WHO Generic Palliative Care (Dr. Rudi)
WHO Generic Palliative Care (Dr. Rudi)
WHO Generic Palliative Care (Dr. Rudi)
Palliative Care:
symptom management
and end-of-life
Sputums should be sent from any patient with a new, productive cough
more than 2 weeks.
3. Respond to volunteered problems
Assess the Patient, Give Specic Fever Very severe febrile disease (malaria or
management of fever
Treatment and Manage Symptoms This Palliative
Care module
Persistent fever
When providing care, both specic treatment for the illness and treatment and the
Other causes
for symptoms are needed. For all palliative care, consult with the patient, Caregiver Diarrhoea Severe/some/no dehydration Fluid management
explain the options, and involve the patient in choice of management Booklet Persistent diarrhoea Rectal care
where possible. Use the General Principles of Good Chronic Care. address this Dysentery Constipating
medications P25
Female GU symptoms or STI/UTI Vaginal discharge from
Assess patient: Give specic treatment Manage lower abdominal pain Menstrual problems cervical cancer P24
based on classications: symptoms: Detect pregnancy
(use IMAI Acute Care module to assess, home care and Pregnancy related bleeding
classify, identify specic treatments, treat clinical/medication Severe/surgical abdominal problem
and advise/counsel) for emergency signs management
Male GU symptoms or STI
lower abdominal pain Prostatic obstruction
Severe/surgical abdominal problem
1. Quick check Anogenital sore, ulcer Anogenital herpes/ulcer
or warts Inguinal bubo
Includes airway and If emergency signs, give emergency Acute pain Genital warts
breathing, circulation, treatments
chest pain, severe Acute pain management Skin problem or lump Suspicious node or mass Itching P28
abdominal pain, Reactive lymphadenopathy Prevent bedsores P19
neck pain or severe Soft tissue Muscle infection Treat bedsores P28
headache, fever from
life-threatening cause. PGL Folliculitis
Impetigo Abscess
2. Check in all patients: Prurigo Eczema
Dry itchy skin Ringworm
Cough or dicult Pneumonia (antibiotics) Bothersome cough Scabies Leprosy
breathing Severe pneumonia or other severe disease P31-33 Herpes zoster Seborrhoea
(antibiotics plus referral) Excessive sputum Psoriasis Pressure sores
Suspect TBsend sputums Dyspnoea ARV toxicity
Possible chronic lung disease
Headache or Serious neurological problems Amitriptyline for
Cough or cold/bronchitis neuropathy P15
neurological problem Sinusitis/migraine/tension headache
Wheezing (bronchodilators) Manage confusion P27
Painful leg neuropathy
Undernutrition or Severe undernutrition Weight loss P22 Delirium/dementia/normal aging
anaemia Signicant weight loss Mouth problems P23 Mental problem Alcohol: withdrawal/hazardous or harmful Depression P27
Severe or some anaemia (iron, alcohol use Anxiety P26
mebendazole) Suicide risk Depression Trouble sleeping P26
Dicult life events Loss
Mouth or throat Oral thrush (uconazole/nystatin) Ulcers
symptomatic Possible psychosis Anxiety disorder
Esophageal thrush (uconazole)
Oral hairy leukoplakia (no treatment) management for Nausea or vomiting P23
herpes and apthous
Tonsillitis Strept, non-strept sore throat ulcers P23
Gum/mouth ulcers Contractures/stiness Prevention of
Oral care (all) P19 contractures/stiness P20
Gum disease Dry mouth P23
Dental abscess, tooth decay Constipation, Prevent/heal
incontinence constipation P25
Pain Look for cause Chronic Pain P8-17
Acute pain P18 Hiccups P34
P6 P7
Palliative Care at Home
Teach the patient and family how to give good
palliative care at home according to the symptoms
Give home care interventions which will relieve the patients
symptoms, using the Caregiver Booklet.
Give pain medications (P13-15) and other medications.
Use other methods for pain control (P16).
Give information and teach skills.
Use the Caregiver Booklet to educate the patient, family and
community caregivers.
The content of columns entitled Home Care on pages P20 to P32
is from the Caregiver Booklet. This booklet also has illustrations.
instructions Management of Pain
How to Use the Caregiver Booklet: the 5As Assess the patient for pain (in all patients)
Determine the cause of the pain by history and examination (for
ASSESS Assess patients status, and identify relevant treatment,
advice and counselling. new pain and any change in pain).
Assess patient and caregiver knowledge, concerns and skills
Where is the pain? What makes it better/worse? Describe it. What
related to his/her condition and treatment.
type of pain is it? What are you taking now for the pain?
Use the Acute Care guidelines to determine if there is an infection
Use the Booklet as a communication aid. You are teaching the or other problem with specic treatment. Prompt diagnosis and
A DVISE patient, family member or community caregiveruse it as an aid treatment of infection is important for pain control.
to this. Do not just give the Booklet to the family or ask them to
read it while you watch. Determine the type of painis it common pain (such as bone or
Only explain the management of a few symptoms or a few skills at mouth pain) or special pains (such as shooting nerve pain, zoster,
a time. Choose those that are most important for the care of the colic or muscle spasms)?
patient now.
Explain prevention to all.
Demonstrate skills such as the correct method for range of motion
or how to draw up the exact dose of a liquid medicine such as
morphine into the syringe.
