Isometric Power Revolution Part2 PDF
Isometric Power Revolution Part2 PDF
Isometric Power Revolution Part2 PDF
Exercise #1
POSITION A: Stand erect with your feet about 12" apart. Place your hands behind your
head and interlock your fingers. While inhaling slowly for 3 to 4 seconds, bend to the right
until you feel the muscles in your right side powerfully contracting. At that point, slowly
exhale for 7 to 12 seconds while maintaining peak contraction. Upon completion, slowly
release the tension while inhaling for 3 to 4 seconds. Relax. Power breathe, then repeat on
your left side.
PO SIT ION B: Repeat the previous exercise following the exact same protocols except
you'll start with your feet just 6" apart. (And, yes, this change of position makes a difference.)
Be sure to complete on your left side as well.
PO SIT ION C: Repeat the previous exercise except this time your feet will be together.
Follow the same breathing and contraction protocols.
A c
Iso Sit-Up
POSITION A, B, AND C: Lie on the floor with your feet together and toes pOinted
forward and down. Tightly clench your fists and position them on your forehead. Now
raise your head and shoulders off the ground and endeavor to touch your chin to your
chest as you inhale for 3 to 4 seconds while trying to sit up against the powerful resistance
provided by your hands. You won't be able to sit up, but trying to do so will cause a
powerful muscle contraction of the abdominal muscles. As you reach peak contraction of
your rectus abdominis muscle, begin a slow controlled exhale for 7 to 12 seconds while
maintaining as powerful a contraction as possible of your abdominal muscles. Upon
completion, slowly release the tension for 3 to 4 seconds and relax completely.
PO SIT ION A, B, AND C: Lie on your back as in the previous exercise. Place your right
foot over your left ankle. Raise both feet about 6" from the floor, bracing yourself as shown.
While inhaling for 3 to 4 seconds, slowly press your left foot upward while powerfully
resisting with your right foot. Upon reaching peak contraction, slowly begin a controlled
exhale for 7 to 12 seconds while making an f-f-f-f or s-s-s-s sound and maintaining the
intensity of the contraction the entire time. Upon completion, slowly release the tension
while breathing in for another 3 to 4 more seconds. Relax. Power breathe for 7 to 10
repetitions, and repeat for one more contraction with your left foot over your right ankle.
Especially Important for Contact
Sports, Martial Arts, Being Strong
and Looking Good
Exercise #1
PO SIT ION A: Start with your right side facing the wall and your feet about 12" apart. Your
right foot will be about 12" from the wall. Holding your left hand on a chair for balance,
place your right foot against the wall about 6" off the floor, keeping the leg straight. Now
press your right foot firmly against the wall, building tension as you inhale for 3 to 4
seconds. Upon reaching peak contraction, begin a slow, controlled exhalation for 7 to 12
seconds while making an f-f-f-f or s-s-s-s sound, all the while maintaining the intensity of the
muscle contraction. Slowly release tension while inhaling 3 to 4 seconds and then relax.
Power breathe 7 to 10 repetitions and then repeat with the left leg.
PO SIT ION B: Repeat the exercise above, but turn your back to the wall and place your right
heel against the wall as shown. Once again follow the exact same breathing and contraction
protocols as outlined in the previous exercise. Be sure to exercise both sides.
Exercise # 2
POS IT ION A: Wall Squat (feet flat). Perform a half squat against a wall as shown. Note that
your thighs are at 90. Press your glutes and back into the wall as you press your lower legs
and feet flat into the floor. Slowly build tension for 3 to 4 seconds while inhaling. Maintain
peak contraction for 7 to 12 seconds while performing a slow controlled exhalation and
making an f-f-f-f or s-s-s-s sound. Slowly release tension for 3 to 4 seconds while inhaling, then
completely relax. Power breathe for 7 to 10 repetitions.
PO SIT ION B: Wall Squat, Heel Press. Same position as the previous exercise except you
press down powerfully with your heels while raising your toes and contracting the entire leg
and hip structure as powerfully as possible for 7 to 12 seconds. Follow the same breathing and
contraction protocols as outlined above. Be sure to relax as completely as possible between
exercises and power breathe.
