when more Valemaxes
delivered and started operating), is given over the considered routes. Using the complete
sailing days, the accurate speed for each ship was calculated, according to the formula:

= , (6)

= + , (8)

= , (7)


= Total distance from the port of Tubarao or Ponta da Madeira to the Subic Bay
= sailing days when the i vessel travels laden
= sailing days when the i vessel travels in ballast
= Total distance from the Subic Bay to the port of Tubarao or Ponta Da Madeira
= speed for i vessel when it sails laden
= speed for i vessel when it sails in ballast
= Total number of the sailing days for the i vessel

Then, the quarterly average of the speed was calculated (recalling that the costs are
calculated on a quarterly basis). For the vessels and the trips that data is missing, it is
assumed that they will be operated at the average speed of the above-calculated speeds in
respect to the vessels activity, since they serve the same route. The same approach is
implemented to the length of the trip. The average length observed from the empirical data
was estimated to be 42.89 days from Brazil to Subic Bay and 41.22 days from the Subic Bay
to Brazil.


= , (9)

= , (10)

= average speed when the ship is laden per quarter

= average speed when the ship is in ballast per quarter

= average sailing days when the vessel sails laden per quarter

= average sailing days when the vessels sails in ballast per quarter

The vessels consume fuel at both port and at sea. However, the fuel consumption at port is
ignored because it is so little that does not affect the result. The consumption of fuel at sea is
not given and thus, is estimated. Scientific research has proved that the vessels fuel
consumption is expressed by the following function:
F= Fuel consumption measured in tonnes/day

U=Vessels speed measured in knots or nautical miles per hour

= constant
b= the elasticity of speed

The curve is ship- specific and strongly depends on the ships technical characteristics, that
is, engine type, hull design and hull condition. To estimate this curve for the valemax
vessels, the coefficients , b are necessary, but its estimation would require data on the
vessels consumption and speed, which is not possible to find. Using the data of the
speed/power curve of the 181-eco ships with engine type B&W6S70-ME- C and similar
technical characteristics with the Valemaxes, provides a good estimation of the Valemax
fuel/speed curve. The table below shows this data.

Speed (knots) 10 11 12 13 14 14.2 14.8

B&W 6S70ME-C (Mark VIII), Fuel consumption
19.0 23.5 29.7 37.4 45.3 53.9
without energy saving device design draft (tons)
Fuel consumption
21.3 26.3 32.8 40.8 50.1 53.9
design draft (tons)

The first row contains the design speed of the Valemaxes and the coefficients of this
particular curve are the best approximation for the respective Valemax curve. There are two
ways to find out the coefficients a, b. The first is to convert the above equation into, ln() =
ln() + ln() and conduct a regression to get the coefficients: a, b and the second is to
plot the data of the fuel consumption on the speed, estimating the power curve. Both ways
indicate the same results: =0.0391 and b=2.673851 leading to the estimated curve:
= 0.0391 2.673851

Fuel consumption -B&W engine

y = 0,0393x2,6739
50 R = 0,998


30 Fuel consumption -
B&W engine


0 5 10 15 20

Having obtained the coefficients of the above equation and the speed of each ship, as
described earlier, the fuel consumption by vessel is calculated, following the formula below:

= ( ) , (11)

= the fuel consumption for each vessel
= speed for each vessel
= design fuel consumption
= design speed
b= 2.673851

Using the speed of each ship when sailing in ballast and laden and applying them to the
above formula, the fuel consumption is estimated for each Valemax vessel and for both
laden and ballast voyages. It should be noted that due to the limitation of data on sailing days
per valemax vessel, average speed was used to estimate the fuel consumption for the ships
that no particular data existed. The design speed is 14.8 knots, according to the Clarkson
Research database. Different sources state different rates of design fuel consumption that
stands to the range of 95 tons/day to 108 tons/day. Thus the average design fuel consumption
was used, 100 tons/day.

It is assumed that theValemaxes are provided all the bunkers they need for the round trip
from the port of Singapore after the discharge of the cargo at the Subic Bay and thus the
distance between the discharge ports and Singapore has been included in the calculation of
the sailing days that the ship travels in ballast. The port of Singapore was selected as
bunkering port, due to its close geographical proximity to the Subic Bay and the lower fuel
prices. As a result, the 380 cst bunker prices are used to calculate the fuel cost acquired from
the Clarkson Research database. The Fuel cost is:

= = ( + ) , (12)

t= each quarter
= fuel used for each quarter
= average price of each quarter
= average fuel consumption of Valemax vessels per quarter when they are laden

= average fuel consumption of Valemax vessels per quarter when they sail in ballast
= average laden sailing days per quarter
= average sailing days in ballast per quarter