Ask if they have questions or will have problems giving the care at
home. Ask them to demonstrate the skill or ask a good checking
Make sure they have the supplies required for care. Treat pain, according to whether it is a common or
A SSIST Encourage them to refer back to the booklet. If they are not a special pain problem or both:
literate, they can ask someone to read it to them.
With analgesics, according to the analgesic ladder (P12-13).
With medications to control special pain problems, as appropriate
Ask them to return, or to ask an experienced caregiver in the
community, if they have questions or are confused or concerned
(P15). Explain reason for treatment and side eects; always take
into account patient preference.
about how to give the care.
Make sure they know when and who to call for help. Let them know With non-medical treatments (P16).
how you can provide backup to their home care.
Reassess need for pain medication and other interventions
frequently. Repeat grading of the pain. Investigate any new problems
with the Acute Care guidelines.
P10 P11
Treat Chronic Pain Use of opioids and non-opioid analgesics
By mouth Give only one drug from the opioid and non-opioid group at a time:*
If possible, give by mouth (rectal is an alternativeavoid *Exception: If no codeine, aspirin every 4 hours can be combined with paracetamol every 4
hoursoverlap so one is given every 2 hours.
Analgesics Starting Range Side eects/
By the clock
dose in cautions
Give pain killers at xed time intervals (by clock or radio or sun). adults
Start with small dose, then titrate dose against patients pain, until
the patient is comfortable.
Next dose should happen before eect of previous dose wears o. Non-opioid
For breakthrough pain, give an extra rescue dose (same dosing paracetamol (also 500 mg 2 tablets Only 1 tablet may be Do not exceed eight
of the 4-hourly dose) in addition to the regular schedule. lowers fever). every 4 to 6 hours required in elderly or very 500 mg tablets in 24
(skip dose at night ill or when combined hours (more can cause
or give another with opioid. Mild pain serious liver toxicity).
By the individual analgesic to keep might be controlled with
total to 8 tablets). every 6 hour dosing.
Link rst and last dose with waking and sleeping times.
aspirin 600 mg (2 tablets Avoid use if gastric
Write out drug regimen in full or present in a drawing.
(acetylsalicylic of 300 mg) every problems. Stop
acid) (also anti- 4 hours. if epigastric pain,
Teach its use (P17). inammatory and indigestion, black stools
Check to be sure patient and family or assistant at home lowers fever). petechiae or bleeding.
Do not give to children
understand it. under 12 years. Avoid
Ensure that pain does not return and patient is as alert as possible. if presence of any
By the analgesic ladder: ibuprofen (also 400 mg every 6 Max. 8 tablets per day.
anti-inammatory, hours.
asing lowers fever, for bone
3 pain).
decre Opioid for mild to moderate pain (give in addition to aspirin or paracetamol)
Pain 2
Opioid for moderate codeine (if not 30 mg every 4 30-60 mg every 4 to 8 hrs. Give laxative to avoid
Opioid for mild available, consider hours. constipation unless
to sever pain Maximum daily dose for
alternating aspirin diarrhoea.
asing to moderate pain (oral morphine) pain 180-240 mg due to
decre and paracetamol*).
Pain Cost
1 (codeine) constipationswitch to
or ibuprofen) ibuprofen) 5 mg/5 ml or 50 mg/5 hours (dose can patient and breathing. constipation unless
ml. be increased by diarrhoea.
1.5 or doubled There is NO ceiling dose.
Other therapies helpful for pain can be combined with these drugs. See Drop into mouth. Can after 24 hours if
page P9. Also give medications to control special pain problemssee also be given rectally pain persists).
(by syringe).
next page.
See next page
P12 P13
Respond to side eects of morphine or Give medications to control special pain problems
other opioids
There are nerve injury pains and pains from special conditions which can be
relieved by specic medication. Provide specic treatment in combination
If patient has a side eect: Then manage as follows: with drugs from analgesic ladder. Also see Acute Care and Chronic HIV
Care modules and analgesia.
Constipation. Increase uids and bulk.
Give stool softener (docusate) at time of
Special pain problem Medicationadolescent/
prescribing plus stimulant (senna). adult (see P42 for
Prevent by prophylaxis (unless diarrhoea).
Nausea and/or vomiting. Give an antiemetic (metoclopromide, haloperidol
or chlorpromazine). Usually resolves in several
days. May need round-the-clock dosing.
Respiratory depression (rare when oral If severe, consider withholding next opioid dose, For burning pains; abnormal sensation Low dose amitriptyline (25 mg at night or 12.5
morphine is increased step by step for pain). then halve dose. pains; severe, shooting pains with mg twice daily; some start 12.5 mg daily)wait 2
relatively little pain in between; pins and weeks for response, then increase gradually to 50
Confusion or drowsiness (if due to opioid). Usually occurs at start of treatment or dose is mg at night or 25 mg twice daily.
increased. Usually resolves within few days. Can
Decreased alertness.
occur at end of life with renal failure. Halve dose For muscle spasms in end-of-life care or diazepam 5 mg orally or rectally 2 to 3 times per
Trouble with decisions. or increase time between doses. Or provide time paralyzed patient. day.
with less analgesia when patient wants to be
more fully alert to make decisions. Herpes zoster (or the shooting pain Low dose amitriptyline.
