Asdasf Sdfa DFV
Asdasf Sdfa DFV
Asdasf Sdfa DFV
19:12, 21 SEP 2016
UPDATED08:28, 22 SEP 2016
(Image: Getty)
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As a child, were you told not to sit too close to the television?
"It will damage your eyes," your parents might've said.
But an eye specialist has debunked these ubiquitous notions so often bandied
Apparently, they're common myths, and there are different things we should be
worried about when trying to protect our eyesight.
(Image: Getty)
A new study by Optegra Eye Sciences of 2,000 people suggests that more than half
of us think they're true.
More than 50 per cent think wearing someone else's glasses will hurt their eyes, for
example, and 47 per cent believe sitting too close to the TV will have a harmful
Although there is no evidence to suggest that these are anything but old wives
tales, what is true is that people need to be aware of what does and doesnt have an
impact on their eye health in order to avoid long term vision problems," says Dr Clare
ODonnell, Head of Optegra Eye Sciences and registered optometrist.
Luckily, she has some helpful advice to keep your eyes in good shape...
About 61 per cent of respondents to the study admitted to staring at a computer
screen for extended periods without a break.
It's not the screen that's damaging, or sitting close to it it's not taking a break for
prolonged timesframes.
"Its crucial to take regular breaks from close-distance focusing and remember to
blink properly," she says.
Research found that a significant proportion of us worry about our eyes, yet many
don't care for them properly.
One thing that those who wear makeup should do is to remember to take it off before
going to bed, and to not share products with friends due to cross contamination.
Around 17 per cent of contact lens wearers admitted to Dr O'Donnell that they
sometimes wore them to bed. And many others used month-long lens for far longer.
(Image: Getty)
Dr ODonnell warns: We understand that with busy lifestyles, some practices fall by
the wayside but hygiene shouldnt be one of them.
So we need to remove eye make up at night, not share our eye make up and avoid
touching our eyes without washing and drying our hands."
Harsh sunlight can be hugely damaging to our eyes, according to Dr O'Donnell.
Apparently, just 36 per cent of people in the study realised than sunglasses aren't
just for vanity and being able to see better in sunlight, but also for health.
(Image: Getty)
Drinking excessive alcohol and maintaining a poor diet will also have a negative
impact, according to medical practitioners.
Eating foods such as blueberries, leafy vegetables and oily fish can help keep eyes
in good shape.
These are vital to detecting early signs of potential problems and should be
attended at least every two years unless advised otherwise."
10 Everyday Habits
That Are Hurting
Your Vision
Your eyesight is precious. Stop squandering it.
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How well you can see isn't really something you get to choose. Thanks to the
genetic lottery, we all end up with either perfect 20/20 vision, horrible eyesight that
is just begging for Lasik, or something in between.
While changes in eyesight are often out of our control, and is bound to deteriorate
as we age, there are some things we can do. Or, rather, not do. Without realizing
it, plenty of seemingly harmless habits could be negatively affecting your vision,"
Weslie Hamada, O.D., an optometrist and Johnson & Johnson R&D expert, tells
SELF. Whether its swimming in your contacts or lighting up for a smoke, there
are quite a few everyday activities that could leave you with dry, itchy eyes,
infections, or worse. The problem (beyond discomfort) is that neglecting your eye
health can impact your eyesight in the long term.
Here are the things you should stop doing ASAP to help keep your peepers as
healthy as possible.
6. Smoking
In ophthalmology, [smoking] is associated with a higher risk of cataracts and age-
related macular degeneration which, ultimately affects your vision, Ciralzky says.
The National Eye Instituteexplains age-related macular degeneration as damage to
a small spot on your retina, which is used for sharp, central vision. When this part
of the retina begins to deteriorate, so does your vision. Unfortunately, this is the
leading cause of vision loss among people over 50, and smoking actually doubles
your risk of developing the condition.
The eye health may not be something that you think about on a regular basis.
You know not to poke it but do you consider how your diet or your lifestyle
can affect it? It is possible that you wont think about it until you start to lose
your vision or have other health problems.
Well, now is the perfect time to start thinking about your eye health. The
things you do in your 20s and 30s will have a full effect on what happens in
your 60s and 70s. You can prevent numerous eye problems and help to save
your vision for retirement and beyond.
Heres all you need to know about how to keep your eye healthy. Well list
the dos and donts to help improve your health.
DO Eat Plenty of Lutein
and Beta Carotene
Its time to look at the nutrients that you get from your food. Were not saying
that you have to give up on chocolate and refined sugar, but we are saying
that its best to cut down on them. You want to get more food that has lutein
and beta-carotene. These are two types of proteins that are essential for the
eye health.
You may have heard that carrots will help you see in the dark. Well, while
they dont give you night vision they do improve your eyesight because of
the beta carotene in them. Anything orange will have beta carotene, but
carrots are the best.
Lutein has been proven scientifically to help reduce the chances of
developing cataracts and macular degeneration disease. If you do develop
them or have started to develop them some eye diseases can start in your
40s then getting more lutein can help to stall the development of them.
You can keep most of your vision and prevent expensive eye appointments.
You can get both of these in apricots, carrots, sweet potatoes, and even
butter real butter, not margarine!
