Food Control
Food Control
Food Control
Food Control
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Article history: The effectiveness in the assurance of fresh vegetable microbiological quality of wash solutions containing
Received 4 July 2007 200 ppm free chlorine, 0.1 mg/ml benzalkonium chloride, 0.2% and 1% lactic acid was assessed on Esch-
Received in revised form 14 May 2008 erichia coli O157:H7 and Yersinia enterocolitica contaminated lettuce and tomatoes. Y. enterocolitica reduc-
Accepted 20 May 2008
tion on tomatoes (5.08, 4.77 and 4.21 log after 0.2% lactic acid, 200 ppm chlorine and 0.1 mg/ml
benzalkonium chloride treatments, respectively) were signicantly higher than those for Y. enterocolitica
on lettuce and E. coli O157:H7 on both vegetables. Antimicrobial treatment effects on bacterial counts
and product quality after subsequent 7 day storage (4 C and 22 C) were determined. No pathogens were
found in natural microora of fresh vegetables.
Fresh vegetables 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0956-7135/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L.d.C. Velzquez et al. / Food Control 20 (2009) 262268 263
Quaternary ammonium compounds may provide effective appropiate dilutions of each suspension on duplicate TSA plates.
treatment in bacterial removal without affecting the structural To prepare the two-strain Y. enterocolitica cocktail, equal portions
integrity of produce. The mode of action of these compounds of TSB cultures of both Y. enterocolitica strains were combined to
against bacterial cells involves a general perturbation of lipid bi- give a nal concentration of 8.78 log 0.27 log cfu/ml. The nal
layer membranes. At low concentrations, they are bacteriostatic concentration of the E. coli O157:H7 inoculum was 8.56 0.55
and at high concentrations, they are bactericidal (Houari & Di Mar- log cfu/ml.
tino, 2007). In this group, benzalkonium chloride is a synthetic
antimicrobial agent widely used as a disinfectant in processing 2.3. Sample collection
lines and surfaces in the food industry, as clinical disinfectant
and antiseptic in health care facilities and domestic households Fresh whole tomatoes of a variety locally known as pear toma-
and as antimicrobial preservative in drugs (Mangalappalli-Illathu toes (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) weighing 150190 g each and
& Korber, 2006). Its surfactant ability provides a great capacity to free of external defects and wounds, and recently harvested lettuce
penetrate and adhere to porous surfaces. plants (Lactuca sativa) were purchased in local retail groceries.
The potential of organic acids to reduce populations of microor- They were not washed or sanitized before being used in experi-
ganisms on fresh vegetables has been previously emphasized. ments. Fresh lettuce leaves weighing between 11 and 14 g each
Their inhibiting effect is based on their pKa, the antimicrobial activ- were selected for washing procedures after discarding three or four
ity of their non-dissociated form, and the specic effects of each outer leaves of plants. Uninoculated tomatoes and lettuce leaves
acid. Less direct antibacterial activities include interference with were separated for estimation of total aerobic bacteria, total and
nutrient transport, cytoplasm membrane damage resulting in leak- fecal coliforms and pathogens in natural microora. A total of
age, disruption of outer membrane permeability, and inuence on one hundred and eighty tomatoes and forty lettuce plants were
macromolecular synthesis (Ricke, 2003). Different concentrations used in the present study. Produce were purchased the same day
of lactic acid alone or in combination with other chemicals have of experiment, stored at 4 C for a short time and brought to room
been shown to be effective in the elimination of bacterial patho- temperature (22 2 C) before inoculation.
gens (Akbas & Olmez, 2007).