Twitching (myoclonusif severe or bothers If on high dose, consider reducing dose or
following it). Early eruption: aciclovir if available; apply
gentian violet if ruptured vesicles.
patient during waking hours). changing opioids (consult or refer). Re-assess the Refer patients with ophthalmic zoster. Other locally available remedies:___________
pain and its treatment. ________ (such as fresh liquid from frangipani
tree. (Do not get in the eyes. Apply every 8
Somnolence (excessively sleepy). Extended sleep can be from exhaustion due to hours, if intact vesicles or after healing.)
pain. If persists more than 2 days after starting,
Late zoster pain: ________________ (insert
reduce the dose by half. locally available remedies such as capsicum
Itching. May occur with normal dose. If present for cream).
more than a few days and hard to tolerate, give Gastrointestinal pain from colic only codeine 30 mg every 4 hours or hyoscine
chlorpheniramine. after exclusion of intestinal obstruction (Buscopan) 10 mg three times daily (can increase
(vomiting, no stool and gas passing, up to 40 mg three times daily).
Urinary retention. Pass urinary catheter if trainedin and out since
it usually does not recur. visible bowel movements).
Bone pain or renal colic or dysmenorrhoea. ibuprofen (or other NSAID).
P14 P15
Teach patient and family how to give pain Teach family to give oral morphine
medicationsthis applies to all pain medications
Oral morphine is a strong pain killer. It should be given:
Explain frequency and importance of giving regularlydo not wait for
the pain to return. The next dose should be given before the previous By the sick person, by the mouth and by the clock (regularly by the
dose wears ousually ever 4 hours. sun/moon, or radio, approximately every 4 hours).
1 2
The aim of pain treatment is that the pain will not come back and the You should advise to:
patient is as alert as possible.
Pour a small amount of the morphine liquid
Write out instructions clearly: into a cup. Without
the needle,
Draw up your dose into a syringe. Pour morphine draw some
into a small morphine into
Then drop liquid from the syringe into mouth. cup syringe
P16 P17
Preventive Interventions for All Patients
Preventive oral care for all patients
Instruct all patients in oral care.
Use soft toothbrush to gently brush teeth,
tongue, palate and gums to remove debris.
Use diluted sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or
Rinse mouth with diluted salt water after eating and at bedtime
(usually 3-4 times daily).
P18 P19
Instructions for bathing
Exercises to Help Prevent Pain Stiness
Provide privacy during bathing. and Contractures
Dry the skin after bath gently with a soft towel.
Oil the skin with cream, body oil, lanolin or vegetable oil.
Exercise the elbow by gently Exercise the wrist doing
Use plastic sheets under the bed sheets to keep the bed dry when one the full ROM (range of
bringing the hand as close
cannot control urine or faeces. motion)
as possible to the
Massage the back and hips, elbows, ankles with petroleum jelly. shoulder
If there is leakage of urine or stool, protect skin with petroleum jelly
applied around private parts, back, hips, ankles and elbows.
Support the sick person over the container when passing urine or
stool, so as to avoid wetting the bed and injury.
P20 P21
Moving the Bedridden Patient Manage Key Symptoms
Medication/ Home care
The following instructions are for a single caregiver. If the patient is clinical
unconscious or unable to cooperate, it is better to have two people
help with moving. Treat weight loss
When transferring from the bed Treat nausea and vomiting Encourage the sick person to eat, but do not
to a chair : as below. use force as the body may not be able to
accept it and he or she may vomit.
Treat diarrhoea (see Acute
Care module). Oer smaller meals frequently of what the sick
1. Roll the patient on one side 4. Stand in front person likes.
of the patient Treat thrush or mouth
and hold both ulcers. Let the sick person choose the foods he or she
shoulders. Keep wants to eat from what is available.
patients feet at Exclude other causes of
on the oor weight loss as TB. Accept that intake will reduce as patient gets
sicker and during end-of-life care.
If end-of-life care,
prednisone 5-15 mg Seek help from trained health worker if you notice
daily in the morning can rapid weight loss or if the sick person consistently
stimulate appetite; stop if refuses to eat any food or is not able to
2. Move the patient to the side of the 5. Help patient raise no eect after 2 weeks. swallow.
bed. Ask the patient to bend legs bottom from the
and to prop on the same side elbow bed and rotate
him/her towards Control nausea and vomiting
the chair
Give antiemetic: If the sick persons feels like vomiting:
metoclopromide (10 mg Seek locally available foods which patient
every 8 hours). Give only likes (tastes may change with illness) and
for a day at a time or which cause less nausea.
haloperidol (1-2 mg once
daily) or chlorpromazine Frequently oer small foods such as roasted
6. Transfer from bed
3. Hold your hands on the patients to chair. Hold (25-50mg every 6-12 potatoes, cassava or ___________.
pelvis, ask to raise him/her buttocks. patient by hours). Oer the drinks the sick person likes, such as
Sit patient on the edge of the bed shoulders water, juice or tea; ginger drinks can help.
with feet at on the and knees
oor Take drinks slowly and more frequently.
Avoid cooking close to the sick person.
Use eective and safe local remedies
Remember that if you (example: licking ash from wood)_________.
lose your balance, it is
better to help the patient fall gently Seek help from trained health worker for vomiting
more than one day, or dry tongue, or passing
rather than hurting yourself. little urine or abdominal pain.
