Dissolved Air Flotation Model For Drinking Water Treatment: Ayman R. Shawwa and Daniel W. Smith
Dissolved Air Flotation Model For Drinking Water Treatment: Ayman R. Shawwa and Daniel W. Smith
Dissolved Air Flotation Model For Drinking Water Treatment: Ayman R. Shawwa and Daniel W. Smith
Abstract: In this study, a kinetic model that describes bubbleparticle transport and attachment in the contact zone of
dissolved air flotation (DAF) process is presented. The kinetic model, which is based on the assumption that the con-
tact zone is analogous to a chemical reactor, describes the particle removal rate as a first-order reaction with respect to
the concentration of particles. It identified important parameters, such as the bubbleparticle attachment efficiency
(a PB ). The theoretical first-order particle removal rate constant (kP), based on the mathematical model, was determined
by varying a PB from 0.1 to 1.0. On the other hand, the experimental kP value was determined by measuring the mean
residence time, the degree of mixing of particles, and the particle removal efficiency of the contact zone by conducting
pilot-scale DAF experiments at different hydraulic loading rates and recycle ratios. The experimentally determined first-
order particle removal rate constant was equal to the theoretical kP value when the bubbleparticle attachment effi-
ciency (a PB ) was in the range of 0.35 to 0.55, which is considered typical for water treatment applications. The kinetic
model can be used to predict DAF removal efficiencies provided that a PB is determined for the system under investiga-
tion and that the operating conditions applied in this research are used. However, independent experiments are required
to verify the applicability of the proposed model.
Key words: algae, bubble, coagulation, dissolved air flotation, flocculation, kinetic model, particle size distribution, wa-
ter treatment.
Rsum : Dans cette tude, un modle cintique qui dcrit le transport et l'attachement de particules ares dans la
zone de contact du procd d'mergence d'air dissous (EAD) est prsent. Le modle cintique, qui est bas sur
l'hypothse que la zone de contact est analogue un racteur chimique, dcrit le taux d'enlvement de particules
comme une raction du premier ordre en fonction de la concentration de particules. Il a identifi d'important param-
tres, tel que l'efficacit d'attachement des particules ares (a PB ). La constante thorique du taux d'enlvement de parti-
cules du premier ordre (kp), base sur un modle mathmatique, fut dtermine en variant a PB de 0,1 1,0. D'un autre
ct, la valeur exprimentale kp fut dtermine en mesurant le temps moyen de rsidence, le degr de mlange des par-
ticules et l'efficacit d'enlvement des particules lors d'expriences pilotes d'EAD avec diffrents taux de charge hydrau-
lique et degrs de recyclage. La constante du taux d'enlvement de particules du premier ordre tablie
exprimentalement fut gale la valeur kp thorique lorsque l'efficacit d'attachement des particules ares (a PB ) tait
entre 0,35 et 0,55, ce qui est typique pour des applications de traitement de l'eau. Le modle cintique peut tre utilis
pour prdire les efficacits de retrait du procd d'EAD, en autant que (a PB ) soit dtermine pour le systme considr
et que les conditions d'opration appliques dans cette recherche soient employes. Cependant, des expriences ind-
pendantes sont requises afin de vrifier l'applicabilit du modle propos.
Mots cls : algue, bulle, coagulation, mergence d'air dissous, flocculation, modle cintique, distribution de la dimen-
sion des particules, traitement de l'eau.
Introduction white paper in the paper industry (Gregory 1997). It has be-
come increasingly important in the field of drinking water
Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is an alternative process for treatment since the mid-1960, especially in Scandinavia and
solidliquid separation whereby particles are removed by the U.K. It is an emerging technology in North America and
means of their attachment to air bubbles. This process was is used successfully for treating soft, low alkalinity, natu-
recognized as early as 1924 for the recovery of fibers and rally colored, and algae-laden waters.
