FM24CL16B: Features
FM24CL16B: Features
FM24CL16B: Features
16Kb Serial 3V F-RAM Memory
Low Power Operation
16K bit Ferroelectric Nonvolatile RAM • 2.7 - 3.65V Operation
• Organized as 2,048 x 8 bits • 100 µA Active Current (100 kHz)
• High Endurance 1014 Read/Writes • 3 µA (typ.) Standby Current
• 38 year Data Retention
• NoDelay™ Writes Industry Standard Configuration
• Advanced High-Reliability Ferroelectric Process • Industrial Temperature -40° C to +85° C
• 8-pin “Green”/RoHS SOIC and TDFN Packages
Fast Two-wire Serial Interface
• Up to 1MHz Maximum Bus Frequency
• Direct Hardware Replacement for EEPROM
• Supports legacy timing for 100 kHz & 400 kHz
This is a product that has fixed target specifications but are subject Ramtron International Corporation
to change pending characterization results. 1850 Ramtron Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
(800) 545-FRAM, (719) 481-7000
Rev. 1.4
Feb. 2011 Page 1 of 13
FM24CL16B - 16Kb 3V I2C F-RAM
Address 256 x 64
Latch FRAM Array
WP Control Logic
Pin Description
Pin Name Type Pin Description
SDA I/O Serial Data Address: This is a bi-directional data pin for the two-wire interface. It
employs an open-drain output and is intended to be wire-OR’d with other devices on the
two-wire bus. The input buffer incorporates a Schmitt trigger for noise immunity and the
output driver includes slope control for falling edges. A pull-up resistor is required.
SCL Input Serial Clock: The serial clock input for the two-wire interface. Data is clocked-out on
the falling edge and clocked-in on the rising edge.
WP Input Write Protect: When WP is high, the entire array is write-protected. When WP is low,
all addresses may be written. This pin is internally pulled down.
VDD Supply Supply Voltage
VSS Supply Ground
NC - No connect
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FM24CL16B - 16Kb 3V I2C F-RAM
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FM24CL16B - 16Kb 3V I2C F-RAM
SDA 7 6 0
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FM24CL16B - 16Kb 3V I2C F-RAM
Slave ID Select
Memory Operation
The FM24CL16B is designed to operate in a manner
very similar to other 2-wire interface memory
products. The major differences result from the
1 0 1 0 A2 A1 A0 R/W higher performance write capability of FRAM
technology. These improvements result in some
differences between the FM24CL16B and a similar
Figure 4. Slave Address
configuration EEPROM during writes. The complete
operation for both writes and reads is explained
Word Address
After the FM24CL16B (as receiver) acknowledges Write Operation
the slave ID, the master will place the word address All writes begin with a slave ID then a word address
on the bus for a write operation. The word address is as previously mentioned. The bus master indicates a
the lower 8-bits of the address to be combined with write operation by setting the LSB of the Slave
the 3-bits of the page select to specify the exact byte Address to a 0. After addressing, the bus master
to be written. The complete 11-bit address is latched sends each byte of data to the memory and the
internally. memory generates an acknowledge condition. Any
number of sequential bytes may be written. If the
No word address occurs for a read operation, though end of the address range is reached internally, the
the 3-bit page select is latched internally. Reads address counter will wrap from 7FFh to 000h.
always use the lower 8-bits that are held internally in
the address latch. That is, reads always begin at the Unlike other nonvolatile memory technologies, there
address following the previous access. A random read is no write delay with FRAM. The entire memory
address can be loaded by doing a write operation as cycle occurs in less time than a single bus clock.
explained below. Therefore, any operation including read or write can
occur immediately following a write. Acknowledge
After transmission of each data byte, just prior to the polling, a technique used with EEPROMs to
acknowledge, the FM24CL16B increments the determine if a write is complete is unnecessary and
internal address latch. This allows the next sequential will always return a ‘ready’ condition.
byte to be accessed with no additional addressing.
