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Regional Plan For Goa Interim Report by The Task Force Government of Goa

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The Interim Report, as envisaged, is submitted herewith.


The Task Force has guided and supervised the preparation of this

The contribution of various Heads of Department, State Government

undertakings, experts, NGOs, Institutions and Central Govt.
Departments, is gratefully acknowledged.
Ar. Malini Krishnankutty, Planner, assisted in the compilation of this
report and Shri Ashok DCosta, Turbo Sketch provided necessary CAD
Support towards preparation of the maps included here.
The support and contribution of Shri. Morad Ahmed, C.T.P., /Govt. of
Goa, is greatly appreciated.

S No.

Chapter I Planning for a Better Goa 1

Chapter II Demographic Trends 8

2.1 Settlement Patterns 14
2.2 Densities and Built Form 18

Chapter III Economic Sectors 21

3.1 Agriculture 22
3.2 Animal Husbandry 30
3.3 Forestry 32
3.4 Fisheries 35
3.5 g 38
3.6 Industry 43
3.7 Tourism 49

Chapter IV Social Infrastructure Sector

4.1 Housing 54
4.2 h 59
4.3 Education 64
4.4 Sports and Recreation 70

Chapter V Physical Infrastructure Sector

5.1 Transportation 71
5.2 Other Sectors
5.2.1 Water supply 77
5.2.2 Sanitation 84
5.2.3 Power 87
5.2.4 Solid waste 91

Export Of Marine Products

Details Of The Major Irrigation Projects In Goa
Details Of Main Water Treament Plans For Public Water Supply In
Power Supply
Power Consumption

Power Losses
Municipal Solid Waste Generated From Major Settlements In Goa



1. Goa is currently facing a huge development pressure on its limited land
resources. It is imperative to note that this pressure on land is fuelled by
speculation and not a result of the natural growth of population.
2. Industries, their type and their location are determined in a very
haphazard manner without evaluation of existing infrastructure, work
force and local skills.
3. The coastal belt with its existing infrastructure is unable to cope with the
increasing tourist and related population.
4. The physical and social amenities available in Goa (public transport,
sanitation, health, education etc) need to be upgraded.
5. The need for a balanced, well spread and all-round economic
development of the State.

For an all-round balanced economic growth, for new and better paying jobs for the
resident population, right across the State and to reduce pressure from the Coastal belt
and Urban areas, new growth centers / nodes are being proposed in the midland talukas,
by upgrading and strengthening the transportation routes. (Refer Map 3:
Transportation System)
1981 1991 2001 2011 2021
North Goa
Tiswadi 1.31 1.46 1.60 1.82 1.92
Bardez 1.54 1.89 2.28 2.89 3.31
Pernem 0.59 0.67 0.72 0.85 0.84
Bicholim 0.74 0.85 0.91 1.11 1.05
Sattari 0.41 0.49 0.59 0.73 0.83
Ponda 1.08 1.28 1.49 1.82 2.04
Sub -Total 5.67 6.64 7.59 9.22 9.99
South Goa
Murmagao 0.99 1.21 1.45 1.96 2.11
Salcete 1.94 2.20 2.62 3.08 3.74
Quepem 0.56 0.65 0.74 0.94 0.98
Sanguem 0.56 0.59 0.64 0.73 0.75
Canacona 0.36 0.41 0.44 0.57 0.52
Sub-Total 4.41 5.06 5.89 7.28 8.10
Total 10.08 11.70 8 16.50 18.09
Source: Census and Projections

The Existing Situation

Fishing is a traditional activity that is also an important economic activity of the
State. Goa has a 105 km long coastline and inland waterways of about 555 kms
(as per 1991 census). The coastal waters and the inland waters are very rich in
prawns, (a foreign exchange earner), mackerels and sardines. Traditionally fish,
prawns and shell-fish were harvested.
TABLE 12: Trend in Fish Catch 1999-2006
Annual Fish Catch in tonnes
Marine Inland Total
1999 60075 3365 63440
2000 64563 3570 68133
2001 69386 3749 73135
2002 67563 3684 71247
2003 83756 4283 88039
2004 89932 4396 94328
2005 103091 4196 107287
2006 98643 3903 102546
Source: Economic survey 2006-2007
Due to international demand, there is now an over exploitation of water
resources for prawns.
TABLE 13: Export of Marine Products
Quantity (in Value
tonnes) (Rs.in lakh)
1999 9054 3491
2000 10732 3357
2001 7714 3007
2002 15594 5620
2003 10288 3273
2004 8856 3909
2005 11001 6178
2006 8472 6438
Source: Economic survey 2006-2007

1. As per the Coastal Aquaculture Act, 2005, mangroves, agriculture land, salt pan
lands, ecologically sensitive areas like sanctuaries, marine parks should not be
used for shrimp farming. Therefore lands available for aquaculture need to be
assigned as per the Act.

2. As per the Fisheries Department, the following need to be upgraded:

a. Fish handling centres are not adequate since the fishermen are going
for larger size of vessels in order to exploit farther away fishing grounds
for longer duration of fishing over five days.
b. The landing jetties are not equipped to handle the resultant catch and
the length of the jetties are also not sufficient to land the catch at one time
resulting in handling losses and waste.
c. Auction sheds at the jetties also need to be upgraded to international
standards, so that the catch can be properly handled and sent for further
d. Net mending sheds
e. Workshops
f. Slip ways
g. Cold storage and Ice plants

3. Suitable land for sun drying of fish in the North as well as South Goa needs to be
identified. Fisheries department has chosen Colva Plateau and Nagueri Plateau of
Betul for the purpose. TF needs to review this.
4. Overexploitation of fishing resources resulting in poor catch.
5. Monsoon ban on fishing for 2.5 months is being relaxed to 2 months that is
leading to overfishing.

1. Future proposals of the Fisheries Department include the following:
a)At Malim, Cortalim and Cutbona: Jetty with workshop, net
mending shed, auction shed and auxiliary facilities in
b)At Chapora fish landing centre, upgrading of facilities to
include a 50 m jetty, workshop, net mending shed, auction
shed, and ice plant in phases
2. A 0.5 to 1 km wide strip of beach needs to be set aside on all
beaches for the needs of traditional fisherfolk to bring in their
fishing crafts and other related needs. Their traditional spaces are
encroached upon by tourism. This needs to be marked in
consultation with the fisherfolk in each area.
3. Regulation of size of mesh in catching fish is needed, so as to
allow juvenile catch to go free.
4. Gelatin sticks used to breach bunds for fishing in khazan lands-
should be banned.

The Existing Scenario

Mining is an important activity in Goa and the state is rich in deposits of iron ore,
ferro manganese, manganese, bauxite, limestone, silica, clays, etc. In 2006-2007,
265.32 lakh metric tons of iron ore and 1.33 lakh metric tons of iron ore pellets
were exported from Goa. (Source: Environmental Atlas-2007)

Goa is a major iron-ore exporting state and is responsible for foreign exchange
earnings of nearly Rs.1000 crores per annum. From 2001-02 Goas mineral
exports has nearly doubled to reach 30.89 million tonnes in 2006-07, due to a
sudden demand from China for low grade iron-ore. With this sudden boom,
there is a rush to open and work on dormant leases.