DO Get Plenty of
Vitamins A and C
Like with the beta-carotene and lutein, you want to add more vitamins A and
C to your diet.
Lets start with vitamin A. This is the vitamin that supports the repair of your
cells. Your eyes have cells, just like the rest of your body. They become
damaged, and they will die naturally. What you want to do is boost your
intake of vitamin A to make sure that the cells repair well and grow back
without damage. The vitamin A will also help to protect the other tendons
and ligaments within the eye.
As for the vitamin C, this will help to boost your cell repair too. It also boosts
your immune system. There are infections and diseases that will affect the
quality of your eye health. If you can keep them at bay, you will stand a better
chance of protecting your eyesight.
Like the lutein and beta-carotene, eating apricots and sweet potatoes will
help. You can also get them from oranges, lemons, blueberries, and grapes.
DO Exercise Your Eye
Muscles Now and Then
Your eyes have muscles. Like any other muscle in your body, the eye muscles
will need strengthening and supporting. You dont just do this through the
food that you eat, but also through the exercise that you do.
Were not talking about hanging kettlebells from your eyelids! Its important
to do light exercises, including numerous facial exercises. Not only will you
protect your vision but you can reduce the signs of aging around the eyes,
including avoiding wrinkles later in life.
All you need to do is place rub the palms of your hands together for heat
and then place them over your eyes. Take your mind to a relaxing place and
allow the heat to work into the muscles.
You can also place your fingers at the outside edges of your eyes and gently
move them in a circle. Youll feel the muscles around your eyes getting pulled
and stretched. If you experience any pain, stop right away.
DO Get More
Another nutrient that you want to get more of is antioxidants. There are
various ways that you can benefit from antioxidants, especially with the eye
The first is the protection for your immune system. It gets extra support to
fight off various illnesses and diseases that your body is faced with. This
instantly helps to support the eye health. If the rest of your body is healthy,
the eyes dont have to lose fluid or strain through diminishing energy levels.
The second benefit is for any infections or diseases that may affect your eyes
directly along with injuries that your eyes may face. Antioxidants will help
the body fight off the more localized infections, preventing them from
getting any worse.
The third way you benefit is through better blood circulation. Antioxidants
help to widen blood vessels and promote more oxygenated blood around
your body. This means your muscles get the extra oxygen, along with the
cells within your eyes.
Finally, you get the support for the cells in the eyes. The body will find it
easier to fight off free radicals, preventing damage to any repairing or
growing cells.
DO Eat Plenty of Dark
Green Leafy Greens
Youll hear a lot that you need to eat more dark leafy greens. They are among
the most powerful foods for all your nutrient needs. I wish there were
something that looked more appealing!
Get more Brussels sprouts, kale, spinach, and broccoli in your diet to put your
eyes first. Youll get the vitamin A and C that weve already mentioned, along
with calcium, zinc, and magnesium. Each of these minerals helps to support
the muscle and bone health. They fight against diseases and support the
immune system throughout the day.
If you dont fancy eating the greens, you can always add them to a green
smoothie. This can help to get rid of some of the bitterness while getting
more fluids into your diet.
DO Make Sure You Sleep
While you need to exercise, your eyes will also need rest. This is a part of the
body that is always working until you close your eyes! The eye muscles work
throughout the day, as you try to focus on everything going on in the world.
The muscles have to relax and tense while changing the distance that youre
If you ever feel tired, like your eyes are trying to shut, then you need to
consider taking a break. Dont try to force your eyes to keep working. Just a
10-minute power nap will be enough to give your eyes a bit of a break.
Those who struggle to sleep at night will need to consider ways to help the
mind shut down. Try meditation to help calm the mind and take your
imagination to another place. With your eyes closed, they get the relaxation
they need because there is nothing for them to focus on.
DO Follow the
20/20/20 Rule
You may have heard of the 20/20/20 rule but not quite what it is exactly.
Every 20 minutes, you should look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
This is something that we tend to overlook when protecting our eye health.
Were focused so much on the computer screen at work, which isnt good for
the eyes at all. Set a timer for every 20 minutes so that you find an object
that is 20 feet away. It can be further if you want but 20 feet is the optimum
Youre not missing out on much for 20 seconds. Its not just your eyes that
will thank you. Your brain health will also benefit, as you give yourself a break
and time to recollect your thoughts. Your boss will barely even realize that
you take this time off.
DONT Keep Working
without a Break
If you dont follow the 20/20/20 rule, then at least take regular breaks from
the activity that youre on. Step away from the computer screen and spend
5-10 minutes doing something completely different. You could even just
close your eyes and rest them for this time.
Rest is essential. Weve already mentioned how this will help to support your
eye health. Like any other part of your body, if you push your eyes too much
they will work against you. Youll find they hurt and you could end up with
regular headaches the muscles and nerves are all connected.
Sugary food, especially refined sugary food, is bad for you. Its not just bad
for your overall health but also for your eye health. There are links that show
high sugar levels lead to poor eyesight.
Those with diabetes are more likely to develop eye problems later in life. This
is due to the insulin response and the way that the metabolism is affected by
Were not saying cut out all sugar. Just think carefully about whether you
need it. If you are a diabetic, make an effort to keep your sugar levels within
a healthy range. This isnt just important to keep your diabetes under control,
but it will also help to reduce the risk of developing glaucoma and macular
degeneration disease later in life.
