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Is.10461.2.1994 IGC TEST

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IS 10461-2 (1994): Resistance to Intergranular Corrosion of

Austenitic Stainless Steels - Method for Determination,
Part 2: Corrosion Test in a Sulphuric Acid/Copper Sulphate
Medium in the Presence of Copper Turnings (Monypenny
Strauss Test) [MTD 24: Corrosion Protection]

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Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
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Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen
(Reaffirmed 2002)

Indian Stmdard

( First Revision )

UDC 669140188-19456
: 620193


. 0 BIS 1994 ;?
NEW DELHI 110002
Mn?, 1994 PriceGroup 2


..I - . 4
Corrosion Protection Sectional Committee, MTD 24


This Indian Standard (Part 2) (First Revision) was adopted by Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Corrosion Protection Sectional Committee, had been approved by Metallurgical En-
gineering Division Council.

This standard was first published in 1985 based on IS9 3651/B Austenitic stainless steels - Determina-
tion of resistance to intergranular corrosion : Part II Corrosion test in a sulphuric acid/copper sulphate
medium in the presence of copper turnings (Monypenny Strauss Test) issued by the International
Organisation for Standardization.

While reviewing this standard in the light of experience gained during these years, the committee has
decided to revise this standard-bringing it in line with present practices being followed in the country.

Intergranular corrosion denotes deterioration of materials by means of preferential attack along grain
boundaries. For austenitic stainless steels, which may be subjected to such an attack when they are kept
at a temperature between 430 to SOOC,it is associated with the-precipitation of chromiumrich carbides
at grain boundaries and the resultant chromium depletion (to a level less than 12% wt.) adjacent to the
grain boundaries. In the case of wrought nickel-chromium-molybdenum steels, and in titanium or
niobium-stabilized alloys, the presence of sigma phase also causes accelerated corrosion. The heat cycle,
which may provoke susceptibility to intergranular corrosion, may occur during hot-forming process like
forging and-rolling, as a result of incorrect solution treatment or during a welding operation.

This standard (Part 2) has been prepared to provide a uniform and rationalized basis for a method of
determining the susceptibility of austenitic stainless steels to intergranular attack due to precipitation
of chromium carbide and the resultant chromium depletion regions. The attack caused by sigma phase
is not reflected in this test.

This standard is issued in two parts. Part 1 of this standard deals with corrosion test in nitric acid medium
by measuremer . of loss in mass (Huey test).

In reporting the result of a test done in accordance with this standard, if the final value, observed or
calculated is to be rounded off, it shall be done in accordance with IS 2 : l!XO Rules for rounding off
numerical values (revtied).

Indian Standard

( First Revision )
1 SCOPE treated and subsequently sensitized condi-
tion, and
1.1 This standard (Part 2) describes a procedure by
which the copper sulphate-sulphuric acid test is to c) The influence of welding and associated
be conducted to determine the susceptibility of post fabrication heat-treatments.
austenitic stainless steel to inter-granular attack. 4 HEAT TREYIMENT FOR SRNSITIZATION
1.2 This method is applicable only to austenitic In order to verity the effectiveness of the added
stainless steel supplied in the form of cast rolled or stabilizing elements or low carbon content for
forged products and tubes, and intended to be used resisting intergranular corrosion, it is necessary to
in mildly oxidizing media. carry out a heat treatment for sensitization. This
1.2.1 The presence or absence of intergranular treatment is usually obtained by maintaining a test
corrosion in these tests is not necessarily a measure piece for one hour at a temperature of 650-67SC
of the performance of the material in other cor- followed by rapid cooling to room temperature in
rosion media. The tests do not provide a basis for air or water unless other specific heating or cooling
predicting the resistance to other forms of cor- rates are stipulated. The most commonl used
rosion, such as general corrosion, pitting or stress sensitizing heat treatment is 1 hour at 675BC and
corrosion cracking. water quenching or air cooling.


