Isolation and Identification of Fungi From Fast Food Restaurants in Langa Bazar
Isolation and Identification of Fungi From Fast Food Restaurants in Langa Bazar
Isolation and Identification of Fungi From Fast Food Restaurants in Langa Bazar
Abstract A total of (218) samples from Eleven different Microbial spoilage is a major concern for so-called
foods were processed between October 2016 and February perishable foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, meats,
2017 which include (Tomato, Chicken meat, red meat, poultry, fish, bakery products, milk, and juices. Meat and
falafel, potato, bread, eggplant, cabbage, celery, cucumber dairy products, with their high nutritional value and the
and onion). Samples were collected from 4 different fast presence of easily metabolized carbohydrates, fats, and
food restaurants inoculated on Potato dextrose agar and proteins provide ideal environments for microbial spoilage
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar. Isolated fungus identified (3).
morphologically and microscopically in accordance with A wide variety of fungi, including species of Rhizopus,
standard procedures. Results showed that six fungal genera Alternaria, Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Botrytis spoil
were associated with the selected fast food restaurants. The foods. Since fungi grow readily in acidic as well as low-
isolated fungal genera were Aspergillus sp., Alternaria sp., moisture environments, fruits and breads are more likely to
Mucor sp., Rhizopus sp., Saccharomyces sp., Brettanomyces be spoiled by fungi than by bacteria. AspergillusFlavus
sp. The number of total colonies in October were 236 and in infects peanuts and other grains, producing aflatoxin, a
February were 119 and the number of colonies were higher potent carcinogen monitored by the food and drug
when cultured on Potato dextrose agar than Sabouraud Administration (4).
Dextrose Agar. There was variation in the pattern of The factors that affect microbial growth in food and
occurrence of the fungus in fast foods Aspergillus sp. constantly the association that develop also determine the
appears to be the most pathogenic fungi that present in the nature of spoilage and any health risks posed for
food samples. convenience they can be divided into four groups Intrinsic
Keywords Fungus, Fast food restaurants, Food factors Intrinsic factors of a food include nutrients, growth
spoilage. factors, and inhibitors or (antimicrobials), water activity,
pH, and oxidationreduction potential. The inuence of
I. INTRODUCTION each factor on growth in a food system the factors are
Food spoilage is any change in the appearance, smell, or present together and exert effects on microbial growth in
taste of a food product that makes it unacceptable to the combination, either favorably or adversely (5,6). , Extrinsic
consumer. Spoiled food may still be safe to eat, but is factors Which include environmental factors like
generally regarded as unpalatable and will not be purchased temperature, Relative humidity and gases, Implicate factors
or readily consumed. Food spoilage causes losses to Include Specific growth, Synergism, Antagonism and
producers, distributors, and consumers in the form of commensalism competition among the microorganism that
reduced quality and quantity and higher prices (1). Another cause changes of physical and chemical structure of the
case of spoilage could be that the nutrients (e.g. vitamin food and spoiled the food (7,8,9).and Processing factors
content) in the food have deteriorated to the point that the Include the tools with slaughtering and cutting the water
food product no longer meets its declared nutritional value. which use in washing, vehicles which are used in
The time it takes for a food product to reach one of these transporting, and retail market (8).
spoilage conditions is generally termed the products shelf-
life potential food spoilage microorganisms include Food-borne illness by fungi:
bacteria, fungi (mold and yeast), viruses, and parasites.(2). A food-borne illness occurs when a person becomes ill after
Action by microorganisms is a common means of food eating or drinking contaminated foods or beverages.
spoilage and the most common cause of foodborne illness. Nothing that we eat or drink is completely pure, and many