This study was aimed at comparing the effectiveness of various
2.4. Sample inoculation
sanitizing agents (sodium hypochlorite, benzalkonium chloride
and lactic acid) in the reduction of E. coli O157:H7 and Y. enterocol-
Ten lettuce leaves or whole tomatoes per microorganism were
itica from surface inoculated lettuce and tomatoes and the effects
used in each experiment. Groups of three or four samples (whole
of these antimicrobial treatments on microbial counts and product
lettuce leaves or tomatoes) were submerged in a container with
quality after subsequent storage of produce. Natural microora of
2 l of standardized inocula of each microorganism and gently agi-
uncontaminated and untreated vegetables was analysed for counts
tated for 2 min at 22 C. Samples were removed and placed in a
of mesophilic aerobes and molds and yeasts, estimation of total
sterile container for 12 h for drying at 25 C to facilitate bacterial
and fecal coliforms and detection of spoilage and pathogenic
2.7. Bacterial counts on contaminated samples at 37 C. After enrichment, samples were surface spread on Baird
Parker agar. Black colonies surrounded by a circular transparent
In order to perform counts of remaining pathogen populations zone were selected for Gram staining and catalase and coagulase
on washed and rinsed vegetables, each sample was placed in a tests. P. aeruginosa was detected by enriching samples in aspara-
sterile plastic bag with 20 ml of Dey-Engley neutralizing broth gine broth for 5 days at 22 C and plating on cetrimide and milk
(DE, Merck) and agitated for 1 min to detach bacteria. This suspen- agar media. Bacterial growth with uorescent green pigment was
sion was serially diluted in DE broth and spread plated on TSA and indicative of P. aeruginosa presence.
on SMC or MC agar. Counts were reported as log cfu/tomato or log
cfu/lettuce leaf. Counts of remaining pathogen cells in wash liquids 2.9. Statistical analysis
were performed as described. Organism conrmation was carried
out at random for one or two typical colonies from one plate per Three replications of each experiment were performed on dif-
experiment using Gram stain and standard biochemical tests. For ferent days. Means of plate counts were analysed for differences
stored samples, produce were contaminated and treated as de- in response to sanitizing treatments by analysis of variance with
scribed above. The bags were sealed and stored in refrigerator Statistix version 3.5 software and Students t test. Statistical calcu-
(4 C) or in a culture chamber (22 C) for 7 days. After storage, lations were based on condence level equal or higher than 95%
counts of bacterial populations on produce were performed as de- (p 6 0.05 was considered statistically signicant). The reductions
scribed below. Quality of vegetables was assessed by visual exam- of the initial counts for each treated group were calculated as the
ination, taste and odour. difference: [log cfu per vegetable(non treated group) log cfu per veg-
etable(treated group)] on TSA. For each treated group, bacterial counts
2.8. Natural microora of vegetables obtained after 7 day storage at 4 C and 22 C were compared to
corresponding counts obtained on day 0 immediately after sanitiz-
The microbial quality of vegetables was assessed by performing ing. The variations of bacterial populations on produce were esti-
counts of total mesophilic aerobes and molds and yeasts, estima- mated as
tion of total and fecal coliforms, and investigation of indigenous
log cfu per vegetableday 7
Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, Y. enterocolitica, Pseudomonas aerugin-
osa and S. aureus. Twenty ve grams of shredded lettuce leaves log cfu per vegetableday 0 treatment; temperature
were submerged into 225 ml of 0.1% peptone water pH 7.2 (PW,
Merck) and homogenized in a stomacher (IUL Masticator, Konings-
winter, Germany) for 1 min. Tomatoes were individually placed in 3. Results and discussion
sterile plastic bags containing 225 ml PW and hand rubbed for
2 min. Serial decimal dilutions were prepared in PW and 0.1 ml 3.1. Natural microora
of each dilution were spread in duplicate on plate count agar
(PCA, Merck) and oxytetracyclin-glucose-yeast extract agar (OGY, Table 1 shows the results of microbiological analysis of uncon-
Merck) for counts of mesophilic aerobes and molds and yeasts, taminated and untreated lettuce and tomatoes. Although aerobic
respectively. Total and fecal coliforms were investigated by the plate counts reported in fresh produce can range between 104
three-tube Most Probable Number (MPN) procedure in Mac Con- and 106 cfu/g (Lopez, Romero, & Duarte, 2003; Nascimento et al.,
key broth at 37 C for 48 h. Presumptive results of total coliforms 2003), in the present study mesophilic aerobic counts from lettuce
were conrmed in brilliant green lactose broth (BGLB, Merck) at exceeded 7 log cfu/g, with high levels of total coliforms also
35 C for 24 h. Results of fecal coliforms were conrmed in EC observed. In contrast, low levels of fecal coliforms were detected
broth at 44.5 C for 24 h, and isolations were performed on Eosin on lettuce and negative results were obtained on tomatoes. Our
Methylene Blue agar (EMB, Merck). Suspect E. coli colonies were results were similar to values for total coliforms (3.25 log cfu/g)
studied by Gram staining and biochemical tests. and E. coli (1.64 log cfu/g) reported for lettuce by Nascimento
Presence of pathogens was investigated by submerging 25 g of et al. (2003) and higher than values reported by Johnston et al.
