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Level: Grades (912)

Activity: 15

Building a Telescope
Lenses, Refraction

Objective Theory

The student will construct a simple In a telescope, the lens held next
refracting telescope and calculate the to your eye is called the eyepiece and
magnification. is usually a short focal length lens or
a combination of lenses. The lens at
the other end of the telescope is
called the objective lens. Light from
a distant object is focused by the
objective lens to form an image in
front of the eyepiece. The eyepiece
acts as a magnifier and enlarges that
image. The magnification of the
telescope can be found by dividing
the focal length of the objective by
Science and Mathematics Standards the focal length of the eyepiece.

Science Standards
 Science as Inquiry
 Physical Science
2 converging lenses (convex lenses)
Mathematics Standards telescoping tubes (mailing tubes)
 Problem Solving manila file folder
 Communication scissors
 Connection knife or saw
 Computation/Estimation glue
 Measurement 1 white poster board
red and black tape

Optics: An Educators Guide With Activities in Science and Mathematics EG-2000-10-64-MSFC 53

Procedures diameter of the lenses in the center
A B of the paper frame circle. Glue the
lenses to the center of the frame. The

Light, Color, and Their Uses

shorter focal length lens will be the
This telescope will be constructed eyepiece. Glue that framed lens to
using the same lenses that were used the end of the smaller tube. Glue the
in the experiment named, Focusing other framed lens to the end of the
Light With a Lens, page 49. larger tube.

1. The mailing tubes will be the body 3. Slide the two cardboard tubes
of the telescope with the smaller together. You have now assembled
one sliding inside the larger one. a simple refracting telescope. Look
The length of the assembled through the eyepiece of your
telescope will be a little longer than telescope and focus it on a distant
the sum of the focal lengths of the object. Slide the two cardboard
two lenses. Add the value of the tubes in and out until you have a
focal lengths of the short and long clear image. What do you observe?
lens together. Divide that length by
two and then add another inch. Cut 4. Use the red and black tape to make
both of the tubes to that length with stripes on the white posterboard
a knife or saw. (see illustration on page 55) to use
as a chart.
2. Use the scissors to cut out two circles
from the manila paper that are the
same size as the diameter of the Lens with longest
mailing tube. These circle frames focal length
will mount and center the lenses on
the tube. With a knife, cut out circles
(objective lens)
that are slightly smaller than the
Manila frame

mailing tube

Lens with shortest

focal length

Manila frame

54 Optics: An Educators Guide With Activities in Science and Mathematics EG-2000-10-64-MSFC

Observations, Data, and Conclusions

1. To compute the power or

magnification (M) of your telescope, Black
you will use the focal lengths Tape
computed in the experiment
Lenses, Refraction

named, Focusing Light With a

Poster Board
Lens, page 49. Insert the number
for each previously computed focal
length into the following equation: 4. Do you think the amount of
magnification observed through
M = power or magnification your telescope matched the
magnification you computed for
Fe = focal length of the eyepiece your telescope?

Fo = focal length of the objective 5. In observing objects through your

telescope, did the image appear
Fo clear?
M =
Fe 6. How was the observed image
The magnification of my telescope is
Comment: The useful magnification
of a telescope is limited by diffraction.
This diffraction limit is about 10 times
2. Evaluate your calculated magnification per inch of diameter of
magnification. Stand at one end of the objective lens.
the room and look at the chart with
red and white stripes, and black Example: an objective lens 2 inches in
and white stripes. Look directly diameter will provide a realistic
at the chart with one eye and look telescope power of 20 times.
through the telescope with the other
eye. This may be a little difficult at
first, but with a little practice you
will find that you can do it.

3. How much is the chart magnified?

Optics: An Educators Guide With Activities in Science and Mathematics EG-2000-10-64-MSFC 55

Junior Home Scientist

Light, Color, and Their Uses

Converging lenses can be found in
many of the everyday items we see in
our homes. How many can you find?
Here are a few examples: Paperweights,
fish bowls with water in them, bottoms
of soda bottles, etc.

Newtonian Reflector Telescope

Diagonal Mirror


Refractor Telescope


Parabolic Mirror

Objective Lens


Most astronomical telescopes are
reflectors. Objective mirrors are easier
to make than objective lenses. Large
mirrors are structurally easier to
design and less expensive to build
than large lenses.

56 Optics: An Educators Guide With Activities in Science and Mathematics EG-2000-10-64-MSFC

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