P22 P23
Medication/clinical Home care Medication/clinical Home care
If painful mouth ulcers or pain on swallowing Treat dry mouth
If candida: give uconazole, nystatin Remove bits of food stuck in the Review medicationsdry mouth Frequent sips of drinks.
or miconazole gum patch (see Acute mouth with cotton wool, gauze or can be a side eect (hyoscine, Moisten his or her mouth
Care guidelines). soft cloth soaked in salt water. morphine, atropine, amitriptyline, regularly with water.
Topical anesthetics can provide some Rinse the mouth with diluted salt furosemide). Let the sick person suck on fruits
relief. water (a nger pinch of salt or 1/2 such as pineapple, oranges or
teaspoon sodium bicarbonate in a Breathing through mouth can
Pain medication may be required passion fruit.
glass of water) after eating and at also contribute.
according to analgesic ladder (P11).
bedtime. If persistent problem with lack
For aphthous ulcers: crush one 5 mg
prednisone tablet and apply a few of saliva, play close attention
grains. to preventive oral care/mouth
Smelly mouth from oral cancer or
hygiene, see P19.
other lesions: metronidazole or If candida, treat as above. Seek help from health worker if
tetracycline mouthwash (crush 2 dry mouth persists.
Mix 2 tablets of aspirin in water and
tablets in juice and rinse in mouth).
rinse the mouth up to 4 times a day.
For herpes simplex: 5 ml nystatin Prevent/treat constipation
solution (500,000 U) + 2 tablets
metronidazole + 1 capsule aciclovir Diet Ask patient about normal bowel habits Oer drinks often.
(if available)paint on lesions. Soft diet to decrease discomfort such If stool is less frequent or more painful Encourage any fruits, vegetables,
If severe and no response, refer. See as yoghurt or________, depending to pass then: porridge, locally available high-ber
P19 for preventive oral care for all on what the sick person feels is Do rectal exam for impaction. foods________________.
patients. helpful. Use local herbal treatmentcrush
Give laxative. Options:
More textured foods and uids may some dried paw paw seeds and mix
be swallowed more easily than uids. - bisacodyl 5-15 mg at night, half a teaspoon full of water and give
depending on response to the sick person to drink.
Avoid extremely hot or cold or spicy
foods. - sennastart at 2 tablets (7.5 mg) Take a tablespoon of vegetable oil
twice daily (up to 2 tablets every 4 before breakfast.
If impacted, gently put petroleum
Seek help from health worker for If not available, use: jelly or soapy solution into the
persistent sores, smelly mouth, white - dried paw paw seeds (5-30 chewed rectum. If the patient cannot do it,
patches, or dicult swallowing. at night) the caregiver can helpalways use
hand gloves.
Always give laxative with morphine or
Seek help from a trained worker if
pain or no stool is passed in 5 days.
P24 P25
Medication/clinical Home care Medication/clinical Home care
Incontinence of urine Manage diarrhoea
Boys/menplastic drink bottle Regular changing of cloth pads. Manage as in Acute Care module Increase uid intake:
over the penis. Use care to avoid (check for dehydration, blood in
Keep patient dry. - Encourage to drink plenty of uids to replace
stool, persistent diarrhoea).
priapism. lost water.
Protect skin with petroleum jelly. To prevent dehydration: - Give the sick person drinks frequently in small
Girls/womencotton cloth pads
Drink extra uids frequentlysee amounts, such as rice soup, porridge, water
(make from old clothes; wash plan A for adults (Acute Care (with food), other soups, or oral rehydration
and dry between use) and plastic module). solution (ORS) but avoid sweet drinks.
pants. Use ORS if large volume diarrhoea Continue eating.
or persistent diarrhoea. When to return:
If vaginal discharge from cervical cancer
Advise to continue eating.
If bad smelly discharge, insert Sit in basin of water with pinch Seek help from health worker if:
Give constipating drug unless
metronidazole tablet as pessary of salt. If this is comfortable, do blood in stool or fever or child Vomiting with fever.
less than 5 or elderly: Blood in the stool.
or crush tablet and apply powder. twice daily. Diarrhoea continues more than 5 days.
- oral morphine 2.55 mg every
Incontinence of stool 4 hours (if severe). If patient becomes even weaker.
- codeine 10 mg 3 times daily If broken skin around the rectal area.
Assess for fecal impaction. Use cotton cloth pads and plastic (up to 60 mg every 4 hours) or
pants. - loperamide 4 mg once,
If paraplegia, keep patient clean. then 2mg per loose stool to
Keep patient cleanchange cloth maximum 16 mg/day.
pads as needed. Manage persistent diarrhoea
Rectal tenderness See HIV Chronic Care module for For persistent diarrhoea, suggest supportive diet. *
management of persistent
If local rectal tenderness Special care for the rectal area diarrhoea. Carrot soup helps to replace vitamins and
minerals. Carrot soup contains pectin. It
suggest petroleum jelly or local After the sick person has passed soothes the bowels and stimulates the
anesthetic ointment. stool. appetite.
If incontinentuse petroleum Foods that may help reduce diarrhoea are rice
clean with toilet/soft tissue and potatoes.
jelly to protect perianal skin. paper Eat bananas and tomatoes (for their
wash the rectal area when Eat 5-6 small meals rather than 3 large ones.
necessary with soap and water Add nutmeg to food.
apply petroleum jelly around - coee, strong tea, and alcohol.
the rectal area - raw foods, cold foods, high-bre foods, food
containing much fat.