The Indian Standard IS 245 : 1988 Trichloroethyl- 5.1 Principle ,
ene, technical (thirdrevision) is a necessaryadjunct A test piece, prepared as specified in 5.4.2, is im-
to this standard mersed in a boiling sulphuric acid/copper sulphate
3 PURPOSE OF THE TESTS solution for a specified time. The test piece is then
subjected to a bend test. The convex surface of the
3.1 The test indicates susceptibility to inter- test piece is examined after bending in order to
granular attack associated with the precipitation of reveal any-cracks. When a test is made on a seam-
chromium rich carbides at the grain boundaries less tube, the test piece being subjected to the cor-
and chromium depleted regions adjacent to the rosion test is cut to give a test piece suitable for
grain boundaries. The test does not detect suscep- bending, and the surface of the tube to be put in
tibility associated with sigma or other phases. tension during the bend test is to specified on the
order. In the-case of certain tubes (for example,
3.2 These tests may be used to evaluate any of the small diameter tubes), a flattening test is used in-
following three factors: stead of the bend test.
a) The effectiveness-of the final heat-treat-
ment when the material is tested in the as 5.2 Corrosive Solution
delivered condition without further test The sulphuric acid/copper sulphate solution shall
heat-treatment sensitization, be prepared as follows, using analytical quality
b) The effectiveness of the added stabilizing reagents :
elements, or low carbon content when the Dissolve 100 g of copper sulphate pen-
material is tested in the solution heat- tahydrate (CuSO4, 5H20) in 700 ml of dis-

IS HI461 ( Part 2 ) : 1994

tilled water. Then add 184 g (100 ml) of between the purchaser and the supplier. The final
sulphuric acid (r. sp, gr 1.84) and make up to size and shape of the test specimen will depend
1 OOtlml with distilled water. upon the available test apparatus but Table 1 may
The corrosive solution may only be used once. be used as a guide for suitable specimen sizes.

5.3 Apparatus Rest pieces for welded products shall be the
subject of agreement between the interested par-
53.1 Conical Flask
Capacity one litre fitted with a four ball rising con-
denser. Specimens obtained by shearing should
have the-sheared edges machined or ground off
5.3.2 Support for the Test Piece prior to testing, without overheating. A squared
Generally of glass, if necessary. edge is desirable.

5.3.3 Heating Device 5.4.2 Surface Preparation

To keep the solution boiling. Depending on the -purpose of the test, the test
5.4 Test Piece piece, either with or without sensitization treat-
ment, shall be prepared as specified in either
5.4.1 Dimensions or Unless otherwise~stated on the order, the
The size of the test specimen and the area from method of preparation shall be left to the manufac-
which it is to be taken shall be mutually agreed turer.

Table 1 Size of Test Specimen

( Clause 54.1 )

SI No. Type of Material Size of Test Specimen

0) (2) (3)

i) Wrought wire or rod:

Up to and including 6 mm diameter Full diameter x minimum 75 long
b) Over 6 mm diameter Cylindrical segment of 6 mm (thick) x 25 mm wide
(M4y) x 75 to 125 mm

ii) Flat rolled products (plate, sheet and


a) Up to and including 5 mm thick Full thickness x 10 to 25 mm wide x 75 mm (Min) long

b) Over 5 mm thick 5 to 12.5 mm thick x 10 to 25 mm wide -X 75 mm (Min) long

iii) Pipes and tubes:

a) Up to 37.5 mm diameter Full ring, 25 mm wide

b) Over 37.5 mm diameter A circumferential segment 75 mm (Min): in length, cut from a
25 mm wide ring
1 When bending cylindrical segment specimens, the curved surface shall be on the outside of the bend.
2 For flat-rolled products, which are not tested in full thickness, one of the original surfaces shall be retained
in the test specimen and it shall be on the outside of the bend. Cold-rolled strip or sheets may be tested
in the thickness supplied.
3 Ring sections of tubes should not be flattened or otherwise mechanically worked before they are put in the
rest solution.
4 Specimens from welded tubes over 37.5 mm diameter, shall be taken with~the weld in the axis of the bend. Technical Properties volumes of hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.19), 5

volumes of nitric acid (sp. gr, 1.40) and the 50
The test piece shall be descaled mechanically by
polishing on all surfaces with grade 120 abrasive volumes of the water at 50 to 60C.
paper or cloth. Degreasing Chemicalpreparation The test piece shall then be degreased either in
trichloroethylene (see IS 245 : 1970) or any other
The test piece shall be descaled, without any pre- suitable solvent before being placed in the cor-
vious mechanical treatment, in a solution of 50 rosivesolution.