The cargo is transshiped at the Subic Bay into smaller vessels hired by the spot market to sail
from the Subic Bay to the port of Qingdao in China. The cost of the transshipment is
assumed the same as alphabulk (2013) estimated and equal to US$ 6 per ton. The vessels are
standard capesizes of the size 170,000 -180,000 tons dwt. For this voyage leg, it is assumed
that the ships are operated at the design speed. From the Clarkson Research Services
database, it is possible to find Vales time charter fixtures where some of the capesizes hired
to serve this route are disclosed, it is assumed that all the employed ships for this particular
route belong to this peer group, which consists of 511 capesize vessels, and have a size of
approximately 175,861 tons deadweight. Their design speed is 14.88 knots on average and
the design fuel consumption 62.8 tons/day. Another assumption made is that the Capesizes
operate at the design speed for the round trip that takes 11.1 sailing days, plus 4 days due to
discharge/loading activities and 5% margin for sea weather, 15.0683 trip days. Concerning
the cargo intake, the ships are assumed to sail in full load capacity, which is equal to 175000

However, Vale charters Capesizes from the spot market. Their rates are attained by the
Baltic Indices on the North/Pacific route (BCI C10_03: 172000mt Nopac round voyage).
These are daily rates and are converted into US$ per ton.

_10 ++
. . = , (13)

= Baltic indices
Trip days= the round trip days
FC= fuel cost
PC= port cost in Qingdao

It should be noted that for this route, the Capesizes are assumed to load bunkers from the
port of Oita in Japan, due to its close proximity and the fact that the Japan 380 cst prices
dont exceed the Singapores bunkering prices to a great extent.

= ( + ) = +
24 24

Recalling, that iron ore is transported on a CIF or CFR basis and the buyer of the cargo
should pay the cargo handling cost. Again, the fuel prices and the cost are adjusted on a
quarterly basis to match the previously calculated values. The port cost is directly obtained
by the database of the port cost and is equal to 72,800 US$ for 172,720 DWT mt.

The total transportation cost for this transportation system is:

= + +

, is given by equation (13) and accounts for the total transportation cost of the
iron ore for the round trip, Subic Bay - port of Qingdao, in China. The cost of transhipment
is 6$/tonne, as explained above. , stands for the total transportation cost of iron
ore for the round trip Tubarao/ Ponta Da Madeira- Subic Bay and is calculated by equation
(4). Noting that port time for this route is given by equation (2). Waiting time includes the
time that Valemaxes waited to berth at either the port of Tubarao or Ponta Da Madeira and
the time the vessels waited to discharge the cargo at the Subic Bay. Loading time is the time
that Valemaxes spent to load iron ore at the Brazilian ports. Discharge time is the time
Valemaxes spent to unload the cargo to Capesizes at the Subic Bay. The total trip days of the
Valemaxes over this route, is then the sum of the port time and the total sailing days
(equation (8)). The average of the trip days per quarter is plugged in equation (3) to obtain
the number of trips per quarter.

Hypothetical scenario of the direct transportation of iron ore from Brazil to


Under this hypothetical scenario, the Valemax vessels are allowed to berth at the port of
Qingdao in China, without the transshipment of cargo at the Subic Bay. However, no
empirical data exists for this scenario, since the vessels havent been allowed to berth to the
Chinese port so far, but the route is almost the same with or without the transshipment as the
transshipment adds an extra cost and deducts flexibility. The distance from the Tubarao to
Qingdao without the transshipment included in the calculation, is 13,542 n.m. while the
same route with the transshipment is 13,660 n.m. Similarly, the distance from Ponta da
Madeira to Qingdao directly is 14,752 n.m. and the same route but with the transhipment
included is calculated to be 14,846 n.m. The route that the vessels follow in any of the
scenarios is exactly the same, the Valemaxes will pass from the Cape of Good Hope and

then will pass through Philippines to go to the Port of Qingdao and this can be verified by
the fact that the distance doesnt make significant difference in nautical miles.

For this reason, the average speed for the ballast and laden voyage respectively reckoned in
the above scenario is considered a good approximation for the direct transportation of iron
ore too. The sailing days of the round trip are almost the same, as described above but the
distance is a bit different. To account for the difference in distance, the sailing days are
calculated, using equations (8), (9) but using the corresponding distance, as follows:


= 24


The speed is the same quarterly speed calculated in the previous system, which implies that
the fuel consumption per quarter for the Valemaxes for the direct route will also be the same
as calculated above. Thus, the fuel cost for this system is:

= (
+ )

, where t= each quarter

Again, it is assumed that the Valemaxes load all the fuel they need to carry out the round trip
at the port of Sigapore. The port cost is assumed to be the same for both the loading ports
(Tubarao, Ponta Da Madeira) and the discharge port of Qingdao and equal to 300,000 US$
(US$150,000 *2) for 400,000 DWT mt vessels. The total transportation cost over this route
is given by equation (4).

