Radyadour Kh. Zeytounian Auth. Navier-Stokes-Fourier Equations A Rational Asymptotic Modelling Point of View PDF
Radyadour Kh. Zeytounian Auth. Navier-Stokes-Fourier Equations A Rational Asymptotic Modelling Point of View PDF
Radyadour Kh. Zeytounian Auth. Navier-Stokes-Fourier Equations A Rational Asymptotic Modelling Point of View PDF
Radyadour Kh. Zeytounian
A Rational Asymptotic Modelling
Point of View
R. Kh. Zeytounian
Universite des Sciences et
Technologies de Lille
LML cite Scientifique
59655 Villeneuve dAscq Cedex
Rationality and Asymptotics are the two main concepts associated with the
Modelling in Fluid Dynamics, which have completely changed our look on the
Understanding of NavierStokesFourier (NS-F) equations, governing the viscous,
compressible and heat conducting Newtonian baroclinic and non-adiabatic fluid
This Rational Asymptotic Modelling (RAM) Approach have raised, on the one
hand, further new interesting questions and potentialities for Applied
Mathematicians, in their quest of rigorous existence and uniqueness results for
the Fluid Flow problems.
On the other hand, this RAM Approach have opening up of new vistas for the
derivation, by Fluid Dynamicians, various consistent simplified models related with
real stiff fluid flow problems, as an assistance to Numericians embarked on a
computational simulations of complex problems of engineering interest with the
help of high speed computers.
In this book we touch (see, in particular, the Chap. 6) the crucial problem of a
practical (rather than formal, abstract) Mathematics for a consistent RAM
Approach, via a Postulate and, some key rules inspired from asymptotics.
This mathematics for the RAM is applied in a consistent way to modelling of
various stiff problems of the: aerodynamics (Chap. 7), Benard thermal convection
(Chap. 8) and atmospheric motions (Chap. 9).
The main lignes of the aims of this book are set out in the Prologue, and in the
Overview a brief outline of the events related with my rather long RAM
Adventure, during the years 19682009, is given.
The book is divided into nine Chapters, an Epilogue, a list of References, and a
Subject Index.
In Chap. 2, the Newtonian (Classic) Fluid Dynamics is considered as a
Mathematical-Physical Science and the reader can find in four Sections a concise
These NS-F equations are, in fact, the equations usually named NavierStokes Compressible
equations and assumed often barotropic equations, by the Mathematicians !
vi Preface
material concerning the main theoretical concepts and principles, equations and
associated initial and boundary conditions.
The Chap. 3 is devoted to a tentative description of a rational way for the
obtention, from NS-F equations, various main model equations and also to a
discussion concerning their nonuniform validity, near the initial time (where the
initial data are given) and in the vicinity of a solid wall limiting the fluid flow (where
the boundary conditions for the velocity vector and temperature are given).
The Chap. 4, is entirely concerned with the application of RAM Approach for a
justification of Boussinesq model equations, assuming that the Mach number is a
small parameter.
The Chap. 5 is an application of the RAM Approach to large Reynolds numbers
unsteady fluid flow, which leads to a complicated Five Regions Structure of
unsteady NS-F full equations.
The Chap. 6, is a central one and present a sketch of a Mathematical Theory for
the RAM Approach. As a basis for this practical Mathematics, in the realization
of our RAM Approach, the following Postulate is accepted as true, despite its
If a leading order an approximate simplified model is derived from a NS-F fluid flow
problem, then it is necessary that a RAM Approach be adopted to make sure that terms
neglected in a such NS-F stiff problem really are much smaller than those retained in
derived approximate simplified, no-stiff, leading-order consistent model problem.
The Chap. 7, is concerned with the two applications of the RAM Approach in
Aerodynamics. First, the derivation of a through-flow model problem, for a fluid
flow in an axial compressor, when the blades in a row are very closely spaced.
Secondly, the low Mach number flow of a gas within a cavity which is changing its
shape and volume with time.
In Chap. 8, The RAM Approach concerns the famous Benard convection prob-
lem for a liquid layer heated from below. In particular, the following alternative is
Either the buoyancy is taken into account, and in this case the free-surface deformation
effect is negligible and we rediscover the classical leading-order Rayleigh-Benard shallow
convection, unless viscous dissipation, rigid-free, problem, or the free-surface deformation
effect is taken into account, and in this case at leading-order, for thin films, the buoyancy
and viscous dissipation effects does not play a significant role in the so-called Benard-
Marangoni thermocapillary instability problem.
But, if you have intend to take into account, in the case of a deep liquid layer, the
viscous dissipation effect according to Zeytounian in equation for the temperature, then
it is necessary to replace, the Rayleigh-Benard shallow convection equations, by a new set
of equations called deep convection equations with a depth parameter.
In the middle of fifties years of the twentieth century, with the works, at Caltech
(California, USA), of Kaplun (1954 and 1957), Lagerstrom and Cole (1955),
Kaplun and Lagerstrom (1957) and also Proudman and Pearson (1957) in England,
asymptotics gave a new tremendous impetus on research in theoretical fluid
Concerning, as to, in France, the asymptotics was introduced by Paul Germain,
who was without (any) doubt the initiator of the application of asymptotics and
modelling in France; Germain write, in Paul Germains Anniversary Volume
During the Istanbul 1952 International Congress, Paco Lagerstrom spoke to me about some
questions which he thought to be of the utmost importance for the understanding of fluid
mechanics and which might be ripe for solution at that time. One of them was the
mathematical basis of the boundary layer concept, discovered by Prandtl, nearly 50 years
before. Another one concerned the steady flow of an inviscid fluid as the limit of a class of
corresponding flows of the same fluid, involving a vanishingly small viscosity, so that, in
some sense, solutions of the Euler equations might be related to a class of solutions of
NavierStokes equations, through some limiting process.... I began to foresee a new link
between mathematics and fluid mechanics, provided by asymptotic techniques; as a matter
of fact, no simply a link, but a way of thinking at an enormous variety of problems.
Needless to say that all this was opening avenues without a clear vision of getting the
right way in.
Indeed, Paul Germain has had an extremely fruitful scientific career in which he
contributed, in particular, to modelling and asymptotics in fluid mechanics, by
discovering new problems, new ideas, new methods, new fields of applications.
But, as it is written (page 3, in 2000) by Germain:
My best contributions to fluids were due to discovering, at the end of 1955, Jean-Pierre
Guiraud in fact, Guiraud first applied (in 1958) the method of matched asymptotic
expansions to hypersonic flow past a blunt-nosed plate, with a matching in subtle fashion to
an outer layer that is governed by hypersonic small disturbance theory.
Ten years later, the Van Dykes book (1964), at a time when numerical fluid
dynamics was in its infancy, was at pains to demonstrate that perturbation, or
x Prologue
accurate numerical solutions and have thereby diminished the interest in approxi-
mate analytical results.
It is now evident, and for me, as early as the 1975 year, when I work on my
Survey Lecture for, XIIth Symposium on Advanced Problems and Methods in Fluid
Mechanics (Bialowieza, 813 September 1975, Poland published in 1976), that
asymptotic techniques provide very powerful tools in the process of constructing
mathematical consistent models for problems which are stiff, from the point of view
of numerical analysis and simulation.
Whilst numerical, computational, fluid dynamics is now a mature discipline:
For some time the growth in capabilities of numerical simulation will be depen-
dent on, or related to, the development of RAM Approach. The simple definition of
this RAM Approach being:
The art of modelling assisted, rationally, by the spirit of asymptotics.
Real flows (such as the turbomachinery flows, which are arguably among the
most complicated known to man and are of great technological importance) are
extremely complex and exhibit an enormous range of length and time scales whose
resolution (a well known example is the problem related with the weather
of what the weather will be like tomorrow or for the next few days!
will probably remain well beyond the capabilities of any computer foreseeable
Our RAM Approach provide a rational and systematic method for obtaining
the necessary simplified flow models, which, in most cases still have to be solved
numerically. A such approach is an extremely worthwhile objective because most
of the relevant engineering computations are based (up to now!) on relatively ad hoc
models that are rife with internal inconsistencies usually these ad hoc models turn
out to be nonuniform validity- i.e., they break down in certain regions of the flow.
The applications, in Chaps. 79, show that we are able to make significant progress,
via the RAM Approach, toward developing a consistent basis for some of the more
prominent engineering and geophysics/meteo models flows. It is necessary to
observe that:
At the twenty-first century massive computations are capable to bring so much even for
understanding, but there seems to be no indication that they are in competition with
asymptotics, both are useful and complementary.
Cited References
xiv Contents
Kn M=Re;
In my 2001 review paper [29] written by a fluid dynamicist for fluid dynamicists the curious
reader can find a contribution concerning the many theoretical mathematical investigations of
NavierStokesFourier problems. My intent was to extract from the huge literature the basic results,
ideas, and goals of this currently wide activity and to present the results to the readers of Applied
Mechanical Review. I am sure that rigorous mathematicians will find in this paper many
shortcomings, non-rigorous formulations, and so on. I think, however, that such a paper will
stimulate further thinking by engineers and applied scientists, including some exchange of opinions,
and so on, and that it is therefore needed. The distance between theoretical mathematicians and
applied mathematicians and engineers has become too large! I hope that both old and new
investigators interested in Newtonian fluid flow problems might learn much from it.
The right-hand side of the above Boltzmann equation, the collision operator
Q, is typical of kinetic theory of gases in that it preserves mass, momentum, and,
cQdx; 0;
Dr=Dt rr: u 0;
rDu=Dt rf r:T;
rDE=Dt T : D divq;
where u is the velocity vector, f is the extraneous force per unit mass (a known
function of position x and time t), T is the Cauchy stress tensor, E is the specific
internal energy, q is the heat flux vector, and the term T :D, in the energy equation
for E, is a dissipation term involving the interaction of stress and deformation
(second-order tensor D). We observe that T :D stands for the scalar product TijDij
of two second-order tensors (dyadics), and Tij and Dij are, respectively, the com-
ponents of T and D.
The problem of the derivation of the fluid dynamic equations (derived from
above three continuum mechanics equations, with Cauchy stress tensor T and the
heat flux vector q, due to NavierStokes and Fourier constitutive equations see
Sects. 2.3.2 and 2.3.3) from the Boltzman equation for small Knudsen numbers
(Kn # 0) is shortly expounded in Sect. 5 of our review paper [29], where the reader
can find various pertinent references concerning this fluid dynamics limit of kinetic
equations, initiated by Hilbert in 1912.
2.1 From Newton to Euler 21
Sir Issac Newton, English mathematician and physicist, was the greatest single
influence on theoretical physics until Einstein. In his major treatise, Philosophia
Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687) [32] he presented a mathematical descrip-
tion of the laws of mechanics and gravitation, and applied this theory to explain
planetary and lunar motions. In the Second Law we read: The body moves in such
a way that at each moment the product of its acceleration vector by the density is
equal to the sum of certain other vectors, called forces, which are determined by the
motion taking place. That is:
In (2.1), u is the velocity vector, g is the gravitational force per unit mass, and r
is the density. The (Cartesian) components of the nabla, , operator, in material (or
substantial) derivative
Equations 2.3 and 2.4, which express Newtons principles for the motion of
an inviscid fluid, are usually referred to as the Eulerian fluid flow (compressible)
equations, and include one vector equation (2.4) and one scalar equation (2.3) for u,
r and p (five unknowns).
It follows that one more equation is needed in order that a solution of the system
of Euler equations be uniquely determined for given initial and boundary condi-
tions. According to Euler, if we add to Eq. 2.3 and 2.4 the following specifying
p pr (2.5)
which gives the relation between the pressure and the density, we shall have five
equations (a closed system) which include all the theory of the motion of fluids.
By this formulation, Euler believed (255 years ago!) that he had reduced fluid
dynamics, in principle, to a mathematicalphysical science; but it is crucial to note
that, in fact, Eq. 2.5 is not an equation of state, but specifies only the particular type
of motion (so-called barotropic) under consideration, and in this case the fluid is just
called an elastic fluid.
In my book (Zeytounian, 2002) [37], the reader can find a theory and
applications of non-viscous fluid flows, and in the next chapter, devoted to a
discussion of various general models derived from NavierStokesFourier
equations, we obtain, for large Reynolds number Re 1 as a vanishing viscosity
limit the full unsteady Euler compressible non-viscous adiabatic and baroclinic
equations for a thermally perfect gas (a trivariate fluid). (Concerning the NSF
equations see Sect. 2.3.)
2.1 From Newton to Euler 23
These general models very often form the basis of various chapters in fluid
dynamics treatises. It is obvious, therefore, that these treatises may be organized
through some models which are best obtained by asymptotic modelling. As an
example we mention the case of inviscid flows which are often considered as a
model, used from the outset, and need to be embedded in the more general model of
slightly (vanishing) viscous (laminar) or with slight friction (turbulent) flow,
to which asymptotic modelling is applied. Incompressible flows are seldom con-
sidered as flow at small Mach numbers which may lead to almost nonsensical
conclusions, as when one deals with incompressible aerodynamics, because phe-
nomena such as sound produced by quite low-speed flow cannot be understood
other than by low-Mach-number (hyposonic) aerodynamics.
In many cases the specification of the type of flow is given in thermodynamic terms.
The most common (and rather naive) assumption in the study of compressible fluids
is that no heat output or input occurs for any particle. In this case, heat transfer by
radiation, chemical processes, and heat conduction between neighbouring particles
are excluded, and the fluid flow is called adiabatic.
In order to translate either assumption into a specifying equation, the First Law
of Thermodynamics must be used, which gives the relation between heat input and
the mechanical variables [J. R. von Mayer (1842)]. If the total heat input from all
sources, per unit of time and mass, is zero, the First Law for an inviscid fluid can be
written in the following form:
where Cv is the specific heat of the fluid at constant volume. The first term in (2.6)
represents the part of the heat input expended for the increase in temperature T, and
the second term corresponds to the work done by expansion. It is well known, also
from thermodynamics, that for each type of matter a certain relation exists among
the three (thermodynamic) variables, pressure p, density r, and temperature T:
fp; r; T 0; (2.7)
Thus the temperature can be computed when p and r are known. Naturally, the
equation of state (2.7) is not a specifying equation, since it implies temperature as a
new variable. Finally, Eqs. 2.3, 2.4, and 2.6, together with (2.7), form a closed
system of six equations for the six unknowns: u, p, r, and T.
For a thermally perfect gas (naturally, a perfect gas is not necessarily inviscid),
the equation of state (2.7) is explicit:
p RrT; (2.8)
24 2 Newtonian Fluid Dynamics as a Mathematical Physical Science
where R is a constant depending upon the particular perfect gas. From (2.8) it
follows that for a perfect gas the condition p/r const implies a fluid flow at con-
stant temperature, or isothermal flow.
The specific entropy S of a perfect gas is then given by:
where g is a constant, having the value 1.40 for dry air. Thus the motion of a perfect
gas with the condition p/rg const, as a specifying equation, is isentropic (con-
stant entropy motion or, since g > 1, polytropic). The equation of state for a perfect
gas in equilibrium, connected with the names of Boyle (see, Birch (1744) [38]),
Mariotte, Gay Lussac, and Charles, has been widely known since 1800.
In precisely the modern form, it was used freely by Euler, but did not appear again
in the hydrodynamical literature until used by Kirchhoff in his paper of 1868 [39].
In some presentations, no distinction is made between the term perfect gas and
ideal gas. Here the term perfect gas is defined precisely by the equation of state
(2.8). The term Eulerian fluid flow is used for an inviscid (non-viscous) and non-
heat-conducting flow, governed by the system of Eqs. 2.3, 2.4, and 2.6, with (2.7).
According to (2.6) and (2.7) this Eulerian fluid flow is a baroclinic and adiabatic
fluid flow. In Eq. 2.6 an expression for Cv in term of the variables T, p, and r is
needed, but for a perfect gas, where the equation of state is (2.8), it is generally
assumed that Cv R/(g 1) is a constant R being the usual gas constant.
As a consequence, we derive, for such a perfect gas with constants Cv and Cp (
g Cv), specific heats, the following conservation equation for specific entropy in the
case of a thermally perfect gas:
Equation 2.10, however, holds only for an adiabatic flow of a perfect inviscid
gas, when the entropy is constant for each particle but varies from particle to
particle. Generally, a thermally perfect inviscid gas in adiabatic flow does not
necessarily behave like an elastic fluid.
If we assume that in (2.10),
then we derive, again, from (in place of) (2.10) the following evolution equation
(conservation law) for density (isochoricity):
Dr=Dt 0 ) r u 0; (2.11c)
2.2 Navier Viscous Incompressible, Constant Density Equations 25
Dr=Dt 0; (2.12b)
r u 0: (2.12c)
r:uN O: (2.13b)
r:uE O: (2.14b)
It is important (in particular, in the framework of our RAMA) to observe that the
passage from compressible flow to incompressible flow, which filters the acoustic
fast waves, is a strongly singular limit.
The reader can find in our 2006 monograph [13], devoted to hyposonic flow
theory, various facets of the unsteady very slow flows at low Mach number, which
are strongly related to a category of fluid flow problems, called hyposonic, when
M << 1.
In the above Navier incompressible viscous equation (2.13a) and also in the
Euler incompressible non-viscous equation (2.14a), the term 1=r rp is not an
unknown quantity of the initial value problem. In fact, rp=r is the force term
acting on the particles of fluid allowing them to move as freely as possible, but in a
way compatible with the incompressibility constraint (2.13b) or (2.14b): r:uN 0.
Note particularly that for a Eulerian incompressible flow, DuE/Dt 0 admits
solutions violating the condition: . uE 0 at t > 0, even if the velocity diver-
gence vanishes at t 0. The pressure term in the above incompressible equations
(2.13a) and (2.14a) is not an unknown quantity, because it can be determined when
we have found the velocity field uN or uE for instance, taking the divergence of the
Euler equation (2.14a), we obtain a Poisson (elliptic) equation:
and, knowing uE and external force g, we can find p by solving a Poisson equation
with a Neumann boundary condition,
in a domain with a boundary (after that the Euler equation (2.14a) is projected on
the outward unit normal n).
As a consequence of the above, it is sufficient to consider the Navier incom-
pressible equation in terms of vorticity oN r ^ uN assuming that g is
r: uN 0: (2.15b)
u rF;
uE :n 0; (2.16a)
uN 0; (2.16b)
Prandtl curiously did not have any idea concerning this singular nature of his
discovered BL equations in unsteady compressible case!
But it is also necessary to not overlook the important investigations of
Lanchester (1907) in England, concerning the nature of the boundary-layer and
explanation of separation (independently of Prandtl). (For a detailed discussion
concerning the initial and boundary conditions, see Sect. 2.4.)
In Chap. 5, as a consequence of the singular nature of BL compressible
equations, the unsteady full NSF equations for large Reynolds number are
analyzed in detail. For this, it is necessary to consider five regions and the related
matching conditions.
The derivation of the equation of motion for the velocity vector u, for real (viscous
compressible and heat conducting) fluids is based on the following stress principle
of Cauchy, 1828 [43]:
Upon any imagined closed surface S (with outward normal n to S) there exists a
distribution of stress vector Sx; t; n n:T, where T is the stress tensor, whose
resultant and moment are equivalent to those of the actual forces of material
continuity exerted by the material outside S upon that inside.
This statement of Cauchys principle is due to Truesdells paper of 1952 [44];
and as Truesdell remarks (1953) [45], the above well-known Cauchy principle
. . . has the simplicity of genius. Its profound originality can be grasped only when ones
realizes that a whole century of brilliant geometers had created very special elastic
problems in very complicated and sometimes incorrect ways without ever hitting upon
this basic idea, which immediately became the foundation of the mechanics of distributed
indeed for any continuous medium, regardless of the form which the stress tensor
T may take.
T ij T ji : (2.18b)
In our 2004 book Theory and Applications of Viscous Fluid Flows [47], in Sect. 1.4
of Chap. 2, the reader can find a detailed account of the constitutive equation of a
viscous (a la NavierStokes) classical fluid, mainly inspired by Serrin (1959) [31].
Here we present only a short comment. A first important moment in the history
of NS constitutive equations is Stokes idea (1845) [48] of fluidity which can be
stated as four postulates:
1. T F(D) and D D(u).
2. T does not depend explicitly on the position vector x (spatial homogeneity).
3. There is no preferred direction in space (isotropy).
4. When D(u) 0, then T pI (Eulerian non-viscous fluid flow).
A medium whose constitutive equation (via stress tensor T, which define or
delimit the type of medium subject to study) satisfies these above four postulates is
called a Stokesian fluid.
30 2 Newtonian Fluid Dynamics as a Mathematical Physical Science
With the above four postulates, according to matrix algebra, and if we add the
condition that the components of T be linear in the components of D(u), we deduce
(CauchyPoisson law):2
The coefficients l and m (of viscosity) being of scalar functions of the thermo-
dynamic state (considered in Sect. 2.3.3) and I is the unit tensor, with dij (the
so-called Kronecker symbol with dkk 1 and dij 0 if i j) as components.
Indeed, the fully general expression is Poissons (1831) relation [41] but the
name of Poisson is rarely quoted today. In Cauchy, (1828), [43], the term pI, in
(2.19), is absent.
Dynamical (Navier) equation (2.13a) equivalent to those resulting from (2.19) when
divu 0 and, m const, is due to Navier (1821) [40], and SaintVenant (1843) [49],
proposed (2.19) in the special case when m m0 const and mv l + (2/3)m 0,
which is the so-called (1845) Stokes relation [48].
This is the simple and elegant constitutive equation (2.19) for the viscous NS
motion, discovered by Cauchy in 1828. It is valid for any fluid, and indeed for any
continuous medium, regardless of the form which the stress tensor T may take.
The coefficients l and m (of viscosity) are scalar functions of the thermodynamic
state (considered in the next Section).
Concerning the long controversy regarding the Stokes relation:
3mv 0; (2.20a)
3mv being the bulk viscosity, in the classical theory of viscous fluids; see
Truesdell (1966) [42].
The viscosities coefficients (shear/dynamic and bulk) and the thermal conduc-
tivity k (see Sect. 2.3.3, Fouriers law (2.30)) are known functions, subject to the
thermodynamic restriction (ClausiusDuhem inequalities):
m 0; k 0 and mv 0: (2.20b)
For a perfect (absence of viscosity) fluid, the pressure has already appeared as a dynamical
variable in Euler Eq. 2.4. Characteristic of the discipline of gas dynamics is the postulate that the
thermodynamic pressure, introduced via functional relations among the state variables (see
Sect. 2.3.3), is equal to this dynamical pressure. When the deformation D(u) 0, for a perfect
fluid, p is the thermodynamic pressure when the fluid is compressible, while p is simply an
independent dynamical variable otherwise. For an incompressible perfect or viscous fluid (Navier,
see Sect. 2.2) p is not an unknown quantity, because it can be determined when we have found the
velocity field u. In some works (see [31]) a mean pressure, p* (1/3)Trace T is defined, and we
have the following relation: p p l 2=3mdivu.
2.3 NavierStokesFourier Equations for Viscous Compressible 31
r Dui =Dt @p=@xi @=@xj m@ui =@xj @uj =@xi @=@xi l@uk =@xk ;
In this case, then, we arrive at the so-called Burgers model equations (as in
Kazhikov (1994) [50]).
which is a closed system of two equations for the velocity components ui and the
density r, when we assume that the viscosity coefficients, l and m, are a function
only of r.
A final important remark concerning the above NS compressible viscous
barotropic system equations, (2.23a) and (2.23b) with p p(r), or Eqs. 2.21 and
2.23b with p p(r), for the unknowns ui, p and r, which are mainly used by
applied mathematicians in their rigorous mathematical analyses (see, for instance,
P. L. Lions (1998) [51]) does not have any physical reality, mainly because just
viscosity always generates entropy (baroclinity).
For this, in particular, the various rigorous mathematical results concerning the
so called incompressible limit, related to the limiting process M # 0, in the
framework of above, compressible barotropic (p p(r)) and viscous, two systems,
seems (to me) very questionable.
In the short paper by Leray (1994) [52], this question is pertinently discussed.
But in general (in reality) the coefficients of viscosity are assigned or empirical
functions of the positive variables r (density) and especially T (temperature), which
both are present also in equation of state (2.7) or (2.8) for a trivariate realistic fluid.
Indeed, Euler and Lagrange not only failed to include viscosity effects in their
equations of motion, forcing them adopt corresponding simplified (slip) boundary
condition (2.16a), but also oversimplified their equation of state.
In real fluids, the pressure, p, is a function of two variables, r and T (for a trivariate
fluid in a baroclinic motion, see the equation of state (2.7)). Obviously, again, it is
necessary to associate with NS compressible equations (2.21), (2.23b), and (2.7), for
ui, r, p and T, an energy equation, if we want to obtain a closed system of equations for
our six unknown functions. For this, some thermodynamical assumptions are required.
For the real fluid flows compressible, viscous, and heat-conducting the
mechanical energy is converted into heat by viscosity, and the heat of compression
is diffused by heat conduction.
Here we consider only an homogeneous fluid when the local equation of state is
according to the basic postulate of Gibbs (1875) [53]; see Truesdell (1952) [44], and
Serrin (1959) [31]:
2.3 NavierStokesFourier Equations for Viscous Compressible 33
E Er; S; (2.25)
Now, for any compressible fluid, by differentiating (2.25) along any curve on the
energy surface (characterizing the fluid) we obtain:
r DE=Dt + p (@uk =@xk @qi =@xi 2m Dij l Dkk dij Dij ; (2.28)
where the qi are the Cartesian components of the heat flux vector q.