Sit in basin of water with pinch - test benet of avoiding milk and cheese
of salt. If this is comfortable do (yogurt is better tolerated).
twice daily. * These recommendations require local adaptation.
P26 P27
Medication/clinical Home care Medication/clinical Home care
Help with anxiety and agitation Help with worries Care for patient with confusion (dementia or delirium )
See Acute Care module if new Take time to listen to the sick See Acute Care module if this is a Patients with confusion will show the
problem. Consider cognitive person. new problemtry to determine following signs:
impairment. What is the cause? Discuss the problem in cause and whether it can be reversed - forgetful
Make sure patient has good care condence. (Remember that oral morphine can - lacks concentration
and psychosocial support. cause confusion in the rst 5 days - trouble speaking or thinking
Providing soft music or - frequently changing mood
but this usually improves.)
Listen carefully and provide massaging may help the sick - non acceptable behavior such
emotional support. person to relax. Explain to the family if it is delirium as going naked and using bad
(acute problem) which may improve language
Although rarely required, low Pray together if requested.
or dementia (chronic problem) which What to do:
dose diazepam (2.5-5 mg at night
progressively worsens.
or twice daily) can be used if As far as possible, keep in a familiar
necessary, not for more than 2 If paranoia or getting up at night environment.
weeks. Usually not needed if care purposefully: haloperidol 5-10 mg
Keep things in the same placeeasy
is good. (2.5 mg in the elderly).
to reach and see.
For severe anxiety/agitation/
Keep familiar time pattern to the
deliriumgive haloperidol (see
days activities.
Quick Check module).
Remove dangerous objects.
If trouble sleeping
Speak in simple sentences, one
Discuss problem with patient. Listen to the sick persons fears person at a time.
Consider: uncontrolled pain, that may be keeping them
awake; answer their fears. Keep other noises down (such as TV,
UTI, anxiety, depression, drug radio).
withdrawal (alcohol, diazepam, Reduce noise where possible.
phenobarbitol). Make sure somebody they trust is
Do not give the sick person present to look after the sick person
If patient is getting up to urinate strong tea or coee late in the and supervises the medication.
at night, give amitriptyline at evening.
night (12.5 to 25 mg). Detect and treat depression
Treat pain if present.
A drink of alcohol can help (more Consider depression if abnormally Provide support.
can disturb sleep). sad, insomnia, loss of interest. If at suicide risk, do not leave alone.
Consult Acute Care module: Also advise caregiver to gradually
take more control of medications.
Assess and classify.
Give amitriptyline if indicated (limit
the tablets to one week supply).
Assess and respond to suicide risk.
P28 P29
Medication/clinical Home care NOTES:
Treat itching
Assess for bacterial, fungal or viral You can help the sick person get some
causeif present, treat (see Acute Care relief by trying any of the following:
guidelines); consider that this may be
If dry skin, moisturize with aqueous
medication side eect.
cream or petroleum jelly mixed with
Local steroid creams may be useful if water.
inammation is present in absence of any
Put one table spoon of vegetable oil in
infection (bacterial, fungal or viral).
5 litres of water when washing the sick
Chlorpheniramine (4 mg x2) or other person.
antihistamine may be useful for severe
After a bath, apply on body diluted
chlorhexidine (0.05%).
Consider treating for scabies if persistent
Rub the itchy skin with local remedies
itching in HIV+ patient, even if no typical
(examples: eective and safe herbs,
cucumber or wet tea bags or tea leaves
If multiple skin infections, (0.05%) put in a clean piece of cloth and soaked
chlorhexidine rinse after bathing. in hot water).
Use water for bathing that is at a
comfortable temperature for the patient.
P30 P31
Medication/clinical Home care
For cough or dicult breathing For cough or dicult breathing
Use Acute Care module rst to decide if patient has pneumonia or For simple cough:
Local soothing remedies such as honey and lemon or steamplain or with
Treat pneumonia with antibiotics. If severe, consult or refer (if referral Eucalyptus leaves or Neem tree oil.
desired). Patients with pneumonia may seem to be close to death, then
respond well to antibiotic treatment. If the patient has a new productive cough more than 2 weeks, it may
be tuberculosis. Arrange with the health worker to send 3 sputums for
Send sputums for TB if cough more than 2 weeks. Treat if positive to prevent
TB transmission and for patients comfort. examination for TB.
Patients on treatment for tuberculosis should continue treatment. In addition to the treatment given by health worker:
Control bronchospasm: Help the sick person sit in the best position.
- Give bronchodilators by metered-dose inhaler with spacer/mask or, if Use extra pillows or some back support.
available, by nebulizer. Continue until patient is not able to use them or has
very shallow or laboured breathing. Open windows to allow in fresh air.
- Consult to consider giving prednisone 40 mg daily for a week. Fan with a newspaper or clean cloth.
Relieve excessive sputum: Give patient water frequently (it loosens sputum).
- If cough with thick sputum, give steam inhalations.
Educate on most ecient use of remaining lung function:
- If more than 30 ml/day, try forced expiratory technique (hung) with
postural drainage. How to plan activities to accommodate breathlessness.
For bothersome dry cough, give codeine 5-10 mg four times daily or, if no Avoid crowding, cooking and smoking in the room of the patient.
response, oral morphine (2.5-5 mg).