The port time for this hypothetical scenario is also given by equation (2). Waiting time
includes the time the Valemaxes waited to berth at the loading ports (Tubarao, Ponta Da
Madeira) and the loading time is the time that Valemaxes spent to load iron ore at the port of
Tubarao and Ponta Da Madeira. They are assumed the same as in the transportation system
with the transhipment included because the vessels would spend the same time at the loading
ports, regardless of the Chinese acceptance to its ports. It is assumed that the vessels would
not wait to dock at the port of Qingdao, while the discharge time is assumed 4 days.
Therefore, the round trip days of the two transportation systems slightly differ. Their
difference falls into the discharge time at the Subic Bay that is not relevant for the direct

hypothetical transportation system. Total trip duration is the sum of the port time and the
sailing days. Plugging in equation (3) the trip duration, the average number of trips per
quarter is received. After having adjusted for the operation cost in equation (5), equation (4)
renders the total transportation cost for this system.

Employment of Capesizes from the spot market over the route Tubarao-

In the spot market, the seller of the cargo pays a specific freight rate that covers all the
voyage cost over the route he wants to transport his cargo. Under this scenario, the rates are
obtained directly from the Clarkson Research services and will be compared with the cost
generated from the transportation with the Valemaxes.

4. Results and analysis

Vale is both a charterer and shipowner, 19 Valemaxes are owned and 16 Valemax vessels
are chartered under a 25- year contract of affreightment (COA) agreement and the firm pays
a fixed $/tonne cost over the entire period. For simplification reasons in the following
analysis, it is assumed that the whole fleet is either chartered or owned.

4.1 Cost comparison

From Vales perspective, the strategy intended to provide a lower cost profile than the one of
the Cape- spot based chartering strategy, while having a greater control on its cost. However,
as expected the imposed ban of vessels anchoring to the Chinese port has led to an
additional cost of 9.81 US$ per ton on average, when the vessels start their voyage from the
port of Tubarao. Chartering capes from the spot would cost 10.9 US$ per ton less than the
Valemaxes, while if they were allowed to transport the iron ore directly to China that would
on average cost only 1.1 US$ per ton more than the spot chartering and as depicted at the
graph below, it could even cost less than the spot market.

cost per ton (Tubarao)

25 transportation cost -

current system (Tubarao)

15 transportation cost-
direct system (Tubarao)
spot - capesizes
Q3 2012
Q4 2012
Q1 2013
Q2 2013
Q3 2013
Q4 2013
Q1 2014
Q2 2014
Q3 2014

(Graph 1: cost per ton, starting the trip from the port of Tubarao)

Obviously, the ban had a significant effect on Vales cost, the direct transportation is the
most cost efficient way of transportation and it seems that the benefits would become even
more apparent after the second year of operation. The transportation iron ore from Brazil to

China with the Valemaxes without the ban becomes the cheapest way of all. In terms of
average cost though, this claim is not supported by the output. It turns out that shifting one
ton of iron ore from Brazil to China with the conventional capes chartering is 20.62 US$ per
ton, direct transportation with Valemaxes cost slightly more, 21.72 US$ per ton and the
transportation of the cargo with the transshipment hub in between averages out to 31.53 US$
per ton.

Other important points that can be drawn from graph 1 are the co-movement of the cost
curves of the two systems (the current transportation system, standing for the transshipment
in the Subic Bay and the direct) and the almost convergence of the spot cape freight rate and
the Valemax cost during the second quarter of 2014. The co-movement of the curve shows
that even if the cost of the current system is higher the overall trend is almost the same with
the direct iron ore shipment and is decreasing. This is evidence of economies of scale that in
the future, the employment of the vessels may provide more benefits. In addition, during the
third quarter of the year 2013, the cost differential between the current system and the spot-
based capes became 3.94 US$ per ton, which is a good sign. The average cost over time of
each of Vales transportation solution is formed as follows:

Without direct access With direct access to

Capes spot rates
to the port of Qingdao the port of Qingdao

Average transportation
31.53 21.71 20.5
cost (US$ per ton)

(Table 1: Average cost per ton for each system)

There are two peaks on the graph, one immediately after the Valemaxes were injected in the
market and started to be in service (37.34 US$ per ton) and another during the first quarter of
the year, 2013 (37.39 US$ per ton). The blame can be put on the per ton fuel cost, as it is not
a coincidence that the fuel cost peaks during the same quarters as the transportation cost
does, (graph 2). From graph 2, the co-movement of the fuel cost and the transportation cost
including the cost of transhipment is pointed out.

fuel price

fuel cost per ton
Q3 2012
Q4 2012
Q1 2013

Q2 2013
Q3 2013

Q4 2013

Q1 2014
Q2 2014
Q3 2014
(Graph 2: Fuel cost per ton)

Another contributing factor to this outcome is the duration of the trip. The highest trip
duration renders higher cost per ton. It turns out that the longer it takes to complete the round
voyage the higher is the cost per ton of cargo with the imposed ban. During the third quarter
of 2012 that Valemaxes started to depart from the port of Tubarao and the transportation cost
peaks, the duration of the round trips was 136.95 days and in the next quarters the duration
falls together with the cost too, which shows a positive relationship. The cost varies
depending on the trip duration for both systems, (graph 3). However, the two transportation
system denote an inverse trend.