For the special case of a non-viscous incompressible fluid, the energy equation
was given by Fourier (1833) [54], and for small motions of a viscous perfect gas by
Kirchhoff (1868) [39], and in this case we also have p RrT, where R is the
constitutive constant of the viscous thermally perfect gas.
We observe also, that for a medium suffering deformation the two Eqs. 2.27 and
2.28 express different and independent assumptions: the former, the existence of an
energy surface, characterizing the fluid, and the latter, that mechanical and thermal
energy are interconvertible. Indeed the First Law, Second Law, and so on, of
thermodynamics is rather misleading terminology. (For a history of the origin of
thermodynamics, see H. Poincare (1892) [55], and Truesdell and Muncaster (1980)
Finally, from (2.27) it follows that in place of (2.28) we can write the following
equation for the specific entropy:
In particular, if the heat flux (via the vector q) rises solely from thermal
conduction, then according to Fouriers law gives:
qi k @T=@xi ; (2.30)
DS=Dt 0: (2.31)
The three equations continuity (2.23b), NS for compressible motion (2.21), and
energy (2.28) with the two state relations
p Rr T and E Cv T; (2.32a, b)
valid for a thermally perfect gas with constants specific heats, constitute the
so-called NavierStokesFourier (NSF) equations for a compressible, viscous
and heat-conducting Newtonian fluid.
In this case it is assumed that the three constitutive (dissipative) coefficients are
functions of r and T:
l lr; T; (2.33a)
m mr; T (2.33b)
k kr; T (2.33c)
in (2.30).
The compact form of these NSF equations is:
Dr=Dt r u 0; (2.34a)
where F is the viscous dissipation function and gravity g gk acts in the
negative x3 direction. In (2.34b, 2.34c):
P lr uI 2mDu (2.35a)
The above NSF unsteady equations (2.34a2.34c) contain a total of five times
derivatives for the components ui of the velocity u, density r, and temperature T. As
a consequence, if we want to resolve a pure initial value, or Cauchy, problem (in
the L2 norm, for example), then it is necessary to have a complete set of initial
conditions (data) for u, r, and T:
t 0 : u u x; r r x; T T x; (2.37)
t 0 : u ui x and r ri x: (2.38b)
t 0 : u ui x: (2.38c)
It is important to note that for both isochoric and incompressible divergence, free
flows, it is necessary that
the boundary integral u n dO vanish (2.39a)
r ui 0: (2.39b)
possibility of imposing any initial conditions! But this Laplace equation is very
appropriate for the investigation of waves on (incompressible) water, and in this
case it is necessary to consider a free-boundary problem; that is, a problem for
which the fluid (water) is not contained in a given domain but can move freely.
Usually, for this Laplace elliptic equation, one boundary condition is given
(on the contour line containing the fluid) but in the case when the boundary is
Two unsteady, dynamic and kinematic, conditions are needed (and also two
initial conditions) at the free surface (interface) x3 Zt; x1 ; x2 , because the
surface position Zt; x1 ; x2 has to be determined as well as potential function
f (t, x1, x2, x3).
For the free surface problem (for the function f(t, x1, x2, x3) and Z(t, x1, x2))
governing the non-linear waves on water, we can consider two physical problems.
First is the so-called signalling (two-dimensional) problem, in which we have
as initial conditions, when the water is initially at rest in a semi-infinite channel, the
following conditions:
where W and t are the characteristic velocity and time scales associated with the
wave-maker idealized by the function B(t/t ).
A second category of the problem for water waves, in the infinite channel, is
obtained by specifying an initial surface shape but zero velocity:
f0; x1 ; x2 ; x3 0; (2.40c)
where l and m are the characteristic wavelengths (in the x1 and x2 directions) for
the three-dimensional water wave motion.
In (2.40c) the scalar a is a characteristic amplitude for the initial elevation of
the free surface characterized by the function z (x1/l , x2/m ). (Concerning the
boundary conditions (kinematic and dynamic) for this free surface problem, see the
next Sect. 2.4.2.)
For meteorological motions (considered in the Chap. 9), when we consider
various approximate model equations f -plane equations, primitive equations,
quasi-geostrophic equations, or Boussinesq equations it is necessary, in fact
(mainly because the filtering acoustic waves), to resolve associated unsteady
adjustment problems for the formulation of consistent initial conditions for these
simplified model equations.
38 2 Newtonian Fluid Dynamics as a Mathematical Physical Science
For the study of a compressible fluid flow it is necessary to have for the determi-
nation of the solution of the corresponding evolution unsteady equations Euler,
Navier, and NSF a set of initial data for r, u, and T (the Cauchy problem).
However, when we consider, for example, the incompressible equations ((2.13a)
or (2.14a) with r:u 0) for u and p, one is allowed to specify a set of initial
conditions less in number than for the full compressible baroclinic equations.
This is due to the fact that the main low-Mach-number limiting process (in fact,
M tends to zero, with t and x both fixed), which leads to the approximate
incompressible (model) equations, filters out some time derivatives these cor-
responding to acoustic fast waves, because such waves are of no importance for
low-speed aerodynamics and various atmospheric and oceanic motions at least
for steady flows.
When Re"1 (large Reynolds number), from the Navier (incompressible and
viscous) equations we derive the Prandtl boundary layer equations, and accord-
ingly, for an unsteady flow the term @u3 =@t disappears in the limiting momentum
equation for the vertical (x3-direction) component (u3) of velocity! For low
Reynolds number (Re # 0) in the Stokes and Oseen limiting (steady) equations,
the unsteady terms also disappear! Due to this, one encounters the problem of
finding an answer to the following question: What is the initial condition that is
necessary to prescribe for u a solution of an incompressible equation, and in what
way is this condition related to the starting initial conditions (with given data)
associated with the exact, compressible equations?
It is important to note that the exact initial conditions for the full compressible
equations are not in general consistent with the estimates of basic orders of
magnitude implied by the approximate model (without acoustic waves) equations.
A physical process of time evolution is necessary to bring the initial set to a
consistent level as far as the orders of magnitude are concerned.
Such a process is called unsteady adjustment of the initial data set to the
approximate structure of incompressible equations under consideration. This
process of adjustment, which occurs in many fields of fluid mechanics besides
Boltzmann kinetic theory (first discussed by Hilbert in 1912), is short on the time-
scale of approximate simplified equations, and ultimately, in an asymptotic sense,
we obtain values for the consistent set of initial conditions suitable for the
simplified equations.
When we consider the set of approximate simplified model equations, usually
derived heuristically, with timespace fixed, then it is first necessary, for instance,
to elucidate various adjustment problems namely, concerning Prandtl boundary
layer, Stokes and Oseen steady, Navier incompressible viscous, and Boussinesq
A number of adjustment problems occur in meteorology for atmospheric
motions (adjustment to hydrostatic balance) and to geostrophy (as in the case, for
2.4 Initial and Boundary Conditions 39
example, cited in Sect. 9.2), and the reader can find a detailed discussion of these
adjustment problems in Chap. 5 of our Meteorological Fluid Dynamics (1991) [19].
However, it is important to note that, depending on the physical nature of the
problems, we may have two kinds of behaviour when the rescaled (short) time goes
to infinity. Either one may have a tendency towards a limiting steady state, or an
undamped set of oscillations (as, for example, the inertial waves in the inviscid
problem of spin-up for a rotating fluid; see Greenspan (1968; }2.4) [63]). The
problem, considered in Sect. 7.2, is also very particular, and requires a special
approach due to the persistence of acoustic oscillations. (For the terminology of the
initial layer as adapted to this kind of singular perturbation problem, see Nayfeh
(1973; p. 23) [64].) Finally, we note that usually, the process of the unsteady
adjustment of the aerodynamical (or meteorological) fields is a result of the gene-
ration, dispersion and damping of the fast internal waves. According to method of
matching asymptotic expansions (MMAE), the initial conditions for the limiting
model equations are, in fact, matching conditions between the two asymptotic
representations the main one (with t fixed), and the local one (near t 0),
which is a necessary companion to main one!
In conclusion, we can say that the aim of the unsteady adjustment problem can
be stated as follows: Clarify just how a set of initial data associated with an exact
system of unsteady equations can be related to another set of initial data associated
with a simpler, approximate model system of equations which is a significant
degeneracy of the original system of exact equations considered at the start, but
with the less time derivatives in this approximate model system.
In order to solve such a problem it is necessary to introduce an initial layer in the
vicinity of t 0, characterized by a short fixed time t. Obviously such an unsteady
adjustment problem is very important in meteorology for the formulation of a well-
posed initial/Cauchy evolution in a time-prediction problem relative to, for exam-
ple: what the weather will be like tomorrow or for the next few days?
Concerning the rigorous mathematical results of the singular limits in com-
pressible fluid dynamics, see, for instance, the paper by Beiraro da Veiga (1994)
[65], and also the various references in this paper. More recent papers have been
published concerning the passage of compressible incompressible, by
Desjardins, Lions, Grenier, Masmoudi, Hagstrom, Lorenz, and Iguchi; and for
references see our Topics in Hyposonic Flow Theory (2006) [13]. Here we do not
consider these contributions, but instead discuss some of these singular-limit
problems (low-Mach asymptotics) which deserve a serious, consistent, fluid
dynamics investigations via a RAM Approach (as in [13]).
Concerning the low-Mach asymptotic, we observe also that in the case of a flow
affected by acoustic effects in a confined gas (internal flow within a bounded
domain D(t)), over a long time when the wall D(t) is started impulsively from
rest, a multiple-time-scale technique is necessary, because acoustic oscillations
remain undamped and the unsteady adjustment problem (with matching) does not
work (see Sect. 7.2 on applications in aerodynamics).
40 2 Newtonian Fluid Dynamics as a Mathematical Physical Science
u 0 on @O; (2.41a)
u:n 0 on @O (2.41b)
where it is assumed here, and in what follows, that n n(x) denotes the unit
outward normal vector to @O.
(c) For an inviscid (Eulerian) fluid: m 0; mv 0
Also in this case, the slip boundary condition (2.41b) is assumed.
As concerns the (absolute) temperature T, the boundary condition takes differ-
ent forms in the two alternative cases, k > 0 and k 0.
(d) Conductive fluids: k > 0
Several boundary conditions have physical meaning. Limiting ourselves to the
most common cases, we can require :
T Tw on @ODirichlet (2.42a)
where Tw > 0 and X are known functions, and h > 0 is a given constant.
(e) Non-conductive (adiabatic case) fluids: k 0
No boundary condition have to be imposed on temperature T if (2.41a) or
(2.41b) are satisfied, since in these cases the temperature is not subjected to trans-
port phenomena through the boundary.
2.4 Initial and Boundary Conditions 41
r uN 0 x 0; (2.43a)
n uN o s n ws; 0 n w0 s; (2.43b)
where w(s, t) is the specified boundary condition for the Navier velocity vector
which satisfies Eq. 2.13a.
u n 0 and n D t 0; (2.44b)
Let us note also, that if the heat conductivity coefficient k is vanishing and the
fluid is inviscid, the same type of Dirichlet-inflow boundary condition has to
be imposed on the temperature T, since in such a case Eq. 2.6 is also of the hyper-
bolic type for T. More complicated is the situation when the inviscid (Euler) case
m l k 0 is considered.
In fact, in this case the Eulerian system is a first-order hyperbolic one, and the
number of boundary conditions, in the case of an open boundary (or a boundary
located in the interior of a body or fluid), is different depending on whether the
flow is
a g RT 1=2 ;
un u n 0;
should vanish at the boundary, is consistent with the number of inward charac-
teristics (one).
The reader can find also in two papers by Viviand and Veuillot (1978)[68] and
Viviand (1983)[69], a discussion of boundary conditions for steady Euler flow,
considered as the limit (when time tends to infinity the pseudo-unsteady
method) of an unsteady flow (which does not have a precise physical meaning).
2.4 Initial and Boundary Conditions 43
rs r nn r; (2.45b)
ds=dTTTo ;
Naturally, we are now imposing one more condition on the interface S, since it
is an unknown of the problem; in the non-stationary case an initial condition for the
interface has to be added too (see (2.40a) or (2.40c)).
For an inviscid incompressible fluid (water) when we consider the wave on the
water (in this case the problem for an irrotational flow is governed by the Laplace
equation), an obvious physical simple condition is (if we assume that the surface
tension is negligible), in place of (2.45a):
where pA denotes the air (constant, ambient) pressure on interface S and usually
this ambient air (above the interface) is assumed passive (at temperature TA
const, pressure pA const, with negligible viscosity and density).
In the case of a viscous liquid (thin film Marangoni problem, discussed in
Chap. 8) the above condition (2.46) is replaced by a rather complicated explicit
upper free surface condition (see Sect. 8.2.2).
Now, if the equation of the interface is x3 Z(t, x1, x2), in a Cartesian system
of coordinates (0, x1, x2, x3), then from the Bernoulli incompressible integral we
obtain the following dynamic condition on interface (for the wave on the water
the inviscid fluid problem) according to (2.46):
and since the interface is a material wave surface we have also a kinematic
The Laplace equation for the potential f, with (2.40a), (2.40b) or (2.40c) and
(2.47)(2.49), constitutes a well-posed problem for the investigation of the non-
linear unsteady waves on the water (see, for instance, Whitham (1974) [71], and the
review paper by Zeytounian (1995) [72]).
It is important to note that each physical problem has specific boundary con-
ditions related to the intrinsic nature of the problem. For example, in gas dynamics
problems the boundary conditions are different if the fluid flow is subsonic
(M < 1), supersonic (M > 1), transonic (M ~ 1) or hypersonic (M >> 1). If, for
2.4 Initial and Boundary Conditions 45
instance, the undisturbed basic flow is in the x > 0 direction and the body in
question (in x, y plane) is located on the x-axis, with its leading edge at the origin
and its trailing edge at x 1 (with non-dimensional variables), then we can assume
that the body shape is described by:
y d hx; (2.50)
@=@y d(dhx=dx@=@x;
Far away, upstream, from the body the flow should be undisturbed, which
In most applications, the bodies of interest are thin and streamlined, so that
generally d is a small non-dimensional parameter (d << 1). We note here only that
the classical linear, subsonic and supersonic theory is invalid when respectively:
M2 1 =d3=2 O1 transonic similarity
d M O1 hypersonic similarity
1 with M fixed:
46 2 Newtonian Fluid Dynamics as a Mathematical Physical Science
Bo L =RT =g (2.55b)
a ratio of two lengths, is the so-called Boussinesq number (see our (1990) [12], p. 15).
The lee waves problem (related mainly with the dynamic influence of a moun-
tain in a baroclinic, stratified, adiabatic atmosphere) is strongly influenced by the
relief slip condition and also by the upstream flow conditions. In an unbounded
atmosphere the radiation (in a simple Boussinesq model case) Sommerfeld condi-
tion for the Helmholtz equation at infinity (in altitude) plays an essential role. (See,
in [13], various typical examples considered by Guiraud and Zeytounian.)
In the low Rossby model for atmospheric flow, the effect of the solid (earth)
surface is taken into account (by matching) through the so-called viscous Ekman
layer. Indeed, the viscous coefficients are so small that we should expect the
boundary conditions to be close to those valid for the corresponding inviscid sys-
tem. The viscous equations do, however, require additional boundary conditions,
and as an effect, viscous boundary layers may occur at the boundaries.
Such boundary layers may sometimes be appropriate, as in the rigid wall
situation (for example, the Ekman boundary layer). However, at open boundaries
they are inappropriate.
In comparison to flows in interior or exterior domains, there are two new issues
when the boundary extends to infinity. First, in addition to the usual initial and
boundary conditions there needs to be some prescription of fluxes or pressure drops
when the flow domain has several exits to infinity (as in (2.54)). Second, the
solutions of interest often have infinite energy integrals, and recently a technique
of integral estimates to deal with this problem has been developed. These estimates
are called Saint Venants type, because the method was first used in the study of
Saint Venants principle in elasticity.
Concerning, more precisely, the behaviour of an incompressible fluid velocity
field at infinity, we note that in Dobrokhotov and Shafarevich (1996) [73], a simple
method is given which makes it possible to determine an upper bound for the decay
rate at infinity of an incompressible fluid velocity field of general form; that is, to
determine a lower bound for the field itself.
This method is based on the use of simple integral identities which are valid for
solutions of the Navier incompressible, viscous equations, in the external region
2.4 Initial and Boundary Conditions 47
which decrease quickly enough. For the equations in entire space, some of these
identities were obtained by the two authors noted above.
The property of slow decay or spreading of localized fluid flow is a consequence
of incompressibility, and is not associated with viscosity alone (in contrast to the
case described by Serrin (1959) [31, 74]), so that it also holds good for an inviscid
Eulerian fluid flow (in this case the reasons for spreading are related with the non-
uniform external flow and non-linearity).
In fact, in order to compute in a bounded region a fluid flow modelled by a
problem formulated on an infinite domain, one often introduces an artificial bound-
ary S and tries to write on the domain O O, bounded by S, a new problem whose
solution is as close as possible to the original exact problem. When the solution of
this new problem in O coincides with the restriction of the original problem, the
boundary S is said to be transparent.
Here, we note also that the reader can find valuable information concerning this
approach with applications to both inviscid and viscous fluid flows in various
recently published papers in the leading journals devoted to numerical fluid dynam-
ics (see, for instance, the recent issues of Journal of Computational Physics).
The general slip condition in an unsteady case:
n u uP 0; (2.56)
is satisfied, in any case, for an impermeable solid wall, where uP is the velocity of
the moving wall. On the other hand, from the kinetic theory of gases, when the
Knudsen number, Kn is small, we obtain
The above condition (2.57) is the so-called weak form of the no-slip condition on
the moving wall.
Concerning the boundary condition for the temperature T on the wall, from the
kinetic theory of gases, again when the Knudsen number Kn is small, we obtain:
T TP bq n; (2.59)
r2 c Fc; (2.60)
where the function F(c) is arbitrary! But, if the domain O where the flow is
considered is a bounded connected open subset of R2, then we do not have the
possibility of utilizing the behaviour condition at infinity for the determination of
this function Fc.
The key of this indeterminacy is strongly related with the vanishing viscosity
problem. In fact, with the limiting process Re " 1or; n # 0) in the steady form of
the Navier Eq. 2.13a. Namely, if we assume that the limit streamlines are closed in
O, then according to Batchelor [75] we derive for the limit Euler stream line
g (which is the one of the stream lines c constant) the following
PrandtlBatchelor condition:
idea seldom works. If a spurious boundary layer of appreciable size results, the
effects are not unlike those for discontinuities (for a system of equations, the errors
can propagate away from the discontinuity through other components of the
solution), and unless the dissipative terms are very large, the error introduced at
the boundary will again propagate into the interior.
Now, if the boundary conditions are underspecified there are no a priori
estimates for the differential equations. In order for an approximation to be com-
putable these must be a sufficient number of boundary conditions specified for the
approximation. This cannot be fewer than the number required for the differential
The well-posedness of the initial boundary value fluid flow problems follows,
to some extent, from properly formulated initial and boundary conditions, and
is strongly linked with the various facets (through the existence and uniqueness
results) of the solvability of these fluid flow problems.
We recognize that in large part what might be called mathematical topics
in fluid dynamics has remained closed to the mainstream of theoretical fluid
dynamics and mathematical physicists, due in large part as judiciously observed
in the book by Doering and Gibbon (1995) [78] devoted to applied analysis of the
Navier (NavierStokes incompressible) equations to the technical nature of
rigorous investigations, often phrased in the unfamiliar language of abstract (non-
linear) functional analysis.3
The above summary of Chap. 2 presents the main theoretical concepts and
principles, and also equations and associated initial and boundary conditions, of
classical/Newtonian fluid dynamics. Various theoretical concepts can be found in
our books devoted, respectively, to non-viscous (2002) [37] and viscous (2004) [47]
fluid flows. In our survey paper on the well-posedness of problems in fluid dynam-
ics (a fluid-dynamical point of view) (1999) [79] the problem is carefully consid-
ered, and an historical survey of some mathematical aspects of Newtonian fluid
flows can be found in our (2001) [29] surveys.
The curiour reader can find in Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, vol. 1 to 4,
numerous papers related with rigorous mathematical results, of existence, unicity, regularity,
well-posedness and limiting processes for solution of fluid flow problems, mainly by
compactnesse-a very abstract functional approach!
Chapter 3
From NSF Equations to General Main Model
First of all, the main question is relative to the Rational Asymptotic Modelling
Approach (RAMA) of Newtonian fluid flow problems. Our task is as follows.
Starting from a real technological or geophysical problem, mathematically
formulated via the NSF equations and associated initial and boundary conditions,
we want to obtain a simplified and consistent model problem which is possibly
resolved via a numerical/computational simulation with the help of a super-high-
speed computer.
Our mathematical status (expounded, more precisely, in Chap. 6) is very nave,
and is based on a logical, non-contradictory, constructive process, according to a
main heuristic postulate and some associated key steps for its realization.
The desirable, but difficult, requirement concerning the rigorous proof that the
error admitted is really of the order suggested is simply abandoned, in consequence
of two goals: first, to consider, as much as possible, real complicated problems; and
second, to efficiently assist numericians in our numerical simulation.
In our survey paper with Guiraud (1986) [11], devoted to emphasizing the
considerable support that mastering asymptotic tools may afford to researchers
embarked on rational modelling of very difficult problems of fluid flows, the reader
can find a guide for classification of various models in a RAMA.
Concerning the level1 of general models, our thesis below is that very
often, various writings in fluid dynamics (especially in text-books for university
undergraduates) are organised through several particular fluid flows.
In addition to above-mentioned level of general models, it is necessary to consider also two
particular levels: local models, in order to elucidate the behaviour in some localized region, and
global specific models, which sometimes occur when the flow under consideration, as a whole,
may be determined via asymptotic modelling.
In this book we work mainly with dimensionless time t and position vector x, and
also with dimensionless velocity vector u and thermodynamic functions p; r, and T.
Respectively, the physical time-space, velocity vector and thermodynamic func-
tions (with dimensions) are reduced via the characteristic time t , the characteristic
length L , the characteristic constant velocity U , and characteristic constant
thermodynamic values p , r and T .
For simplicity I have used, for our above dimensionless quantities, u; p; r, and
T, as function of dimensionless (t, x), the same notation as in Chap. 2.
p r T; (3.1)
From (2.34ac) with (2.35a, b) we derive the following three unsteady full NSF
non-dimensional equations:
SDr=Dt r u 0; (3.4a)
r S Du=Dt 1=gM2 rp Bo=gM2 rk 1=Rer flr:uI 2mDug ;
which form a closed set of three non-dimensional partial differential equations, for
four dimensionless quantities, u; p; r and T, as functions of dimensionless time
3.1 Non-dimensional Form of the NSF Typical Problem 53
space variables t; x, provided that one adds the non-dimensional equation of state
(3.1) for an ideal (thermally perfect) gas.
The reduced parameters in the above non-dimensional NSF equations (3.4ac)
Euler non viscous fluid flow , Prandtl boundary layer fluid flow
This complicated, four regions, singular coupling of the full unsteady NSF
equations arise mainly because of the singular nature of the Prandtl boundary layer
equations near t 0, where the initial data are given.
The compressibility is strongly related with the Mach number, and the acoustics
effects are, in fact, closely linked to the following similarity relation:
S M M O1; (3.7)
S 1
M 1
In reality, only the low Mach number asymptotics presents the possibility of
deriving in a consistent form, as a limiting simplified incompressible model of
54 3 From NSF Equations to General Main Model Equations
above NSF system (3.4ac), the associated Navier incompressible and viscous
system of equations.
These Navier equations are again singular near t 0, where the equations of
acoustics are significant but, unfortunately, this is really the case only if the fluid
flow domain is not a bounded, time dependent, domain (a cavity, as is the case in an
internal flow; see, for instance, Sect. 7.1).
In the Benard thermal convection problem a liquid layer heated from below,
when the fluid is an expansible liquid such that the relation:
r rT (3.8)
Pr Gr Ra (3.11)
e a DT (3.13)
is the expansibility parameter a small 5
103 parameter for many liquids,
which plays the role as a main small parameter in our derivation (in Chap. 8) of an
approximate limiting consistent model for shallow thermal convection (a la
RayleighBenard). But for this it is necessary to assume also that
In fact, in the framework of the full Benard convection problem, three significant
convection cases merit interest:
1. Shallow-thermal, Rayleigh-Benard convection, without viscous dissipation and
upper free surface deformation, when, Frd 2 1.
2. Deep-thermal, Zeytounian convection, with viscous dissipation, when,
1 Frd 2 a gd =Cv .
3. Thermocapillary, Marangoni convection, with a deformable upper free surface,
when, Frd 2 1.
A fourth case also deserves careful asymptotic investigation, linked with:
4. Ultra-thin film, when, Frd 2 1;
For this fourth case, many questions are still open and deserve serious discussion
and investigations.
For Pr 1 with Re 1, but Pe O(1), the fluid motion is quasi-non-viscous
but strongly thermally conducting, and the so-called high thermal conductivity
model equations are valid, with a specified boundary condition for the temperature
on the wall.