POSITION A: Lie facedown (as shown) with your feet close together and head raised,
resting your weight on your hands and elbows. Place your left foot over your right ankle,
keeping your feet about 3" off the floor (as shown). Pull firmly upward with the right foot,
while resisting powerfully with the left foot . Slowly build tension 3 to 4 seconds while
inhaling. Maintain peak contraction for 7 to 12 seconds while slowly exhaling and making
an f-f-f-f or 5-5-5-5 sound. Slowly release tension while breathing in and then completely
relax while power breathing. Switch legs and repeat.
POSITION B: Repeat the exercise above but raise your feet an additional 6" (as shown
here). Follow the same breathing and contraction procedures as outlined above. Switch legs
and repeat.
PO SIT ION C: Repeat one final time but raise your feet to about a 90 angle. Follow same
breathing and contraction protocols outlined above and repeat with opposite legs.
ExercIse #4-Front T h i g h
and Knee Exercise
PO SIT ION A: Sit in a chair with your feet close together. Grasp the sides of the chair with
your hands, Place the back of your left ankle over the front of your right ankle. Raise the feet
a few inches off the ground (as shown). Now push upward powerfully with the right while
resisting with the left foot. Slowly build tension 3 to 4 seconds while inhaling. Maintain
maximum tension for 7 to 12 seconds while slowly exhaling and making an f-f-f-f or s-s-s-s
sound and then slowly release tension while inhaling for 3 to 4 seconds. Relax. Power
breathe. Switch feet and continue.
PO SIT ION B: Repeat the exercise described above with the feet raised about 6" off the
floor. Follow the same procedures as outlined above for the breathing and contraction. Relax.
Power breathe. Switch feet and perform once again.
PO SIT ION B: Repeat the exercise described above. This time, however, place your palms
on the outer part of each knee. Press firmly outward while observing the same breathing and
contraction procedures outlined above. Relax. Power breathe.
Exercise #6-3-Level
Calf Raise
POSITION A : Sit on the edge of a chair with your feet about 6" apart. Place the palms of
your hands on the tops of your thighs (as shown). Now push firmly up from your toes while
pushing down with your hands powerfully. Slowly build tension while inhaling for 3 to 4
seconds. Maintain peak contraction for 7 to 12 seconds while slowly exhaling and making
an f-f-f-f or 5-5-5-5 sound, then slowly release the tension as you inhale for 3 to 4
seconds. Relax.
POSITION B: Repeat the exercise described above, but raise your heels about 3" off the
floor. Push up from the toes and resist with the palms of the hand. Follow the breathing and
contraction procedures as outlined above.
Exercise #6-3-Level
Calf Raise
POSITION A: Sit on the edge of a chair with your feet about 6" apart. Place the palms of
your hands on the tops of your thighs (as shown). Now push firmly up from your toes while
pushing down with your hands powerfully. Slowly build tension while inhaling for 3 to 4
seconds. Maintain peak contraction for 7 to 12 seconds while slowly exhaling and making
an f-f-f-f or 5-5-5-5 sound, then slowly release the tension as you inhale for 3 to 4
seconds. Relax.
PO SIT ION B: Repeat the exercise described above, but raise your heels about 3" off the
floor. Push up from the toes and resist with the palms of the hand. Follow the breathing and
contraction procedures as outlined above.
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y personal history of Isometric Power Flexes
begins back in the late 1960s. I had a friend
named Dave Cody, who was a pushover for
magazine and comic book ads that featured bodybuilding
and self-defense courses that promised incredible results
with little or no effort. If Dave saw it advertised, he
bought it! Naturally, I had shown him all the Charles Atlas
Dynamic Tension Body Building Course exercises, but to
no avail. Dave's idea of training did not involve performing
high numbers of push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, leg raises,
__. ..____ EI
So Dave sent his hard-earned cash away .
almost weekly. I remember one day when
he was thrilled about the American Body _ _ c..- _ _ ._IAM
Building Course. This course was promoted .
by a man named Ben Rebhuhn, who
claimed on the back cover of a comic book Mr. Rebhuhn then had "his mark"
to be "The Molder of Champions," asking . attempt to perform one-armed push-ups,
young men if they wanted to be "astronaut one-legged deep knee bends, and a
tough." Truth to tell, it included some of . wrestler's bridge, in which another person
the most outrageous ad copy I have ever . was supposed to sit on the young man's
read and some of the worst retouched . chest or abdomen to determine whether
photos I've ever seen. or not the poor guy's neck was strong
enough to survive attempting a bridge.
