Trauma Handbook
Trauma Handbook
Trauma Handbook
Adult Contents
Trauma Conferences and Clinics ........................................................... 1
Trauma Service Policies ........................................................................ 2
Service Assignments .............................................................................. 6
Combined Adult and Pediatric Trauma (Mixed Bundles) ..................... 7
Team Activation: Adult ......................................................................... 8
Criteria for Triage to Trauma Rooms .................................................... 9
Informed Consent and the Care of the Trauma Patient ........................ 11
Obtaining Consults on the Trauma Service .......................................... 12
Routine Trauma Labs ........................................................................... 13
Tertiary Survey ..................................................................................... 14
ED Thoracotomy .................................................................................. 15
Intravenous Access and the Trauma Patient ......................................... 18
Massive Transfusion/Damage Control Resuscitation Strategy ............. 19
Hypothermia Protocol ........................................................................... 21
Analgesia, Sedation, and Delirium Protocols ....................................... 72
Infections and Antibiotics in the ICU ................................................... 75
DVT/PE Prophylaxis in Adults Following Multiple Trauma ............... 79
Enteral Access and Nutrition Policy in the ICU ................................... 80
ICU Electrolyte Protocol ...................................................................... 82
Alcohol Withdrawal.............................................................................. 84
Rhabdomyolysis, Crush Injury and Compartment Syndrome .............. 87
TICU Bedside Surgery Protocol ........................................................... 90
Geriatric Trauma ................................................................................... 92
Trauma in Pregnancy ............................................................................ 94
Diagnosis of Brain Death: Adult and Pediatric ..................................... 97
Speech-Language Pathology Services .................................................. 98
Reporting Abuse and Neglect ............................................................. 100
Law Enforcement and the Trauma Patient.......................................... 102
Maintaining the Chain of Evidence in Trauma/Criminal Cases ......... 104
AAST Liver Injury Scale .................................................................... 105
AAST Small Bowel Injury Scale ........................................................ 105
AAST Spleen Injury Scale.................................................................. 106
Gustilo Open Fracture Classification .................................................. 106
Burgess & Young Pelvic Fracture Grading ........................................ 107
Pediatric Contents
Pediatric Service Assignments............................................................ 109
Role of Trauma Team Members: Pediatric Trauma Team
Resuscitations ..................................................................................... 111
Trauma Team Activation: Pediatric .................................................... 116
Routine Trauma Labs ......................................................................... 118
Substance Use Screening Tool (CRAFFT) ......................................... 119
Rapid Sequence Induction: Pediatric .................................................. 120
Damage Control Resuscitation Protocol: Pediatric ............................. 121
TEG: Thromboelastography and Anticoagulation Reversal
Protocol............................................................................................... 123
Child Maltreatment Screening and Evaluation ................................... 139
Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect – CPP Referrals ............................... 141
Pediatric Compartment Syndrome Consult Pathway .......................... 143
Pediatric Microsurgery Protocol for PICU ......................................... 144
Pediatric Venous Thrombosis Prophylaxis Guideline ........................ 147
When the TICU or floor attending are post-call, the Wildcard attending will take over for
him/her at noon.
Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays 24-hour coverage 0800-0800 - On-call Attending
Refer to the published back-up call schedule for nighttime Trauma Attending Back-up.
The decision to call in the back-up attending is solely the responsibility of the in-house
Trauma Attending.
General Policies
1. Documentation Requirements:
• A complete and accurate Trauma History and Physical (H&P) is required for all
trauma admissions to trauma service. Consults are required for all activations.
• A complete daily Progress Note addressing all problems and a plan of care is
required for each patient on the Trauma Service.
• All patients should have the Tertiary exam performed. See page 14. Significant
findings should be directly communicated (verbally and written) to the Primary
Service for patients NOT admitted to trauma.
• Discharge Summaries on all patients must be dictated in the name of the Trauma
Attending who is covering on the day of discharge. The Discharge Summary
MUST have a complete and accurate list of the patient’s diagnoses. “Multiple
Trauma” is NOT a diagnosis.
• All trauma patients should have a complete Problem List on admission.
• All trauma service deaths need a Death Note documented, even if they were in the
hospital <24 hours.
2. Trauma team members are expected to arrive in the emergency room per trauma
activation response team algorithm, (see Adult – page 7, Pediatric - page 116).
Dismissal from the trauma room is at the discretion of the senior trauma resident.
3. The ED accepts all trauma transfers from outlying hospitals and Express Care (4-3000)
notifies the TICU or on-call attending of Level A transfers.
4. Admissions and discharges from the TICU (or other intermediary care unit) must be
communicated to the responsible Trauma Attending and Chief Resident.
5. Acute ethanol intoxication is a diagnosis and should be documented in the EMR (Epic).
All admitted patients must have a Brief Screening and Intervention (SBI) done for
alcohol abuse. Audit-C (adult) and CRAFFT (Pediatric >11 years old). Consult
Substance Abuse Social Worker for all positive Audit-C or CRAFFT assessments.
6. Discharge planning BEGINS upon admission to the Hospital.
7. Clinical Social Work (CSW) referrals for trauma patients are not automatic. Request
CSW consults for patients, when required, within 24 hours of patient admission.
8. The final read of all initial radiographic studies is an important part of the Tertiary
form and must be reviewed and documented. It is important for residents to review the
actual images as well. This is critical to preventing missed injuries. Communication of
all new findings is mandatory.
NOTE: A higher degree of PPE may be required. Refer to Lifespan Infection Control
Policy/updates, (e.g., N95 respirator for COVID patients).
Service Assignments
To facilitate patient care and to eliminate potential misunderstandings between various
services caring for trauma patients, the Trauma Committee has established the following
guidelines regarding admission to and transfer of trauma patients between services.
1. Patients with single system injuries requiring admission shall be directly admitted
to the appropriate service. There is no need for an initial “24-hour” admission to the
Trauma Service.
Patients will be admitted to the Trauma Service if an appropriate evaluation for occult
injuries is in progress. Pre-existing medical conditions such as congestive heart failure,
seizures, arrhythmias, diabetes, or COPD do not constitute reasons to remain on the
Trauma Service with a single system injury. Once occult injuries have been ruled out
and the patient with single system injury is stable, the patient may be transferred from
the Trauma Service to the appropriate service. The order activating transfer will be
executed by the Trauma Service (attending or chief resident) with notification of the
attending or chief resident from the receiving service.
2. Patients with “isolated” head trauma, including concussions, requiring admission are to
be admitted to Neurosurgery. If a patient’s overwhelming care issue centers on head
trauma, they should also be admitted to the Neurosurgical service, even in the presence
of other minor associated injuries. Patients with significant poly-system trauma should
always be admitted to the Trauma Service.
Refer to Lifespan Policy: Combined Family and Pediatric Mixed Bundles Admin-272
It is the expectation that a pre-notification page be sent for all Level A patients immediately
upon notification by EMS. In addition, a page is sent once the Level A patient arrives in
the ED. On occasion, a Level A will arrive to the ED without pre-notification resulting in
an arrival page only
Level A page information should include age, mechanism, vital signs, GCS, estimated time
of arrival, and critical care room location. Level B and C trauma pages may or may not
have a pre-notification page but will have an arrival page.
When you are paged, do not call the ED or the trauma room; just report to the
Critical Care Rooms. Level A and B activations require immediate response by the
residents. Level C activations require response within 30 minutes of patient arrival/
upgrade in accordance with hospital policy.
For Level A activations, the Trauma Attending MUST report to the Trauma Room
within 15 minutes of patient arrival, even if the patient is pronounced or “down-
graded” in order to comply with ACS requirements.
If the Trauma Attending does not respond to a Level A activation within 15 minutes:
• Telephone the Trauma Attending on-call room (4-8116)
• If no response, call the operator and ask for the Trauma Attending cellphone to
be called.
Physiologic / Anatomic Criteria
AIRWAY / • Respiratory Compromise or Obstruction
BREATHING • Intubation in the field/ED
• Trauma transfer with respiratory compromise, despite
CIRCULATION • Systolic blood pressure <90 at any time field/ED
• Requiring blood products to maintain vital signs
• Age >75 and systolic blood pressure <100 at any time
CENTRAL • GCS 3-8 with signs of trauma or plausible high-risk
NERVOUS trauma mechanism
SYSTEM • Spinal cord injury/paralysis
EXTREMITIES • Amputation proximal to wrist or ankle
• Extremity trauma with neurovascular deficit as
demonstrated by abnormal ABI or absence of signals
(i.e., Threatened Limb)
Mechanism Criteria / Other
BURNS • >40% TBSA second and third degree combined
• High voltage electrical injury >600 volts
HYPOTHERMITY • <32oC or < 90oF with cardiac arrest
GUNSHOT • GSW to head, neck, chest, or abdomen
OTHER • ED Attending or ED nurse’s discretion
Physiologic / Anatomic Criteria
AIRWAY / • Intubated trauma transfer without respiratory
BREATHING compromise
CIRCULATION • Uncontrolled hemorrhage
CENTRAL • GCS 9-12 with signs of trauma or plausible high risk
NERVOUS trauma mechanism
SYSTEM • Open or depressed skull fracture
CHEST • Chest wall deformity
• Unilateral absent breath sounds
• Needle decompression
• Trauma transfer with known PTX or HTX without a
chest tube
LEVEL B (Continued)
Physiologic / Anatomic Criteria
PREGNANCY • Fundus at/above the umbilicus with abdominal
EXTREMITIES • Proximal long bone fractures in multiple limbs
Mechanism Criteria / Other
FALL • Fall >15 feet
PENETRATING • Head, neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis, or groin (non-
• GSW to extremities, proximal to knees and elbows
BURNS • Burn in enclosed space with second or third degree
facial burns
• Burn ≥20% TBSA
FROSTBITE • Presents with frozen tissue or <24 hours of rewarming
Physiologic / Anatomic Criteria
CENTRAL • GCS 13-14 with signs of trauma or plausible high risk
NERVOUS trauma mechanism
SYSTEM • Trauma transfer with known traumatic intracranial
CHEST • Trauma transfer with a chest tube
PREGNANCY • Fundus below the umbilicus with abdominal
EXTREMITIES • Open long bone fractures
Mechanism Criteria / Other
FALLS • Chest, abdominal, or pelvic pain/tenderness
MVC • Seatbelt marks
BURNS • >10% TBSA second and third degree combined
• Circumferential second or third degree
• >1% TBSA to face, hands, feet, or perineum
Informed Consent
True informed consent involves a process whereby a medical professional describes a
proposed therapy to a patient in layman’s terms, states the risks and benefits of the
proposed therapy and alternative therapies. The patient’s questions and concerns must be
addressed, and the medical professional has an obligation to ensure that the patient has a
good understanding of the situation and is able to participate in the process. In trauma
patients altered mental status due to head injury, hypotension, shock, pain, alcohol, or other
substances frequently preclude informed consent. In these circumstances and if time or
the situation will allow, the medical professional has an obligation to contact next-of-kin
(NOK), including acquaintances, so that informed consent can be obtained as long as no
urgent life-saving intervention is required. It is inappropriate to delay life-saving
interventions in order to contact NOK or obtain informed consent. Rhode Island law
does not define the hierarchy of NOK for medical decision-making, so that a spouse, adult
child, parent, etc. may serve in this capacity. Close friends or acquaintances may also serve
as NOK and may be able to offer insight about a patient’s wishes regarding healthcare.
Urgent Issues - Acute psychosis, acute agitation, suicidality/suicide attempt, homicidal
Routine Issues - Anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms, adjustment to illness/non-
compliance, post-trauma symptoms, dysfunctional coping behavior/acting out
Inpatient Consultation Subacute Cognitive Impairment
Evaluate cognitive rehabilitation needs for discharge planning
Palliative Care
Early consultation in patients who may progress to comfort measures only or will be
discharged to hospice. In addition, can help with patients who have chronic pain issues
Can provide acute pain services such as an epidural for rib fractures
The following laboratory tests should be ordered for all adult surgical trauma patients
evaluated in the trauma rooms.
Please note: Level A/B and Level C order sets are in the Order Set section of
LifeChart to allow for correct and timely ordering of labs. Trauma resident should
ensure utilization of Trauma Order Set, not the Routine Surgical Order Set.
Tertiary Survey
Missed injuries are considered an important issue in trauma patients and can lead to
significant morbidity and even mortality. It has been shown that the standard primary
and secondary surveys, recommended by the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
guidelines1, are associated with missed injuries. Trauma Tertiary Survey (TTS) is defined
by the ACS as a patient evaluation that identifies and catalogues all injuries after the initial
resuscitation and operative intervention thus decreasing the number of missed injuries in
trauma patients2,3. TTS should ideally be performed in patients 24 hours after admission,
once radiologic studies have been finalized. In unconscious patients (intubated, TBI,
intoxication), TTS should be performed once patients are extubated and/or sober. For
those patients who do not resolve within 48 hours, a limited TTS can be performed. The
spirit of the TTS is lost if it is performed 4 hours after initial evaluation in an intubated
patient and should not be performed at this time. The TTS can be found in LifeChart.
1. American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. Advanced Trauma Life Support 8th Ed. 2008.
3. Hajibandeh S et al. Meta-analysis of the effect of tertiary survey on missed injury rate in trauma patients. Injury.
2015 Dec;46(12):2474-82.
ED Thoracotomy
Wilson and Bassett’s 1966 JAMA review of 200 patients with penetrating cardiac injuries
introduced the principles of lifesaving thoracotomy and cardiorrhaphy. In the period
following their publication, emergency department thoracotomy (EDT) came to be widely
used to address other life-threatening injuries, however, multiple critical analyses of out-
comes have resulted in a selective use of the procedure. Performing this procedure for
unindicated reasons increases the safety risk of health care providers and resource utili-
zation costs. The goal of EDT is always survival with intact neurologic outcome while
minimizing risk to the healthcare team.
Selective Approach
The decision to perform EDT should be based on “signs of life” (pupillary activity,
spontaneous respirations, narrow complex PEA, pulse, blood pressure, movement) on
EMS arrival and duration of arrest prior to ED arrival. Cardiac activity on U/S is NOT
considered a sign of life; conversely an absence of cardiac activity or pericardial fluid
does not correlate with survival.
EDT Survival
No signs of life, Signs of life,
Vital signs present
No vital signs No vital signs
BLUNT 1% 1% 3%
GSW 1% 3-5% 10-15%
STAB 3-5% 10-15% 30-40%
>1/3 of survivors severely < 1/10 of survivors
neurologically impaired neurologically impaired
EDT Technique
A left anterolateral thoracotomy is done at the level of the fifth intercostal space (below
the nipple in males or the infra-mammary crease in females) with the patient in the supine
position and the left arm abducted.
The knife blade should pass through the skin, sub-cutaneous tissue, and chest wall
musculature in one pass and then the intercostal muscles and pleura should be incised with
heavy Mayo scissors along the superior margin of the rib. A rib spreader should then be
placed in a way such that the spreader does not impede trans-sternal extension (clamshell
thoracotomy). Maximal cardiac and great vessel exposure and “clearance” of the right chest
is obtained via clam-shell thoracotomy by dividing the sternum. The right chest must be
“cleared” thus a right tube thoracostomy should be inserted if clam-shelling is not
The pericardium is opened with a longitudinal incision anterior to the phrenic nerve and
any blood or clot should be evacuated. If a cardiac injury is encountered, attempts to
control it are best done with digital pressure or a skin stapler followed by 3-0 Prolene or
silk (± pledgets). Foley catheters should NOT be used to control cardiac injuries since they
typically result in a bigger cardiac wound. If the patient has return of vitals (SBP >50
mmHg), then they should be emergently brought to the operating room. Remember, only
LIVE patients can be brought to the OR.
Air embolism or massive bleeding from the lung can be controlled by cross clamping the
pulmonary hilum or 180 lung torsion. The thoracic aorta is visualized by dividing the
inferior pulmonary ligament and lifting the left lung antero-superiorly and opening the
mediastinal pleura. The aorta can be manually differentiated from the esophagus by
palpating for the NG tube (ask to have one placed if difficulty with differentiating).
Clamping the thoracic aorta is easier the closer one gets to the diaphragmatic hiatus.
Blunt Penetrating
1. Moore EE, Knudson MM, Burlew CC, et al. Defining the limits of resuscitative emergency department
thoracotomy: a contemporary Western Trauma Association perspective. J Trauma. 2011 Feb; 70:334-9
2. Beall AC Jr, Diethrich EB, Cooley DA, et al. Surgical management of penetrating cardiovascular trauma. South
Med J. 1967; 60:698–704
3. Hofbauer M, Hüpfl M, Figl M, et al, Retrospective analysis of emergency room thoracotomy in pediatric severe
trauma patients. Resuscitation. 2011 Feb; 82:185-9
4. Moriwaki Y, Sugiyama M, Yamamoto T, et al. Outcomes from prehospital cardiac arrest in blunt trauma
patients. World J Surg. 2011 Jan;35(1):34-42.
5. Wilson RF, Bassett JS, Penetrating wounds of the pericardium or its contents. JAMA. 1966 Feb 14; 195:513-8
6. Rhee PM, Acosta J, Bridgeman A, et al. Survival after emergency department thoracotomy: review of published
data from the past 25 years. J Am Coll Surg. 2000 Mar;190(3):288-98
7. Evanoff B, Kim L, Mutha S, et al, Compliance with universal precautions among emergency department
personnel caring for trauma patients. Ann Emerg Med. 1999 Feb;33(2):160-5
8. Sloan EP, McGill BA, Zalenski R, et al. Human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis B virus seroprevalence in
an urban trauma population. J Trauma. 1995 May;38(5):736-41
9. Frezza EE and Mexghebe H. Is 30 minutes the golden period to perform emergency room thoracotomy (ERT) in
penetrating chest injuries? J Cardiovasc Surg. 1999; 40: 147-151
10. Mollberg NM, Tabachnick D, Lin FJ, et al. Age-associated impact on presentation and outcome for penetrating
thoracic trauma in the adult and pediatric patient populations. J Trauma 2014 Feb. 76 (2): 273-278
11. Cureton EL, Yeung LY, Kwan RO, et al. The heart of the matter: Utility of ultrasound of cardiac activity during
traumatic arrest. J Trauma. 2012 July; 73 (1): 102-110
12. Seamon MJ, Haut E, Van Arendonk K, et al. An evidence-based approach to patient selection for emergency
department thoracotomy: A practice management guideline from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of
Trauma. J Trauma. 2015 July; 79 (1): 159-173
13. Inaba, K, Chouliaras K, Zakaluzny S, et al. FAST Ultrasound Examination as a predictor of Outcomes after
resuscitative thoracotomy: A prospective evaluation. Surgery. 2015 Sept; 262 (3): 512-518
14. Moore LJ, Brenner M, Kozar RA, et al. Implementation of resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the
aorta as an alternative to resuscitative thoracotomy for non-compressible truncal hemorrhage. J Trauma. 2015
Oct. 79 (4): 523-532
Cather-related bloodstream infection and other complications have been decreased by strict
adherence to appropriate protocols. The following recommendations should be followed to
minimize line-related complications.