We observe that with Pr 1, and Pe O(1) we assume that
m k0 =Cp r L U : (3.14)
where O jOj, and O is the angular velocity of the rotating earths frame, and f a
reference latitude (for f 45 , we have a 6,300 km for the earths radius).
56 3 From NSF Equations to General Main Model Equations
In this case it is helpful to employ spherical coordinates l; f, and r, and for the
gradient operator r we can write:
x a cosf ; y a f f ; z r a : (3.16c)
d L =a (3.16d)
Hs RT =g (3.18a)
es Hs=L 1: (3.18b)
Indeed, the viscous and non-adiabatic effect in the tropospheric motions are
limited within a thin layer near the ground the Ekman layer which is
characterized by the following Ekman number:
where, for Re 1,
The reader can find in my two books (1990) [12] and (1991) [19] various asymp-
totic models for the atmospheric motions. Section 9.2 presents an application of the
RAM Approach to atmospheric motions when the Kibel number is a small parameter.
Finally, when we consider the oscillatory viscous flows (when the Strouhal number
S 1; see, for instance, Riley (1967) [80]), when the flow is induced by a solid body
performing harmonic oscillations (assuming that the velocity of the body is U cos o)
in an unbounded viscous fluid which is otherwise at rest, with t 1=o being a typical
time. In this case, in dimensionless Navier equations for an incompressible and
viscous fluid we have two main parameters, a and b2 , such that:
Roughly speaking, we can expect that the equations of motion for a viscous fluid
are parabolic. However, a more detailed analysis of the structure of equations (3.4a)
and (3.4b) for the velocity vector u and the density r shows that this seems correct
concerning equation (3.4b) for the velocity vector u, but not quite correct for the
system of Eqs. 3.4a, b, because the continuity equation with respect to density r is
hyperbolic in the compressible case, even for non-trivial viscosity!
Thus, to be more exact, we can say that a system of two NavierStokes equations
(3.4a, b), with a specifying relation p Pr and viscosity coefficient
m 3=2 lr m r;
z 0;
u 0 on z 0: (3.21)
T 1 wYt; P on z 0: (3.22)
the book by Temam (2000) [83]), we have not yet answered the fundamental
questions raised by Lerays pioneer papers (1933/1934) [84]. That is, we have not
determined whether a solution that is initially smooth can develop a singularity at
some later time, or whether singularities are an important feature of turbulence.
This is also related to another question: Are singularities really necessary to
explain turbulence?. Lions book (1998) [51] is mainly devoted to new rigorous
mathematical results for NS compressible (but isentropic) fluid flows.
Here I reiterate that our main goal is modelling a scientific activity which consists of
deriving (according to the RAM Approach), for various technological and geophys-
ical stiff fluid flow, consistent, approximate, simplified model problems, in a such
way that they become amenable, on the one hand, to mathematical analysis, and on
the other hand, to numerical simulation by a super-high-speed computers.
This is not an easy task especially when numerical computation involves
simultaneously, dominant and negligible effects in so-called stiff problems. In
such a complicated case, for the numerical simulation it is necessary to be able, via
the RAM Approach, to derive model consistent problems where the stiffness is
A such, the RAM Approach is remarkably illustrated (see Sect. 7.1) in the case
of an internal flow in a turbomachinery row with a large number of blades the
space between blades being very small when the stiffness is replaced by the
smoothness via a source term in a simplified model, consistent, through-flow
(without blades!), which occurs from redistribution of forces acted on the flow by
the blades of the row.
Below I present a number of fluid flow problems which are linked with general
main models, though we make no reference to the literature, as such reference is
both unnecessary and rather arbitrary.
In many cases of practical interest, the parameters (3.5ad) in NSF non-
dimensional equations make take on extreme values, either very large or very
small these extreme values of parameters being closely linked with various
particular fluid flows, which are of great interest in understanding the profound
nature of flow related with the full NSF problem.
Inviscid Euler fluid flows, which are often considered as models, used from the
outset, need to be embedded in the more general main model of slightly viscous
(laminar large Reynolds number flow) or slightly frictional (turbulent?) flow, to
which RAMA is applied when Re "/ .
60 3 From NSF Equations to General Main Model Equations
w l0 M2 with l0 O1:
The Stokes and Ossen compressible model equations, when Re and M both tend
to zero, such that
Kn M=Re 1:
This above constraint is realized if we take into account the following similarity
Reac Re=M 1;
L 1=k ;
3.2 General Main Model Equations 61
k o= gRT
Below, the reader can find a sketch of the various consistent general main model
equations issues, with the help of a RAM Approach, from the NSF full unsteady
(and assumed exact) system of equations.
A first observation concerning these above-mentioned general main models is
relative to the fact that the later are derived from the RAMA when the space-time,
(x, t), fluid domain is (implicitly assumed) fixed. As a consequence (often, unfortu-
nately), these general main models equations turn out (in many cases) to be of non-
uniform validity, as they break down in certain regions of the fluid flow.
(Concerning this problem see Sect. 3.3.)
More precisely, these regions are usually strongly linked with the assumed initial
and boundary conditions. These general main models break down near the time, t 0,
where the initial data are given, and in the vicinity of the wall, z 0, where the
conditions (3.21) and (3.22), for u and T, are assigned. Below is an overview relative
to the above general main models arising from the full NSF equations (Fig. 3.1).
The experienced reader will be aware of the fact that the partial differential
equations of fluid dynamics (NSF system of Eqs. 3.4ac solely) are not sufficient
as is often the case, unfortunately, in mathematical fluid dynamics for discussing
fluid flow problems.
This seemingly anodyne remark not only has far-reaching consequences, but
also presents the possibility of discovering various new intrinsic structures from
NSF equations.
A good illustration of such a possibility (it seems to me) is our recent RAM
Approach, expounded in Chap. 5, applied to NSF full unsteady equations in the
62 3 From NSF Equations to General Main Model Equations
framework of a large Reynolds number the discovered five regions structure being
a direct consequence of the singular nature of equations of the unsteady compress-
ible boundary layer near the initial time ( 0) where the initial data for the unsteady
full NSF equations are given.
Fig. 3.1 From NSF equations to some general main model equations
Eqs. 3.4ac during the main limiting processes, with t and x ( x, y, z) fixed,
mentioned in Sect. 3.2.1.
When the Re tends to infinity, with t and x fixed, we first consider the non-
dissipative, Euler, main limiting process:
in NSF equations (3.4b) and (3.4c). The parameters Pr and M2 being fixed, the
dissipative terms in the right-hand side of both these equations disappears, and we
recover the Euler compressible equations:
pE rE TE ; (3.24d)
uE ; rE ; TE LimE u; r; T:
uE :k wE 0 on z 0; (3.25)
This is the single boundary condition on the wall, for the above Euler unsteady
compressible equations, because the term @ 2 uE =@z2 is absent in the right-hand side
of the limit Eq. 3.24b.
Concerning the initial conditions, it is again necessary to specify three initial
conditions. However, the prescribed data in these three initial conditions, for Euler
equations (3.24ac), are all really the same than as for full unsteady NSF equations
(3.4ac)? This is an interesting, but disquieting, question.
The singular nature of the Euler main limiting process in the vicinity of the wall
z 0 is directly related with the fact that condition (3.21) for an NSF system of
equations is replaced by the slip condition (3.25). In addition, the Euler equations
(3.24ac) take (unless dissipative terms) the form of a hyperbolic system.
64 3 From NSF Equations to General Main Model Equations
This leads inevitably to the necessity of a RAM Approach for a slightly viscous
and (when Pr O(1)) heat-conducting flow in a thin layer close to wall z 0, and
for this, according to a RAM Approach, it is necessary to consider a new limiting
process: the Prandtl local limiting process in NSF equations:
limPr Re " /with t and x; y; z z=1= Re fixed; (3.26a)
vPr ; wPr ; rPr ; TPr LimPr v; w=1= Re; r ; T: (3.26b)
since Re 1.
In such a case in the leading-order we derive the well-known Prandtl boundary-
layer equations. A detailed derivation of these Prandtl boundary-layer equations is
presented in [26], Chap. 7. Here, in Chap. 5, we return to the case of a large
Reynolds number fluid flow in the framework of a four-regions structure of NSF
full unsteady equations at high Reynolds number.
Here, if we simply assume that the dissipative coefficients l, m, and k are
constant in dimensionless equations (3.4b, c) for u and T (in fact, equal to one),
then we obtain, with (3.26a, b), the following Prandtl BL unsteady equations (with
the horizontal gradient operator D @=@x; @=@y:
where in (3.28b) and (3.28d) some dissipative terms are again present.
3.3 Non-uniform Validity of Main Model Equations and the Local Limiting Processes 65
It is well known that the above two limiting systems (Euler and Prandtl) of
Eqs. 3.24ad and 3.28ae are related to the following matching condition (the
concept of matching will be discussed in more detail in Sect. 6.4.2):
As a first consequence of (3.29) we recover the slip condition (3.25), which is, in
our RAM Approach, a mathematically logical consequence of the passage from an
incompletely parabolic (hyperbolicparabolic) NSF system to a hyperbolic Euler
In Chap. 5, devoted to a deconstruction2 of the full NSF unsteady equations,
when Re "/ , the consequence of the strong (BLPrandtl) degeneracy (3.28c) is
analyzed in the relation of initial conditions for a well-posed initial-boundary
unsteady problem for the Prandtl BL equations.
The Navier equations govern incompressible viscous fluid flows, and are formally
derived from the full NSF equations (3.4ac), when M # 0.
Here, for aerodynamics, we assume that Bo 0. The case when Bo is not zero
(the gravity force being active) is considered in Chap. 4, in the framework of a
rational justification of well-known Boussinesq approximation.
More precisely, we consider the following Navier main limiting process:
LimM M # 0
with t and x fixed;
and we assume, again, that the dissipative coefficients l, m, and k are equal to one in
the non-dimensional equations (3.4b, c). During the above LimM (3.30) we assume
that S, g, Re, and Pr are all O(1).
First, according to (3.4b), in a very naive way we assume the following asymp-
totic expansion for the pressure p:
From the French deconstruction a word invented by Jacques Derrida (see the book by Charles
Ramond, Le vocabulaire de Derrida, Ellipses, Paris, 2001), which presents us with the possibility
of understanding the intrinsic structure of the NSF equations, and reveals the presence of a
profound unity in the puzzle of the partial models of fluid dynamics problems. To deconstruct
the NSF system of equations we have the possibility of unifying these partial models, used in
Newtonian fluid dynamics, according to our RAM Approch, using the various limiting processes
linked with the reference dimensionless parameters in equations, conditions, and geometry of
considered non-dimensional fluid flow problems. From a such process we re-establish a well-
ordered and unified family of partial fluid flows.
66 3 From NSF Equations to General Main Model Equations
p p0 t M2 pN t; x :::; (3.31)
and we enquire how one can obtain information concerning the function p0(t).
Scrutinization of the starting NSF equations, and trying more sophisticated expan-
sion processes (in place of (3.31)) proves to be of no help. However, a way out
appears if (3.31) holds in the whole of a domain of space where p is known to
leading order, with respect to the smallness of M, as far as its dependence on x is
concerned. This, obviously, occurs when (3.31) holds in a neighbourhood of infinity
where the pressure is constant (especially in the case of a steady fluid flow past a
finite body external aerodynamic problem), and this leads, then, to p0(t) 1.
On the other hand, let us assume that the gas is contained in a container O
bounded by an impermeable but eventually deformable (with time t) wall, so that
the volume occupied by the gas is a given function of time: namely, V0(t). An
obvious way to proceed is to assume that the density and temperature go to definite
limits: r0 t; x and T0(t, x), according to (3.30), LimN. It is a very easy matter to
derive, from Eq. 3.4c, an equation satisfied by T0(t, x). Such an equation involves
the unknown function p0(t), and it has an obvious solution T0(t, x) T0(t), which
holds provided that the two unknown functions, r0 (t, x) and T0(t, x), meet the
requirement that
r0 t p0 t1=g ; (3.32b)
and, conservation of the mass for the whole of the gas contained within the
container gives
p0 t V0 tg ; (3.32c)
so that we have found our way out of the indeterminacy concerning the leading term
in (3.31). Of course, our argument relies on T0(t) being independent of space, and
we have to discuss the adequacy of that. It is obviously a matter of conduction of
heat within the gas. Such a phenomenon might have two origins one of which is
dissipation of energy within the gas; but consideration of Eq. 3.4c tell us that this
enters into account at a rate of O(M2) and is negligible as far as T0(t) is concerned.
A second origin for the conduction of heat is through the variations of temperature
on the wall or from heat transfer through it.
Let us return to Eqs. 3.4a, b and assume that u goes to uN(t, x) according to
(3.30). We put:
The above system of Eqs. 3.34a, b with 3.34c is a rather slight variant of the
Navier equations (see also Sect. 7.2) which consists of a fluid flow with time-
dependent viscosity and no-divergenceless velocity vector, rather than a
divergenceless motion with constant in space.
The usual set of Navier equations is obviously obtained for a constant-volume
container, and in this case (p0(t) and r0 t 1, in (3.33)) we can write, in place of
(3.34a, b), the following classical Navier (NS incompressible) equations for a
divergenceless velocity vector uN and fictitious pressure perturbation p:
r:uN 0; (3.35a)
On the one hand, for the full unsteady NSF compressible and heat-conducting
equations (3.4ac), with Bo 0, aerodynamics case, if we want to resolve a
Cauchy problem it is necessary to impose three initial conditions for r, u, and T.
On the other hand, when considering the above Navier general main model
equations (3.35a, b), we must give only the initial value for uN, and this Navier
initial condition (uN) is such that:
r:uN 0: (3.36)
This shows that the Navier incompressible system (3.35a, b) where acoustic
waves are filtered is certainly not valid (singular) near t 0.
As a consequence, it is necessary to derive a new model of limiting equations
consistent in an initial (local) thin region with a short time. We therefore
This short time t is well suited for studying the transient behaviour an unsteady
adjustment problem related to a process of matching between main (for instance,
(3.31)) and local,
In fact, for the case of an external aerodynamics when the matching is
possible we must deduce from NSF equations (3.4ac) a local consistent system
of acoustics equations which realize the above-mentioned matching.
For this, the following asymptotic expansions are considered, with (3.38a) for p,
u, r, and T, in the framework of unsteady NSF dimensionless equations (3.4ac):
It is then easy to show that the more consistent limiting system of equations,
which is derived from the full dimensionless NSF equations (3.4ac) with (3.37a,
b) and (3.38ad), is the linear acoustics system of equations, if we assume that
a c 1. In such a case, with (3.39a) we obtain the following three equations:
If we consider the transient behaviour of an NSF fluid flow which is set into
motion from rest by the displacement of a solid body, an unbounded medium, as an
initial condition for above acoustics equations we write:
Here I note that in the book by Wilcox (1975) [87] the reader can find a
scattering theory which makes possible the analysis of the behaviour of the above
equations of acoustics (3.39ad), with (3.40), when t # 1, and in Zeytounian
(2000) [88] this matching has been realized.
Unfortunately, this is not the case when the gas is contained in a bounded
container O, with an impermeable but eventually deformable (with time t) wall,
so that the volume occupied by the gas is a given function of time, V0(t) a problem
first considered by Guiraud and Zeytounian in (1980) [88].
For instance, in a bounded fluid flow, inside a solid bounded body O; with a wall
St deformable with time t, the above matching relation (3.41) often does not work
(see Sect. 6.4.2, concerning matching). In Sect. 7.2, devoted to applied aerody-
namics problems, we return to the consideration of a such case. In particular, this
case may be related to compressible gas flow in the compression phase of an
internal combustion engine.
r = r T; (3.42a)
70 3 From NSF Equations to General Main Model Equations
then, in place of the NSF system of equations (2.34ac) with (2.35a, b), we have in
equation (2.34c) as Cv the coefficient (as a consequence of (3.42a)):
Y T Td =DT ; (3.43a)
CT Cd 1 eG Y:
r:uOB 0; (3.46a)
In Chap. 8 the reader can find some complementary consequences of the above
limiting O-B (3.45) case in the framework of the well-known Benard heated-from-
below thermal convection problem, for a weakly expansible liquid layer with a free
surface and temperature-dependent tension.
In the case of an incompressible viscous Navier fluid flow with S 1, from (3.35b)
we obtain:
pst Re p; (3.47b)
the Stokes pressure, and for low Reynolds number, when the Stokes limiting
process is performed:
we obtain, for LimStuN uSt(t, x) and pSt, the so-called Stokes equation:
r:uSt 0: (3.49b)
One would expect that the boundary conditions for the steady Stokes equations
(3.49a, b) would be same as those for the full Navier equations (3.35a, b); but it was
noted by Stokes (1851) [89] that solutions do not exist for stationary 2D flow past a
solid which satisfies both conditions:
as well as
Indeed, the steady incompressible Stokes flow, governed by the above problem
(3.49ad), in an unbounded domain, exterior to a solid body, is only a local-
proximal flow valid mainly in the vicinity of the wall of this body (the Stokes paradox).
Far from the wall, near infinity, when Rejxj jx0s j O1, it is necessary to
derive another consistent local-distal model equation [90] for the Oseen (1910)
flow, in place of the above problem (3.49ad) for the Stokes flow.
Using Oseen timespace variables:
we derive, first, in place of the unsteady Navier equation (3.35b), the following
dimensionless Navier equation (when S 1) for u0 N (t0s, x0s):
a finite body shrinks to a point, which cannot cause a finite disturbance in the
viscous fluid flow.
3.3 Non-uniform Validity of Main Model Equations and the Local Limiting Processes 73
Thus, in the outer, Oseen region, we can assume that for u0 N the asymptotic
u0 N ! i at infinity: (3.53b)
With (3.52) and (3.53a, b), for uOs(t0s, x0s), we derive, from (3.51), the following
unsteady Oseen equation:
In the above Oseen leading-order equation for u0s, the gauge function,
dRe ! 0, with Re ! 0, is arbitrary, and only via a matching
do we have the possibility of determining this gauge. (See Lagerstrom (1964) [91],
pp.1637, for a discussion of this matching process.)
We observe also that for a compressible fluid flow, when Re ! 0, it is also
necessary to specify the role of the Mach number, M. In fact, we must address the
problem of the behaviour of full NSF system of equations when simultaneously,
Obviously, it must no forgotten that for the validity of these full NSF equations
(3.4ac) with (3.1), for a thermally perfect gas, under the above limiting low
Reynolds and Mach numbers (3.55a), it is necessary that the corresponding limit
fluid flow remains a low Knudsen, Kn, number flow (briefly discussed at the
beginning of Chap. 2).
As a consequence of the relation Kn M/Re, the above double limiting process
(3.55a) must be made with the following similarity relation:
But, with (3.55a, b) it is also necessary to take into account the following
asymptotic expansions in the framework of the NSF equations (3.4ac):
u uS :::; (3.55c)
where the Stokes limit functions (with S as subscript) depend on x (fixed) only,
because the above expansions are singular near the time t 0. In fact, the time
t (also fixed in (3.55a)), in the compressible Stokes equations (3.56ac), plays the
role of a parameter!
These Stokes compressible (inner) equations are written in two parts:
r uS uS rlogTS ; (3.56b)
The first equation of (3.56a) with the associated boundary condition (see, for
instance, (3.22)) on the boundary G @S, determines TS, as soon as the tempera-
ture behaviour at infinity, or matching with the outer Oseen compressible equations,
is specified (see, for instance, in Lagerstrom (1964) [91], pp. 1912 and 2025) for
an unbounded fluid flow outside a solid bounded (by G) body S. The second
equation of (3.56a) is a relation (limit form of the equation of state (3.1)) between
TS and rS, and determines rS when TS is known.
Finally, the system of the two Eqs. 3.56b, c gives a closed system for the
determination of the velocity vector uS and the perturbation of pressure pS, when
the boundary condition (for uS) on the wall @S are used (for instance, (3.21)).
The scalar a > 0 in (3.55b) and in the second expansion for the pressure in
(3.55c) is determined only after the matching with the companion compressible
Oseen (outer and valid far at t 0) equations. (Concerning the singular (for
Re ! 0) region near t 0, see Sect. 9.3 of our (2002) [26].)
On the other hand, when the rate of temperature fluctuation (the scalar w in
(3.22)) on the wall @S tends to zero with Re ! 0, then we obtain a particular simple
solution for Eq. 3.56a: rS 1 and TS 1. In such a case, Eqs. 3.56b,c reduce to the
classical steady Stokes equation (3.49a) with (3.49b) for an incompressible low
Reynolds fluid flow if we assume that:
gso2 m1 1:
Curiously, in his first tentative attempts to derive the leading-order equations for
a compressible low Reynolds laminar fluid flow, Lagerstrom (in [91], pp. 1902),
does not take into account our above constraint (3.55b). He assumes that in the
NSF equation (3.4c) for the temperature, the ratio M2 to Re is unspecified, and
obtains a system of equations (where M2 is present). He also observes that this
3.3 Non-uniform Validity of Main Model Equations and the Local Limiting Processes 75
derived (for Re ! 0) system is uniformly valid for any value of M, and considers
the case where
M2 tend to zero faster than Re; and M2 is of the same order as Re:
which (Lagerstrom [91], p. 192) presents some special difficulties and will not be
considered here!
We observe, also, that the steady Stokes equation (3.49a) for an incompressible fluid
flow may be obtained either by linearization or by letting Re tend to zero. But it is
fortuitous that these two procedures produce the same result in the incompressible case!
For compressible fluids the above, low Reynolds, Stokes equation for TS (the
first of Eq. 3.56a) is a non-linear equation. In Chap. 5 of our (2004) book [47], the
reader can find information concerning the unsteady case (the steady case being
singular near initial time) and the compressible case (influence of the temperature field).
Here, as a final remark concerning the compressible flow at low Reynolds
numbers, it seems me judicious to mention some remarks of Lagerstom ([91], p.
192), related to the validity of the NSF equations:
It may be objected that the NSF equations are no longer valid in the limit
considered above, especially not in the limit where (M2/Re) tends to infinity! It
must certainly be true that the NSF equations cease to be valid for extreme values
of certain parameters. However, a similar criticism would apply, say, to the
classical case of high Reynolds number and zero Mach number! As the Mach
number tends to zero, at constant free stream velocity, the velocity of sound, and
hence the temperature, tends to infinity! At sufficiently high temperatures any real
gas certainly has properties which are not accounted for in the NSF (and Navier?)
equations. The answer to the objection stated above is that letting a parameter tend
to zero, say, is a mathematical device for obtaining approximate models for small
values of the parameter (more generally one should consider complete expansions
of NSF equations for small values of this parameter!). The method [in fact, our
RAM Approach] is physically significant if there are values of the parameter which
are sufficiently large for the NSF equations to be adequate, and at the same time
sufficiently small for the mathematical method used to be approximately valid. As
yet, it has not been investigated carefully whether or not such values of the
parameters exist in the cases considered above.
In order to settle this question it is first necessary to carry out the matching
between the various local models (near the time, t 0, and in the vicinity of the
wall, z 0) with the main approximate model (an example is given in Sect. 9.2, on
the framework of low Kibel asymptotics). But the comparison with the
experiments, and especially with the results of associated (with derived consistent
model) computational simulation (by the numericians), is the more convincing test!
76 3 From NSF Equations to General Main Model Equations
S M 1: (3.58a)
and assume that the dissipative coefficients are constants, then with a constant bulk
viscosity mv and the help of the relations (3.57) and (3.58a) we can write the
following 3D system of unsteady dimensionless (a la NSF-dominant) acoustic
equations, for the acoustic velocity vector u and thermodynamic perturbations p; y,
and o:
@uac =@t 1=grp 1=Reac fr2 uac 1=3 mv =m rr:uac g
Mo@uac =@t uac :ruac OM2 ;
3.3 Non-uniform Validity of Main Model Equations and the Local Limiting Processes 77
p o + y Myo: (3.20d)
the transverse field variations being slow compared with longitudinal variations
along the acoustics axis.
A main hypothesis is also:
M2 1=Reac M (3.61b)
uac u i aV j W k: (3.61d)
78 3 From NSF Equations to General Main Model Equations
U u; V; W; p, y, o U0 M U1 :::; (3.61e)
with M # 0 fixed and the following two similarity relations between the three small
parameters, 1/Reac, M and a:
First from the leading-order system for U0 (u0, V0, W0, p0, y0, o0) we derive,
first, a simple linear acoustic system for u0 and p0, y0, o0, and then for V0 and W0
the following two relations, which are valid in far-field, related with the function p0:
assuming that the fluid is unbounded and considering a solution for an outgoing
wave propagating towards x > 0.
However, the acoustic solution (3.61i) is in fact a good solution only for the
near-field close to acoustic source!
On the other hand, the KZK equation is a far-field equation, and to avoid various
cumulative effects it is necessary to consider the asymptotic expansion (3.61e) as a
non-secular two-scale expansion relative to variations along the acoustic axis and to
define the slow scale as:
r? 2 @ 2 =@2 @ 2 =@ z2 :
Now, from the linear system of equation for U1 in (3.61e), taking into account
(3.61jm), we obtain for u1 a single inhomogeneous acoustic equation in the
following rather awkward form:
Re M O
Euler: t and x fixed Navier: t, x fixed
matching, slip condition p1
for uN and p =
for Eulerian flow gM2
Prandtl: t, x, y and z= z1/2 fixed matching, initial condition for uN at t = 0
wE Re
and wPr = 1/2
Re Acoustics : t = t , x fixed
Re O Re O
(incompressible case) (compressible case)
Stokes: t, x fixed from Navier Stokes: t, x fixed from NS-F
with pst = Re p with M = o Re1+a, a > 0
matching singularity at infinity P = 1+ Re1+2a [Ps+...]