It is important to note that while mining occupies over 8% of Goas

land area, its contribution constitutes only 4.2 % of the State GDP. 2

The mining belt of Goa covers approximately 700 sq kms and is concentrated in 4
talukas of Bicholim, Sattari, Sanquem, and Quepem. Iron ore is the main mineral
resource. The mining industry provides employment to about 11,000 persons
directly and about 10,000 persons indirectly. As per the Department of Mines, the
number of working mines is 108 as against a total number of 700 odd mining

Almost 10,000 trucks are used by industry to transport ore to the jetties. From
there about 260 barges are used to transport the ore to the ports (for export)

1 Goan Mineral Ore Exports, Goa Mineral Ore Exporters Association

2 Centre for Science and Environments State of Indias Environment Report, (2008) warns that
if all the applications for leases under various stages of processing are cleared, as much as one-fourth
of Goa will be under mining.
3 Source: Environmental Atlas 2007
through inland waterways using the Mandovi and Zuari Rivers and the
Cumbarjua Canal. There are 31 loading jetties on R. Mandovi and 14 on R. Zuari,
that are under the administrative control by various mine owners

Quarries: In addition to the mines, there are 228 quarries covering a total area
of 6.52 sq.kms. They are responsible for extraction of minor minerals especially
laterite stones. (as per PCBs Environmental Atlas 2007)

The Environmental costs of mining are very high.
As per TERI study (1997) the major environmental impacts are as
under: Land:
a) A major part of the mines are within forest area. Out of 12.45 sq.kms of Govt
forest, 5.00 sq.kms are affected by mining. Area under private forests has
almost been reduced to half from 387.33 sq.kms to 200.00 sq.kms.
b) Enormous amount of mining waste is piled up in heaps as high as 50 m and
slopes of 30 degrees.
c) Agricultural fields at the foothills of the dumps and mining areas have
suffered tremendously due to siltation from mining.
Air quality:
a) Mineral dust is the chief air pollutant in the mining belt and dust pollution
also affects the transportation routes through which the trucks carry ores
from the mines to the loading points.
Water quality:
The water quality of rivers and streams, as well as irrigation levels are affected
due to
a) the discharge of the mines pit water
b) Waste water from benefaction plants

TERI AEQM Plan for the Mining Belt of Goa (1997)
c) Rainwater run off from the dumps
d) Barge movement

As per the Environmental Atlas of Goa, (2007) mining industrial wastelands

cover an area of 110.73 sq kms.

Most mining leases are located in and around sanctuaries and forest areas. As a
result there is a complete incompatibility of uses. In recent years there has been a
growing realization of the great value of the forest areas, both environmental and
economic (with new species of plants and animals being discovered constantly and
the potential to harvest this for the drug industry) and the steady degradation of the
area due to mining, with miserable economic benefit in return.

There is a massive movement of minerals through road (as much as 8000 trucks!)
as well as rail from neighbouring state to Goa for the purpose of blending with
local ore for its upgradation as well as export by miners through MPT. It is
observed that they have been using NH4A and transporting it upto Usgao to
access further shipment through barges to MPT. This has been creating enormous
traffic problems as well as environmental hazards along its route. Though the
government has introduced a cess for trucks transporting minerals, it is not going
to take care of the major impacts on various fronts.

Agriculture has also been severely affected in the area due to extraction of
staggering quantities of ground water, vast areas being covered by siltation and
mining dust, thus destroying farms and livelihood and has led to, at times violent
conflicts between those involved in agriculture and mining in the area. A case in
point is the village of Columb in Sanguem taluka, where 22 mining leases are
awaiting revival. These will cover 14.00 sq.kms out of the total village area of 19.00
sq.kms! In other words this agricultural village is under the shadow of being
completely consumed by mines. Unfortunately, current laws offer only some
paltry compensation instead of any real relief for those whose land and livelihood
are taken away by mining.

The loading jetties of the barges are right on the river bank and this results in
surface water pollution during loading and unloading operations.

The speed of the barges is currently not regulated by the Captain of Ports and it
causes damage to the khazan land embankments when over 7knots.

Though mining has regulatory mechanisms in place, they are rarely enforced.
Enforcement of existing regulations is the key to ensure mitigation of
environmental and social costs.

Policies and Spatial Controls

Given the huge economic pressure that is currently driving the opening up of
more and more mines in the State, at huge social and environmental costs, the TF
recommends that a high power task force be immediately constituted to
arrive at a mining policy.
This committee should also review all the recommendations of the TERI AEQM
Plan for the Mining Belt of Goa (1997) and take into consideration the following

a) Urgent stocktaking of areas affected by mining needs to be done

b) Mining activities not to be permitted in areas declared as forests. In future new
leases not to be opened up within existing forest areas, existing settlement and
cultivable agricultural lands.
c) Open cast mining not to be permitted within catchment areas of irrigation

d) After closure of mines each mining site to be rehabilitated through vegetation,
plantation of fuel wood and forest species.
e) Appropriate environmental degradation control measures to be an integral part
of all mining activity.
f) Ore traffic to not pass through villages. There is an urgent necessity to minimize
the impact by using alternate methods or imposing higher cess as a deterrent.
g) Social conditions of the people in the mining villages to be improved and the
mining companies to upgrade existing water supply, sanitation facilities and
provide up-to-date health facilities in the mining belt.


RPG 21 has demarcated all active mines. Further as regards

mining the following shall apply:
i. No mining activities shall be permitted within ESZ-I areas
without the approval of Environment and Forest
ii. In future no mines shall be opened up within the ESZ-I areas
without the approval of Environment and Forest
iii. Unloading points of ore on river banks shall be beyond CRZ
line or they need approval from the GCZMA.
iv. All abandoned pits in ESZ-I, II or elsewhere have to be
rehabilitated through revegetation of appropriate forest
species, and wherever
possible mine pits should be used as reservoirs of water for
irrigation. Note: Mining wherever it is carried out has to
follow stringent regulations for environmental health and
these have to be strictly enforced as
per various regulations already in place.

The Existing Situation

1. Post liberation, in 1961, Goa has moved steadily from agriculture and trading
economy with few natural resource-based industries like agro-processing and
mining to a manufacturing and service economy.

2. Goa has an industrial base of its own spread across 20 odd industrial estates &
few major industries of chemical & fertilizers, pig Iron plant, food & beverages
product & pharmaceuticals in addition to the traditional small & medium &
cottage industries. There are about 130 major industries already established in
Goa. In the manufacturing industry, there were about 140 large and medium
scale units and 6,714 small scale registered units in Goa (as of March 2003) The
contribution of manufacturing industry to the GSDP is estimated to be 32% as
per the Economic Survey 2006-07.

3. The Government Industrial Policy (2003) envisages establishment of only non-

polluting and non-hazardous units having potential for employment generation
so as to promote sustainable growth. The thrust areas identified are :
a) Pharmaceuticals, Drugs and Biotech industries
b) Food-processing and Agro-based industries
c) IT and IT enabled services
d) Eco-tourism/Heritage tourism/event-tourism/Medical tourism
e) Entertainment industry

4. In order to ensure that these thrust areas receive focused attention, the
Government further wanted to encourage the setting up of the following:
a) Pharma Park
b) Food Park including wine Park

c) Software Technology Park(STP)
d) Agro Economic Zone
e) Biotech Park
f) Apparel Park
g) Special Economic Zone
h) Film City
However a number of proposals based on this policy were proposed in RPG-2011.
However they were opposed by the people since they were seen as developments
that were conceived without taking into account the ground reality, in terms of
infrastructure required and projected, in terms of exisiting skill sets of the local
population etc.. The withdrawal of the RPG-2011 and the SEZ proposals by the
government was in response to public sentiment on this issue.