IS 10461( Part 2 ) : 1994

5.5 Procedure H _ 1.09Dt

0.09D + t
5.5.1 Immersion in Corrosive Solution
Carry out the test in the presence of metallic copper D= outside diameter of the tube, in millimetres;
(50 g of copper filings per litre of solution, intro- and
duced, at the beginning of the test), usin a volume
t = specified wall thickness, in millimetres.
of corrosive solution of at least 10 ml/cm of surface
area of the test piece. Place the test piece on the In case of welded tubes, the weld shall be at
copper filings, and ensure good galvanic contact the point of maximum flattening.
over the entire surface by surrounding the
5.6 Evaluation
specimens with copper filings. Bring to the boil and
continue boiling for 24-72 hours. In case of dispute 5.6.1 The surface of test piece (convex side) shall be
the duration of the test shall be subject of an examined with the naked eye or using a magnifying
agreement between the interested parties. For criti- glass (magnification not greater than 10 x ) in order
cal applications for example, chemical industries, to detect cracking. In the case of sheet with a thick-
fertilizer plants,, power plants (Nuclear and Ther- ness greater than 4 mm, the convex surface of the test
mal), etc, test duration of 72 hours is recom- shall be the retained rolled surface.
5.6.2 Freedom from fissures or cracks indicate the
5.5.2 Bend Test absence of intergranular corrosion and constitutes
a satisfactory result. The presence of fissures or
In the case of cylindrical and flat test pieces, subject cracks at positions away from the edges of the test
the test piece to a bend test through lSO on a piece indicates the presence of intergranular attack
mandrel, the diameter of which is equal to the and constitutes a test failure. For critical applica-
thickness of the test piece, except for cast products tions, when the test is carried out for 72 hours,
in which case the mandrel diameter is twice the presence of cracks greater than 25 microns should
thickness of the test piece. be taken as test failure. Appearance of deforma-
tion lines, wrinkles on the surface without accom- In cases of material having low ductility, panying cracks or fissures should be disregarded.
such as severely cold worked material, if a lSO
bend proves impractical, then determine the maxi- 5.6.3 In the case of doubtful results, a 180 bend
mum angle of bend without-causing cracks in such test shall be carried out on a second test piece
a material by bending an untested specimen of the prepared in a similar way but without having been
same configuration as the specimen to be tested. submitted to the corrosion test. Alternatively a dye
penetrant test may be carried out to distinguish
5.5.3 Flattening Test between crack and wrinkles. The comparison of
the two test pieces enables it to establishes whether
In the case of tubes tested in full section, a ring 40 the cracks observed on the corroded test pieces are
mm long shall be flattened cold between parallel due to intergranular corrosion. At the same time,
flat platens without showing crack or flaw until the if cracks are observed which cannot be definitely
distance between the platens under load is not identified as intergranular, the longitudinal section
greater than the value, H, in millimeters, given by of the test pieces may be examined metallographi-
the followmg formula: tally, at a magnification of 100 x to 250 x.
Bnreap;of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Stundurdr Act, 1986 to
promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality
certification of goods and attending tot connected matters in the country.

BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No .part of these putlications may be reproduced
in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does notpreclude the free use,
in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type
or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director
( Publications ), BIS. *

Rcrislon of Indian Stand-da

Indian Standards are reviewed periodically and ,revised, when necessary and amendments, if
any, are issued from time to time. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in
possession of the latest amendments or edition. Comments on this Indiirn Standard may be
sent to BIS giving the following reference:

This .Indian Standard has been developed from_Doc : No. MTD 24 ( 3923 ).

Amendments lsaued Since Poblicrtioo

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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