Oseen: tOs = Re and xOs = Re x fixed
with pos = Re
Oseen: compressible
O Re
(expansibility parameter) Reac = >>1
Below, only the case of non-dissipative and adiabatic atmospheric flows, for
simplicity is considered, when the starting exact equations are the Euler
equations. See Chaps. 1 and 2 of our (1991) book [13] for a detailed derivation
directly from NSF equations. Namely, with the system of Euler equations (1.2ac)
with (1.3) it is necessary, above all, to assume the existence, also, of a hydrostatic
reference state.
If p*(z*), r*(z*), T*(z*), the three thermodynamic functions are dependent only
on z*, the altitude of the motionless reference state, then we can work with the
following three basic equations (for a thermally perfect gas):
p R r T ; (4.1c)
where G(z*) is a given function of z*, in the considered adiabatic case. In the
troposphere, a good approximation is obtained when
Gz G const.
H ; U ; p 0; r 0; T 0 p 0=R r 0;
where the length scale H has been chosen to be representative of the vertical
motion of the lee-wave regime downstream of the mountain, since it is the effect of
gravity with which we are primarily concerned.
The characteristic velocity U is an average constant value of the velocity profile
which is assumed smaller than the speed of sound, defined by
such that
Uo <<c0 :
p0 r0 T 0 : (4.3d)
4.1 Introductory Remarks Concerning Atmospheric Flow 83
In (4.3ad), r0 is now the gradient operator with respect to x0 , and the material
derivative (along the trajectories) is:
As main parameters, in Eqs. 4.3ad, we have for the Froude number the
following remarkable and very instructive relation:
M2 U =c0 2 (4.5)
Bo H =H (4.6)
H p 0=gr 0 HS : (4.7)
The length scale H* is (see (3.18a)) the altitude of the homogeneous hydrostatic
reference state a judicious characteristic vertical length scale for the altitude z*,
such that in dimensionless form we write the relation (Bo is defined by (3.5d)):
which is a condition for a negligible influence of the Coriolis force, and also for a
derivation of Boussinesq model equations, without the hydrostatic approximation,
for the lee-waves regime flows downstream from the mountain.
As a consequence, the dimensionless reference hydrostatic state (p*0 , r*0 , T*0 )
is, in fact, only a function of Boz0 , and
and more precisely, for the usual meteorological values of Uo and T*(0), we obtain:
This is a very strong restriction for the various applications of the Boussinesq
equations in atmospheric motions.
For the prediction of lee waves around and downstream of a mountain in the
whole thickness of the troposphere (in troposphere), another set of model equations
are necessary the so-called deep (Zeytounian) convection equations and see
Chap. 10 in [12] and also the Sect. 6.2.3 of [13]. Here, in Sect. 9.1.4 we also
consider four distinguished limiting cases for the 2D steady lee-waves problem.
Now a third key step is necessary, which is linked with the existence of the
dimensionless hydrostatic reference basic state p*0 , r*0 , T*0 , function of Boz0 , and
for this it is necessary to introduce the thermodynamic perturbations, p, o, y, such
With (4.13ac) the dimensionless Euler equations are rewritten in the following
new form, for the velocity vector u0 and thermodynamic perturbations p, o, and y:
p o 1 oy; (4.14d)
when (4.10) has been used. The relation (4.15) for N2(z*0 ) takes into account the
stratification of the hydrostatic reference-motionless state atmosphere (in the
86 4 A Typical RAM Approach: Boussinesq Model Equations
p Mb pB Mc p :::; (4.16a)
u0 uB Me u :::; (4.16c)
associated with the limiting process (4.11c). In (4.16ac), the exponents, b, c, d, and
e are real scalars which are determined consistently in Sect. 4.2.2.
and it is necessary to take into account also the similarity rule for Bo ( MaB*)
written in (4.11c), when the Boussinesq limiting process is performed:
but also we open the way for the derivation of a second-order non-homogeneous
equation for y*.
For a confirmation of the above (see (4.19a)) rather premature conclusion, it is
now necessary to consider the derivation of a leading-order equation for uB,
associated with (4.17a). From (4.14b) with (4.16ac), we obtain as a second
unbalanced equation for uB:
The two terms in the right-hand side of (4.17b) are linked with the associated,
second-order equation for u*.
Now, from the unbalanced equation of continuity, obtained from (4.14a), with
r0 :uB Md DoB =Dt0 oB r0 :uB
Bo 1=T0 Boz01 GBoz0uB :k :::;
and obviously our choice of (4.19a) simply produces, at the leading-order, the
following divergenceless constraint for the velocity vector uB:
r0 :uB 0: (4.20c)
Again, in the right-hand side of (4.17c), the two terms are linked with the
associated, second-order equation of continuity.
Finally, from (4.14d) we obtain as unbalanced equation:
oB yB Me oB yB Mbd pB ; (4.17d)
o B yB : (4.20d)
88 4 A Typical RAM Approach: Boussinesq Model Equations
and we observe that, obviously, T*0 (0) 1, but in general N2(0) is different from
zero. The choice e 1, in (4.16c), indeed, follows when we want to derive the
second-order a la Boussinesq limit model equations for u*, o*, p* and y*, and we
have also d 1.
I invite the reader to derive these second-order Boussinesq equations as a
profitable and stimulating exercise! In particular, in the 2D steady case, starting
from the exact 2D, (x, z) steady @=@t 0 case, it is possible to derive, without
any approximations, an analogue to Eq. 4.26b but significantly complicated a
single equation (see Sect. 9.1).
So, with the following asymptotic expansions:
B O1 fixed
N 2 0 O1 fixed;
DB yB =Dt0 B N 2 0uB :k 0;
r0 :uB 0;
oB yB :
4.2 Asymptotics of the Boussinesq Case 89
B Bo=M
It is instructive also to note two particular, less significant limit, cases of the above
Boussinesq system of equations. On the one hand, if
B # 0 , M >>Bo; M fixed;
then we obtain the classical incompressible Navier limit equations for ui, vi, wi,
and pi/g:
Di ui =Dt0 r0 pi =g 0: (4.23b)
Di yi =Dt0 0; (4.23c)
90 4 A Typical RAM Approach: Boussinesq Model Equations
o i yi : (4.23d)
Di =Dt0 @=@t0 ui :r0 :
In both cases we derive from the above dimensionless dominant full Euler
equations a less significant limit system of equations than the inviscid, adiabatic
Boussinesq equations.
In the steady 2D case, when the Boussinesq fluid flow is considered in the plan
(x0 , z0 ) with, as velocity components, uB and wB, we have the possibility of
introducing a 2D stream function cB(,x0 , z0 ) such that:
uB @cB =@z0 and wB @ cB =@x0 ; (4.24)
we cancel out the terms with pB =g, then we derive the following equation for cB:
dB x0 ; z0 z0 cB x0 ; z0 (4.26a)
The dominant feature of Eq. 4.26b, for dB , from a mathematical point of view, is
that its linearity is not related to any particular hypothesis about the small
perturbations in the steady 2D Boussinesq equations.
However, from the exact slip-condition on the surface of the mountain,
simulated by the dimensionless equation,
z0 mh0 lx0 :
where m is an amplitude parameter and l>0, we must write the following bound-
ary, slip, non-linear, condition for dB on the surface of the mountain:
dB x0 " /; z0 0; (4.26d)
j dB x0 /; z0 j< /: (4.26e)
d B x0 ; z 0 1 0 (4.26f)
However, in reality, the above, (4.26f), condition does not emerge consistently from
the exact dimensionless formulation of the lee-waves problem, considered in the
framework of the 2D steady Euler equations for the whole troposphere, and where the
upper boundary condition is assumed to be slip condition on the tropopause (simulated
simply, before the non-dimensionalization, by the equation z Hs 104 m).
In reality, in dimensionless form, for the above 2D steady Boussinesq equation
(4.26b), the consistent upper condition is:
dB x0 ; z0 " / / ! (4.27a)
The Boussinesq equation being a consistent equation only in a layer of the order
of 1 km in altitude, as a consequence of (4.27a) it is necessary to solve the lee-waves
problem in an unbounded atmosphere with an a la Sommerfeld radiation condition,
which expresses the condition that
z 1=B (4.28)
a Boussinesq system of three equations, (4.20ac), for uB, pB, and yB we have only
the possibility of assuming the availability of two initial data, namely:
t0 0 : uB uB 0 x and yB yB 0 x; (4.29a)
r0 :uB 0 0: (4.29b)
But, on the other hand, for the Euler exact starting Eqs. 4.14ad, three initial data
are necessary for u0 , y, and o, at t0 0.
According to Sect. 2.4.2, we know that it is necessary to formulate an associated
unsteady adjustment problem to Boussinesq approximate equations by the intro-
duction, in Eqs. 4.14ac, of a local time,
and a local (acoustic) limiting process (in place of (4.18)) with local asymptotic
expansions. Such a local formulation can be found in Sect. 20 of Chap. 5 in my
(1991) book [19].
The initial data (in (4.29a)) at t0 0, for the Boussinesq equations, are derived
from a matching between two asymptotic representations:
In reality (!) the result of our (1991) approach is valid only when we assume the
following initial conditions for the exact starting Euler system of Eqs. 4.14ad:
t0 0 : u u and p; o; y M p ; o ; y ; (4.31a)
u rf r ^ c : (4.31b)
In Sect. 20 of my [19] the reader can find a details derivation of the above initial
conditions (4.29a) via matching, at leading-order (4.30b), from the solution of the
following initial value problem of the classical acoustics:
@ 2 f=@ t2 Df 0: (4.32a)
In such a case, for the derived (in Sect. 4.2) Boussinesq approximate equations
(4.20a, b) we obtain, for the unknown initial conditions at t0 0, yB o x and
uB0(x), the following relations:
uB o x r ^ c and yB o x p = g o : (4.34)
What happens if the initial values of p, o, and y the solutions of exact starting
Euler equations (4.14ad) are different from the assumed data M po , M o , and
M y , as is the case in (4.31a), are not known? Actually, this is an open problem
which deserves further investigation.
In Chap. 9, devoted to applications of our RAMA to some atmospheric flow
problems, the reader can find a discussion (in Sect. 9.1) concerning a few compan-
ion equations associated with the Boussinesq/Helmholtz equation (4.26b).
Chapter 1
NSF Equations and Modelling: A French Touch
This Overview is a brief outline of the events related to my rather long RAM
Adventure during the years 19682009. In 19681969 my discovery of asymp-
totics and rational modelling of fluid dynamics problems was, for me, a revelation,
and the Rational Asymptotics Modelling (RAM) Approach to these problems,
governed by the NavierStokesFourier (NSF) equations,1 has been my main
scientific activity during the last 40 years the systematic, logical and well argued
consistent approach via asymptotics, in perfect harmony with my idea about
mathematically applied, but not ad hoc, theoretical researches in fluid dynamics,
without any modern abstract, sophisticated, functional analysis!
This Overview first presents a short account of my first contribution to RAM in
fluid dynamics, related to a justification of Boussinesq equations used in Chap. 1 of
the original, version of my doctoral thesis, written in Moscow during 19651966. I
then relate various events concerning my collaboration with Jean-Pierre Guiraud,
working on asymptotic modelling of fluid flows at the Aerodynamics Department
of ONERA2 during the 16 years up to 1986, which resulted in the publication
of 26 joint papers in various scientific journals. Finally, a few remarks are
presented concerning my preceding seven books (three in French and four in
English), published during the years 19862009, on modelling in Newtonian fluid
Below we use Navier equations in place of NavierStokes incompressible
equations. In fact, as main fluid dynamics equations we have Euler, Navier, and
NSF equations. Concerning the so-called NavierStokes (isentropic) equations
often used by mathematicians in their rigorous investigations in reality these NS
equations are unable to describe any real fluid flows! Note also that in a RAM
Concerning the term NavierStokesFourier equations used in this book NSF equations,
governing classical, Newtonian, viscous, compressible and heat-conducting fluid flows it seems
to me that it is better adapted than the term commonly used (mainly by mathematicians),
NavierStokes compressible equations.
Office National dEtudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales, Chatillon-92320 (France).
Approach, the Euler (vanishing viscosity case) and Navier (low compressibility
case) equations are, in fact, derived consistently by limiting processes from NSF
full equations but this is not the case for the NS (isentropic) equations!
Concerning my Soviet Adventure of 19471966. . . In 1954 I graduated from
Yerevan State University with a Master of Sciences degree in pure mathematics (in
the class of Sergey Mergelyan3); after which, during 19551956, I worked in the
Institute of Water and Energy at the Armenian Academy of Sciences in Yerevan.
I then had the opportunity for serious study in theoretical fluid dynamics, and
in 1957 I chose dynamic meteorology as my main scientific research activity as
a Ph.D. student in the Kibel Department of the Hydro-Meteorological Centre in
Now, more than 50 years later, I am still proud to have been a student of Ilya
Afanasevich Kibel4 an outstanding hydrodynamicist of the twentieth century
who was active and creative throughout his entire career. Unfortunately, his life was
too short. He died suddenly, at the age of 66, on 5 September 1970.
Mainly on the basis of my various publications in mesometeorology (linked with
the lee waves downstream of a mountain in a baroclinic atmosphere and also with
the free atmospheric local circulations above the various Earth sites) during the
years 19571966, in the Kibel Department of the Hydro-Meteorological Centre in
Moscow, in 1968 I had the opportunity to publish my first course in mesometeorology
[1] for the engineering students at the Ecole de la Meteorologie in Paris.
In September 1966 I returned to Paris to write my thesis [2] on the basis of the
results of research (19611965) into the lee waves 2D (non-linear) and 3D (linear)
steady problems in non-viscous and adiabatic atmospheres, with the help of the
Boussinesq approximation. In 1969 I was awarded the degree of Docteur dEtat es
Sciences Physiques by the University of Paris, which added to my Russian Ph.D. of
1960, from the University of Moscow and my SSSR Academy of Sciences Chief
Scientific Research Worker degree in hydrodynamics and dynamic meteorology,
obtained in 1964.
Sergey Nikitovich Mergelyan (19282008) was an Armenian scientist an outstanding mathe-
matician, and the author of major contributions in Approximation Theory (including his well-
known theorem in 1951). The modern Complex Approximation Theory was based mainly on his
work (see, for instance, the book Real and Complex Analysis by W. Rudin; French edition,
Masson, Paris, 1978). He graduated from Yerevan State University in 1947, and in 1956 played
a leading role in establishing the Yerevan Scientific Research Institute of Mathematical Machines
(YerSRIMM). He became the first Director of this Institute, which today many refer to as the
Mergelyan Institute.
Ilya Afanasevich Kibel (19041970), Member of the SSSR Academy of Sciences, was one of
the leading Soviet scientist in the field of theoretical hydromechanics. He is famous as the founder
of the hydrodynamic method of weather forecasting, and for implementation of mathematical
methods in meteorology. See his pioneer monograph, An Introduction to the Hydrodynamical
Methods of Short Period Weather Forecasting, published in Russian in Moscow (1957), and
translated into English in 1963 (Macmillan, London). Some of his well-known works on the
meteo-fluid are published in Selected Works of I. A. Kibel on Dynamic Meteorology (in Russian,
GydrometeoIzdat, Leningrad, 1984).
1.1 My First Contribution to the RAM Approach in Fluid Dynamics 3
where denotes the gradient vector and u the velocity vector this constraint
being often used in fluid dynamics when gravity plays an active role. This above
conservative condition on r is, in fact, an incompressible condition. In particular, it
is systematically considered in Yihs monograph [4]; and see also the book by
Batchelor, [5], p. 75.
For u, r, temperature T and thermodynamic pressure p RrT, where R is the
thermally perfect gas constant, when we consider a non-viscous, compressible and
adiabatic atmospheric motion, we have the following Euler non-dissipative system
of three equations:
Paul Germain wrote to me (in French!): Jai pu regarder les feuilles que vous mavez adressees
sur la mise en equation de votre probleme. Je prends note du fait que vous ne passez plus par la
forme intermediaire des equations de la convection qui figurait dans les documents que vous
maviez anterieurement donnes. Je ne suis neanmoins pas satisfait, car je ne vois toujours pas
comment est justifiee la coherence de vos approximations et pourquoi, alors que vous supposer les
perturbations de vitesses petites, en particulier la quantite: u2 + w2 U12, afin dobtenir des
equations lineaires, vous ne linearisez pas les conditions aux limites. Vous devez me trouver un
peu tatillon. Mais si je dois faire partie du jury de votre these, cest a titre de mecanicien des
fluides et comme tel, je souhaiterais comprendre le bien fonde des equations de depart. Or depuis
votre expose au seminaire, jeprouve toujours la meme difficulte et les variantes que vous mavez
proposees ne meclairent pas.
4 1 NSF Equations and Modelling: A French Touch
DS=Dt 0; (1.2b)
r Du=Dt rp gr 0: (1.2c)
the ratio of specific heats, and in (1.2c) the gravity force (with a measure g) is taken
into account
It is well known that an incompressible fluid motion is obtained (from a com-
pressible fluid motion) as a result of the following formal limiting incompressible
With (1.4), in place of Eq. 1.2b, according to (1.3), we recover the above
mentioned isochoricity condition (Dr/Dt 0) which leads, from the equation of
continuity (1.2a), to the usual incompressibility constraint:
r constant ) r:u 0:
Finally, in place of the Euler system of Eq. 1.2a1.2c, with (1.3) and as a
consequence of (1.4) we derive for the limit isochoric functions, uis, pis, and ris,
the following simplified isochoric system of inviscid equations:
From (1.5a, b), r:uis 0, we have the possibility of introducing two stream
functions, c and w (as in [6]), such that in a 3D, steady case, @uis =@t 0,
@Sis =@t 0, and @ris =@t 0, we obtain the following three relations:
where z ( x. k is directed above along the unit upward vector k) is the altitude,
and the two functions, r c;w and I c;w, are subject to a determination.
1.1 My First Contribution to the RAM Approach in Fluid Dynamics 5
In particular, for the lee-waves problem, over and downstream of a mountain, this
determination is performed via the boundary conditions at upstream infinity where,
in a simple case, an uniform horizontal flow is assumed given.
From Eqs. 1.6a1.6c we derive (again, according to [6]) two scalar equations for
c and w :
If, now, uis 1 U1 z1 i is the speed (along the axis of x x. i) far upstream
of the mountain, which is simulated by the equation z mh(x), then at x ! 1,
with h 1 0, the conditions are:
c U1 zdz c1 z1 ; (1.8b)
where uis 1 uis 1 ; vis 1 ; wis 1 , and z1 being, therefore, the altitude of a stream
line in the basic non-disturbed two-dimensional far flow. In this particular, simple
case, (1.8a,1.8b), the second stream function at infinity upstream is simply the plane
(x, z), and w1 y const.
We will suppose also, implicitly, that the solution of the considered lee-waves
problem ought to be uniformly bounded at all points of the infinite plane (x, z). We
assume also that c 0 determines the wall of the mountain, and in a such case:
I Bc and r Rc (1.9a, b)
and in place of two Eqs. 1.7a, 1.7b, with the conditions (1.8a,1.8b), we derive a
three-dimensional generalization of the 2D equation of Long, considered in his
well-known paper [7]:
r ^ rc ^ rw:rc 0; (1.10a)
U1 U1 0 const ) c1 z1 U1 0 z1 ; (1.11a)
6 1 NSF Equations and Modelling: A French Touch
r1 z1 r1 0expbz1 ; (1.11b)
we obtain, as in our thesis [2], in place of Eq. 1.10b, the following dimensionless
b 2=H; (1.16)
and, in such a case, in leading-order approximate model Eq. 1.17, with subscript B:
The effect of the compressibility is present only in the last term of (1.17) pro-
portional to D.
This above approximation is just the well-known Boussinesq approximation of
1903 [8]: The derivatives of r1 z1 can be neglected except when they intervene
in the calculation of the force of Archimedes.
In particular, if we assume (2D case) that:
But, if (1.20) is a linear equation (derived without any linearization!) the slip
boundary condition, along the wall of our mountain, remains non-linear the slip
condition being down a curvilinear surface of the mountain,
cp x; z k h x 0; (1.21a)
k m=H (1.21b)
h x hHx: (1.21c)
The above results are, in fact, the main part of my first theoretical contribution to
the RAM Approach in fluid dynamics, obtained during the rewriting of my Doctoral
thesis in Paris during 19681969.
I do not see, in reality, whether Paul Germain was completely satisfied with my
new derivation. But however that may be, my efforts in writing a new Chap. 2 for my
thesis were successful, and on 10 March 1969, after the defence of this thesis in the
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Paris, I obtained the degree of Docteur dEtat
es Sciences Physiques Paul Germain and Jean-Paul Guiraud being members of my
thesis jury, with, as President of the Jury, Paul Queney,6 Professor at the Sorbonne.
The first theoretical investigations concerning 3D lee-waves problems in linear approximation
was, in fact, carried out by Paul Queney. On the other hand, an excellent synthesis of theoretical
developments on relief (lee) waves will be found in WMO Technical Note: The Air flow over
mountains, N 34, Geneva, 1960, by P. Queney et al.
8 1 NSF Equations and Modelling: A French Touch
In the last chapter of this book (in Sect. 9.1) the reader can find a more elaborate
RAM Approach to fluid dynamics, for the 2D steady lee-waves problem, in the
framework of low-Mach-number fluid flow (hyposonic) theory, which leads to a
family of consistent, limiting leading-order model equations.
Concerning the full justification of the Boussinesq assertion and a satisfactory
answer to Paul Germains question this justification of the Boussinesq approxi-
mate equations was for 5 years a major challenge for me, and I devoted consider-
able effort to the resolution of this problem.
Only in 1973, in the framework of low-Mach-number asymptotics, taking into
account the existence of a hydrostatic reference state (function only of the altitude),
did I well understand the way for a consistent non-contradictory RAM Approach.
In 1974 [9] these Boussinesq approximate equations for a viscous and non-
adiabatic dissipative atmospheric motions were derived from the full unsteady
NSF dissipative equations.
To describe the atmospheric motions, which represent the departure from the
hydrostatic reference state, I have considered the perturbations of pressure, density
and temperature (these atmospheric perturbations being usually very small, relative
to the hydrostatic reference state) and have rewritten (without any simplifications)
the NSF atmospheric equations relative to these thermodynamic perturbations and
velocity vector.
This derived, very awkward, dimensionless system of equations is, in fact, a new
(exact) form of the NSF classical atmospheric equations well adapted for the
application of our RAMA theory. In Chap. 4 we discuss a detailed RAMA of these
Boussinesq approximate equations, inspired by my Boussinesqs Centenary Anni-
versary paper [10] of 2003, but for the sake of simplicity, only in the framework of
a Euler non-viscous, compressible and adiabatic system of Eq. 1.2a1.2c this
derivation being an instructive test problem for the formulation of our key steps in
Chap. 6, devoted to the mathematics of the RAMA.
Concerning the joint efforts of Guiraud and myself in our tentative writing of a book
on the RAMA in fluid dynamics, I must say first that in 1977, after several attempts
to persuade him, we both worked intensively, up to 1982, on a hand-written (in
French) manuscript entitled The laminar flows at high Reynolds numbers: an essay
on the asymptotic modelling of Newtonian dynamics of fluids. The possibility of
publication, after a rewrite in English, became a reality at least for me!
Unfortunately, at that moment our opinions diverged concerning the opportunity
of such publication of our finished manuscript in its 1982 form. Guiraud wished to
pursue a deeper investigation of some delicate and difficult questions requiring time
and additional research. Contrary to Guiraud, I was of the opinion that further
investigations would be of no benefit and, in particular, would not provide anything
else to support our initial objective: to show the effectiveness of our RAMA!
Finally, in 1986 and 1987 I published alone (but by common consent) a course
in two volumes, in French, in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Physics (LNP):
Les Mode`les Asymptotiques de la Mecanique des Fluides, I [15] and II [16] more
or less inspired by the manuscript produced by myself and Guiraud in 1982.
As Titular Professor at the Universite de Lille 1, beginning in 1972, I systemati-
cally used, throughout almost 10 years, various parts of our manuscript in my
teaching of theoretical fluid mechanics as a first Course and second Course,
respectively, for final-year (M.Sc.) undergraduate students and post-graduate
research workers, and for students preparing a doctoral thesis.
In the beginning, in 1977, my goal was, in fact, a monograph devoted to RAMA
for Newtonian fluid flows, and I had in mind the derivation of various models
corresponding to parameters (not only to Reynolds number) characterizing various
(high or low) physical effects viscosity, compressibility, heat conduction, gravity,
Coriolis force, unsteadiness, geometrical constraints, and so on.
The above-mentioned two-volume Course was my first experience in opening a
new way into the difficult field of theoretical (analytical) fluid mechanics via the
NSF equations, offering fresh ideas together with a first systematic presentation of
asymptotic approach in fluid dynamics for both students and young researchers. In a
short critical review (J. Fluid Mech., 1991, vol. 231, p. 691), the following opinion
was expressed concerning this two-volume Course:
The text is in French. Equations are hand-written but very clearly done. In many of the areas
covered in these two volumes there is a conspicuous lack of suitable expository material
available elsewhere in the literature, and Professer Zeytounians notes are to be welcomed
for filling these gaps until fuller and more specialized accounts appear in book form.
