This product conforms to specifications per the terms of the Ramtron Ramtron International Corporation
standard warranty. The product has completed Ramtrons internal 1850 Ramtron Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
qualification testing and has reached production status. (800) 545-FRAM, (719) 481-7000
Rev. 3.0
Mar. 2005 1 of 12
Address 1,024 x 64
Latch FRAM Array
WP Control Logic
Pin Description
Pin Name I/O Pin Description
A0-A2 Input Address 2-0: These pins are used to select one of up to 8 devices of the same type on
the same two-wire bus. To select the device, the address value on the three pins must
match the corresponding bits contained in the device address.
SDA I/O Serial Data Address: This is a bi-directional pin used to shift serial data and addresses
for the two-wire interface. It employs an open-drain output and is intended to be wire-
ORd with other devices on the two-wire bus. The input buffer incorporates a Schmitt
trigger for noise immunity and the output driver includes slope control for falling
edges. A pull-up resistor is required.
SCL Input Serial Clock: The serial clock input for the two-wire interface. Data is clocked out of
the device on the SCL falling edge, and clocked in on the SCL rising edge. The SCL
input also incorporates a Schmitt trigger input for improved noise immunity.
WP Input Write Protect: When WP is high, addresses in the upper quadrant of the logical
memory map will be write-protected. Write access is permitted to the lower three-
quarters of the address space. When WP is low, all addresses may be written. This pin
must not be left floating.
VDD Supply Supply Voltage: 5V
VSS Supply Ground
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Mar. 2005 2 of 12
However there are less obvious benefits as well. For FM24C64 FM24C64
example in a high noise environment, the fast-write A0 A1 A2 A0 A1 A2
operation is less susceptible to corruption than an
EEPROM since it is completed quickly. By contrast,
an EEPROM requiring milliseconds to write is
Figure 2. Typical System Configuration
vulnerable to noise during much of the cycle.
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Stop Condition
The receiver could fail to acknowledge for two
A Stop condition is indicated when the bus master distinct reasons. First, if a byte transfer fails, the No-
drives SDA from low to high while the SCL signal is Acknowledge ends the current operation so that the
high. All operations must end with a Stop condition. device can be addressed again. This allows the last
If an operation is pending when a stop is asserted, the byte to be recovered in the event of a
operation will be aborted. The master must have communication error. Second and most common,
control of SDA (not a memory read) in order to assert the receiver does not acknowledge the data to
a Stop condition. deliberately end an operation. For example, during a
Start Condition read operation, the FM24C64 will continue to place
data onto the bus as long as the receiver sends
A Start condition is indicated when the bus master
acknowledges (and clocks). When a read operation
drives SDA from high to low while the SCL signal is
is complete and no more data is needed, the receiver
high. All read and write transactions begin with a
must not acknowledge the last byte. If the receiver
Start condition. An operation in progress can be
acknowledges the last byte, this will cause the
aborted by asserting a Start condition at any time. FM24C64 to attempt to drive the bus on the next
Aborting an operation using the Start condition will clock while the master is sending a new command
ready the FM24C64 for a new operation.
such as a Stop command.
If during operation the power supply drops below the Slave Address
specified VDD minimum, the system should issue a The first byte that the FM24C64 expects after a start
Start condition prior to performing another operation condition is the slave address. As shown in Figure 4,
Data/Address Transfer the slave address contains the Slave ID (device
type), the device select address bits, and a bit that
All data transfers (including addresses) take place
specifies if the transaction is a read or a write. Bits
while the SCL signal is high. Except under the two
7-4 define the device type and must be set to 1010b
conditions described above, the SDA signal should
for the FM24C64. These bits allow other types of
not change while SCL is high. function types to reside on the 2-wire bus within an
Acknowledge identical address range. Bits 3-1 are the select bits
The Acknowledge takes place after the 8th data bit which are equivalent to chip select bits. They must
has been transferred in any transaction. During this match the corresponding value on the external
state the transmitter should release the SDA bus to address pins to select the device. Up to eight
allow the receiver to drive it. The receiver drives the FM24C64s can reside on the same two-wire bus by
SDA signal low to acknowledge receipt of the byte. assigning a different address to each. Bit 0 is the
If the receiver does not drive SDA low, the condition read/write bit. A 1 indicates a read operation, and a
is a No-Acknowledge and the operation is aborted. 0 indicates a write.