The first piece of literature that Dave
Fortunately, the good old survival instinct
received from Mr. Rebhuhn was a physical
kicked in for most young men, and they
self-assessment test to determine whether or
weren't dumb enough to even try the
not he needed the American Body Building
bridge test. Not surprisingly, Dave couldn't
Course. First on the assessment list was one-
pass a single "test," but hardly anyone else
armed pull-ups. According to Rebhuhn, if a
could for that matter.
young man could not do at least three one-
armed pull-ups with either arm, it indicated Feeling devastated by his lack of manly
he had a severe weakness of the arm and strength, Dave sent away for the American
Body Building Course. What he received showed a nicely built, muscular man
was a recycled George F. Jowett Fulcrum with his arms crossed precisely as
Dumbbell and Barbell Course from the Charles Atlas had in so many of the Atlas
1940s, which was filled with very poorly ads. Mr. Marvel had a big smile and even
retouched photos and strong admonitions wore a leopard print swimsuit similar to
to work hard . Dave stuck with that course Charles Atlas.
for about two days, then he told me it didn't
Mike Marvel dared to call his system
work (meaning, it was too much work).
"Dynaflex," which sounded and read
As usual, Dave dropped the American Body suspiciously close to "Dynamic Tension."
Building Course and marched right out Whereas Charles Atlas promised to make
again in pursuit of another course. He had you into a new man in "as little as 20
purchased the Universal Body Building minutes each day," Mike Marvel declared,
Course (an excellent course), "The Count "Dynaflex, the Proven 10-Minute-a-Day
Dante-Dim Mak Death Touch" Self- Method to a Healthier, He-Man-Muscled
Defense Course (that one was a real hoot), Body ... WITHOUT STRENUOUS EXERCISE!
A powerfully muscled neck allows you to project a strong, athletic "first impression" to
everyone you meet. Male or female, a nicely sculpted neck sets you apart. And although a
well muscled neck is critically important in many sports, there is a point at which a person's
neck can become overly developed and detract from, rather than enhance, the overall
appearance of one's physique or figure. The exercises in this section will give you a beautifully
balanced neck development that will add impressiveness to all of your features.
Do not neglect these exercises. Beyond aesthetics, the muscles of the neck are important because
the neck houses the center of your nervous system. These exercises also work to add strength
and tone to your facial muscles. Regular performance of these exercises will prevent you from
losing the shape of your face, neck, and chin due to the negative effects of gravity as you age.
In other words, these exercises will help you to look youthful at any age. So let's get to them.
N EC K pow ER F LEX # 2: Slowly pull your head smoothly (no jerking) as far as you can
toward your right shoulder while looking straight ahead. Follow the same breathing, contraction,
and relaxation protocols as in exercise #1. Repeat to left side making sure that you are looking
straight ahead.
NECK POWER FLEX #3: Tilt your head back as far as you can comfortably. Follow the
same breathing, contraction, and relaxation protocols as in exercises #1 & 2. Powerfully contract
the neck muscles.
NECK POWER FLEX #4: Bend your head forward as far as you can comfortably while
flexing the muscles under your chin. You may use your hands as in the photo. Once again,
follow the same breathing, contraction, and relaxation protocols as in the previous exercises.
Nose-to-Mot Bridge
(the King of Isometric Power Flexes)
NEe K POW ER FLEX # 5: While lying on your back on an exercise mat (or even abed),
slowly move into position A while inhaling for 3 to 4 seconds and then hold for a s-l-o-w
count of 7 to 12 seconds while exhaling and making an f-f-f-f or s-s-s-s sound. As you become
stronger, you will arch your back more and work toward touching your upper forehead.
Eventually, you will reach the point in both strength and flexibility to reach position B with
your nose to the mat. This is an extremely advanced exercise to be performed by athletes
and physical culturists only. While you will receive incredible benefits from holding this
contraction for just 7 to 12 seconds, longer contractions can be implemented of this specific
exercise to great benefit. I perform this exercise in the Steve Justa Aerobic Isometric" style
___________ . _ ._ _ _ ... __ r __ _
Anytime Energizers
#3 #4
These exercises will protect your
shoulders while strengthening
them from multiple angles and
help prevent injuries such as a
"torn rotator cuff, which is often
As you will soon discover, both of these exercises hit the deltoids and trapezius muscles with
equal intensity. This is how they are done.