6. SEZs
The TF was opposed to the formation of SEZs since they were largely land-
guzzling and resource-guzzling entities that did not cater to the needs of the local
populace. (See Appendix VII: Views by TF to Government on SEZs)

1) There seems to be a mismatch between jobs on offer and skill sets of locals because
the educational set up does not cater directly to the industries in Goa. As a result
available jobs are then taken up by migrants rather than locals.
2) All industrial estates should also have a provision for housing their workers. If
this is not mandated, all Goan villages in the industrial belt are inundated with the
pressures of accommodating the migrant labour force that comes to work in
these industries.

3) There is a huge water shortfall experienced by industry. They end up
overexploiting the ground water reserves and there are constant water conflicts
with surrounding villages.
4) The entire transport system of the state has to be conceived as one entity
considering that the size of the State is very small and so is the population it caters
to. Most people crisscross the State on a daily basis and the daily commutes are
quite strenuous. This needs to change and a good efficient public transport system
that effectively links the jobs and the people is critical to ensure productivity and
well-being of the citizens.
5) Scrap Yards
The issue of scrap Yards should be taken up, with limited areas identified for such
units and scrap yards should not be permitted in any other areas. This could be
within the Industrial Estates, with 10% area in each estate reserved for such
service sectors & by product handling. Each Industrial Estate should also have a
mandatory reserved green belt of 50 to 100 meters along the entire periphery of
the Estate.
6) Existing Iron and Steel Rolling units in the industrial estates of Cuncolim, Madkai
and Kundaim epitomize industries that do not work for Goa. These should be
phased out.
a) They consume 30-40% of the state power supply
b) They are polluting in nature.
c) They also depend on an almost 100% migrant work force.
7) Shipbuilding is an activity that has grown to cater to the mining industry.

240 barges (transporting 42 million tones of iron ore annually) need annual
maintenance (as per Shipyards Association of Goa) 72 yards exist (80% on R.
Zuari and the rest on R. Mandovi) All yards employ about 6500 workers (skilled
and non-skilled)

Policies and Spatial Controls
1. Since locals are not attuned to jobs involving manual labour, it is important to
encourage industrial sectors that match the local skill sets of the population like
health, pharma, education etc. which are also relatively clean.
2. Potential industries that can be recommended are:
a) Industries that are non-polluting, clean, non-power guzzling industries.
b) Industries that offer jobs that match the skills of local population in areas
like health. education sectors etc. should be encouraged
c) Natural resource based industries: Agro-based fruit and food processing,
live-stock based units like dairy and meat products, cattle feed, marine-
based units, forest-based units like paper and wood products. However
mineral based industries have to be carefully chosen on the basis of
environmental impact before deciding on any of them.
d) Green technology industries
e) Cottage and rural industries
f) Handicrafts industries
2. Indigenous industries can be promoted as cluster industries as under:
a) Cashew processing industry
b) Terracotta Industry in Bicholim
c) Artisans working with Gold
d) Pharma Industry

3. Industries should be sited according to the Guidelines for Siting of Industries issued
by the Goa State Pollution Control Board. These new locations should also be
located considering existing and newly proposed infrastructure-perhaps in the
nodal centres that are planned to come into being along the new 4-lane NH-4A by-
pass from Thivim to Bali via Darbandora, Usgao, Tisk and Curchorem.

4. For the IT Sector to flourish in a manner that employs locals, we must
considerably increase the level of education available in the state, as well as
provide specialized training and increase seats in engineering colleges. Otherwise
firms will perforce have to hire people from elsewhere in the country.

5. Raw untreated water can be supplied separately to industrial estates at different

rates. Raw water requirements of industry can also be addressed through water
harvesting schemes or boosting supply. Treatment plants can be set up in
industrial estates.

6. Area within each industrial estate to be set aside for garbage collection and
treatment for its own units as well as handle the waste of surrounding settlements
of that taluka. This is to include area for recycling dry industrial waste as well as
an area to handle wet waste composting. Taking waste from the surrounding
villages into the industrial estates and processing them there will solve the need
for the government to identify land for sorting and processing solid waste.
Hazardous waste has to be sent out to a hazardous waste centre at Darbandora.

7. A negative list of industries needs to be created eg. Steel smelting/rolling units,

those that import 100% labour, those that steal power, excise, sales tax. In such
cases a system of disincentives needs to be set up so that they do not come to Goa,
for eg. the power for such industries could be twice the normal rate/ all fees could
be double and no tax benefits.

8. Ship building: Rather than have ship building along the entire river front, which
disturbs the Eco Sensitive zone, we could create marine parks that have an entry
into some area which leads landwards, i.e. away from the river and have the

shipbuilding yards within the parks, so as to minimize the effect of the
shipbuilding industry on the ES Zones.

Follow-up work to be done

1. Getting details from Pollution Control Board about actual handling of hazardous
waste from industries, non-conforming industries.
2. Survey of sick industrial units and vacant plots within industrial estates needs to
be done.



The Existing Situation

By 2021, the population of Goa is estimated to be 18 lakhs with floating
population and infrastructure provision is required for 20 lakh persons by 2021.
Given an average family size of 4.5, a total of 4.44 lakh houses will be required by

As per 2001 Census data the housing stock in Goa stood at approximately 2.75
lakh and the housing shortfall was approximately 0.25 lakh.
During the span 2001-2008 the backlog of 0.25 lakh houses is assumed to have
been cleared by way of construction of additional houses, thereby maintaining
the difference between supply and demand.

Thus, additional housing needed by 2021 will be in the range of 1.69 lakh (i:e total
4.44 lakh minus 2.75 lakh existing in 2001). Of these, 85% of the houses will be
required by the middle classes, the lower middle classes and the economically
weaker sections of Goan society and migrants who also fall in the above category.
The upper middle class will need the remaining 15% of total required housing
( i.e about 0.25 lakh units) In addition, the upgrading of housing stock is a
continuous exercise. The cost of housing has made it unaffordable to a major
portion of the middle and lower middle class population.


The big challenge therefore is to build affordable houses keeping in mind that
land is a scarce resource in Goa.
Land with potential for settlement in Goa can be categorized in the following
a) Land not available for housing
1. Land falling in Eco-sensitive zones which should not be allowed for
settlement (except of improving housing in existing villages).
2. Land locked areas, which do not have access roads.
3. Land without marketable title/ disputed land.
4. Land marked as orchards / agricultural which are not available for
5. Tenanted land in settlement areas
6. Institutional and Government lands
7. Lands retained by the owners that are not available for development.
8. Land already blocked by existing construction.
b) Land available for housing
1. Land available for development under settlement zone with marketable
title and backed by desire to sell the land on part of the landlord.

The Housing Industry in Goa has not been able to meet demand for housing
especially affordable houses due to the following reasons:
Scarce land resources available for settlement.
Rising trend of land prices.
Cumbersome procedures and inordinate delay in getting construction
licenses/Occupancy Certificates.
The situation of shortage of houses in Goa is further compounded by tendency
on behalf of Goans in higher income bracket, non-Residents Goans and Indian
from Rest of India to invest in second homes. These homes are usually kept
vacant for most of the year.