(Graph 3: cost per ton by round trip duration- Tubarao)


The latter means that a higher level of trip duration is translated into generally higher
transportation cost under the current system but the opposite seems to happen for the direct
system during the greatest part of the curve. Strong conclusions though cannot be drawn on
the relationship of the two due to the volatility, which can be most likely attributed to the
speed variation and the port time (waiting time and loading/unloading time). The cost
behaviour depends on the factor that has the strongest impact on the cost each time. Waiting
time and loading/unloading time also enter in the displayed trip duration and they play a role
to the behaviour of the cost, representing the port time.

Port time is an important component of the cost with two-fold character. Longer time spent
at port means longer trip duration, higher operating cost, reduced number of trips and less
cargo delivered to the customers. All these factors combined lead to higher transportation
cost. The cost peak of the currently used transportation system of iron ore from Brazil to
China, during the third quarter of 2012 can put the blame on the long port time, 41.3 days.
The port time of Tubarao for both systems is showed in graph 4. The Valemaxes have
generally been subject to a lot longer waiting time at the port than the capesizes on a
quarterly basis.

Port time (Tubarao)

Port time- direct system
30 (Tubarao)
20 Port time - current system
10 (Tubarao)
0 Port time- capesizes
Q3 2012
Q4 2012
Q1 2013
Q2 2013
Q3 2013
Q4 2013
Q1 2014
Q2 2014
Q3 2014

(Graph 4: Port time at the port of Tubarao)

If Vale were allowed to conduct direct shipment of iron ore with the Valemaxes, the port
time would generally be much shorter. Thus, it is not only the waiting time at the port of
Tubarao that delays the delivery and reduces the annual number of the fleets trips but the
transshipment of cargo is also timely. This does not hold in the second and the third quarter

of 2013. The data shows that the delay is completely owed to the potential lack of
infrastructure at the particular port. It should not be omitted that by the lapse of the time, the
port time has significantly decreased compared to the first year of operation, which means
that the necessary adjustments are made at the ports in order to handle the Valemaxes more
efficiently, in terms of time.

Port time accounts for 20.6% to 24.4% of the trip duration, the rest 75.6%-79.4% is the time
spent at sea or else the sailing days, which in their turn depend on speed. Graph 5 shows the
formation of the vessels speed, as calculated from the data. This speed does not exclusively
concern the vessels that depart from the port of Tubarao. The number of observations on
both the speed and the sailing days, of the vessels starting their trip from this particular port
was not sufficient and limited to a couple of observations and thus it cannot be a
representative sample. For this reason, the speed at Tubarao is assumed the same as the
average calculated quarterly speed delineated by the vessels that start their trip from both

Calculated Speed of vessels



Q3 2012

Q4 2012

Q1 2013

Q2 2013

Q3 2013

Q4 2013

Q1 2014

Q2 2014

Q3 2014

(Graph 5: The calculated speed)

The determination of the vessels speed depends on the fuel prices. When the price of fuel is
low, the party that is in charge for covering the voyage cost has a strong incentive to speed
up. The cost will not go up while reducing the unproductive time at sea and increasing the
number of trips carried out and the opposite holds when the price is high. Graph 2 displays
the quarterly fuel prices and presents a steady decreasing trend after the fourth quarter of
2013 and that is why the Valemaxes have deployed a rather high speed. The fuel price can
largely explain the speed volatility. The vessels operate at a considerably high speed, 15

knots during the fourth quarter of 2012, which collides with a 5% decrease in the fuel price.
Speed is not only a determinant of the trip duration but also of the fuel consumption, which
is a main part of the fuel cost. During the first quarter of 2013, a second peak of cost
occurred. The responsibility falls to the fuel consumption that reaches its highest level of all
the other quarters.

Most Valemaxes though depart from the Ponta Da Madeira (PDM) terminal and more data is
available on this route. Although the Capes spot benchmark concerns the rates on the route
Tubarao- Qingdao that is not the same route as the PDM terminal, they do not have a
considerable difference in terms of distance and thus, they are comparable. Even if the
transportation cost profile over this route is different, the conclusions made from the graph
are generally the same. Graph 6 illustrates the cost of Valemaxes starting from this terminal.

cost per ton (PDM)

25 transportation cost -

current system (PDM)

15 transportation cost -
direct system (PDM)
spot -capesizes
Q1 2012
Q2 2012
Q3 2012
Q4 2012
Q1 2013
Q2 2013
Q3 2013
Q4 2013
Q1 2014
Q2 2014
Q3 2014