D ELTO I D / TRAPEZI US POWER FLEX #5 : Start in a standing position as shown with
your arms bent at the elbow, fists tightly clenched and held at shoulder height. Inhale deeply
for 3 to 4 seconds while slowly attempting to touch your elbows over your head (no jerking).
Contract as hard as possible. Begin a slow exhalation as you maintain maximum contraction of
your shoulder muscles for a s-l-o-w count of 7 to 12 seconds while making an f-f-f-f or s-s-s-s
sound. Relax and breathe deeply before moving to exercise #6.
DELTOID/TRAP EZIUS POWER FLEX #6 : With your arms hanging straight down at
your sides, slowly inhale for 3 to 4 seconds as you pull your arms and shoulders upward and
slightly back. Imagine that you are pulling your trapezius up over your ears. Upon reaching
maximum intensity, begin a slow controlled exhale for 7 to 12 seconds while making an f-f-f-f or
s-s-s-s sound. Flex as hard as possible the entire time. Relax and power breathe before moving to
the next section.
Well-developed upper back muscles help to hold the shoulders back, square them off, and
make them look broad. These muscles, the trapezius, lie at the base of the neck and at the
top of the shoulders as well as the upper middle of the back. With proper exercise, the
trapezius will help to prevent sagging, round shoulders. The key is to properly develop
them but not over develop them. The following exercises are perfect for this purpose. These
exercises are designed to assure a rapid response from this large muscle group with its many
muscle fibers. To assure an all-around development, we will employ 4 Isometric Power Flex
exercises to develop both the upper and lower trapezius muscles as well as the muscles lying
directly beneath them.
TRAPEZIUS POWER FLEX # I: Stand completely relaxed, with your hands clasped
together and held slightly above your waist and in front of you . Your head should be held
high, looking straight ahead, and your spine erect. Inhale deeply for 3 to 4 seconds while
slowly pulling down hard with your hands still clasped together and intensely contracting
your upper back muscles against the pull. When your muscles start to quiver, begin exhaling
TRAPEZ I US POWER FLEX #3: With your arms bent at the elbow and held at shoulder
height as shown in photos 3 A & B, begin to inhale deeply for 3 to 4 seconds as you slowly
pull your elbows back and attempt to touch them together. * Pull as hard as possible and upon
reaching peak contraction begin a slow controlled exhale for 7 to 12 seconds while making an
f-f-f-f or s-s-s-s sound . Relax and power breathe.
TRAPEZIUS POWER FLEX #4 : This exercise is very similar to exercise #3 except your
arms are lowered as shown in photos 4 A & B. Once again, slowly inhale for 3 to 4 seconds while
trying to touch your elbows together* until you achieve peak contraction. At that pOint, slowly
exhale while making an f-f-f-f or s-s-s-s sound for the entire duration of 7 to 12 seconds. Relax
and power breathe. As you will note, in just a few short weeks these four trapezius contractions
add incredible results in both added strength and muscle control.
*Don't worry if you can't touch your elbows behind your back. Trust me, I can't either. The only person
I ever heard of that could was Gumby.
#4 A #4 B
Think back (for some of you, way back) to when you were a kid and the only day that you
used shaving cream was on Halloween. Chances are that some other kid either challenged or
dared you to "make a muscle." Do you remember what you did?
Of course, you do. You raised your arm, bent your elbow and struck the archetypal Charles
Atlas Bodybuilding Pose that you had seen countless times in the ads found in the back of
comic books. Even then your prepubescent biceps had a nice little bulge to them, and the
message was clear: "Real Men Are Well-Armed."
Well, let's face it, you're not a kid anymore, but the message remains the same. When it comes
to having a good body, well-defined arms are high on the priority list of muscles that matter
to men. With that in mind, the following Isometric Power Flexes will allow you to negotiate
your very own "arms deal." Seriously, if you want nice arms, these exercises deliver-big time
(no pun intended). Each of the following contractions for the biceps follows the exact same
breathing and relaxation protocols. Be sure to give equal attention to both arms.