DONT Smoke
I know youve likely heard this advice a lot. Your doctor will tell you for your
lung and heart health all the time. Theres no denying that smoking is linked
to cancer.
But did you know that smoking is also linked to the deterioration of the eye
health? Those who smoke are at a higher risk of developing various eye
diseases, including cataracts and macular degeneration. Optic nerve damage
is also a common problem for those who smoke.
If you are interested in wearing contact lenses, get off to the right
start by seeing a doctor who provides full-service care. Your doctor will provide you with a
thorough eye examination and an evaluation of your suitability for contact lens wear. You will
also receive the lenses, necessary lens care kits, individual instructions for wear and care, and
follow-up visits over a specified time. The initial visit and examination can take an hour or longer.
Following these contact lens do's and don'ts can lead you to success.
Always wash and thoroughly dry your hands before handling contact lenses.
Carefully and regularly clean contact lenses as directed by your optometrist. If
recommended, rub the contact lenses with your fingers and rinse them thoroughly before
soaking the lenses overnight in multipurpose solution that completely covers each lens.
Store lenses in the proper lens storage case, and replace the case at least every three
months. Clean the case after each use, and keep it open and dry between cleanings.
Use only fresh solution to clean and store contact lenses. Never reuse old solution.
Change your contact lens solution according to the manufacturer's recommendations, even
if you don't use your lenses daily.
Always follow the recommended contact lens replacement schedule prescribed by
your optometrist.
Remove contact lenses before swimming or entering a hot tub.
Avoid tap water to wash or store contact lenses or lens cases.
See your optometrist for your regularly scheduled contact lens and eye examination.
Use cream soaps. They can leave a film on your hands that can transfer to the lenses.
Use homemade saline solutions. Improper use of homemade saline solutions has been
linked with a potentially blinding condition among soft lens wearers.
Put contact lenses in your mouth or moisten them with saliva, which is full of bacteria
and a potential source of infection.
Use tap water to wash or store contact lenses or lens cases.
Share lenses with others.
Use products not recommended by your optometrist to clean and disinfect your lenses.
Saline solution and rewetting drops are not designed to disinfect lenses.
Sleep in contact lenses after being exposed to pools, lakes, oceans, hot tubs or other
sources of water that can contain bacteria.
ShareS ha re 6 Dos a nd Donts for Healthy Eye s This Summe r
Summer is a great time to get outside and have fun in the sun.
Whether youre heading out for vacations, camp outs, family
adventures, or just lounging by the pool this summer, dont forget to
take care of your eyes. Here are six dos and donts for keeping your
eyes healthy during the long, lazy days of summer.
1. Do wear sunglasses
Sunglasses arent just for looking cool. Quality shades also protect
your eyes. When you buy sunglasses, check that they provide 100
percent UV protection with both UVA and UVB rays. These UV rays
can penetrate the cornea and damage your lens and retina, which can
to increased risks for cataract and macular degeneration. The color
and darkness of the lenses of your sunglasses doesnt matter as much
as the ability to block UV light. If youre active, also consider getting
sunglasses with polycarbonate lenses.
3. Do wear sunscreen
Sunburn and skin cancer can happen anywhere skin is exposed, even
around your eyes or on your eyelids. Many people keep sunscreen
away from their eyes because theyre worried about irritation, but you
still need to protect those sensitive areas. Look for a sunscreen
formula that is made specifically for use on your face with an SPF of
30 or more.
Even if water looks clean, odds are good its not as clean as you might
hope. The water in swimming pools, lakes, and oceans is far from
sterile and can lead to eye infections or irritations. Wearing goggles
while you swim is an easy way to avoid these issues.
Mom was right: when you get something in your eye, avoid rubbing
it. At the beach, getting sand in your eye can scratch your cornea and
rubbing your eye can make the problem worse. Out in the woods, you
should avoid touching poison ivy, sumac, or oak, not just because the
itchy rash is unpleasant. If you touch your eyes, you can get the plant
oils in your eyes and cause serious irritation. Instead of rubbing, wash
your hands and rinse your eyes thoroughly with fresh water. If the
problem persists or gets worse, call your eye doctor.
Dos and Don'ts of
Contact Lens Wear
Always wash and rinse your hands thoroughly before handling your
lenses or touching your eye. Use a mild non-cosmetic (oil and
fragrance free) soap, and dry your hands with a lint-free cloth or
Clean your lenses after removal as indicated by your eyecare
practitioner. Use only the recommended solutions.
Clean your lens storage case in warm soapy water at least once a
week. Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry using a clean tissue.
When handling your lenses, work over a clean flat surface. Put the
plug in the sink if working over a sink.
If you drop a lens, clean and rinse before reapplying.
Remember the importance of good blinking. Regular and complete
blinking will help you to keep the lens moist and clean.
Consult your eyecare practitioner if you experience any unexplained
redness, persistent pain, discomfort, change in vision, excessive
tearing, light sensitivity or unusual eye secretions.
Discard all solutions one month after opening, even if there is still
solution remaining.
Carry your storage case and solution with you at all times if possible.
Always keep your spectacles up to date so that you can use them if
you lose or break a lens, or if you are advised not to wear lenses for
any period of time.