The DAF process can be divided into two sub-processes:
Received January 18, 1999. the pretreatment process and the flotation process. The DAF
Revised manuscript accepted September 21, 1999. pretreatment process involves two steps: particle destabi-
lization and particle flocculation. Particle destabilization oc-
A.R. Shawwa and D.W. Smith. Department of Civil and curs during the rapid mixing stage, after the addition of
Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, chemical coagulants, where the coagulants are dispersed uni-
AB T6G 2M8, Canada.
formly and quickly so as to cause destabilization of colloidal
Written discussion of this article is welcomed and will be particles in the raw water. On the other hand, particle floccu-
received by the Editor until August 31, 2000. lation and growth of aggregates occur during the slow mix-
ing stage. The principal aim of this process is the transport established in this study: (i) to measure the mean residence
of the destabilized particles and to promote collisions and time and the degree of mixing of particles inside the contact
floc formation. zone, (ii) to measure bubble size and concentration and su-
The major component of the DAF process is the flotation perficial liquid velocity inside the contact zone, and (iii) to
process. It consists of a saturator system, where water is sat- measure the particle removal efficiencies of the contact
urated with air under pressure, and a circular or rectangular zone. All these measurements were made at different hy-
flotation tank. The flotation tank is divided into the contact draulic loading rates and recycle ratios.
zone and the separation zone. The purpose of the contact
zone is to collide and attach particles to bubbles, while the Kinetic model for dissolved air flotation
purpose of the separation zone is to provide relatively quies-
contact zone
cent conditions for particlebubble agglomerates to rise to
the surface of the tank. Edzwald and co-workers have described a conceptual
In the contact zone, the supersaturated water is injected model for particle collection by bubbles in the contact zone
into the flotation tank through a nozzle. The resultant pres- of the DAF process (Edzwald et al. 1990; Malley and
sure reduction releases air from solution as micro-bubbles, Edzwald 1991; Edzwald 1995). Their model is based on the
i.e., bubbles with diameter ranging from 10 to 100 mm. The single collector efficiency (SCE) concept that is used to de-
mass of air released can be expressed in terms of the bubble scribe particlebubble collision and attachment for a batch
volume concentration (FB), which is defined as the bubble system. This concept has been used successfully to describe
number concentration multiplied by the average volume of a dispersed air flotation (Malley and Edzwald 1991).
single class of bubbles with a volumetric mean diameter The SCE model describes the mass transport of particles
(dB). These bubbles collide with the flocculated particles in from the bulk water to bubble surfaces, in which bubbles act
the contact zone forming bubbleparticle agglomerates. as collectors. A basic assumption was used in this model
As a result of bubble attachment, the apparent density of where bubbles are formed rapidly and almost instanta-
the formed bubbleparticle agglomerates is reduced below neously in the contact zone (Edzwald 1997). The single bub-
that of water and the agglomerates would rise in the separa- ble removal efficiency (R) is equal to the total single bubble
tion zone. The rise velocity of the particlebubble agglomer- collector efficiency (hT) multiplied by the bubbleparticle
ate (UPB aggl) could be calculated, assuming Stokes drag collision efficiency factor (a PB). The total single collector ef-
conditions, i.e., RePB 1.0, as follows: ficiency is equivalent to the sum of four transport mecha-
nisms, expressed as single collector efficiency: Brownian
g(r w - r PB)dPB2
[1] UPB aggl = diffusion, interception, differential settling, and inertia. For
18m DAF water treatment applications, where typical particle
size (dp) is of the order of 10 mm, the transport by intercep-
where RePB is defined as UPB aggldPBr PB/m, r W is the water tion is the most significant term in the total single collector
density, g is the acceleration due to gravity, m is the water efficiency (Edzwald 1995). Therefore, hT can be approxi-
dynamic viscosity, r PB is the particlebubble agglomerates mated by the single collector efficiency for interception,
density, and dPB is the equivalent spherical diameter of the which can be expressed as follows:
particlebubble agglomerates (Edzwald 1995). The equiva- 2
lent spherical diameter (dPB) can be calculated as follows: 3 dP
[4] hT =
[2] dPB = (dp3 + nBdB3)1/3 2 dB
where nB is the number of bubbles attached to particles and On the other hand, a PB is strongly dependent on pH, coagu-
dp is the particle equivalent spherical diameter. lant type, and dosage, with typical values ranging from 0.3
For particle density (r P ) and bubble density (r B), r PB can to 0.5 (Liers et al. 1996).