shredded lettuce leaves or whole tomatoes in 225 ml of enrich- (2006), who observed 1.21.3 log cfu/g for total coliforms and 0.7
ment broth according to the following protocols. Salmonella spp log cfu/g for E. coli in samples obtained during the packaging of lea-
was detected by seeding samples in peptone buffered water (pH fy greens of domestic and Mexican origin. Among pathogens, no
7.1, PBW) and incubation for 24 h at 37 C. One-ml aliquots were Salmonella spp were detected by Nascimento et al. (2003) and only
transferred into two tubes with 9 ml of tetrathionate broth and 1% of L. monocytogenes positive produce was reported by Johnston
two tubes with 9 ml of Rappaport broth. One tube of each selective et al. (2006). Pathogens were not detected in the natural microora
broth was incubated 24 h at 37 C and the other one was incubated of vegetables analysed in our study.
24 h at 42.5 C. Loopfulls were streaked on bismuth sulte agar and
suspect colonies were examined by Gram staining and tested by
biochemical and serological tests. E. coli O157:H7 was detected Table 1
by incubating samples in EC broth for 2 h at 25 C. After supple- Investigation of natural microora on uncontaminated and untreated lettuce leaves
and tomatoes
menting with 20 mg/L sodium novobiocin (Sigma Chemicals, St.
Louis, MO) and 1.12 g/L bile salts (Merck), enrichment continued Lettuce log cfu/g Tomatoes log cfu/tomato
at 37 C for 18 h. After isolation on Sorbitol Mac Conkey agar Mesophilic aerobes 7.30 0.25 5.87 0.10
(SMC, Merck) at 37 C for 24 h, sorbitol non-fermenting colonies Molds and yeasts 4.60 0.17 4.90 0.21
were studied. Challenge against O157 antiserum and PCR for Total coliforms >3.04 >3.04
Fecal coliforms 1.06 ND
examination of the stx1, stx2 and rfbO genes were available for con-
Salmonella spp ND ND
rmation. Y. enterocolitica was detected by enrichment of samples E. coli O157:H7 ND ND
in phosphate buffered saline pH 7.6 (PBS) added with 1% sorbitol Y. enterocolitica ND ND
and 0.15% bile salts and stored 21 days at 4 C. After isolating on S. aureus ND ND
MC agar for 48 h at 2225 C, presumptive Yersinia colonies were P. aeruginosa ND ND
subjected to Gram staining and biochemical tests. S. aureus was de- n = 6 (number of samples).
tected by placing vegetables in brain heart infusion broth for 24 h ND: not detected.