Policies and Spatial Controls

1. Providing affordable housing is not an isolated task. It is closely related to job

locations and public transport. If the location of jobs is highly centralized, then
the surrounding land prices rise and affordable housing becomes impossible.
The worker must live near his job, or near a transport system that
takes him to his job. These conditions are more likely to exist in a poly-
centred system of employment places, than in one that is centralized.
Fortunately, Goas towns and villages are evenly distributed and none of them
are very large. Any intervention we suggest would serve to extend the balance of
that system, not centralize it.
2. There is enough land in rural and urban areas. There is no need to infringe on
productive agricultural lands to cater to housing needs, in the absence of
approved settlement plans.
3. There is a need to improve existing infrastructure in terms of road network, water,
power, sewage disposal and solid waste disposal and take development to
infrastructure. There is generally no need to take infrastructure to new
development that leapfrogs the settlement fence. Proper road network needs to be
built to create access to land locked areas.
4. The Government should establish land estates on the lines of Industrial estates
exclusively for building affordable houses. The Government should also promote
the formation of housing Cooperative Societies.
5. Comprehensive schemes for low cost housing need to be introduced especially
for migrant population who are an integral part of Goan Society so as to make
Goa slum free.
6. The Government should provide land in major settlements in Goa at a
concessional rate to organised housing Industry or their professional body i:e
CREDAI (Confederation of Real Estate Developers Association of India) Goa and
make it mandatory to provide houses for construction workers.

7. Strong political will on part of Government and effective implementation to
enforce existing laws in order to stop building of illegal dwelling units, slums etc.
8. Unauthorised construction and encroachments in open spaces, R/w,
Government/communidade lands needs to be dealt with by making the
provisions of the TCP Act applicable in non PDA areas as well.

Follow-up work to be done

1. A survey of the housing stock available in Goa, its location, based on its demand
& need has to be urgently undertaken. This should also include a survey of all
vacant housing in Goa.
2. The Government should revisit its housing policy so as to :
a) Simplify procedures related to housing
b) Rationalize FARs wherever required
c) Prepare an Action Plan to build affordable houses by Government
Organizations and through authorized private enterprise.
d) Discourage second homes lying vacant in Goa.
e) Establish fast track courts to resolve land related disputes so that more
lands have marketable titles.
f) Modify rent control act and revise it as per Model Rent Act implemented in
Delhi so as to make it owner-friendly.
g) Build proper road network in settlement plans to create access to approved
land locked areas and where feasible.
h) Explore possibility of levying property tax on all vacant (fallow) lands in
settlement/agriculture Zones. (This negative incentive will bring more land
in settlement zone into the housing market and will also induce cultivation
of fallow agriculture lands.)
i) Simplify and rationalize all procedure vis-a-vis Conversion sanads,
construction licenses and Occupancy certificate.

j) Prepare Town Planning Schemes (TP Schemes) to facilitate Housing
development in organized manner.
k) Prepare Coastal Zone management plan (CZMP) so as to facilitate
construction of houses for locals residing in coastal zone (Right now,
houses can not be built in CRZ-III ie. within 200-500 mts. area from High
Tide line but Hotels and Resorts are permitted. This anomaly should be
done away with)


The Existing Situation

Goa has a better coverage in terms of medical facilities than the rest of India. In
Goa, the average area served by a hospital is 23.88 sq. kms, while the population
each hospital serves is about 9519. This translates into each hospital bed serving a
population of 284.

TABLE 16: Health Facilities in Goa

Number of Health
Taluka Centres
Specialised &


Urban HealthCentres

Sub HealthCentres


Bardez 1 4 23 2 1 26
Tiswadi 4 1 22 4 2 13
Mormugao 4 2 11 1 1 6
Salcete 4 3 33 2 1 26

Pernem 0 2 1 4 0 16
Bicholim 0 2 6 3 0 15
Ponda 1 4 17 4 0 20
Quepem 0 3 7 0 0 12

Sattari 0 1 1 3 0 13
Sanguem 0 1 0 4 0 17
Canacona 0 1 2 3 0 8
Source: Goa at a Glance, 2006, Dir. Of Planning, Statistics & Evaluation

The above table shows that there are 137 hospitals (government and private), 24
primary Health centres (PHC), 5 urban health centres, 30 rural medical
dispensaries and 172 primary health sub-centres (PHSC) in the State.
It also shows that medical care is best in the crowded coastal belt, with all the
hospitals- specialized, general hospitals, and both government hospitals located
here. Private hospitals too are mostly in the Coastal Talukas. In the Midland
Talukas, only Ponda is served by Private Hospitals and 1 general hospital while
all other talukas are served largely by government health facilities. The highland
belt is largely served by government-run rural Medical dispensaries and sub-
health centers and private hospitals are virtually non-existent.
As per the Health Information of Goa 2007, the doctor to population ratio is 1:
586. Table 17 below indicates that the estimated rural population served by a
sub-centre is 3908 as against the national norm of 5000. However each PHC or
CHC in Goa serves a much larger population than that specified by the national
norms. (35377 and1.35 lakh respectively as against the Goa figures of 30,000 and
1.25 lakhs respectively). Clearly it is the rural population of Goa that is

TABLE 17: Health Infrastructure in Goa

All Achievement
Item India
Norms Goa India
Estimated Rural General population
covered by
Sub-centre 5000 3908 5401
PHC 30000 35377 32469
CHC 120000 135000 244000
Average Area covered
Sub-centre 19.28 23.38
PHC 174.58 140.52
CHC 663.4 1054.84
Average Radial distance
Sub-centre 2.48 2.73
PHC 7.45 6.69
CHC 14.53 18.32
Average number of villages
Sub-centre 2.09 4.46
PHC 18.95 26.81
CHC 72 201.27
No. of sub-centres per
PHC 9.05 6.01
No.of PHC per CHC 3.8 7.51
Source: Health Information of Goa 2007, Dir. of Health Services
Details regarding the health of the population reveal some interesting facts. In
2006, the incidence and treatment of vector borne diseases like filaria, malaria
(5010 cases and 7 deaths), japanese encephalitis, dengue and chikungunia have
been reported. Morbidity statistics given in the Table 18 below are very revealing.
In Goa, majority of cases that occurred have been due to acute respiratory
infection. In 2006, 25,559 persons have suffered due to this cause, followed by
acute diarrhoeal disease (7,631) and pulmonary tuberculosis (2,228). It would be
necessary to map the occurrence of these cases to understand if they were all in
one particular area, if there were environmental reasons or any other causes that
lead to these diseases.

TABLE 18: Morbidity Statistics (2006)

Disease Male Female Total
Cases of Acute Diarrhoeal Disease 4017 3614 7631
Cases of Acute Respiratory
Infection 12872 12687 25559
Cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis 1259 969 2228
Source: Health Information of Goa 2007, Dir. of Health Services

a) Quantitatively and statistically, Goa seems very well served by the health facilities
it has. However it is the quality of the service that needs to be upgraded.

b) The coastal talukas are well served and people have options that they can choose
from. However, as one goes inland, the service is poor, there is little or no choice
and no specialized care available.

c) Major deficiency lies in the lower order facilities like PHSC and PHC. The
numbers need to increase in the rural areas.

d) Even at the largest institution GMC the quality of service needs urgent upgrading.

e) Also in the Ghat talukas, where the terrain makes access difficult, the provision of
services needs to be double the national norms so as to make the services that
much more accessible.

f) There also seems to be no general hospital or specialized hospital in the highland


g) There are some villages that have no medical access by road, for example at Keri-
Tiracol. This village has a ferry service but that too is stopped at low tide making
guaranteed access to medical facilities difficult.

h) Medical waste disposal is not strictly monitored as per the norms either in the
urban or the rural levels.

