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A336 A336m PDF

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Designation: A 336/A 336M - 97 ll epee vom onal Se SM Sane Cony AST Standard Specification for Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure and High-Temperature Parts" “Ts stun sisued under the Sed designation A 331A 33M; the ruber immediatly fllowng the designation nets he yer 1 pina ation nthe en of revi, te yar fle revision Are in preteens the ear fat appa [Aspens epson ) ndates an edo charge since he las wevson oF eaporal ‘This nandard ha ben approved for ue by agencies of he Deparment of Defense. Consul the DoD Index of Specifcarons and Standards or the specie ear of ie which hs ben ape By the Depatent of Defense. 1, Scope 1.1 This specification? covers both ferritic and austenitic Steel forgings for boilers, pressure vessels, high-temperature pars, and associated equipment. 1.2 Forgings made of steol grades fisted in Specification ‘A 339/A 335M, may also be ordered under this specification ‘The chemical, tensile, heat treatment, and marking require- ‘mens of Specification A 335/A 335M shall apply, except the forging shall conform to the chemical requirements of Tables 1 and 2 of Specification A 335/A 335M only with respect to heat analysis. On check analysis they may deviate from these limits to the extent permitted in the Tensile Requirements Table of this specification, Nore I For all austenitic stels the term “Class” has been changed: wo "Gnide caret Fomaty Grae Ft Clase Ft Gade Fit, Class 2 Cisse Ft Gade FIs, Cass 3 has FIV (Grae FH, Cass 1 Gass 18 Grave F12 Giase F12 rade FS ass FS ‘Gace FSR Chass FSA Grae Fo. ise FO race F Chass 8 Grae F21 Class 1 Gane F218 (Grae F2t, Oss 3 Gass F2i Gace F22! es ¢ Gloss F228 (Grave F22, Cae 3 Gass Fa Sade F2: Goss FO1 Grave ass FV Grace F22V lane F220 1.3 Supplementary Requirements SI to S9 are provided for ‘use when additional testing or inspection is desired, These shall apply only when specified individually by the purchaser in the order. 14 The values stated in either inch-pound units or ST (metric) units are 10 be regarded separately as standards. "Thi pecieaton unde the jutscon of ASTM Connie At oa Ste Stine Stel, and Reng Aloys an the dct esponsbly of Suormice ‘ADL OGon Stel Fegings and Biles ‘Cnsavediton spoved May 10,1997 Puihed September 1997. Oigialy Dubished ay 4 336-957 Last previous con A33QA 336M ~96. "for ASME Bove and Pes Vessel Cate apphctons. se relied Spei- “ation SA-361SA-230M in Sato of that Cove Within the text and tables, the SI units are shown in brackets. ‘The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system must be used independent of the other ‘Combining values from the two systems may result in noncon- formance with the specification 1.5 Unless the order specifies the applicable "M” specifica- tion designation, the material shall be furnished to the inch- ound units 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: ‘A2ISIA 275M Test Method for Magnetic Particle Exami- nation of Steel Forgings’ ‘A.335VA 335M Specification for Seamless Fertitic Alloy Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service* .A.310 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing ‘of Stee! Produets* ‘A788 Specification for Steel Forgings, General Require- meats* E 112 ‘Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size® E 165 Test Method for Liquid Penetrant Examination? 2.2. Other Standard: "ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, Weld- ing Qualifications* 3. Ordering Information and General Requirements 3.1 In addition to the ordering information required by Specification A 788, the purchaser should include with the inquiry and order the following information: 3.1.1 A drawing or sketch that shows tes ocations when the testing is in accordance with 8.11.3 3.1.2 The intended use of forgings if 5.1 is applicable. 3.2 Material supplied to this specification shall conform to "Anat Book of ASTM Standards, ot 01.5. * Awnal Boot of ASTM Standard, X10 ® Awad Book of ASIM Standards, Vo 01.38, ‘Aaa Haok of ASTM Standards, Vo 03.01 ‘Aue! Book of ASTM Sandan Nl O88, * Availabe fromthe American Solty of Mechanis Enpagers. 348 Bas 470 St, New York NY 10017 (fl) A 336/A 336M the requirements of Specification A 788, which outlines addi ‘ional ordering information, manufacturing requirements, test- ing and retesting methods and procedures, marking, certifica- tion, product analysis variations, and additional supplementary requirements. 