1. All lines placed in field, ED, or OR should be removed as soon as possible.
2. Preferred site of central access in an unstable patient is the femoral vein. The preferred
site in a stable patient is the subclavian vein. Use femoral access with caution in patients
with severe pelvic fractures or suspected vena cava injuries.
3. The central line checklist should be completed by the bedside RN for the insertion of all
central lines.
• ALL central lines should be placed under “full barrier precautions” defined as
sterile gown, gloves, cap, mask, and FULL draping (3/4 sheet, lap drape, etc.) for
all participants. Cap and mask is required for those nearby (e.g., bedside RN)1-3.
ChloraPrep® is the preferred prep agent and is available in the central line kits.
• Central lines should be dressed with clear adhesive dressing unless the site is
bleeding, or the patient is diaphoretic. Chlorhexidine-impregnated (Bio-Patch®)
disks have been shown to reduce line infections threefold and should always be
used, blue side up.3
• The need for central access should be accessed daily.
4. Once central access is obtained, peripheral IVs should be removed to prevent thrombo-
phlebitis and to “save” for use later.
5. Although interosseus (IO) catheters are becoming more prevalent, they are problematic
in the care of trauma patients. Blood may be transfused through an IO but are not
effective for massive transfusion protocols and must be removed within 6 hours of
placement. Thus, the use of IO catheters in trauma patients is reserved for the direst
indications. They are contraindicated in tibial fractures. They are associated with joint
infections, osteomyelitis, cellulitis, and compartment syndrome if placed incorrectly.
We define massive transfusion as transfusion of 10 units of PRBC in the first 6 hours after
injury. A strategy utilizing a balanced ratio of blood products in this setting is termed
“Damage Control Resuscitation” (DCR). Whole blood is one important way to start a
balanced blood product resuscitation. Whole blood and DCR should be considered in any
patient suspicious for ongoing hemorrhage and hemodynamic instability despite transfusion
of PRBCs. A thromboelastography (TEG) should be sent (if possible) at initiation of DCR
and Tranexamic acid (TXA) should be given.
Role of TEG:
• Initiate TEG early in the course of a DCR by contacting the Blood Bank
• Repeat TEG when patient in TICU for comparison
• Goal-Directed Hemostatic Resuscitation of Trauma-Induced Coagulopathy Trial:
improved mortality, decreased blood products, decreased ICU days, ventilator days
(more studies pending)
Other Guidelines:
• ATLS 9th edition: blood products in hemodynamically unstable patients after 1 liter of
• Consider cryoprecipitate 10 units for every 10 units of PRBC, FFP given. This should be
requested with the 3rd cooler of DCR.
1. Anticipate use of greater than 4 units of PRBC based on injury pattern, (e.g., pelvic
fracture, liver laceration, major vascular injury). It is preferable to keep blood product
numbers balanced early with FFP and platelets.
2. Add cryoprecipitate by the third cooler.
1. de Biasi AR, Stansbury LG, Dutton RP, et al. Blood product use in trauma resuscitation: plasma deficit versus
plasma ratio as predictors of mortality in trauma. Transfusion. 2011 Feb 18.
2. Duchesne JC, Kimonis K, Marr AB, et al. Damage control resuscitation in combination with damage control
laparotomy: a survival advantage. J Trauma. 2010 Jul; 69(1):46-52.
3. Morrison JJ, Dubose JJ, Rasmussen TE, et al. Military Application of Tranexamic Acid in Trauma Emergency
Resuscitation (MATTERs) Study. Arch Surg. 2012 Feb; 147(2):113-9.
4. Roberts I, Shakur H, Coats T, et al. The CRASH-2 trial: a randomized controlled trial and economic
evaluation of the effects of Tranexamic acid on death, vascular occlusive events and transfusion
requirement in bleeding trauma patients. Health Technol Assess. 2013 Mar; 17(10):1-79.
5. Cotton BA, Podbielski J, Camp E, et al. A randomized controlled pilot trial of modified whole blood
versus component therapy in severely injured patients requiring large volume transfusions. Ann Surg
2013;258:527e532; discussion 532e523
6. Duchesne J, Smith A, Lawicki S, Hunt J, Houghton A, Taghavi S, Schroll R, Jackson-Weaver O,
Guidry C, Tatum D. Single Institution Trial Comparing Whole Blood vs Balanced Component
Therapy: 50 Years Later. J Am Coll Surg. 2020 Dec 19:S1072-7515(20)32534.
7. Gonzalez E, Moore EE, Moore HB, Chapman MP, Chin TL, Ghasabyan A, Wohlauer MV, Barnett
CC, Bensard DD, Biffl WL, Burlew CC, Johnson JL, Pieracci FM, Jurkovich GJ, Banerjee A,
Silliman CC, Sauaia A. Goal-directed hemostatic resuscitation of trauma-induced coagulopathy: a
pragmatic randomized clinical trial comparing a viscoelastic assay to conventional coagulation
assays. Ann Surg 2016;263:1051–9.
Hypothermia Protocol
The severity and treatment of hypothermia depends on core body temperature, cardiac
rhythm, and associated injuries. Moderate, severe, or extreme hypothermia (see below) is
determined by a core temperature obtained by thermistor, rectal, bladder, or esophageal
measurement. Hypothermia with cardiac arrest is a Level A trauma activation and should
trigger the Hypothermia Protocol. It is important to note that patients presenting with
hypothermia frequently have associated injuries and require an appropriate trauma workup.
Definitions of Hypothermia
Core Rewarming
A. Indications
• Moderate hypothermia (28 - 32° C) with any perfusing cardiac rhythm
• Severe hypothermia (25 - 28° C) with stable cardiac rhythm (Bradycardia alone does
NOT constitute an unstable cardiac rhythm)
B. Initial Management
• Core temperature monitoring (esophagus, rectal probes or via urinary catheter)
• Raise ambient room temperature to ≥32° C (90° F), close the room door!
• Labs per Trauma Activation panel, add Fibrinogen and ABG
• Place Contact Re-warmer (Bair Hugger®). These are meant to be used alone, not
with additional blankets.
• Warmed humidified oxygen by mask (40° C) or ET tube (40 - 50° C)
(An active heating/humidifying unit should be ordered from respiratory therapy for
ventilators. HMEs are inadequate.)
• Intravenous fluids: 40° C by Level l infuser or Hot-Line
• Nasogastric tube AND bladder catheter; lavage with 500cc NS at 40° C.
• Obtain fluid warmer from the OR. Pre-warmed fluid can also be obtained from the
OR, get both 4-5657
• Allow dwell times of 5-10 minutes to maximize heat exchange during lavage
• If rewarming <1° C/15 minutes, then only at the discretion of the Trauma Team
Leader consider the following:
a. Peritoneal lavage with 1L NS at 40° C.
b. Bilateral tube thoracostomy and pleural lavage with 1L NS at 40° C.
c. Venovenous (VV) ECLS via percutaneous single site Right Internal Jugular
(RIJ) access with double lumen Origin® cannula. Proper placement requires
ECLS/ECMO Rewarming
A. Indications
• Moderate (28 - 32° C) or severe (25 - 28° C) hypothermia, with cardiac arrest or
unstable cardiac rhythm.
• Extreme hypothermia (<25° C), moderate or severe hypothermia, managed with
core rewarming, who develops cardiac arrest or who remains hypothermic and fails
to regain stable cardiac rhythm* and adequate perfusion after 30 minutes of core
• Rationale:
a. The shortest time from discovery of the victim to femoral arterial and venous
cannulation will improve chances for survival with minimal sequelae. The
initiation of VA ECLS allows for cardiovascular support while a stepwise,
swift, controlled increase in the patient’s body temperature can be carried out
utilizing the circuit heat exchanger.
b. Studies showing successful outcome were in centers with organized rescue
teams, a young patient population with minimal comorbidities, minimal to
no preceding asphyxia, and deep hypothermia, <28°C.
1. Walpoth et al. Outcome of survivors of accidental deep hypothermia and circulatory arrest treated with
extracorporeal blood warming. NEJM 1997;337:1500-5.
2. Dunne et al. Extracorporeal-Assisted Rewarming in the management of deep hypothermic cardiac arrest. A
systematic review of the literature. Heart, Lung, and Circulation 2014;23:1029-1035.
3. Brown et al. Accidental hypothermia. NEJM 2012;367:1930-8.
Traumatic ICH
To OR++ No OR
RHCT Monitor
*Any discrepancy regarding type of hemorrhage should be reviewed with Neuroradiology or Neurosurgery Team
+Coagulopathy includes any patient on anticoagulation medication or having abnormal coagulation or platelet values
on laboratory studies
++ If patient is going to the OR for any procedure, Neurosurgery must be notified
Ongoing management of elevated ICP
1. America College of Surgeons, Trauma Quality Improvement Program (TQIP) Best Practices in the Management
of Traumatic Brain Injury, January 2015.
2. Guidelines for the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury 4th Edition. Brain Trauma Foundation,
September 2016.
In the early stages of DOAC use, trauma surgeons and emergency medicine providers were
concerned about the lack of reversal agents, and it was assumed that trauma morbidity and
mortality would be increased compared to warfarin. However, a recent retrospective review of
injured elderly patients did not show differences in mortality, blood transfusion requirements, or
length of stay when DOACs were compared to warfarin. 2 In patients over 65 years of age with
ICH from low level falls there was no difference in mortality, but lower rates of transfusion and
shorter ICU length of stay with DOACs compared to warfarin. 3 Unlike warfarin, patients may not
become supra-therapeutic on DOACs due to their fixed dosing.
1. The neurosurgery or spine service should be notified of all patients with intracranial
hemorrhage or spinal trauma.
2. A STAT CBC, type and screen, and coagulation profile should be obtained.
3. For patients who are taking anticoagulants and have ICH on initial CT head or have a
declining GCS:
a. For warfarin, administer 25 units/kg of KCentra (4 factor) Prothrombin
Complex Concentrate (PCC) once. Do not exceed infusion rate of 10ml/min.
b. For dabigatran give Idarucizumab (Pradaxa®) - 5g provided as two separate
vials each containing 2.5g/50 mL
c. For rivaroxaban (Xarelto®) give 50 units PCC/kg once.
d. For apixaban (Eliquis®) give 50 units PCC/kg once.
(All patients should also receive Vitamin K 10 mg IV.)
4. Patients with suspected ICH known to be on anticoagulation should not await labs or
CT scan results to receive PCC.
5. FFP is no longer part of the protocol for urgent anticoagulant reversal.
6. For patients on antiplatelet agents such as aspirin, cilostazol, clopidogrel, prasugrel,
ticagrelor, vorapaxar
7. There are several other injuries that may merit reversal of anticoagulant or antiplatelet
medications, especially in elderly patients with limited physiologic reserve who may
not tolerate significant bleeding or operative therapy, including:
- Hemothorax
- Pelvic fractures with hematoma, including pubic rami fractures
- Intra-abdominal solid organ injury
- Extremity, abdominal wall, chest wall, gluteal hematoma per discretion
of trauma team
1. Honickel M, Akman N, Grottke O. The reversal of direct oral anticoagulants in animal models. Shock 2017
2. Tomaselli GF, Mahaffey KW, Cuker A, et al. 2017 ACC expert consensus decision pathway on management of
bleeding in patients on oral anticoagulants: a report of the American College of Cardiology task force on expert
consensus decision pathways. J Am Coll Cardiol 2017 Dec 19;70(24):3042-67.
3. Dossett LA, Riesel JN, Griffin MR, Cotton BA. Prevalence and implications of preinjury warfarin use: an analysis
of the national trauma databank. Arch Surg. 2011;146(5):565-70.
4. Barletta JF, Hall S, Sucher JF et al. The impact of pre-injury direct oral anticoagulants compared to warfarin in
geriatric G-60 trauma patients. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2017 Aug;43(4):445-449.
5. Batey M, Hecht J, Callahan C, Wahl W. Direct oral anticoagulants do not worsen traumatic brain injury after low-
level falls in the elderly. Surgery. 2018 Oct;164(4):814-819.
6. Arachchillage DRJ, Alavian S, Griffin J et al. Efficacy and safety of prothrombin complex concentrate in patients
treated with rivaroxaban or apixaban compared to warfarin presenting with major bleeding. Br J Haematol. 2019
7. Jaben EA, Mulay SB, Stubbs JR. Reversing the effects of antiplatelet agents in the setting of intracranial
hemorrhage: a look at the literature. J Intensive Care Med. 2015 Jan;30(1):3-7
8. Levi M, Eerenberg E, Kamphuisen PW. Bleeding risk and reversal strategies for old and new anticoagulants and
antiplatelet agents. J Thromb Haemost 2011;9(9):1705-12.
9. Frontera JA, Lewin JJ, Rabinstein AA, et al. Guideline for reversal of antithrombotics in intracranial hemorrhage –
a statement for healthcare professionals from the Neurocritical Care Society and Society of Critical Care Medicine.
Neurocrit Care 2016;24:6-46.
Initial evaluation of the patient will place the patient in one of three categories:
1. Awake and able to cooperate with physical examination.
Assess for one of the following (NEXUS Criteria2)
1. Midline neck tenderness
2. Focal neurological deficit
3. Distracting injury
4. Intoxication with drugs or alcohol*
5. Central neurological deficit defined as GCS <15.
Canadian C-Spine rules are not followed due to the highly subjective nature of
mechanistic criteria.
a. Examine for midline tenderness – If present, obtain CT cervical spine.
b. If patient is non-tender, then Physical Exam (passive flexion-extension, rotation, and
axial loading) should be performed. If the patient remains without pain and/or focal
neurological deficit then the cervical spine is deemed “cleared” and the collar may
be removed. Exam findings, date, time, and clinical clearance of the cervical spine
should be documented in the medical record.
c. If any one or more of the above is present → CT cervical spine.
d. Cervical CT scanning should be liberalized in patients with high-risk mechanism,
the elderly or confounding conditions despite lack of physical exam findings.
2. Non-Obtunded but with obvious distracting injury or alteration in cognition
a. A distracting injury has been defined as any injury to the head, neck, chest or upper
extremity, or an injury that is so painful that it requires such doses of analgesics that
the patient is unable to co-operate with a clinical examination3.
b. An alteration in cognition is defined at a GCS <15.
c. In either case → CT cervical spine.
3. Obtunded patient
a. Cervical spine injury is three times more common in obtunded patients than in the
alert and reliable patient.
b. CT scan of complete Spine - Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral with recon-
c. If there is absolutely no evidence of bony or soft tissue injury or mal-alignment of
the cervical spine on CT scan - Remove the collar and document this.
d. If there is any anomaly on the CT scan - Consult spine services.
• If ligamentous injury is suspected, the spine service may request a cervical
MRI or perform passive real-time flexion-extension imaging at their
discretion. The collar should remain in place until the spine consultant
documents that it may be removed.
Note: This is a protocol and deviations from the above including obtaining plain films,
flexion-extension, or MRI, may be undertaken at the discretion of the Trauma attending
or spine surgeon.
When the cervical spine is cleared, the removal of the cervical collar must be documented
in the medical record and include the following information:
• Clinical exam findings
• Attending Radiology read
• Who removed the collar?
• Date and time it was removed
CT Versus MRI
The most common ligamentous injury discovered by MRI in comatose patients with a
normal CT scan is a single column posterior ligamentous complex disruption, which is
clinically insignificant and does not require operative intervention. Keeping patients in
collars awaiting MRI has been associated with increased morbidity, including pressure
ulcers from the collar (6.8%), swallowing difficulties and aspiration and a higher rate of
delirium. MRI is indicated in symptomatic patient with neurologic deficits.
Soft Collars
There is no role for the use of a soft collars during the patient’s work-up and has little if any
role in the treatment of an injury, except on a rare case by case basis.
Intoxication spans a continuum from coma to asymptomatic alcohol ingestion and the
determination of “intoxicated” or “altered” outside of a blood alcohol level is fraught with
ambiguity and does not lend itself well to a strict definition. While NEXUS criteria suggests
patients with a GCS < 15 should be scanned, there are some patients with GCS <15 who
can be clinically assessed, especially if the clinical scenario will allow for time for the
intoxicant to clear. For practical purposes we will assume that a patient may be adequately
examined in the presence of an intoxicant if the provider feels there is a medically
reasonable determination that their exam is “valid” AND the mechanism involved is low
energy, or low probability of an occult spine injury. When in doubt it is far safer to scan
than to miss an injury.
1. Mathen R, Inaba K, Munera F, et al. Prospective evaluation of multi-slice computed tomography versus plain
radio-graphic cervical spine clearance in trauma patients. Journal of Trauma 2007; 62(6):1427-31.
2. Hoffman J, Mower W, Wolfson A, Todd K, Zucker M, NEXUS. Validity of a Set of Clinical Criteria to Rule
Out Injury to the Cervical Spine in Patients with Blunt Trauma New England Journal of Medicine 2000; 343: 94-9.
3. Heffernan D, Schermer C, Lu S. What defines a distracting injury in cervical spine assessment? Journal of Trauma
2005; 59(6):1396-9.
4. Como JJ, Diaz JJ, Dunham CM, et al. Practice management guidelines for identification of cervical spine injuries
following trauma: update from the eastern association for the surgery of trauma practice management guidelines
committee. J Trauma. 2009 Sep;67(3):651-9
1. Diaz JJ, et al. Practice Management Guidelines for the Screening of Thoracolumbar Spine Fracture. J Trauma
2001; 63:709-18
2. Wood KB, Li W, Lebl DR, Ploumis A. Management of thoracolumbar spine fractures. Spine J. 2014 Jan;
C5 Elbow flexors
C6 Wrist extensors
C7 Elbow extensors
C8 Finger flexors (distal phalanx of
middle finger)
T1 Finger abductors (little finger)
T3 0 = total paralysis
T4 1 = palpable or visible
T5 2 = active movement,
T6 gravity eliminated
T7 3 = active movement,
T8 against gravity
T9 4 = active movement,
T10 against some resistance
T11 5 = active movement,
T12 against full resistance
L1 NT = Not testable
L2 Hip flexors
L3 Knee extensors
L4 Ankle dorsiflexors
L5 Long toe extensors
`S1 Ankle plantar flexors
S4-5 Voluntary anal
contraction (Yes/No)
Vascular Aero-digestive Neurological
Active bleeding Hemoptysis/Hematemesis Localizing CN or brachial
Hypotension Air bubbling plexus deficit
Large or expanding hematoma Subcutaneous emphysema Horner’s Syndrome
Pulse deficit (Carotid, Brachial) Hoarseness Pupil asymmetry
Bruit Dysphagia/odynophagia Deficit in limb movement
For CN: VII droop, IX midline soft palate, X hoarseness, ineffective cough, XI shoulder shrug,
XII midline tongue
For Brachial Plexus: Median fist, Radial wrist extension, Ulnar abduction/adduction of fingers,
Musculocutaneous forearm flexion, Axillary arm abduction
Important points:
1. Penetrating neck wounds should NOT be probed.
2. If there is clearly no penetration of the platysma, no workup is needed.
3. Formal angiography and CTA Neck have comparable accuracy in evaluating major
vessels, but CTA Neck is readily available and is Study of Choice.
