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Modal Verbs: CAN / CAN'T

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One function of the modal verb can is for ability.

We can use the can if we decide now that we will do in the future.

The verb 'Can' belongs to modal verbs and is located before the main verb in infinitive. Means 'power'.
It is used for ability, permission

We can take a taxi to the airport.

Mary can be very stubborn sometimes.


You can sit here if you lik

It can take longer than we thought.

Nobody can understand that.

Your decision can change our lives.

Modal verbs: CAN / CANT

Posted on February 29, 2012
Many people learning English find modal verbs confusing, especially their
specific meanings. Heres a basic introduction to the modal verb CAN with
We use can to talk about possibility. POSIBILIDAD
Can you do that?
I cant manage to do that.
You can leave your car in that parking space.
You cannot smoke in here.
* Notice that there are two negative forms: cant and cannot. These mean exactly
the same thing. When we are speaking, we usually say cant.
We use can to talk about ability. PARA HABLAR DE UNA HABILIDAD
I can speak French.
I cant drive.
We use can to ask for and give permission. (We also use may for this but is more
formal and much less common.) PARA PEDIR Y DAR PERMISO
Can I speak to you or are you too busy?
You can use my phone.
You cant come in.
We use can in offers, requests and instructions. OFRECIMIENTOS, PETICIONES E
Can I help?
Can you give me a hand?
When you finish that, you can take out the garbage.
We use can with see hear feel smell taste to talk about something which is
happening now . (Where you would use the present continuous with most other verbs.)
I can smell something burning.
Can you hear that noise?
I cant see anything.
We can use cant for deduction.DEDUCCIN
You cant be hungry. Youve just eaten. No puedes tener hambre. Acabas de
He was in London one hour ago when I spoke to him. He cant be here
yet.Estaba en Lndres hace una hora cuando habl con l. No puede estar ya

Modal Example Uses

They can live where they want . Ability / Possibility

We cant fix it. No podemos arreglarlo Inability / Impossibility
Can I smoke here? Asking for permission
Can Can you help me? Request (peticin)

Here you have some examples of the use of CAN / CANT in dialogues:
a) Can you play the piano?

Yes, a little. How about you?

No I cant, but I can play the guitar.

b) Can you cook?

Not really. I can make toast and pasta, thats all.

Everyone can make toast!

Well, can you cook?

Yes, I can. I can cook delicious fish and chicken.

Wow, thats great.

c)So what can you do?

I can draw, and I can paint really well too. I can also speak English and Korean.
How about you?

I can play chess and I can write computer programs. I can also speak English
and Spanish.

efiniciones de lack

the state of being without or not having enough of something.

"the case was dismissed for lack of evidence"

sinnimos: absence, want, need, deficiency, dearth, insufficiency, shortage, shortfall, scarcity, paucity,
unavailability, deficit


be without or deficient in.

"the novel lacks imagination"

sinnimos: be without, be in need of, need, be lacking, require, want, be short of, be deficient in, be
bereft of, be low on, be pressed for, have insufficient, be strapped for

Ver tambin

lack of, lack of knowledge, lack of confidence, lack of understanding, lack of evidence, lack of time,
lack of respect, for lack of, lack of appetite, lack of experience

efiniciones de falta


el estado de ser sin o no tener suficiente de algo.

"el caso fue desestimado por falta de pruebas"

Sinnimos: ausencia, quiera, necesidad, carencia, escasez, insuficiencia, escasez, dficit, la escasez, la
escasez, la falta de disponibilidad, el dficit


sin o deficientes en.

"la novela carece de imaginacin"

Sinnimos: sin, estar en necesidad de, necesidad, faltar, requerir, quiero, faltarn, ser deficiente en, ser
privado de, ser bajo en, ser presionado para, han insuficiente, se corto de

Ver Also

falta de, falta de conocimiento, falta de confianza, falta de comprensin, falta de pruebas, la falta de
tiempo, falta de respeto, por falta de, falta de apetito, falta de experiencia

\There are three verbs that collocate with sports and other free time activities: go, do and play, but
they are not interchangeable:

Go is used with activities and sports that end in -ing. The verb go here implies that we go
somewhere to practice this sport: go swimming.

Do is used with recreational activities and with individual, non-team sports or sports in which a
ball is not used, like martial arts, for example: do a crossword puzzle, do athletics, do karate.

Play is generally used with team sports and those sports that need a ball or similar object
(puck, disc, shuttlecock...). Also, those activities in which two people or teams compete against
each other:play football, play poker, play chess.

Collocations: do, play or go with

sports and other activities
In British English, you can "do sport". In American English you
can "play sports".
A typical mistake Spanish speakers make is using the
verb practise for sports:
*I love practising sport. This should be: I love sport.
*I usually practise sport every evening. This should be: I
usually do sport every evening.
However, in American English you can use the
verb practise or practice (as it is spelt there) to mean "to
train": The team is practicing for tomorrow's competition.
When other words related to sports are used, we may use
other verbs:
"What sports do you do?"
"I play tennis".

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