Policies and Spatial control

1. Village level access to basic medical service should be easily available.

Ideally every village should have a sub-centre. Upgrading the rural village
health service should be top priority. The number of subcentres needs to
doubled in the highland belt and increased in the midlands.

2. Prevalence of diseases needs to be recorded and their implications


3. Annual health checks should be mandatory at all levels of educational

institutions, so that prevalence of conditions like anaemia in children can
be identified and treated.

4. Sewerage systems need to be put in place so that there is no contamination
of ground water resources in urban areas and wherever possible dry
ecological toilets should be explored especially in the rural areas.

5. General hospital at district level needs to be provided. Margao could be

where the South Goa District hospital could be located besides upgrading
and improving medical facilities at Hospicio. North Goa District hospital
could be at Mapusa besides upgrading and improving medical facilities at

6. Appropriate site for bio-medical waste needs to be identified. Medical

Waste is to be disposed off as per the Bio-Medical Waste (Management and
Handling) Rules, 1998 and every hospital/nursing home/dispensary etc. is
required to be responsible for its safe disposal.

Follow-up work to be done

1. The prevalence of diseases needs to be mapped. This would help us identify
physical/environmental factors, if any, which can then be addressed.


It is important to assess the extent to which standards for open space have been
met. Further, it should be mandatory that all schools should have a playground.
This is necessary to ensure that the young stay healthy.

Standards as per RP 2001 for minimum sizes for school playgrounds were as
a) 3000 sq m Primary school
b) 6000 sq m for high school
c) 10,000 sq m for colleges

At the regional level, the minimum sizes for playgrounds are:

a) 15,000 sq m at Panchayat level
b) 25,000 sq m at Taluka level

The Department of Sports is proposing several Sports Facilities (upgrading of

existing facilities as well as new facilities) in the State to prepare Goa for the 36
National Games to be held in 2011.

A major site is being planned for the 36th National Games along with a series of
other facilities related to these Games. Thereafter, these facilities are to be
maintained, and improved by the State for the youth of the State. It is important to
note that these centralized facilities may be beneficial for the Games but the local
population will have to travel great distances to access these facilities.



1 As a littoral State, Goa is served by all four modes of transport road, rail, water
and air. This is for both, the movement of goods and people. However
international movements are primarily by air and sea. Also, movements by all
four modes are for destined as well as through traffic. Thus these modes in action
are to constitute a state transportation system along with interchanges and other
distributory hubs and nodes. The fact has also to be underlined that transportation
largely governs the settlement pattern in the compact rurban state of Goa. ( Refer
Map 3: Transportation Network and Map B )

2 Roads:
a) This mode accounts for most of the movements within the state as the only
point to point facility and on which the other modes are dependent. Road
right-of-ways along with public transport interchange areas, vehicle
stabling, maintenance yards and pooled parking areas occupy about 15
percent of the states land surface area. Road networks are developed in a
hierarchy and which RPG-01 determined as being:
National Highways (NH) with 80m R/w and 4 lane carriageways
State Highways (SH) with 30 m R/w and 2 lane carriageways
Major District roads (MDR) with 25 m R/w and 2 lane carriageways
Other District roads (ODR) with 15m R/w and 2 lane carriageways
Panchayat roads (VPR) (i) with 10m R/w and 2 lane carriageway

b) Within the prescribed R/w there is sufficient land for pavement dividers,
marginal access roads, street lighting etc. as and where required. The
carriageways and the prescribed R/ws are to be provided over a period of
time. Within settlements, the nomenclature of the above hierarchy could

change e.g. bye-pas, arterial, sub- arterial roads, feeder roads etc. All
buildings / plot lines are to be outside the prescribed road R/ws.
Map B

c) At the level of the RPG-21 plan only NHs, SHs and MDRs are shown.
NH4A is to link the National Expressway system (NH4 / NE4).
d) Road R/ws are financed and built by Central, State and local
governments according to the hierarchy of roads. In Goa, the state PWD
builds all levels of R/ws including NHs (on behalf of the central

3 Rail:

a) This is a National Network developed, operated and maintained by the

Ministry of Railways. In Goa, the South Western Railway (SWR) and the
Konkan Rail Corporation (KRC) are responsible for the system. Two
single broad guage track routes bring the state of Goa on the the rail map
of India for the movements of both goods and people. These are:
(i) The Panvel Kankanadi North-South link by KRC
(ii) The Londa-Mormugao East-West link by SWR

b) As per G.O.I. policy, both lines are programmed for double track BG
operations. In such an event (perhaps beyond 2011) electric traction would
be in place for the haulage of larger rakes in quicker time. The stretch
between Dudh Sagar in Goa and Castle rock in Karnataka is a difficult
terrain for which SWR are surveying an alternative for double track BG

c) The Konkan Railway Corporation is expanding its rake formation, stabling

and maintenance yard at Verna along with a direct loop from Mormugao
for north bound haulage. They are also developing a second loop for direct
haulage from Londa via Sanvordem. However there are no plans for
further rail routes within Goa. Thereby the railways in Goa are

primarily for inter state movements and for more stations where activities
and people are increasing in the state.

d) The above proposals are incorporated in RPG-21 so that better rail-cum-

road nodes are facilitated. Also, better designed hubs are on the anvil at
Mormogao (port, rail, road), Dabolim (air, road, rail) and eventually Mopa
(air, road, rail).

4 Waterways:

a) Mormugao is perhaps Indias best deep draught natural harbour. The

expansion of the Port Trust for handling iron ore, containers, oil and bulk
goods etc. as also for the growing cruise tourism is restricted and possible
only through expensive breakwaters and the like. The state also operates
five minor ports including Panaji which handles barge to carriers iron ore
at mid stream platforms. All minor ports along with the MPT are slated
for expansion along with coastal and inland fishing jetties. More minor
ports are planned and it is possible that hydrofoil services could offer
relief to road based transport from airports and other nodes.

b) A large part of Goas inland waterway system is navigable with ferry (ro-
ro) and some motor launch services helping in transportation of people
and goods. Non mechanized boats also help in this process. An expansion
of this system is on the anvil, especially for motor launch services.

c) Marinas, water sports and inland tourism is also being programmed and
d) related to road linkages for quicker movements.

5 Air:
At present the Naval Airport at Dabolim doubles up as an International Airport. It is
however not available for civilian use between 8:00 hrs and 13:00 hrs each day. Also,
land for expansion of airport facilities is limited. However, a new international
airport at Mopa on the border with Maharashtra in North Goa district has been
cleared by the Govt. of India. Once operational for the movement of goods and
people, Dabolim would be a secondary airport as a national airport. Mopa and
Dabolim would have improved linkages to the road, rail and waterways network of
the state.