be calculated as follows: The SCE model can be used to describe the particle re-
moval rate in the contact zone. This can be achieved by re-
r P dP 3 + n Br BdB3
[3] r PB = garding the contact zone as analogous to a chemical reactor
dP 3 + n BdB3 (Gochin 1981). Several attempts have been made by differ-
ent researchers to describe the particle overall removal rate
The performance of the DAF process, in terms of particle in batch systems, using the first-order expression with re-
removal efficiency, is dependent on many physical and spect to the concentration of particles (Sutherland 1948;
chemical interactions inside the contact zone. Therefore, by Collins and Jameson 1976; Edzwald et al. 1990). Using the
developing a kinetic model that would describe bubblepar- first-order expression, with respect to particle number con-
ticle interactions inside the contact zone, the performance of centration (NP), the particle removal rate (dNP/dt) can be ex-
the DAF process could be predicted at different operational pressed as
conditions. n
dN P
The objectives of this study were (i) to present a kinetic [5] = -kP (N P ) i
model for the contact zone of the DAF process and (ii) to dt i =1
determine experimentally the bubbleparticle attachment ef-
ficiency (a PB) by comparing the experimental first-order par- where n is the number of classes in the particle size distribu-
ticle removal rate constant (kP) with the theoretical value. To tion (PSD) and kP is a lumped parameter called the first-
achieve this objective, three supplemental objectives were order particle removal rate constant. The first-order constant,
which is determined experimentally for the system under in- In an actual DAF system, the particle removal efficiency
vestigation, involves physical, chemical, and surface vari- in the contact zone is influenced by the mixing conditions.
ables that describe the bubbleparticle interaction process. These conditions can be described as intermediate between
An expression for the contact zone removal rate constant, perfectly mixed and plug flow. The mixing conditions can be
under continuous flow conditions, was developed based on determined by the mean residence time of particles (tm) and
eq. [5] (Shawwa 1998). The first-order particle removal rate the degree of mixing of particles inside the contact zone.
constant (kP) for mean particle size (dP) was defined as The degree of particle mixing inside the contact zone can be
measured using the dimensionless Peclet number (Pe),
9 (U + UB rel ) 2 d 2 which is the inverse of the dispersion number (Nd), defined
[6] kP = a PB L P 3 FB
4 L
( 2U + UB rel
) dB
where UL is the liquid superficial velocity and UB rel is the [9] Pe =
relative bubble rise velocity approximated by Stokes rise UL L
velocity for a spherical bubble with diameter dB.
where Da is the axial dispersion coefficient and L is the dis-
For the proposed kinetic model, it was assumed that,
tance between the point of the tracer injection and the point
given the narrow range of particle and bubble sizes, the first-
where the measurements were taken.
order particle removal rate constant (kP) is the rate constant
The degree of particle mixing and the mean residence
for particles of size dP, which is equivalent to the mean of
time can be determined experimentally using tracer studies.
the particle size distribution, and bubbles of size dB, which is
When a pulse of tracer is introduced into the fluid influent
equivalent to the mean of the bubble size distribution. Also,
line just upstream from the contact zone and the concentra-
the particlebubble collision efficiency factor (a PB) was as-
tion of the tracer (C) exiting the contact zone is measured
sumed to be the same for all particles and bubbles in the ap-
over time (t), then a residence time distribution (RTD) of the
plied size range. In a real DAF system, there will exist a
liquid can be obtained. The collected concentrations are then
distribution of rate constants and a PB values reflecting a
normalized to produce a curve enclosing unit area above the
range of particle and bubble sizes. However, utilizing the
time axis. This can be represented mathematically as the
mean value of bubble and particle size distributions has been
RTD density function (Levenspiel 1972).