4. Clinically significant cervical spine (CS) injuries as a result of penetrating trauma are
very rare, unless there is an associated blunt trauma. Tangential gunshots may cause
unstable CS fractures if two columns are involved; stab wounds do not cause CS
injuries. If a screening Cervical CT Angiogram (CTA Neck) is being obtained the CS
should be cleared radiographically. Otherwise Attending judgment should weigh the
benefits of immobilization versus operative exposure.
5. Esophagoscopy and contrast fluoroscopy have comparable sensitivities. The combi-
nation of these tests increases the sensitivity of detecting esophageal injury. Evaluation
of the esophagus should be prompt due to high morbidity of delayed diagnosis.
6. An adequate surgical exploration (via an anterior sternocleidomastoid incision or
cervical collar incision) involves visualizing of the wound tract, exploring the carotid
sheath, and fully mobilizing the trachea and esophagus if there are signs of aero-
digestive injury or if the trajectory of the wound is in proximity of these structures.
1. Gracias VH, Reilly PM, Philpott J, et al. Computed tomography in the evaluation of penetrating neck trauma: A
preliminary study. Arch Surg 2001; 136: 1231-1235.
2. Sekharan J, Dennis JW, Veldenz HC, et al. Continued Experience with Physical Examination Alone for Evaluation
and Management of Penetrating Zone 2 Neck Injuries: Results of 145 Cases. J Vasc Surg 2000; 32: 483-489.
3. Sperry JL, Moore EE, Coimbra R, et al. Western Trauma Association critical decisions in trauma: penetrating neck
trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2013 Dec;75(6):936-40.
Penetrating injuries to the “box” have high risk of cardiac injuries. Cardiac injuries from
wounds outside the “box” have higher mortality, due to diagnostic delays. A small retro-
spective study on chest gunshot wounds reveal that 40% of these patients present in
extremis with shock and require emergency operation. A cardiac injury will be present in
about 1/3 of these patients. Of the remaining 60% of patients, up to 50% will have injuries
to the heart, mediastinal vessels, bronchus, or esophagus that will present in a delayed
1. Nagy KK, Lohmann C, Kim DO, et al. Role of echocardiography in the diagnosis of occult penetrating cardiac
injury. J Trauma 1995; 38: 859.
2. Karmey-Jones R, Namias N, Coimbra R. Western Trauma Association critical decisions in trauma: penetrating
chest trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014; 77(6): 994-1002
The mediastinum contains the heart, great vessels, trachea, and esophagus as well as major
venous and neural plexuses. Significant injury - especially to heart or great vessels - often
results in prehospital death or hemodynamic instability. CT of the chest (in stable patients)
has proven useful in demonstrating the trajectory of missiles in the thorax. Proven trans-
mediastinal trajectory mandates further evaluation with investigations tailored to the
specific clinical scenario. A small percentage of asymptomatic patients have clinically
significant injuries. CTA has supplanted angiography as the gold standard (TEE cannot be
considered reliable enough) for aortic injuries. Esophagoscopy has been reported to have
100% sensitivity for thoracic esophageal injuries. In non-intubated patients, barium
esophagography is easier to obtain and should be performed to increase the sensitivity for
detecting injuries.
1. Stassen NA, Reevaluation of diagnostic procedures for transmediastinal gunshot wounds. J Trauma 2002;53:635
2. White RK, et al. Diagnosis and management of esophageal perforations. Ann Surg. 1992; 58: 112.
3. Flowers JL, et al. Flexible endoscopy for the diagnosis of esophageal trauma. J Trauma 1996; 40: 261.
4. Obi OT, et al. Transmediastinal gunshot wounds in a mature trauma center: Changing perspectives. Injury
Vascular Exposures
Vascular exposures can prove especially challenging in the trauma setting, where proximal
and distal control must be rapidly achieved in the face of active hemorrhage. Fundamental
ATLS concepts should be followed, with the caution that normotensive resuscitation may
not be attainable, and in fact may increase hemorrhage if a vascular injury is uncontrolled.
The subclavian artery exposure needs special attention because it depends on the location
of the injury. The artery has three segments, each defined by its relationship to the anterior
scalene muscle. The first lies medial, the second posterior, and the third lateral to this
muscle. On angiogram, the first portion is proximal to the vertebral artery, the second is
between the vertebral and transverse scapular arteries and the third is distal to the transverse
scapular artery. The clavicle may be divided and removed if necessary. Subclavian artery
injuries are typically associated with concomitant vein injury and are exceptionally lethal.
The three zones of the retroperitoneum Zone Ia and II L injuries are exposed with
a left medial visceral rotation
Zone II R and caval injuries are exposed Zone Ib and III injuries are exposed with a
with a right medial visceral rotation direct approach
1. Hoyt DB, et al. Anatomic exposures for vascular injuries. Surg. Clin. N Am 2001; 81(6): 1299.
2. Mattox KL, et al. Retroperitoneal vascular injury. Surg. Clin. N Am 1990; 70(3): 635.
3. Feliciano DV, et al. Abdominal Vascular Injury, McGraw-Hill, New York. In: Mattox KL, Feliciano DV, Moore
EE (eds): Trauma, 2000.
4. Yelin AE, et al. Vascular system: 207-262. Mosby, St Louis. In: Donovan AJ (ed.): Trauma surgery: techniques
in thoracic, abdominal, and vascular surgery, 1994.
1. Easter DW, Shackford SR, Mattrey RF, et al: A prospective, randomized comparison of computed tomography
with conventional diagnostic methods in the evaluation of penetrating injuries to the back and flank. Arch Surg
1991; 126: 1115-9.
2. Kirton OC, Wint D, Thrasher B, et al. Stab wounds to the bank and flank in the hemodynamically stable patient: a
decision algorithm based on contrast-enhanced computed tomography with colonic opacification. Am J Surg 1997;
173: 189-93.
3. Albrecht RM, Vigil A, Schermer CR, et al. Stab wounds to the back/flank in hemodynamically stable patients:
evaluation using triple-contrast computed tomography. Am Surg 1999; 65: 683-7.
4. Murray JA, Demetriades DD, Cornwell EF, et al: Penetrating left thoracoabdominal trauma: The incidence and
clinical presentation of diaphragm injuries. J Trauma 1997; 43: 624-626.
5. Thompson JS, Moore EE. Peritoneal lavage in the evaluation of penetrating abdominal trauma. Surg
Gynecological Obstetrics 1981; 153: 861-863.
6. Tsikitis V, Biffl WL, Majercik S, et al: Selective clinical management of anterior abdominal stab wounds. Am J
Surg 2004; 188, 807.
Approach to imaging
While BCVI occurs uncommonly, the ramifications of the injuries are so significant,
including possible stroke and long-term or permanent disability, that criteria to obtain CTA
imaging should be fairly liberal so that prognosis can be established, and early treatment
can be started. When all grades of injury are considered, CVA occurs in ~10%. With higher
grade injuries such as Grade IV, CVA occurs in ~70%.3
Previously decisions for cervical CTA were based on signs on initial exam or imaging such
as skull base fracture, cervical spine injury, displaced facial fracture, mandible fracture,
Glasgow Coma Scale score ≤ 8, flexion/extension mechanism, hard signs of neck vascular
injury, or focal neurologic deficits. Now however CTA with contrast should be done in all
patients who are going for a pan-scan with intravenous contrast dosed from the circle of
Willis through the pelvis. Sensitivity and specificity of CTA are nearly 98% and 100%
respectively for BCVI.4
Grade I – intimal irregularity, < 25% luminal narrowing
Grade II – dissection or intramural hematoma, > 25% luminal narrowing
Grade III – pseudoaneurysm or >50% luminal narrowing
Grade IV – occlusion
Grade V – transection and extravasation
Anti-thrombotic therapy lowers the CVA risk in patients with BCVI to < 1%.
CVA risk and BCVI healing appears to be similar whether daily aspirin or heparin infusion
is used so generally aspirin is going to be the more appropriate and lower risk choice,
especially for those presenting with ICH, spinal injuries.5
Carotid injuries Grade I-III – aspirin 81 mg daily
Carotid injuries Grade IV-V – heparin infusion vs aspirin 81 mg daily
Vertebral injuries – aspirin 81 mg daily
In patients with ICH wait 48 hours after the last stable CT head to start anti-thrombotic
therapy. It is likely safe to start ATT immediately after BCVI diagnosis in patients with
concerning high grade and solid organ injuries. No increase in need for delayed operative
treatment of these patients in a small series.6 Attending discretion, case by case basis.
1. McNutt MK, Kale AC, Kitagawa RS, et al. Management of blunt cerebrovascular injury (BCVI) in the
multisystem injury patient with contraindications to immediate anti-thrombotic therapy. Injury 2018; 49:67.
2. Geddes AE, Burlew CC, Wagenaar AE, et al. Expanded screening criteria for blunt cerebrovascular injury: a
bigger impact than anticipated. Am J Surg. 2016 Dec;212(6):1167-1174.
3. Lauerman MH, Feeney T, Sliker CW, et al. Lethal now or lethal later: The natural history of Grade 4 blunt
cerebrovascular injury. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2015; 78:1071.
4. Malhotra A, Wu X, Seifert K. Blunt Cerebrovascular Injuries: Advances in Screening, Imaging, and Management
Trends. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2018 Sep;39(9):E103.
5. Cothren CC, Biffl WL, Moore EE et al. Treatment for blunt cerebrovascular injuries: equivalence of
anticoagulation and antiplatelet agents. Arch Surg. 2009 Jul;144(7):685-90.
6. Shahan CP, Magnotti LJ, McBeth PB, et al. Early antithrombotic therapy is safe and effective in patients with blunt
cerebrovascular injury and solid organ injury or traumatic brain injury. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2016; 81:173.
With the improvement in CT scan technology, we are seeing more cases of minimal aortic
injury (MAI): intimal flaps, intraluminal thrombus, and intramural hematomas. MAI may
also require operative intervention, often able to be treated endovascularly.
Grade of Injury
I – intimal tear or flap
II – intramural hematoma without changes in external aortic contour
III – contained pseudoaneurysm
IV – full thickness with contrast extravasation
Evaluation of BAI
If there is clinical suspicion, a significant deceleration mechanism, or findings on initial
CXR then a gated CT scan with IV contrast should be performed. A compilation of three
studies from last decade showed CT sensitivity to be approaching 100%.
The initial CXR may be interpreted as “normal” in up to 7% of patients with BAI.
CXR findings suggestive of BAI:
- Indistinct aortic knob (more specific)
- Widened mediastinum > 8 cm (more sensitive)
- Depression of left main stem bronchus
- Deviation of NG tube to the right
- Opacification of aortopulmonary window
- Widening of paratracheal/ paraspinous stripes
- Apical capping especially on the left
- Scapular fracture or 1st/2nd rib fracture. (Formally indicative of BAI but now much
less so due to advances in imaging technology.)
Injury Locations
A recent review characterized BAI as proximal (within 5 cm of the left subclavian origin)
or distal. Features of proximal injuries:
- less often associated with thoracic spine fractures
- more often high-grade injuries (III, IV)
- much more likely to require operative repair
- more common in men
Decision Making, Timing of Repair
Delayed repair is now acceptable based on a significant body of literature showing
extremely low rates of in-hospital rupture of BAI. Delay can be necessary due to need for
emergent laparotomy, craniotomy, or patient being not fit for an operation on presentation.
Once BAI is diagnosed antihypertensive therapy should be instituted, if possible, with goal
SBP <110 and HR <80 to reduce wall stress and prevent aortic rupture. Thoracic endo-
vascular repair (TEVAR) is now considered standard of care unless certain technical
aspects of the injury make it unfeasible.
1. Sastry P, Field M, Cuerden R, et al. Low-impact scenarios may account for two-thirds of blunt traumatic aortic
rupture. Emerg Med J. 2010 May;27(5):341-4.
2. Fox N, Schwartz D, Salazar JH, et al. Evaluation and management of blunt traumatic aortic injury: a practice
management guideline from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2015;
3. Sabra MJ, Dennis JW, Allmon JC, et al. Identification of unique characteristics and the management of blunt
traumatic aortic injuries occurring at unusual locations in the descending thoracic aorta. J Vasc Surg 2019; 69:40.
4. Scalea TM, Feliciano DV, DuBose JJ, et al. Blunt Thoracic Aortic Injury: Endovascular Repair Is Now the
Standard. J Am Coll Surg 2019; 228:605.
We no longer use the vague term “cardiac contusion” and instead describe the actual
significant clinical entities associated with the BCI:
- arrhythmia – i.e., sinus tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, PACs, PVCs etc.
- cardiac dysfunction – i.e., decreased LV, RV contractility, local wall motion
- structural injury – septal rupture, valvular tear
Suspect BCI in patients with substernal pain or a mechanism consistent with a significant
blow to the chest such as a fall from height, high-energy front impact motor vehicle
collision, pedestrian struck, blast injury. Patients with multiple rib fractures, sternal fracture,
pulmonary contusions and/or seat belt signs are at increased risk of BCI. Initially obtain an
EKG and compare this to prior EKGs if available. If the EKG is normal, NO further
work up is necessary. If there are no other reasons for admission, patient should be
discharged home from the ED.
If the EKG is abnormal, the patient is to be admitted either to a ward with telemetry or to
the TICU depending on the severity of injuries. All patients with hemodynamic instability,
ischemic changes on EKG, angina and/or shock should be admitted to the TICU.
A negative troponin has a negative predictive value of almost 100%. Note that elevations in
troponin can also be attributed to significant non-thoracic trauma or myocardial ischemia
not related to trauma.
CT findings
CT findings of severe chest trauma that are indirect evidence of BCI include:
- anterior rib fractures (73% of BCI cases in recent series)
- pulmonary contusions (64%)
- sternal fracture (36%)
1. Hanschen M, Kanz KG, Kirchhoff C, et al. Blunt Cardiac Injury in the Severely Injured - A Retrospective
Multicentre Study. PLoS One 2015; 10:e0131362.
2. Keith C, Velopulos C, Bilaniuk JW, et al. Screening for blunt cardiac injury: An Eastern Association for the
Surgery of Trauma practice management guideline. J Trauma 2012; 73:S301-S306.
3. Hammer MM, Raptis DA, Cummings KW, et al. Imaging in blunt cardiac injury: Computed tomographic findings
in cardiac contusion and associated injuries. Injury 2016; 47:1025.
4. Accessed August 13, 2019.
Pain Control
Patients with rib fractures need to be assessed in the emergency room for pain control so
that a medication plan can be initiated in order to avoid shallow breathing, ineffective
cough, and pooling of secretions. PIC score assesses patient’s pain control, inspiratory
effort, and cough strength. Initial PIC score should be assessed and repeated frequently. A
PIC score of 4 or less should trigger a re-evaluation and possibly higher level of care. The
objective measure used is incentive spirometry (IS) with goal volumes of 10-15mL/kg
based on ideal body weight. This is a surrogate measure of vital capacity. Weaning oxygen
support in the elderly and debilitated can be difficult due to limited pulmonary reserve.
● Narcotics: morphine and hydromorphone via PCA and oral oxycodone are first line
agents, but optimal treatment involves use of several adjuncts
● IV or oral acetaminophen: add as standing orders. The IV form has been shown to
have efficacy and safety in the elderly after orthopedic procedures however data is
lacking specifically for rib fractures.
● Ketorolac IV: added standing for 2-3 days but caution taken in those over 65 with
lower creatinine clearance (CrCl <40). Dose can be reduced from 15 to 7.5mg for
borderline CrCl. Avoid in super-elderly.
● Diazepam: Can be helpful in those with spasm-like pain but has not been adequately
● Epidurals: If in the first few hours following admission the patient's pain control is
not improving or if they are de-recruiting or manifesting progressive respiratory
failure, anesthesia should be consulted for epidural placement (decreased PNA rates,
duration of mechanical ventilation in rib fracture patients)
● Additional adjuncts (not supported by evidence to reduce PNA rates or narcotic
usage) include lidocaine patches, rib blocks, agents for neuropathic pain (e.g.,
Gabapentin, and Ketamine, or Dexmedetomidine drips).
● Patients should be transferred to the TICU if they are found to have progressive
respiratory failure.
● Frequent reassessment should be done to gauge the patient's pain control, cough
strength and volume on IS. Most of these assessments are more subjective than
objective but they should be documented.
o Be sure to include the bedside RN for their assessment and help in managing
pain and pulmonary toilet. IS should be assessed every shift with focused
attention on patients with declining performance.
o Patients should be reminded to use the device several times per hour (i.e.,
each commercial break).
● Elderly patients, and those unable to successfully use the IS should have an order for
a positive expiratory pressure device (i.e., Acapella) to mobilize secretions. Resis-
tance can be adjusted but volumes cannot be measured.
Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation including BiPAP, and CPAP should also be
considered in those who have escalating needs for support but do not appear to need
intubation imminently. Heterogeneous data (few RCTs) supports the use of these modalities
to avoid intubation, reduce risk of PNA, and decrease ICU length of stay in patients with
blunt chest trauma. Intermittent BiPAP can be very helpful in cognitively impaired and
geriatric patients to maintain FRC. Patients failing BiPAP should prompt an urgent
Family Meeting to discuss goals of care, intubation, tracheostomy, feeding tubes and
long-term care PRIOR to intubating the patient.
1. Holcomb JB et al. Morbidity from Rib Fractures Increases after Age 45. JACS 2003; 196: 549-555
2. Bulger EM. Rib Fractures in the Elderly. J Trauma 2000; 48: 1040-47
3. Bulger EM et al. Epidural analgesia improves outcomes after multiple rib fractures. Surgery 2004; 136: 426-30
4. Jahr JS, Breitmeyer JB, Pan C, et al. Safety and efficacy of intravenous acetaminophen in the elderly after major
orthopedic surgery: subset data analysis from 3, randomized, placebo-controlled trials. Am J Ther. 2012
5. Duggal A, Perez P, Golan E, et al. Safety and efficacy of noninvasive ventilation in patients with blunt chest
trauma: a systematic review. Crit Care. 2013 Jul 22;17(4):R142.
6. Leinicke JA, Elmore L, Freeman BD, et al. Operative management of rib fractures in the setting of flail chest: a
systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Surg. 2013 Dec;258(6):914-21.