(Graph 6: Transportation cost per ton Ponta Da Madeira terminal)

As expected, the imposed ban shrank the cost advantage that Vale would reap. The direct
transportation of cargo with the Valemaxes proves even more profitable than the Capes-spot
freight. The first half year of Valemaxes operation denotes an impressive result. The
transshipment of cargo adds almost no extra cost and the differential with the spot market
freight is at its lowest levels. The transshipment in the Subic Bay costs on average 6.21 US$
per ton more than the capes spot market does, (19.92 US$ per ton on average, during the first
half 2012). The result doesnt make a great difference on the costs if China hadnt ban the
anchoring of Valemaxes at its ports, as it would 4.59 US$ per ton more than the spot rates,
resulting in 1.62 US$ per ton cost difference between the Vales transportation methods.

The bad news is that the situation described above does not last for longer time. During the
next quarters, the results tend to converge to the same conclusions drawn earlier in the
analysis. The least costly solution for the transportation of iron ore is the direct way. The
additional cost incorporated into the total cost due to the transshipment process is less
(7.35US$ per ton) than before (9.81 US$ per ton). The Capes spot rates cost on average 10.5
US$ per ton less than the Valemaxes when they transship in the Subic Bay. If the vessels did
not need to pass through the transshipment process, the cost would exceed the spot
benchmark by1.84 US$ per ton on average. Obviously, the benefits of gaining direct access
to the Chinese ports are many and could reduce the cost by 82%. Even so, the transportation
cost, including the transshipment process, has entered a decreasing stage as shown in graph
6. The last quarter of 2013 and during the first three quarters of 2014 the cost is falling,
which signals positive prospects for the economics of the Valemax fleet. For this route, the
average cost for each system over time is:

Without direct access With direct access to

Capes spot rates
to the port of Qingdao the port of Qingdao

Average transportation
30.21 22.83 20.5
cost (US$ per ton)

(Table 2: Average cost per ton for each system)

As already referred, the transportation cost depends on several factors and depending on the
size of each factors effect, the cost changes accordingly. Graph 7 shows the cost per ton in
respect to the trip duration for the terminal of Ponta Da Madeira.

Cost per ton (PDM)


20 cost per ton- current

15 system (PDM)
cost per ton - direct
system (PDM)

(Graph 7: Cost per ton by trip duration for the Valemaxes departing from the Ponta Da Madeira terminal)

The cost per ton of cargo shifted from the Ponta Da Madeira terminal demonstrates an
overall increasing trend. Starting the analysis from the current transportation system, there
are three spikes, easily distinguished. Two sharp cost reductions and one sharp increase.
During the second quarter of 2012, Valemaxes quarterly fuel consumption reached its
lowest levels, around 22.8 tons/day in ballast and 39.4 tons/day laden, resulting in the lowest
fuel cost which is responsible for the sharp drop of the cost at 24.4 US$ per ton. The sharp
cost increase is related to the exactly opposite concept, that is, during the fourth quarter
when the cost became 34 US$ per ton, the fuel consumption had reached its highest level
(102.1 tons/day in ballast and 73.6 tons/day laden), bringing the opposite result. Fuel
consumption is a function of the designed technical characteristics, namely speed and fuel
consumption and the calculated speed. As already mentioned, the speed is the main
determinant of the trip duration and from this terminal, the observations on the sailing days
were adequate to compute a representative output on speed. Graph 8 presents the speed per
quarter as calculated from the collected data and includes only the trips to the Subic Bay.

calculated speed (PDM)


speed laden
4 speed ballast

Q1 2012

Q2 2012

Q3 2012

Q4 2012

Q1 2013

Q2 2013

Q3 2013

Q4 2013

Q1 2014

Q2 2014

Q3 2014

(Graph 8: Calculated speed for the Valemaxes departing from the PDM terminal)

During the first half of 2012, the Valemaxes were operated at a higher speed when they sail
laden than in ballast, coming against the empirical finding which states that the ships speed
up when they are empty and slow down when they are loaded. During the months that the
vessels were loaded for the trip to the Subic Bay, the fuel price was falling. Thus, the most
reasonable explanation for the pattern of the year 2012 is that the vessels speed up to take
advantage of the lower prices and save on fuel cost. The cost of the firm had significantly

raised and they needed a source to save on cost. During the next quarter, the speed stabilises
to 12.91 knots in laden and 14.08 knots in ballast.

The direct transportation has only one sharp cost increase, while other smoother spikes
present but one spike is high and worthwhile of closer notice. After the first quarter of 2012,
the cost is estimated as 26.7 US$ per ton, explained by high fuel consumption, that is 100.3
tons/day in laden and 59.65 tons/day in ballast. Then, the cost started to drop until the third
quarter that peaked again, due to the long port time, 55 days in the second quarter of the year
2013. Similarly, long port time is responsible for the cost increase of the transportation cost
under the currently used system that during the same quarter the port time was 59.98 days. A
lack of capacity accounts for highly lengthened port time at the terminal of Ponta Da
Madeira. The port time incurred at this terminal for each system of transportation is provided
in graph 9.