shown to adequately describe the process at this stage of
analysis. For first-order reactions and for vessels with any kind of
The particle removal rate defined in eq. [5] can be ex- entrance and exit conditions, the experimental removal effi-
pressed in terms of the particle removal per contact zone ciency for the contact zone (RCZ) can be defined as
height (HCZ). Considering steady-state conditions, i.e., UL is 4a exp(Pe / 2)
constant, the contact zone kinetic model for the continuous [10] RCZ = 1 -
(1 + a) 2 exp(aPe / 2) - (1 - a) 2 exp(-aPe / 2)
flow DAF process can be presented as
9 (U + UB rel ) d 2 where a is defined as [1 + (4kPtm/Pe)]1/2 (Levenspiel 1972).
N CZ e
[7] = exp - a PB L P 3 FBHCZ The experimental particle removal efficiency for the con-
N CZ o
4 (2UL + UB rel ) dB tact zone (RCZ) can be calculated by estimating the particle
number concentration (NCZ e,i), for particle size dPi. To esti-
where NCZ o,i is the particle number concentration, for parti- mate NCZ e,i, a critical particlebubble agglomerate diameter
cles of size dPi, entering the contact zone and NCZ e,i is the (dPB critical,i) is assumed to exist when the agglomerates rise
particle number concentration, for particle size dPi, exiting velocity (UPB aggl,i) is equal to the overflow rate of the sepa-
the contact zone (Shawwa 1998). ration zone (UOS). Since the flow conditions around the par-
The particle removal efficiency in the contact zone (RCZ) ticlebubble agglomerates are considered laminar relative to
can be calculated based on eq. [7], which is defined as the fluid, i.e., Reynold number for particlebubble agglom-
erate (RePB) 1.0, then the critical diameter can be expressed
N as follows:
[8] RCZ = 1 - CZ e
i =1 N CZ o i 0.5
[11] dPB critical, i =
The kinetic model presented in eq. [7] has incorporated the g(r w - r PB)
batch SCE model into a continuous flow system, which is
more representative of the real DAF system. The model Agglomerates having diameter (dPBi) larger than the criti-
identified important design and operating parameters that cal diameter (dPB critical,i) will have rise velocity higher than
can be measured experimentally for the particular DAF ap- UOS and therefore will be separated from the effluent. On
plication. It has considered the effect of contact zone hydro- the other hand, agglomerates with dPBi smaller than
dynamics, i.e., the superficial liquid velocity, on DAF dPB critical, i will be carried out with the effluent, together with
particles removal efficiency. However, the model assumed a those particles that are free from attached bubbles. There-
constant kP and a PB values, whereas a distribution of rate fore, by calculating dPBi, for each particle size (dPi), one
constants and a PB values exist for real DAF systems. Also, could determine the number concentration of the fraction of
the model applies only to particles with diameters less than particles that would be separated and the number concentra-
100 mm because detachment forces between particles and tion of the fraction of particles that would be conveyed with
bubbles were not considered. the effluent.
Fig. 1. Particle mass balance for DAF contact and separation Table 1. Standard values for contact
zones. zone kinetic model variables used for
the sensitivity analysis.
Model variable Reference value
a PB 0.5
dP* 10 mm
dB 50 mm
F B 4000 ppm
UL 70 m/h
HCZ 3000 mm
dP was based on the mean diameter of the
PSD of the flocculated algae used in this
FB was calculated based on saturator
efficiency factor of 0.84, Psat = 484 kPa, and
RR = 7%.
HCZ was calculated based on mean contact
zone residence time of 150 s.