7. Witt CE, Bulger EM Comprehensive approach to the management of the patient with multiple rib fractures: a
review and introduction of a bundled rib fracture management protocol, Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open
Rib Plating
Surgical fixation of rib fractures has been a controversial treatment that has recently
gained support in certain clinical circumstances1. Studies show improved PFTs as well
as shortened LOS and days in ICU in patients with surgical fixation of rib fractures2, 3.
Patients with significant blunt chest trauma should have a 3D reconstruction performed
utilizing the initial chest CT. Although, this is an order in EPIC, it is important that this
request is communicated to the CT technicians. This can be done up to 36-48 hours after
the original CT chest has been completed.
Surgical fixation of rib fractures should be considered as the primary treatment in the
following patients without severe head injury or ongoing shock
● Flail chest segment (3 or more contiguous ribs)
● Estimated 30% loss of thoracic volume or thoracic contour as measured by CT 1, 4
● Symptomatic fractures refractory to multi-modal pain control efforts (See page 48).
● Aligned fractures in 3 or more consecutive ribs
● Severe displacement of rib fractures (inner cortex of one fracture fragment beyond
the outer cortex of the other fracture fragment)
1. Lube MW, Cheatham ML. Surgical Critical Care Evidence-Based Medicine Guidelines Committee. February 6,
2. Granetzny et al. Surgical versus conservative treatment of flail chest. Evaluation of the pulmonary status. Interact
Cardiovasic Thorac Surg 2005;4:583-7.
3. Solberg et al. Treatment of chest wall implosion injuries without thoracotomy: technique and clinical outcomes. J
Trauma 2009; 67:8-13.
4. Pieracci F, et al. Surgical stabilization of severe rib fractures. J Trauma 2015, 78:883-887.
Thoracic Trauma
Although thoracic trauma is common, most of these injuries can be managed non-
operatively. Tube thoracostomy effectively treats about 85%* of thoracic injuries and
while this procedure may be a straightforward bedside procedure, its complications can
lead to significant morbidity. Therefore, successful management of thoracic trauma
mandates careful assessment and meticulous adherence to management protocols and
sterile technique.
Primary Survey
Assessment of breathing is performed in the primary survey after ensuring an adequate
airway. Significant hemo/pneumothoraces (HTX/PTX) should be diagnosed during the
primary survey. Absence of breath sounds, crepitus, open (sucking) chest wound, or
evidence of tension physiology (tracheal deviation, hypotension, jugular venous distension)
should all prompt immediate evacuation without waiting for a chest X-ray (CXR),
especially in cases of penetrating trauma. While ultrasound (U/S) may detect a PTX, it is
by and large unable to quantify the size of the PTX and may lead to unnecessary tube
thoracostomies. U/S CAN NOT be used in lieu of a CXR.
If no suspicion for HTX/PTX on primary survey, the presence of HTX/ PTX on CXR still
warrants placement of a chest tube.
Occult pneumothorax
An occult PTX is defined as a PTX that is only seen on CT scan, but not on CXR. The
management of occult PTX is managed with observation in almost all cases, even in
patients requiring positive pressure ventilation. Patients with occult PTX should undergo a
repeat CXR 6 hours after initial imaging to ensure that a PTX has not progressed. If there is
progression, then a tube thoracostomy should be performed. Subcutaneous emphysema
without overt PTX on CXR, on physical exam or CXR, IS NOT equivalent to an occult
PTX and typically warrants tube thoracostomy. If a patient, clinically deteriorates (SOB)
then a chest tube should be placed.
Occult hemothorax
An occult HTX is defined as a HTX that is only seen on CT scan, but not on CXR. As with
occult PTX, many occult HTX can be managed without a chest tube. Bilello et al. showed
in his series that only 15% of patients with occult HTX <1.5 cm thick (measured on CT)
underwent a chest tube compared to 66% of patients with an occult HTX >1.5 cm. Patients
with an occult HTX <1.5 cm will be observed with a follow-up CXR and patients with a
HTX >1.5 cm should have a chest tube placed. In general, patients with an occult HTX on
anticoagulant/antiplatelet therapy are best managed with chest tube placement.
Retained hemothorax
A retained HTX is defined as evidence of continued HTX on CXR despite placement of
a chest tube. The presence of a retained HTX has been shown to increase the risk of
empyema by 33% (Karmy-Jones et al.). If drainage of the HTX is incomplete, considera-
tion should be made for early VATS. Meyer et al. have shown a decrease in hospital stay
and costs for VATS within 3 days as compared to a second chest tube placement. The
AAST multicenter study of retained HTX shows that VATS has high success rates, but as
many as 25% of patients require at least 2 procedures to effectively clear the retained HTX.
The strongest predictors of successful VATS were absence of an associated diaphragm
injury, use of periprocedural antibiotics prior to tube thoracostomy, and volume of retained
hemothorax <900 cc. The overall empyema rate for retained hemothorax was 27%.
Alteplase/DNAse Protocol
One 10mg/10mL syringe (10mgs.) of alteplase (tPA) from the pharmacy may be diluted to
a desired volume (usually 30 ccs). This mixture should be injected with a small gauge (22
ga. or less) needle through a chlorhexidine-prepped area of the rubber tubing connecting the
chest tube to the collection system. The needle should be inserted obliquely so that the hole
will seal post-injection. The tube may be clamped for up to 1 hour, and the patient’s
position should be rotated every few minutes as tolerated during the dwell. The DNAse
solution, a syringe of 5 mg/30 ml H2O, should be administered in the same fashion 2 hours
after tPA. This process will be done twice daily for 3 days. Daily CXRs should be obtained
to assess for complete evacuation.
1. Bilello JF, Davis JW, Lemaster DM. Occult traumatic hemothorax: when can sleeping dogs lie? Am J
Surg2005;190:841– 4.
2. Karmy-Jones R, Holevar M, Sullivan RJ, Fleisig A, Jurkovich GJ. Residual hemothorax after chest tube placement
correlates with increased risk of empyema following traumatic injury. Can Respir J.2008;15:255–258.
3. Meyer DM, Jessen ME, Wait MA, Estrera AS. Early evacuation of traumatic retained hemothoraces using
thoracoscopy: a prospective, randomized trial. Ann Thorac Surg. 1997;64:1396 –1400.
4. Dubose et al. Management of post-traumatic retained hemothorax: A prospective, observational, multicenter
AAST study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2012 Jan;72(1):11-22
5. Rahman NM, Maskell NA, West A, et al. Intrapleural use of tissue plasminogen activator and DNase in pleural
infection. N Engl J Med 2011; 365:518-526.
• Type and screen, activate DCR if hemorrhagic shock and suspected major vascular
• Admit for serial exams if concern for hollow viscus injury (e.g., free fluid without solid
organ injury)
• Repeat CTA/P with oral contrast +/- rectal may be helpful in certain circumstances
• DO NOT withhold IV contrast due to renal failure. Obtain the best imaging possible if
the patient has an indication to be imaged.
1. Carter JW, Falco MH, Chopko MS, Flynn WJ Jr, et al. Do we really rely on fast for decision-making in the
management of blunt abdominal trauma? Injury. 2015 May;46(5):817-21.
2. Natarajan B, Gupta PK, Cemaj S, Sorensen M, et al. FAST scan: is it worth doing in hemodynamically stable blunt
trauma patients? Surgery. 2010 Oct;148(4):695-700; discussion 700-1.
3. Talari H, Moussavi N, Abedzadeh-Kalahroudi M, et al. Correlation Between Intra-Abdominal Free Fluid and Solid
Organ Injury in Blunt Abdominal Trauma A. Arch Trauma Res. 2015 Aug 29;4(3):e29184.
4. Patel NY, Riherd JM. Focused assessment with sonography for trauma: methods, accuracy, and indications. Surg
Clin North Am. 2011; 91:195-207.
Patients with functional asplenia (patients who have undergone a splenectomy or main
splenic artery EMBO) should have the following vaccines 14 days post-splenectomy or
prior to discharge, whichever is sooner:
• Hemophilus B
• Pneumococcal 13-V (Prevnar®)
• Meningococcal Serogroups A, C, W, Y (Menactra®)
• Meningococcal Serogroup B (Bexsero®)
**If a patient has a Latex allergy, they may receive Trumenba® in place of Bexsero®**
Patients should also receive a second round of vaccination ~8 weeks after initial vaccination
with the following vaccines:
• Pneumococcal 23-V (Pneumovax®)
• Meningococcal Serogroups A, C, W, Y (Menactra®)
• Meningococcal Serogroup B (Bexsero®)
**If a patient has a Latex allergy, they may receive Trumenba® in place of Bexsero® and
will require one additional dose at 6 months to complete the series**
Return to activity
• Little objective data about when it is safe for patients with NOM splenic injuries to
return to full activity
• Some data says that 84% of grade III-V injuries are healed by 37 days.
• If the patient wants to return to vigorous activities or contact sports, then a CT scan
at 2 months post injury is required to document healing. (For all others, no repeat CTs
are indicated)
1. Velmahos GC, Toutouzas KG, Radin R, et al. Non-operative treatment of blunt injury to solid abdominal organs:
a prospective study. Arch Surg. 2003 Aug;138(8):844-51.
2. Claridge JA, Carter JW, McCoy AM, et al. In-house direct supervision by an attending is associated with
differences in the care of patients with a blunt splenic injury. Surgery. 2011 Oct;150(4):718-26.
3. Haan J, Marmery H, Shanmuganathan K, et al. Experience with splenic main coil embolization and significance
of new or persistent pseudoaneurysm: re-embolize, operate, or observe. J Trauma. 2007; 4. 63:615-619.
4. Savage SA, Zarzaur BL, Magnotti LJ, et al. The evolution of blunt splenic injury: resolution and progression. J
Trauma. 2008;64: 1085-92.
5. Smith J, Armen S, Cook C, Martin L. Blunt splenic injuries: have we watched long enough? J Trauma.
6. Bhangu A, Nepogodiev D, Lal N, et. al. Meta-analysis of predictive factors and outcomes for failure of non-
operative management of blunt splenic trauma. Injury. 2012 Sep; 43:1337-46
"Delayed Images" - Used when there is suspicion for pelvic-calyceal collecting system or
ureteral injury. Low dose contrast is given, and images taken 5-10 minutes later to allow
for renal contrast excretion to occur.
Evaluation: All trauma patients with abdominal trauma should have a urinalysis. Most
patients with major renal trauma present with gross hematuria or hypotension and only
about 1% of patients with major renal injuries have neither of these two findings.
Microscopic hematuria: (˃5 RBC/HPF): Rarely associated with significant renal system
injury. Patients require observation, repeat UA later in the ER or hospital to demonstrate
resolution or to rule out other sources of hematuria such as malignancy.
Blunt vs. penetrating: Blunt injury and stab wounds may be worked up in a similar
fashion. Gunshot wounds to the back/abdomen require urgent abdominal exploration.
• Notify Urology Service.
• Patients with a major renal injury (Grade IV-V injuries) are still candidates for
o Hemodynamically stable AND contained urine leak
• Patients should be monitored in the TICU for the first 24-48 hours.
• Recommendations for bed rest until the resolution of hematuria are anecdotal and
early mobilization has been shown to be safe in retrospective reviews.
Who needs an operation for renal trauma?
• Hemodynamic instability
• Ongoing transfusion requirement, failed angio-embolization
• Pulsatile or expanding hematoma while exploring the abdomen for other injuries
• Renal pedicle avulsion without thrombosis
Double J Stent: Patients with evidence of urinary extravasation on initial CT scan can be
observed. If a urinoma develops, consider stenting and/or percutaneous drainage.
Ultimately, less than 10% of patients require surgery for failure of stents to control urine
extravasation however the usage of stenting for collecting system injuries is falling out of
favor and data is accruing showing that this is safe.
Percutaneous drainage: Urinoma and abscess are complications of NOM. Both are
amenable to percutaneous drainage. Open surgery should be reserved as a last option and
is likely associated with higher rates of nephrectomy.
1. Yeung LL, Brandes SB. Contemporary management of renal trauma: differences between urologists and trauma
surgeons. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 Jan;72(1):68-75; discussion 75-7.
2. Santucci RA, Wessells H, Bartsch G,et al. Evaluation and management of renal injuries: consensus statement of
the renal trauma subcommittee. BJU Int. 2004 May;93(7):937-54.
3. Dayal M, Gamanagatti S, Kumar A. Imaging in renal trauma. World J Radiol. 2013 Aug 28;5(8):275-84.
4. Shenfeld OZ, Gnessin E. Management of urogenital trauma: state of the art. Curr Opin Urol. 2011 Nov; 21:449-
5. Jawas A, Abu-Zidan FM. Management algorithm for complete blunt renal artery occlusion in multiple trauma
patients: case series. Int J Surg. 2008 Aug; 6:317-22.
6. Smith TG 3rd, Coburn M. Damage control maneuvers for urologic trauma. Urol Clin North Am. 2013 Aug;
1. Fakhry SM, et al. Relatively Short Diagnostic Delays (<8 Hours) Produce Morbidity and Mortality in Blunt Small
Bowel Injury: An Analysis of Time to Operative Intervention in 198 Patients from a Multicenter Experience. J
Trauma 2000; 48:408-415.
2. Fakhry SM, Watts DD, Luchette FA. Current diagnostic approaches lack sensitivity in the diagnosis of perforated
blunt small bowel injury: analysis from 275,557 trauma admissions from the EAST multi-institutional HVI trial. J
Trauma. 2003 Feb; 54(2):295-306.
3. Malhotra AK, et al. Blunt Bowel and Mesenteric Injuries: The Role of Screening Computed Tomography. J
Trauma 2000; 48:991-1000.
4. Yu J, Fulcher AS, Turner MA, et al. Blunt bowel and mesenteric injury: MDCT diagnosis. Abdom Imaging. 2011
5. Jaffin JH, Ochsner MG, Cole FJ, et al. Alkaline phosphatase levels in diagnostic peritoneal lavage fluid as a
predictor of hollow visceral injury. J Trauma. 1993 Jun;34(6):829-33.
Flint and AAST Colon Injury Scale (CIS) help classify destructive (severe tissue loss
[>25%], devascularization, and gross contamination) vs non-destructive colon injury and
guide primary repair vs resection/ diversion. The degree of physiologic derangement
(acidosis, hypothermia, coagulopathy, etc.) must factor into decision making regarding
repair vs. resection/ diversion as well. The benefits of proximal diversion are not strongly
supported by data, however patients at higher risk of anastomotic leak may benefit.
Patients with a concern for colonic injury should be given metronidazole (Flagyl®) in
addition to cefazolin (Ancel®) pre-incision; otherwise, metronidazole should be admini-
stered as soon as colonic injury is detected. Midline incision planning should allow for
ileostomy/colostomy creation. Colonic assessment should involve all sides of the colon
and mesentery at the site of injury. All colonic hematomas must be fully explored. Blunt
trauma often leads to devascularization due to mesenteric injury along with colonic injury.
Injuries identified on presentation may be treated similarly to penetrating trauma, but
delayed findings of colonic injury are best treated with resection and diversion.
1. Maxwell RA, Fabian TC. Current management of colon trauma. World J Surg. 2003;27:632–639.
2. Demetriades D, Murray JA, Chan L, Ordonez C, Bowley D, Nagy KK, et al. Penetrating colon injuries requiring
resection: diversion or primary anastomosis? An AAST prospective multicenter study. J Trauma. 2001:50:765–
3. Naumann DN, Bhangu A, Kelly M, Bowley DM. Stapled versus hand sewn intestinal anastomosis in emergency
laparotomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Surgery. 2015; Apr: 157 (4): 609-18
4. Gonzalez RP, Falimirski ME, Holevar MR. The Role of Presacral Drainage in the Management of Penetrating
Rectal Injuries. J Trauma. 1998; 45 (4). Pp 656-661
Rectal Injury
The mortality and morbidity from penetrating rectal injury has declined dramatically over
the last few decades due to earlier recognition of injuries and prompt surgical diversion.
Most injuries occur from handguns, impalements, and rarely pelvic fractures. Handguns are
considered low velocity while military weapons or hunting rifles are high velocity and
cause much more tissue destruction. This distinction has allowed management of rectal
injuries from handguns to evolve to now include almost exclusively proximal diversion and
only rarely is distal rectal washout and presacral drainage needed.
Injury anatomy: Rectum ~ 15cm
• Intraperitoneal: anterior and lateral upper 2/3 of rectum, has serosa, managed
similar to a left colon injury
• Extraperitoneal: posterior and entire distal 1/3 of rectum, no serosa
Intraperitoneal rectal injuries should be primarily repaired with or without fecal diversion.
Recent studies have suggested extraperitoneal rectal injuries should be left untouched and
only a diverting colostomy should be performed. This is because primary repair of
extraperitoneal rectal injuries is difficult due to the confined pelvic space, the adjacent
sacral venous plexus and urogenital structures, and the hypogastric nerve plexus. Easily
visualized injuries with minimal dissection should be primarily repaired but DO NOT
mobilize the distal rectum to repair the injury. If mobilization is required to repair an
associated injury (bladder, vagina, etc.) and the rectal injury is exposed then proceed with
rectal repair.
Workup plan:
• All patients in ER should receive a digital rectal exam (DRE) for gross blood using
a clean glove (double glove, take off bloody top glove PRIOR to DRE). Try to
avoid spill over from other wounds.
• If the patient is going to the OR for suspected rectal injury, be sure to communicate
the need for dorsal lithotomy, stirrups, and a rigid sigmoidoscope.
o Rigid sigmoidoscopy is MANDATORY for those with gross blood on DRE
or bullet trajectory near the rectum
• Diversion with a loop colostomy preferred over end colostomy.
• Hematuria should raise level of suspicion of concomitant GU injury and prompt
further workup
Patients can often be reversed in 1-2 weeks after injury as long as a contrast enema does not
show fistula or stricture. It can often be done the same admission with similar rates of
success to reversal done much later.
1. Khalid MS, Moeen S, Khan AW, et al. Same admission colostomy closure: a prospective, randomized study in
selected patient groups. Surgeon. 2005 Feb;3(1):11-4.
2. Navsaria PH, Edu S, Nicol AJ. Civilian extraperitoneal rectal gunshot wounds: Surgical management made
simpler. World J Surg. 2007 Jun; 31(6):1345-51.
3. McGrath V, Fabian TC, Croce MA, et al. Rectal trauma: management based on anatomic distinctions. Am Surg.
1998 Dec; 64(12):1136-41.
(See APPENDIX – Burgess & Young Pelvic Fracture Grading – Page 107)
1. Black SR, Sathy AK, Jo C, et al. Improved Survival After Pelvic Fracture: 13 Year Experience at a Single Trauma
Center Using a Multi-disciplinary Institutional Protocol. J Orthop Trauma. 2015 Sep 3.