6 General issues:

a) Map B shows the emerging transport system by road rail, water and air
for Goa as part of RPG-21 along with emerging major hubs and nodes.
The development of the system is largely subject to the application of the
land Acquisition Act 1894 and fast track clearances.

b) It is broadly estimated that the number of trips by people within the state
is about the same as that in larger cities. Accordingly, by 2021, 20 lakh
people could generate 30 lakh trips per day (at 1.5 trips per person per
day). Public transport by road and to a lesser extent by water should be
expanded through bus and para transit modes (mini-bus, auto rickshaws
up to 7 seaters and the like) so that the incidence of personalized vehicles
(4 and 2 wheelers) get reduced along over stressed roads.

c) Apart from destined traffic, a fair percentage of goods and people pass
through Goa by road and rail. A state level NH bye-pass is part of RPG-21
so as to facilitate a quicker movement of through traffic (Mumbai-Londa
and Mumbai-Kochi). Also rail wagons and trucks comprise of Goa
destined and through goods. This requires a quick rake, wagon and truck
reformation at convenient regional nodes. Hence the importance of a NH
bye-pass and which could also facilitate the movement of port based iron
ore through given nodes.

d) With the rapid increase of personalized vehicles in the state, the idle
parking of vehicles in settlements is a major issue requiring not only
integrated traffic management and rigid enforcement but also adequate
development control regulations (DCRs) that encourages parking only
within plots or designated areas. DCRs as part of the Draft will cater to
this provision at the time of sanctioning of building plans.


Goa receives good annual rainfall and is endowed with perennial rivers that
are well distributed and flow across the State to empty finally in the Arabian

The Water Resources Department, undertook Master Planning for the river
basins covering 86% of the surface water resources, to assess water
availability. It is estimated that 2842 Mcum of water is exploitable of a total
average annual yield of 9464 Mcum. Experts concluded that the Mandovi, Sal
and Zuari basins are water deficient after making estimates of demand of
various competing sectors in Goa, viz. drinking water, industries, tourists,
environment-salinity control, forest management, irrigation. This deficiency
was recorded more on the inability to meet the rising agricultural demand for
paddy cultivation.

A reworked allocation of water across sectors as per the national priority for
drinking water estimated that of the exploitable resources, 1016 Mcum needs
to be allocated to meet the drinking water demand and 1826 Mcum to other
uses including irrigation. The WRD has sought to augment this available
water through construction of several dams, canals, tanks and bandharas to
harness and store this annual run-off of the rivers.

a) Irrigation:
The major irrigation projects in Goa are the Tillari, the Anjunem Irrigation
Project, and the Salaulim Irrigation Projects while minor irrigation projects

are the Panchawadi tank, Amthane Tank and the Chapoli Tank as indicated
in the Table below:

TABLE Details of the Major Irrigation Projects in

23: Goa

No. Name of the Project Source River Command Catchment

Area (Ha.) Area(sq km.)
1 Tillari Irrigation Project River Tillari 20,338 301.27
2 Amthane Tank River Assonora 300 4.03
Anjunem Irrigation River Costi
3 Project Nadi 2624 17.18
4 Panchawadi Tank River Zuari 200 4.13
Salaulim Irigation River Guleli
5 Project Nadi 23876 209
6 Chapoli Tank 550 3.63
Source: Department of Water Resources, Government of Goa, 2008

TABLE 24: Details of Main Water Treament Plans for Public Water
Supply in Goa

No. Water Source Water Water Areas Served

Treatment al
Plant (MLD)
Mormugoa, Vasco,
Margao, Fatorda, and
1 Salaulim WTP River Sanguem 160 villages of South Goa
Ponda, Panjim,
Mormugoa and 53
2 Opa WTP River Khandepar 112 villages
Assonora/Amtha Mapusa and
ne Calangute
3 Assonora WTP Valvanti 42 and 22 other villages
4 P River Valvanti 52
Bicholim and
and near by villages
5 Dabos WTP River Madei 5 the mining areas
Tillari Irrigation
6 Chandel WTP Kalna 15
Sattari taluka
Canacona Valpoi and 4 other
7 WTP River Talpona 5 villages.
Source: Public Works Department, Government of Goa, 2008

b) Water Supply
Goas rain-fed rivers are the primary source for potable water for the State.
According to Government sources, Goa is unlikely to face a shortage of drinking
water in the foreseeable future. The present demand for water supply is met
through 7 water supply schemes as per Table above. ( Refer Map 4: Water
Supply Network) The total present installed capacity is 391 MLD.

As per PWD, estimated water demand by 2018 will be 236 MLD and by 2025 it
will be around 340 MLD.
Sectorwise, the demand will be as under:

In Domestic Sector 201 MLD

Industrial Areas, 98 MLD
Tourism sector 41 MLD
340 MLD

As per the Goa Infrastructure Analysis, 2007, GCCI, multi-pronged approach is

needed to address water supply needs:
a) Reduce distribution losses and wastage
b) Put Rainfall on tap
c) Improvements in regional water treatment plants
d) Implement education in water conservation

c) New Proposals:
In addition, the following schemes have been sanctioned by the Government:
a. Maisal in Panchwadi (10 MLD) WTP to cover Panchwadi, Shiroda and
surrounding vilages
b. Madai River (25 MLD) to cover Ponda and Priol

d) Service Provision
The standards prescribed by the CPHEEO manual are 70 lpcd and 135 lpcd (in
rural and urban areas respectively). However, in Goa, actual per capita
consumption is 83 lpcd and 143 lpcd in rural and urban areas respectively.
Therefore for Goa, for augmentation of supply the norms proposed are 100 lpcd
for rural and 150 lpcd for urban areas.

e) Domestic Water Supply

92% of Goa is covered under a regional water supply scheme. Remaining 8%
depend on spot sources or single village schemes. In addition, Goa has 648
tube wells and 301 open wells that mainly serve a part of the rural
There are gaps in the service at intra-taluka level, at intra-urban and intra-
rural levels as under :

1. In rural areas across talukas, in areas like Bardez and Ponda, more than
75% acess through a private connection, while in Canacona it is as low as
24 %. Looking at quantity of water supplied, it seems that Pernem, Sattari,
Sanguem, Quepem and Canacona need to be given focused interventions
to upgrade what the lowest 25% of the rural population receives. Similarly
Bardez, Mormugao, Tiswadi, Salcete and Quepem urban lowest 25% urban
population receive lesser supply than urban norms of 150 lpcd.
2. In urban areas, almost all talukas except Pernem, 70% have house hold tap
3. There is however no major problem of access to water supply source since
multiple sources are available and accessible.
4. In rural areas, except for Canacona, most talukas are covered using a
norm of 55 lpcd. In urban areas, if a 150 lpcd norm is applied, then with

7 As per Sector Status Study-WSS, Goa, Feedback Ventures, 2004

the exception of Tiswadi, Mormugao, Ponda, Salcete, Quepem, all talukas
fall below prevailing norms.

5.2.3 POWER

The Existing Situation

Development and progress of any region depends on the availability of power.
Power plays a vital role in all sectors of development. Goa is a state which has
been depending on borrowed power till date. There is a need to augment the
power supply from all possible sources which is suitable to the Goan
environment since any further progress will depend on the newly augmented
power. There is a serious necessity to focus on investment in the power sector.

