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Contest Mechanics

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Core Message: Great teacher does it

by heart!
Pusong Rizaleo!



1. Contests are open to all teachers in the Division of Rizal.

2. Teachers can join one contest only and must submit one entry for his/her chosen
contest category.
3. Contestants Registration Form must be submitted together with Contest Entry.
4. Contest entries must be submitted on or before September 25 through
depedrizal.wtd@gmail.com except for Song Writing cum Video Making Contest.
5. Three winners (first, second and third places) shall be selected per contest.
6. Judges decision is final and irrevocable.

Essay Writing Contest

1. The Essay must be original and must expound on this statement Great teacher
does it by heart! Pusong Rizaleo
2. It must be written in English and shall consist of not less than 500 words nor more
than 600 words.
3. All essays will automatically become official property of DepEd Rizal.
4. No distinguishing mark or name of the contestant shall appear in the entry.
5. The following criteria should be applied:
Creativity 40%
Structure 20%
Adherence to Topic 20%
Grammar 10%
Wow! factor 10%
TOTAL: 100%
These criteria are discussed at length below. For every 10% of the score, there
is a corresponding question to be answeredif the answer to the question is yes,
then that 10% should be awarded. If the answer is no, then it should not.

After the essays have been read once by 23 judges, those essays that
receive an average of 80% or better should pass on to the second reading. In the
second reading, the judges should read all top 20% essays aloud, and engage in
a measured discussion of their content and value before voting on the first,
second, and third place essays.

Description of Criteria

40% Creativity
Although this is the most difficult thing to measure, it remains the focus of the contest
and the most important aspect to take into account when rating the essays. The goal is
to reward teachers who display the ability to think outside the box that is, those
who provide something other than formulaic answers, and who can do so in a novel or
unusual way. Here are the checkpoints to use for a truly creative essay in this

(10%) Does this essay express ideas not commonly found in the other
essays? Yes / No
(10%) Does this essay discuss the topicin an unexpected way? Yes / No
(10%) Does this essay display a lot of thought on behalf of the teacher writing
it? Yes / No
(10%) Does this essay address the topic in a way that makes the reader
think? Yes / No

20% Structure
The way in which an essay is organized helps make it more easily understood and
appreciated. Essays that are, for example, just one long paragraph with no visual
breaks are both hard on the eyes and display a lack of maturity in composition.

(10%) Is this essay organized in a comprehensible way? Yes / No

(10%) If the essay adheres to a traditional format, is there a clear beginning,
middle, and end or introduction, body, and conclusion? Yes / No
20% Adherence to Topic
Sometimes essays are cleverly written, but they actually have little to do with the
given topic. While creative essays should be able to find many unusual ways to
discuss the topic, they should still obviously respond to the chosen topic.

(10%) Does this essay, in one way or another, address the topic at
hand? Yes / No
(10%) Does this essay take the given topic as the central theme? Yes / No

10% Grammar
Although good grammar is important and should not go unrewarded, the goal of this
competition is to encourage creative thinking, not drive teachers to worry about their
verb conjugation or spelling. That said, as long as the grammar is understandable and
does not hinder a readers ability to comprehend the essay, this 10% should be

(10%) Is the grammar of this essay correct enough that the essay is easy to
understand? Yes / No

10% Wow! factor

This portion is where points are awarded for exceptional essaysthose that display
an incredible use of vocabulary, clever ideas, mature style, advanced English. This
10% is to be awarded only to essays that truly impress the readers, and these
essays should likely make it to the second reading session.

(10%) Does this essay wow the readers for one reason or
another? Yes / No



1. The three photos, in color, should be in high resolution, at most 600 DPI, in raw and
jpeg files, 810-12 in., with or without borders and has not been published.
2. Write a story caption for each picture. It must describe and provide insight for each
photo. Every caption must be at most 25 words, and the three captions when combined
must tackle the statement Great teacher does it by heart! Pusong Rizaleo!
3. Photos must be taken during the competition period, and should not have won nor
have been published in any book or magazine.
4. Manually retouched and/or painted over print outputs are not allowed.
5. Creative effects done within the camera at the time of exposure (e.g. multiple
exposures, flash fill, lighting, filtration, etc.) are allowed.