2. Lustenberger T, Wutzler S, Störmann P, et al. The role of angio-embolization in the acute treatment concept of
severe pelvic ring injuries. Injury. 2015 Oct;46 Suppl 4:S33-8.
3. Tai DK, Li WH, Lee KY. Retroperitoneal pelvic packing in the management of hemodynamically unstable pelvic
fractures: a level I trauma center experience. J Trauma. 2011 Oct;71(4):E79-86
4. Cothren CC, Osborn PM, Moore EE, et al. Preperitoneal pelvic packing for hemodynamically unstable pelvic
fractures: a paradigm shift. J Trauma. 2007 Apr;62(4):834-9; discussion 839-42.
Diuresis can aid abdominal closure – MUST be discussed with TICU attending
• Patient must be hemodynamically normal, euvolemic
• Stable renal function and urine output (UOP)
• Initiate furosemide drip 1-5mg/hr. often effective, 25% albumin if hypovolemia
• Escalating doses of furosemide, poor UOP or hypotension indicates inadequate
intravascular volume or capillary leak from infection or ongoing inflammation –
STOP diuresis and investigate
• STOP diuresis if worsening azotemia or hypernatremia
• Correct hypokalemia with potassium supplementation, metabolic alkalosis with
Ultimately the goal is to minimize risk of fistula by achieving fascial closure as early as
possible if this is not likely move to vicryl mesh and skin graft.
1. Rotondo MF, Schwab CW, McGonigal MD,et al. 'Damage control': an approach for improved survival in
exsanguinating penetrating abdominal injury. J Trauma. 1993 Sep;35(3):375-82; discussion 382-3.
2. Stone HH, Strom PR, Mullins RJ. Management of the major coagulopathy with onset during laparotomy. Ann
Surg. 1983;197:532-5.
3. Roberts DJ, Zygun DA, Grendar J, et al. Negative-pressure wound therapy for critically ill adults with open
abdominal wounds: a systematic review. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 Sep;73(3):629-39.
4. Harvin JA, Sharpe JP, Croce MA et al. Better understanding the utilization of damage control laparotomy: A
multi-institutional quality improvement project. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2019 Jul;87(1):27-34.
Threatened Limb
Extremity injuries with significant damage to multiple tissue components (skin,
subcutaneous tissue, muscles, bone, nerve, and vasculature) are often called mangled
extremities. A threatened limb may appear normal but has an arterial injury (e.g., popliteal
artery injury). Both typically require arterial repair to restore limb viability, but unlike an
isolated vascular injury the prognosis for a true mangled extremity is often dismal.
Morbidly obese individuals are at risk for threatened limbs due to low velocity, high energy
knee dislocations or fractures that cause arterial and/or nerve injury without skin wounds.
For mangled lower extremities, amputation MUST be considered since it may be a better
alternative to attempted limb salvage, especially when risk of systemic complications is
high, the patient’s reserve is poor, or the salvaged limb will be far less functional than
Patients often arrive hours after injury and have had significant warm ischemia time thus
communication is crucial to get the limb revascularized as soon as possible. The trauma
attending will coordinate care by communicating with the vascular and orthopedic surgery
attendings directly. The goal is completed communication with all elements of the team
within 15 minutes of the patient’s arrival. The trauma attending can take the patient to the
OR and get the operation under the way until the vascular and/or orthopedic faculty arrives.
The goal is to get the patient into the OR within 60 minutes of arrival. For patients with a
threatened limb AND hypotension, please document the time that the orthopedic
consultation is called, as well as the arrival of the first orthopedic team member; this
is an important trauma quality metric.
Scoring systems to predict limb salvage are based on data from lower extremity injuries
and none has been shown to be superior to others. The NISSSA scoring system emphasizes
factors which impact limb salvage for mangled extremities: nerve injury, ischemia, soft
tissue/contamination, skeletal trauma, presence of shock, and patient age. Limb salvage
with acceptable functional results is usually possible when NISSSA is <7 and few limbs
can or should be salvaged when the NISSSA >10. The NISSSA score must be documented
in the patient’s medical record.
Diagnosis of a threatened limb is made by physical exam alone and this should be augmen-
ted by performing ankle-brachial indices (ABIs) on all patients. An unequal ABI suggests a
vascular injury. Imaging studies such as CTA or formal angiographies are typically not
required and add time to a limb already suffering warm ischemia. On table angiography is
an excellent tool to identify and delineate injuries, particularly in cases where multiple
sites of vascular injury are possible. Temporary arterial shunts, external fixators and
fasciotomies are options in these types of injuries.
Time is of the essence! Unless adequately perfused, nerve and muscle become
progressively unsalvageable after 4 to 6 hours.
The trauma attending should be called for patients in the TICU with the following
derangements who have had re-implantation or salvage attempts:
• Increasing vasopressor needs
• Ongoing bleeding or transfusion requirements
• Signs of end organ ischemia
1. Georgiadis AG, Mohammad FH, Mizerik KT, et al. Changing presentation of knee dislocation & vascular injury
from high-energy trauma to low-energy falls in the morbidly obese. J Vasc Surg. 2013 May;57(5):1196-203.
2. Dua A, Patel B, Kragh JF Jr, et al. Long-term follow-up & amputation-free survival in 497 casualties with combat-
related vascular injuries & damage-control resuscitation. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 Dec; 73:1517-24
3. McNamara MG, Heckman JD, Corley FG. Severe open fractures of the lower extremity: A retrospective evaluation
of the Mangled Extremity Severity Score. J Orthop Trauma 1994; 8:81-87.
4. American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma, ACS TQIP Best Practices in the Management of
Orthopaedic Trauma 2015
MIDAZOLAM (infusion)
Initiate infusion at 2 mg/hr., titrate infusion to RASS
of 0 to –2
▪ Increase or decrease dose by 1 mg/hr. every 20
minutes until RASS goal of 0 to -2 is achieved.
▪ Once target RASS (0 to –2) has been met for 2
hours, begin decreasing dose by 1 mg every four
▪ Max dose is 10 mg/hr. Notify physician if RASS
goal not achieved at max dose.
Minimizing benzodiazepine use has shown to reduce
ICU length of stay, duration of mechanical ventila-
tion, and rates of delirium.
▪ Use minimum amount of benzodiazepine dosage
▪ Use with caution in elderly patients and those with
hepatic and/or renal insufficiency
Quetiapine 25 mg PO ▪ Use lower doses in elderly patients or hepatic dysfunction
every 8 hrs ▪ Increase dose by 25 mg PO every 8 hours. Can cause QTc
▪ Max dose studied for delirium is 400 mg/day; doses up to 800
mg/day are used for other indications. Higher doses are more
▪ Obtain baseline ECG and recheck with increasing doses or
concomitant medications that have the potential to prolong the
QTc. Discontinue if significant QTc prolongation >500 ms
▪ Wean dose in 25 mg increments if delirium absent for 24 hours
Olanzapine 5 mg PO every ▪ Available as an orally disintegrating tablet for patients who are
24 hrs NPO
▪ Increase dose by 5 mg PO every 24 hours. Up to 10 mg per day has
been studied for delirium
▪ Obtain baseline ECG and recheck with increasing doses or
concomitant medications that have the potential to prolong the
QTc. Discontinue if significant QTc prolongation >500ms
▪ Wean dose in 5 mg increments if delirium absent for 24 hours
Haloperidol 2.5 mg IV ▪ Use in elderly patients or hepatic dysfunction
every 6 hrs ▪ Reassess in 24 hours, if delirium absent, continue for 24 hours then
▪ IF delirium present, increase dose to 5 mg every 6 hours.
Haloperidol 2.5 mg IV Use in elderly patients or hepatic dysfunction up to 40 mg in 24 hours
every 1-hr PRN delirium
Haloperidol 5 mg IV ▪ Reassess in 24 hours, if delirium absent, continue for 24 hours then
every 6 hrs discontinue.
▪ If delirium present, increase dose to 10mg every 6 hours.
Haloperidol 5 mg every Up to 40 mg in 24 hours
1-hr PRN delirium
Notify House Officer Once delirium is absent for 48 hours, discontinue haloperidol
BAL is performed by wedging the bronchoscope into the affected segment, keeping the
scope wedged, instilling, and aspirating five 20 ml aliquots of non-bacteriostatic sterile
saline, discarding the initial aliquot, and pooling the remaining effluent for BAL culture.
To decrease false positives do NOT use preserved multi-dose lidocaine. Broad spectrum
antibiotic coverage should be initiated at the time of BAL. Patients who have been in the
hospital for 3 days or more should be started on empiric coverage for MRSA and gram
negative rods, while those with suspected VAP <3 days require MSSA and community
flora coverage.
Studies have demonstrated that appropriate empiric antibiotic coverage in patients with
VAP reduces mortality and ICU length of stay. It is imperative that antibiotics be narrowed
or discontinued as soon as final culture results are known. VAP defined as a count of
>104organisms/ml. Recent evidence has identified no differences between short-course
(7-8 days) and long-course (10-15 days) regimens in terms of mortality, clinical cure,
and recurrent pneumonia. This includes those patients with non-fermenting gran
negative bacilli and MRSA. Short-course regimens are associated with reduced
recurrent VAP due to multi-drug resistant pathogens when compared to long-course
Prophylactic Use of Antibiotics in Trauma Patients
The inappropriate use of prophylactic antibiotics is associated with devastating
consequences including increased antibiotic resistance and secondary infections as well as
the emergence of drug-resistant pathogens such as fulminant Clostridium difficile. It is
imperative that indications for antibiotics be continually reviewed, and prescriber discipline
maintained. The most effective therapy is timely operative debridement, NOT antibiotics.
Chest Tubes
There are few randomized controlled trials regarding the prophylactic antibiotics and chest
tube insertion. The preponderance of the literature suggests a single dose of a 1st generation
cephalosporin, given 30 minutes prior to tube insertion may reduce empyema rates and
should be given to all patients undergoing tube thoracostomy AS LONG AS THERE IS
ADEQUATE TIME. Truly emergent chest tubes should not be delayed waiting for
antibiotics to be administered and should be done promptly.
Intracranial Pressure Monitors and Drains
Neither peri-procedural nor prophylactic antibiotics are indicated for External Ventricular
Drain (EVD) placement since both regimens have been associated with higher rates of non-
CSF infection rates. Antibiotic impregnated External Ventricular Drain catheters are as
effective at reducing intra-cranial infection as systemic antibiotics without the concomitant
increase of extra-cranial infections. Studies have shown that antibiotic prophylaxis of EVDs
engenders antibiotic resistance and promotes distant infections thus there is no role for
routine use of antibiotics before, during or after EVD placement.
Open Fractures
Treatment with antibiotics should be based upon the Gustilo-Anderson Classifica-
tion. Patients should receive antibiotics immediately upon identification of an open
fracture in ED and continued up to 24-48 hours following surgical debridement.
• Type I (<1 cm wound and clean) should receive Cefazolin for 24-48
hours after the operation.
• Type II (>1 cm without extensive soft tissue damage) should receive
Cefazolin for 24-48 hours after the operation.
1. Schulman, CI, et al. The effect of antipyretic therapy upon outcomes in critically ill patients: a randomized
prospective study. Surgical Infections. 2005, 6(4) 369-75
2. Heyland DK, et al. The clinical utility of invasive diagnostic techniques in the setting of ventilator-associated
pneumonia. Chest. 19999; 115:1076-1084
3. Fagon JY, et al. Invasive and non-invasive strategies for management of suspected ventilator-associated
4. pneumonia, Ann Int Med 2000; 132:621-630.
5. Croce M, et al, The futility of the clinical pulmonary infection score in trauma patients. J Trauma 2006; 60:523-7.
6. Dupont H, et al, Impact of appropriateness of initial antibiotic therapy on the outcome of ventilator associated
pneumonia. Intensive Care Med. 2001; 27:355-362.
7. Kollef MH. Antimicrobial therapy of ventilator-associated pneumonia: how to select an appropriate drug
regimen. Chest. 1999; 115:8-11.
8. Singh N, et al. Short-course empiric antibiotic therapy for patients with pulmonary infiltrates in the intensive
care unit. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000; 12:505-5111.
9. Bosman A, de Jong MB, Debeij J, et al. Systematic review and meta-analysis of antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent
infections from chest drains in blunt and penetrating thoracic injuries. Br J Surg. 2012 Apr; 99:506-13
10. Alleyne CH, Hassan M, Zabramski JM. “The efficacy and cost of prophylactic and periprocedural antibiotics in
patients with external ventricular drains” Neurosurgery 2000; 47(5): 1124-1127.
11. Ratilal BO, Costa J, Sampaio C, et al. Antibiotic prophylaxis for preventing meningitis in patients with basilar
skull fractures. Cochrane Database Sys Rev. 2011 Aug 10; (8):CD004884.
12. Hauser CJ, Adams CA Jr, Eachempati SR; Council of the Surgical Infection Society, Surgical Infection Society
guideline: prophylactic antibiotic use in open fractures: an evidence-based guideline. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2006
Aug; 7(4):379-405.
13. The FLOW Investigators, A Trial of Wound Irrigation in the Initial Management of Open Fracture Wounds.
NEJM, 2015,
14. Andreasen JO, Jensen SS, Schwartz O, et al. A systematic review of prophylactic antibiotics in the surgical
treatment of maxillofacial fractures, J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2006 Nov; 64:1664-8.
15. Schaller B, Soong PL, Zix J, et al. The role of postoperative prophylactic antibiotics in the treatment of facial
fractures: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot clinical study. Part 2: mandibular fractures in 59
patients. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013 Dec; 51:803-7.
16. Zosa BM, Elliott CW, Kurlander DE, et al. Facing the facts on prophylactic antibiotics for facial fractures: 1 day
or less. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2018;85:444-50.
17. Kalil AC, Metersky ML, Klompas M, et al. Management of adults with hospital-acquired and ventilator-
associated pneumonia. 2016 clinical practice guidelines by the Infectious Disease Society of America and the
American Thoracic Society. Clin Infect Dis 2016 Sep 1;63(5):e61-111.
18. i Zalavras CG. Prevention of Infection in Open Fractures. Infect Dis Clin N Am 2017; 31: 339-352
19. ii Brophy RH, Bernholt DL. Aquatic Orthopaedic Injuries. JAAOS 2019; 27(6): 191-199.
Prophylaxis Treatment
Preferred Enoxaparin 30 mg subQ Q12H Enoxaparin 1 mg/kg subQ Q12H
Alternate Heparin 5000 units subQ Q8H Heparin high dose drip
• Morbidly obese patients represent a challenge and are at even greater risk for
DVT. For those patients > 120kg, initiate Enoxaparin 40mg subQ Q12h. Consider
continuing DVT prophylaxis after discharge for 28-days in HIGH-RISK patients.
Use of prophylactic IVC filters should be reserved for patients with multiple risk factors
(i.e., high risk patients) for whom an extended period of immobilization is anticipated, in
the event of failure of or contraindication to anti-coagulant therapy or in those subject to
repeated dose holds due to procedures.4 If not contraindicated, concomitant use of
anticoagulants following IVC filter insertion should be considered.5
1. Consensus Conference, National Institutes of Health: Prevention of venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.
JAMA 1986; 256:744.
2. Geerts WH, Jay RM, Code KI et al. A comparison of low-dose heparin with low molecular weight heparin as
prophylaxis against venous thromboembolism after major trauma. N England J Med 1996; 335:701-707.
3. Knudson MM, Lewis FR, Clinton A, et al. Prevention of venous thromboembolism in trauma patients. J Trauma
1994; 37: 480-487.
4. Greenfield LJ, Proctor MC, Rodriguez JL, et al. Post-trauma thromboembolism prophylaxis. J Trauma 1997; 42:
5. Decousus H, Leizorovicz A, Parent F, et al. A clinical trial of vena cava filters in the prevention of pulmonary
embolism in patients with proximal deep vein thrombosis. N England J Med 1998; 338:409-415
The following are strategies to help facilitate enteral access and continue feeding:
• Nutrition will be maintained in patients with protected airways (cuffed
endotracheal or tracheostomy) with the following guidelines
o Bedside interventions: CONTINUE feeds until the procedure
o Feedings will stop when patient is called to OR.
o When the feeds are stopped the following process will be completed
• The feeding tube will be flushed with water to prevent clogging.
• Placing an NGT/OGT to continuous low-wall suction will empty
the stomach.
• G-tubes and PEGs should be put to gravity drainage.
• Gastric decompression will continue throughout the procedure.
• Patients on continuous insulin infusions should have their insulin
infusion rates reduced or held and should be monitored closely for
hypoglycemia during the period when feedings are held.
• Feedings will resume post-procedure once the patient is hemo-
dynamically stable and/or the ICU team deems the patient ready.
• Enteral feeding is NOT contra-indicated in patients with open abdomen
• Enteral feeding is safe in patients weaning OFF pressors or when the initial
resuscitation is complete. Enteral feeding should NOT be done while on
Vasopressin or escalating pressors. If feedings are done on pressors, serial exams
are mandatory.
• Checking residuals reduces caloric intake and does not influence complication
• In the OR, placement of nasal jejunal tube is recommended if patient cannot
tolerate gastric feeds. Otherwise, a nasogastric tube is adequate to deliver enteral
• In order to limit use of central and peripheral IV access, conversion of all
medications from IV to enteral should be accomplished as soon as possible
1. Bosman A, de Jong MB, Debeij J, et al. Systematic review and meta-analysis of antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent
infections from chest drains in blunt and penetrating thoracic injuries. Br J Surg. 2012 Apr; 99:506-13
2. Alleyne CH, Hassan M, Zabramski JM. “The efficacy and cost of prophylactic and periprocedural antibiotics in
patients with external ventricular drains” Neurosurgery 2000; 47(5): 1124-1127.
3. Ratilal BO, Costa J, Sampaio C, et al. Antibiotic prophylaxis for preventing meningitis in patients with basilar
skull fractures. Cochrane Database Sys Rev. 2011 Aug 10; (8):CD004884.
4. Hauser CJ, Adams CA Jr, Eachempati SR; Council of the Surgical Infection Society, Surgical Infection Society
guideline: prophylactic antibiotic use in open fractures: an evidence-based guideline. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2006
Aug; 7(4):379-405.
5. Andreasen JO, Jensen SS, Schwartz O, et al. A systematic review of prophylactic antibiotics in the surgical
treatment of maxillofacial fractures, J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2006 Nov; 64:1664-8.
6. Schaller B, Soong PL, Zix J, et al. The role of postoperative prophylactic antibiotics in the treatment of facial
fractures: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot clinical study. Part 2: mandibular fractures in 59
patients. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013 Dec; 51:803-7.