If patient is terminal* and is dying from COPD, lung cancer, HIV/AIDS lung Safe handling and disposal of sputum:
infection or any terminal pulmonary problem (but NOT acute pneumonia that Handle sputum with care to avoid spreading infection.
can be treated with antibiotics), there are additional measures to relieve
dyspnoea: Use a tin with ash for spitting, then cover it.
Give small dose oral morphinethis can reduce dyspnoea in end-of-life Empty container in a pit latrine and wash with detergent such as JIK or OMO or
care. Monitor closely but do not let fears of respiratory depression prevent clean the tin with boiled water.
trying this drug.
For a patient not on morphine for paingive 2.5 mg.
For a patient already on morphineincrease the dose by 25%. If this
does not work, increase by another 25%.
If heart failure or excess uid with pitting edema, give furosemide 40 mg.
Consult to consider giving small doses diazepam.
If excess thin sputumgive hyoscine; it acts as an anticholinergic (10 mg
every 8 hours).
*Always consult MD, palliative care trained RN or CO to make a decision of when a patient is terminal.
P32 P33
Medication/clinical Home care Special Considerations in
Treat fever
If new fever, consider cause and The sick person will lose a lot of
Palliative Care
whether antimalarial and/or water through sweating; therefore
antibiotics is necessary (see Acute encourage him or her to frequently For a patient with HIV/AIDS
Care module). drink water, diluted tea, fruit juices.
Precautions against infection
Give paracetamol or aspirin every To cool the body temperature, wipe
4 hours (no more than 8 tablets the body with damp cloth or give a Reassure the caregivers that there is an extremely low
paracetamol in 24 hours). bath. risk of getting HIV/AIDS if the following precautions are
Make sure patient stays hydrated. Encourage him or her to wear only
light clothes. HIV is present in blood and body uidswear gloves
Give paracetamol, aspirin or when contacting these uids.
ibuprofen to reduce fever. Keep wounds covered (both those of the caregiver
Treat the sick person with and the person with HIV/AIDS).
recommended antimalarial medicine
if it is the rst time in the last 2 There is no risk from casual household contact (no
weeks. gloves needed).
- clean up blood, feces, urine with ordinary
Seek help if fever does not improve or household bleach.
comes back after treatment. Also if fever is
accompanied by cough, diarrhoea, severe - clean cutlery, linen, bath, etc. with ordinary
pain, confusion, night sweats, rigors, washing products.
sti neck or unconsciousness or fever in
Keep clothing and sheets stained with blood,
pregnancy or after birth.
diarrhoea or other body uids separate from other
Treat hiccups household laundry. Use a piece of plastic or paper,
First try manoeuvres to control: Stimulate the throat: gloves or a big leaf to handle soiled items.
- If oral thrush, treat (see Acute Care). Quickly eat 2 heaped teaspoons Dont share toothbrushes, razors, needles or other
- If advanced cancer with distended sugar, or sharp instruments that pierce the skin.
stomach, give simethicone. Drink cold water or eat crushed ice, or Wash your hands with soap and water after changing
If no response or recurrent: Rub with a clean cloth inside the top soiled bed sheets and clothing and after any contact
- metoclopromide (10 mg tablet, 1-2 of the mouth (feel toward the back, with body uids.
tablets three or four times daily). where the top of the mouth is soft).
Use condoms if sexual activity.
OR Interrupt the normal breathing:
You can bathe patient without gloves if neither
- haloperidol (5 mg tablet: 1/4 to 1/2 Hold breath or breathe into
tablet once to three times daily). paper bagstop when you feel caregiver or patient has wounds.
If patient has brain tumor, try anti- uncomfortable. Illness unpredictable
epileptic medication. Pull knees to chest and lean forward Course of the illness can change.
(compress the chest).
Treatment of infection can often improve the patients condition.
P34 P35
Complex family issues
Fear in family of also being infected if their own status not known. Prevent HIV by Using Condoms
Economic problems common.
Anger, blame and regret around source of infection in family.
Role reversals (older parents caring for young adults, young children
caring for parents, grandparents caring for orphans).
Stigma can be a serious problem.
Shared condentiality may be needed. 1. Open the untorn condom 4. Hold condom and
remove penis from
Use good palliative care as an intervention for prevention of vagina while still erect
HIV transmission
Deliver HIV prevention messages on each visit.
Encourage disclosure. With good support, patients may be willing to
disclose their status. Disclosure and education can help protect family
and community.
2. Squeeze air from the
teet of the condom
P36 P37
ARV therapy side eectsthe medication and home Management of children
care advice in this module are applicable with the
following additions: Special considerations in assessing and controlling pain in children:
Children need adults to recognize and respond to their pain. They
Signs or symptons Response: often do not complain.
Take with food (except for DDI or IDV). If on zidovudine, - Brief paincrying and distressed facial expression.
reassure that this is common, usually self-limited. Treat
symptomatically. - Persistent painalso look for behavioural signs of pain:
Headache Give paracetamol. Assess for meningitis (see Acute Care). -- irritability
If on zidovudine or EFV, reassure that this is common and -- not wanting to move
usually self-limited. If persists more than 2 weeks, call for -- lack of interest
advice or refer. -- decreased ability to concentrate
Diarrhoea Hydrate. Follow diarrhoea guidelines in Acute Care module. -- sleeping problems
Reassure patient that if due to ARV, will improve in a few -- changes in how the child moves
weeks. Follow up in 2 weeks. If not improved, call for advice -- restlessness
or refer.