Entitled La Meteorologie du point de vue du Mecanicien des Fluides, written for the XIIth
Symposium on Advanced Problems and Methods in Fluid Mechanics, Bialowieza (Poland), 813
September 1975.
12 1 NSF Equations and Modelling: A French Touch
have his own character. The issues raised in the book, such as the initialization (initial
layer) boundary layer treatment, and well-posedness and ill-posedness of the system, are
very important problems facing researchers today in atmospheric sciences and other related
sciences. The reader will find some valuable information on these issues . . . The mathe-
matically consistent treatment of the subject does give this book a unique place on shelves
of libraries and offices of researchers . . . This book is very different from recent books on
the market [for example, Holton [20], Gill [21], Haltiner and Williams [22], Pedlosky [23],
and Yang [24]]. I recommend that researchers in atmospheric dynamics and numerical
weather prediction read this book to have an alternative view of deriving atmospheric flow
models. Researchers in theoretical fluid mechanics might also be interested to see how
singular perturbation methods can be used in atmospheric sciences. The book may be used
as supplemental material for courses like numerical weather prediction or atmospheric
dynamics. However, I do not think it is a suitable textbook for a regular class: as the
author said in his Preface. I am well aware that this book is very personal one might even
say impassioned.
This review seems rather favourable, but this does not seem to be the case with
P. G. Drazins review (Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1992, 242):
The author acknowledges that dynamic meteorology is too large a subject for him to
attempt to cover completely. He has set forth what are, for the most part, his own results
in accord with his conception of meteorology as a fluid mechanics discipline which is in
a privileged area for the application of singular perturbation techniques. He applies
the method of multiple scales or the method of matched asymptotic expansions to any
equations he can find, systematically reviewing his own and his associates extensive
research. So it is a very personal view of meteorology, covering some areas of geophysical
fluid dynamics with a formidable battery of notation. The nature of the subject demands a
large and complex notation in any rational treatment. But the notation will allow only a few
to benefit from this book. It is a barrier which I found hard to cross, not having the time and
will to work through the book line by line, as a result with which I am familiar was difficult
for me to follow. The approximations of dynamic meteorology are mostly singular.
Nonetheless, their essentials are well understood by meteorologists now, albeit in a rough
and ready way, and meteorologists are unlikely to be [influenced] by Zeytounians
approach. Yet the approximations of meteorology are subtle and deserve a more rational
development than is commonly understood. This is the achievement of the book. The
author derives many equations systematically, albeit not rigorously, from the primitive
equations, rather than solving equations governing particular problems. For all these
reasons, I feel that the book will be studied intensively by a few specialists but neglected
by others.
Obviously, the last two sentences of this critical review are very controversial
especially the assertion of albeit not rigorously. It seems clear that for Drazin, my
French touch is not to everyones taste! Indeed, the publication of this monograph
in 1990 was possibly premature, despite the publication, in 1985, of my survey
paper [25], Recent Advances in Asymptotic Modelling of Tangent Atmospheric
Motions, devoted to an asymptotic rational theory of the modelling of atmospheric
motions in a flat earth closely related with the so-called bplane approximation.
In [12], [19], and [25] my clear purpose was to initiate a process which does not
seem to have sufficiently attracted the attention of scientists. This process involves
the use of the RAMA for carrying out models; that is, for building approximate
simplified (but consistent) well-posed (at least from a fluid dynamicians point of
1.3 A Few Remarks Concerning My Preceding Books on Modelling 13
view) problems based on various physical situations and concerned with one or
several high or low parameters.
I do not, of course, affirm that this is the only method, nor even the most efficient
one, for deriving such problems in view of a numerical/computational simulation.
I do, however, feel that when such a procedure is feasible it should be undertaken.
As a matter of fact, the application of this approach makes it possible, in principle,
to improve, at least, a second-order model problem obtained from the NSF full
problem, used by advancement in the associated asymptotic expansion.
After 1996 having retired from the University of Lille 1, and with more time to
write I decided to return to my first (1977) idea concerning a monograph devoted
to RAMA for Newtonian fluid flows and the derivation of models corresponding to
various parameters (not only to Reynolds number) characterizing various (high or
low) physical effects. I (partly) realized this objective in 2002 with my monograph
[26] Asymptotic Modelling of Fluid Flow Phenomena the first book in English
devoted entirely to asymptotic modelling of fluid flow phenomena, dealing with the
art of asymptotic modelling of Newtonian laminar fluid flows. In Chaps. 212 of
this work I consider several important topics involved in the accomplishment of my
objective in determining how simplified rational consistent asymptotic simplified
models can be obtained for the most technologically important fluid mechanical
According to Marvin E. Goldstein (of NASA Glenn Research Center) in his
detailed, scrupulous, and rigorous review (SIAM Review, vol. 45(1), pp. 142146,
2003): There are enough of the selected topics that accomplish the authors objective
to make this book an important contribution to the literature. Goldstein also writes:
Applied mathematicians have always found fluid mechanics to be a rich and interesting
field, because the basic equations (i.e., the NavierStokes equations) have an almost
unlimited capacity for producing complex solutions that exhibit unbelievably interesting
properties, and because the dimensionless form of these equations contains a parameter
(called the Reynolds number) which is usually quite large in technologically and geophysi-
cally interesting flows. This means that asymptotic methods can be used to obtain appro-
ximate solutions to some very interesting and important flow problems. These solutions
usually turn out to be of non-uniform validity (i.e., they break down in certain regions of the
flow), and matched asymptotic expansions have to be used to construct physically mean-
ingful results. However, advances in computer technology have led to the development of
increasingly accurate numerical solutions, and have thereby diminished the interest in
approximate analytical results. But real flows (especially those that are of geophysical or
engineering interest) are extremely complex and exhibit an enormous range of length and
time scales whose resolution will probably remain well beyond the capabilities of any
computer that is likely to become available in the foreseeable future. So simplification and
modelling are still necessary, not only to meet the engineers requirement for generating
numbers but also for developing conceptual models that are simple enough to be analyzed
and understood. The asymptotic scaling techniques and the reduced forms of the general
equations that emerge from the matched asymptotic expansion process (as well as
from other singular perturbation techniques) provide a rational and systematic method for
obtaining the necessary simplified flows model, which, in most cases, still have to be solved
numerically. The author states that the goal of this book is to promote the use of asymptotic
methods for developing simplified but rational model for the NavierStokes equations
which can then be solved numerically to obtain appropriate descriptions of the flow.
14 1 NSF Equations and Modelling: A French Touch
Goldstein concludes: It is this reviewers hope that the deficiencies in this work
will encourage others to write new and improved books with similar themes but
unfortunately, it seems that for the present this is not the case! On the other hand, in
2006 and 2009 Springer published my two monographs, Topics in Hyposonic Flow
Theory [13], devoted to hyposonic (low Mach numbers) flows, and Convection in
Fluids: A Rational Analysis and Asymptotic Modelling [27], mainly related to the
well-known Benard convection problem in a layer of weakly expansible liquid
heated from below.
Concerning the first of these, a considerable amount of stimulation and encour-
agement was derived from my collaboration with Jean-Pierre Guiraud, who, over a
period of 20 years, has played an important role in asymptotic modelling of the
various low-Mach-number flow problems presented in that book. The reader should
take into account that is the first book devoted to hyposonic flow theory, and it is the
authors hope that the various unavoidable deficiencies (noted by Goldstein in his
review of [13]) will persuade others to work on similar themes.
On the other hand, in [27] the main motivation was a rational analysis of various
aspects (in particular, the influence of the viscous dissipation, free surface and
surface tension) of the Benard convection (heated from below) problem. It presents
a careful investigation of three significant approximate models (see, for instance,
Chap. 8 in the present book) related to the Benard (1900) experiments, by which he
discovered his well-known Benard cells! It is evident that Professor Manuel G.
Velarde was influential when I wrote my book on convection in fluids [27], as I
benefited greatly from our collaboration and many discussions relating to
Marangoni thermocapillary convection during my sojourn at the Instituto Pluridis-
ciplinar UCM de Madrid in 20002004.
1.4 Conclusion
More than 50 years ago, with the works of Kaplun, Kaplun and Lagerstrom, and
Proudman and Pearson, asymptotic techniques provided a new impetus for research
in theoretical fluid dynamics. Twenty years later, a much more powerful revival
1.4 Conclusion 15
was possible due to the dramatic influence of high-speed computers and the
numerical analysis and simulation of fluid flow problems. The survey paper by
Birkhoff [28] includes, through a series of case studies, a detailed assessment of the
status, development, and future prospects of numerical/computational fluid
During the early times, asymptotic techniques were mostly used in order to
derive approximate solutions in closed form. Perhaps of more significance for the
progress of understanding and also of research, however, was the use of asymptotic
techniques in order to settle, on a rational basis, a number of approximate models
which much earlier were often derived by ad hoc non-rational procedures. One of
the most well-known examples is Kapluns celebrated paper on boundary-layer
theory, which provided a firm theoretical basis for some 50 years of boundary-layer
From this early example it is clear that my 1977 idea, relative to asymptotic
techniques as a well-suited and invaluable tool for the derivation of mathematically
consistent models (from full fluid dynamics equations NSF equations) which are
amenable to numerical treatment rather than for obtaining closed form solutions,
was a perspective of scientific activity in interaction with numerical simulation
even though, in the 1970s, numerical fluid dynamics was almost non-existent due to
the lack of high-speed computers.
It is now evident that asymptotic techniques serve as very powerful tools in
the process of constructing rational consistent mathematical simplified models
for problems which are stiff, from the point of view of numerical analysis. Here,
Chap. 6 is devoted to the mathematics of the RAM Approach, which seems a good
basis for a practical use of this RAMA in simulation/computation via high-speed
As a matter of fact J. P. Guinaud, who read a large part of the Chaps. 1 to 6 of the
present book suggest me to quote what follows: While having been absent from
the Community of fluid mecanicians fifteen years from now, it was a pleasure for
me to read the report by Zeytounian, of a long coworking with him. It is mere
justice to mention that, during this active collaboration, a number of ideas were
initiated by Zeytounian. My main contribution was the result of ten years of
struggle with asymptotics before I had the good fortune to meet Zeytounian. A
significant contradiction is obvious in the scientific activity of J. P. Guinaud. He
never published any book whilst having written a number of documents,
corresponding to many courses he teached manuscripts which were much more
carefully written than simple notes to be distributed for the students. In particular,
the Guirand Notes (Topics in hypersonic flow theory, Department of Aeronautics
and Astronantics, Stanford University; SUDAER n 154, may 1963, Stanford,
California, USA) are Published in Russian by MiR, Moscow Editions, as a book
in 1965.
Part II
A Sketch of a Mathematical Theory of the
RAM Approach
Chapter 5
The Structure of Unsteady NSF Equations
at Large Reynolds Numbers
5.1 Introduction
Fluid dynamicians and applied mathematicians have always found fluid dynamics
to be a rich and interesting field for investigations, because the basic system of
partial derivative equations for a Newtonian fluid the so-called NavierSto-
kesFourier equations (NSF) equations have a great capacity for producing
various particular fluid flow models.
In particular, a large class of such fluid flow models is closely linked with the
analysis of a dimensionless form of the NSF system, and more specifically with
the large Reynolds numbers (Re "/ ) for a compressible, weakly viscous, and heat-
conducting fluid flow.
In Chap. 5 I fully intend to present a more deep and careful investigation of this
singular problem, which not only has an obvious theoretical interest, but also
seemly a practical one. For the NSF unsteady full equations, we have considered,
as a typical working case, an emergency situation: namely, a sudden rise in
temperature locally on the wall at initial time t 0 which is a possible applica-
tion of our new four regions structure for the NSF unsteady equations!
The main feature of the well-known Prandtl 1904 BL concept in a thin region near
the wall (z 0), in an aerodynamics problem for high Reynolds number, is linked
with the strong simplification of the equation of motion for the vertical component
w of the velocity u (v; w).
In steady and unsteady, in compressible viscous, in heat-conducting, and in
incompressible viscous fluid flows, this Prandtl BL concept in all cases produces
a very degenerate limit equation, when Re " 1, for w!
When we work with dimensionless quantities, then, for the variation of the
pressure in the direction normal to the (horizontal) wall, z 0, relative to vertical
coordinate, z, we obtain (when the gravity force is not taken into account):
@p=@z 0: (5.1)
and in particular, the partial derivative in time for the component w of the velocity
disappears in a BL system of equations!
If this failure seems not to have serious consequences in the usual case of steady
or unsteady incompressible viscous fluid flows, conversely, this is not the case for
an unsteady compressible viscous and heat-conducting fluid flow. In such a case, as
an unfortunate consequence of (5.1), we have a new four regions structure for
NSF equations governing these fluid flows at high Reynolds numbers.
5.2 The Emergence of the Four Regions as a Consequence 99
In such a case, in this corner small fourth region, we derive the unsteady one-
dimensional NSF equations governing the compressible Rayleigh problem, with
the corresponding thermal condition on z 0 (Fig. 5.1).
Precisely, the above (related with the limiting process (5.4)) compressible
viscous and heat-conducting Rayleigh problem presents the possibility of
100 5 The Structure of Unsteady NSF Equations at Large Reynolds Numbers
Fig. 5.1 Four regions structure of NSF unsteady equations at large Reynolds number
In Sect. 5.3 the formulation of the starting unsteady NSF problem is given,
while Sect. 5.4 is devoted to the derivation of the corresponding four problems
linked with the above four limiting processes (5.2a, 5.2b), (5.3), and (5.4). Section
5.5 concerns the problem of the unsteady adjustment (via the Rayleigh problem
significant in the fourth region) to Prandtl BL evolution, in time, which is signifi-
cant in the second region close to wall z 0, but far from the third and fourth
regions near the initial time t 0. In Sect. 5.6 some conclusions are presented.
We consider the atmospheric dry air as a thermally perfect, viscous, and heat-
conducting gas, with constant dissipative coefficients. In such a case, the dimen-
sionless NSF equations are written (for dimensionless functions, v, w, p, r, and T)
in the following form all functions, variables, and coefficients being non-
@r=@t D rv @rw=@z 0; (5.5)
5.3 Formulation of the Unsteady NSF Problem 101
r@v=@t v : Dv w@v=@z 1 gM2 Dp e2 fDv
1=3 D D : v @w=@zg;
r@w=@t v : Dw w @w=@z 1 gM2 @p=@z e2 fDw
1=3@ =@zD : v @w=@z;
r@T=@t v : DT w @T=@z g 1p D : v
@w=@z g=Pr e2 DT gg 1e2 M2 fF (5.8)
2=3D : v @w=@z g;
p rT; (5.9)
where the horizontal (relative to coordinates (x, y)) velocity vector is v (u, v),
and viscous dissipation is written in the following form:
t 0 : v 0; w 0; r 1 and T 1: (5.11)
z0:vw0 (5.12a)
b t* t0 1; (5.13)
is a ratio of two time scales: t*, a short time scale, in comparison to characteristic
evolution time scale t , which appears in Strouhal number S in (3.3).
102 5 The Structure of Unsteady NSF Equations at Large Reynolds Numbers
Yt=b; P Yt0 =t ; P:
In fact, the system of NSF equations, despite its dimensionless form, do not have a fixed
meaning, even if the various reference parameters, in NSF equations, give a good idea for an
investigation in this way! A real meaning is created, each time, in the act of the RAM Approach,
relative to a precise parameter (high or low), via the derivation of a consistent simplified model,
this process is just a deconstruction (a la Derrida) of NSF system of equations.
5.4 Derivation of the Corresponding Four Model Problems 103
The considered physical case is a typical free problem independent of any given
external flow. This case can be generalized for the atmosphere, where gravity plays
an obvious and important role in emerging convective local motion. For such an
atmospheric case, a typical example is a forest fire, which is actually a very bad
accident which causes a large amount of damage, and is considered to be an
environmental disaster!
When we consider the first, Euler, limiting process (5.2a), LimE, at e # 0, with t and
z fixed, from NSF, evolution equations (5.5)(5.8), with (5.9), we obtain a strong
degeneracy (close to the horizontal solid wall z 0), which leads to a Euler system
of equations for the leading-order functions, vE ; wE ; pE ; TE andrE , in the follow-
ing Euler asymptotic expansion associated with (5.2a):
v; w vE ; wE e vE 1 ; wE 1 :::; (5.14a)
p E rE T E : (5.15e)
Because all the dissipative terms, in the right-hand side of NSF equations
(5.6)(5.8), are absent in limiting, leading-order, Euler equations (5.15a5.15d)
(see, for instance [100], and [37], Chap. 9), these Euler equations cannot be valid in
the vicinity of the wall z 0.
The significant equations valid near z 0, which replace the above Euler
equations (5.15a5.15e), are derived when we introduce, in place of z, an inner
vertical coordinate, significant in the vicinity of z 0: namely,
z z=e; (5.16a)
when we consider the second, Prandtl, limiting process (5.2b), LimPr at e # 0, with
t and z fixed.
In such a case, again, from full NSF equations (5.5)(5.8), with (5.9), for the
leading-order functions vPr ; pPr ; TPr ; rPr , and secondorder vertical component of
the velocity, wPr 1 , we consider the following asymptotic, a la Prandtl, expansion
associated with (5.2b):
v; w vPr ; 0 e vPr 1 ; wPr 1 :::; (5.17a)
where the Prandtl (BL) terms (with Pr as subscript) are dependent on t, x, y, and z.
Then, with (5.2b) and (5.17a, 5.17b), we derive the Prandtl BL unsteady equations
(see Stewartson [101], and the more recent book by Oleinik and Samokhin [102]):
It is well known that both the above system of equations outer, Euler
(5.15a5.15e), and inner, Prandtl (5.18a5.18e) are related to the following
classical matching relation (discussed in Sect. 6.4.2):
lim z"1 LimPr limz#0 LimE ; (5.19a)
and, as a first consequence of (5.19a), we obtain for the Euler outer system of
Eqs. 5.15a5.15e the following single (slip!) condition:
wE 0 at z 0: (5.19b)
pPr t; x; y pE t; x; y; 0 pE;0 t; x; y
Now, concerning the thermal condition (5.12), with the parameter b given by
(5.13), we are obliged to assume that (when t is fixed, in LimPr , far of the initial
b be # 0 with e # 0; (5.20a)
and we have only the possibility of writing, for the BL equations (5.18a5.18e), the
following conditions:
on z 0 : vPr 0; wPr 1 0;
TPr Y1; P; at t >0 fixed: (5.20b)
equations for vPr and TPr , while the Prandtl vertical velocity wPr 1 must be computed
through the following relation:
wPr TPr =pE;0
f@=@t vPr :DrPr
0 (5.20c)
rPr D:vPr gd z;
is, in fact, a regular coupling condition with the second-order linearized Euler
equations for the terms with E1 proportional to e, in Euler asymptotic expansion
(5.14a, 5.14b).
However, the problem of two initial conditions for the two unsteady Prandtl
equations, (5.18b) and (5.18d), for vPr and TPr , is more subtle, and is a direct
consequence of the change of the nature of Prantdl equations relative to the
incomplete parabolic character of NSF equations (see [59, 60, 67]).
In fact, for vPr and TPr we have a system of two hyperbolicparabolic equations
where DPr =Dt @=@t vPr :D , and the right-hand side F and G are a collection of
terms with the first-order derivatives relative to D and z.
The continuity equation in the Prandtl system (5.18a5.18d) is, in fact, an
equation determining wPr 1 , due to (5.20c), and in place of (5.18e) the relation:
The above brief discussion shows explicitly that there is obviously a change in
the mathematical character of the fluid dynamics equations, when we pass from a
fourth order in time (four partial derivatives in time) unsteady NSF system of
Eqs. 5.55.8, to an unsteady Prandtl reduced system of two Eqs. 5.21a, 5.21b. This
strong modification leads to a singular nature of the system (5.21a, 5.21b) near the
initial time t 0 this singular nature of the Prandtl boundary-layer concept for
the unsteady case being (curiously) ignored up to 1980 (See, for instance, a recent
(1994) discussion by Van Dyke: Nineteenth-century roots of the boundary-layer
idea [103]).
More precisely, it is necessary to prescribe in the framework of Prandtl BL
equations (for instance for Eqs. 5.21a, 5.21b) only two initial conditions at t 0.
But unfortunately, the initial data for vPr and TPr , at time t 0 (designated by: v0 Pr
and T0 Pr ), are certainly different from the initial conditions (in particular, (5.11)) for
the full NSF system of Eqs. 5.55.8.
Indeed, the main question is the following. Since two, NSF, initial conditions
are lost during the Prandtl limiting process (5.2b), how are the (unknown?) initial
for the unsteady Prandtl BL equations (5.18b) and (5.18d), and how are the data v0 Pr
and T0 Pr linked with the initial data in conditions prescribed at the start (at t 0)
for the unsteady NSF equations. The answer is strongly related to the obtention,
from the full unsteady NSF equations, of a particular system of equations valid
near initial time and written relative to a short time. In fact, we have three short
and the choice of data v0 Pr and T0 Pr , is realized via an unsteady adjustment problem,
when the adequate(?) short time tends to infinity in unsteady adjustment equations
valid near initial time!
from the NSF equations (5.5)(5.8), with (5.9), for the leading-order functions,
vAc ; wAc ; pAc ; TAc ; and rAc ; in the following asymptotic acoustic expansions,
associated with (5.3):
108 5 The Structure of Unsteady NSF Equations at Large Reynolds Numbers
v; w vAc ; wAc e vAc 1 ; wAc 1 :::; (5.24a)
rAc @TAc =@t wAc @TAc =@z g 1pAc @wAc =@z 0; (5.25c)
from matching, and it seems (in (5.22)) that we can assume (for our particular case),
as a value for v0 Pr , zero; but this is certainly not the case for T0 Pr .
Again, near initial time and close to the wall, where we have the conditions
(5.12a, 5.12b), according to Zeyounian [98], it is necessary to consider the Rayleigh
limiting process (see (5.4)):
v; w vRa ; wRa e vRa 1 ; wRa 1 :::; (5.28b)
where the Rayleigh terms, in (5.28a, 5.28b), with Ra as subscript, are dependent
on y; x; y, and Z.
In such a case, from full NSF unsteady equations (5.5)(5.8), (5.9), for leading-
order functions, vRa ; wRa ; pRa ; TRa ; and rRA , we derive below the Rayleigh
equations (5.29) and (5.30a5.30d) used in the compressible Rayleigh problem,
which are, in fact, the one-dimensional reduced form of the full NSF equations
valid in a corner region near initial time y 0, and close to the wall Z 0. Namely:
These above Rayleigh equations, (5.29) and (5.30a5.30d), are applied in [99]
for the Rayleigh compressible problem by Howarth in 1951, but in the case of an
infinite flat horizontal plate (submerged in a viscous and heat-conducting and
originally quiescent fluid) which is impulsively started moving in its own plane
with a constant velocity.
In fact, from 0ur above RAM Approach I can now affirm that in a corner region
y; Z, which is significant for the small time near initial time and in thin layer close
110 5 The Structure of Unsteady NSF Equations at Large Reynolds Numbers
to wall, at the leading-order for large Reynolds number, the above compressible
Rayleigh equations, (5.29) and (5.30a5.30d), for a viscous and heat-conducting
fluid flow, consistently replace the full unsteady NSF equations.
Both these unsteady systems, ((5.29) and (5.30a5.30d), and (5.25a5.25d) and
(5.26)), both valid near the initial time, are related amongst themselves by the
following matching relations:
Limy"1 vRa ; wRa ; rRa ; TRa vAc ; wAc ; rAc ; TAc jt0 : (5.31b)
The reader can find in Antontsev et al. [104], Chap. 2, some mathematically
rigorous results concerning the above, a la Rayleigh, equations (5.29) and
(5.30a5.30d); and see also the review paper by Solonnikov and Kazhykhov [105].
Finally, if we assume that in a thermal spot
If we want to take into account the sudden heat emergency, at the time y+ 0, in a
local domain, P
D, on the wall Z 0, then it now seems justifiable that the main
working problem is just the above compressible, viscous, and heat-conducting
Rayleigh problem ((5.29), (5.30a5.30d), (5.32a, 5.32b)).
5.5 Adjustment Processes Towards the Prandtl BL Evolution Problem 111
This Rayleigh problem is valid, simultaneously, near the initial time and close to
wall in a small corner (fourth) region with a physical size of order (n /U 2)
relative to time and (n /U ) relative to vertical coordinate these time and length
scales being exactly those used by Howarth [99].
Once the above Rayleigh problem (5.29), (5.30a5.30d), and (5.32a, 5.32b) is
solved (numerically), then we have the possibility (first) of prescribing, by
matching relations (5.31a, 5.31b) to Eqs. 5.25a5.25d, with (5.26), of gas dynamics
significant in the third inviscid region near the time, t 0, and characterized by
t and z the consistent conditions at t 0 and z 0.
As a consequence of this above matching, it seems that we can expect that in
conditions (at t 0 and z 0) for Eqs. 5.25a5.25d with (5.26) of gas dynamics,
the influence of the wall condition for the temperature is taken into account, but
only via the limit value Y/; P.
