Operational Risk
Operational Risk
Operational Risk
indicators (KRIs)
Importance of KRIs
KRIs play an important role in risk management by predicting potential
high risk areas and enabling timely action.
KRIs enable firms to:
Regulatory expectations
To qualify to use the Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA) to
calculate operational risk capital under Basel II, the Basel Committee
on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has specified detailed criteria for the
use of forward-looking measures. The choice of each factor needs to
be justified as a meaningful driver of risk and whenever possible, and
the factors should be translatable into quantitative measures that lend
themselves to verification. The sensitivity of a firms risk estimates to
changes in the factors and the relative weighting of the various factors
need to be well reasoned.
KRI roadmap
Below is a high-level roadmap for establishing a KRI framework:
KRI processes
KRI identification
KRI selection
Setting thresholds
Risk mitigation plans (RMPs) should be set for High risk items.
Risk management
o Reporting/Escalation of breaches
o Identify Trends
Business units
o Identify KRIs
o Set thresholds
o Monitor positions
The potential challenges of establishing an effective KRI framework
Some of the identified risks can be measured continuously on the basis of defined KRI (Key Risk
Indicators) and defined dashboards, based on the existing data in IT systems. This is a more optimal
approach than an approach based on periodic, eg. an annual assessment of the identified risks
based on expert judgement only.
Continuous risk assessment enables ongoing reaction to the appearing deviations of the risk level
defined as acceptable for the entity and take appropriate action in a short time.