Port time (PDM)

40 port time- direct system
port time- current system
20 (PDM)
10 port time- Capesizes
Q1 2012
Q2 2012
Q3 2012
Q4 2012
Q1 2013
Q2 2013
Q3 2013
Q4 2013
Q1 2014
Q2 2014
Q3 2014

(Graph 9: Port time of the Valemaxes at the terminal of Ponta Da Madeira)

Again, Capesizes spend a lot less time at port than Valemaxes do, as expected. Capesizes are
much older vessels and the terminals have already built the necessary infrastructure to
accommodate them. Therefore, Capesizes are subject to shorter port time. The port time
displayed to graph nine includes the discharge time and waiting time at the Subic Bay where
that is relevant. The extra discharge and transshipment time spent in the Subic Bay is partly
responsible for the Valemaxes delay but the biggest source of delay is associated with the
lack of infrastructure and capacity at the loading ports in Brazil. However, the negative

effect of the port time mitigates more and more by the lapse of the time without observing
any high peaks by the end of 2014.

4.2 Valemax fleets transporting capacity

One of the objectives of this thesis is to assess if there was a cost advantage for Vale with the
construction of these vessels for the transportation of its iron ore to China. This section will
provide information concerning the fleets transporting capacity. Recalling, the cost
advantage, otherwise called economies of scale due to the bigger size of the vessels, also
refers to their ability to transport twice the capacity, the conventional Capesizes do, aside
from the reducing average cost. Up to this point, the analysis has covered the transportation
cost paid with the Valemaxes under the three available transportation options, but no citation
of how much iron ore the fleet can transport.

One key point to the economics of the Valemaxes is the demand of iron ore by the Chinese
steel producers. Iron ore demand is stable on an annual basis and as already mentioned, its
delivery takes place 4 times a year or once per quarter. From Vales financial earnings
results, the actual quantities delivered to China every year since 2012, are: 200.875 million
mt, 145.847 million mt and 156.540 million mt, for each year respectively. Dividing the
annual demand into 4 equal portions, the demand that Vale should cover each quarter of each
year since 2012 is 50.21875 million mt, 36.46175 million mt and 39.135 million mt,

Vale could abandon the conventional chartering from the spot market and the spot rate
volatility over this route, only if the entire demand could be met by the total carrying
capacity of the fleet of Valemaxes and China didnt forbidden the arrival of Valemaxes at
the port of Qingdao. It turns out that the capacity of the whole fleet of Valemaxes is not
sufficient to meet the entire demand, even if the entire fleet was in service. Graph 14 and 15
show the quantity of iron ore that the full fleet of Valemaxes would deliver if it were in
service, according to the empirical data on complete number of trips and carried quantities.

Total Valemax fleet's transporting

capacity (Tubarao)

current system (Tubarao)
direct system (Tubarao)
Q3 2012
Q4 2012
Q1 2013
Q2 2013
Q3 2013
Q4 2013
Q1 2014
Q2 2014
Q3 2014

(Graph 14: Total transporting capacity of the Valemax fleet when loading at the port of Tubarao)

The full fleet at the calculated speed can cover one third of the annual Chinese demand,
which means that the employment of capesizes is necessary. However, the quantity loaded
can either reduce the employment of capesizes or increase it, if Valemaxes are loaded with a
lot less quantity than their size allows. For instance, in 2012, the Valemaxes loaded a lot less
cargo quantity at the port of Tubarao (311,903 tons on average) implying a deadweight
utilization rate of 75%, which is low compared to the vessels 95% average utilization rate.

A possible explanation for this fact is that fears and disputes rose over the deployment of the
vessels. China blamed Vale for attempting to gain the monopoly over the particular route
and thus, Vale had to carry less cargo in order to settle down the risen doubts over this issue.
During the next years, Valemaxes sailed loaded with a lot more capacity of the maximum
physical one, serving a higher fraction of the demand. In terms of cost, the employment of
capesizes is currently the least expensive way of transportation but in terms of efficiency,
Valemaxes are by 50% more efficient. At most 70 Capesizes transport the same quantity that
35 Valemaxes do. There are straight benefits of the direct system of transportation, as more
cargo quantity can be transported. The fleet of Valemaxes can transport maximum 54.4
million mt without the ban and 50.3 million mt with the current system and loading from the
Tubarao terminal.

Similar evidence reveals concerning the potential transporting capacity of the fleet when the
vessels are loaded at the terminal of Ponta Da Madeira and whether the fleet can meet the
iron ore demand, (graph 15).

