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Geriatric Nursing xx (2016) 1e6

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Geriatric Nursing
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Feature Article

The effect of range of motion exercises on delirium prevention

among patients aged 65 and over in intensive care units
Canan Karadas, MSc *, Leyla Ozdemir, RN, PhD
Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing, Ankara, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of range of motion exercises on preventing
Received 27 June 2015 delirium and shortening the duration of delirium among patients in the intensive care unit who are aged
Received in revised form 65 and over. The study was conducted in the intensive care unit on patients with non-invasive me-
7 December 2015
chanical ventilation. The sample size included 47 patients from the intervention group and 47 from the
Accepted 14 December 2015
control group. The incidence of delirium was 8.5% in the intervention group and 21.3% in the control
Available online xxx
group. The duration of delirium was 15 h for patients in the intervention group and 38 h for those in the
control group. Although delirium incidence and duration decreased by 2.5-fold in the intervention group
Intensive care
compared to the control group; there was no signicant relationship between the intervention and
Mobility control groups. In conclusion, as the decreases in delirium occurrence and duration were not statistically
Range of motion signicant, the effect of range of motion exercises was limited.
Delirium 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction improved nutrition levels by oral feeding, and a decreased risk of

respiratory infections.5,6 Delirium incidence differs as to the type of
Delirium, as an acute state of confusion, is a severe geriatric ventilation support. Although its incidence in patients with NIMV is
syndrome common among older patients in the intensive care unit 20%e50%, in patients with IMV this ratio is 60%e80%.7 Among
(ICU) that is caused by a decrease in functional, metabolic and elderly populations, the incidence is also high. More than 20% of
cognitive activities.1,2 Delirium is a complicated clinical syndrome people aged 65 and over suffer from delirium at the time of
affected by patients physiological parameters and their health admission to the emergency room.8 This number varies from 20% to
conditions. These parameters are utilized to develop a model to 79% in the ICU.9e11
predict delirium. Inouye et al.s model to predict delirium includes Although delirium screening is important,10,12,13 it does not
four risk factors for delirium: the presence of cognitive and vision ensure an improvement in health outcomes. Therefore, the clinical
impairment, an Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Assessment II guidelines of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
(APACHE II) score of 16 or above, and a bloodeurea nitrogen (BUN)/ (NICE) and the ABCDE bundle recommend early mobility to prevent
serum creatinine ratio of 18 or above.3 Delirium occurs at a high delirium.12,13 The ABCDE bundle is a set of evidence-based practices
incidence in patients with ventilation support. In invasive me- designated by an acronym that represents ABC: awakening and
chanic ventilation (IMV), the patient is supported via an endotra- breathing coordination, D: delirium monitoring and management,
cheal tube that provides positive pressure from a ventilator.4 In and E: early mobility.12 The ABC component contains sedation
non-invasive mechanic ventilation (NIMV), the patient is supported awakening and spontaneous breathing trials. The D component
by a face mask that provides positive pressure from a ventilator. includes delirium screening by a validated tool such as the Intensive
NIMV has certain advantages, such as a decreased need for seda- Care Delirium Screening Checklist or the Confusion Assessment
tion, a reduced use of physical restraints, a decreased number of Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU). The E component
tubes, low anxiety levels due to the patients speaking ability, contains early mobility encouragement and safety screening for
vital and hemodynamic signs.7,14 Early mobility refers to the
mobilization of patients in the rst 48 h after ICU admission, and it
Conict of interest: The authors have no nancial disclosures to declare and no includes movements varying from passive range of motion (ROM)
conicts of interest to report.
exercises to ambulation in the unit.15 The ABCD components are
* Corresponding author. Adnan Saygun Cad., D-Bloklar -1, Kat 06100
Samanpazar, Ankara, Turkey. Tel.: 90 534 348 40 34. implemented in many ICUs as part of routine care, but the E
E-mail address: karadas.canan@gmail.com (C. Karadas). component has certain implementation decits.7 Although exercise

0197-4572/$ e see front matter 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 C. Karadas, L. Ozdemir / Geriatric Nursing xx (2016) 1e6