We observe that in the wall, z 0 at t > 0, condition (5.20b) for the Prandtl BL
equation (5.18a5.18e), this same function (independent of time?) Y/; P is also
The acoustic/gas dynamics equations (5.25a5.25d) with (5.26), with these
initial conditions (5.31b) and single boundary condition (5.31a), for wAC at z 0,
which take into account the (partial?) influence of thermal spot (but independent of
time function Y/; P), present the possibility of considering, for t ! 1, an
unsteady adjustment inviscid problem for the initialization of the Prandtl BL
equations. As a typical example, see, for instance, our paper co-authored with
Guiraud [106], which determines, in particular, the initial data T0Pr.2
When both vPr0 and TPr0 are known, as a result of the above unsteady adjustment
inviscid problem, then later, via the initial-boundary value BL problem, significant
in the second Prandtl, t; z BL region, we have the opportunity to investigate the
quasi-steady evolution of the temperature accident arising from the Rayleigh
corner fourth region.
In [106], with Guiraud, we have formulated, for the primitive Kibel equations (see Sect. 9.2)
which are derived from the hydrostatic approximation to the Euler equations for non-viscous and
adiabatic motion a problem analogous to the one that was considered by Rossby (1938)
concerning the quasigeostrophic approximation (a problem which is now well known as the
adjustment to geostrophy). The major conclusion of our adjustment to hydrostatic balance is
that the initial conditions for the primitive equations may be derived from a full set of initial
conditions, for the full Euler equations, where in these Eulerian initial conditions the initial data
need not fit the hydrostatic balance. This obtention of initial conditions for primitive equations is
realized by solving the associated one-dimensional unsteady adjustment problem of vertical
motion to hydrostatic balance.
112 5 The Structure of Unsteady NSF Equations at Large Reynolds Numbers
This fifth intermediate matching region appears when we investigate, first, the far
behaviour of the Rayleigh equations (5.29) and (5.30a5.30d), for large values of y
and Z. In the Rayleigh corner, fourth region, with Prandtl variables,
t e2 y and z eZ as e # 0; (5.33a)
where ke is an arbitrary gauge, and t* and z*, the new intermediate variables, are
fixed when e # 0, in such a way that both Rayleigh variables y and Z tend to infinity.
In this intermediate matching fifth region we have, as leading-order functions:
vInt ; wInt ; rInt ; TInt Limke#0 vRa ; wRa = ke; rRa ; TRa ; (5.33c)
where all intermediate functions (with subscript Int) are dependent on timespace
variables, t*, z*, and x, y.
When we take into account that the (unknown) gauge ke is certainly in an
order between e2 and e, such that we derive from the Rayleigh equations, (5.29) and
(5.30a5.30d), due to (5.33b, 5.33c), the following intermediate-matching model
equations for vInt, w*Int, rInt, pInt, and TInt:
LimInt e # 0; with t t=se; z z=e se; fixed; (5.35b)
the intermediate variables (t*, z*) being directly related to the starting (in NSF
equations) variables (t, z).
The intermediate gauge se, in LimInt, (5.35b), is linked with the above gauge
ke by the following relation:
ke se e2 : (5.36)
and if
vInt ; wInt ; rInt ; TInt Limse#0 vPr ; sewPr ; rPr ; TPr ; (5.37b)
then again we derive the same above intermediate matching model equations
(5.34a5.34d) with (5.34e), but from (5.18a5.18e). The relation (5.36) is, in fact,
a consequence of the compatibility between (5.33b, 5.33c) and (5.37a, 5.37b).
Unfortunately, the precise localization of this intermediate matching region
(characterized by the gauge se), between the Rayleigh and Prandtl regions,
does not seem possible at this stage of asymptotic analysis, and more careful
(second-order?) investigations are obviously necessary.
Finally, we observe that if on the one hand, when se e2 , then
t y and z z=e z=e2 Z, then we recover the Rayleigh region; and
114 5 The Structure of Unsteady NSF Equations at Large Reynolds Numbers
This presents the possibility of obtaining, consistently, the associated initial data,
vPr0 and TPr0, in (5.22), for Prandtl unsteady equations (5.18b) and (5.18d) for vPr
and TPr.
First, it is clear that the above problem of matching, (5.38), deserves careful
consideration and may be an interesting numerical/computational problem.
We then observe that it is possible to considerably simplify the matching
problem between the Rayleigh and Prandtl equations, if we assume that the Mach
number M, in Rayleigh equations, is a small parameter, and assume, for this, that in
the wall the thermal condition (5.32b) can be written in the following form:
Recently, a new Intensive Computation Centre was inaugurated at Bruyeres-le-Chatel (Essone),
France, and in 2011 the new super-high-speed computer Curie capable of making 1.6 million
of billion operations per second should be fully operational!
simulation, is the only one rational way to obtain a non-ad hoc consistent, simplified,
non-stiff, well balanced model problem from the full unsteady NSF stiff problem.
Obviously: the ultimate goal (especially for the numericians in the framework of
their simulation processes) is to find the mathematical key which explains the
success of the modelling used in industrial and technological applications.
In theoretical fluid dynamics, perhaps the most significance advance in research
and understanding during the last 50 years has been the use of asymptotic
techniques in order to settle, on a rational basis, a number of approximate models
which were often, much earlier, derived by the various and often very questionable
ad hoc procedures.
Actually, it might have been clear that asymptotic techniques were well suited
for deriving mathematical models amenable to numerical treatment, rather than for
obtaining approximate closed forms of solutions.
It is now also evident that asymptotic techniques are very powerful tools in the
process of constructing well argued, non-contradictory, consistent, and simplified
mathematical models for problems which are stiff, from the point of view of
numerical analysis.
In the framework of our RAMA, the main goal is the modelling, and not the
finding of solutions, via the derivation of rational consistent models from an initial-
boundary value problem formulated for a real fluid flow.
This RAMA has, as its main objective, the generation of simpler adequate
models amenable to numerical simulation. But in most cases an efficient method
of achieving this goal will be to retain more the spirit (the real meaning and pur-
pose) of asymptotic techniques rather than their complete and formal structure
nothing being said of the rigorous mathematics.
Concerning our mathematics for the realization of our RAMA, we have in
mind, first, the above formulated postulate and also several key steps which play a
decisive role during the rational derivation of consistent models (as clearly
indicated in Chap. 4, with the justification of Boussinesq equations, and also in
Chap. 5, in the framework of the five-regions structure of unsteady NSF equations
at large Reynolds numbers).
Concerning, precisely, the role of our basic postulate, we observe also that the
knowledge and skill that I acquired, with J.-P. Guiraud, during 19701980, working
within the framework of the RAMA, presents the possibility, thanks to this postu-
late, of deriving, in various cases, the dominant concepts and ingredients of a full
solution of the starting fluid flow stiff problem.
In fact, fluid dynamics inspired by this basic postulate is a new way of approaching
classic fluid flow problems via NSF full unsteady 3D equations which is very useful
in gas dynamics (from hyposonic to hypersonic), compressible aerodynamics, hydrody-
namic instability, technologically and geophysically (atmospheric) interesting (but very
stiff) flows, and various thermal and thermocapillary convection problems.
The necessity of such a basic postulate is obvious. Computerized numerical
simulation using a mathematical model created artificially in order to study what
could exist in a real and very complicated fluid flow is a very expensive activity
(costing a lot of money). Therefore, as a consequence, confidence is necessary
6.1 Our Basic Postulate for the Realization of the RAM Approach 119
concerning the consistency of the model used and the abilities of this model as a
valuable substitute for reality!
Unfortunately, the models derived by numericians and applied mathematicians
using ad hoc procedures obviously do not have the essential qualities mentioned
above! The cause and effects of such a situation are linked with the appearance of
internal inconsistencies in most of the relevant intensive engineering computations
based on relatively ad hoc models.2
On the other hand, applied mathematicians, who are interested in the application
of their rigorous results, based on abstract (modern) non-linear functional analysis,
have always found fluid mechanics to be a rich and interesting field, because the
basic equations (NSF equations) have an almost unlimited capacity for producing
complex solutions that exhibit unbelievably interesting properties.
Unfortunately, these rigorous investigations (proofs of the existence and unique-
ness of solutions) are based on relatively ad hoc and very simplified approximate
models which are rife with various internal inconsistencies. This is the case, as far I
know, in France especially, in works relative to the incompressible limit of com-
pressible fluid flows and in various papers devoted to models for oceanic and
atmospheric motions. Again, the question is: What is the scientific value of such
rigorous results based on inconsistent ad hoc models?
On the other hand, as observed by Germain in his Anniversary Volume (2000)
[108], p. 13:
Brilliant young physicists who began to be somewhat attracted by fluid dynamics and not
simply by hard physics, knew the usefulness of approximations and of non-dimensional
scaling. But they did not know that a systematic technique was available for building
approximate mathematical models and trying to measure quantitatively their validity . . .
I showed that the approximation is very often tied to the existence of a small parameter,
coming out from the non-dimensional form of the equations [concerning some facets of this
non-dimensionalization, see Sect. 6.3], and I intended to show that the process is sustained
by asymptotic singular expansions, and insisted on the methodology, in particular the
matching conditions and the concept of significant degeneracy [see Sect. 6.4.3] recently
created by Eckhaus (see [109]). I liked very much this last one, because it gives a systematic
I took the opportunity of expressing my (very critical) opinion during the conference debate,
organized by the Academie des Sciences, which took place in Paris on 29 June 2010. In his
presentation entitled Simulation by super-high-power computers: today and tomorrow, Olivier
Pironneau spoke mainly about the significance of numerical simulation and the increasing capacity
of super-computers, but did not mention, in any way, the role of fluid dynamics modelling for
simulation with the help of a consistent and rational model. The next three invited papers,
concerning numerical simulations of very interesting and difficult real problems (Earthquakes
at the planetary scale, Molecular structure of the living, and Advanced computations in
meteorology and climatology), are indeed of practical importance, and the results of simulations,
which were very attractively presented, gave a favourable impression but again without any
reference to the nature of the selected model and its relation with the starting real simulated
problem! It seems to me that Pironneau was not entirely satisfied by the lack of information
concerning the process of fluid dynamics modelling in the above-mentioned simulations. Eventu-
ally, he was asked the question one which requires serious thought How sure are you of your
results? All these numerical simulations will cost money.
120 6 The Mathematics of the RAM Approach
way to find out what should be the various stretchings. I thought that this might be attractive
to physicists, because it is a quasi-systematic way of comparing the respective weights of
various terms in the equations, which measure the physical importance of phenomena they
are likely to describe.
A final comment concerns a quite curious recent aspect of the modelling for
hydro-aerodynamical problems conceived by applied mathematicians.
The latter to take into consideration initially a very simple single equation or
two coupled simple equations shows various numerical results (elegant and
illuminating) corresponding to a fluid flow over, for example, a simple hollow or
a rectangular obstacle. Then, in these single or coupled equations the numerician
adds, step by step, various terms which simulate (very naively) the influence of the
viscosity, compressibility, gravity or non-linearity, and possibly other physical
effects, numerically computing the corresponding fluid flows. As the final result
we have a family of fluid flows which possibly mimic a series of realistic flows.
Again, the question is: What is the scientific interest of such numerical
investigations in relation to the simulation of realistic fluid flows?
compressible, viscous, and heat-conducting (NSF) fluid flow). Indeed, the equa-
tion of continuity with respect to density r is always, for a compressible fluid flow,
hyperbolic even for non-trivial viscosity or heat conduction!
Thus, to be more exact, we can say that a system of full unsteady
NavierStokesFourier equations is hyperbolicparabolic or incompletely para-
bolic, according to the definitions suggested in [59] and [62] in the study of the
mathematical properties of these equations. Concerning, more precisely, the linear
incompletely parabolic systems see the paper by Gustafsson and Sundstrom [67]. In
the linear case (when the coefficients of viscosity and heat conduction are constant)
the NSF system becomes:
where Ak et Ljk are constant square matrices, and U (u1, u2, u3, T, r).
If we consider the following decomposition for U:
U u1 ; u2 ; u3 ; T; 0 0; 0; 0; 0; r UI UII (6.2a)
then in a such case we write, in place of (6.1), a system of two coupled equations:
That is just the system (6.2b, c) of two coupled equations for UI and UII, which is
called incompletely parabolic if, on the one hand,
is hyperbolic.
In two of my survey papers (1999) [79] and (2001) [29] the reader can find
various theoretical results concerning the NSF system of equations. In addition, in
two books referring to non-viscous (2002 [37], Chap. 9) and viscous (2004 [47],
Chaps. 810) fluid flows, the reader can also find a fluid-dynamical point of view
relative to the well-posedness, existence, uniqueness, stability, turbulence, and
strange attractors for NSF equations.
Concerning, first, the rigorous mathematical results for the Navier incompress-
ible system of equations, see, in Temam (2000) [83], pp. 10491106, a discussion
of the development of NavierStokes (incompressible, in fact, Navier) equations in
122 6 The Mathematics of the RAM Approach
the second half of the twentieth century, initiated by Leray in 1933 [84]. Lerays
first rigorous work, published in 1931, was only in fluid dynamics, and concerns
only the Navier equations. He proved the basic existence and uniqueness results
[84] for the Navier, viscous, and incompressible equations, and Temam, in [110],
has expressed the view that: No further significant rigorous work on Navier
equations was done until that of Hopf in 1951.
The interested reader can find in No. special de la Gazette des Mathematiciens
(2000) a tribute to Jean Leray (19061998) various papers by some well-known
mathematicians and, in particular, the paper by Chemin [111], pp. 7082, which
presents a remarkable summary via an illuminating analysis of chapters of the well-
known Leray paper of 1934 [84]: Sur le mouvement dun liquide visqueux
emplissant lespace, published in Acta Mathematika.
This magnificent paper by Leray was the principal stimulation (with two com-
panion papers published in Journ. de math. pures et appl., vol. 12, 182, 1933, and
vol. 13, 331418, 1934) for several of his own papers on the uniqueness, stability,
and regularity of viscous and incompressible fluid motions, and indeed was the
inspiration for a vast modern literature on the subject.
A particular place in the rigorous mathematical theory of viscous
imcompressible fluid flows is also undoubtedly deserved by Olga Aleksandrovna
Ladyzhenskaya (see, for instance, the paper devoted to her on her eightieth birth-
day, in Russian Math. Survey, vol. 58(2), 395425, 2003) who, with the numerous
papers and books published on the Navier equations problem during 19572002,
has played a particularly important role, having a considerable influence on the
development of the mathematical theory of Navier problems.
A typical a la Ladyzhenskaya result is the following major theorem: Suppose
that V is a generalized solution of the Navier unsteady problem:
m n e; e>0; s / : (6.5b)
It is clear that under the given conditions on f and V the solution cannot be
smoother. However, if the smoothness of f and V increases, then V and p also
become smoother, as already follows from the results of the linear theory described
by Ladyzhenskaya (1961) [112] (English translation). Several mathematicians have
essentially repeated this theorem but unfortunately without any reference to
The significance of Ladyzhenskayas theorem is indisputable. It provides a good
guideline for those who wish to try themselves in solving the sixth problem of the
millennium, announced by the Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge.3
However that may be today, despite tremendous progress in many mathematical
aspects of fluid flow theory since Lerays pioneering thesis/paper of 1933, it is
necessary to be just a little more modest if we have in mind the (large) number of
problems that still remain open! For instance, we have not determined, until now (in
the framework of Navier problem), whether a solution that is initially smooth can
develop a singularity at some (finite) later time, or whether singularities are a
fundamental feature of turbulence.
In spite of the fact that Navier viscous and incompressible equations are a very
simplified form of full unsteady NSF equations, they are useful because they
describe the physics of many things of academic and economic interest. They
may be used to model the weather, ocean currents, water-flow in a pipe, air-flow
around a wing, the motions of stars in a galaxy, and so on. Despite their simplified
(relative to NSF equations for real compressible and heat-conducting fluid flow)
forms, they help with the design of aircraft and cars, the study of blood flow,
the design of power stations, the analysis of pollution, and many other things.
Coupled with Maxwells equations, they can be used to model and study
The Navier equations are also of great interest in a purely mathematical sense.
Somewhat surprisingly, given their wide range of practical uses, mathematicians
have not yet proven that (what are called Navier existence and smoothness
problems) in three dimensions solutions always exist (existence), or that if they
do exist, then they do not contain any singularity (smoothness).
The Clay Mathematics Institute has called this one of the seven most important
open problems in mathematics, and has offered a prize of $1 million for a solution
or a counter-example. The official problem description is provided by Ch. L.
Fefferman on the website at http://www.Claymath.org/millennium/.
As far as the numerical solution of the unsteady incompressible NavierStokes
(Navier) equations are concerned, Quartapelle [113] presents a unitary view of the
In Russian Mathematical Surveys, vol. 58(2) (2003), pp. 25186, there is a paper by O. A.
Ladyzhenskaya The sixth problem of the millennium: NavierStokes equations, existence, and
smoothness which presents the main results concerning solubility of the basic initial-boundary
value problem and the Cauchy problem for the three-dimensional non-stationary Navier (incom-
pressible) equations, together with a list of what to prove in order to solve the sixth problem of the
seven problems of the millennium proposed on the Internet, at http://www.Claymath.org/.
124 6 The Mathematics of the RAM Approach
methods which reduce the equations for viscous incompressible flows to a system
of second-order equations of parabolic and elliptic type. Concerning the rigorous
mathematical results for NavierStokes compressible equations for viscous and
heat-conducting fluid flows (denoted, in this book, as NavierStokesFourier,
NSF, equations), the mathematically rigorous theory is actually still in its infancy.
In our (2004) [47], Chap. 8, the reader can find more recent references concerning
the published papers and books devoted to NSF equations. In 2004, two books
were published by Feireisl [114] (dynamics of viscous compressible fluids) and
Novotny and Straskraba [115] (introduction to the mathematical theory of com-
pressible flow).
Actually, it is firmly established that we are able to prove an existence theorem
for compressible viscous (but baroptropic NS equations) fluid flows, which is
global in time, without assuming smallness of the data, although uniqueness is an
open problem (the solution is weak). On the other hand, global existence of a
strong (each term in NS equations exists as an element of Hilbert space, at least)
and regular solution is proven, but assuming that the data are small enough and that
in such a case the uniqueness hold.
First, one cannot escape the fact that in a turbomachine the blades of a row are
usually very closely spaced. As a consequence, as basic small parameter e, we
choose the reciprocal of the number,
N 2p=e>>1; (6.6)
case, for a 3D steady incompressible non-viscous fluid flow through a row in the
turbomachine (an axial compressor, assuming that the row is localized between two
infinitely long coaxial cylinders).
Obviously, when far upstream of the row, velocity is uniform and constant and
we have irrotationality, and the basic equations are very simple. For the velocity
vector u(u, v, w), we write:
r:u 0; (6.7)
r ^ u 0; (6.8)
in a system of (r, y, z) coordinates, such that the axis z is the axis of the
turbomachine. The row is between r R and r r . If we want to use the
smallness of the e 2p/N, in an asymptotic theory, obviously it is necessary to
make a change of variables, such that e<<1 appears in the above two Eqs 6.7 and
6.8. But, at once, we observe that Eq. 6.7 is integrated if we write for the velocity
vector u:
and the two stream functions w and c are of order one (the output in a channel
between two consecutives blades being of the order e).
We assume that the surfaces
y Yt; r; z (6.11)
are the blade skeletons in a row, when e # 0, and outside of the row are material
surfaces that are the extensions of blade skeletons.
Dr; z; (6.12)
we denote the breadth of the channel from blade to blade, with Dr; z 1 outside
the row. In the row, between two consecutives blades, we can write:
As a consequence of the above, with an error (at most) O(e2), we have the
possibility, for e<<1, to write in the blade-to-blade channel the following change
for y:
This relation allows us to write, in place of (6.10), for the velocity vector
u(u, v, w) :
the equation r:u 0, and the slip condition, for a non-viscous fluid on the blade,
being both automatically satisfied with (6.15).
Now, if we make the change from r; y; z tor; Yt; r; z eDr; zw; z,
Vortex sheets are one of the basic ingredients of non-viscous fluid flows, which can
be viewed as vorticity concentrated on a core of small but finite diameter. They can
be considered as two-dimensional surfaces of zero thickness carrying a truly
concentrated vorticity.
We clearly see that as far as a compressible fluid is concerned, concentrated
vorticity is not the entire matter. We should add a concept of concentrated
baroclinity vector B rS, where S is entropy, by considering that along any
surface orthogonal to B, variation of p and r, at constant time, are related by a
barotropic relation. Then, by writing
B BS dS jSjn BS BC (6.19a)
j1=rj @ T=@pjSj (6.19b)
We assume that there is a small parameter built into the flow, which is the ratio
of the spacing between two consecutive sheets to the width of the region covered by
the sheets. We set C for this parameter, and following our G-Z paper (1977) [116]
we call it a closeness parameter.
The purpose of the RAM Approach, in this situation, is to derive a model which
avoids the stiffness of the problem, for a computation of the flow with a numerical
code capable of capturing many sheets.
The problem is one of multiple scaling, in the terminology of asymptotics.
A version of the multiple-scale technique (see Sect. 6.4.4) especially suited for this
kind of problem was devised with Guiraud with the purpose of describing rolled
vortex sheets, but its scope is more general, as may be seen from the analysis which
We start from the assumption that the velocity u, pressure p, density r, and
entropy S all suitably non-dimensional are functions of time t, position x, and of
one fast variable C1 wt; x, with rw approximately orthogonal to the sheets. We
use the notation:
U u; p; r; ST (6.20a)
and set
There are two ingredients in the technique used. The first one is a formal
U U 0 CU 1 ::: (6.20c)
we have
Substituting the above relations (6.20c)(6.22b) into the equations of motion for a
compressible non-viscous fluid, we obtain, at zeroth order, a set of equations from
which we conclude that, provided w const is not a Mach wave, we must have that
y0 k0 :u 0 0 (6.23a)
and as a consequence
v C1 k ^ @u =@w r ^ u
so that if we ensure that v* is O(1), then, as was the case in the study of rolled-up
vortex sheets, we have the relation:
k0 ^ @u 0 =@w 0
Now, the model of rolled vortex sheets is recovered by assuming that U* is 2p-
periodic with respect to w. Then, by writing the equations of motion and for
vorticity at order one, it may be concluded that V k0 u*1 and S S*1 are
solutions of the following two equations:
The important point is that w does not occur in (6.24a, b). They are a set of
ordinary differential equations along the trajectories of the velocity field at zeroth
order approximation u*0. Via (6.24a, b), a number of configurations are allowed
with this description.
In our paper with Guiraud (1982) [117], two of them are presented. The first is an
extension of the Kaden problem, and the second concerns Mangler and Webers
We observe that the closeness parameter C is related often, but not always to
by C s2 , to a slenderness parameter (s) with respect to which u*0 may be
expanded. However, we emphasize here that obtaining a closed form solution should
not be considered as the ultimate goal of the analysis. In our opinion, the analysis
130 6 The Mathematics of the RAM Approach
jv0jexp2gt; for g >0
u0 is unconditionally stable
where e is a small parameter and q an exponent that is introduced here for later
We must comment on the partition (6.28), which we have introduced as working
hypothesis to be checked in each particular case.
The flow u0 depends on parameters (for example, a Reynolds number Re),
and when Re < Rec, the flow configuration is stable, whereas it is unstable for
Re > Rec.
By continuity, this corresponds to the fact that when Re crosses Rec increasing,
some eigenvalues sn, those corresponding to n 2 N, cross the imaginary axis from
left to right.
When Re is close to Rec on either side, the
and this is expressed through the first relation of (6.28). The most frequent are those
when N has just one element with sn real or two elements with a complex
conjugate of sn , sn .
132 6 The Mathematics of the RAM Approach
and we set, X P*v, Y P**v, with P* and P** two projection operators. Then,
from (6.28), we see that
and taking (6.29a) into account, we obtain the following system of two bifurca-
tion-type equations for X and Y in place of non-linear evolution equation (6.25b):
dX=dt eq L1 X L2 X P QX Y; X Y (6.30a)
dY=dt LA Y P QX Y; X Y: (6.30b)
eq L1 corresponds to eq ln 0
L2 to in
LA corresponds to sn
for n 2 A.
Below, we shall concentrate only on the case when
P QX; X 0
and in such a case, when we ignore the transient unsteady-state phase t O(1), to
concentrate on the non-linear phase, for long time, and use a multiple-scale
technique with two times, t and
@Y =@t LA Y P QX ; X Oe (6.32b)
6.3 Formulation of Dimensionless Equations for Applications of the RAM Approach 133
where Y*0, pq(t) is a function of X*0, p(t) and X*0, q(t) and LA.
It is now necessary to consider Eq. 6.34c for X*2, seeing that we want to
determine the dependence of X*0, n(t) relative to the long time t. With the above
relations, in place of (6.34c), we have the following equation for X*2:
0 (6.35)
In the rather complicated Eq. 6.35, according to the multiple-scale technique (see,
for instance, Sect. 6.4), it is necessary to eliminate secular terms in solution for X*2,
if we want the expansion (6.33) to be uniformly valid with respect to t and also t,
ignoring the transition phase. The result of this elimination is the system of ordinary
differential Eq. 6.36, which determines the coefficients X*0,n(t):
dX 0;n =dt L1 X 0;n SR n P M X 0;n ; Y 0;qr (6.36)
In (6.36), SRn represents the sum over resonant (p, q, r) triplets, where Rn is a
resonance condition:
Rn ) p q r n
The above derived Eq. 6.36 is, in fact, very similar to an a la Landau equation.