Assume the position shown in the photo. Begin tensing both biceps simultaneously with your
arms in, elbows close to your body, and both wrists bent toward each other. Slowly inhale for
3 to 4 seconds while increasing tension until peak contraction is achieved. Upon achieving
peak contraction, begin a slow, controlled exhalation while making an f-f-f-f or 5-5-5-5 sound
for 7 to 12 seconds and maintaining the peak muscular contraction the entire time. Slowly
release tension while inhaling deeply. Relax completely. Power breathe for 7 to 10 repetitions
and then move to the triceps muscles.
Be certain to relax the muscles completely between exertions. This is key to infusing them with the
fresh highly oxygenated blood that is being delivered through your intense power breathing.
In time, you may wish to change all single-arm exercises and perform them simultaneously
with both arms. Do not, however, do so until you have mastered your ability to both contract
and relax each muscle at will.
The positions given here are only guidelines. In time, I want you to experiment with new angles
and positions and to alter any and all of these exercises to best suit your own development and
muscular leverage.
Remember to use the exact breathing protocols given because they will oxygenate your blood
and amplify your results during the relaxation between exercises. Never, under any circum-
stances, hold your breath. Doing so will diminish the effectiveness of these exercises.
Finally, you may notice a certain level of muscular stress and tenseness in other muscles besides
those we are targeting with each exercise. This is normal and beneficial because it means that
you are recruiting other supportive muscle structures that will help you to contract with
greater strength and efficiency. For instance, many men notice this to be particularly true with
their wrists and forearms, because these muscles are usually unworked and undeveloped. That,
however, will change dramatically as a result of the Isometric Power Flexes presented here.
Triceps Contraction
Thumbs Forward
Exercising your right to "bare arms" (how's that for a play on words?) can be extremely
rewarding with Isometric Power Flex exercises because the results come very quickly. You'll
notice big changes within a few weeks . But right now we need to focus on your triceps. The
biceps comprises about two-fifths of your upper arm muscle mass. That means the triceps,
when well developed, will account for the other three-fifths of your upper arm development.
Balanced development between biceps and triceps is essential to obtaining functional strength
for sports and daily life and to be aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Pay close attention to these
exercises. You will soon discover just how incredibly fast you can give yourself beautifully
developed arms-front, back, and sides.
TRICEPS POWER FLEX # I : Assume the position shown in the photo. Begin by standing
with your arms at your side, fists toward your body, and thumbs facing forward. Slowly
inhale for 3 to 4 seconds while simultaneously attempting to bend your arms backward at
the elbow, thus straightening them and powerfully contracting your triceps. Upon reaching
peak contraction, begin a slow, controlled exhalation for 7 to 12 seconds while maintaining
TRICEPS POWER FLEX #2: Assume the position shown in the photo. Begin by standing
with your arms at your sides as in the previous exercise except that this time your fists are
clenched with palms facing forward. Try bending your arms backward at the elbow to power-
fully contract the triceps.
TRICEPS POWER FLEX #3: Assume the position shown in the photo. Begin by standing
with your arms at your side, held away from your body with your latissimus dorsi muscles
flexed (the two broad triangular muscles along the sides of your back). Your thumbs are
forward with your wrists turned under toward your body. Once again try bending your lower
arms backward at the elbows to maximally contract triceps.
NOTE: this exercise is every bit as good for strengthening and developing the latissimus
dorsi muscles of the upper back as it is for defining your triceps muscles. It's one of Dr.
Neal's favorites.
TRICEPS POWER FLEX #4: Assume the position shown in the photo. Begin by standing
with your arms at your side, held away from your body with your latissimus dorsi muscles
flexed, fists clenched and facing forward, and wrists flexed. Bend arms backward at elbows
until peak contraction of the triceps is achieved. Once again, the latissimus dorsi muscles are
as actively engaged as are the triceps muscles, making this a superb double duty exercise.
TRICEPS POWER FLEX #5: Assume the position shown in the photo. Begin with your
arms held behind you, slightly bent at the waist. Curl your wrists back so that your fists are
facing the ceiling. Contract as powerfully as possible.
In all, there are a total of 9 Isometric Power Flexes for complete biceps/triceps development. Some of
these exercises may be more beneficial to you than others. Pick those that work your muscles the
best. If you have a particular problem area, such as the biceps, I advise performing all 4 biceps con-
tractions in each workout.
In time you may settle for just a few Isometric Power Flexes for the biceps and triceps, or you may
decide to perform all 9 exercises. The choice is yours.
