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Not All Inverters Are The Same..

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Not all inverters are the same...

A discussion on why inverter selection can have a greater bearing on

electrical powertrain performance than is immediately obvious.

In the search for ever increasing levels of engineered for both mainstream and
efficiency, traditional internal combustion motorsport sectors of the automotive market.
engines are experiencing high levels of As a consequence Zytek are uniquely placed
innovation focused on downsizing and forced to understand the key parameters that are
induction. Whilst this does not appear to have required to be considered in the development
a parallel with the ever increasing levels of of a successful HV electrical system, with
powertrain electrification, a focus on system the inverter as the key enabler to unlock
performance, ie conceiving the battery, system potential.
inverter & electric machine together, can have
Prior to the commencement of either an
an equally dramatic effect on weight, size,
inverter selection, or the development of a
performance, and of course, cost.
new bespoke product designed specifically
A traditional route to conceiving an for an application, basic primary parameters
electrified powertrain will tend to specify the need to be understood: input voltage range
system components in the order of electric (ie battery DC voltage), output voltage range
machine, battery, and finally the inverter. (matched to the requirements of the electric
In this sequence, the most complex unit, machine), output power & current, drive
responsible for optimising bi-directional cycle (to ensure thermal performance can
energy flow between battery and electric be maintained), working temperature range
machine as well as integration with safety and coolant details (thermal capacity & flow
critical vehicle operating systems, is given the rates). Following this, secondary information
lowest priority, possibly because of the belief will be required: maximum electrical
that an inverter is an inverter. The author frequency (used to select the optimum PWM
would argue that inverter selection should frequency to control switching losses) and
be given greater consideration at the time further battery characteristics (to optimise
of specifying the battery and motor, as the DC link capacitance to reduce DC ripple
inverter will have an equally significant impact current losses). Even at this high level, it
on whether or not the systems performance has become immediately apparent that the
and cost targets are achieved. standard information presented on a data
sheet or sales flyer is not adequate to convey
Zytek is a company experienced in the
the necessary information to compare
parallel development of electric machines,
inverter products.
power electronics and batteries, specifically
But having selected or designed an inverter of delivered torque accuracy (typically <1%
capable of operating using all of the above torque error when applied to salient machines,
data (and much more!), only using very where torque is not proportional to any
advanced, state of the art, machine control measurable physical variable).
techniques can the optimum performance be
Finally, from a safety aspect, many vehicle
realised. Given a nameplate inverter electrical
level implementations now require inverters
rating, it is a common misconception that all
to meet ISO26262 ASIL level D, necessitating
similarly rated inverters will drive electrical
dualisation of current sensing within the
machines to produce the same power/torque
inverter using different sensing techniques, and
output. Zytek use a proprietary AC controller,
the ability to continue to function even in the
using space vector modulation with advanced
case of a complete loss of 12V KL15 & KL30
discontinuous and over-commutation
ignition signals.
techniques, all implemented on a system by
system basis. At no point is any table lookup Having been daunted by all of the above, rest
of torque vs machine current used, as this assured that inverters are available capable of
technique cannot be used for top end, high achieving all of the above and more, they just
performance systems capable of extracting the need to be thought of as less of a pure current
maximum torque/amp (and hence minimised switching device, but more of as the primary
system loss). Live, closed-loop models of system enabler, but most importantly, as the
both inverter and machine loss are run in the primary choice when conceiving you vehicle
inverter, enabling operating efficiencies of electrification requirements.
>97% to be realised, along with high levels

It is a common
misconception that all
similarly rated inverters will
drive electrical machines
to produce the same
power/torque output

Zytek Automotive Limited

Lancaster Road
Fradley Business Park Fradley
Lichfield, Staffs WS13 8RY, UK

Tel: +44 ( 0 )1543 412 789

Fax: +44 ( 0 )1543 412 799
Email: enquiries @ zytek.co.uk


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