Oral magnesium causes abdominal pain, cramps and diarrhea and oral repletion should be
RIH/TMH normal range: 1.3-1.9 mEq/L (Goal magnesium > 1.5 mEq/L)
Magnesium Dose Lab Monitoring
Central or 2g magnesium sulfate IV
1.2-1.5 mEq/L
peripheral IV Recheck with routine
Central or 4g magnesium sulfate IV morning labs
< 1.1 mEq/L
peripheral IV 2g over 1 hour x 2 doses
If patient requires phosphorus repletion (phosphorus <2.5 mg/dL) AND potassium repletion
(potassium <3.5 mEq/L), the following algorithm should be used to adjust potassium
repletion recommendations. While oral phosphate may be used to replete phosphorus in
patients on a diet or enteral nutrition, it is exceedingly slow to correct hypophosphatemia
and is best relegated to repleting minor deficiencies. Phosphate levels should be rechecked
with routine morning labs but consider obtaining a post-repletion level if phosphorus <1.5
mg/dL. Refer to the Electrolyte Repletion Protocol on the intranet for a phosphate repletion
algorithm; this can be located by searching “electrolyte repletion” on the upper right corner
Search tab on the Lifespan Intranet homepage.
Select the concentration of potassium chloride that is appropriate for the patient’s venous
access. Central line preferred if available. Oral potassium should be selected if patient is
ordered for oral diet or enteral nutrition via gastric tube.
RIH/TMH normal range: 3.6-5.1 mEq/L (Goal potassium >3.5 mEq/L)
Intravenous Lab
Potassium Total Dose
access Monitoring
40 mEq potassium chloride IV
Choose one of the Central line 20mEq/50mL over 1 hour x 2
following: doses Recheck
3.1 to 3.5 40 mEq potassium chloride IV potassium
mEq/L Peripheral IV 10mEq/100mL over 1 hour x 4 with routine
doses morning labs.
60 mEq potassium chloride PO
20mEq every 2 hours x 3 doses
60 mEq potassium chloride IV
Choose one of the
< 3.0 60 mEq potassium chloride IV
one hour after
mEq/L Peripheral IV 10mEq/100mL over 1 hour x 6
last dose is
Not recommended as
Alcohol Withdrawal
While many believe that the incidence of alcohol abuse in trauma patients is near universal,
a large survey of trauma patients found only 0.8% developed Alcohol Withdrawal
Syndromes (AWS) during their hospital stay. Nonetheless trauma patients are at increased
risk of alcohol abuse compared to the general population and can present with many
conditions that mimic alcohol during their hospital stay. It is of the utmost importance to
keep the differential broad and to remember that the diagnosis of AWS is a diagnosis of
exclusion and all other causes of agitation, altered mental status, etc. must be ruled out.
Typical times for AWS findings to be observed following the last drink are as follows:
minor symptoms 6-36 hours, seizure 6-48 hours, hallucinations 12-48 hours, Delirium
Tremens (DT) 48-96 hours.
Supportive Care
The best predictor that a patient might develop AWS is a previous episode of alcohol
withdrawal. All patients in whom alcohol abuse is suspected should have their nutritional
(thiamine, folic acid) and electrolyte abnormalities corrected and should have an order for
CIWA-Ar protocol. Multivitamin, thiamine, and folate supplementation do not prevent
AWS but correct underlying nutritional deficiencies and should be discontinued after the
third day of supplementation (see Table 1 for dosing). Fluid resuscitation is important due
to the high prevalence of intravascular depletion among alcoholics. Electrolyte deficiencies
are common and require vigilant monitoring and replacement.
Prior to initiation of treatment of AWS, the AUDIT-C score should be reviewed and
patient should be discussed with the social worker/substance abuse practitioner. If they
are not following the patient, then consultation should be promptly obtained. Once AWS
occurs, early and frequent assessment of symptoms is necessary to avoid potential
complications such as seizures. The CIWA-Ar has not been validated in the critically ill
population but is commonly utilized for patients who are able to communicate. In patients
who are mechanically ventilated or unable to communicate, the use of a sedation scoring
tool such as the Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) should be utilized to target
a RASS 0 to -2.
Treatment of AWS is best done in the ICU thus patients who are “scoring” on CIWA-Ar
(score > 8) and require benzodiazepines (BZD) should be transferred to the TICU. While
BZDs are the main treatment of AWS, it has been shown that protocolized dosing of these
leads to better outcomes. Symptom-triggered regimens are generally preferred over fixed
dose regimens as literature has consistently shown a lower total BZD requirement and
shorter duration of AWS with this strategy, including in critically ill patients. Older adults
are more sensitive to BZD, especially in combination with opioids, so lower BZD doses
may be needed for this patient population. Diazepam and lorazepam are preferred over
other BZDs such as midazolam due to their longer duration of action. Lorazepam may be
preferred in elderly patients or those patients with underlying hepatic insufficiency due to
its inactive metabolite vs. diazepam which has active metabolites with long half-lives.
Patients must be closely monitored for withdrawal symptoms as well as adverse effects
such as over-sedation and respiratory depression while receiving BZD therapy. After the
withdrawal period has concluded (approximately 96 hours), BZD therapy should be weaned
and ultimately discontinued to minimize the risk for delirium.
Table 2. Suggested Symptom-Triggered Benzodiazepine Dosing for Alcohol
Diazepam Lorazepam
Loading Dose
Consider for patients with
10 mg PO or IV x 1 2 mg PO or IV x 1
history of withdrawal
seizures or DT
CIWA-Ar Score
5 mg PO or IV 1 mg PO or IV
9-14 (mild to moderate)
Reassess CIWA-Ar every 2 hours
10 mg PO or IV 2 mg PO or IV
15-19 (moderate)
Reassess CIWA-Ar every 2 hours
20 mg PO or IV 4 mg PO or IV
20 or greater (severe)
Reassess CIWA-Ar every 2 hours
If patient is mechanically ventilated, consider propofol or midazolam as first choice of
sedative agent and titrate to RASS 0 to -2.
Standing benzodiazepine orders for AWS should not be ordered for patients outside
the ICU. Prior to transfer out of ICU, remove all standing benzodiazepine orders, and
review treatment plan for AWS with the floor team.
In the ICU, dexmedetomidine may be beneficial in the treatment of AWS by reducing the
autonomic hyperactivity and controlling the sympathetic symptoms such as tremor,
hypertension, and tachycardia without causing respiratory depression. However, it has no
GABA activity and therefore does not directly treat an underlying mechanism of AWS.
Therefore, it should be used as an adjunct with BZD and not in place of BZD treatment.
Dexmedetomidine has the added benefit of reducing the total amount of BZDs required and
may help prevent the need for intubation. Limiting the amount of BZD administered is
desirable since this can improve pulmonary toilet, lessen the risk of delirium, respiratory
depression, etc.
Clonidine works through a similar mechanism to dexmedetomidine and may be used as an
oral option when weaning off a dexmedetomidine infusion. Like dexmedetomidine, it has
no GABA activity and therefore does not directly treat an underlying mechanism of AWS.
Therefore, it should be used as an adjunct with BZDs and not in place of BZD treatment.
Clonidine may also be useful if concomitant opioid withdrawal is also a concern. Consider
clonidine 0.1 mg po/enterally q8h in patients receiving < 0.7 mcg/kg/hr. of dexmedetomi-
dine and clonidine 0.2 mg po/enterally q8h in patients receiving > 0.7 mcg/kg/hr. of
dexmedetomidine to facilitate weaning. Patients receiving either clonidine or dexmedetomi-
dine for > 7 days should be weaned off over a course of 5-7 days to prevent reflex
tachycardia and hypertension. Caution use in patients who are bradycardic, hypotensive, or
who have significant cardiovascular disease.
Beta-blockers, such as propranolol, can be used to treat the hyperadrenergic state of alcohol
withdrawal. Although these medications may correct some of the autonomic manifestations
of withdrawal, they have not been demonstrated to have any effect on seizures or DT and
they should be used only in conjunction with benzodiazepines in the treatment of alcohol
withdrawal. In patients who are beta-blocker naïve, consider starting with a lower dose such
as propranolol 10 mg PO/enterally q6h and titrating up as necessary. The IV dosage form
is extremely short acting and should not be routinely used. Caution use in patients who are
bradycardic, hypotensive or have underlying conditions such as asthma or hyperthyroidism.
Due to its long duration of action, phenobarbital has a low addiction potential compared to
other barbiturates and therefore has been the most commonly utilized barbiturate for the
treatment of AWS. In the ICU setting, for patients requiring escalating doses of BZDs to
alleviate severe withdrawal and DT, barbiturates have proven to be beneficial. Based on
current literature, phenobarbital’s role in therapy appears to be as a second-line option for
patients who are unresponsive to large doses of BZDs. It does not appear to offer any
advantage over BZDs as an alternative. Over-sedation and respiratory depression are
concerns with phenobarbital, similar to BZDs. Patients admitted to the TICU are generally
responsive to BZD therapy and phenobarbital is therefore not needed in this patient
1. Jawa, et al. Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome in the Admitted Trauma Patients. Am J Surg, 2008 (5), 781-7.
2. Bielka, K, et al. Addition of dexmedetomidine to benzodiazepines for patients with alcohol withdrawal syndrome
in the intensive care unit: a randomized controlled study. Ann Intensive Care 5(1):33.
3. Duby, et al. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome in critically ill patients: protocolized versus nonprotocoloized
management. JOT 77(6) 938-43.
4. Management of acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome in critically ill patients. Pharmacotherapy 2016;36(7):797-
Muscle injury is initially local but may progress to systemic effects. The magnitude of
systemic response is related to the mass of muscle affected. Crush injury, compartment
syndrome and ischemia-reperfusion injury are distinct but synergistic pathologies.
Ischemia-reperfusion injury
Ischemia reperfusion injury is the inflammatory response following restoration of blood
flow to acutely ischemic tissue. Neutrophil activation and reactive oxygen species (ROS)
lead to cell death, capillary leak, and systemic inflammation. Profound edema following
reperfusion can lead to compartment syndrome after revascularization of acutely ischemic
Compartment syndrome
Increased pressure within a closed fascial space causes compartment syndrome. Etiologies
include hemorrhage, edema, or ischemia-reperfusion injury. Internal compression results in
microvascular compromise, tissue ischemia and nerve damage. Compartment syndrome is
associated with the 5 P’s (pain out of proportion to exam or pain on passive stretch, pallor,
paralysis, paresthesias, and pulselessness) however irreversible nerve damage occurs long
before loss of pulse. Compartment pressures 30 mmHg cause critical ischemia and
demand urgent decompression to preserve function, however clinical suspicion drives
intervention. When in doubt Stryker the compartment and err on the side of
aggressive intervention in the setting of equivocal pressures.
Occult rhabdomyolysis
Muscle damage is not always clinically obvious and delay in diagnosis can lead to
significant myonecrosis, renal failure, superinfection, and death. Several scenarios warrant a
high index of suspicion, especially in patients whose clinical deterioration is unexplained:
• Secondary extremity compartment syndrome: Like abdominal compartment
syndrome, this complication is associated with massive resuscitation. Incidence is
rare (<0.2% of trauma admissions), but the mortality rate is 35-70%.2 Patients who
receive massive resuscitation (> 10L or >6 units of blood products in 12 hours)
AND who are intubated, chemically paralyzed or have a GCS that precludes
reliable exam should be screened with serial Creatinine Kinase (CKs) levels
every 6 hours. Elevated values mandate Stryker measurement of uninjured
extremities in order to detect occult compartment syndromes.
• Gluteal compartment syndrome: Uncommon except after prolonged immobility such
as intoxication. The large mass of muscle increases risk of systemic effects.
• Obesity: Increased body mass requires shorter compression time to cause ischemia.
• Postoperative rhabdomyolysis: Operative immobilization, particularly with spine
surgery, as well as prolonged operative time and obesity are risk factors.
• Requires a high index of suspicion based on clinical context.
• Physical exam: Unreliable, with a sensitivity as low as 13-19%3 and worse in
sedated or altered patients. Myonecrosis or compartment syndrome can exist in the
presence of intact pulses and/or soft compartments.
• Compartment pressures: Absolute pressures ≥30 mmHg measured by Stryker
require emergent fasciotomy. Crush injury can cause muscle damage with
normal pressures.
• Creatinine kinase: Rises 12 hours after injury and peaks at 1-3 days. CK >5,000 U/L
increases risk of AKI.
• Myoglobinuria: Grossly tea-colored urine. Urinalysis shows heme pigment with no
RBCs. “Large blood, no cells”
• Fluid resuscitation: Crystalloid. Goal urine output 200 cc/hr. until CK drops below
5,000. Alkalinization of the urine & mannitol do not improve mortality or need for
• Foley catheter: Monitor urine output and pigmenturia
• EKG & telemetry: Assess peaked T waves and arrhythmias.
• Labs: Chem-7, creatinine kinase (CK)
• Electrolyte management: Correct hyperkalemia and hypocalcemia
• Dialysis: May be indicated in setting of acute renal failure
• Antibiotics: Tetanus prophylaxis. Clean wounds do not require prophylactic
Posterior tibial
1. Bosch X, Poch E, Grau JM. Rhabdomyolysis and acute kidney injury. N Engl J Med. 2009;361(1):62-72.
2. Goaley TJ, Jr., Wyrzykowski AD, MacLeod JB, et al. Can secondary extremity compartment syndrome be
diagnosed earlier? American journal of surgery. 2007;194(6):724-726; discussion 726-727.
3. Ulmer T. The clinical diagnosis of compartment syndrome of the lower leg: are clinical findings predictive of the
disorder? J Orthop Trauma. 2002;16(8):572-577.
4. Scharman EJ, Troutman WG. Prevention of kidney injury following rhabdomyolysis: a systematic review. Ann
Pharmacother. 2013;47(1):90-105.
Once the decision has been made to perform bedside surgery several steps need to happen
in a rapid fashion.
1. The clinical manager (or designee) of the ICU should be notified as should the ICU
charge nurse. Some reassignments of patient care duties may be necessary because
the bedside nurse will be now on a one-to-one basis with the patient undergoing the
operative procedure. After hours the nursing supervisor MUST be notified.
2. If the Trauma Attending determines that the operative intervention requires additional
equipment, supplies, etc. then the OR control desk (4-5657) should be contacted, and
the case booked with the control desk. If the OR has available staff, they may be able
to come to the bedside and assist, but this will not always be possible.
3. The ICU should be cleared of visitors and locked. The room where the procedure is to
take place should be emptied of all extraneous supplies to create as much space as
possible as well as limit the amount of equipment exposed to body fluids.
4. Respiratory therapy should be notified that the patient will be undergoing a bedside
procedure and that they may need to be present for the entire performance of the bed-
side surgical procedure.
5. Informed consent should be obtained from the family otherwise the Trauma Attending
must write a note, documenting the need for urgent intervention.
6. From this point on a sterile parameter should be observed around the patient’s room.
All individuals entering the room should have full surgical attire. Strict hand hygiene
should be observed as well.
7. The personnel in the room must be limited to those directly involved in the care of the
patient and the number of non-essential personnel should be minimized.
For true bedside surgical procedures and not for routine ICU procedures, such as
tracheostomy, central line, tube thoracostomy, etc. a second ICU Critical Care attending
should be requested to assist managing the patient (oversee the analgesic, sedative, muscle
relaxants, resuscitation, hemodynamic monitoring, etc.), however the absence of the 2 nd
provider should not hold up the emergent procedure.
In cases where a second surgical attending is not available, the OR control desk should be
contacted, and a request made for an Anesthesia provider to be present. In those situations
when a second provider (Surgeon or anesthesia) cannot be present, the bedside nurse will
continue functioning in the role of monitoring the patient’s vital signs and hemodynamics,
and will also be the one who administers narcotics, anxiolytics, and paralytics on an as
needed basis at the direction of a physician or LIP, typically the senior most member of
the surgical house staff available (i.e., Chief resident).
Geriatric Trauma
Geriatric patients are defined as individuals aged 65 years and older. Super-elderly patients
are those aged 80 years and older. Although increasing age correlates with increased risk of
mortality, physiological reserve is more predictive of geriatric trauma outcomes. Elderly
individuals are at increased risk for trauma from an increasingly active lifestyle in the
setting of declining motor and cognitive functions. Minor mechanisms, such as fall from
standing, can lead to major injury patterns (pelvic fracture or TBI) equivalent to high energy
mechanism in young patients. 30% of geriatric individuals fall annually with an estimated
risk of death of 5-10% among those that require hospital admission.
Initial presentation and diagnostic challenges – Mechanisms and vital signs may be
unreliable in Geriatric patients
• Geriatric patients often fail to develop a tachycardic response, masking shock Class II
• The effects of hypotension upon mortality are seen at systolic BP of 110mmHg in
elderly patients.
• Intubations are more difficult due to kyphosis, spondylolysis or arthritic spine changes
and dentures may obstruct the airway.
• Geriatric patients are more susceptible to the effects of etomidate, have limited
pulmonary reserve, diminished inspiratory and expiratory force and are more likely to
decompensate during an intubation compared to younger patients.
• Fluid resuscitation should not be withheld based on age alone. Under-resuscitation is
often more lethal than over resuscitation and is considerably more difficult to reverse.
• Even mild under-resuscitation in geriatric patients can rapidly progress to irreversible
shock and end organ failure. Renal failure, often due to inadequate resuscitation, is a
leading cause of ICU related mortality in geriatric trauma patients.
• CT scanning follows the same guidelines of younger patients. Use IV contrast, even if
chronic renal failure. Non-contrast CTs miss blushes, signs of bowel injury, some organ
The BEERS Criteria ( comprise medications
or classes of medications which are potentially inappropriate in the older patient.
• One in 6 geriatric patients, across all medical disciplines, experience serious side effects
directly related to medications.
• The 2019 Beers Criteria include medications to be avoided or dosed differently in patients
with altered renal function.
• Creatinine is often an unreliable indicator of true renal function in elderly patients. When in
doubt about true renal function, calculate creatinine clearance via the Cockcroft Gault
• The 2019 Beers criteria also included combinations of medications that are noted to be major
risk factors for falls, fractures and/or urinary incontinence.
Following admission, elderly patients suffer accelerated deterioration in mental and
physical reserve unmasking baseline malnutrition, loss of muscle mass, dysphagia, or
depression. PT, OT, case management, Geriatrics, and the patient’s family are all essential
for optimizing disposition. Geriatric patients are forced to face the reality that trauma
admission is a sentinel event signifying the end of their ability to live independently; the
need for assisted living or a nursing home; or the ability to drive.
End of life
It is important to keep the focus on what the patient would want, not what the family would
want, especially if custodial care, tracheostomy and feeding tubes are required. Multi-
disciplinary discussions should be held early and often with the patient and their relatives to
establish realistic expectations. The concept of “futility” must be viewed through the prism
of the patient’s wishes so that while medically acceptable outcomes may be achievable, the
patient’s expectations may not be obtainable and these incongruencies must be addressed
and respected.