L.d.C. Velzquez et al. / Food Control 20 (2009) 262268 265
3.2 Inoculated samples jor role in bacterial attachment to plant tissue (Burnett & Beuchat,
2001). Detergents may offer a way to disrupt such interactions and
As known, the initial attachment sites for plant pathogens are rinse pathogens off surfaces more readily from vegetable surfaces
often protected areas on produce such as the stomata, broken tric- (Raiden, Sumner, Eifert, & Pierson, 2003). The sanitizing activity
homes, and wounds or cracks in the cuticle layer. The role of fac- of benzalkonium chloride on planktonic cells and biolms has been
tors such as hydrophobic interactions, bacterial surface charge, previously studied (Houari & Di Martino, 2007; Romanova, Gaw-
the presence/absence of mbriae and exocellular polysaccharides ande, Brovko, & Grifths, 2007). In this study, pathogens likely
as well as duration of exposure and inoculum level in bacterial unprotected by an exopolymeric matrix were susceptible to effects
attachment to the vegetable surface has been investigated with by this chemical. Y. enterocolitica and E. coli O157:H7 populations
contradictory results (Solomon & Matthews, 2006). Curli bers, a on 0.1 mg/ml benzalkonium chloride treated tomatoes were re-
type of extracellular protein, are produced by some E. coli cells duced by 4.21 and 2.06 log, respectively, as compared to controls
and it is not known whether their expression inuences the cells (Tables 2 and 3). The rst value was better than 2 log reductions
ability to attach to produce surfaces (Boyer et al., 2007). The role in total aerobic counts estimated by Lopez et al. (2003) from water
of YadA, an adhesin expressed by virulence plasmid bearing washed and 100 ppm benzalkonium chloride sanitized pre-cut
Y. enterocolitica strains, and other surface moeities in the attach- Chilean vegetables. The Argentine Food Code (http://www.anmat.-
ment of this pathogen to plant tissue has not been reported. includes no regulations related to the
Moreover, growth of microorganisms can result in the formation use of this sanitizer on foods.
of biolms (Burnett & Beuchat, 2001). Although a low level of Lactic acid at concentrations between 0.3% and 4% has demon-
pathogens such as Y. enterocolitica and E. coli O157:H7 may be strated to be effective in the in vitro reduction of Y. enterocolitica
initially found on naturally contaminated vegetables, sufcient (Virto, Sanz, Alvarez, Condon, & Raso, 2005). Akbas and Olmez
time and appropriate environmental conditions may allow patho- (2007) obtained maximal reductions of about 2 log cfu/g and
gens to grow to populations exceeding 107 CFU/g of vegetable, 1.5 log cfu/g for E. coli and L. monocytogenes respectively, after
which is similar to the initial Y. enterocolitica and E. coli O157:H7 treatment of fresh-cut iceberg lettuce dipped in 0.5% lactic acid.
inocula used in this work. In our work, a lactic acid concentration as low as 0.2% was assayed
The efcacy of the wash treatments seemed to be related to sur- to avoid alterations of vegetables appearance, smell or odour. This
face characteristics of vegetables and the antimicrobial susceptibil- concentration gave 5.08 log reductions of Y. enterocolitica on toma-
ity of each species. The Y. enterocolitica and E. coli reduction range toes (Table 2). In contrast, 1% lactic acid produced only 1.71 log cfu
obtained with water washes after treatment of both vegetables reductions of E. coli O157:H7 on lettuce (Table 5).
was 0.182.29 log on TSA. This range includes values reported by Selective plating media inhibit the recovery of stressed patho-
Wright, Sumner, Hackney, Pierson, and Zuecklein (2000), who found genic cells. Therefore, higher bacterial counts observed on TSA than
that water treatment of E. coli O157:H7 inoculated apples decreased on MC or SMC could be attributed to the recovery of injured bacte-
bacterial populations by 1.1 log, and by Sapers and Jones (2006), who rial cells by TSA but not by these selective media.