Fig. 2. Effect of a PB on particle removal efficiency (standard Fig. 4. Effect of F B on particle removal efficiency (standard
conditions shown in Table 1). conditions shown in Table 1).
Fig. 3. Effect of dB on particle removal efficiency (standard con- Fig. 5. Effect of dp on particle removal efficiency (standard con-
ditions shown in Table 1). ditions shown in Table 1).
These data indicate that good performance is achieved for larger than 10 mm. As expected, the removal efficiency in-
bubble sizes below about 60 mm. creases as dP is increased because hT, which is approximated
The effect of bubble volume concentration (FB) is illus- by hI for particle size larger than 1 mm, is proportional to dP2.
trated in Fig. 4. The model simulation indicates that particle
removal rate increases sharply with increasing FB and that Materials and methods
more than 95% removal is achieved at approximately FB
equal to 2000 ppm. Bubble volume concentration is con- Pilot-scale dissolved air flotation system
trolled by the saturator pressure and the recycle ratio. Since In this study, a continuous flow pilot-scale DAF system
the saturator pressure does not vary much in practice, the re- was used for measuring the experimental particle removal
cycle ratio is considered the more important design and op- efficiency for the contact zone (RCZ), as shown in Fig. 6. The
erating parameter. For the condition used in the sensitivity experimental setup included mixing column, contact zone
analysis, a recycle ratio of 7% is considered to be the opti- column, separation zone tank, air dosing system, floccula-
mum value for pilot- and full-scale DAF water treatment fa- tion unit, and rapid mixing unit.
cilities (Zabel 1985). For the purpose of this study, the contact and the separa-
The effect of particle diameter (dP) on DAF performance is tion zones were physically delineated by designing the DAF
shown in Fig. 5. The results indicate that particle removal im- tank as a coaxial column. The inner column was the contact
proves sharply as dP increases. The model predicts that zone column and the outside column was the separation
greater than 95% of particles are removed for particle sizes zone. The contact zone hydraulic loading rate was based on
the total water flow rate (Qtotal), which is equal to the floc- cle dynamic analyzer (PDA) instrument was properly ad-
culated water flow rate (Qwater) plus the saturated water flow justed for the flow being studied. The instrument adjustment
rate (Qsat) divided by the maximum cross-sectional area of includes transmitting optics adjustment, receiving optics ad-
the contact zone. The air dosing system was used to produce justment, and electronics adjustment (Shawwa 1998).
supersaturated water, which was injected into the contact Superficial liquid velocities (UL) were measured at hy-
zone to produce fine bubbles with mean diameter (dB) and draulic loading rates ranging from 30 to 90 m/h. Bubble size
mean volume concentration (FB). The bubble volume con- (dB) and volume concentration (FB) were measured at hy-
centration can be controlled by the recycle ratio (RR), which draulic loading rates ranging from 30 to 90 m/h and at RR
is defined as Qsat divided by Qwater. ranging from 3% to 7%, at saturator pressure of 484 kPa.
The flocculator provided 5 minutes of residence time at a Measurements were replicated four times and the average
flow rate of 0.7 m3/h. Mixing was accomplished by using was taken as the mean value for UL, dB, and FB.
variable speed motor, which provided mixing intensity (G)
ranging from 30 to 150 s1. The rapid mixing unit used in
this study was an in-line static mixer. The objective of the Experimental procedures for the contact zone removal
rapid mixing unit was to disperse the coagulant in raw water efficiencies (RCZ)
as rapidly as possible (less than 1 s) and at high intensities These experiments were conducted using the optimum co-
of mixing (G values of 3000 to 4000 s1). agulant dosage and using synthetic water, which contained
green algae. The experimental procedures for the determina-
Experimental procedures for the tracer study tion of RCZ involved the preparation of the synthetic water
The tracer study was conducted using the pulse-input test and the algae culture, the determination of the optimum co-
to determine the experimental RTD for deionized water in- agulant dosage, and the measurement of the particle number
side the contact zone. A pulse of NaCl was injected just concentration of the DAF effluent (NDAF e,i), at different hy-
below the saturated water injection point. The system re- draulic loading rates and RR.