Within 24 hours:
- A health care proxy should be located
- Obtain advance directive documents
- Perform a prognostication assessment
- Provide emotional and informational support to the family and patient
- Address urgent and focused advanced care planning
- Screen for further palliative care needs
1. Heffernan DS, Thakkar RK, Monaghan SF, et al. Normal presenting vital signs are unreliable in geriatric blunt trauma
victims. J Trauma. 2010 Oct; 69:813-20.
2. Inouye SK, Studenski, S, Tinetti ME et al. Geriatric syndromes: clinical, research and policy implications of a core geriatric
concept. J Am Geriatr Soc 2007; 55(5): 780-791
3. Hranjec T, Sawyer RG, Young JS, et al. Mortality factors in geriatric blunt trauma patients: creation of a highly predictive
statistical model for mortality using 50,765 consecutive elderly trauma admissions from the National Sample Project. Am
Surg. 2012 Dec; 78:1369-75
4. Joseph B, Pandit V, Rhee P, et al. Predicting hospital discharge disposition in geriatric trauma patients: Is frailty the answer? J
Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Jan; 76:196-200.
5. Fong TG, Tulebaev SR, Inouye SK. Delirium in elderly adults: diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Nat Rev Neurol 2009;
6. Steinman MA, Beizer JL, DuBeau CE et al. How to use the American Geriatrics Society 2015 Beers criteria – a guide for
patients, clinicians, health systems and payors.” J Am Geriatrics Soc 2015; 63(12); e1-e7
Trauma in Pregnancy
Roughly 1 in 12 pregnant women will experience a traumatic injury; two-thirds are injured
in MVCs, falls and assaults. Up to 20% of pregnant women are victims of domestic
violence and 50%-80% of domestic abuse occurs for the first time during pregnancy.
Trauma is the leading cause of non-obstetrical maternal death. Life threatening maternal
trauma is associated with 50% fetal loss rate; less severe injuries still have fetal loss rates
of up to 5%. Since minor injuries are much more common, most fetal losses result from
relatively minor maternal injuries. Thus, special attention must be paid to the pregnant
trauma patient, with a coordinated effort among emergency physicians, trauma surgeons,
obstetricians, and sometimes neonatologists. The highest priority in caring for a
pregnant trauma patient is to evaluate and stabilize the mother. Losing sight of this
jeopardizes both mother and fetus.
Initial Management
AIRWAY - Special concerns for a pregnant patient’s airway include the increased risk for
aspiration due to decreased GI motility and upward displacement of the stomach coupled
with a higher rate of failed intubation. All airways in pregnant patients should be considered
potentially difficult and appropriate help should be called for from the outset.
BREATHING - The fetal 02-hemoglobin dissociation curve is shifted to the left, so
minimal decreases in maternal Sa02 can significantly compromise fetal oxygenation. Avoid
CIRCULATION - Physiologic changes in pregnancy (30-50% increase in blood volume,
peripheral vasodilation) may result in delayed manifestation of shock. Supine positioning
may lead to hypotension as the gravid uterus compresses the IVC. This can be avoided by
positioning the mother’s right hip on a bump to displace the uterus.
Diagnostic Testing
Ultimately, the fetus is at highest risk of mortality if there is unnecessary delay in diagnosis
of the maternal injuries, sometimes even after relatively “minor” trauma. Thus, failure to
undertake the appropriate imaging of the mother places the fetus at an unacceptably high
risk. The critical concept that needs to be applied regarding the pregnant woman is to treat
and work up the patient as though she was not pregnant. Ultrasound cannot supplant the
appropriate use of CT scans. There are no documented adverse fetal effects of MRI, but it is
arbitrarily recommended to avoid MRI in the first trimester. MRI carries a significant time
burden and is CONTRAINIDICATED in working up a severely injured pregnant patient.
If CTs are going to be obtained, plain films of the chest and pelvis may be omitted at the
discretion of the trauma attending in order to minimize fetal radiation however maternal
health should never be jeopardized in order to achieve this goal. The rate of childhood
leukemia increases from 1/3000 (background) to 1/2000 among children exposed in utero
to ionizing radiation, with the greatest risk of anomalies during organogenesis in the first
trimester. However, total exposure of less than 5 rads has never been associated with
anomalies, growth restriction, or spontaneous abortions. A pan-CT scan does not
exceed 5 rads and provides a substantially larger amount of information compared to plain
films. Frequently, the most practical way to avoid unnecessary radiation is to obtain a pan-
CT at the initial testing to avoid the possibility of having to repeat plain imaging later.
Should a pregnant patient require diagnostic imaging, the radiology department routinely
calculates the exact radiation dose for that patient and fetus and places this in the medical
Blunt trauma may cause fetal death by maternal loss of life or direct fetal injury. Over
50% of fetal losses are due to placental abruption, typically occurring within 6 hours of
the event. The classic triad of frequent contractions, vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain
occurs in fewer than half of cases, and ultrasound will identify placental clot only 50% of
the time. Thus, the only clues to abruption may be contractions and abnormal fetal heart
tracings. Up to 2 L of blood can be sequestered retro-placentally, so if the mother is
hypotensive without an obvious source of hemorrhage, abruption MUST be considered.
Uterine rupture is not common and can be difficult to diagnose. The classic presentation is
searing pain, abnormal fetal heart rate and trans-abdominal palpation of fetal parts. The
mother may rapidly deteriorate due to hemorrhage, and there is a very high fetal loss rate.
Fetal-maternal hemorrhage, defined by the presence of fetal blood cells in the maternal
circulation, can lead to fetal anemia and fetal compromise. Exposure of a Rh(-) mother to
fetal Rh(+) erythrocytes can stimulate the mother’s immune system to make immune
globulins against Rh(+) blood cells. In subsequent pregnancies, an Rh(+) fetus can suffer
hemolysis and possible fetal death.
To avoid this potential complication, all pregnant trauma patients with Rh(-) blood type
should receive a vial of Rh immune globulin (RhoGAM) within 72 hours of the incident.
The amount of blood exchanged can be estimated by the Kleihauer-Betke (KB) test, which
is performed on maternal blood. Although the amount of blood exchange does not
accurately predict fetal prognosis, additional vials of RhoGAM must be administered when
there has been >30 ml hemorrhage.
Penetrating trauma is associated with relatively high fetal loss rates due to umbilical cord,
placental, or fetal trauma. Cesarean section is frequently necessary. The distended uterus
may shield the maternal viscera and it displaces the bowels superiorly.
Burns over 40 -50% BSA correlates with very poor fetal survival, prompting some to
recommend Cesarean Section.
Electrical injuries have not been well studied. The link between minor household electrical
shocks and stillbirths is unclear, but fetal mortality is as high as 50-75% following
significant electrical injury such as a lightning strike. Early fetal heart monitoring should be
If a pregnant patient <22 weeks gestation has been evaluated, treated and is ready for
discharge, she should be instructed to contact her obstetrician within 24 hours for a follow-
up appointment. She should also be instructed to call if she develops any lower abdominal
pain, bleeding, fluid loss, or a decrease in fetal movement. If a pregnant patient with a
viable fetus has been stabilized, she should undergo fetal monitoring for 4-6 hours for
minor trauma, and at least 24 hours for major trauma. If the mother is stable for discharge
from RIH, the fetal monitoring can be done at W&I. In general, local anesthetics,
acetaminophen, and narcotics can be used when indicated but NSAIDS, tetracyclines and
quinolones should be avoided.
1. Practice Management Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Injury in the Pregnant Patient: The
EAST Practice Management Guidelines Work Group. J Trauma. 2010;69;211-14.
2. ACOG Committee Opinion. Guidelines for Diagnostic Imaging During Pregnancy and Lactation. Number 656.
February 2016.
3. Mendez-Figueroa et al. Trauma in pregnancy: an updated systematic review. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2013; 209:
Pediatric Patients:
REFER TO THE RIH/HASBRO POLICY (ADMIN-116) on the Lifespan Intranet,
“Death in Children Based on Neurological Criteria (Determination of)”.
Geriatric patients, especially those in cervical collars/Halo vests, are at exceedingly high
risk for aspiration and should always be evaluated for swallowing dysfunction. It is not
uncommon that geriatric patients have been aspirating before their trauma admission,
but that it is not recognized until they encounter the health-care team. In these cases,
communication regarding the patients and family’s wishes should occur BEFORE SLP
consultation and be documented in the medical record. It is not uncommon that these
patients (families) will accept the risk of aspiration rather than undergo enteral access
procedures. The concept of “eat for comfort” should be introduced and is often linked to
a discussion of code status and role of intubation.
Speech-Language Pathology/ Feeding/Swallow Evaluation
Clinical Swallow Evaluation
Patient is seen at bedside. A comprehensive swallowing evaluation is completed which
includes an oromotor examination and administration of food and liquid consistencies.
Based upon this assessment recommendations may be made for treatment and additional
Communication Evaluation
Voice, speech and language, and cognition are assessed. Recommendation regarding type
of treatment or any additional assessment, which may include Passy-Muir valve evaluation,
augmentative communication evaluation/treatment, videostroboscopy or clinical voice
evaluation/treatment, will be made.
Based upon the results of the evaluations that have been completed, treatment goals will be
established by the SLP to address voice, swallowing, communication, and cognition/
language as indicated.
All patient care providers are considered mandated reporters of elder abuse, adults Age 60
and over.
When to suspect elder abuse:
1. Multiple or repeat injuries, injuries in various stages of healing
2. Non-consensual sexual contact, threat of sexual violence
3. Contracture, decubitus ulcers, dehydration, malnutrition, poor hygiene, urine burns.
Inappropriate or haphazard administration of medications or medical treatment
4. Elder left in unsafe environment, caretaker willingly fails to provide appropriate
5. Improper or unauthorized use of elder’s assets or belongings, undue influence over
elder’s finances
6. Emotional threats, intimidation, isolation, or other abusive conduct towards the elder
7. Self-neglect
Procedure for patient living in a facility (includes hospitals, nursing home, assisted
living facility, home care or home nursing care provider, or a group home):
1. Consult social work for assistance.
2. Initiate mandated report to the Rhode Island Department of Health, Facilities
Regulation Division at 222-5200 within 24 hours.
3. A written report should be faxed to 222-3900 or 222-5901. The same report should
be faxed to social work (444-5715) to be maintained in a confidential file.
4. If the abuse/neglect occurred at RIH/HCH, contact Risk Management at 444-8265
or by paging the Risk Manager on call. A Safety Net should be filed as well if
incident occurred at RIH/HCH.
5. If the patient resides in a community residency such as a group home, then a report
must also be made to the Department of Behavioral Health Care, Developmental
Disabilities, and Hospitals at 462-2629.
6. If the patient resides at a nursing facility, then the Alliance or Better Long-Term
Nursing Care should be contacted at 785-3340.
7. Notify the administrator of the health care facility of the suspicion and report.
Domestic Violence:
Patient care providers are NOT mandatory reporters for domestic violence. Staff can place
patients at increased risk by reporting without the patient’s knowledge and consent. If the
patient does wish to contact police, consult Social Work to assist with the process.
When to suspect domestic violence:
1. Injuries during pregnancy
2. Multiple or repeated injuries
3. Chronic pain, apparently psychogenic or pain due to diffuse trauma without visible
4. Anxiety, somatic complaints
1. Consult social work for all cases of suspect domestic violence.
2. Offer the Domestic Violence Advocate (1-800-494-8100).
3. Social Work will offer resources for psychosocial support and community
4. Again, DO NOT contact police without the patient’s permission.
General Principles:
• A Law Enforcement Official (LEO) may obtain PHI in the following
1. The LEO presents a court order, search warrant, or valid subpoena, or
2. The patient or the patient’s representative signs an Authorization to Use or
Disclose Protected Health Information form, or
3. The LEO completes the Law Enforcement Official Initiated Request for
Permitted Disclosure and Use of PHI form declaring the request is for the
purpose of carrying out the responsibilities of the office of law enforcement.
• Sensitive protected health information (PHI) pertaining to mental health, alcohol or
drug abuse, HIV or sexually transmitted diseases have a higher level of protection and
should only be released with a HIPAA-compliant patient signed consent or a court
• In cases of known domestic violence, information should only be released and
disclosed with a HIPAA-compliant patient signed consent[1] or a court order.
• If a patient has opted out of the patient directory, FEDERAL LAW does not permit
confirmation or verification of the patient’s presence, location or condition without a
court order or a HIPAA compliant signed consent.
• Disclosures should be limited to minimum information necessary to accomplish the
intended purpose of the release of information as defined on the LEO form.
All disclosures to LEOs require documentation in the medical record and entry in Quick
Exigent Circumstances: There may be special circumstances when an adult patient
who is a victim of domestic assault does not agree to provide written consent, but the
health care provider strongly believes a report is necessary to prevent serious harm to
the patient or others. In those cases, the provider should first consult with Risk and/or
Office of General Counsel.
Request for and disclosure of protected health information to a law enforcement official
(Lifespan system-wide policy CCPM-65):
If there are any questions, contact Risk Management for guidance, phone 444-8625 or
the 24 hour on-call pager 350-5274.
AAST Liver Injury Scale
Grade Injury Description 90
Hematoma Subcapsular, nonexpanding, <10cm surface area 2
I Capsular tear, non-bleeding, <1cm parenchymal
Laceration 2
Subcapsular, nonexpanding, 10 to 50% surface area
Hematoma 2
intraparenchymal nonexpanding <10cm in diameter
Capsular tear, active bleeding; 1-3cm parenchymal
Laceration 2
depth <10cm in length
Subcapsular, >50% surface area or expanding;
Hematoma ruptured subcapsular hematoma with active bleeding; 3
III intraparenchymal hematoma >10cm or expanding
Laceration >3 cm parenchymal depth 3
Ruptured intraparenchymal hematoma with active
Hematoma 4
Parenchymal disruption involving 25% to 75% of
Laceration 4
hepatic lobe
Laceration Parenchymal disruption involving >75% of hepatic lobe 5
V Juxtahepatic venous injury (i.e., retrohepatic vena
Vascular 5
VI Vascular Vascular avulsion 6
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
AIS = Abbreviated Injury Score
Lateral Compression
Anterior-posterior Compression
Vertical Shear
Pediatric Contents
If no pediatric specific complement
is provided, please refer to the
adult trauma guideline.
Clinic numbers:
Level A Level B
Surgery Attending P A
Surgical Team Leader P P
PEM Attending/Fellow P P
Bedside Resident/LIP P P
Orders Resident/LIP P P
Nurse Scribe P P
Primary Nurse P P
Assisting Nurse P A
Charge Nurse A A
Respiratory Therapist P P
Radiation Technologist P P
Registration P P
Clinical Social Work P P
Security P P
Pastoral Care A A
CT Technician S A
OR / Anesthesia S A
P - present, A - available, S - standby
Team Leader:
• Team Leader is the physician in charge of the resuscitation.
• He / She may delegate “leadership” roles as necessary (e.g., airway, medications,
fluids, etc.); but must make decisions clear to the rest of the team.
• Team Leader may change as various team members arrive, (see below).
1. Surgical Attending Physician
2. Pediatric Surgical Fellow
3. Senior Pediatric Surgical Resident (PGY 4)/Trauma Resident (PGY 4-5)
4. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Attending or Fellow
• Team Leader should be the only physician giving verbal orders to the nursing team
members. Other-wise, orders and suggestions from other physicians should be passed
through the Team Leader.
Ultimate responsibility for the pediatric trauma patient lies with the Pediatric
Surgical Attending. If he/she is not present, ultimate responsibility lies with the
in-house Trauma Attending. If he/she is not present, ultimate responsibility lies
with the Pediatric ED Attending. Any conflicting plans that are not immediately
resolved should be escalated to the attending level without delay.
Roles of the Pediatric Trauma Team:
A. Pediatric Surgical Attending /Trauma Attending
• Supervises the resuscitation.
• Takes ultimate responsibility for the patient when present.
• Notifies OR of disposition of Level A patients.
B. Surgery Team Leader
• Assigns roles in the Trauma Room.
• Directs major surgical intervention (DPL, chest tube insertion, venous cut-down,
and thoracotomy).
• Contacts surgical attending, (Level B – within 30 minutes, Level C – time of ED
disposition), or as soon as surgical intervention is considered necessary.
• Responsible for management of patient upon definitive transfer from the ED.
• In the event of greater than two simultaneous trauma cases in the trauma rooms,
may summon additional general surgery house staff from other services, (see
Hasbro Disaster Policy).
• Works in conjunction with the Pediatric ED Attending on patient management.
C. Pediatric ED Attending/Fellow
• May serve as Team Leader until the surgical Team Leader or attending arrives.
• Oversees airway management, as needed.
• Provides medical direction during full cardiac arrest, as needed.
• Completes ED record.
• Assures that Pediatric Intensive Care Unit is informed of possible admission(s).
D. Bedside Resident/LIP
• ATLS Certified Trauma Resident/ Pediatric Surgical Resident/ ER
Resident/Pediatric Resident/NP/PA
• Completes physical exam
• Assists senior surgical resident in performing bedside procedures (e.g., chest tube
insertion, pericardiocentesis, etc.)
Nurse Recorder:
• Documents critical elements of resuscitation in the LifeChart Trauma Navigator
• Attending Surgeon name and time of arrival
• Time, Activation Level, Trauma Activation Criteria
• Full GCS & full vital signs within 30 minutes
• Medications
• Interventions
• Exam Findings
• Calls out any missing documentation elements to the Team Leader
• Ensures lab and patient labels are correct for the patient
Primary Nurse/Trauma Nurse:
• Prepares/labels medications, IV’s, equipment (e.g., Foley catheter) prior to patient
• Reviews Intubation Checklist with team, as needed
• Establishes IV
• Ensures labs are drawn, labeled, sent
• Accompanies patient throughout ED stay until final disposition (CT, VIR, OR,
• Gives verbal handoff report to receiving nurse
Assistant Nurse:
• Establishes second IV
• Assists primary nurse with medications, blood products, ancillary equipment
(Level 1 infuser, etc.)
• Assists is obtaining needed equipment in the Trauma Room for procedures
• Run blood products, equipment, etc.
• Assist with CPR
G. Radiology Technician
• Responds with sufficient number of cassettes to perform x-ray series as directed
by the Team Leader.
• Waits in trauma room for urgent procedures to be completed.
• Obtains and processes the x-rays in the order directed by the Team Leader. If no
specific order given, the CXR should be obtained and processed first.
• Calls for additional help if required.
H. Respiratory Care Practitioner
• Responds immediately to trauma room when paged.
• Assists with bag-valve mask ventilation.
• Suctions patient PRN.
• Provides mechanical ventilation.
• Accompanies the patient to CT, VIR, OR, or ICU.
I. Clinical Social Work and Pastoral Services
• Performs crisis intervention with patient and family members.
• Acts as liaison between trauma team and family.
• Updates family periodically.
• Responds to patient’s religious needs.
