Animal Diversity
Animal Diversity
Animal Diversity
Taxomony (Gr.) - study of nomenclature, classification and
their principles. This word was given by ''Candolle''(Taxis
arrangements. Nomos - Law)
Smallest unit of classification is ''Species''. Genus includes various
types of species. Family is made up of various genera. Many families
join together to form an Order, many order join together to form
a class and many classes form a Phylum. All the phyla unite to form
the largest unit i.e. Kingdom.
Storer and Usinger classified whole animal kingdom into 31 phyla. Out
of which 10 are major and 21 are minor phyla. Main phyla are :
1. Protozoa -
e.g. Amoeba, Paramoecium etc.
2. Porifera -
Sponges etc.
3. Coelenterate -
Hydra, Jellyfish etc.
4. Ctenophora (minor phylum) -
Beroe etc.
5. Platyhelminthes - Tape
worm etc.
6. Nemathelminthes-Nematoda -
Ascaris etc.
7. Annelida -
Earthworm, Leach etc.
8. Arthropoda - Insects,
Scorpion, Fly etc.
9. Mollusca -
Snail, Pila, Octopus etc
10. Echinodermata - Star fish
11. Hemichordata -
12. Chordata - Fish,
Snake, Birds, Monkey etc.
Basis of Classification.
Two type of symmetry are usually seen in the animals :
(i) Radial symmetry : The animals with radial symmetry are called
as Radiata. For example, Cnidarians (hydra, jellyfish and
starfish). Biradial symmetry is present in sea anemone.
For sessile animals, radial symmetry is advantageous, as it allows
food to be gathered from all sides.
They may develop appendages all round the mouth to capture and
push prey into it.
Their sensory and nerve coordination surrounds the mouth. We see
this in coelenterates.
(iii) Tube within tube : Tube within tube type of body plan is
present in Nemathelminthes, Annelida,Arthropoda, Mollusca,
Echinoderms Hemichordates and Chordates. The digestive system
is a continuous tube with an opening at each end.
Tube-within-a-tube body plan has been achieved in two different
ways in two evolutionary lines.
In one called the Protostomes, the first opening to develop in the
embryonic digestive tube is the mouth; the anus develops later. This is
seen in the annelid, mollusc and arthropod line.
In the other, the Deuterostomes, the anus develops first and the
mouth is formed later. This occurs in the Echinoderms Hemichordates
and Chordates (including the vertebrates).
On the basis of coelom, animals can be
(i) Acoelomate : The animals in which the coelom is absent are
called as Acoelomates, for example flatworms. In them the space
between ectoderm and endoderm is filled with parenchyma eg.
(ii) Pseudocoelomate : The body cavity is not completely lined with
mesoderm. Instead, the mesoderm is present as scattered pouches in
between the ectoderm and endoderm. Such a body cavity is called as
pseudocoelom e.g roundworm.
(iii) Eucoelomate : The true coelom is a body cavity which arises as
a cavity in embryonic mesoderm. In this case, the mesoderm of the
embryo provides a cellular lining, called as coelomic epithelium or
peritoneum, to the cavity. The coelom is filled with coelomic fluid
secreted by the peritoneum. The coelom is found in Arthropods,
Molluscs,Annelids, Echinoderms,
Hemichordates and Chordates. True coelom is of two types :
(a) Schizocoelom : It develops by the splitting up of mesoderm. It is
found in annelids, arthropods and molluscs. Body cavity of
arthropods is called heamocoel.
Notochord is mesodermally derived rod-like structure formed on the
mid-dorsal surface during embryonic development in some animals.
Animals with notochord are called chordates and those animals which
do not form this structure are called non-chordates, e.g., Porifera to
Echinoderms or Hemichordates.
(i) Open type : In open type, the blood is pumped by the heart into
the blood vessels that open into blood spaces (sinuses). There is no
capillary system (i.e., most arthropods, some
molluscs except cephalopods and tunicates). These sinuses are
actually the body cavitites, and are called haemocoel. The pressure of
the blood is low; it moves slowly between the tissues, and finally,
returns to the heart via the opened veins. In fact, distribution of blood
in the tissues is very poorly controlled. The pigments, which carry
oxygen, remain dissolved in blood plasma. Body tissues and visceral
organs exhange respiratory gases, nutrients and waste products,
directly with blood.
It is 3 rd largest phylum. One celled performed all the biological
activities like multicellular animals. So they are termed
as ''Acellular'' organism, proposd by Dobell.
(5) Budding
- Calcareous spicules
- Relatively large.
- Exclusively marine in shallow water
Leucosolenia (smallest)
Leucon type
Leuckart coined name Coelenterate.
Cnidology-Study of cindaria
(1) Polyp
(2) Medusa
- Cylindrical in shape
- Mostly sessile, but some are motile
- May be solitary or Colonial
- Types of structures : -
Gastrozooids (Hydranth) - For Nutrition
Dactylozooids - For Protection
Gonozooids - For Reproduction
- Umbrella like
- Free swimming
- Always solitary
- Types of structures : -
Phyllozooids - For Protection
Nectophore - For swimming
Gonophore - For Reproduction
Pneumatophores - For Swimming
Either or both zooids may occur in a species.
If both forms are found in a group it is called Cormidia.
If both are found in a species, two form alternate in life cycle.
(Alternation of generation or Metagenesis)
Nervous system present both in polyp & medusa and form a loose
net work of nerve fibres on either side of mesogloea (Diffused type).
Neurons are non-polar. Sensory cell are also present. Medusa have
sense organ Rhopalia or statocyst/Tentaculocyst.
Cleavage is Holoblastic.