Goa with a population of about 14 lakhs is expected to grow to reach 18 lakhs by

the year 2021. In addition to the above, Goa also needs to cater to floating
population (tourist). Therefore provision is required for 20 lakh persons by 2021.
At present the per capita consumption of units in Goa is 1560 units and it covers
nearly 5 lakhs consumers. Refer Map 5: Power Supply Network . As regards
power supply, Table 25 indicates only 352 MW of power for Goa, inclusive of a
small quantity of 30 MW of privately generated power.
Name of Station n
TAPP 3&4 11 MW
3. TOTAL (Round The clock) 393 MW
4. PEAK 10 MW
Source: Dept. of Power, Govt. of Goa

The present peak hour demand for power is around 400 to 410 MW. This leaves a
deficit of 50 to 60 MW power requirements. In fact, the power position in Goa is
much better than many neighbouring states, which are power producing states.
There is also a phenomenon of excess power during non peak months and non
peak hours in a day. A quick look at the 17 energy power survey for cast load
based on normal growth pattern shows that the demand by 2011-12 will be to the
tune of 721 MW and if the same normal growth extends to 2021 then the peak
load demand would be to the tune of 1000 MW. If Goa focuses on promotion
industrialisation such as food parks, SEZs, cold storage chains, infrastructure
developments etc. demand for power for overall development will be high power
intensive and it may touch 1500 MW.
(As assessed by CEA in 17 EPS based on normal load growth pattern)
2007- 505
08 - MW
2008- 552
09 - MW
2009- 604
10 - MW
2010- 660
11 - MW
2011- 721
12 - MW


Peak Load in MW as
per Actual Peak Load in
17th EPS (inclusive of
Year IPP) MW (Inclusive of IPP)
2000-01 -
2001-02 - 280
2002-03 - 292
2003-04 308 334
2004-05 322 372*
2005-06 415 372*
2006-07 460 407*
2007-08 505 408 (as on date)*
2008-09 552
2009-10 604
2010-11 660
2011-12 720
* Restricted demand due to load shedding
Source: Dept. of Power, Govt. of Goa
Managing the allotted power and the available power and distribution has
been a major area of concern for the power sector. Though, this is a standard
problem associated with power sector, it is equally necessary to find suitable
scientific/technical solutions. The graph below indicates that the power losses
during transmission both while receiving from the grid as well as transmission to
consumers was as high as 30 % loss in the year 2001-02. The Government of Goa is
making its efforts in converting the high power over head lines to underground
cabling as one of the elements to control transmission losses. The second main
important management required to reduce losses due to the pilferage both in
Industrial and domestic sectors.

Aggregate T & C losses (%)







2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07

Source: Dept. of Power, Govt. of Goa


Particulars Goa State

2001- 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005- 2006-
02 03 04 05 06 07
Energy Input (MUS) 1650.5 1758.4 1955.2 2145.35 2269.4 2472
Energy Metered
(MU)*** 1200.8 1354.5 1488.9 1762.6 1877.7 2052
Metering Efficiency % 73% 77% 76% 82% 82.70% 83%
Energy Billed (MU) 1231.6 1384.2 1519.9 1800.4 1911 2089
Energy Billed (%) 75% 79% 78% 84% 84% 84%
Revenue Billed (Cr.) 408.91 431.26 454.95 505.07 540.36 596
Revenue Collected
(Cr.) 386.86 415.83 447.7 505.76 539.95 594.99
Revenue Collected (C 100.14
%) 94.61% 96.42% 98.41% % 99.90% 99.50%
T & C losses (%) 25.38% 21.28% 22.26% 16.10% 15.79% 15.49%
Aggregate T & C
losses (%) 29.40% 24.10% 23.50% 16.00% 15.86% 15.90%
Source: Dept. of Power, Govt. of Goa
a) The growth in demand for power is undisputed due to industrialisation or
b) The demand will grow if industrial development and urban development is to
take place at a faster rate.
c) This leaves deficiency to be met by alternative sources of power.
d) Serious consideration to substantially increase the generation of power in Goa
needs to be attended to.
e) The alternative (more suitable for Goan situation) will be a gas based power
generation on one side and using captive power generation from flue gases,
developing wind and solar energy receiving centres at micro levels etc needs to be
ventured into. Since Goa has high velocity of wind blowing in major part of the
year, wind energy could be used at micro level for public lighting.
f) Solar energy shall be made as compulsory element in public buildings, hotels,
hospitals and even the commercial developments complexes)
g) Plateaus having little vegetation can be used for solar thermal energy production.


The Existing Situation

Currently garbage collection and disposal in Goa is to be done by 14
Municipal councils and 189 Panchayats. In actual practice, however, it means
that organized garbage collection is done only in the municipal areas and in
some of the more urbanized panchayats of the State.

TABLE 28: Municipal Solid Waste Generated from Major Settlements in

Total Municipal
Name of Per Capita waste Total Solid MSW
Municipal Generated n Waste Generated Collected
Council (Kg/Day) (T/day) (T/day)
North Goa
Valpoi Municipal Approx. 4tons/day 7,913 One truck per day One truck/
Council day
Municipal 1 12,000 12 10
Pernem Muncipal
Council Data not available 7,400 Data not available 500 kg/day
Muncipal Council 1.55 40,487 62 48
Ponda Muncipal 0.40 to 0.45 17,713 7 to 8 7 to 8
Muncipal Council o.5 11,191 6 4
South Goa
Municipal 0.38 18,489 7 6.5
Muncipal Council 50 25,000 0.5 0.5
Muncipal Council 0.5 to 1 78,382 40 MT 39 MT
Vasco Muncipal
0.33 1,50,000 50 45
Muncipal Council 0.16 11,901 2 1.85
Muncipal Council 0.23 9,000 2 1.5
Muncipal Council 2 tons/day 20,000 2 2
Source: Environmental Atlas of Goa 2007
1) The legal framework for solid waste management is already in place, (Municipal
solid wastes (Management and Handling) Rules 2000) whether it is for Municipal
Solid wastes, bio-medical waste, recycled plastics manufacture and usage,
industrial and hazardous waste, etc. It is now something that needs to be
addressed at the implementation end. It is here that the institutional framework
and the will to tackle the problem seem to be lacking.

2) The High Court of Mumbai, directed every city/village in Goa to identify its
own garbage site. The garbage at this site would then be treated through the
process of composting of biodegradable waste and recycling of non-
biodegradable waste after segregating the waste at source.

3) Various Municipalities have submitted site locations for landfill to the High Court
and the Panchayats need to follow. These submissions to the Court need to be
looked at by the TF to assess the identified sites. These sites need to be mapped to
ensure that they are environmentally sound locations. Thereafter two sites (one
for North and the other for South) would need to be identified at the District level
for a residual waste landfill (i.e. for waste which can neither be composted nor
recycled at the local level and would have to be transported to these sites).


1) Waste management needs to be addressed in all proposed developments such

as housing colonies, commercial developments, hotels, hospitals etc.
Approvals/licenses should be issued for all such new development only after
verifying that the system for disposal of the solid waste generated by the
proposed development is in place.

2) The TF will have to check on the plans for hazardous waste disposal from the
State Pollution Control Board and the plans for Medical/hospital waste from the
health department, to ensure that sites for such waste are also identified.
Currently at the village level it is incinerated, or dumped in fields or wells. This
practice needs to be stopped and regulated.

3) Slaughter waste is mostly biodegradable and is as hazardous as medical waste as

the entire waste will be infectious even if contaminated slightly by pathogens.
There is no organized system in place for disposal of solid waste in most of the
slaughter houses in Goa. Usual practice is that the entire solid waste is collected
and disposed off as landfill.

4) With the present situation of villages being unable to identify solid waste
management sites industrial estates having empty plots or sick units, waste
management centers can be setup within the industrial estates to cater to the
needs of the surrounding villages.