Total Valemax fleet's transporting

capacity (PDM)

20000000 current system (PDM)
0 direct system (PDM)
Q1 2012

Q3 2012

Q1 2013

Q3 2013

Q1 2014

Q3 2014
(Graph 15: Total transporting capacity of the Valemax fleet when loading at the terminal of Ponta Da Madeira)

Further than that, graph 15 summarizes some additional important points not depicted at
graph 14. It highlights that the very long waiting time in the second quarter of 2013 reaching
an unprecedented high of almost 60 days at the Ponta Da Madeira terminal, significantly
reduced the annual number of trips to 2.5 trips. As a result, larger difference between the
quantity loaded on the Valemaxes and the demanded iron ore quantity served by Capesizes
hired from the spot market, generated. 2.5- 2.7 million mt were added to the previously
transported quantity that should be served by the spot conventional chartering. The
importance of port time has been analysed in section 4.1. It can significantly affect the
delivered quantity of cargo, reduce the sailing frequency and increase Vales reliance on the
spot market. Graphs 16 and 17 in the appendix display the sailing frequency over time of
Valemaxes, as calculated from the empirical data. Loading from the Ponta Da Madeira
terminal, Valemaxes can transport up to 49.3 million mt, directly shipping iron ore to China
and 50.5 million mt, in the opposite case.

Ending up to the inference that given the quantity of iron ore loaded on the vessels each
quarter, the speed operated over the route, the number of trips carried out and assuming that
the whole fleet is on service, the maximum carried quantity does not exceed 50 million mt.
This means that Vale does not have the potential not to rely on the spot market, given the
current levels of demand, 2 thirds of the annual demand are satisfied with the Capesizes,
regardless of the loading port.

Moreover, the fleet is not complete. The delivery of the vessels delayed and as of November
2014, there are three vessels of the fleet under construction. The fleet is currently consisted

of 32 vessels and the vessels were not delivered in one round but gradually. This means that
the total iron ore quantity carried by Valemaxes so far, is less than showed in the graphs 14
and 15. Capesizes have also benefits, as they are more flexible, less costly after the ban
imposition and they can sail more often. Sailing at the design speed, each capesize vessel can
achieve 3.83 round trips per year, considering the average waiting time of 8 days at the port
of Tubarao and assuming another 4 days of waiting and discharge time at the port of
Qingdao. Even if the Capesizes can sail more frequently than Valemaxes can, their
difference in the number of the carried out trips is not that high to outweigh the benefits that
Valemaxes offer. Hence, comparing the two fleets, Valemaxes are far more efficient than
Capesizes, as a much smaller number of vessels can transport the same capacity as hundreds
of Capesizes, but their capacity isnt sufficient to cover the annual Chinese iron ore demand.

4.3 Discussion on the findings and the Valemax fleets

effect on the Capesizes spot freight rate
Long discussions and arguments have been aroused on the shipping cost of the Valemaxes
and their impact on the spot freight rate and the Capesizes employment. In the preceding
analysis, Vales cost averaged at 30.2$/ton loading at the terminal Ponta Da Madeira and
noticing a minimum of 24.4 $/ton and a maximum of 34.01 $/ton. The results come in
accordance with the estimations that alphabulk made in 2013. They reckoned that Vales
cost in June 2013 was 35.74$/tonne, excluding the waiting time but including the
transshipment cost and the cost of moving the iron ore from the Subic Bay to China in
Capesizes. The latter was estimated to be 4.08 $/tonne which is almost the same with the one
that the writer has calculated (on average 4.05$/ton).

The same research group estimates that the direct destination from this terminal would be
25$ per ton, while the writer found that the cost averages to 22.84$/ton, ranging from
20.63$/ton to 25.3$/ton. Similarly, alphabulk estimated the cost from the Tubarao terminal
to the port of Qingdao, found to be 24$/tonne. In this study, the latter corresponds to the
calculation of the direct transportation system, averaging to 21.5$/ton, noticing a minimum
of 18.4$/ton and a maximum of 25.9$/ton. In this case, the estimations differ but the range is
close to alphabulks estimation. There is no particular benchmark for the cost of the non-
direct route loading from the Tubarao terminal provided by another research group, but the
difference should be the same and around 10$/ton and the findings of this study support this

differential. Thus, they are reasonable. However, it is important to note that the difference of
the cost can be explained by the fact that alphabulks results concern one discrete point of
time, while the authors calculations are made on a quarterly basis.

As referred to the second chapter of this study, the freight rate on the spot is determined by
the parallel movements of the supply and demand functions on the market. Consequently if a
one or more of their determinant factors change the correspondent shift of the curve will
occur, altering the freight rate level. The Valemax fleet can add as showed in the section 4.2
a capacity of 68.3 million tons if the vessels steam at full steam, which is a significant
amount of supply in the market.