J. Security
• Available in ED waiting room for assessment of need for further security
• On stand-by outside of trauma room for crowd control or assistance with patient
restraint as deemed necessary.
Orderly Resuscitation Workflow
ATLS protocol will be followed, as noted below:
• Primary Survey: Team Leader will oversee a rapid assessment of Airway,
Breathing, and Circulation, prior to moving the patient from the EMS stretcher.
Findings will be called out in a clear voice. The Team Leader will direct any
immediate life-saving treatments and movement of the patient form the EMS
• AMPLE History (Allergies, Medications currently taking, Past illness/Pregnancy,
Last meal, Events): QUIET should be maintained while EMS staff gives report.
• Secondary Survey: Team Leader will direct a detailed head-to-toe exam of
Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Deformity, and Exposure, while maintaining a
proper Environment. All pertinent positive and negative findings will be called out
in a clear voice by the individual performing the exam. The Scribe Nurse is
responsible to ask in a clear voice for any missing information from the LifeChart
Trauma Narrator.
• Adjunctive Studies and Initial Treatments: Team Leader will direct the
ordering of indicated adjunctive imaging, laboratory tests, and consultations as
well as any initial treatments. The Scribe Nurse will keep a record of times of
procedures, medications, and other relevant events.
It is the expectation that a pre-notification page will be sent for all Level A patients
immediately upon notification by EMS. In addition, a page will be sent once the Level A
patient arrives in the ED. On occasion, a Level A will arrive to the ED without pre-
notification, which will result in an arrival page only.
Level A page information should include age, mechanism, vital signs, GCS, estimated time
of arrival, and critical care room location. Level B and C trauma pages may or may not have
a pre-notification page but will have an arrival page.
Pagers for all members of the Group Page will display “Code Yellow AAA-4900” for a
Code Yellow Level A, “Code Yellow BBB-4900” for a Code Yellow Level B, and “Code
Yellow CCC-4900” for a Code Yellow Level C, indicating the arrival of a surgical trauma
When you are paged, do NOT call the ED or the trauma room; just report to the
Hasbro trauma room. For Level A activations, the Pediatric Surgery or Trauma
Attending MUST report to the Trauma Room within 15 minutes of patient arrival,
even if the patient is pronounced or “down-graded”, in order to comply with ACS
The following laboratory tests should be ordered for all Level A and Level B pediatric
trauma patients evaluated in the trauma rooms:
• CBC with differential
• Urinalysis
• UCG for females >age 12
• Type and screen. Type and cross for patient with SBP <90 (age >5), SBP <80
(age 3-5), SBP <70 (age <0-2); Penetrating truncal injury; going directly to the OR
• Urine “Drugs of Abuse” toxicology screen (age >12)
• Blood alcohol level (age >12)
Activation criteria:
To be activated when the patient is anticipated to need a very large volume (>40 ml/kg or
50% estimated blood volume) of red blood cells relative to his or her blood volume over a
6-8 hour period as judged by the attending trauma physician or emergency room attending.
Activation procedure:
- Attending determines the need for activation of the DCR
- An order is placed in the computer under “Pediatric Damage Control Protocol”
[see screen shot]
- A call is placed to the blood bank (Ext 4-5294 or 4-5295) by either the attending
or his/her representative in order to activate the protocol
- A transporter (“runner”) is sent from the ED (or wherever the patient is located
at the time of activation) to pick up products from the blood bank
- The blood bank is notified by the team when the patient changes location
Products received:
Patient RBCs Plasma Platelets Cryo
Weight (units) (units) (doses) (doses)
Cooler 1 <40 Kg 3 2 1 0
>40 Kg 4 4 1 0
Cooler 2 <40 Kg 3 2 0 1
>40 Kg 4 4 0 2
As thrombin is generated and fibrin strands form, resistance is increased and displayed on a
tracing as voltage changes:
TEGs at this institution are run in the blood bank. Due to the number of staff currently
trained to run and interpret the assay, they are available seven days a week but not 24 hours
a day, although there are often evening volunteers on call to help.
R (Reaction) time: time from calcium addition to the “split,’ when thrombin is formed.
Analogous to PTT and measured in units of time (minutes). Increase in R time indicates
either an anticoagulant or clotting factor deficiency; anticoagulation antidote or clotting
factor replacement with plasma may be appropriate.
Angle: relates to the rate of fibrin formation and is affected by fibrinogen concentration
and the rate of thrombin generation. Decrease in angle with a lower MA suggest fibrinogen
depletion; repletion with cryoprecipitate may be appropriate.
Maximum amplitude (MA): assesses both fibrinogen concentration and platelet
concentration (count). Measured in millimeters. Lower MA and normal angle indicate
decreased platelets and platelet transfusion may be appropriate.
Quality Metrics
• Time from initial ED evaluation to initial disposition (CT, PICU, or OR) 30 minutes
or less
• Time to placement of ICP monitor
• Mortality
• Time with ICP >20 mmHg
“Guidelines for the Management of Pediatric Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Third Edition: Update of the Brain
Trauma Foundation Guidelines.” Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, May 2019.
“Guidelines for the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury 4th Edition,” Brain Trauma Foundation.
“Guidelines for the Acute Medical Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Infants, Children, and
Adolescents, Second Edition,” Brain Trauma Foundation.
Head Injury
Arrival in ED
GCS > 8
Guidelines not ABC’s
applicable C collar
Check pupils
Maintain BP (see “ED BP
Transiently hyperventilate
Place on 100% FiO2
Hyperosmolar therapy
Additional sedation
CT/OR ≤ 30
OR case
See PICU Management
Elevated ICP CARE
Meets criteria for decompressive
Possible OR
Please note: this diagram is to be used as a guide to direct the clinician to the
appropriate area in the protocol which will contain detail regarding patient care
NOTE: Arrival in the emergency department without cervical immobilization does not
indicate that the c-spine has been cleared.
Documentation: Removal of the c-spine precautions and associated orders should be made
immediately by the responsible practitioner in the medical record. Documentation of spine
clearance should be in the form of a significant event note or in a practitioner’s H&P or
consult and should be done at the earliest possible timepoint.
Note: Children 3 years or under or those with neurodevelopmental delay MAY NOT be
able to provide a reliable exam. A lower threshold for imaging must be maintained in this
group, HOWEVER, clinical clearance is possible if an adequate exam IN A CALM
CHILD can be performed.
Determination that a child may forgo imaging is at the discretion of the Team Leader. If in
doubt, consider imaging. This guideline does not replace sound clinical judgement taking
into consideration all aspects of the patient’s condition.
*For patients 15 years or over who are unable to be cleared clinically and have been
involved in a high speed MVC or have head or face trauma, c-spine CT should be used
rather than radiographs.
Those with an initial presentation with neuropraxia (bilateral upper extremity or multi-
extremity paresthesia or weakness) which has now resolved can be placed in a Miami J or
equivalent collar and discharged home with spine follow up as an outpatient.
Those with a unilateral upper extremity deficit, or “stinger,” which has resolved do not need
a spine consult. They can be placed in a Miami J collar and follow up with spine as an out-
Patients being admitted can be observed. If pain persists, MRI can be obtained to help with
clearance. Spine should only be consulted if there is a high level of concern for c-spine
Indication: Suspected spinal cord injury with abnormal neurological exam
- Consult Spine Service when condition is recognized
- Ensure patient is in hard collar and on log roll precautions
- STAT MRI of C-spine
- Contact Radiology and MRI to ensure scheduling and prioritization
- Discuss need for imaging of additional levels with Spine consult
- MRI to be ordered as soon as abnormal exam is documented to avoid
delays; order should not be held pending examination by spine service
- Possible STAT CT C-spine if not already done – discuss with Spine service
regarding prioritization.
Possible additional treatments which require discussion with Spine Service before
- Steroids: dexamethasone 10mg IV q6h (appropriate dosing for pediatric
patients); discuss with Spine Service before starting
- Minocycline: 800 mg BID Hospital Day 1, 700 mg BID Hospital Day 2
600 mg then 500 mg Hospital Day 3, 400 mg BID Hospital Days 4-8;
discuss with Spine Service before starting
This guideline was developed by the Pediatric Orthopedic Spine Service, Pediatric Neurosurgery Spine
Service, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Service, and the Pediatric Trauma Committee.
*These treatments are based on weaker evidence or are controversial and require
approval by the attending spine surgeon before implementation.
1. Zaydfudim VM. Enhanced Recovery in Patients Selected for Pancreatoduodenectomy: Standardization of Care
Improves Patient Outcomes. World J Surg. 2020;44(7):2085-2086. doi:10.1007/s00268-020-05558-3
2. Yousef Y, Youssef F, Homsy M, et al. Standardization of care for pediatric perforated appendicitis improves
outcomes. J Pediatr Surg. 2017;52(12):1916-1920. doi:10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2017.08.054
3. Haddock C, Al Maawali AG, Ting J, Bedford J, Afshar K, Skarsgard ED. Impact of Multidisciplinary
Standardization of Care for Gastroschisis: Treatment, Outcomes, and Cost. J Pediatr Surg. 2018;53(5):892-897.
4. Ryken TC, Hurlbert RJ, Hadley MN, et al. The acute cardiopulmonary management of patients with cervical spinal
cord injuries. Neurosurgery. 2013;72 Suppl 2:84-92. doi:10.1227/NEU.0b013e318276ee16
5. Hadley MN, Walters BC, Grabb PA, et al. Guidelines for the management of acute cervical spine and spinal cord
injuries. Clin Neurosurg. 2002;49:407-498.
6. Guha A, Tator CH, Rochon J. Spinal cord blood flow and systemic blood pressure after experimental spinal cord
injury in rats. Stroke. 1989;20(3):372-377. doi:10.1161/01.str.20.3.372
7. Nikolay L. Martirosyan, MD, M. Yashar S. Kalani, MD, PhD, William D. Bichard, Ali A. Baaj, MD, L. Fernando
Gonzalez, MD, Mark C. Preul, MD, Nicholas Theodore, MD, Cerebrospinal Fluid Drainage and Induced
Hypertension Improve Spinal Cord Perfusion After Acute Spinal Cord Injury in Pigs, Neurosurgery, Volume 76, Issue
4, April 2015, Pages 461–469,
Guidelines for additional workup for possible child abuse and maltreatment
In order to tailor tests to the particular situation of each child, the remainder of the studies ordered
for the evaluation of maltreatment will be determined by the Aubin Center Child Protection Team.
There are some tests which commonly are ordered in particular settings; however, the use of these
should be determined in conjunction with input from the Aubin Center Child Protection Team and
Pediatric ED attending physician.
Under 6 months of age with concern for abuse or under 1 year of age with evidence of
trauma to the head concerning for abuse:
- Head CT
- Ophthalmology in the presence of intracranial blood concerning for abuse
- Skeletal survey
- CXR alone is insufficient for the evaluation of non-accidental trauma.
- CBC, LFTs, amylase, lipase, u/a, PTT/INR/PT
Fracture concerning for abuse
- Bone labs: calcium, phosphorus, PTH, Vit D 25-OH
- CBC, LFTs, amylase, lipase, u/a
- Concerning bruising with fracture: PTT/INR/PT
- Under 2 years of age: skeletal survey; 2-5 years of age: possible skeletal survey, check with
Aubin Center
1. Consult social work and inform trauma attending if you have questions.
2. Consult Aubin Child Protection Program at Hasbro Children’s Hospital 4-3996 or
thru the page operator after hours. They are also available to answer any questions
and help you through the report.
3. Call 1-800-RI-CHILD to speak with DCYF and report concerns for RI residents.
If Massachusetts resident, call the area office or 1-800-792-5200 after regular working
4. Fill out Physician’s Report of Exam (PRE) in Rhode Island/51-A in Massachusetts
as directed by DCYF.
5. Contact Police Department of the town where the alleged incident occurred.
1. Escobar, M.A., Duffy, S. et al. The association of nonaccidental trauma with historical factors, examination
findings, and diagnostic testing during the initial trauma evaluation. (2017). Journal of Trauma and Acute Care
Surgery. Volume 82, Number 6, 1147-1157.
2. Eveline, C.F.M, L. et al. (2014). Accuracy of a screening instrument to identify potential child abuse in
emergency departments. Child Abuse & Neglect. 38 (2014) 1278-1281.
3. Gonzalez, D. et al. Hospital Based screening tools in the identification of non-accidental trauma. 2017. Seminars
in Pediatric Surgery. 26 (2017) 43-46.
4. Sittig, J. et al. (2011). Child abuse inventory at emergency rooms: CHAIN-ER rationale and design. BMC
Pediatrics. 2011, 11:91. Retrieved from:
5. Sittig, J. et al. (2016). Value of systemic detection of physical child abuse at emergency rooms: a cross-sectional
diagnostic accuracy study. BMJ Open access. 2016;6: e010788. Doi:10.1136/bmjiopen-2015-010788.
4. Management:
a. Planned Intubation and Sedation: Patients may require intubation for their safety for airway
concerns or to protect the replanted part post-surgery (e.g., lip replant in a 1-year-old child
may require sedation to protect the operative site). Vent weaning should only occur once
flap viability confirmed by Plastic Surgery.
b. Preventing Vasoconstriction: The patient should be kept warm, well hydrated, and pain-free
during this time at all times.
i. If room warming does not sufficiently warm the affected body part, (e.g., replantation of a
finger), then warming blankets/Bair hugger can be used until the Plastic Surgery service
deems this unnecessary.
ii. Vasoconstrictive agents such as caffeine, nicotine, chocolate are avoided. Inotropes should
be avoided as much as clinically possible.
iii. IV fluids to achieve normal UOP for age. Foley for strict UOP during acute perioperative
iv. Analgesia should be scheduled, around the clock with breakthrough pain medication
available. Pediatric anesthesia consult and indwelling catheter may be considered for pain
v. Blood-soaked dressings should be changed regularly to prevent constriction of the re-implant
or digit.
vi. Pressure to the surgical site should be prevented by positioning and padding. Assess for
constriction of proximal blood supply by dressings.
vii. Movement should be avoided with splint as indicated (e.g., extremity splints by OT).
c. Anticoagulation:
i. Anticoagulation regimen and goals of therapy are per the attending Pediatric Surgeon in
consultation with the attending Plastic Surgeon. ***Anticoagulation is critical to flap/replant
ii. Attending to attending discussion is preferred in the setting of polytrauma with bleeding risks
iii. If heparin drip is indicated, refer to the current PICU Heparin Protocol.
d. Diet/Nutrition:
i. NPO overnight POD #0 until Plastic Surgery service clears the patient.
ii. Goal to achieve full nutrition via GI tract or TPN by 72 hours.
iii. Oral free flap: Consider NG or ND feeds as appropriate.
e. Monitoring:
i. Vital Signs: q15 minutes BP, HR, RR for one hour until normal, then decreased frequency
per Pediatric Surgery as clinical situation requires.
ii. Labs: CBC on arrival to PICU.
iii. Operative site perfusion assessment q1 hour: Documentation of color, warmth, and capillary
refill should be done as a nursing note.
iv. Doppler Exam: Location will be taught by the Plastic Surgery service to the PICU nurse and
Pediatric Surgery senior at the initial handoff.
v. Pinprick to assess bleeding should only be carried out by the Plastic Surgery service, using a
fresh sterile 23G needle each time.
vi. ***Critical Changes in Perfusion***: If the flap or finger becomes congested-purple, cool,
loses Doppler signal or ischemic-pale, mottled, requires an immediate page to the Plastic
Surgery resident and expedient assessment. (Plastic Surgery residents are not in house, so the
expectation is that they will assess the patient when necessary and will get to the hospital as
soon as they can, but it can be challenging when they are not here. Questions will be asked by
the paged surgeon to ensure this is a critical change.)
vii. ***Make the patient NPO in any situation where there is a critical change in case the
patient needs to return to the OR.***
f. Leeching: If there is venous insufficiency, leeches may be used until venous drainage is re-
established (usually 7-10 days).
i. Leeches are obtained from Pharmacy and will have to be ordered in.
ii. Leeches are kept in the fridge and a single leech is applied to the distal digit/ flap each
hour. The leech will feed and then drop off, leaving a puncture wound which will continue
to bleed. If the leech is still feeding at 1 hr. it can be kept in place until it falls off. The fed
leech must be discarded. The leech protocol will get spaced out and decreased in terms of
frequency based on clinical assessment by the treating team as the venous drainage
becomes reestablished. Our service will often expose the nailbed in digital re-plantations
and score/scrub with heparin to encourage bleeding for the leech.
iii. Each leech is only used once and should be counted ‘on’ and ‘off’ the patient in hourly
nursing notes.
iv. Transfusion Threshold: The patient may lose significant amounts of blood when being
leeched and requires at least daily hemoglobin check and transfusion if this drops below
7g/dl, but this will be at the surgeon’s discretion.
v. ***Antibiotic Prophylaxis with Leeches: Ciprofloxacin or Bactrim prophylaxis against
Aeromonas hydrophilia found in the leech mouth-parts. This antibacterial regimen will
need to be adjusted for young children.
g. Transfer to the ward must be authorized by the Plastic Surgery attending: Minimal
criteria include well-established perfusion, the replantation/ free flap can tolerate lower
ambient temperature, less frequent monitoring requirement, and less overall nursing care
needs. ***Transfer before the revascularization is established will jeopardize survival of
the replanted part or free flap***
Contraindications to chemoprophylaxis:
• Intracranial hemorrhage prior to demonstration of injury stability on CT or MRI
• Solid organ injury prior to demonstration of clinical stability
• Evidence of ongoing bleeding
• Heparin induced thrombocytopenia or other medication allergy to chemoprophylaxis
• Uncorrected coagulopathy
• Spinal cord injury with hematoma
• Invasive procedure scheduled within 24 hours
• Congenital bleeding disorder such as hemophilia
Suggested Prophylaxis:
• Chemoprophylaxis: Enoxaparin 0.5 mg/kg BID, maximum dose of 30 mg
• Mechanical prophylaxis such as sequential compression devices if there is a
contraindication for a patient who would otherwise receive chemoprophylaxis
1. Leeper, C. et. Al. (2017). Venous thromboembolism in pediatric trauma patients: Ten-year experience and long-term
follow-up in a tertiary care center. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2017 Aug;64(8). doi: 10.1002/pbc.26415. Epub 2017 Jan 9.
2. Landisch, R. (2017). Efficacy of surveillance ultrasound for venous thromboembolism diagnosis in critically ill children
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3. Mahajerin, A. et al. (2017.) Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis, Pediatric Trauma Patients-Joint between EAST and
Pediatric Trauma Society. Retrieved from: management-guidelines/venous-
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5. Thompson, A. et. al. (2013). Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in the pediatric trauma population. J Pediatr Surg. 2013
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6. Truitt, AK. Et al. (2005). Pulmonary embolism: which pediatric trauma patients are at risk? J Pediatr Surg. 2005 Jan; 40(1):