134 6 The Mathematics of the RAM Approach
We observe that when dealing with modes spread over a continuum, the extension
of the Stewartson and Stuart (1971) [119] technique to the whole of temporal
evolution is not at all obvious, and the difficulty has its root in the fact that, to
our knowledge, no standard mathematically rigorous technique exits for dealing
with bifurcation from a continuous spectrum!
In (1978) [120], Guiraud and Zeytounian succeeded in filling this gap, in a
purely formal way, for continuously spread TollmienSchlichting (TS) waves that
exhibit close similarity to the technique used above for discrete modes. For exam-
ple, in [120] we have, with Guiraud, elucidated that: The process by which, from a
fairly arbitrary initial perturbation, the wave packet is first organized and then
evolves, is related to four time scales of evolution.
The first one, of O(1) duration, is devoted to the decay of all but the amplified
modes, and the second phase, of much longer duration, O1=e, is a passive one
with respect to the organization of the amplitude of the perturbation. The wave
packet is dominated by the most amplified of the T-S wave, and is convected with
the group velocity associated with the packet and the amplitude which is Oe4 ,
practically unchanged. During the third phase of duration O1=e2 the amplitude is
modulated according to an exponential law which predicted by linear theory.
Finally, it is only during the last period of duration OjLnej=e2 that non-linear
effects come into play, leading eventually to bursting, and to the well-known
envelope, evolutionary, equation of Davey, Hocking, and Stewarston (DHS),
discovered in 1974. Thus we derive, for a leading-order amplitude A t, the
following DHS equation:
In our (2004) [47], Chap. 9, the reader can find some aspects of the stability
theory of viscous fluid flow and, in particular, a detailed presentation of our (with
Guiraud) weakly asymptotic non-linear stability theory of Navier incompressible
fluid flow.
In De Coninck, Guiraud, and Zeytounian (1983) [121], a kind of unified theory is
presented in which the purely discrete and the continuous cases are treated by two
facets of a somewhat unique technique. Our main goal is the derivation of the
equations that rule the evolution of the amplitude of the most rapidly amplified
modes of linear theory.
A slightly different asymptotic modelling is applied, in [121], to convective
RayleighBenard instability. The distinguishing feature of this type of instability,
with respect to asymptotic modelling, is that the area of wave vectors for amplified
modes is within a circular annulus of small thickness. Our results show that instead
of finding a unique packet of waves one finds six of them organized around the
vertices of a hexagon which may interact quadratically with each other. As a matter
of fact, one may superpose an infinity of such hexagonal figures which may evolve,
to lowest order, independently.
t DT0 =T 0 (6.39b)
which is assumed a small <<1 parameter, where DT is a temperature rate for
the given function Yx=l .
In (6.39a), T*(0) is the temperature (at z0 * 0) in the hydrostatic reference state
(dependent only on the vertical coordinate z0 *), and l is the local horizontal length
Far upstream, when x !/ and Y 0, we assume that we have a basic
undisturbed flow which is characterized by an Ekman layer profile4:
In Section 9.2, in the framework of the quasi-hydrostatic dissipative model, the reader can find
the derivation of the geostrophic relation and also Ackerbloms model problem.
136 6 The Mathematics of the RAM Approach
the local Reynolds and Rossby numbers being based on the local horizontal length
scale: Rel U l /n and Rol U =l =O sinf .
If in the local thermal problem we non-dimensionalize the horizontal and vertical
coordinates with l for example Yx0 =l Yx then in the dimensionless local
problem there also appears a local Boussinesq number, Bol g l /RT0 *(0), and if l
103 m; then Bol << 1, and in such a case we also have Rel >> 2Rol >>1; k
being, below, our main small parameter (see the local Eqs. 6.42ae).
Therefore, in this case we can assume:
but in our LNP (1987) [17], pp. 21120, the reader can find a more general
approach. Also in [19], Sect. 31, there are various references concerning the
application of the triple-deck theory in various meteo and environmental problems.
Now, according to the Boussinesq approximation, taking into account the above
relations, we have the possibility of formulating the following dimensionless local
steady 2D thermal problem, for the local velocity components (u, w), and thermo-
dynamic perturbations y and p:
u@u=@x w@u=@z 1=g@p=@x ko5 @ 2 u=@x2 @ 2 u=@z2 (6.42a)
o y; (6.42e)
which gives the possibility of writing a relation for the reference velocity U :
For our above local system of Eqs. 6.42ae as boundary conditions, we first write
the usual non-slip and temperature conditions:
A second condition for the local problem is an interaction condition between the
local thermal spot and the Ekman atmospheric layer (see (6.40a, b)) far upstream:
w p y!0 (6.44c)
A detailed account the triple-deck theory is included in our (2002) [26], Chap. 12.
In Sect. 6.4.6 we return to the above formulated problem (6.42a)(6.42e), with
(6.44a)(6.44e) in the framework of the triple deck theory.
138 6 The Mathematics of the RAM Approach
6.3.5 Miscellanea
We now enumerate a few particular fluid flow problems showing the ubiquitous
nature of the small parameter. A first example, illustrating the occurrence of the
small parameter in the boundary conditions, concerns high-aspect-ratio wings. Here
the small parameter is the inverse of this aspect ratio, and it occurs in the model
when one enters into the details of the no-slip condition on the wing.
A more subtle occurrence concerns the nature of the domain of flow. The best-
known example of such a situation is provided by flow in thin films, and one may
find a quite large variety of applications. Here we mention just one of them: the
coating of thin wires with a film of very viscous melt which freezes before having
time to pour away.
The second type of situation corresponds to the fact that the small parameter is
built into the particular solution one looks for without being directly apparent in the
formulation of the problem.
The third type of situation occurs when the model suited for the physical
setting is substituted by another one. Then, in general, a small parameter occurs
in the relation between the two models (for example, in the theory of fluidfluid
interfaces with material properties, and also in the so-called moving contact
line problem).
The last type of situation that we consider briefly here is when two models are
considered for the same physical phenomenon, and when the coupling between
them involves a small parameter. A very broad field of applications of the idea of
asymptotic modelling may be included under this heading.
An interesting example, it seems to me, has to do with asymptotic and numerical
simulation, when what is really done, in numerical simulation, is the substitution by
a mathematical model involving, say, partial differential equations one of them
involving only algebraic ones!
The coupling between the two above models is characterized by a small param-
eter which is the ratio of the mesh, in numerical simulations, to the same
characterized length (or time) in the continuous model.
Whenever a numerical method is chosen for some problem, it more or less
involves asymptotic modelling.
6.4 Some Key Steps for the Application of the Basic Postulate
Several key steps which are often used and are of great value in the RAM
Approach are linked with the discovery of similarity rules these being a
necessary task because, in many cases (including in various places in the preceding
chapters) one encounters a double or multiple limiting process, in which two or
more parameters approach their limits simultaneously. Therefore, one must
6.4 Some Key Steps for the Application of the Basic Postulate 139
frequently specify the relative rates of such an approach, since the order of carrying
out these several limits cannot in general be interchanged.
In unsteady fluid flow problems, when it is necessary to take into account
given initial conditions at initial time (t 0), often the passage from the full
(assumed exact) starting dimensionless equations with given initial conditions to
a limit system of simplified dimensionless model equations is, in general,
singular near t 0! This singular nature is mainly expressed by the fact that,
often via the limit passage, some partial derivatives in time (present in the full
starting dimensionless equations) disappear in the derived system of model
equations, and as a consequence, it is not possible to apply all the initial data
at t 0 this derived system of equations being invalid (inconsistent) in the
vicinity of t 0.
We know that in such a case a short-time-scale, local time, rational analysis is
necessary. In the framework of our RAM Approach, the logical and rational way for
solving the associated local/short-time problem is the consideration of an unsteady
adjustment problem, in an initial time layer near t 0, which allows us to take into
account the (long-time) effect of the transient behaviour.
This unsteady adjustment problem presents the possibility of obtaining an
answer to following question: What initial conditions can be imposed to a derived
approximate model unsteady problem, and how are these initial conditions related
to the starting given data for full (exact) starting equations?
The possibility mentioned above, however, is obviously strongly linked with the
validity of the Matched Asymptotic Expansions (MAE) technique, and mainly with
the matching process and the concept of significant degeneracy (created by Eckhaus
(1979) [109]).
This last concept, we know, provides a systematic way of determining what
should be the various stretchings, and is a quasi-systematic way of comparing the
respective weights of various terms in the equations, which measure the physical
importance of phenomena that they are likely to describe a very efficient tool for a
constructive realization of our above postulate.
In the paper by Feuillebois and Lasek [122], this concept is applied to some
problems in fluid mechanics, and we observe that significant degeneracies are, in
fact, a mathematical formalism for the principle of least degeneracy defined by Van
Dyke (see [14], Sect. 5.5).
It is here worth including some remarks inspired by the Conclusion in Paul
Germains (2000) [107]: Quite often, the modelling of stiff fluid flow problems
may be found by various empirical procedures or by an ad hoc approach. But it
seems obvious to me that the ultimate goal is to find the mathematical key which
explains not only the success, but the validity and consistency of these procedures
in practice during the numerical simulation.
Actually, it seems me that our RAM Approach is an adequate procedure for such
a full realization. In [26] the reader can find a preliminary, tentative account of our
RAM Approach to various fluid flow phenomena the present book being a new
accomplishment of this major approach.
140 6 The Mathematics of the RAM Approach
We now illustrate the significance of similarity rules in the RAM Approach when at
least two dimensionless parameters, Mach and Reynolds, tend respectively to zero
and infinity:
Re ! 1; M ! 0 (6.45)
In such a case, as in Sect. 4.2, the combined effect of vanishing viscosity and
very low compressibility is related with three possible limiting processes:
such that:
where l is the similarity parameter (fixed, of the order one), and b a positive
scalar (constant) which must be determined during the RAM Approach.
As in the case of the justification of the Boussinesq equations (4.17ad), we have
that the third (6.46c) limiting process, with the similarity rule (6.47), is the more
significant, and presents the possibility of taking into account, simultaneously, two
small but important physical effects which, via coupling, lead to a finite effect, of
the order O(1), when
b > 0 is judiciously selected during the matching.
On the other hand, limiting process (6.46c) is the more significant because, first,
the limiting process (6.46a) is rediscovered when l !/ , and secondly, the
limiting process (6.46b) is rediscovered when l ! o.
For instance, if we consider the classical Blasius problem for a slightly com-
pressible flow, with a vanishing viscosity, then a consistent RAM Approach leads to
The essentials of the matching principle are discussed by W. Eckhaus in his Matching
Principles and Composite Expansions a short (31-pages!) preprint (NR.42) issued
by the Department of Mathematics at the University of Utrecht. Here, however, we
do not enter into detailed analysis of this paper which is undoubtedly very interesting
as a rigorous reasoning of asymptotics for applied mathematicians (see also
Eckhaus (1979) [109]) and take into account only a few extracted remarks.
In the more recent paper by Eckhaus (1994) [124], the reader can find a review of
the foundations of the two mainstream ideas in matching.
The intermediate matching and the asymptotic matching principles and the
interrelations between the two procedures are discussed. It appears, first, that Van
Dykes intuition was correct. But the necessity of overlap seems doubtful!
Any intelligent practitioner of applied analysis will find a way to correct
matching in a given problem no matter what his convictions about the intrinsic
value of the overlap hypothesis!
Matching principles are the backbone of asymptotic analysis by MAE. In
applications of our RAM Approach, by means of these rules one determines, via
the above-mentioned similarity rules, various undetermined constants.
There are, indeed, two schools of matching. One of them (originated by Kaplun
and Lagerstrom) employs intermediate variables, and the other (originated by Van
Dyke) postulates the validity of an asymptotic matching principle. Matching in
intermediate variables can be deduced from the so-called overlap hypothesis; that
is, the assumption that the (extended) domains of validity of regular (outer) and
local (inner) expansions have a non-empty interaction.
In fact, what is most important is that for a large class of fluid flow problems,
overlap implies the validity of a generalized asymptotic matching. But overlap is a
sufficient but not necessary condition for the validity of an asymptotic principle;
and an asymptotic matching principle holds while there is no overlap at all!
In Van Dyke (1975) [14], Chap. V, the reader can find a detailed consideration of
various facets of matching, which is the crucial feature of the method of MAE
involving loss of boundary conditions.
An outer expansion cannot be expected to satisfy conditions that are imposed in the
inner region (near the initial time or in the vicinity of the wall of a body). Conversely,
the inner expansion will not in general satisfy distant (at infinity) conditions.
On the other hand, the possibility of matching rests on the existence of an
overlap domain where both the inner and outer expansions are valid. The existence
of an overlap domain implies that the inner expansion of the outer expansion
should, to appropriate orders, agree with the outer expansion of the inner expansion
(see, for instance, Lagerstrom (1988) book [125]).
A more usual, a la Van Dyke, matching principle is:
where m and n are any two integers. In practice, m is usually chosen as either n or
n + 1. This matching principle appears to suffice for any problem to which the
MAE can be successfully applied.
In 1957, Kaplun introduced the concept of a continuum of intermediate limits,
lying between the inner and outer limits and in fact, such a case was considered in
Sect. 5.5.2 above.
But although the gap between inner and outer limits has been bridged by the
intermediate problem, it is not yet apparent that there exists an overlap domain!
However, this is assured by Kapluns well-known extension theorem, which
asserts: The range of validity of the inner and outer limit extends at least slightly
into intermediate range.
Thus we can match the intermediate expansion with the outer expansion at one
end of the range and with the inner expansion at the other end.
Finally, we can formulate an intermediate matching principle: In some
overlap domain the intermediate expansion of the difference between the outer
(or inner) expansion and the intermediate expansion must vanish to the appropriate
As a conclusion of this above discussion concerning the matching principle in
MAE, we now present a simple example of our practical matching rule.
We assume that near y 0, the considered model is singular when the small
parameter e ! o, with y fixed (outer limit). As a consequence, according to MAE
we introduce a local y, significant near y 0, namely:
In such a case, for the function Uy; e, according to the MAE method, we
consider two asymptotic expansions:
U^0 /; U^1 / and U^2 / exist and are well defined: (6.51a)
On the other hand, it is also assumed that the outer expansion (6.50a) remains valid
close to y 0, according to Kapluns extension theorem, such that we can write:
If (6.51a) is really verified, and if this is also the case for (6.51b), the matching
between the (6.50a, b) outer and inner expansions is expressed by the following
U0 0 ef^
ydU0 =dyy0 U1 0g
y2 =2d2 U0 =dy2 y0 y^dU1 =dyy0 U2 0g
e2 f^ (6.52)
Oe U^0 / eU^1 / e U^2 / Oe
3 2 3
The relation (6.53a) is the most classical and well-known of all matching
relations, and Eckhaus (1994) [124], pp. 4358, writes:
At the first confrontation it may baffle serious students because it says [that] the regular
(outer) approximation when extended to values where it is no longer valid equals the local
(inner) approximation when extended to values where it is no longer valid . . . Intermediate
matching is based on extension theorems and on the assumption of overlap of the extended
domains of validity. Asymptotic matching principles are based on assumptions of the
structure of uniform expansions; they contain no direct reference to extension theorems
and overlap hypotheses.
Eckhaus also asks a natural question: What are the interrelations between the
two procedures? The interrelations were studied in some detail in his (1979) [109],
Chap. 3, where the following facts were established:
The existence of an overlap domain assures the validity of an asymptotic matching
principle, provided that certain explicit conditions on the structure of the regular and the
local expansions are satisfied [Theorem 3.7.1 in [109]] . . . [but] the non-existence of an
overlap domain does not preclude the validity of an asymptotic matching principle.
As mentioned in Van Dyke [14], Sect. 5.5, a crucial step in the MAE method is the
choice of inner variables.
The guiding principles are that the inner problem should have the least possible
degeneracy, that it must include in the first approximation any essential elements
omitted in the first outer solution, and that the inner and outer solutions should match.
As an example, consider the case in Sect. 6.4.1, linked with the choice of b.
Indeed, the significant degeneracies, according to Eckhaus, are a mathematical
formalism for the principle of least degeneracy, by Van Dyke. In several papers
of Feuillebois, and Feuillebois and Lasek (see [122]), the reader can find various
applications. The method makes it possible to obtain, with the use of a computer,
the boundary layer equations for a singular perturbation problem.
The straightforward but tedious hand-calculation of the significant degeneracies
may be avoided by the use of just such a computer! However, this method is not
concerned with the full solution to some problems (in fluid mechanics), but only
with the process required for obtaining the significant degeneracies.
Usually, the class of problems considered typically involves many parameters,
for which multiple boundary layers may exist.
The application essentially provides some boundary-layer equations to solve,
together with the order of magnitude of the region in which they are valid. But it
seems that there is no proof that the solution of such equations is the required
significant approximation to the solution of the original problem.
However, there is a useful heuristic principle of correspondence (Eckhaus): If
there exists a significant approximation, then the degeneracy in the boundary layer
variable is significant.
Practically, this principle limits the field of research of the significant approxima-
tion to the solutions of the boundary-layer equations obtained as significant
degeneracies, and this principle holds for many physical problems in fluid mechanics.
In 1984, Feuillebois (see [122]) considered an interesting example which is
relative to the full Navier (NavierStokes incompressible) steady equations for a
large Reynolds number. As a results, he demonstrated the existence of the following
seven significant degeneracies:
1. The ordinary boundary layer equations.
2. Equations for an ideal fluid with high thermal conductivity.
3. Boundary layer equations with a low outer pressure gradient.
4. Thermal boundary layer equations of an ideal fluid, with a low outer pressure
5. Equations for an ideal fluid, with a complete energy equation.
6. The momentum equation as for an ideal fluid, but the energy equation contains a
viscous term.
7. Somewhat similar to (3), but with viscous dissipation.
6.4 Some Key Steps for the Application of the Basic Postulate 145
We observe that the cases when Pr (the Prandtl number) is low (high thermal
conductivity) may be of practical interest for liquid metals flow. An interesting
exercise is the application of the Feuillebois approach to the unsteady Navier
equations case, and also (but certainly more complicated) to NSF, large a
Reynolds number case, considered in Chap. 5.
Germain (1977) [126], pp. 8996, includes a report on his views after reading
Eckhauss papers relative to the concept of significant degeneracy.
In Going on with asymptotics, in Guiraud (1994) [127], pp. 257307 (esp. pp.
299302), there is a short account of this topic in which the author considers that
although it deals with the foundation of mathematics, in quite an abstract way, yet
it seems to me that it has some impact on asymptotics, as I shall try to show at least
On the other hand, Eckhaus, in his remarks concerning the non-standard analysis
(in his (1994) [124], p. 434), writes:
In the last decade a group of French mathematicians attracted attention by the use of non-
standard analysis in problems of singular perturbations. Non-standard analysis is an
invention in mathematical logic due to Robinson (see his (1966) [128]) book, in which
infinitesimally small numbers are introduced back into the analysis. Robinson attempted to
link the non-standard analysis to a concept of asymptotic expansions in a book (edited in
1975) with Lightstone [129], but without much response. For an introduction to the new
developments one can consult [130], edited in 1981, and the literature quoted there, and
more recently the Proceedings of ICIAM 91, p. 342. There is an interesting link between
these developments and the lemma given above (and concerning the extension theorems of
Kaplun introduced in 1957, and formulated in upper part of the page 432 in [124]). In the
new applications of non-standard analysis a very important role is played by the so-called
Robinsons Lemma, which is the subject of much veneration.
U U wt; x; t; x (6.54)
where o and jlj are of the order unity. From (6.55) we deduce two relations:
and then, according to considered starting equations, when both of the above
relations (6.56a, b) are taken into account, and by setting at zero the terms
proportional to the successive powers of e, a hierarchy of systems of equations is
derived for U 0 ; U 1 ; :::
The first system in this hierarchy determines U 0 at best in its dependence with
respect to w0 , but not with respect to t and x. It is usually while seeking to
determine U 1 or even other higher-order terms that the dependence of U 0
with respect to t and x is prescribed by the cancelling of the secular terms; that is, of
terms which in U 1 do not remain bounded when w0 increases indefinitely. Indeed,
if we want (6.57) to cover an interval 0(1) in variation of t and x, then because of
(6.55), this corresponds to a variation of w0 which is O1= e.
A typical example is strongly related to the description of the progressive waves
(and see Germain (1971) [133]). As noted by Germain [108], pp. 1213:
Progressive waves occur generally when a physical phenomenon is thought to be
represented by the occurrence of steep gradients in one variable only, across three-dimen-
sional manifolds, in four-dimensional spacetime, with much smoother gradients in other
directions. The mathematical structure of the representation looks like a phenomenon in
five-dimensional spacetime. In such a case the phenomenon is quantified by an n-dimen-
sional vector U. Assume that the manifold across which the gradients are steep is
Ft; x const. Then, Ut; x; F=e; e so that w F=e, is considered as a fifth variable.
There is apparently nothing in the equations which allows us to single out the dependency
of U on w. But all is changed when we add the ansatz that the proper physical solution may
be obtained as an expansion with respect to w, t and x being fixed when proceeding to the
limit of vanishing e. As a matter of fact, the method of multiple scales (MMS), through the
requirement of vanishing of secular terms, provides the way by means of which that
dependency can be figured out. A key to the existence of progressive waves is that U,
supposed to be dependent on w only, at leading order, exists as a planar wave solution ruled
by a linear system with @F=@t; @F=@x obeying a dispersion relation. That relation defines a
wave speed, and may be considered as an eikonal of the HalmiltonJakobi equation, the
solution of which is built by means of rays. The planar wave, being a solution to a linear
system, is determined only up to a scalar amplitude factor . . . This amplitude obeys an
equation which is obtained when going to higher order in the asymptotic expansion and
eliminating secular terms this amplitude/transport equation being the main result of the
application of MMS. The details depend on the particular phenomenon considered, and
there exist quite a variety of situations that may be described mathematically by such a
procedure. The small parameter e characterizes the steepness of the transversal gradient,
and if the fluid dynamics process is non-linear, and non-linearity is measured by the order of
magnitude of the amplitude, and if, furthermore, the starting equations are first-order quasi-
linear, as is the case with inviscid gas dynamics, then the amplitude obeys a partial
differential equation which is generally an inviscid Burgers equation along each ray. If
there are second-order derivatives present in the starting equations, with a small coefficient,
then the amplitude obeys a partial-differential equation which is generally Burgers. The
role of time is played by the distance along each ray, while the role of space is played by w.
One may deal with third-order derivatives, and another small parameter, yielding then the
KdV equation; and both phenomena may occur simultaneously.
Thus, when both dispersive and dissipative effects are present, the transport
equation is a BurgersKortewegde Vries (KdV) equation of the following form:
Even if the Germain presentation is new and tries to be systematic, the essential
ideas may be found, in particular, in Guiraud (1969) [134], with a method which is
essentially equivalent.
For another application of the two-scales technique, see Sect. 3.3.5, where the
derivation of the well-known non-linear model Eq. 3.61q of acoustics the KZK
(Kuznetsov, Zabolotskaya, and Khokhlov) equation was examined.
In LNP (1987) [16], pp. 1507, the reader can also find an application related to
high Strouhal (S), high Reynolds (Re), and small Mach (M) numbers, where we
assume that
SM O1 ans Re=S O1 (6.59)
k2 rFx2 1 (6.61a)
and also with the matching, initial, and boundary conditions of the considered
problem. Finally, the amplitude function Aw; x in solution (6.61b) is solution of
following transport equation:
where the time t (increasing with F) is a parameter which varies along the
characteristics the characteristic form of eikonal (6.61a) being
6.4 Some Key Steps for the Application of the Basic Postulate 149
In [11], the reader can find some comments concerning these two GZ papers.
Van Dyke [127], p. 8, also writes, concerning asymptotics allied with numerics:
Eight years ago, Guiraud and Zeytounian (1986) argued persuasively that although asymp-
totic techniques will in special circumstances continue to be used to derive closed-form
solutions, their future role will be primarily as an adjunct to numerical simulation. They
illustrated this view with a number of examples from fluid dynamics, concluding with
several drawn from their own research. From casual observation I suggest that the number
of papers appearing in technical journals with the word asymptotic in their titles is
actually increasing steadily. On the other hand, the cooperation between experts on
asymptotics and numerics which I agree is desirable and inevitable-seems not yet to
have gained momentum. Meanwhile, I have for some years been experimenting with a quite
different alliance between asymptotics and the computer.
I emphasize here that in the first published GZ paper (1970), relative to the
multiple scales approach for axial-flow machinery, a decisive moment is the
appearance of a source term, in the derived leading-order model, which is propor-
tional to the jump in pressure (the difference between the two sides of one and the
same blade), orthogonal to the material blade surface in the row. This equivalent
homogeneous force occurs due to the redistribution (homogenization) of forces
exerted on the flow by the blades of the row. In fact, in 1970 we had already
conceived an homogenization technique (without our knowing it!) that presents the
possibility of replacing the effect of the blades of the row on the flow in a channel
between two consecutives blades, by an equivalent source force in model equations.
