Smart Scarecrow
Smart Scarecrow
Smart Scarecrow
Smart Scarecrow
Abstract - Thailand is an agricultural country, where is different for the image analysis and pattern matching
located in Southeast Asia. We can produce various to find the objects. The project is still in the prototype
kinds of food in not only a good quality but also a huge mode. We require more research and development in
quantity. One problem of both quality and quantity order to reduce the system limitation and enhance the
control of our food products are the food harmful pests
efficiency of the system to be able to perform for a
such as bird, ant, weevil, aphid, grasshopper etc.
Therefore, this project intends to develop the computer real-world application. The topic of further
system that can be chased birds from a farm. The enhancement will be discussed at the end of the
smart scarecrow is developed by using an image document. [1][2][3]
processing technique. Overall works are software This project is about developing an image
development. The system is designed to detect pest birds processing system that can detect the pest birds from
from a real time video frame after it detects the birds the video scene, which is running on specific
then it generates a loudly sound to chase them. The constraints. The system is intended to replace the
system consists of four major components: 1) image normal scarecrow and sensor equipment, which has
acquisition 2) image preprocessing, 3) bird recognition
some weak points as explained before. The system
and 4) generating sound. The experiment has been
conducted in order to access the following qualities: 1) will be created in the form of software which consists
usability, to prove that the system can detect and scare of input and output parts. The input part accepts a
pest birds and 2) efficiency, to show that the system can video stream from the video recorder. The output part
work with a high accuracy. is responsible for generating a very loud sound to
chase the pest birds.
Keywords-Siphonic Smart Scarecrow, Image
Processing, Sound Generating
I. INTRODUCTION Due to the world food crisis, we need to produce
The idea of using the video recorder to detect and more and more food that is enough to feed all people
scare pest birds for protecting our food has been around the world. One way to increase our food is to
proposed. The current detection and chasing keep our food save from all pests. Many scientists try
approaches are based too much on the sensor to apply many methods for building the pest control
equipment. The use of sensor equipment to detect the system. The applicable techniques to detect the pests
objects has been widely spread into different kinds of are described as follow:
industries. Even though the equipment itself provides
a benefit to the user, there are also some 2.1 Apply Signal Processing Methods
disadvantages. The sensor equipment is only used for A signal processing technique is a good method to
real time - the user cannot insert other kinds of input detect pest inside a food product that is no need to see
such as video file to the sensor equipment in order to any pest bodies. But one disadvantage of this
detect and record the object. technique is to detect the dead pests that contaminate
An image processing is the technique which is in a food product because no any signals transmit
based on the software component that does not from the dead pests. [4][5][6][7][8][9][10]
require special hardware. With a typical video
recording device and a normal computer, we can 2.2 Apply Image Processing Methods
create the detection device. By using the basic pattern An image processing method applied with a
matching theory, we can find the number of objects standard camera or video recorder, a personal
in the video scene from the known size of the object. computer and some image processing techniques to
Few image processing key methodologies have detect the pests. All these hardware devices and
been applied to this project. The image differentiation software are reliable and affordable for the farmer.
is used in the object detection process, level of But one weak point of this technique is it can detect
R, G, B = the pixel in three components (red,
green and blue colors).
grayscale and black and white bird picture, means that unknown object and the bird template are
respectively. possible to be the same object. After the system
recognizes the birds in the video frame, then the
system will generate a loudly sound to chase the
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