6. Digital retouching on density, contrast adjustments, minor cropping, burning, and

dodging may be tolerated, although major manipulation of main images through adding
or subtracting are not allowed.
7. The name of the contestant must not appear in the entry.
8. All entries shall become the property of DepEd Rizal. which will have the right to
reproduce, exhibit, or publish images for promotional purposes, indicating or
acknowledging the photographer.

Criteria for Judging

Relevance to the theme 45%
Composition and Creativity 30%
Clarity and Technical 25%
TOTAL 100%

Song Writing Cum Music Video Making Contest

1. Contest participants must be a group collaboration of 3-5 teachers.
2. The song lyrics and music video content should be consistent with the statement
Great teacher does it by heart! Pusong Rizaleo!.
3. The song tune and lyrics must be an original composition and have not been part
of any songwriting/music video competition, published, recorded and/or released in
the Philippines or abroad.
4. Song and video must not be longer than 3 minutes.
5. Lyrics may be in English or Filipino.
6. The music video should be an interpretation of the song. (music background of the
video should be the song entry).
7. The video should consist original or copyright free photos and video clips (though
the use of video clips from internet source should be avoided). The video should
be in *.avi, *.mp4 or *.mpg format only.
8. The jingle and video must not contain any product/people endorsement
(commercial tie-ins), profanity, violence or nudity.
9. All entries must be submitted in CD with attached printed lyric sheet and
contestants registration form in a sealed short brown envelope.
10. All entries shall be considered as property of and maybe used by DepEd Rizal for
education purposes.
Criteria for Judging

Song Elements
Lyrics and relevance to the theme 15%
Melody and musicality 15%
Originality 10%
Recall 10%

Music Video Elements:

Relevance to the song 20%
Creative execution 20%
Originality 10%
TOTAL 100%

ePoster Making

1. Contestant must use any of the photo editing tools like Adobe Photoshop, Gimp,
2. The output must illustrate, interpret and emphasize the statement - Great teacher
does it by heart! Pusong Rizaleno!
3. The contest entry must be originally designed. The contestant will be held
accountable to any issues that may arise with regards to the originality and
authenticity of the design.
4. The poster should have a size of 8.5 by 11, portrait.
5. Each contestant should submit ONE entry only.

Criteria for Judging

Originality - 35% It must show the ability to be inventive and

creative taking into account the freshness
of design or style.
Relevance to the theme - 35%. The poster design should effectively
communicate the statement - Great teacher
does it by heart. Pusong Rizaleno!
Aesthetic appeal - 30% The poster design should captivate
the judges appeal taking into consideration
the aesthetic principles of symmetry, focal
point, pattern, perspective, dimensionality and
TOTAL 100%


1. The contest entry must write 300-to-500-word web log (blog).
2. The content of the blog should be consistent with the statement Great teacher does
it by heart! Pusong Rizaleno!
3. The blog must be an original composition and have not been part of any blogging
competition, published, recorded and/or released in the Philippines or abroad.
4. The blog may be in English or Filipino.
5. The blog must not contain any product/people endorsement (commercial tie-ins),
profanity, violence or nudity.
6. The blog should only include original or copyright free photos.
7. Through depedrizal.wtd@gmail.com, contestants must submit URL or link of the blog
using web-based blogging sites such as Tumblr, Blogger, WordPress, Moveable Type,
8. Contestant must no longer make any revision on the output once submitted. Any
modification or change in any part of the blog will mean disqualification from the
9. All entries shall be considered as property of and maybe used by DepEd Rizal for
education purposes.

Criteria for Judging

Thoughts, Ideas, Opinions 50%

(Response to Topic)
Creativity 30%
(Page design-Font, Color, Picture)
Mechanics 20%
(Word Choice and Grammar)
Total 100%


Municipality: _______________________________________________________
District: _______________________________________________________
School: _______________________________________________________
School Address: _______________________________________________________
Name: _______________________________________________________
Contact No.: _______________________________________________________
Email Address: _______________________________________________________

Date: ______________________


This is to certify that the contest entry for ___________________________ (contest

category) that I/we submitted is my/our original work, and has not been submitted to similar
contest nor published prior to this contest. I/We understand that any violation of the
guidelines shall result to disqualification of my/our contest entry.


(Signature over printed name)

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