After the last address (7FFh) is reached, the address An actual memory array write occurs after the 8th
latch will roll over to 000h. There is no limit on the data bit is transferred. It will be complete before the
number of bytes that can be accessed with a single acknowledge is sent. Therefore, if the user desires to
read or write operation. abort a write without altering the memory contents,
this should be done using start or stop condition
Data Transfer
prior to the 8th data bit. The FM24CL16B needs no
After all address information has been transmitted, page buffering.
data transfer between the bus master and the
FM24CL16B can begin. For a read operation the The memory array can be write protected using the
device will place 8 data bits on the bus then wait for WP pin. Setting the WP pin to a high condition
an acknowledge. If the acknowledge occurs, the next (VDD) will write-protect all addresses. The
sequential byte will be transferred. If the FM24CL16B will not acknowledge data bytes that
acknowledge is not sent, the read operation is are written to protected addresses. In addition, the
concluded. For a write operation, the FM24CL16B address counter will not increment if writes are
will accept 8 data bits from the master then send an attempted to these addresses. Setting WP to a low
acknowledge. All data transfer occurs MSB (most state (VSS) will deactivate this feature.
significant bit) first.
Figure 5 and 6 below illustrates both a single-byte
and multiple-byte writes.
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FM24CL16B - 16Kb 3V I2C F-RAM
By FM24CL16
By FM24CL16
To perform a current address read, the bus master If the internal address reaches 7FFh it will wrap
supplies a slave address with the LSB set to 1. This around to 000h on the next read cycle. Figures 7 and
indicates that a read operation is requested. The 3 8 show the proper operation for current address reads.
page select bits in the slave ID specify the block of
memory that is used for the read operation. On the Selective (Random) Read
next clock, the FM24CL16B will begin shifting out A simple technique allows a user to select a random
data from the current address. The current address is address location as the starting point for a read
the 3 bits from the slave ID combined with the 8 bits operation. It uses the first two bytes of a write
that were in the internal address latch. operation to set the internal address byte followed by
subsequent read operations.
Beginning with the current address, the bus master
can read any number of bytes. Thus, a sequential read To perform a selective read, the bus master sends out
is simply a current address read with multiple byte the slave address with the LSB set to 0. This specifies
transfers. After each byte, the internal address counter a write operation. According to the write protocol, the
will be incremented. Each time the bus master bus master then sends the word address byte that is
acknowledges a byte this indicates that the loaded into the internal address latch. After the
FM24CL16B should read out the next sequential FM24CL16B acknowledges the word address, the
byte. bus master issues a start condition. This
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FM24CL16B - 16Kb 3V I2C F-RAM
simultaneously aborts the write operation and allows set to 1. The operation is now a current address read.
the read command to be issued with the slave address This operation is illustrated in Figure 9.
By Master Start Address Acknowledge
Start Address Acknowledge Acknowledge
By Master
Start Address Start Address Acknowledge Acknowledge
By Master
S Slave Address 0 A Word Address A S Slave Address 1 A Data Byte A Data Byte 1 P
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FM24CL16B - 16Kb 3V I2C F-RAM
Electrical Specifications
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Symbol Description Ratings
VDD Power Supply Voltage with respect to VSS -1.0V to +5.0V
VIN Voltage on any pin with respect to VSS -1.0V to +5.0V
and VIN < VDD+1.0V *
TSTG Storage Temperature -55°C to + 125°C
TLEAD Lead temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) 260° C
VESD Electrostatic Discharge Voltage
- Human Body Model (AEC-Q100-002 Rev. E) 4kV
- Charged Device Model (AEC-Q100-011 Rev. B) 1.25kV
- Machine Model (AEC-Q100-003 Rev. E) 300V
Package Moisture Sensitivity Level MSL-1
* Exception: The “VIN < VDD+1.0V” restriction does not apply to the SCL and SDA inputs.
Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating
only, and the functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those listed in the operational section of this
specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
DC Operating Conditions (TA = -40° C to + 85° C, VDD =2.7V to 3.65V unless otherwise specified)
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units Notes
VDD Main Power Supply 2.7 3.3 3.65 V
IDD VDD Supply Current 1
@ SCL = 100 kHz 100 µA
@ SCL = 400 kHz 170 µA
@ SCL = 1 MHz 300 µA
ISB Standby Current 3 6 µA 2
ILI Input Leakage Current ±1 µA 3
ILO Output Leakage Current ±1 µA 3
VIH Input High Voltage 0.7 VDD VDD + 0.3 V
VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.3 VDD V
VOL Output Low Voltage
@ IOL = 3.0 mA 0.4 V
RIN WP Input Resistance (WP)