Take care or close your eyes when using cosmetics or aerosol sprays,
such as hairsprays, while wearing your lenses. Such products may
leave a residual film on the lens.
Use swimming goggles when swimming with contact lenses.
Wear protective glasses or goggles if you are in any situation where
dust, sand grit or other foreign matter could enter your eye, such as
bike riding, gardening, sanding or grinding, or working in a dusty
If you have been in a situation where there was an opportunity for
foreign matter to enter your eye, clean and replace your lenses. If you
are not sure that you have completely removed any foreign matter
contact your eyecare practitioner.
Here are 6 Dos and Donts for keeping your eyes healthy during the summer:
1 Do Wear Sunglasses
Sunglasses arent just for looking cool! Quality shades also protect your eyes. When you buy
sunglasses, check that they provide 100% UV protection from both UVA and UVB rays. These
UV rays can penetrate the cornea and cause damage to your lens and retina, which can also
increase your risk for cataracts and macular degeneration. The colour and darkness of the
lenses doesnt matter as much as the ability to block UV light.
Sunburn and Skin Cancer can happen anywhere skin is exposed, even around your eyes and
your eyelids. Many people keep sun cream away from their eyes as they are worried about
irritation, but you still need to protect those sensitive areas. Look for a sun cream formula that is
made specifically for your face with an SPF of 30 or more.
3 - Do Wear Swim Goggles
Even if water looks clean, odds are good that its not as clean as you might hope. The water in
swimming pools, lakes and oceans is far from sterile and can lead to eye infections or irritations.
Wearing goggles when you swim is an easy way to avoid these issues.
Leaving you contacts in while you go swimming is generally considered to be a bad idea
because they can fall out or dry out in salty sea water. Lake water and swimming pools can
contain bacteria, which can grow on your contact lenses are cause serious eye infections.
Mom was right if you get something in your eye, avoid rubbing it! At the beach, getting sand in
your eye can scratch your cornea and rubbing your eye can make the problem worse. Instead of
rubbing, wash your hands and rinse your eyes thoroughly with fresh water. If the problem
persists or gets worse, call your ophthalmologist.
Stay Safe This Summer
If you have suffered an eye injury or irritation, please do not hesitate to contact the Cork Eye
Clinic. Even if you just have questions or need more advice about eye health or safety contact us
on 021 4341030 or
24 Jul 2014, 14:04 WIB
6 Kebiasaan Buruk yang Merusak Mata. Meskipun kacamata bisa membantu, ada lagi masalah yang
mengintai ketika Anda berusia 50 tahun ke atas, yaitu penyakit mata. Banyak penyakit mata seperti
katarak, glaukoma, dan mata kering akan muncul di usia 40 hingga
6 Kebiasaan Buruk yang Merusak Mata
Meskipun kacamata bisa membantu, ada lagi masalah yang mengintai ketika Anda berusia 50
tahun ke atas, yaitu penyakit mata. Banyak penyakit mata seperti katarak, glaukoma, dan mata
kering akan muncul di usia 40 hingga 50 tahun.
Baca Juga
Penyebabnya banyak macamnya. Berikut adalah kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang tidak Anda sadari
dapat merusak mata:
Ketika Anda membaca sambil tiduran, jarak baca ideal buku ke mata sulit untuk diatur. Akibatnya
mata jadi lelah dan pegal. Jika hal ini sering dilakukan, maka dapat berujung pada kerusakan
Hal ini dapat memaksa kemampuan lensa mata untuk menebal dan menipis dan pupil dipaksa
berdilatasi membuat mata cepat lelah. Jika terus dilakukan, menimbulkan kerusakan pada mata.
Begitu pun sebaliknya, membaca dalam keadaan sangat terang tidak baik untuk mata karena
dapat menyilaukan mata.
Sebagian orang lebih menyukai menggunakan lensa kontak daripada kacamata. Tapi jika Anda
tidak merawatnya dengan benar, bisa menyebabkan iritasi pada mata. Cucilah dan keringkan
tangan Anda sebelum menggunakan atau merawat lensa kontak. Selain itu lepaslah lensa
kontak Anda sebelum tidur karena dapat meningkatkan risiko terjadinya infeksi mata.
4. Mengucek mata
Ini sering dilakukan di saat mata gatal. Mengucek mata dapat merusak lapisan kornea dan
menyebabkan peredaran pembuluh darah di mata terganggu. Selain itu kebiasaan mengucek
mata juga dapat menyebabkan timbulnya kerutan halus di sekitar mata. Gunakan obat tetes
mata bila mata gatal untuk membilas kotoran yang menempel.
Radiasi yang dipancarkan layar komputer amat berbahaya bagi mata. Hal ini membuat mata
kelelahan dan menyebabkan gangguan atau penyakit mata lainnya. Melihat monitor terlalu lama
dapat mengurangi frekuensi berkedip yang dapat menyebabkan mata kering.
6. Merokok
Kita tahu merokok merusak tubuh. Tapi banyak yang tidak sadar, merokok berdampak buruk
untuk mata. Risiko katarak dan penyakit retina meningkat karena kebiasaan merokok. Merokok
dapat membuat peredaran darah yang mengandung oksigen dan nutrisi jadi terganggu.