To weI Squeeze
When I was a little kid recovering from the effects of polio, I spent nearly two years getting
around on crutches. Because of the necessity to grip the handles tightly in an Isometric fashion,
I developed such an incredible set of forearms that my friends in first and second grade
started calling me "Popeye." As you might imagine, I started watching Popeye cartoons at every
opportunity and actually forced myself to eat spinach. I wanted to be strong like him.
I even had an archenemy, the school bully, who was always kicking my crutches from under me.
Naturally, my nickname for this idiot was "Bluto." If you recall the cartoons, whenever BIuto
started pounding on Popeye, Popeye would grab a can of spinach and squeeze it so hard that the
spinach popped out and into his mouth. Then Popeye became super humanly strong like an
adrenalized berserker and proceeded to knock the stuffing out of BIuto, which is what I desperately
wanted to do to the school bully. I worked as hard as I could to pop the cans of spinach, but I
never quite succeeded. Nonetheless, it was a great Isometric exercise to just try with all my might.
Here's the pOint. Whether you enjoy racquet sports, skiing, wind surfing, martial arts, fencing,
rock climbing, bowling, or fly fishing, having strong hands, a grip of steel, and powerfully
FOREARM POWER FLEX #2: Assume the position shown in the photo. As you slowly
inhale for 3 to 4 seconds, bend your wrists backward and attempt to touch your knuckles to
the top of your forearm. As you reach peak contraction, slowly begin a controlled exhalation
for 7 to 12 seconds while trying to contract with still greater intensity for the entire time.
Slowly inhale for 3 to 4 seconds while releasing the tension. Relax completely. Power breathe
for 7 to 10 repetitions and repeat with the opposite arm.
FOREARM POWER FLEX #3: Assume the position shown in the photo. This is done by
forming a fist with your fingers first and then flexing the wrist as shown. Follow the same
breathing, contraction, and relaxation protocols as in exercise #2.
NOTE: Remember to slowly increase the intensity of the contraction in this and all the
Isometric Power Flex Exercises. Never suddenly jerk into a contraction.
Int r oduction
As I think back to my childhood, I remember seeing the old Charles Atlas ads not only in my
superhero comic books but also in my Boy's Life magazine and just about every other male-
oriented magazine in existence, including Argosy, Field & Stream, and Sports Afield. And why
not? Charles Atlas exemplified everything that was good and right in America and was living
proof of the power of the American Dream. In his ads you saw a beautifully built, healthy
and happy looking man whose physique appeared possible to achieve. Even now, more than
3S years after his death in 1972, Charles Atlas's name is still synonymous with manly
strength and fitness. That is an amazing legacy, especially when you contrast his image to
that of the bodybuilding freaks of today who are juiced up on steroids, growth hormones,
and only God knows what other chemicals.
When I was a kid, the two things that really impressed me about the Atlas ads were Mr.
Atlas's perfectly developed chest muscles and his beautifully sculpted abs that looked like
bands of muscle. (I was also always impressed by the fact that "Mac the Scrawny" became
"Mac the Mighty" after he wrote to Charles Atlas .) I'm sure that Mr. Atlas realized it too,
POSITION A (POWER FLEXES I & 2): While inhaling deeply for 3 to 4 seconds, cross
your right arm over your left arm just below your elbows and straight down in front of your
body close to your waistline. You must twist your arms so that your fists are facing each other
and your thumbs are turned downward (clockwise for your left arm and counterclockwise for
your right arm). Twist your arms as intensely as pOSSible, thereby contracting your shoulder,
arm, forearm, and especially your chest muscles. Flex as hard as possible as you slowly exhale
for 7 to 12 seconds while making an f-f-f-f or 5-5-5-5 sound. Upon completion, relax. Power
breathe for 7 to 10 breaths, and THEN REPEAT THIS SAME EXERCISE WITH THE LEFT
ARM OVER THE RIGHT. Follow the same protocols for contraction and relaxation. Power
breathe for another 7 to 10 breaths before moving to position B for contractions 3 and 4.
POSITION B (POWER FLEXES 3 & 4): Your arms are crossed exactly as in position A. This
time your arms are held straight out from your body at shoulder level. Follow the same breathing
and relaxing protocols as in position A. BE SURE TO REPEAT WITH LEFT SIDE.