For VIN = VIL (max) 40 KΩ 5
For VIN = VIH (min) 1 MΩ
VHYS Input Hysteresis (Does not apply to WP) 0.05 VDD V 4
1. SCL toggling between VDD-0.3V and VSS, other inputs VSS or VDD-0.3V.
2. SCL = SDA = VDD. All inputs VSS or VDD. Stop command issued.
3. VIN or VOUT = VSS to VDD. Does not apply to the WP pin.
4. This parameter is characterized but not tested.
5. The input pull-down circuit is strong (40KΩ) when the input voltage is below VIL and much weaker (1MΩ)
when the input voltage is above VIH.
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FM24CL16B - 16Kb 3V I2C F-RAM
AC Parameters (TA = -40° C to + 85° C, VDD =2.7V to 3.65V unless otherwise specified)
Symbol Parameter Min Max Min Max Min Max Units Notes
fSCL SCL Clock Frequency 0 100 0 400 0 1000 kHz 1
tLOW Clock Low Period 4.7 1.3 0.6 µs
tHIGH Clock High Period 4.0 0.6 0.4 µs
tAA SCL Low to SDA Data Out Valid 3 0.9 0.55 µs
tBUF Bus Free Before New Transmission 4.7 1.3 0.5 µs
tHD:STA Start Condition Hold Time 4.0 0.6 0.25 µs
tSU:STA Start Condition Setup for Repeated 4.7 0.6 0.25 µs
tHD:DAT Data In Hold Time 0 0 0 ns
tSU:DAT Data In Setup Time 250 100 100 ns
tR Input Rise Time 1000 300 300 ns 2
tF Input Fall Time 300 300 100 ns 2
tSU:STO Stop Condition Setup 4.0 0.6 0.25 µs
tDH Data Output Hold 0 0 0 ns
(from SCL @ VIL)
tSP Noise Suppression Time Constant 50 50 50 ns
Notes : All SCL specifications as well as start and stop conditions apply to both read and write operations.
1 The speed-related specifications are guaranteed characteristic points from DC to 1 MHz.
2 This parameter is periodically sampled and not 100% tested.
Power Cycle Timing (TA = -40°C to +85°C, VDD = 2.7V to 3.65V unless otherwise specified)
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units Notes
tPU Power Up (VDD min) to First Access (Start condition) 10 - ms
tPD Last Access (Stop condition) to Power Down (VDD min) 0 - µs
tVR VDD Rise Time 30 - µs/V 1
tVF VDD Fall Time 100 - µs/V 1
1. Slope measured at any point on VDD waveform.
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FM24CL16B - 16Kb 3V I2C F-RAM
1100 Ω
tR tF t LOW t SP t SP
tAA t DH
Start Stop Start Acknowledge
Data Retention
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units Notes
TDR @ +85ºC 10 - Years
@ +80ºC 19 - Years
@ +75ºC 38 - Years
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FM24CL16B - 16Kb 3V I2C F-RAM
Mechanical Drawing
8-pin SOIC (JEDEC MS-012 variation AA)
XXXXXX= part number, P= package type (G=SOIC)
XXXXXXXP R=rev code, LLLLLLL= lot code
RLLLLLLL RIC=Ramtron Int’l Corp, YY=year, WW=work week
Example: FM24CL16B, “Green” SOIC package, Year 2010, Work Week 49
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FM24CL16B - 16Kb 3V I2C F-RAM
4.00 ±0.1
2.60 ±0.10
3.60 ±0.10
Pin 1 ID
Pin 1
2.85 REF
0.30 ±0.1
0.0 - 0.05
0.75 ±0.05
0.95 0.60
0.40 ±0.05
Pin 1
Note: All dimensions in millimeters. The exposed pad should be left floating.
R=Ramtron, XXXXX=base part number
RXXXXX LLLL= lot code,
LLLL YY=year, WW=work week
Example: “Green” TDFN package, FM24CL16B, Lot 0003, Industrial temperature,
Year 2011, Work Week 07
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FM24CL16B - 16Kb 3V I2C F-RAM
Revision History
Rev. 1.4
Feb. 2011 Page 13 of 13