Tak Ada dalam Dunia Medis, Apa Itu 'Collapse by Design' Penyebab Oka Mahendra Meninggal?
DREAMERSRADIO.COM - Dreamers pasti ingin punya mata yang sehat kan? Tapi pada
kenyataannya kita sering melakukan kebiasaan buruk yang tanpa kita sadari bisa merusak
mata kita. Contoh kecilnya adalah kebiasaan menatap gadget seperti ponsel, tab, dan laptop
terlalu sering.
Kebiasaan memang susah untuk diubah, namun jika untuk alasan kesehatan, apa kita masih
ragu untuk melakukannya? Seperti yang dilansir, berikut adalah 10 kebiasaan
yang bisa merusak mata.
Menonton film melalui laptop/tab sedang sangat digandrungi saat ini. Kita tinggal
mengunduh film, lalu menontonnya kapanpun kita mau dan menonton dari jarak dekat.
Kebiasaan ini bisa membuat mata lelah.
Kebiasaan membaca tanpa penerangan yang cukup, apalagi dalam posisi berbaring, adalah
kebiasaan yang bisa merusak mata.
Buah-buahan, khususnya jeruk, dan sayuran kaya akan vitamin yang bisa menutrisi mata.
Jika tidak, kondisi mata akan cepat menurun.
Kebiasaan membaca saat berada di atas mobil atau kendaraan lainnya adalah kebiasaan
yang tidak baik. Guncangan dari kendaraan bisa membuyarkan fokus kita saat membaca dan
mata kita harus kembali menyesuaikan dengan gerakan yang terjadi secara berulang-ulang.
Baca juga: Mengerikan! Dokter Temukan 27 Lensa Kontak Menumpuk di Mata Seorang
Ketika terlalu sibuk dengan pekerjaan yang mengharuskan kita menatap layar komputer
terlalu lama, biasanya akan menyebabkan lupa untuk berkedip. Kebiasaan ini bisa membuat
mata menjadi kering. Berkedpilah setiap beberapa detik untuk menjaga agar mata tetap
lembab dan jangan lupa istirahat
7. Menyipitkan mata
Kebiasaan menyipitkan mata karena pancaran sinar bisa mengacaukan kerja bola mata. Hal
ini bisa menambah kerja lensa mata kita.
Idealnya, setiap orang harus memeriksakan mata mereka paling tidak satu tahun sekali
untuk memastikan bahwa mata tidak rusak dan membutuhkan kacamata. Tapi kebanyakan
orang terlalu sibuk atau malas untuk memeriksakan mata mereka yang sebenarnya penting.
9. Merokok
Merokok adalah kebiasaan buruk yang bisa berdampak ke seluruh tubuh. Perokok lebih
rentan terkena katarak dibanding mereka yang tidak merokok.
Terlalu malas untuk duduk saat menonton televisi? Mulai sekarang hindari kebiasaan itu
karena bisa membuat mata gampang lelah dan posisinya tidak bagus bagi mata. Hal itu juga
bisa menurunkan daya penglihatan mata.
Berita Lainnya
3 Trik untuk Menjaga Perut Tetap Rata Sehabis Menyantap Menu Lebaran
5 Hal yang Dialami Tubuh Andai Harus Mudik Tiap Hari
Kebiasaan Unik Albert Einstein yang Bisa Jadi Inspirasi Sehat
5 Tren Yoga Unik Sepanjang Masa
Minggu Ke-3 Puasa, Ini Tipsnya Agar Tubuh Tetap Bugar
Jakarta, Kesehatan mata sudah selayaknya dijaga dengan baik. Namun gaya hidup, budaya kerja,
kebiasaan makan, lingkungan yang tercemar dan sikap terhadap diri sendiri seringkali justru
membahayakan mata. Bahkan tanpa disadari ada beberapa hal yang dapat merusak kesehatan
mata, mulai dari merokok hingga pola diet yang salah.
Kerusakan pandangan mata merupakan salah satu hal yang mungkin dialami pada usia muda jika
tidak dijaga dengan baik. Pernahkah Anda pernah berpikir apa saja yang bisa menyebabkan
berkurangnya kemampuan mata untuk melihat lebih jernih? Berikut beberapa faktor yang dapat
merusak kesehatan mata, seperti dilansir Boldsky, Kamis (25/7/2013):
1. Merokok
Merokok memiliki banyak efek buruk pada kesehatan secara keseluruhan, merusak pandangan mata
Anda adalah salah satunya. Rokok mengandung zat kimia dalam jumlah banyak dan merugikan
bagian sensitif dari retina yang disebut makula. Ketika sel-sel makula mati, maka kerusakan pada
mata akan semakin mungkin terjadi.
2. Mengerutkan mata
Terkadang tanpa sadar kita menempatkan terlalu banyak tekanan pada mata, misalnya saat bekerja
di depan komputer, menonton TV, bermain video game, dan membaca selama berjam-jam. Tekanan
berlebihan ini membuat otot-otot di sekitar mata mengalami kerusakan. Pada akhirnya, penglihatan
pun akan mengalami gangguan.
Tekanan darah tinggi darah tinggi bisa sangat berbahaya bagi mata jika tidak diobati. Kondisi ini
merusak pembuluh darah di retina, yaitu daerah di belakang mata yang berfungsi untuk
memfokuskan gambar. Penyakit ini dikenal sebagai retinopati hipertensi.
