7 Grade Math
Ms. Robinson, Southport Elementary
Welcome to 7th Grade Math! In this class, were going to explore math and the real world. Much
of it isnt about numbers at all: its about perseverance and thinking critically.
EVERYONE CAN DO MATH! Theres NO such thing as a math person.
Were going to try our best and were going to make mistakes along the way. (This is how we
learn!) Im looking forward to this year with you!
Students are expected to come to class every day, prepared and ready to learn with a positive
Students should have supplies all year, not just at the beginning of school. If you are struggling
to maintain supplies, please come talk to me. All students should have at least the following
every day:
Pencils (Pencils should always be used for math work.)
Notebook (Its likely that 2 or 3 notebooks will be needed for the whole year.)
Teamwork is important (in this class and later on in life). In this class, most of our work will be
completed in groups. We will all support each other!
So, whether working independently, in groups, or as a class, students are expected to
participate, be respectful, and do their best. This includes, but is not limited to, the following
Ask questions!
Take notes, and complete work in class and at home.
Dont give up! Try everything at least twice.
Remember to breathe. Im here to help you.
School Policies
There are school-wide policies that will be enforced in class:
Bathroom Students should use the facilities between classes and during breaks, not
during class time.
Electronic devices Cell phones and other electronic devices should not be seen or
heard during class periods or they will be confiscated.
Food/Gum/Candy Students should eat snacks during breaks and not in class. Food is
distracting and encourages rodents.
Drinks Please bring only water to class. HYDRATE! I recommend having a water
bottle at school with you.
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Student grades will be based on their work and participation, as follows:
30% classwork/participation
10% paper homework
10% online homework (at
50% assessments (tests, quizzes, etc.)
Classwork/Participation: Grades are based on asking/answering questions in class and doing
work. During group work, all students are expected to discuss, take notes, and turn in work.
Paper Homework: Homework is assigned MondayThursday. Students will write assignments
in their planner each day. Assignments are posted in the classroom, on Instagram, and on my
It is important that students attempt to complete the homework even if it is difficult. If students
continue to struggle after 2 attempts, they should mark the challenging problems and have
work that shows they tried. Homework should take about 15 minutes maximum.
Online Homework: Each week, students will complete at least 30 minutes of work at If they do not have a computer or smartphone to complete the work at
home, they can use a school device before school or during breaks. More information to come.
Assessments: Quizzes/tests will be given throughout each unit. Before larger tests, there will be
review time in class. Students have the chance to correct poor scores for a higher grade.
NOTE: In all of these grade categories, there are usually opportunities for students to earn extra
credit and/or complete more challenging work.
Late Work & Absences
Late work is accepted. However, there is a penalty (unless the student was absent). There will
be a 10% deduction in the grade for each day that the assignment is late.
If absent, the student is required to make up class and homework assignments. They have the
same number of days that they were absent to make up any work. Any student that is absent
should see me prior to or immediately after the absence to obtain their missed work.
Extra Help
I am usually available after school, nutrition break, and Tuesday/Thursday lunches if any
student wants help, has questions, needs to make up work, or wants to earn supplies.
Class/Contact Information
Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Note: I am in class during most the day, but I
will return voicemails. I look forward to hearing from you!
(916) 375-7890 x6427
Instagram: RobinsonMath
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7th Grade Math Expectations Agreement
I have read and understand the 7th Grade Math expectations.
Student signature: ________________________________ Print name: _____________________________________
Student: Please provide something that you would like me to know. (For example: information
about you, your needs, your goals/concerns, your expectations, etc.)
Parent: Please provide something that you would like me to know. (For example: information
about your child, his/her needs, your goals/concerns, your expectations, etc.)
Please complete and return to Ms. Robinson for homework credit.
7th Grade Math/Robinson 4
Communication Log
Date Reason for Communication
8/17/2016 Syllabus, Introduction to 7th Grade Math MR