sponse, as a function of time, was monitored by recording
the change of the conductivity of water inside the contact Synthetic water and algae culture preparation
zone. The conductivitytime profiles were afterwards trans- The synthetic water used in this study consisted of
lated into concentrationtime profiles. The RTD of the con- Chlorella vulgaris suspended in chemically conditioned de-
tact zone was measured at four different hydraulic loading ionized water. The synthetic water had an alkalinity of 10-3
rates: 30, 50, 70, and 90 m/h. Also, at each hydraulic load- equivalent/L, calcium hardness of 1.2 103 equivalent/L,
ing rate, recycle ratios were varied from 3% to 7%. The de- and ionic strength of 4.5 103 equivalent/L. Chlorella vul-
tails of the experimental procedures can be found in Shawwa garis cultures were purchased from the University of To-
and Smith (1998). ronto culture collection and were cultured and grown in
synthetic algae growth media (Edzwald and Malley 1990).
Measurement of superficial liquid velocity, bubble size, Algae growth phase was monitored using a Hiac/Royco par-
and concentration ticle counter (model 8000, Pacific Scientific). The particle
The system that was used for measuring superficial liquid counter sensor had a size range of 1150 mm with a maxi-
velocity and bubble size and concentration was the 2-D mum particle concentration of 16 000 particles greater than
DANTEC particle dynamic analyzer (DANTEC, Denmark). 1.0 mm/mL. Chlorella v. was grown for 710 days, to obtain
This instrument is based on phase Doppler anemometry that cell number concentration of approximately 107 cell/mL for
is an extension of the laser Doppler anemometry. The parti- log growth phase conditions.
Table 2. Tracer study results for the contact zone of the DAF Fig. 7. Particle size number distributions for hydraulic loading
process. rate of 90 m/h and RR of 7%.
loading rate RR tm HRT*
(m/h) (%) Pe (min) (min)
90 7 37.2 1.3 1.0
90 3 41.4 1.2 1.0
70 7 31.5 1.5 1.2
70 3 36.7 1.4 1.2
30 7 13.9 3.8 2.9
Hydraulic retention time of the contact zone.
Table 5. Summary of contact zone re- (equivalent to the calculated UL) calculated based on the
moval efficiency results. measured Qtotal divided by the cross-sectional area of the
contact zone column. The PDA measurements were per-
Hydraulic formed by seeding the influent water with TiO2 while actual
loading rate RR
(%) RCZ
flow rates were measured using the stopwatch and the
(m/h) bucket method. The results indicated good agreement be-
90 7 0.952 tween calculated and measured UL. The results also indi-
90 3 0.694 cated that as Qtotal increased, i.e., as contact zone hydraulic
70 7 0.881 loading increased, the percentage difference between mea-
70 3 0.593 sured and calculated UL decreased.
30 7 0.642 To determine the particle removal efficiency for the con-
30 3 0.317 tact zone (RCZ) for algae particles, the optimum dose of the
coagulant PACl was determined, using the bench-scale DAF
unit. In these experiments, the PACl dose was varied from
The RTD curves were used to calculate the mean resi- 0.5 to 5.0 mg/L as aluminum and there was no pH adjust-
dence time (tm) for particles inside the contact zone (Leven- ment after the addition of the coagulant to the synthetic wa-
spiel 1972). On the other hand, the degree of mixing of ter. The synthetic water had a turbidity of 1.0 NTU and
particles inside the contact zone was determined based on particle concentration of 105 particles/mL. The results of
the axial dispersion model and the experimental RTD curves these experiments indicated that the optimum PACl dose was
(Shawwa and Smith 1998). in the range of 2.9 to 3.14 mg/L as aluminum. At that dose,
The tracer study results, summarized in Table 2, showed treated water turbidity was 0.09 NTU, a reduction of almost
that the mean residence time (tm) of particles inside the con- 92%. Also, the number concentration of the particles in the
tact zone was always larger than the contact zone hydraulic treated water was 458 particles/mL, a reduction of 99.5% or
retention time (HRT). As the hydraulic loading rate in- 2.3 log reduction.