POSITION C (POWER FLEXES 5 & 6): Once again, your arms are crossed exactly as in
the two preceding positions with your arms held pointing up at eye level. Follow the same
Back in the history section, I shared with you the page from Victor Hugo's Les MiserabLes that told
how Jean Valjean had used a mysterious system of "statics" to develop his incredible strength and
physique. Well, the story didn't end there. As a result of his incredible development due to his
daily bouts with "Static Isometric Contraction," Valjean had a perfect "V" shaped back. It was so
perfect that Inspector Javert could pick him out in a crowd. So, the bottom line is that I will
now show you a mysterious system of 3 statics that are guaranteed to develop awesome "lats,"
and if Javert comes after you, don't blame me.
LATISSIMUS POWER FLEX #1: Position a book just above the top of your knee as shown.
Inhale deeply for 3 to 4 seconds while pulling down and contracting your latissimus dorsi
muscles as powerfully as possible. Upon reaching peak contraction, begin a slow, controlled
exhalation for 7 to 12 seconds while making an f-f-f-f or s-s-s-s sound. Upon completion, relax
and power breathe for 7 to 10 breaths.
This is my favorite Latissimus Power Flex exercise. It yields excellent results.
LAT ISS 1M U S pow ER FLEX #2: Using the back of a chair, reach out and grasp the top of
it. Keep your back as straight as possible and keep your shoulders stationary as you inhale for 3
to 4 seconds while tensing your back muscles as powerfully as possible. Upon reaching peak
contraction, begin a slow, controlled exhalation for 7 to 12 seconds while making an f-f-f-f or
s-s-s-s sound. Upon completion, relax and power breathe for 7 to 10 breaths before moving to
contraction #3.
LATISSIMUS POWER FLEX #3: Standing in front ofa mirror, flex you lats out as far as
possible while deeply inhaling for 3 to 4 seconds. Watch the muscles closely, and upon reaching
peak contraction, begin a slow, controlled exhalation for 7 to 12 seconds while making an f-f-f-f
or s-s-s-s sound. Upon completion, relax and power breathe for 7 to 10 breaths before moving to
the next section.
liThe abdomen is the reason why
Abdominal Contraction #1
Let's be real. No muscle group has received as much attention from the general public in the
last few years as has the abdominals. In fact, if you turn on the television and start channel
surfing, I can almost guarantee you will find one or more infomercials trying to sell you the
latest ab gizmo . But the truth is you don't need any of them . If you perform Isometric
Contraction of the abdominal muscles multiple times throughout the day, you will do far
more for your abs and waistline than any ab gizmo could ever accomplish. How so? Because
with Isometric Power Flex Contraction you are exercising the abdominal muscle structure in
the most direct way possible; whereas, if you are using any ab gizmo, you'll be working against
"it" rather than focusing your attention on the contraction of the abdominal muscles them-
selves. As a result, you'll be spending money you don't need to spend and still not get the
results you want and can easily achieve by learning how to contract your abdominal muscles
directly the Iso Power Flex way.
And by the way, no amount of exercise will give you beautifully sculpted abdominals if they
are hidden under a layer of fat. To get rid of that layer of fat, follow the nutritional suggestions
Abdominal Contractions #2 - 5
ABS POWER FLEXES #2 - 5: Study the photos and note the 4 positions. Starting with
position A, you complete each position following the exact same contraction and relaxation
Inhale deeply for 3 to 4 seconds while bending slightly forward with your hands on your thighs
and flexing your abdominals downward as powerfully as possible into a peak contraction.
Slowly exhale for 7 to 12 seconds while making an f-f-f-f or 5-5 -5-5 sound. Upon completion,
relax and power breathe for 7 to 10 breaths.
Continue with positions B, C, and D.
Although you can perform multiple repetitions of each position throughout the day, only one
is necessary to achieve excellent results.
c o
Powerful hips and buttocks mean a great deal to your athletic performance, because they
are used extensively in running and jumping. Whether you enjoy sprinting, long distance
running, volleyball, basketball, football, martial arts, or any other sport, you need strong
hips and buttocks, because this region is the source of power in the beginning of all lower
body motion.
While all lower body Iso Power Flexes work this region to some extent, the following exercise
focuses directly on these important muscles.