is benecial and highly recommended for patients with delirium, it Materials and methods
is time consuming. Therefore, its feasibility is considered to be low
by health care professionals.16 Indeed, early mobility prevents Study setting and design
complications of immobility by encouraging the patient to move
and improve vital functions.17 Mobility has positive effects such as This study was performed in the adult medical ICUs of a uni-
improving the venous return and stroke volume, increasing the versity hospital in Turkey. Our study was a randomized, controlled
amount of oxygen distributed to tissues, reducing ventilation time clinical trial. A stratied randomization was used in this study.
and enhancing cognitive abilities.17,18 Patients were stratied and matched based on their BUN/serum
The research regarding the effect of exercise on delirium mostly creatinine ratios (>18 and 17.9), their APACHE II scores (>16 and
centers on patients with IMV.19,20 Schweickert et al found that 15) and the existence of visual impairments (present or absent)
patients who underwent physical therapy, including the passive via the delirium predict model.3 All patients meeting the inclusion
ROM exercises, sitting balance and tolerance, pre-ambulation ex- criteria were matched according to their BUN/serum creatinine
ercises and ambulation have shorter durations of delirium and ratios, their APACHE II scores and the existence of visual impair-
more ventilator-free days compared to patients who did not receive ments. The rst patient was assigned to the intervention group, and
this therapy.20 Another study emphasized that the patients with a subsequent similar patient was matched in the control group. The
acute respiratory failure who receive physical therapy benet from groups were homogeneous according to the BUN/creatinine ratio
improved delirium status and a decreased length of hospital stay.19 (t 0.271, p 0.787), the APACHE II score (t 1.449, p 0.151)
Although patients with NIMV suffer from delirium at a high and visual impairments (X2 1.138, p 0.286).
incidence, this patient group has not been sufciently investigated.
The literature does not include any studies concerning the effect of
exercises on decreasing delirium incidence or preventing delirium Population and sample
among older adults with NIMV.7 Therefore, we aimed to determine
the effect of ROM exercises on preventing delirium and shortening A power analysis was utilized to determine the sample size for
the delirium duration among patients in the ICU aged 65 years and this study. Accordingly, the analysis revealed that the intervention
over with non-invasive mechanical ventilation. The hypotheses of and control groups should each include 47 patients, resulting in a
the study were generated as follows: test power of 0.80 (a 0.05). Within the scope of the study, 199
patients were approached between January 2015 and April 2015
H1. ROM exercises would prevent the development of delirium in
(Fig. 1). A total of 102 patients were excluded from the study based
the intervention group compared to the control group.
on their ineligibility. Three patients refused to participate because
H2. ROM exercises would shorten the duration of delirium in the they declined the exercise intervention. Therefore, the study was
intervention group compared to the control group. conducted with 94 patients who were consented.

Patients admitted to the ICU

(n = 199)

State of meeting the sample


Patients excluded from the Patients included in

sample the sample
(n = 105) (n = 94)

<65 years of age <65 years of age and Randomization of patients

(n = 58) on IMV* support included in the sample
(n = 17)

Control (n:47)
Being on IMV Having delirium
- Daily CAM-ICU assessment
(n = 13) (n = 5)
-RASS assessment
-Routine clinical procedures
Amputated Active GIS**
extremity bleeding
Intervention (n:47)
(n = 1) (n = 2)
- Daily CAM-ICU assessment
-RASS assessment
Refused to participate in
Having a cognitive the study -Routine clinical procedures
disorder (n = 6) - Performing ROMs
(n = 3)

*IMV: Invasive mechanical ventilation

** GIS: Gastrointestinal system
Fig. 1. Procedure ow chart.
C. Karadas, L. Ozdemir / Geriatric Nursing xx (2016) 1e6 3

The inclusion criteria of the study were as follows: no previous using the RASS and the CAM-ICU Scales. The control group received
delirium before the procedure, an ICU stay of at least 24 h, aged 65 no intervention apart from routine clinical practice. In the inter-
years and over and voluntary participation. The exclusion criteria vention group, after the daily RASS and CAM-ICU assessments, ROM
were dened as follows: not meeting the age requirement, having exercises were performed once a day until the patients were dis-
an amputated extremity, undergoing invasive mechanical ventila- charged. Passive, assisted-active or active ROM exercises were
tion and procedures limiting mobility (intracranial monitoring, performed based on the patients ability to respond to verbal
femoral artery catheter, extracorporeal circulation devise, and un- commands. ROM exercises were performed for the four extremities
stable fracture), a Richmond AgitationeSedation Scale (RASS) score in the supine position with 10 repetitions for approximately 30 min.
of 4 and 5 (deep sedation and coma), advanced osteoporosis, If the patient was unable to tolerate the intervention, the exercise
terminal illness, known cognitive disorders (dementia and psy- ceased and the intervention continued the next day. The parame-
chosis), increased intracranial pressure, active gastrointestinal ters indicating that the exercise was not tolerated were as follows:
system bleeding, arrhythmia and active myocardial ischemia.12,18,20 average arterial pressure 65 mm Hg, systolic blood pressure
200 mm Hg and above, pulse rate 40 or 130, saturation 88%,
Data collection tools breathing rate 5 or 40 per minute, and arrhythmia.