creased, tm approached HRT, indicating that the flow condi- The particle removal efficiency (RCZ) experiments were
tions inside the contact zone are approaching plug flow. On performed at different hydraulic loading rates and recycle ra-
the other hand, the results showed that Pe increased as the tios using the pilot-scale DAF system. Water samples were
hydraulic loading rate increased, i.e., the degree of mixing of collected from the flocculator and the DAF effluent line to
the particles decreased inside the contact zone. measure particle number concentration for the flocculated
The superficial liquid velocity, bubble size, and concentra- water (NCZ o,i) and DAF effluent (NDAF e,i), respectively.
tion, which are required for calculating the theoretical first- Particle size distribution (PSD) of the collected samples
order particle removal rate constants (kP), were measured us- was generated using the Hiac/Royco particle counter. The
ing the particle dynamic analyzer (PDA) at different hydrau- PSD data were presented using the number distribution
lic loading rates and recycle ratios. The results for the PDA (American Public Health Association, American Water Works
experiments are summarized in Table 3. All these measure- Association, and Water Environment Federation 1992). The
ments were taken at a contact zone height (HCZ) of 1500 mm number distribution is formed by plotting (DNi /Dlog dPi) ver-
and saturator pressure of 484 kPa. sus log dPi, in which DNi is the particle count per milliliter in
Generally, the results summarized in Table 3 showed that channel i, dPi is the average particle size for channel i and
the mean bubble diameter (dB) decreased as the hydraulic Dlog dPi is the width of the channel i. Figure 7 shows PSD for
loading rate increased at the same recycle ratio. Also, the synthetic water with algae, flocculated water, and DAF efflu-
mean bubble diameter decreased as the recycle ratio in- ent water, at a hydraulic loading rate of 90 m/h and RR of 7%.
creased at the same hydraulic loading rate. The bubble vol- The PSD plot shows that the particles were mostly smaller
ume concentration results showed the same trends. than 12 mm. Also, it shows that the number concentration of
In addition, Table 3 summarizes the results of UL mea- raw water particles increased after the addition of 3 mg/L of
sured by the PDA instrument and hydraulic loading rate PACl followed by 5 minutes of flocculation.
2000 NRC Canada
Shawwa and Smith 381
Theoretical kP (min1)
Hydraulic a PB
loading rate RR Experimental
(m/h) (%) 0.10 0.35 0.55 1.00 kP (min1)
90 7 0.607 2.123 3.337 6.066 2.516
90 3 0.216 0.757 1.189 2.163 1.014
70 7 0.274 0.961 1.510 2.745 1.190
70 3 0.108 0.378 0.594 1.081 0.511
30 7 0.053 0.187 0.294 0.535 0.275
30 3 0.022 0.076 0.119 0.216 0.101
In all experiments, the lowest particle removal efficiencies Table 6 summarizes the results of the comparison between
occurred for particles lower than 2 mm in size while the the theoretical and experimental kP values at different a PB
highest was achieved for particles with dp ranging from 4 to values, hydraulic loading rates, and recycle ratios. The re-
12 mm. This is clearly illustrated in Fig. 8, which shows par- sults showed that the experimental value of a PB for which
ticle removal efficiencies for particle size dPi, at a hydraulic both theoretical and experimental kP values were in the
loading rate of 90 m/h and RR = 7%. This finding is in range of 0.35 and 0.55. These values are within the range
agreement with studies performed by other researchers (Va- typically found in DAF water treatment applications (Liers
lade et al. 1996) and the SCE model, where the particle re- et al. 1996).
moval efficiency for the DAF process is proportional to dp2.