HIPS & BUTTOCKS FLEX: While holding the backofa chairforbalance, stand on your
toes and lean slightly forward. Begin to inhale deeply for 3 to 4 seconds as you powerfully
contract the muscles of your hips and buttocks. Upon reaching peak contraction, begin a
slow controlled exhalation for 7 to 12 seconds while making an f-f-f-f or 5-5-5-5 sound and
maintaining the contraction as intensely as possible. Upon completion, relax. Power breathe
for 7 to 10 breaths, and move to Iso Power Flex for the Thighs.
This section will complete your Iso Power Flex Exercises for the specific muscle groups. We have
covered your entire body. This section will explain how to develop your thighs and calves.
As with the other exercises you have already learned, these exercises call upon the muscle
structure of other parts of the body that come into play. For instance, you will also be working
the muscles of your feet in these exercises. For anyone who wants strong, beautifully shaped
thighs and calves, these exercises deliver and carry none of the risks of spinal compression or
knee injury that would be caused by the use of heavy weights to accomplish the same goal.
For that reason alone, Iso Power Flex is vastly superior for safe, lifelong development of the
thighs and calves.
TH I G H POWER FLEX # I: Stand with your legs together. While inhaling deeply for
3 to 4 seconds, slowly lift your heel while bending the knee toward your right buttock and
flex your thigh biceps as powerfully as possible. Upon reaching peak contraction, hold for
7 to 12 seconds while making an f-f-f-f or 5-5-5-5 sound and maintaining the contraction as
intensely as possible. Upon completion, relax. Power breathe for 7 to 10 breaths, and
repeat with left leg.
THIGH POWER FLEX #2: Stand with your legs together. While inhaling deeply
for 3 to 4 seconds, slowly lift your right leg away from your body while slightly bending
at the knee. Pull the entire leg back and up and tense as powerfully as possible (yes, you
will need to lean forward). Upon reaching peak contraction, begin a slow, controlled
exhalation for 7 to 12 seconds while making an f-f-f-f or 5-5-5-5 sound and maintaining
the maximum contraction the entire time. Upon completion, relax. Power breathe for 7
to 10 breaths, and repeat with left leg.
The next 3 Iso Power Flex Contractions are performed one leg at a time in 3 positions. The
breathing, contraction, and relaxation protocols are the same for each position. Only the foot
position changes.
Each exercise begins with a deep inhalation for 3 to 4 seconds while powerfully contracting the
muscles. Hold at peak contraction for 7 to 12 seconds while making an f-f-f-f or 5-5-5-5 sound
and maintaining the maximum contraction the entire time. Upon completion, relax. Power
breathe for 7 to 10 breaths, and then perform the same contraction with the opposite foot.
T H I G H POW E R FLEX # 3: Your toes are raised straight ahead; your heel is on the floor,
and your knees are locked.
THIGH POWER FLEX #4: With your leg slightly in front of your body, twist your
foot to the left and raise your toes as high as possible while keeping your heel down and
knee locked.
# 5
There are 5 separate contractions for the calves. Once again, only the positions change. The
breathing, contraction, and relaxation protocols are identical for each.
Each exercise begins with a deep inhalation for 3 to 4 seconds while powerfully contracting the
muscles. Hold at peak contraction for 7 to 12 seconds while making an f-f-f-f or 5-5-5-5 sound
and maintaining the maximum contraction the entire time. Upon completion, relax. Power
breathe for 7 to 10 breaths, and then perform the same contraction with the opposite foot.
CALF POWER FLEX # I: Stand with your right leg slightly bent at the knee, with your
heel raised as high as possible. Flex your calf muscles as hard as possible. Relax. Repeat with
your left leg.
CALF POWER FLEX #2: Stand with your right leg slightly bent at the knee, with your
toes pointing left. Raise your heel as high as possible while tensing your calf muscles as
intensely as possible. Relax. Repeat with your left leg.
# 3
CALF POWER FLEX #4: Place your right leg on a box or stool. Raise up your toes,
flexing your calf muscles as intensely as possible while lifting your heel as high as possible.
Relax. Repeat with your left leg.
NOTE: you may wish to change positions of your foot as previously. The choice is yours.
CALF POWER FLEX #5: Place your right leg on a box or stool and raise up your toes as
high as possible while your heel remains down. Flex as powerfully as possible. Relax. Repeat
with your left leg.
# 5