3.3 If the requirements of this specification are in conflict with the requirements of Specification A 788, the requirements ‘of this specification shall prevail, 4. Melting and Forging 4.1 In addition to the melting and forging requirements of Specification A 788 which may be supplemented by Supple- ‘mentary Requirement 8, the following conditions apply: 4.1.1 Austenitic grades of steel shall not be produced by the opemhearth process. 4.1.2 A sufficient discard shall be made to secure freedom from injurious pipe and undue segregation. Nore 2—Because of dificuis in retaining nitrogen, vacuum melting for remelting processes shovld not be specified for Grades FAGIN, FROMLN, F3I6N, F316LN and PXM-II 5. Machining 5.1. Forged pressure vessels for steam power service shall hhave the inner surface machined or ground, Uniited pressure vessels shall have the inner surfaces sufficiently free of scale to permit inspection, 5.2 When rough machining is performed, it may be done either before or after heat treatment. 6, Heat Treatment 6.1 The feritic steel forgings shall be annealed or normal- ized and tempered but alternatively may be liquid quenched and tempered when mutually agreed upon between the manu facturer and the purchaser. Grade F22V forgings shall be normalized and tempered or liquid quenched and tempered, For Grade F22V forgings the minimum anstenizing tempera. ture shall be 1650°F [900°C]. For Grade F91 forgings the normalizing temperature shall be in the range of 1900 10 2000°F [1040 to 1095°C]. Normalizing or liquid quenching shall be followed by tempering at a subcritical temperature ‘Minimum tempering temperature shall be L100°F [595°C], except for the following grades: otra Temperng rese Tomgortce. FEC) Fo 180 (620, Fit, cise 2 11506201 FN; Gace 3 1150 6201 FH, Gass 1 150620) fe 1250675) Fo 1250 (6751 F2t, Case 1 12506751 Fav. Fave 1280675) F22, Gace 1 1250 (6751 Feev 1250875] Bs 1350720) 6.2 All austenitic material shall be furnished in the heat- treated condition. The heat treatment shall consist of heating the material to 2 minimum temperature of 1900°F {1040°C] except for Grades F321H, F347H, and F348H, which shall be solution treated at 1925°F [1050°C] minimum, Solution treat ‘ment shall be followed by quenching in water, water-polymer solution, or oil 6.2.1 Grade FXM-11 and FXM-19 shall be solution treated at 1950 -£ 25°F [1065 + 15°C] followed by quenching in water, water-polymer solution, oF oil 6.2.2 Grade F46 shall be solution treated at temperatures in the range 2010-2140°F [1100-1170°C_ followed by quenching in water, water-polymer solution, oF oil. 6.2.3 Quenching of forgings directly after forging without intermediate reheating for solution annealing is not classified as solution annealing for this specifica 7. Chemical Composition 7.1 Heat Anaiysis—The heat analysis obtained from sam pling in accordance with Specification A 788 and shall comply with Table 1 and Table 2. 7.2 Product Analysis—The manufacturer shall use the prod Uuct analysis provision of Specification A788 10 obtain a product analysis from a forging representing each beat or multiple heat. The product analysis for columbiurn and calcium for Grade F22V shall conform to the requirements of Table 1 and Table 2 of this specification. Boron is not subject to product analysis. The purchaser may also make this determi- nation in accordance with Specification A 788. 8. Mechanical Properties 8.1 General Requirements—The material shall conform (© {he requirements for mechanical properties prescribed in Table 3. The largest obtainable tension test specimen as specified in ‘Test Methods and Definitions A 370 shall be used 8.1.1 For annealed, normalized, and tempered ferric steels not tested per and austenitic steels, the longitudinal axis ‘of the specimens shall be parallel to the direction of major working of the forging, except when Supplementary Require: ment S2 is specified. For upset disk forgings, the longitudinal axis of the test specimen shall be in the tangential direction, The longitudinal axis of the specimen shall be located midway between the parallel surfaces of the test ‘extension if edded to the periphery of disks or midway between the center and surface of solid forgings. For hollow forgings, the longitudinal axis of the specimens shall be located midway between the center and outer surfaces of the wall. When separately forged test blocks are employed, as defined in 8.1.3, the tension test specimens shall be taken from a location which represents the midwall of the heaviest