Body is Triploblastic.
No appendage.
Moult (changed) many times during growth period (usually four times).
Epidermis - Syncytial
Muscle layer - Longitudinal fibres divided into four quadrants.
(each with 150 muscle cells)
Sense organs
like Papillae (Tangoreceptors), Amphids (chemoreceptor) are present
on lip.
Paired unicellular Phasmids (chemoreceptor) are found near
hind end of body.
Excretory system is H-shaped formed by single cell
called Renette cell.
Excretory substance is ammonia.
Male is smaller than female and curved from its caudal end.
Male has penial spicule for copulation. Genital tract joins digestive tract
to form cloaca.
Classification :
On the basis of caudal receptor or phasmids, Aschelminthes can be
divided into 2 classes-
Members of this class lack phasmid.
Ex Ascaris*
Trichuris trichiura
No intermediate host.
Cause - Ancyclostomiasis.
Its life cycle gets completed in two hosts. Man is the primary
host, while female culex/Aedes mosquito is the secondary host.
Anterior end forms a distinct head with sense organ in few annelids.
Inhabits in sea - shore between tide mark, burrower, nocturnal,
carnivorous, gregarious, fertilization - in sea.
Parapodia in each segment except first & last. During breading
body divides in two parts.
Anterior asexual part - Atoke and posterior sexual
portion Epitoke. This change is known as epitoky.
Based on presence or absence/of Parapodia, Setae and Sense
4. Clitellum absent
6. Development is direct.
1. All Marine
2. Cephalistion absent.No distinct head, eyes, tentacle present and
olfactory palps.
3. Parapodia and setae are absent.
4. Clitellum absent
5. Animals are unisexual
6. Development is indirect. Larval stage is called Trochophore.
Segmentation is Mainly intermal
e.g Polygordius Connecting-link between Annelida & Mollusca
(living fossil) Larva known as Loven's Larva
without external and internal segmentation.
Seate are rare and usually have long prostomium or proboscis.
e.g., Bonelia, Echiuris
It is the largest phylum in the animal kingdom, including 900,000
species. The largest class is insecta
with 750,000 species. General characters are
Class 1. Crustacea
Class 2. Chilopoda
Development is direct
Class 3. Diplopoda
The insects may be divided into four groups on the basis of their
mode of development.
Lac Insect
Lac is actually secreted for its protection and not for the food of
the insect.
Male insects are winged and structurally complete, but females
are degenerated.
Cochineal Bug
Blister Beetle
Red Ants
Glow worm
Wingless female and larva of certain beetles like Lymphyris
notiluca which emits greenish light. Also yields luciferin
Drones are male honey bees. They develop from unfertilized eggs.
Drones and virgin queens take part in nuptial flight. After copulation
the drones are not allowed to come back into hive.
Scout bees search for food and intimate the same to worker bees
by dances-round dance for less than 75m and tail wagging
dance for longer distances.
Prof. karl von Frisch got Nobel prize 1973 for decoding the
language of bee dances. Workers have pollen collecting apparatus,
honey storing mechanism and wax secreting glands.
Young workers secrete royal jelly. Royal jelly is given to queen or
potential queens.
Class 5. Arachnida
(iv) Thin fleshy fold or outgrowth of dorsal body wall covers the
body. This fold is called mantle or
pallium. It encloses a space mantle or pallial cavity between
itself and the body. The mantle
usually secretes an external limy shell. Shell is made up
of Calcium carbonate and Concheolin
Shell may also be internal (Cuttle fish), reduced and even absent
Coelom is greatly reduced. It is represented by cavities in
the pericardium, kidneys and gonads. Space among the viscera
contain blood and form haemocoel.
(1) Cerebral (above the mouth) (2) Pedal (In the foot)
(3) Visceral (in visceral mass)
Molluscs are classified on the basis of shell, Foot, Nervous system and
Gills into seven classes
- Marine
- Marine
Head - absent. Shell-Tubular, open at both end.
Foot - Conical and use for digging
Larva - Trochophore
*Dentalium-Tusk shell. (Respire by mantle)
Polyplacophora/ Amphineura
- Marine
Head - reduced without eyes and tentacles.
Shell - Present or absent. 8 dorsal plates present.(Multivalved)
Radula Present
Foot - Reduced/absent.
Chiton-The coat of mail shell (Sea-mica)
- Marine, Worm like
Head-Small without eyes & tentacles
Shell - Absent.
Redula - Present
- Neomenia
- Marine, common character of Annelida and Arthropoda.
Head - Indistinct
Shell - Dome-shaped with mantle.
Radula - Present
Foot - Flat muscular
Larva - Trochophore
- Neopilina
Living fossils Connecting link of Annelida and Mollusca and
only segmented mollusk with nephridia.
Name Echinodermata was given by Jacob Klein.
Star fish Bipinnaria, Brittle star
Sea urchin Echinopluteus, Sea
cucumber Auricularia
Feather star Doliolaria,
Few echinoderms (star fish) have great power of regeneration. They
break off their arms for defence
purpose. This phenomenon is known as Autotomy
Spines - Absent
Pedicellariae - Absent
Ambulacral groove - Oral and ciliated
Madreporite - Absent
Anus Oral
Suckers Absent
Larva - Doliolaria
*Antedon - Sea lilly (most primitive)
Neometra - Feather star
Neometra - Feather star
Body form-Long & cylindrical
Arms - Absent
Spines Absent
Padicellariae - Absent
Ambulacral groove Absent
Madreporite - Internal
Anus Aboral
Suckers Present
Larva - Auricularia
Animals of this phylum are all fossorial, and their tunnels are U -
Respiration by gills.