STAT 3008 Outline
STAT 3008 Outline
STAT 3008 Outline
Instructor: Professor CHEUNG Siu Hung [Lady Shaw Building 117, phone (off.): 39437928]
Time and Venue (Lecture): Tuesday 1:30-2:15pm [Lady Shaw Building LT1]
Thursday 1:30-3:15pm [Lady Shaw Building LT1]
The course introduces regression methodologies. Topics include the use of correlation coefficient as a
measure of relationship, the use of simple linear regression, multiple regression and logistic regression in
projection and forecasting, as well as the use of model building techniques to incorporate qualitative
variables in prediction.
2. Learning outcomes
a) learn the essential skills in estimation and statistical inference using linear regression models,
b) employ appropriate techniques in regression model building,
c) understand the procedures of applying regression analysis to real datasets in practical problems,
d) become familiar with the SPSS statistical software (the regression module),
e) be able to use the regression model for prediction and forecasting.
3. Pre-requisites
4. Course Content
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STAT3008 Course Outline
4. Learning activities
5. Assessment Scheme
Students comments and feedback are valuable for improving the course, and students are welcome to
provide comments and feedback via various channels. Mid-term course evaluation and course evaluation
will be conducted for the course. For comments that require immediate action, please send to Professor
SH CHEUNG directly via e-mail ( or to the teaching assistants.
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STAT3008 Course Outline
8. Course schedule
Remark: The exact schedule for assignments will be announced in class and in the course website.
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STAT3008 Course Outline
You may use the University e-learning platform to access course information and course materials. The
website is managed by the University. Should you have enquiry on the system, please contact Mr. Julian
Wong ( by e-mail. Should you have comments on the course content, please
contact Professor SH CHEUNG directly ( or contact the teaching assistant.
For students easy reference, lecture notes have been prepared in the format of power point files
or pdf files. Students can download the files from the University e-learning platform: Blackboard
Videos that demonstrate the use of SPSS can be downloaded from university Blackboard Learn.
Students will be able to view these files with Internet Explorer.
(3) Assignments
All assignments and their due dates will be posted on the University e-learning platform:
Blackboard Learn.
Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to
the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and
regulations. Details may be found at .
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