To collect data, a patient data form with the CAM-ICU Scale and Data analysis
the RASS was used. Researchers evaluated the CAM-ICU and the
RASS Scales for each patient. Patient charts completed by doctors The data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 22 pro-
and nurses provided data on the APACHE II scores and BUN/creat- gram. Percentages, means and medians were used for the
inine ratio values. Besides APACHE II scores, BUN/creatinine ratio descriptive and medical patient characteristics, and the character-
values, and the data about existence of visual impairments were istics of patients experiencing delirium and ROM intervention
taken from the patient charts. traits. The Chi-square test was used to assess the delirium incidence
The Patient Data Form was developed by researchers based on and vision impairment homogeneity, the ManneWhitney U test
previous literature and consists of four sections.12,13,19,20 The rst was used to assess the delirium duration, the independent sample t
section includes questions regarding the descriptive traits of the test was used to assess the BUN/creatinine ratio, and the APACHE II
patient (age, gender, length of stay in the ICU), the second includes score was used to assess homogeneity.
questions regarding the patients medical status (number of
chronic diseases, type and number of medications), and the third
section includes questions regarding the characteristics of delirium Ethical consideration
(type, duration, occurrence time and potential causes of delirium,
and treatment procedures) in patients who experienced it during This study was approved by the Ethical Committee of the Turgut
the study. The last section includes the type and duration of ROM Ozal University Faculty of Medicine (Reference no.99950699/340).
exercise. Age, length of stay in the ICU, number of chronic diseases, The researcher explained the study to the patients and their proxy
type and number of medications, potential causes of delirium, and decision maker prior to the study. Informed consent was obtained
treatment procedures were collected from the patients charts. The from the patient or the proxy decision maker. If patients were
data included gender, delirium type, duration and occurrence time, unable to provide informed consent, due to their level of con-
ROM exercise type and duration, which were evaluated by the sciousness, including confusion or lethargy, informed consent was
researchers. obtained from their proxy decision maker, and the patients were
The CAM-ICU Scale was developed by Ely et al21 A Turkish later informed when they re-gained consciousness. Three patients
reliabilityevalidity study was performed by Aknc et al, resulting in had a 2 score (light sedation) from the RASS Scale at the
an acceptable level of sensitivity (65%e69%), perfect specicity beginning of the study, so their informed consent was given by
(97%) and reliability (k 0.96).22 The scale consists of four sub- their proxy decision maker, and the other 91 patients provided
categories: change in patients mental status, inattention, disorga- consent.
nized thinking and an altered level of consciousness. Based on the
responses provided to the questions in the scale, the result in- Results
dicates if the patient is delirium positive or negative. Prior to
assessing delirium, the state of consciousness (awakening) should Descriptive, medical, and ROM exercises characteristics of patients
be assessed using the RASS.
The RASS Scale was developed by Sessler et al to assess the The mean age of patients from the intervention group was
sedation levels of adult patients in the ICU.23 The RASS Scale in- 75  7.5 years, and 48.9% of them were female. The mean age of the
cludes 10 different scores between 4 and 5 that represent 4 patients in the control group was 72.6  6.8 years, and 57.4% of
combative, 3 very agitated, 2 agitated, 1 restless, 0 alert and them were female. In both groups, 51.1% of the patients stayed in
calm, 1 drowsy, 2 light sedation, 3 moderate sedation, 4 deep the ICU for less than 9 days. All of the patients in the intervention
sedation and 5 unarousable. For the delirium assessment, the group had chronic diseases, and the average number of chronic
RASS score of a patient should be 3 or higher.23 RASS scores diseases was 4.04  1.2. The current number of medications was
between 1 and 4 indicate hyperactive delirium, while those 11.44  1.4, and H2 receptor antagonists were frequently used
between 0 and 3 display hypoactive delirium, and scores that (46.8%) in the intervention group. In the control group, 95.7% of the
change between the positive and negative ranges are dened as patients had chronic diseases, and the average number of chronic
mixed-type delirium.24 diseases was 4.0  3.9. The current number of medications was
11.14  3.7, and H2 receptor antagonist group medication was
Intervention frequently used in the control group.
The median duration of the ROM exercises in the intervention
Patients in the intervention and control groups were monitored group was 5 days (range: 1e16 days). Active ROM exercises were
during the day shifts until they were discharged from the ICU. The administered to 63.8% of the patients, followed by assisted-active
researcher also assessed patients in the control group every day ROM exercises (34.1%) and passive ROM exercises (2.1%).
4 C. Karadas, L. Ozdemir / Geriatric Nursing xx (2016) 1e6

Delirium development, duration, and the characteristics of patients Table 1

experiencing delirium The relationship between the CAM-ICU items by group.