reached population reductions of <1 log after immersion of E. coli The analysis of wash liquids revealed the presence of remaining
NRRL B-766 inoculated tomatoes in water after vigorous agitation. viable Y. enterocolitica and E. coli O157:H7 cells at levels ranging
The exposure of fresh fruits and vegetables to 1002000 ppm between 1.35 and 4.87 log cfu/ml. The reduction of microorgan-
chlorine has been shown to decrease microbial populations by isms in wash and rinse water is important in the prevention of
approximately 24 log. Rodgers et al. (2004) reported that cross-contamination from other produce items, washing surfaces,
200 ppm chlorine after 5 min exposure reduced E. coli O157:H7 and the hands of the washer (Parnell & Harris, 2003).
and L. monocytogenes to undetectable levels on apples, lettuce, The treated and contaminated produce were subsequently
strawberries and whole melons. In this study, the best reduction stored for 7 days at 4 C and 22 C in order to study the effects of
produced by this chemical was 4.77 log for Y. enterocolitica on sanitizing treatments on microbial counts and product quality.
tomatoes (Table 2). Variable bacterial regrowth was observed on treated and pathogen
A multilayer hydrophobic cuticle composed of cutin and amor- contaminated vegetables depending on the sanitizing treatment. Y.
phous wax molecules which covers the epidermis of fruits and veg- enterocolitica counts on treated and contaminated lettuce leaves
etables is considered responsible for the highly water-repellent signicantly increased by 1 to 3 log cfu per leaf after storage at
nature of plant surfaces. It has been suggested that hydrophobic 4 C and 22 C, respectively, when compared to values obtained
interactions between this epidermal layer and bacteria play a ma- immediately after sanitizing (Table 4). Under the same storage
Table 2
Recovery of Yersinia enterocolitica from contaminated tomato surfaces immediately after sanitizing treatments (day 0) and after 7 day storage at 4 C and 22 C (day 7)
TSA: trypticase soy agar, MC: Mac Conkey agar, chl: chlorine, BzC: benzalkonium chloride, LA: lactic acid.
Day 0: counts (log10 cfu/tomato) of Y. enterocolitica populations on untreated and treated tomatoes immediately after sanitizing.
Day 7: counts (log10 cfu/tomato) of Y. enterocolitica populations on untreated and treated tomatoes after 7 day storage at 4 C and 22 C.
Values with different capital letters within the same column differ signicantly (p 6 0.05).
Values with different lower letters within the same row differ signicantly (p 6 0.05).
The statistical analysis were performed for a 95% condence level.
266 L.d.C. Velzquez et al. / Food Control 20 (2009) 262268
Table 3
Recovery of E. coli O157:H7 from contaminated tomato surfaces immediately after sanitizing treatments (day 0) and after 7 day storage at 4 C and 22 C (day 7)
TSA: trypticase soy agar, SMC: Sorbitol Mac Conkey agar, chl: chlorine, BzC: benzalkonium chloride, LA: lactic acid.
Day 0: counts (log10 cfu/tomato) of E. coli O157:H7 populations on untreated and treated tomatoes immediately after sanitizing.
Day 7: counts (log10 cfu/tomato) of E. coli O157:H7 populations on untreated and treated tomatoes after 7 day storage at 4 C and 22 C.
Values with different capital letters within the same column differ signicantly (p 6 0.05).
Values with different lower letters within the same row differ signicantly (p 6 0.05).
The statistical analysis were performed for a 95% condence level.
Table 4
Recovery of Yersinia enterocolitica from contaminated lettuce leaves immediately after sanitizing treatments (day 0) and after 7 day storage at 4 C and 22 C (day 7)
TSA: trypticase soy agar, MC: Mac Conkey agar, chl: chlorine, BzC: benzalkonium chloride, LA: lactic acid.
Day 0: counts (log10 cfu/tomato) of Y. enterocolitica populations on untreated and treated tomatoes immediately after sanitizing.
Day 7: counts (log10 cfu/tomato) of Y. enterocolitica populations on untreated and treated tomatoes after 7 day storage at 4 C and 22 C.