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Memory Operation
Slave Device
Select The FM24C64 is designed to operate in a manner
ID very similar to other 2-wire interface memory
products. The major differences result from the
higher performance write capability of FRAM
1 0 1 0 A2 A1 A0 R/W
technology. These improvements result in some
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 differences between the FM24C64 and a similar
configuration EEPROM during writes. The
Figure 4. Slave Address complete operation for both writes and reads is
explained below.
Write Operation
Addressing Overview
All writes begin with a device address, then a
After the FM24C64 (as receiver) acknowledges the memory address. The bus master indicates a write
device address, the master can place the memory operation by setting the LSB of the device address
address on the bus for a write operation. The address to a 0. After addressing, the bus master sends each
requires two bytes. The first is the MSB (upper byte). byte of data to the memory and the memory
Since the device uses only 13 address bits, the value generates an acknowledge condition. Any number of
of the upper three bits are dont care. Following the sequential bytes may be written. If the end of the
MSB is the LSB (lower byte) with the remaining address range is reached internally, the address
eight address bits. The address value is latched counter will wrap from 1FFFh to 0000h.
internally. Each access causes the latched address
value to be incremented automatically. The current Unlike other nonvolatile memory technologies,
address is the value that is held in the latch, either a there is no write delay with FRAM. The entire
newly written value or the address following the last memory cycle occurs in less time than a single bus
access. The current address will be held as long as clock. Therefore, any operation including a read or
power remains or until a new value is written. Reads write can occur immediately following a write.
always use the current address. A random read Acknowledge polling, a technique used with
address can be loaded by beginning a write operation EEPROMs to determine if a write is complete is
as explained below. unnecessary and will always return a ready
After transmission of each data byte and just prior to
the acknowledge, the FM24C64 increments the Internally, the actual memory write occurs after the
internal address latch. This allows the next sequential 8th data bit is transferred. It will be complete before
byte to be accessed with no additional addressing the Acknowledge is sent. Therefore, if the user
externally. After the last address (1FFFh) is reached, desires to abort a write without altering the memory
the address latch will roll over to 0000h. There is no contents, this should be done using a Start or Stop
limit to the number of bytes that can be accessed with condition prior to the 8th data bit. The FM24C64
a single read or write operation. uses no page buffering.
Data Transfer
After the address information has been transmitted, Portions of the memory array can be write protected
data transfer between the bus master and the using the WP pin. Pulling the WP pin high (VDD)
FM24C64 can begin. For a read operation, the will write-protect addresses in the upper quadrant
FM24C64 will place 8 data bits on the bus then wait from 1800h to 1FFFh. The FM24C64 will not
for an Acknowledge from the master. If the acknowledge data bytes that are written to protected
Acknowledge occurs, the FM24C64 will transfer the addresses. In addition, the address counter will not
next sequential byte. If the Acknowledge is not sent, increment if writes are attempted to these addresses.
the FM24C64 will end the read operation. For a write Pulling WP low (VSS) will deactivate this feature.
operation, the FM24C64 will accept 8 data bits from WP should not be left floating.
the master and then send an Acknowledge. All data
transfer occurs MSB (most significant bit) first. Figures 5 and 6 illustrate both a single-byte write
and multiple-byte write.
