This document provides codes and descriptions for various cranial procedures including:
1) Incision and drainage of cranial sinuses and removal of intracranial neurostimulator leads.
2) Craniotomies for decompression, exploration, trephination, and removal of epidural abscesses, extradural hematomas, and foreign bodies of the skull.
3) Other craniectomies including debridement and sequestrectomy of the skull.
This document provides codes and descriptions for various cranial procedures including:
1) Incision and drainage of cranial sinuses and removal of intracranial neurostimulator leads.
2) Craniotomies for decompression, exploration, trephination, and removal of epidural abscesses, extradural hematomas, and foreign bodies of the skull.
3) Other craniectomies including debridement and sequestrectomy of the skull.
This document provides codes and descriptions for various cranial procedures including:
1) Incision and drainage of cranial sinuses and removal of intracranial neurostimulator leads.
2) Craniotomies for decompression, exploration, trephination, and removal of epidural abscesses, extradural hematomas, and foreign bodies of the skull.
3) Other craniectomies including debridement and sequestrectomy of the skull.
This document provides codes and descriptions for various cranial procedures including:
1) Incision and drainage of cranial sinuses and removal of intracranial neurostimulator leads.
2) Craniotomies for decompression, exploration, trephination, and removal of epidural abscesses, extradural hematomas, and foreign bodies of the skull.
3) Other craniectomies including debridement and sequestrectomy of the skull.
01 Incision and excision of skull, brain, and cerebral meninges
01.2 Craniotomy and craniectomy
Excludes: decompression of skull fracture (02.02) exploration of orbit (16.01-16.09) that as operative approach -- omit code 01.21 Incision and drainage of cranial sinus 01.22 Removal of intracranial neurostimulator lead(s) Code also any removal of neurostimulator pulse generator (86.05) Excludes: removal with synchronous replacement (02.93) 01.23 Reopening of craniotomy site 01.24 Other craniotomy Cranial: decompression exploration trephination Craniotomy NOS Craniotomy with removal of: epidural abscess extradural hematoma foreign body of skull Excludes: removal of foreign body with incision into brain (01.39) 01.25 Other craniectomy Debridement of skull NOS Sequestrectomy of skull Excludes: debridement of compound fracture of skull (02.02) strip craniectomy (02.01) 01.26 Insertion of catheter(s) into cranial cavity or tissue Code also any concomitant procedure (e.g. resection (01.59)) Excludes: placement of intracerebral catheter(s) via burr hole(s) (01.28) 01.27 Removal of catheter(s) from cranial cavity or tissue 01.28 Placement of intracerebral catheter(s) via burr hole(s) Convection enhanced delivery Stereotactic placement of intracerebral catheter(s) Code also infusion of medication Excludes: insertion of catheter(s) into cranial cavity or tissue(s) (01.26)