Figure 8 also shows that the particle removal efficiency for Conclusions
particles of size larger than 12 mm decreased. That may be
due to fewer particles of these sizes entering the DAF con- In this study, a kinetic model for DAF contact zone has
tact zone. been developed based on the single collector efficiency
To calculate the particle removal efficiency for the contact model (SCE). The model included parameters that describe
zone (RCZ), the number concentration (NCZ e,i) for particles bubbleparticle transport and attachment efficiency, particle
of size dPi was estimated by comparing dPBi with dPB critical,i, size, bubble size and volume concentration, bubble rise ve-
for all particles of size dPi in the PSD. This was achieved by locity, superficial liquid velocity, and contact zone height.
calculating the particlebubble agglomerates rise velocity Experimental results indicated that the mean bubble size
(UPB aggl), for each particle size (dPi), assuming one bubble (dB) decreased as the hydraulic loading rate and the recycle
attached to the particle and by using eqs. [1] through [3]. ratio increased. Since the first-order particle removal rate
Laminar flow conditions were verified by calculating the constant (kP) is proportional to dB3, based on the kinetic
particlebubble agglomerate Reynolds number for each par- model, it was expected that kP would increase as dB de-
ticle size (dPi). creased. This was confirmed by performing the pilot-scale
experiments. These experiments showed that kP increased
In addition, the critical particlebubble agglomerate diam-
from 0.101 to 2.516 min1 as dB decreased from 89.5 to
eter (dPB critical,i) was calculated using eq. [11] and was com-
52.7 mm.
pared to the dPBi, for all particles of size dPi. Then the
The pilot-scale experimental results also showed that the
number concentration fraction (NCZ o,i NCZ e,i)1 was calcu-
experimental removal rate constant (kP) increased as the bub-
lated. As a result, NCZ e,i could be calculated by subtracting ble volume concentration (FB) increased. Increasing RR
(NCZ o,i NCZ e,i)1 from NDAF e,I, and RCZ was calculated from 3% to 7% at a hydraulic loading rate of 90 m/h re-
based on eq. [8]. Table 4 summarizes the procedures for cal- sulted in an increase of FB from 2263 to 5119 ppm. As a re-
culating the particle removal efficiency (RCZ) for one experi- sult, experimental kP increased from 1.014 to 2.516 min1.
ment performed at a hydraulic loading rate of 90 m/h and RR In addition, pilot-scale experiments showed that the high-
of 7%. The corresponding overflow rate for the DAF separa- est experimental particle removal rate constant was
tion zone was 5.6 m/h. 2.516 min1 for experiments performed at a hydraulic load-
The results of the experimental particle removal efficiency ing rate of 90 m/h and RR of 7%. On the other hand, the
for the contact zone (RCZ) are summarized in Table 5. lowest experimental kP value was 0.101 min1 for experi-
The results showed that RCZ increased as the hydraulic load- ments performed at a hydraulic loading rate of 30 m/h and
ing rate increased at the same RR. Also, the experimental RR of 3%.
RCZ increased as RR increased at the same hydraulic loading The experimental value of a PB for the synthetic water sys-
rate. tem investigated in this study was estimated by comparing
The experimental removal rate constants (kP) were deter- the theoretical removal rate constant (kP) based on the pro-
mined by trial and error using eq. [10] and the results in Ta- posed kinetic model and the experimental kP at different hy-
bles 2 and 5. On the other hand, the theoretical kP values draulic loading rates and recycle ratios. The results indicated
were calculated at a PB values ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 using that the value of a PB for which both theoretical and experi-
eq. [6] and the results summarized in Table 3. The mean par- mental kP were equal was in the range of 0.35 and 0.55.
ticle diameter (dP) was equal to10 mm, based on the particle These values are within the range typically found in DAF
size distribution of the flocculated water sample. water treatment applications. Therefore, the model can be
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tial funding for this project.
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