5. Diabetes
Jika Anda adalah pasien dengan diabetes, Anda lebih mungkin untuk terkena beberapa penyakit
mata seperti glaukoma. Kondisi ini disebut juga sebagai retinopati diabetes, yaitu di mana retina
mengalami kerusakan parah. Saat ini, glaukoma merupakan penyebab utama kebutaan dan
penglihatan yang kabur.
6. Alkohol
Asupan alkohol yang berlebihan dapat berbahaya bagi tubuh, termasuk mata. Hal itu dapat
menyebabkan masalah pada penglihatan dan kesehatan mata secara keseluruhan. Efek dari
mengonsumsi alkohol berlebihan antara lain penurunan kinerja visual, reaksi pupil melambat, sering
migrain, mata kemerahan, dan penurunan sensitivitas kontras.
Jika Anda sedang mengikuti diet yang tidak sehat, maka tubuh tidak akan mendapatkan nutrisi
penting termasuk untuk mata. Kondisi inilah yang membuat Anda lebih rentan terhadap penyakit
mata. Kekurangan Vitamin A dapat menyebabkan kebutaan, kesulitan melihat pada malam hari, dan
mata yang mengering. Tak hanya itu, kekurangan vitamin lain seperti vitamin B12 juga dapat
menyebabkan penglihatan kabur.
8. Menggunakan komputer
Komputer saat ini sudah menjadi salah satu kebutuhan, baik untuk bekerja maupun untuk belajar.
Namun masalahnya adalah kita tidak tahu batas kemampuan tubuh untuk beraktivitas di depannya.
Setiap harinya, kita melihat layar komputer selama lebih dari 5-6 jam dan kadang-kadang tidak
memberikan jeda istirahat untuk mata. Bahkan tanpa sadar, selama bekerja kita bahkan lupa untuk
berkedip. Hal seperti ini menyebabkan ketegangan mata, kelelahan mata, iritasi, kurangnya kepekaan
terhadap cahaya, iritasi mata, dan penglihatan ganda.
What Is Computer Vision
Blurred vision
Double vision
Dry, red eyes
Eye irritation
Neck or back pain
The average American worker spends seven hours a day on the computer either in the office or
working from home. March is Save Your Vision Month and the American Optometric Association
is working to educate both employers and employees about how to avoid digital eye strain in the
workplace. To help alleviate digital eye strain, follow the 20-20-20 rule; take a 20-second break to
view something 20 feet away every 20 minutes.
Click here for helpful infographics about the 20-20-20 rule and digital eye strain.
poor lighting
glare on a digital screen
improper viewing distances
poor seating posture
uncorrected vision problems
a combination of these factors
The extent to which individuals experience visual symptoms often depends on the level of their
visual abilities and the amount of time spent looking at a digital screen. Uncorrected vision
problems like farsightedness and astigmatism, inadequate eye focusing or eye
coordination abilities, and aging changes of the eyes, such as presbyopia, can all contribute to
the development of visual symptoms when using a computer or digital screen device.
Many of the visual symptoms experienced by users are only temporary and will decline after
stopping computer work or use of the digital device. However, some individuals may experience
continued reduced visual abilities, such as blurred distance vision, even after stopping work at a
computer. If nothing is done to address the cause of the problem, the symptoms will continue to
recur and perhaps worsen with future digital screen use.
Prevention or reduction of the vision problems associated with Computer Vision Syndrome or
Digital Eye Strain involves taking steps to control lighting and glare on the device screen,
establishing proper working distances and posture for screen viewing, and assuring that even
minor vision problems are properly corrected.
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Viewing a computer or digital screen often makes the eyes work harder. As a result, the unique
characteristics and high visual demands of computer and digital screen device viewing make
many individuals susceptible to the development of vision-related symptoms.
Uncorrected vision problems can increase the severity of
Computer Vision Syndrome or Digital Eye Strain symptoms.
Viewing a computer or digital screen is different than reading a printed page. Often the letters on
the computer or handheld device are not as precise or sharply defined, the level of contrast of
the letters to the background is reduced, and the presence of glare and reflections on the screen
may make viewing difficult.
Viewing distances and angles used for this type of work are also often different from those
commonly used for other reading or writing tasks. As a result, the eye focusing and eye
movement requirements for digital screen viewing can place additional demands on the visual
In addition, the presence of even minor vision problems can often significantly affect comfort and
performance at a computer or while using other digital screen devices. Uncorrected or under
corrected vision problems can be major contributing factors to computer-related eyestrain.
Even people who have an eyeglass or contact lens prescription may find it's not suitable for the
specific viewing distances of their computer screen. Some people tilt their heads at odd angles
because their glasses aren't designed for looking at a computer. Or they bend toward the screen
in order to see it clearly. Their postures can result in muscle spasms or pain in the neck, shoulder
or back.
In most cases, symptoms of CVS or Digital Eye Strain occur because the visual demands of the
task exceed the visual abilities of the individual to comfortably perform them. At greatest risk for
developing CVS or Digital Eye Strain are those persons who spend two or more continuous
hours at a computer or using a digital screen device every day.