section of the production forgings. When specimens are required from opposite ends, they shall be taken from the diagonal corners of an axial plane, ‘Alternatively, and when specified, the specimens shall be taken in accordance with Supplementary Requirement $3 For liquid quenched and tempered ferritic steel forgings, the test specimens shall have their longitudinal axis at Teast 4 T of the maximum heat-treated thickness from any surface and with the mid-length of the specimens at Jeast one T from any second surface. This is normally referred to as Ya T X T, where T's the maximum heat-treated thickness. A thermal buffer may be used to adhere to the above condition, For normalized and tempered and liquid quenched fand tempered ferrtic steel forgings. With prior purchaser approval. test specimens may be taken at a depth (®) corre- sponding to the distance from the area of significant stress to the nearest heat-treated surface and at least wice this distance @b A 336/8 336M TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements Compecton, emt Steels Grace Eorent Fi Fi, Gasses2 FIT, Glass 1 a ro 7 re and Gator oma o1eam o0eotS 010-02 djemar O2Smax oO lemax OD max Mangansce 060-08 © 020-0g0 © 030-06) «30-080 —«as0-08 © ag max 00-080 «toma Prosphons, max 0028 ‘025 025 025, cas ‘0.005 ‘oes 0.028 Soto mar Bas ous 9.005, 1s, 0.088 0.005, 2s 0.005. Sicon| 020-035 980-100 08C-100 «010-060 OO max OSD max 0-100 100. max Niet 50max O50 max 280 max Crom tooiso — sa8tigo owing = “408 40-80, accioo sass Movidenum 040-060 _—O4E-088 OMS aH. ows DBS sos ri Elonest Ey, Gasser PH, Casson Gatos ——~C oss 005-08 Manganese Dan-06 090-060, Phosphor, max 0025, oes Sotot max 9.025, 2.025, Steon| 050m 050 max ‘Chromo 2749 200-250 Mosbaerun 080-108 0.04110 enact oppor Nvegen ‘cot 7 _ Bisnent Grade FOF Fv, Fee Fax Sabon oosai2 olea%s als o1r-o4s Manganese Ga0-a60 © Oa0-060 © 06-060 «930-060 Phosphor, max 0025. ‘0020 ‘0020 ‘aos ‘utr mane 2025, B20 20% 2010 Stes ozoas0 —oxmax ot max a1 max Nekal 0.40 mae 025mar 025 max Choro 80-35 eras 2798 200-260 Moyeaeru oasios otto oso-txo 090-110. ‘Yona 01802 020-090 oz0-as © as-098, atu 806-010 o01s-0070 007 max Neogen oosoo7 ‘Aunnun 0.0 max Bron 0013.05, (00088 max ean B0i5-008 001s mame G0 mae od O2smex 020 mae aetum 0005-00180 _G018 max” “The precast Grade F SA (0.25 %, mauimsn carbon) proven Te T086 nae astigred tho Wondoon oyrbal FS, onion eynbol FS ras been assigned ome (0.18% mourn, carbon grado tobe cnsstnt wa AST spectcaons fo oer products suchas sia, tubing, ting, welding, tings. et. "ror Grado F22V ae earth tas (REM ray be added i lace of cau sujet © agretra blwean He roar ad the pus. tn Ek case etl mount of EM shal be detarmined and ropes (21) from any second surface, However, the test depth shall not be nearer (0 one heat-treated surface than % in. [19 mm) and to the second treated surface than 1/sin. {38 mm}, This method ‘of fest specimen location normally applies to thick and complex pressure vessel components where the testing in is not practical. Sketches showing the exact test locations shall be approved by the purchaser when this method is used, 8.1.2 Except as specified herein, tests for acceptance shall be made after heat treatment has been completed in accordance with Section 6, When the ends of the cylindrical forgings are closed in by reforging, the cylindrical forgings may be normal- ized and tempered or annealed and tested before reforging. Afier reforging, the entire forging shall be reheat-treated in the ‘same manner and at the same temperature range as employed when the forging was heat-treated before certification testing. 8.1.3 When mutually agreed upon between the manufac- turer and the purchaser, test specimens may be machined fro a specially forged block suitably worked and heat treated with the production forgings. Such a special biock shall be obtained from an ingot, slab, or billet from the same heat used to make the forgings it represents. This block shall receive essentially the same type of hot-working and forging reduction as the production forgings; however, a longitudinally forged bar with dimensions not less than T by T by 3 T may be used to represent a ring forging. The dimension shall be representa tive of the heaviest effective cross section of the forging. For quenched and tempered forgings for which tests are required at both ends by and, separately forged test blocks are not allowed. None 3-Invsing separately foqged et block atention is drawn othe

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