-- increased breathing rate or heart rate
Fatigue This commonly lasts 4 to 6 weeks especially when starting
ZDV. If severe or longer than this, call for advice or refer. Dierentiate pain from anxiety.
Anxiety, nightmares, This may be due to efavirenz. Give at night; counsel and Parents may under- or over-estimate pain in their child.
psychosis, support (usually lasts < 3 weeks). Call for advice or refer if
depression severe depression or suicidal or psychosis. Initial dicult The childs judgment of pain control should be valued.
time can be managed with amitriptyline at bedtime.
Older child can grade pain by number of ngers or pointing on
Blue /black nails Reassure. Its common with zidovudine.
a ruler or faces (smiling or frowning):
Rash If on nevirapine or abacavir, assess carefully. Is it a dry or wet
lesion? Call for advice. If generalized or peeling, stop drugs
and refer to hospital.
Fever Call for advice or refer. (This could be a side eect,
an opportunistic or other new infection, or immune
reconstitution syndrome.)
Yellow eyes Stop drugs. Call for advice or refer. (Abdominal pain may be
(jaundice) or pancreatitis from DDI or D4T.) If jaundice or liver tenderness,
abdominal or ank send for ALT test and stop ART (nevirapine is most common
pain cause). Call for advice or refer.
Never lie about painful procedures.
Pallor: anaemia If possible, measure hemoglobin. Refer if severe pallor or
symptoms of anaemia or very low haemoglobin (<8 grams). Use cognitive methods to help relieve pain:
Tingling, numb or If new or worse on treatment, call for advice or refer. Patient - Age-appropriate active distraction.
painful feet/legs on d4T/3TC/NVP should have the d4T discontinued - Older child can concentrate on game, conversation or special story.
substitute ZDV if no anaemia (check haemoglobin).
- Music.
Cough or dicult This could be immune reconstitution syndrome. Call for
breathing advice. If on abacavir, this could be life-threatening drug Other non-drug methods:
reaction. (Stop drug and consult/refer.) - Swaddling, carrying infant, warmth, breastfeeding, feeding.
Changes in fat Discuss carefully with your patientcan he or she accept it? - Stroking, rocking, massage.
distribution - Avoid intramuscular injections in pain control.
P38 P39
Kinds of Home Care That Are Important for Chronically Ill
Social Interaction Playing
Special considerations for skin care in children.
Skin care.
They are prone to rashes, some of which are itchy. Clean and cover
moist areas with a dressing, or expose and apply GV solution if
there are not too many ies around. Keep nger nails short and
clean to help reduce scratched areas from getting infected. Give an
antihistamine for sleep at night if sleep is disturbed by scratching.
Sometimes an oil-based cream or a short course of a weak steroid
A sick child always feels loved when left to
cream is helpful. interact with others.Involve sick children Playing brings happiness to children. Sick
including HIV infected children in all children need to play too or to watch
Nappy area.
childhood activities. others playing if they are too weak to join.
Diarrhoea may cause a nappy rash or sores near the anus. Encourage
careful washing with soap and clean water, and the application of a Nutritional Care
Spiritual Care
protective ointment (eg vaseline). Avoid the constant use of plastic
pants over nappies. Change wet pants or nappies often.
P42 P43
Burn-out (in yourself, family or community caregivers)
Recognize burn-out: End-of-Life Care
Irritability, anger. Help provide psychosocial and spiritual support
Poor sleep.
Poor concentration. Oer patients active listening, counselling and social/emotional support
Withdrawal from othersavoidance Spiritual support is very important:
of patients and problems. Be prepared to discuss spiritual matters if patient would like to.
Fatigue. Learn to listen with empathy.
Emotional numbinglack of pleasure. Understand reactions to the losses in their life (the dierent stages of
grief ).
Resorting to alcohol and drugs.
Be prepared to absorb some reactions, for example anger projected
In survivors of multiple lossafraid to grieve.
onto the health worker.
Prevent and respond: Connect with spiritual counsellor or pastoral care according to the
Be condent that you have the skills and resources to care for the patient and patients religion and wishes.
family. Do not impose your own views. If you share religious beliefs, praying
Dene for yourself what is meaningful and valued in care giving. together may be appropriate.
Discuss problems with someone else. Protect your patient from overenthusiastic evangelists.
Be aware of what causes stress and avoid it. For some patients, it is better to talk about meaning of their life, rather
Use strategies that focus on problems, rather than emotions. than directly about spirituality or religion.
Change approach to care giving: Empower the family to provide care:
- Divide tasks into manageable parts (small acts of care). As human beings, we know how to care for each other. Reassure the
- Learn how to adjust the pace of caregiving.
- Ask others to help. family caregivers that they already have much of the capacity needed.
- Encourage self-care by the patient. Give information and skills.
Use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing.