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How is Computer Vision Syndrome or Digital Eye Strain diagnosed?
Computer Vision Syndrome, or Digital Eye Strain, can be diagnosed through a comprehensive
eye examination. Testing, with special emphasis on visual requirements at the computer or
digital device working distance, may include:
Patient history to determine any symptoms the patient is experiencing and the presence of
any general health problems, medications taken, or environmental factors that may be
contributing to the symptoms related to computer use.
Visual acuity measurements to assess the extent to which vision may be affected.
A refraction to determine the appropriate lens power needed to compensate for any
refractive errors (nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism).
Testing how the eyes focus, move and work together. In order to obtain a clear, single
image of what is being viewed, the eyes must effectively change focus, move and work in
unison. This testing will look for problems that keep your eyes from focusing effectively or
make it difficult to use both eyes together.
This testing may be done without the use of eye drops to determine how the eyes respond under
normal seeing conditions. In some cases, such as when some of the eyes' focusing power may
be hidden, eye drops may be used. They temporarily keep the eyes from changing focus while
testing is done.
Using the information obtained from these tests, along with results of other tests, your
optometrist can determine if you have Computer Vision Syndrome or Digital Eye Strain and
advise you on treatment options.
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Solutions to digital screen-related vision problems are varied. However, they can usually be
alleviated by obtaining regular eye care and making changes in how you view the screen.
Eye Care
In some cases, individuals who do not require the use of eyeglasses for other daily activities may
benefit from glasses prescribed specifically for computer use. In addition, persons already
wearing glasses may find their current prescription does not provide optimal vision for viewing a
Eyeglasses or contact lenses prescribed for general use may not be adequate for computer
work. Lenses prescribed to meet the unique visual demands of computer viewing may be
needed. Special lens designs, lens powers or lens tints or coatings may help to maximize
visual abilities and comfort.
Some computer users experience problems with eye focusing or eye coordination that can't
be adequately corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses. A program of vision therapy
may be needed to treat these specific problems. Vision therapy, also called visual training,
is a structured program of visual activities prescribed to improve visual abilities. It trains the
eyes and brain to work together more effectively. These eye exercises help remediate
deficiencies in eye movement, eye focusing and eye teaming and reinforce the eye-brain
connection. Treatment may include office-based as well as home training procedures.
Some important factors in preventing or reducing the symptoms of CVS have to do with the
computer and how it is used. This includes lighting conditions, chair comfort, location of
reference materials, position of the monitor, and the use of rest breaks.
Location of computer screen - Most people find it more comfortable to view a computer
when the eyes are looking downward. Optimally, the computer screen should be 15 to 20
degrees below eye level (about 4 or 5 inches) as measured from the center of the screen
and 20 to 28 inches from the eyes.
Reference materials - These materials should be located above the keyboard and below
the monitor. If this is not possible, a document holder can be used beside the monitor. The
goal is to position the documents so you do not need to move your head to look from the
document to the screen.
Lighting - Position the computer screen to avoid glare, particularly from overhead lighting
or windows. Use blinds or drapes on windows and replace the light bulbs in desk lamps
with bulbs of lower wattage.
Anti-glare screens - If there is no way to minimize glare from light sources, consider using
a screen glare filter. These filters decrease the amount of light reflected from the screen.
Seating position - Chairs should be comfortably padded and conform to the body. Chair
height should be adjusted so your feet rest flat on the floor. If your chair has arms, they
should be adjusted to provide arm support while you are typing. Your wrists shouldn't rest
on the keyboard when typing.
Rest breaks - To prevent eyestrain, try to rest your eyes when using the computer for long
periods. Rest your eyes for 15 minutes after two hours of continuous computer use. Also,
for every 20 minutes of computer viewing, look into the distance for 20 seconds to allow
your eyes a chance to refocus.
Blinking - To minimize your chances of developing dry eye when using a computer, make
an effort to blink frequently. Blinking keeps the front surface of your eye moist.
Regular eye examinations and proper viewing habits can help to prevent or reduce the
development of the symptoms associated with Computer Vision Syndrome.
Kita mungkin pernah mengalami setidak-tidaknya satu dari gejala computer vision syndrome di bawah ini:
Mata pegal
Sakit kepala
Pandangan kabur
Mata kering
Gejala tersebut bisa pula disebabkan faktor lain seperti penglihatan yang perlu dikoreksi, silau, ruangan yang
kurang terang, postur tubuh yang kurang baik, dsb.
Usahakan agar penerangan dalam ruangan membuat mata terasa nyaman, dan tidak membuat silau layar
Atur posisi layar komputer sedemikian rupa sehingga posisi kepala saat bekerja terasa nyaman.
Jangan lupa untuk mengambil jeda. Alihkan pandangan dari komputer selama beberapa menit karena langkah
ini dapat menjaga kesehatan mata. Fungsinya kira-kira sama seperti beristirahat sejenak untuk melemaskan
tangan dan punggung.
Kursi kerja harus nyaman. Kursi yang nyaman dan dilengkapi sandaran leher dan punggung membantu kita
mencegah rasa tegang pada leher dan pundak yang umumnya berkaitan dengan computer vision syndrome.