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S 0 A X X X A A A A P
By FM24C64
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By Master Start No Acknowledge
S 1 A 1 P
By FM24C64
Acknowledge Data
S 1 A A A 1 P
By FM24C64
By Master Acknowledge No Acknowledge
Start Start
S 0 A X X X A A S 1 A A 1 P
By FM24C64
Acknowledge Data
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Electrical Specifications
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Symbol Description Ratings
VDD Power Supply Voltage with respect to VSS -1.0V to +7.0V
VIN Voltage on any signal pin with respect to VSS -1.0V to +7.0V
and VIN < VDD+1.0V *
TSTG Storage temperature -55C to + 125C
TLEAD Lead temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) 300 C
VESD Electrostatic Discharge Voltage
- Human Body Model (JEDEC Std JESD22-A114-B) 4kV
- Machine Model (JEDEC Std JESD22-A115-A) 250V
Package Moisture Sensitivity Level MSL-1
* Exception: The VIN < VDD+1.0V restriction does not apply to the SCL and SDA inputs.
Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating
only, and the functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those listed in the operational section of
this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings conditions for extended periods may affect device
DC Operating Conditions (TA = -40 C to + 85 C, VDD = 4.5V to 5.5V unless otherwise specified)
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units Notes
VDD Main Power Supply 4.5 5.0 5.5 V
IDD VDD Supply Current 1
@ SCL = 100 kHz 115 150 A
@ SCL = 400 kHz 400 500 A
@ SCL = 1 MHz 1 1.2 mA
ISB Standby Current 1 10 A 2
ILI Input Leakage Current 1 A 3
ILO Output Leakage Current 1 A 3
VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.3 VDD V
VIH Input High Voltage 0.7 VDD VDD + 0.5 V
VOL Output Low Voltage 0.4 V
@ IOL = 3 mA
VHYS Input Hysteresis 0.05 VDD V 4
1. SCL toggling between VDD-0.3V and VSS, other inputs VSS or VDD-0.3V
2. SCL = SDA = VDD. All inputs VSS or VDD. Stop command issued.
3. VIN or VOUT = VSS to VDD.
4. This parameter is characterized but not tested.
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AC Parameters (TA = -40 C to + 85 C, VDD = 4.5V to 5.5V, CL = 100 pF unless otherwise specified)
Symbol Parameter Min Max Min Max Min Max Units Notes
fSCL SCL Clock Frequency 0 100 0 400 0 1000 kHz
tLOW Clock Low Period 4.7 1.3 0.6 s
tHIGH Clock High Period 4.0 0.6 0.4 s
tAA SCL Low to SDA Data Out Valid 3 0.9 0.55 s
tBUF Bus Free Before New 4.7 1.3 0.5 s
tHD:STA Start Condition Hold Time 4.0 0.6 0.25 s
tSU:STA Start Condition Setup for Repeated 4.7 0.6 0.25 s
tHD:DAT Data In Hold 0 0 0 ns
tSU:DAT Data In Setup 250 100 100 ns
tR Input Rise Time 1000 300 300 ns 1
tF Input Fall Time 300 300 100 ns 1
tSU:STO Stop Condition Setup 4.0 0.6 0.25 s
tDH Data Output Hold 0 0 0 ns
(from SCL @ VIL)
tSP Noise Suppression Time Constant 50 50 50 ns
Notes : All SCL specifications as well as start and stop conditions apply to both read and write operations.
1 This parameter is periodically sampled and not 100% tested.
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Mar. 2005 9 of 12
Start Stop Start Data bit 7 Data bit 6 Data bits Acknowledge
from FM24C64 from FM24C64 5-0 from FM24C64 to FM24C64
Start Stop Start Data/Address bit 7 Data/Address bit 6 Data/Address bit 5-0 Acknowledge
to FM24C64 to FM24C64 to FM24C64 from FM24C64
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Mar. 2005 10 of 12
Mechanical Drawing
3.90 0.10 6.00 0.20
1.27 0.65
Pin 1
4.90 0.10 0.50
1.35 0.19
1.75 45 0.25
1.27 0.10 mm
0.10 0- 8 0.40
0.33 0.25
0.51 1.27
XXXX= part number, P= package type
LLLLLLL RIC=Ramtron Intl Corp, YY=year, WW=work week
Example: FM24C64, Standard SOIC package, Year 2004, Work Week 39
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Revision History
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