Take care of your life outside of the caregiving (other interests,
support, family, friends). When giving end-of-life care and referral is Medicationin consultation with doctor/
not desired, if: medical ocer
Develop your own psychosocial support network (such as caregiver support
Swelling around tumour (except Kaposi). Oral dexamethasone 2 to 6 mg per day (or
groups). Severe esophageal candidiasis with ulceration prednisone 15 to 40 mg). Consult with clinician
and cannot swallow (while treating with before giving, if possible. Reduce dose to lower
Take care of your own health. antifungal, but poor response). possible; withdraw if no benet in 3 weeks. This
Develop respite care solutions or substitutes; caregivers need a break. Liver pain from stretching of the capsule. will also improve appetite and make patient feel
Take time o on a regular basis. Nerve/spinal cord compression. Oral dexamethasone 16 to 24 mg. Reduce by
Persistent severe headache due to increased 2 mg per day until headache or compression
Be aware that you cant do everything and need help. symptoms resolved with the minimum dose.
intracranial pressure (after diagnosis and
Include in your week a time to discuss patients together. treatment of the specic cause such as
cryptococcal meningitis).
Share problems with your colleagues
Organize social activities. .
P44 P45
Special advice for end-of-life care Signs of imminent death
Preparing for death Decreased social interactionsleeps more, acts confused, coma.
Encourage communication within family. Decreased food and uid intakeno hunger or thirst.
Discuss worrying issues such as custody of children, family support, Changes in eliminationreduced urine and bowel movements,
future school fees, old quarrels, funeral costs. incontinence.
Tell the patient that they are loved and will be remembered. Respiratory changesirregular breathing, death rattle.
Talk about death if the person wishes to (keep in mind cultural taboos Circulatory changescold and grayish or purple extremities,
if not in a close relationship)*. decreased heart rate and blood pressure.
Make sure patient gets help with feelings of guilt or regret.
Signs of death
Connect with spiritual counselor or pastoral care as patient wishes.
Breathing stops completely.
Presence Heart beat and pulse stop.
Approach, be present with compassion. Totally unresponsive to shaking, shouting.
Visit regularly. Eyes xed in one direction, eyelids open or closed.
Someone needs to hold hand, listen, converse. Changes in skin tonewhite to gray.
Move slowly.
Provide physical contact by light touch, holding hand.
Bereavement counselling:
Essential Drugs for Palliative Care
For patient
From First-Level Facility*
Drug Indication
Look and respond to grief reactiondenial, disbelief, confusion,
shock, sadness, bargaining, yearning, anger, humiliation, despair, aspirin .................................................... Step 1 analgesic ladder: pain
guilt, acceptance. (acetysalicylic acid) Anti-pyretic (reduces fever), anti-inammatory,
painful mouth ulcers or sore throat (gargle)
Keep communication openif patient does not want to talk, ask, paracetamol ....................................... Step 1 analgesic ladder: pain
Would you like to talk now or later? Anti-pyretic
ibuprofen ............................................. Step 1 analgesic ladder: pain
Help the patient accept his/her own death. Anti-pyretic, anti-inammatory
Oer practical supporthelp patient making a will, help in solving codeine ................................................. Step 2 analgesic ladder: pain
old quarrels, plan for childrens custody. Cough, diarrhoea, colic
oral morphine* .................................. Step 3 analgesic ladder: pain
Ask them how they wish to die: with pastoral care, with family only.
hyoscine ............................................... Colic, bowel obstruction (when surgery not indicated),
Make sure that what the patient wants is respected. (Buscopan) antiemetic, excessive thin sputum at end of life
chlorpheniramine ............................ Itching, insomnia
For family amitriptyline ...................................... Depression, insomnia, nocturia, post-zoster pain,
painful leg neuropathy
Look for and respond to grief reactions: denial, disbelief, confusion,
shock, sadness, bargaining, yearning, anger, humiliation, despair, haloperidol or .................................... Severe agitation, antiemetic, hiccups, dementia with
chlorpromazine paranoia or getting up at night purposely
guilt , acceptance.
diazepam ............................................. Anxiety, insomnia, muscle spasms, convulsion
Help the family accept the death of the loved one. metoclopromide............................... Antiemetic, hiccups
Share the sorrowencourage them to talk and share the memories. metronidazole ................................... Necrosis with bad smell in mouth, or tumourcrush and apply
chlorhexidine ..................................... Skin abscess, itching (in some patients)
Do not oer false comfortoer simple expressions and take
time to listen. bisacodyl .............................................. Constipation
senna...................................................... Constipation
Try to see if friend/neighbor can oer practical helpcooking,
loperamide .......................................... Diarrhoea
running errands can help in the midst of grieving.
prednisone* ........................................ Anti-inammatory, bronchospasm with dicult breathing,
Ask if they can aord funeral costs and future school fees, and help dexamethasone* aphthous ulcers (crush and apply)
nding a solution if possible. (0.5 mg tablets) Terminal carepainful swelling, stimulate appetite,
persistent severe headache from raised intra-cranial
Encourage patienceit can take a long time to recover from a pressure, cannot swallow from severe esophagitis (also
give antifungal), nerve compression
major loss.
furosemide .......................................... Heart failure or excessive uid
Say that they will never stop missing the loved ones, but pain will petroleum jelly .................................. Barrier to protect skin from persistent diarrhoea,
ease and allow them to go on with life. (Vaseline) disimpaction of severe constipation, skin moisturizer
(when mixed with water)
*In many settings, provisions of drugs marked with an asterisk will require medical doctor or
medical ocer consultation and prescription.
P48 P49
Palliative Care also requires the key drugs listed in the Acute Care module
such as:
Antifungal agents (uconazole, nystatin, miconazole gum patch,
Whitelds ointment)
Bronchodilators (salbutamol metered-dose inhaler)
Scabies treatment
Oral rehydration salts (ORS)
Ringers lactate