Policies and Spatial Controls:

1) Landfill sites at taluka level (one for each taluka) need to be identified
2) Segregation at source has to be compulsory
3) Treatment of biodegradable waste and recycling of non-biodegradable
waste should be done at the settlement (town and village) levels.
4) A state-wide waste monitoring and awareness agency needs to be set up
5) Medical waste needs to be addressed and methods prescribed and strictly
6) Slaughter waste needs to be addressed and methods prescribed and
strictly enforced.


Mapping is an important aspect of planning. In order to make the process of

planning more transparent and participatory, this Regional Plan, RPG-21, is
mapped at State, District and Taluka Levels. This will have to be followed by
local level planning will have to be done at more detailed scales. The scales of
maps are to be as given below:

a) Goa State level Plan 1: 1,00,000 scale

b) District Level Plans 1: 50,000 scale
c) Taluka level Plans 1: 25,000 scale
d) Settlement Level Maps 1: 5,000 scale
(Village Panchayat or town)
e) Ward Level Plans 1: 2,000 scale

The regional plan proposals as shown on the Taluka level Maps would have to
be detailed out at the Settlement Level.

An extensive mapping exercise has been undertaken as preparation towards the

Regional Plan and the existing maps have been digitised. Further, these have
been linked to land survey records wherever possible.

The Settlement area Plans will be further detailed and will have demarcated on it
all Settlement level land uses i.e. lands that can be developed and those that are
eco-sensitive and hence non-developable. Further the ward plans would be to
greater levels of detail through public participation.

In this RPG-21 exercise, the TF decided to broadly identify all lands in Goa that
are environmentally sensitive. Such lands are shown as Eco-Sensitive Zones. This
includes Forest lands, mangroves, all water bodies, slopes of 25% and greater, wet
agricultural lands, khazan lands and the like which need conservation.
Once all eco-sensitive areas that need conservation are mapped, development
landuses can then be indicated in the remaining areas, to the extent feasible and
in consultation with the Settlement stake holders.

It is planned to use the latest technologies of satellite imageries of 60 cms resolution

and/or Google earth professional to achieve the desired accuracy at Taluka level and
Settlement level maps.

The maps included in this Interim Report are for reference only and
shall not be usable for any legal purposes since the contents are
only indicative.


1. Existing Situation:
Goas environment is under pressure due to promotional development.
The fragility of Goas environment is clearly indicated by the fact that a little over
50% of Goas land area (1853.45 sq kms) is under Environmentally sensitive
zones as per the Pollution Control Boards Environmental Atlas of Goa, 2007.
Since RPG-21 was to expressly address itself to the issues arising out of
developmental pressures on the environment, it was decided to first and
foremost identify clearly the areas that needed conservation in the State. To this
end, a mapping exercise was undertaken to map the various environmentally
sensitive areas in the State.

2. Spatial Controls
The Task Force has classified Goas environmentally sensitive areas into 2 zones-
a) Eco-sensitive Zone I and b) Eco-sensitive Zone II. Refer Map 6: Eco-

3. Eco-sensitive Zone I (ESZ -1)

1. Eco-Sensitive Zone I includes all areas rich in bio-diversity that need
conservation. These will be no-development zones. Within ESZ-I no
development will be allowed that endangers the health of the environment.
ESZ-I includes :
(i) Forest lands a) Protected Forests
b) Reserved forests
c) Private Forests

8 The Pollution Control Board has identified Environmentally sensitive zones as follows:
a. Areas with Biological Diversity
i) Reserved Forests ii)Protected Forests ( National Park and Wildlife Sanctuaries), iii) Turtle
Nesting Grounds
(Morjim, Galgibag and Agonda), iv) Coral Reefs (found at St. Georges Island), v)
Estuarine Crocodiles (Cumbharjua canal), vi) Mangroves, vii)Wetlands (Carambolim,
Chorao, Pilar, Verna, Rumbrem, Raiche-Tolem, Curtorim)
b. Areas with Sensitive land uses
i) Public water supply areas from surface water bodies, ii)World Heritage Site,
iii)Monuments of National
Significance, iv) Sacred Groves ( 9 of them identified), v) Agricultural Research
Stations, vi) Command area of irrigation projects, vii) High physiography areas,
vii)Airports, viii) Coastal Regulatory Zones
(ii) Water Bodies a) Rivers/Rivulets
b) Natural Springs
c) Tanks and water bodies
(iii) Mangrove forests
(iv) All lands with slopes of 25% and above.
Slope calculation on any plot of land will be as per actual slope of the
land, not average slope.
(v) Khazan Lands
(vi) Natural Heritage Sites:
a) Sacred Groves (Devrais)
b) Settlement Natural Reserves: These are
essential to the health of the settlement
areas and include Aguada Plateau and
Baga Hill
c) State Parks: Areas that are to be preserved
as pristine areas not to be despoilt by
development and include unspoilt beaches
and hills like Chandranath Hill.
d) All areas demarcated as CRZ-I as per CRZ
(vii) Lands that need to be regenerated: These include all inactive/ closed/
dormant mines and mining wastelands and dumps.

2. In addition to the above, there are other areas with biodiversity that also need
conservation but are difficult to map due to their unclear boundaries as
i) Bio-diversity hotspots like the Turtle Nesting sites and Estuarine
Crocodile habitats *
ii) Coral Reef* and underwater/marine biodiversity areas
iii) Sand Dunes

9 (items from Environmental Atlas of Goa

4. Eco-Sensitive Zone II (ESZ-II)
1. Eco-Sensitive Zone II includes areas that need to be protected from
indiscriminate development, which would otherwise cause irrevocable
damage to the environment as under:
i) Coastal areas (currently under CRZ regulations except CRZ-I areas)
ii) River banks (currently under CRZ regulations except CRZ-I areas)
iii) Agricultural lands: a) Cultivable lands
b) Orchards (Kullagars)
c) Social Forestry Areas
iv) Saltpans
v) Net command areas of Irrigation Projects: This is to include all areas
within the Gross Command Areas of the Irrigation Project excluding the areas within
the existing settlement fence as per RP 2001 and all new settlement areas that will in
future be included in the Settlement Fence.
Goa Shipyard Association and Barge Owner Association
Goa Shipyard Association detailed about the kind of activities carried out by
the shipyard and the difficulties faced by them. They requested that the
shipyard are existing for last 3 decades which are not yet shown as Industrial
zones needs to be classified as Industrial zone. They suggested for a Marine
Industrial estates one at North one at south. They also suggested that
Government should provide 2, suitable location one at Mandovi river one at
Zuari are for fuelling station for Barges.

Goa Mineral Ore Export Association

The power point presentation giving details about the existing miners and
the area covered under mines. He informed that mining leases occupied
about 8% of the total geographical areas out of only 2% is under active
mining operation. The Fe contents of Goan iron ore is generally in between
50 to 55% which is not marketable. To make it marketable it is required to
remove gangue minerals by way of beneficiation. It was also brought to the
notice of the task force that some of the Beneficiation plant and other related
activities carried out outside lease areas outside such needs to be earmarked.
He also provided the details of other ancillary activities which are depend on
mining activities. The Goa Mineral Ore Export Association is
also concern towards environment and social sectors. The Mineral
Foundation of Goa is doing the work in these areas. In last it is submitted
that Minerals are site specific, Needs to be mined to bo put in use. All
mining leases and the mineral rich areas to be demarcated as mineralised
zones. All sites used for ancillary activities such as beneficiation plan,
workshop, jetties, ship repair dry doc etc. to be demarcated in the regional

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