Characteristics Intervention Control Chi-square p

During the study, four patients (8.5%) from the intervention n % n %
group and 10 (21.3%) from the control group experienced delirium
Change in mental status from the baseline
(Fig. 2). However, this difference was not statistically signicant Absent 40 85.1 36 76.6 1.099 0.294
(p > 0.05, X2 3.02). Upon assessment, the delirium duration in Present 7 14.9 11 23.4
patients in the intervention group was shorter. Accordingly, the Fluctuation in mental status during the past 24 h
Absent 42 89.4 37 78.7 1.983 0.159
median delirium duration among patients from the intervention
Present 5 10.6 10 21.3
group was 15 h (range: 3e144 h), and was 38 h (range: 9e120 h) in Change in sedation or coma scale value during the past 24 h
patients from the control group. However, there was a non- Absent 38 80.9 32 68.1 2.014 0.156
signicant difference between the groups in terms of the Present 9 19.1 15 31.9
delirium duration (p > 0.05; Z 0.997). There was a decrease in Having difculty in focusing attention
Absent 40 85.1 34 72.3 2.286 0.131
the incidence of the delirium scale sub-items in the intervention
Present 7 14.9 13 27.7
group; however, this difference was not signicant between the Difculty in maintaining or shifting attention
groups (p > 0.05) (Table 1). All of the patients from the inter- Absent 40 85.1 33 70.2 3.005 0.083
vention group experienced delirium at night, and half of them had Present 7 14.9 14 29.8
a mixed-type delirium. All patients with delirium received active Success status in attention examination
Successful 40 85.1 34 72.3 2.286 0.131
ROM in the intervention group. Although the patients with Unsuccessful 7 14.9 13 27.7
delirium in the intervention group stayed in the ICU for 4.5 (range: Item 3 or 4 incidencea
1e9 days) days, the median duration of active ROM exercise was 2 Absent 42 89.4 36 76.6 2.712 0.100
(range: 1e4 days) days. Of these patients, one had respiratory Present 5 10.6 11 23.4
instability and one had an intracranial arterial condition that was a
Item 3: Disorganized thinking, Item 4: Altered level of consciousness. If the
a barrier to the ROM exercises. The other two patients with other items meet the delirium criteria, the existence of one of these two items is
enough for diagnosis; therefore, they are indicated together in the table.
delirium completed their ROM exercise sessions without any
In the control group, 70% of the patients experienced delirium intensive care patients.26 On the other hand, other relevant studies
at night and 60% had a hypoactive delirium. In the intervention have determined that delirium incidence rates can be reduced by
group, the causes of delirium were infection (50%), an acid-base mobility interventions.19,27 In a study by Needham et al, the ratio of
imbalance (25%) and renal function disorder (25%). In the con- delirium decreased from 53% to 21% after a physical therapy
trol group, the causes of delirium were a uideelectrolyte intervention.19 In a study by Balas et al, early mobility reduced the
imbalance (50%), renal function disorder (20%), an acid-base incidence of delirium by almost half.27 The content of the exercise
imbalance (10%), infection (10%) and anemia or bleeding (10%). intervention may be cause of these contradictory results. Exercise
In both groups, half of the patients did not receive delirium interventions only focused on ROM exercises in the current study. A
management treatment (Table 2). wide range of mobility interventions, including sitting upright in
bed, sitestand activities, pre-gait exercises and walking, according
to the patients tolerance, might be more efcient to prevent the
Discussion development of delirium. The characteristics of the sample may
have also inuenced on the insignicant results in this study. At this
When we examined the effect of ROM exercises on delirium point, looking closely at the delirious patients in the intervention
occurrence, the difference between the two groups was not sta- group could be benecial to understand the insufcient responses
tistically signicant (p > 0.05); however, the delirium incidence
was 8.5% in the intervention group and 21.3% in the control group. Table 2
There is no consensus regarding the responses to ROM exercises in The distribution of delirium characteristics in the intervention and control groups
ICU patients with delirium. Accordingly, there are different results (n 14).

in the literature related to the effect of ROM exercises on the Delirium characteristic Intervention Control (n 10)
development of delirium. A study using a delirium prevention (n 4)
protocol including early mobility in the ICU, showed no signicant n % n %
effect on the incidence of delirium.25 Nydahl et al also asserted that Duration (h) 15 (3e144) 38 (9e120)
there is a consensus decit regarding early mobilization of (med  minemax)
28 3 75 5 50
>28 1 25 5 50
100% Occurrence time
Night 4 100 7 70
Morning 0 0 3 30
70% Hyperactive 1 25 4 40
60% 37 Hypoactive 1 25 6 60
43 Mixed 2 50 0 0
Treatment procedure
Pharmacologica 0 0 1 10
Non-pharmacologicb 1 25 1 10
20% Pharmacologic 1 25 3 30
10% 10 non-pharmacologic
4 No procedure 2 50 5 50
Intervenon Control Total 4 100 10 100
Delirium occured Delirium not occured
Haloperidol and olanzapine (when haloperidol is contraindicated).
Fig. 2. The distribution of delirium incidence in the intervention and control groups. Physical limitation.
C. Karadas, L. Ozdemir / Geriatric Nursing xx (2016) 1e6 5

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