Values with different capital letters within the same column differ signicantly (p 6 0.05).
Values with different lower letters within the same row differ signicantly (p 6 0.05).
The statistical analysis were performed for a 95% condence level.
conditions, bacterial loads on sanitized Y. enterocolitica contami- rine sanitized tomatoes remained without signicant changes
nated tomatoes showed increases by 3.6 to 4 log cfu at 4 C and (<1 log cfu) after 7 day-storage at both temperatures (Table 3).
22 C, respectively. The lowest bacterial regrowth corresponded The inability of sanitizers to totally remove or eliminate the patho-
to 0.2% LA treated tomatoes stored for 7 days at 4 C (Table 2). gens from vegetable surfaces evidenced by the subsequent micro-
On the other hand, bacterial counts on sanitized and E. coli bial growth after storage, as observed in the present work, suggests
O157:H7 contaminated lettuce and tomatoes grew up to 3 and the possibility that any pathogenic surviving cells might be lodged
4 log cfu at 4 C and 22 C, respectively, after 7 day-storage in protected sites on vegetable surface or within pre-existing
depending on the sanitizing treatment. On lettuce, the lowest bac- biolms.
terial regrowth was observed for benzalkonium chloride treated Nonpathogenic bacteria can constitute biolm communities on
group at 4 C (Table 5). Interestingly, E. coli O157:H7 levels on chlo- common salad vegetables (including tomatoes and lettuce) and
Table 5
Recovery of E. coli O157:H7 from contaminated lettuce leaves immediately after sanitizing treatments (day 0) and after 7 day storage at 4 C and 22 C (day 7)
TSA: trypticase soy agar, SMC: Sorbitol Mac Conkey agar, chl: chlorine, BzC: benzalkonium chloride, LA: lactic acid.
Day 0: counts (log10 cfu/tomato) of E. coli O157:H7 populations on untreated and treated tomatoes immediately after sanitizing.
Day 7: counts (log10 cfu/tomato) of E. coli O157:H7 populations on untreated and treated tomatoes after 7 day storage at 4 C and 22 C.
Values with different capital letters within the same column differ signicantly (p 6 0.05).
Values with different lower letters within the same row differ signicantly (p 6 0.05).
The statistical analysis were performed for a 95% condence level.
L.d.C. Velzquez et al. / Food Control 20 (2009) 262268 267
then, potentially pathogenic microorganisms might become tributed to avoid signicant alterations in the product quality. San-
sequestered and protected within these biolms (Donlan, 2002; itizing treatments assayed in this study might be effective in the
Rayner, Veeh, & Flood, 2004). A number of reports have been pub- reduction of E. coli O157:H7 and Y. enterocolitica populations on
lished on the persistence of several foodborne pathogens such as Y. vegetables depending on the inoculum size, type of vegetable
enterocolitica and E. coli O157:H7 in biolms (Ganesh Kumar & and the time elapsed between sanitizing and consumption.
Anand, 1998). In contrast to planktonic cells, bacterial biolms
on plant surfaces exhibit an increased resistance to sanitizers and Acknowledgements
detergents. This resistance has been attributed to various proper-
ties associated with the biolm such as reduced diffusion, physio- We thank to Drs. I. Chinen (National Institute of Infectious Dis-
logical changes due to reduced growth rates and the production of eases, Buenos Aires, Argentina) and G.I. Favier (General Microbiol-
enzymes degrading antimicrobial substances (Ganesh Kumar & ogy, Faculty of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmacy, National
Anand, 1998). Given adequate environmental conditions, sub-leth- University of San Luis, Argentina) for providing E. coli O157:H7
ally injured cells can grow if provided with nutrients (Romanova et and Y. enterocolitica B2 O:9 strains, respectively. This work was
al., 2007). funded by Department of Science and Technology of National Uni-
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storage. Lettuce leaves and tomatoes stored at 4 C showed accept-
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