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Apakah menatap layar komputer dan ponsel terlalu lama
membuat mata Anda lelah? Bisa jadi tanda bahwa mata Anda mengalami kelelahan
akibat paparan sinar biru berlebih dari komputer dan ponsel Anda.
Setelah mematikan alarm di pagi hari, hal apa yang kemudian Anda lakukan? Mengecek
email? Memeriksa akun media sosial? Sesampainya di kantor, Anda kembali menatap
layar komputer atau laptop dalam waktu lama, setidaknya delapan jam sehari. Bahkan,
sebelum naik ke tempat tidur, Anda menyempatkan diri untuk menonton acara
kesayangan ditelevisi. Bagaimana kondisi mata Anda sejauh ini? Apakah baik-baik
Pada 2016 lalu, Nielsen perusahaan yang melakukan suatu riset melaporkan rata-rata orang
dewasa di Amerika Serikat menghabiskan waktu 8 jam 47 menit per hari menatap berbagai
macam alat elektronik, termasuk komputer, ponsel dan televisi.
Paparan sinar (cahaya) biru pada berbagai alat elektronik terus menerus akan memengaruhi
kornea mata. Lensa mata tidak dapat memfilter sinar tersebut sehingga langsung masuk ke
bagian belakang mata, jelas Anam Qureshi, MD, seorang asisten profesor di NYU Langone,
New York City, Amerika Serikat.
Qureshi menambahkan bahwa sebagian besar ahli berpendapat bahwa sinar (cahaya) biru
tersebut dapat merusak retina mata sehingga menyebabkan degenerasi makular. Degenerasi
makular sendiri merupakan kondisi kronis yang menyebabkan hilangnya pengelihatan karena
kerusakan macula (bagian tengah retina).
Di sisi lain, seorang ahli mata di Dallas, Texas, Amerika Serikat, Janelle Routhier, OD
menemukan bukti bahwa pasien yang kerap menatap layar dalam waktu cukup lama
menunjukkan computer vision syndrome atau kelelahan mata. Sindrom tersebut biasanya
diikuti dengan mata merah, kering, dan sakit kepala.
Bayangkan jika Anda melakukan posisi squat (jongkok 90 derajat) dan menahannya dalam
waktu cukup lama. Lama kelamaan kaki Anda akan merasa lelah membuat Anda tidak
sanggup untuk berdiri. Hal yang sama juga terjadi pada mata. Saat memfokuskan mata pada
satu objek, otot-otot mata dituntut untuk menarik bersama-sama secara konstan. Posisi
tersebut membuat otot mata lelah, jelas Routhier.
Beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa paparan sinar (cahaya) biru pada komputer atau ponsel
dalam menekan pembentukan melantonin hormon yang membantu tubuh menjaga ritme
sirkadian. Jika sistem sirkadian sudah terganggu, maka seseorang akan mengalami kesulitan
untuk tidur di malam hari.
Anam Qureshi menyarankan untuk menerapkan cara 20/20/20 jika Anda harus menatap layar
dalam waktu lama. Yakni istirahat setiap 20 menit sekali, selama 20 detik dan melihat hal
lain setidaknya berjarak 20 kaki atau setara dengan 6 meter. Misalnya, melihat objek di luar
jendela, bisa mobil di seberang kantor atau bangunan tinggi disana.
Agar hasilnya lebih maksimal, atur reminder pada ponsel Anda. Anda juga dapat mencoba
cara paling mudah yang terdengar klise, berkedip. "Saat seseorang berkonsentrasi, maka
dirinya cenderung jarang berkedip yang menyebabkan air mata menguap dari permukaan
mata sehingga mata mengalami iritasi seperti mata merah, jelas Dr. Qureshi.
If these symptoms affect you, use these tips from ophthalmologist Rishi Singh,
MD, to ease the strain and avoid the pain.
The angle of your gaze plays a key role in CVS. For the best angle, the center
of the monitor, tablet or phone should be 20 to 28 inches from your eyes and 4
to 5 inches below eye level. If youre looking back and forth between
a screen and reference materials, keep those materials where you can see
them with minimal head movement.
2. Reduce glare
Letters on a screen are not as clear as letters on a printed page. Too little
contrast between letters and background or glare on the screen makes your
eyes work harder. The result: sensitivity to light. Position your screen to avoid
glare from overhead lights or windows. Close the blinds on your windows or
switch to lower-watt bulbs in your desk lamp. If you cannot change the lighting
to minimize glare, buy a glare filter for your screen.
When using a computer or device for an extended period of time, take regular
breaks to prevent eyestrain. Every 20 minutes, look away from your computer
and look at a distant object for 20 seconds. This will give your eyes a chance
to refocus. After two hours of continual computer use, rest your eyes for 15
4. Blink often
People normally blink about 18 times a minute, but computer users tend to
blink only one-fourth as often. This increases the chance of developing dry
eye. To reduce this risk, remind yourself to blink more often. And refresh your
eyes periodically with lubricating eye drops.
Even if you dont need glasses or contacts for daily activities, you may need
them for computer or device use. If you do wear glasses or contacts and need
to tilt your head or lean toward the screen to see it clearly, your lens
prescription may need to be adjusted. Get an eye checkup to make sure your
prescription is right. Doing so can help prevent pain in the neck, shoulders or
back that results from contorting your body to see the screen.