The introduction of the Valemax fleet has a two-fold character, as it shifts the supply
increasing the merchant fleet and the demand by adding important transporting capacity,
translating into a drop of the freight rate. That is why the delivery of the entire fleet delayed
to protect the owners of smaller vessels. As it is not in the scope of this study to quantify and
measure the impact that Valemaxes have on the spot market, it will only be discussed based
on critical thinking and on the evidence presented on the figure 1 in the chapter 2 where the
opinions of other writers are stated, obtained by the Clarkson research database. For the
readers convenience, the same figure is cited below.

(Figure 1: BCI C3: Tubarao/Qingdao,160000 or 170000 mt. Source: Clarkson Research Services)

Looking at the figure and the spot price, we can infer that the freight rate plunged due to the
financial depression and not because of the Valemax fleet. The fleet was ordered in the first
half of 2008 before the crisis bursts into and when the freight rate peaked, to 100 US$/ton.
The sales price of iron ore for Vale at that point of time that Vale was based on reference
pricing, was averaging to 76.03 US$ per ton (Vales quarterly results, earnings, 2008). In
fact, Vale was in short notice in a financial loss and proceeded to an investment with high
capital cost involved and a bit later the freight dropped to 10$/tonne. However, during the
delivery period, 2011-2014, the freight generally increases reaching the peak in 2013 to
almost 30 $/tonne.

Thus, the conclusion that can be made out of this is that the delivery of the vessels by
definition has affected the freight rate at the spot market, by causing 25% increase of the
spot rate. The spot freight rate remained at this level shortly, but after the injection of the
majority of the vessels in 2013 the spot rate fell by 23%, translated to a 6.72 $/ton decrease
and since then it fluctuates on this level. Alphabulk (2013) agrees with this result,
concluding that Vale pushed down the Capesize market by 10$ per tonne. Drewry
Maritime Researcch (2014) believes that the recently signed agreement with COSCO for the
Valemaxes will not only drop the freight rate further but will also increase its volatility.
Consequently, the introduction of the fleet in the shipping market indeed affected the freight
rate of Capes. Nevertheless, the writers opinion is that strong deductions on the fleets
impact cannot be made, as there are several factors that affect the spot rate and thus, the
blame cannot be put exclusively on Valemaxes operation.

5. Conclusion
In this thesis, the economics of the Valemax vessels were studied by considering two
different service strategies: hub-and spoke and direct shipment, over the route Brazil- China.
The biggest question addressed was to find out Vales cost profile and investigate whether
economies of scale were realized or can be realized given the interrelated factors that affect
the transportation cost. It was found that the fleet of Valemaxes is currently the most
expensive way of iron ore transportation. The spot Capesize employment is currently the
cheapest way of transporting the iron ore, but at most 70 Capesizes are needed to transport
the same quantity that 35 Valemaxes transport. Hence, Valemaxes are currently costlier but a
lot more efficient.

However, the fleet of Valemaxes is privileged over the employment of Capesizes for the
considered route. Valemaxes are chartered under contract of affreightment that provides
stability on the transportation cost, while the spot freight of Capesizes is highly volatile with
rapid fluctuations, inserting a high degree of uncertainty for Vale. The cost follows a falling
tendency, indicating serious evidence of economies of scale. As such, a high chance of
further reduction of cost in the long term is implied.

To conclude, the fleet of Valemaxes is costly, but its falling trend is association with its
operational advantages offer substantial benefits. Vale has a more effective control over the
cost of transportation and the quantity carried, in particular with the vertical integration. In
terms of systems, the inhibition of the Valemaxes in entering the port of Qingdao is not the
only obstacle set. The delivery of the vessels seems that it was not by chance, but an effort to
prevent Vale from controlling the iron ore trade and gaining the monopoly. The safety
reason that China claimed for forbidding the access of the fleet was only an excuse. The real
reason was to protect the local shipowners from the probable freight rate reduction, which
later on was a fact, the spot rate dropped. No strong conclusions can be drawn on the size of
the Valemax fleets impact on the freight rate as multiple factors affect it.

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Number of trips per quarter (PDM)

2 Number of trips - current
1,5 system (PDM)
0,5 Number of trips - direct
0 system (PDM)
Q1 2012
Q2 2012
Q3 2012
Q4 2012
Q1 2013
Q2 2013
Q3 2013
Q4 2013
Q1 2014
Q2 2014
Q3 2014

(Graph 12: Number of carried out trips when Valemaxes load at the terminal of Ponta Da Madeira)

Number of trips (Tubarao)


Number of trips- current
system (Tubarao)
Number of trips -direct
0 system (Tubarao)
Q3 2012
Q4 2012
Q1 2013
Q2 2013
Q3 2013
Q4 2013
Q1 2014
Q2 2014
Q3 2014

(Graph 13: Number of carried out trips when Valemaxes load at the port of Tubarao)


8 laden speed
6 ballast speed







(Graph 16: Empirical speed of all the trips carried out by Valemaxes)

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