As a result of the RAM Approach, an equivalent model the through-flow is
derived, in a simple cylindrical domain without any row with blades, but with the
source force in governing model equations.
ui 0 when xi 2 G (6.63c)
For slow flows (low Reynolds number), the two terms on the right-hand side of
(6.63b), representing the pressure and the viscous force, must be dominant. Then,
both the pore pressure and the flow velocity vary according to two very different
scales: the local or microscale l characteristic of the size of pores and grains, and the
global or macroscale L imposed by the global pressure gradient. During the
homogenization analysis the main working hypothesis is the ratio of the above
two length scales:
Let us assume that the geometry of the porous matrix is periodic on the micro-
scale l, although the structure may still change slowly over the macroscale L. Each
periodic cell O is a rectangular box of dimension Ol, ui and p being spatially
periodic from cell to cell. We introduce, in addition to xi also xi exi , and the
perturbation expansions
0 @p0=@xi (6.68a)
p0 p0 xi : (6.70a)
and also:
p1 n p 1 xi (6.72b)
where n is the porosity the ratio of fluid volume in the cell to the total cell volume:
n jOf j=jOj: (6.72c)
Eq. 6.72a being just the celebrated law of Darcy with <Kij > the hydraulic
On the other hand, the O-average of (6.67b) gives
@<ui 0 >=@xi 1=jOj @ui 1 =@xi dO 0
and the interchange of volume integration with respect to xi and differentiation with
respect to xi is allowable when n constant in the above relation. Otherwise the
same is justifiable by virtue of the spatial averaging theorem (see, for instance,
[136], Sect. IIIF, pp. 3002).
By using the Gauss theorem and the boundary conditions, we see that the volume
integral vanishes; hence: @<ui 0 >=@xi 0, and this result implies, in turn, that:
This equation (6.73) governs the seepage flow in a rigid porous medium on the
macroscale. Theoretical derivation in the present manner was first presented by
Snachez-Palencia in 1974.
If, now, the medium is isotropic and homogeneous on the L scale, we have
<Kij > K dij
where K is a scalar constant, and it follows from (6.73) that
@ 2 po =@xk @xk 0
The above cell problem, (6.74a, b), is fully non-linear, and (6.73) and Darcys
law (6.72a) no longer hold.
Finally, concerning this seepage flow in rigid porous media, the reader can
find in [136] various complementary results concerning the uniqueness of the cell
boundary-value problem ((6.70c)(6.70e,f)) with zero on the right of (6.70d),
properties of hydraulic conductivity, numerical solution of the cell problem, the
effects of weak inertia, a spatial averaging theorem, and porous media with three or
more scales.
We observe that the typical steps of the homogenization theory are:
1. Identify the microscales and macroscales. This identification of scales is a
consideration of physics and is crucial to the success of the mathematical theory.
2. Introduce multiple-scale variables, in non-dimensional form of the starting fluid
flow problem, and expansions, and deduce cell boundary-value problems at
successive orders. The leading-order cell problem is homogeneous; either the
solution itself or the coefficient of the homogeneous solution are indeterminate
and independent of the microscale coordinates.
3. Use linearity and express the next-order solution in terms of the leading-order
solution and deduce an inhomogeneous cell problem.
4. Determine the solvability of the inhomogeneous cell problem mathematically,
the solvability condition for the inhomogeneous problem given that the homo-
geneous problem has a non-trivial solution!
5. Derive the equation governing the evolution of the leading-order solution (or the
coefficient of the homogeneous solution) and calculate the constitutive
coefficients from the solution of a canonical cell problem.
154 6 The Mathematics of the RAM Approach
We have previously mentioned (for instance, in Chap. 3) that the case of low
Mach number in gas dynamics is a very difficult problem when the gas is contained
in a bounded container O, with an impermeable but eventually deformable (with
time t) wall, so that the volume occupied by the gas is a given function of time:
namely, V0(t). In such a stiff case, it is necessary to use an homogenization
technique with an infinity of microscales. Such a problem is considered in Sect. 7.2.
Here we do not discuss in depth this triple-deck theory, as a detailed and thorough
discussion is presented in our FMIA 64 (2002) [26], Chap. 12. Some of the features
of this theory were mentioned in Sect. 6.3.4, and we now discuss the various steps
required for the derivation of model equations for viscous lower motion.
z z=koa ; a>1
and from
3. z z/k 2, for the lower wall viscous region, where u k ulow, and ulow ! z,
when x ! / .
Note that here we consider only the case when (m 5):
l =L ko3
u U/
z kof umid :::
w koc wmid :::
p ko2 pmid :::
y kos ymid :::
and from system of Eqs. 6.42a6.42e to find for the lowest order:
z@umid =@x d U/ =zwmid 0
@umid =@x @wmid =@
z B ymid
@pmid =@
@ymid =@x 0:
The choice
f 1; c 1 f and s 1 (6.77c)
Limz0 !/ wmid x;
z dAx=dx (6.77e)
and gain substitution in Eqs. 6.42a6.42e to find for the lowest order the following
equations for an inviscid motion:
K0 2 B =gL0:
and, as consequence of (6.77e) and matching between upper and middle decks, we
obtain, for Eq. 6.78c, the following rather strange condition for pup:
It is obvious that the middle deck solution (6.77d) does not satisfy the no-slip
condition on z 0 a situation which is remedied by the analysis of the lower
viscous deck, near the wall, where we have the following relation:
z z=ko2 z0 =k
Now, matching with the middle (6.77a) expansion, when in U/(z), with z k z
and z is fixed, implies the following lower deck expansions:
and from Eqs. 6.42a6.42e to find for the lowest order the following model
equations for viscous lower motion:
ulow @ulow =@x wlow @ulow =@
z B =g @ ylow =@xd z
1=gdPx=dx @ ulow =@
z ; 2
z ! /: ulow !
z; wlow ! 0; ylow ! 0; Px and dA=dx ! 0 (6.80b)
z ! /: ulow !
z Ax; wlow !
zdA=dx; ylow ! 0 (6.80d)
Conversely, this pressure perturbation P(x) must be calculated at the same time
as the velocity components ulow and wlow as well as the temperature perturbation
ylow. Nevertheless, it must be emphasized that the function P(x) is not completely
arbitrary, and that it is connected to the function A(x) through a relation which is
derived via the analysis of inviscid fluid motion in the upper deck via (6.78f).
The reader can find in Guirauds paper Going on with asymptotics [127],
pp. 26271, a very pertinent and personal point of view concerning the asymptotics
of the triple-deck theory. In particular, Guiraud writes:
Triple-deck theory deserves a special mention among the numerous applications of high
Reynolds numbers laminar flows. It is somewhat misleading to associate high Reynolds
numbers with laminar flow, although such an association is not completely false at the
outset. What can be said here is that, provided some caution is exercised when applying the
theory, it has proven to give very powerful results. What is unfortunate with this kind of
asymptotics is that it seems to be very esoteric, on the one hand, while it looks suspect, on
the other hand, for at least two reasons. The first is that in its simplest version the only one
reported here it is based on (ReL )1/8 being much smaller that unity; the second is that the
higher ReL , the less plausible the laminar conditions seem to be. It is outside the scope of
this paper to discuss this last issue, and we ask the reader to believe that laminar conditions
can exist (obviously within a limited range). I only intend to debunk, if possible, the
esoteric blurring which appears to have for long discouraged many scientists from investing
in it. Let me explain the main goal, assuming the reader is familiar with basic boundary
layer theory and knows the corresponding hierarchy: computation of the inviscid flow first,
followed by boundary-layer computation as such, finally (eventually) computations of
corrections, generally of order (ReL )1/2, to both. The classical theory is based on what
might called an asymptotic ansatz: namely, that a thin (of order (ReL )1/2 thick) layer of
fluid surrounds the surface of an undeformable smooth body on a O(1) scale. Each time this
asymptotic ansatz is broken, one should expect a failure of classical boundary-layer theory.
The triple-deck structure is now seen as a useful and, indeed, valuable element in
aerodynamics calculation and design. This is a substantial tribute to Stewartsons
power and foresight, and is his greatest contribution to theoretical fluid mechanics
(see, for instance, Stewartson (1974) [137]). For a pertinent comprehensive review
of progress in using the asymptotics of the triple-deck theory, see the illuminating
paper by Meyer (1983) [138].
Guiraud was fascinated by the breakdown of asymptotic theories at the leading
and trailing edges, and in his 1974 study (the first in France) in particular in his
study of separation at the trailing edge of a thin three-dimensional wing shows
that for this complicated case, three different scalings arise, and that the Stewartson
layered triple-deck structure is very well adapted.
It should be noted that the triple-deck theory was discovered by Stewartson and
Williams in England in 1969, but also independently by Neiland [139] in Soviet
Russia. Paul Germain [107] has written:
Even a genius would not have been able to build the whole of the triple-deck model without
the help of matched asymptotic expansion techniques. Triple-deck theory is now a very
important building stone in the new fluid dynamics inspired by asymptotics, and it may
be fully included within the heritage of Prandtl.
Part III
Applications of the RAM Approach to
Aerodynamics, Thermal Convection, and
Atmospheric Motions
Chapter 7
The RAM Approach in Aerodynamics
First, in Sect. 7.1.1, we again consider the simple case examined in Veuillots thesis
[140] devoted to turbomachinery fluid flow, simulated in Sect. 6.3.1; then, in Sect.
7.1.2, the more sophisticated GZ RAM Approach [141].
It is obvious that the following asymptotic theory of axial flow through a turbine,
which is likely be of considerable interest to specialists, is a fascinating application
of a complicated engineering problem using the RAM Approach with the basic
large parameter being the number of turbine blades per rotor.
But these three equations are not independent, since the determinant of
coefficients for @uo =@w, @wo =@w, and @Go =@w is zero! On the other hand, from
them we easily derive the following two relations:
and as a consequence:
From these equations, by elimination of the first-order functions, u*1, w*1, and
G1 , we obtain as a compatibility relation:
@uo =@z @wo =@r @Y=@z @Go =@r @Y=@r @Go =@z
and with
This model equation for the function Lo is our first main rational and entirely
consistent result with the RAM Approach.
Again, due to being far upstream of the row, we have a uniform and constant
steady incompressible ro constant fluid flow: 1=2ro u2 p constant.
Then the jump,
From (7.5a7.5c), we now eliminate the terms with the w derivatives in the
(7.8) relation, and express the function Po , in (7.8) simply by:
in the row.
Outside the row, p remains continuous, even in the presence of wakes which
are, in the considered Eulerian fluid flow, only vortex sheets (contact discontinuity
Finally, taking into account the periodicity in w, outside the row, we derive in
place of (7.9a) the following relation:
jpj 0 ) Po 0 (7.9b)
As a consequence:
From the above we can formulate the following main results relative to a
homogenized through-flow.
The velocity vector U o uo ; wo ; vo of the homogenized through-flow is
such that the streamlines of the through-flow are obtained by the crossing of median
y Yr; z constant
in the inter-blade rowchannel, with the cylindrical surfaces, resulting from the
rotation around of the z-axis of the turbo-machine of meridian streamline surfaces
Lo constant
For this through-flow we have for the function Lo r; z, (see Eq. 7.6):
Go (r/D @Y =@r @Lo =@z - (@Y =@z) @Lo =@r], in the row; (7.12c)
F Po =Dr y Y; (7.12e)
which simulates the action of the blades in the row on the turbomachinery flow.
The force F, given by (7.12e), is a memory term (a trace) which via homoge-
nization replaces (simulates) the (vanishing) effect of the blades in the row.
7.1 Derivation of a Through-Flow Model Problem for Fluid Flow 165
with the idea in mind that through-flow will be independent of w whereas r will
appear as a parameter for cascade flow.
Without any approximation the flow has to be periodic in w, and we enforce this
Uk t; r; z; e; w 1 Uk1 t; r; z; e; w; (7.14b)
UkN t; r; z; e; w Uk t; r; z; e; w; (7.14c)
using for convenience the index k which runs from 1 to N e 1=N <<1, the
number of blades in a row, and accordingly we assume that w is between zero and
We expand, formally, Uk as powers of e, but we obviously need two such
expansions, because it is clear that the model through-flow in row is invalid near
the locus of the leading/trailing edges of the row.
The first one is a kind of outer expansion (as in (7.1) above):
and will fail near both ends of the row where (two) inner expansions
are needed. In (7.15b), z h(r) is the locus of the leading (or trailing) edge of a
166 7 The RAM Approach in Aerodynamics
and we observe that in matrix column Gk the following two parameters are present:
@Gk;0 =@w 0;
@Gk;1 =@w 2 p r Lk;0 0;
for which uk,0, wk,0, vk,0, and pk,0 are all independent of w.
At this step we do not know the way in which these functions depend on t, r, and
z! Now, if we use the second equation of two equations (7.17a) in order to compute
7.1 Derivation of a Through-Flow Model Problem for Fluid Flow 167
we w wi ; and we define
Dr; z wi we
and we then introduce an average, < >, and a jump, [ ], operation, thus:
<U> 1=D Udw; integration from we to wi (7.18a)
Now, if we think of the pressure for U (in (7.18b)), then the bracketed [p] may be
viewed as: the pressure difference between the two sides of one and the same blade.
Below, the various equations shows the basic results of the GZ RAM Approach.
Up to first order in e, the average of velocity and pressure
<V1 > Vk;0 e<Vk;1 >; <p1 > pk;0 e<pk;1 > (7.19a)
DivD<V1 > O e;
@<V1 >=@t frot<V1 > 2Oez g ^ <V1 > rI 1 , (7.19b)
F1 O e2 ;
Two points again need to be stressed. First, the breadth of the channel from blade
to blade, set as
Dr; s
1=D P1 rS F1
The above through-flow model in axial turbomachine is invalid near the locus of
leading/trailing edges of a row.
According to GZ theory [144], a local asymptotic analysis is performed by
considering the inner expansions (7.15b) and rewriting the starting matrix equation
(7.13). We obtain:
which is, in fact, the equations of cascade flow but the configuration is that of
semi-infinite cascade flow. In [144] a detailed analysis of (7.21) is performed,
adapted to a local frame linked with the curve:
The semi-infinite cascade flow fills the gap between external (outside the row),
force-free, axially symmetric through-flow, and internal (in row) through-flow with
the source term F(1). Matching provides transmission conditions between these two
disconnected through-flows.
The necessity of such conditions appears readily as soon as any numerical
treatment of the whole through-flow in a two-row stage is attempted from
upstream to downstream (infinity) of this two-row stage!
To zeroth order these transmission conditions are rather simple and, indeed,
obvious on physical grounds: They mean that mass flow is conserved, as well as the
component of momentum parallel to the leading or trailing edge.
Local analysis has also been carried out by Guiraud and Zeytounian [144], to
first order, without a simple interpretation of the (rather complicated) result linked
with the transmission conditions!
We can consider the singular regions near the entry and exit of the row as planes
of discontinuity, if we impose the associated transmission conditions.
We now turn, briefly, to various cases concerning my work devoted with Guiraud
during 19691978, to turbomachinery fluid flows.
After the axial flow in a turbomachine, with the approximation of ideal incom-
pressible flow, has been analyzed by using an asymptotic method, assuming that the
blades are infinitely near one another [141], and in a companion paper [144] a
local study reveals the nature of the flow in their neighbourhood and leads to
a system of transmission conditions, because the partial differential equations of
the through-flow (in three different regions: upstream of a row, in a row, and
downstream of the row) must be supplemented by them in order to produce a
well-posed problem for the whole of the turbomachine (from upstream of the row to
downstream of this row) an application of the concept of multiple scales was
Namely, in [145] an asymptotic theory for the flow in an axial compressor was
considered, with the aim of devising a coupling process between the so-called
meridian through-flow and the flow around cascades. Again the small parameter
e is the inverse of the (supposed 1) number of blades per row and/or number
of stages. As a matter of fact, the cascade flow is treated as a small perturbation
of the through-flow, and has to be computed, locally, as the two-dimensional
unsteady flow around an array of couples of cascades alternately fixed and in
170 7 The RAM Approach in Aerodynamics
problems may be extracted from the definition of the original 3D problem, which is a
typical RAM Approach.
For engineering applications it would have been very useful to find, as partial
problems, cascade flow theory as well as through-flow theory across a thick row.
Unfortunately, we have been unable to find any asymptotic process leading to such
a scheme. As a matter of fact, the obvious way to do so leads to only two significant
degeneracies. One is the through-flow of [141] and [144], which leaves no room for
cascade flow, and the other is the one considered in [146], which leads to cascade
flow but leaves no room for through-flow, including a thick row.
This conclusion inevitably leads to some deception, because there is no way to
embed Wus [143] technique within an asymptotic rational framework.
7.2 The Flow Within a Cavity Which is Changing Its Shape and
Volume with Time: Low Mach Number Limiting Case
M ! 0 with S fixed
M ! 0 with SM O1:
Curiously enough, the acoustic model enters into the scene even in the situation
which is apparently ruled by incompressible aerodynamics.
This occurrence is due to non-uniformities: a spatial one near infinity in the case
of unconfined flow, and a temporal one for small time (in particular near time 0,
where the initial data are given) and also for high-frequency oscillations in the case
of confined flows.
In [85], the influence of these high-frequency oscillations was taken into account
by Zeytounian and Guiraud via a judicious multiple-scales technique, but with an
infinity of short acoustic scales! Here, below, we consider, as a physical situation,
the low Mach number flow within a cavity which is changing its shape and volume
172 7 The RAM Approach in Aerodynamics
with time. Such a problem presents industrial interest in the case of the compression
phase flow in an internal combustion engine (see our short notes in [86]).
We show how a limiting process corresponding to the Mach number going to
zero leads to an incompressible unsteady model flow, provided that acoustic waves
are averaged out over a great number of periods. This scheme may even describe
the case of a gas with a purely temporal variation of density due to substantial
changes of volume.
Dr=Dt rr:u 0
Du=Dt 1=gM2 rp 0
DS= Dt 0
p rg expS
where the (data) velocity W(t, P) characterizes the normal displacement of the wall
S(t), and n is the unit vector normal to this wall, directed inside O (t) P being the
position point vector on the wall S(t).
But it is also necessary to take into account the conservation of the global mass
m of the cavity (a bounded domain with L as a diameter). In the dimensionless
reduced form we have:
t 0 : u 0; p r 1 and S 0 (7.22d)
More precisely, we consider the case when the motion of the wall, S(t), is started
impulsively from rest, and in a such case,
7.2 The Flow Within a Cavity Which is Changing Its Shape and Volume 173
In this condition, the function H(t) is the Heaviside (or unit) function, such that
Asymptotics analysis and the RAM Approach in the formulated problem above is
not easy task, mainly due to the persistence of acoustic oscillations in the cavity
emerging for t 0 .
Therefore, if the Mach number, M, is sufficiently small, the zeroth order
approximation leads to the thermostatic isentropic evolution of the gas within the
cavity as a whole. Superimposed onto them we have acoustic oscillations which
remain undamped as long as viscosity is neglected when ones takes it into account
the Euler equations (7.22a), in place of full unsteady NSF equations.
When the NSF equations are considered (in place of Euler equations (7.22a)),
then a rather longer time O(Re1/2) is necessary in order to damp out the oscillations
but a much longer time is necessary in order that the heat exchanges can take place.
As a matter of fact, this time is O(Re)!
Indeed, some new features occur (as a consequence of the unsteadiness of the
compressible fluid flow) when one deals with internal aerodynamics. The first
concerns the leading term in the expansion of pressure which is function of time
instead of being a constant. We write:
u Sn
1 Bn tsinfn t=MUn t; x; (7.26a)
u2 ; p4 o4 t; where 4o4 t g Sn
1 Bn 2 jUn j2 : (7.26d)
First we should use the time t, a slow time, and then we would bring into the
solution an infinity of fast times designed to cope with the infinity of periods of free
7.2 The Flow Within a Cavity Which is Changing Its Shape and Volume 175
vibrations of the cavity O(t). Below we set U for the solution U expressed through
this variety of time-scales, and in such a case we write
where U/t stands for the time derivative computed when all fast times are
maintained constant, while (1/M)DU is the time derivative (with D, a differential
operator) occurring through all the fast times.
We carry such a change into the starting Euler equations (7.22a), and then
expand according to:
where hUi is average (over all rapid oscillations and depends only of the slow time
t and space position x) of U, and U* is the fluctuating (oscillating, which depends of
all fast times) part of U. More precisely, the operation
U ) hUi (7.29a)
erases all the oscillations associated with the fast times, and obviously
DhUi 0: (7.29b)
For instance, for the fluctuating parts of u*0 and r*1, we can write, respectively,
as a (more complete) solution:
u0 Sn
1 An t Cn Bn t SnUn (7.30a)
where again
176 7 The RAM Approach in Aerodynamics
In (7.30a, 7.30b) Un and Rn are the normal modes of vibrations of O(t) with
eigen-frequencies on: namely,
The relation (7.32) defines the scales of the fast times in relation to the speed of
sound in cavity (at the time t) and with the eigenfrequencies of the cavity at the
same time.
With (7.27), from the Euler equations (7.22a) we obtain the following equations
for the functions u, r, p, and S:
From the expansion (7.28), at the zero-order, from the above system (7.34a) we
which shows that r0 and S0 are independent of the fast times and, as a consequence
of the equation of state, that this is also the case for p0, which is, in fact, a function
of only the slow time t:
p0 p0 t; r0 r0 t; x; S0 S0 t; x: (7.35a)
Now, at the first order, from the equation for S, we derive the equation
and, since S0 S0 t; x is independent of the fast time and DhS1 i 0, we have the
following average equation for S0 t; x:
But, close to initial time t 0, when we consider the Euler equations (7.22a)
written with the short time, t t=M, in place of the slow time, t, we use the
local-in-time asymptotic expansion
S 0 at t 0
We derive
S0 0: (7.35c)
p0 t r0 tg (7.35d)
and m ( const) is the whole mass of the cavity, and, according to the initial
condition for the density we have jO0j m .
If, in particular, we assume that r0 t 1 (and as a consequence p0 t 1 also)
then jOtj m const. Obviously, this is not the case in the various applications!
At the first order, from the first three equations of (7.34a), with the above results,
we derive the following two equations:
u0 :nSt W t; P: (7.36c)
For the fluctuations we derive, from Eqs. 7.36a, 7.36b with 7.36c, the following
acoustic-type equations with slip condition:
u0 :n S t
0: (7.37c)
Concerning the equation for the specific entropy, we have (because S0 0):
and as a consequence, from the equation of state, for the fluctuation of the pressure,
we derive
The solution of the two equations for u0 and r1 = r0 , obtained from (7.37a,
7.37b) when we use (7.37c), is given by (7.30a, 7.30b).
Indeed, if we use the solutions (7.30a, 7.30b) in Eqs. 7.37a and 7.37b, then:
and using (7.31a7.31d) and (7.32) we determine that the right-hand side of the
above equations are quite zero.
We observe also that the eigenfunctions (the normal modes of vibrations of Ot
with eigenfrequencies on ), Un and Rn , are normalized according to:
Un 2 Rn 2 dv 1
It is now necessary to determine, from (7.34a, 7.34b), the equations for the
second-order approximation, and then derive, first, a system of two equations for
the amplitudes, An t and Bn t, which present the possibility of considering the
long time evolution of the rapid oscillations.
However, it is also necessary to derive an equation for the average value of u0 ,
which gives, with the average continuity equation (7.36d), a system of two average
equations for hu0 i and hp2 i.
We return to system of Eqs. 7.34a with 7.34b, and consider the second-order
approximation for S2 ; p2 , and r2 . First, we obtain:
Finally, from the equation of state, when we take into account that
S0 S1 S2 0
Now, again from the system of Eq. (7.34a), we derive two second-order
u1 :nSt 0 (7.39c)
From (7.39b) we now have, first, the possibility of deriving the following
average equation for hu0 i:
@hu0 i=@t hu0 :ru0 i rhp2 i=gr0 1=r0 hr1 Du0 i 0: (7.39d)
u1 :nSt 0,
7.2 The Flow Within a Cavity Which is Changing Its Shape and Volume 181
where hGi and hFi and also coefficients. GnC ; GnS ; FnC ; FnS , are determined from
(7.40b, 7.40c).
More precisely, in (7.41a, 7.41b), the terms hGi and hFi indicate the terms
independent of fast times, while in the Sn
1 we have the terms with Cn and Sn
according to (7.30a, 7.30b). On the other hand, in GQ and FQ we have the terms
proportional to
Below we assume that the last quadratic terms, GQ and FQ, are not resonant
triads satisfying the relation:
jp t q tj r t; 8p; q; r (7.41c)
Thus, none of the quadratic terms can interfere with any of the terms depending
linearly on the Cn and Sn.
As a consequence of the linearity of our system (7.40a), we can, in particular,
write the solution for the fluctuations r2 =r0 and u1 , corresponding only to the
terms linearly dependent on the Cn and Sn in (7.41a, 7.41b), in the following form:
r2 =r0 Sn
1 RnC Cn RnS Sn (7.42a)
and, for example, the amplitudes RnS and UnC satisfies the system:
182 7 The RAM Approach in Aerodynamics
UnC :n 0
on St:
Obviously, for RnC and UnS we obtain a similar system when in place of RnS,
UnC, GnC and FnS we write RnC, UnS, GnS and FnC.
For the existence of a solution of both these inhomogeneous systems it is
necessary to use two compatibility relations (which are, in fact,a consequence
the Fredholm alternative), respectively related to (GnC, FnS) and GnS ; FnC , and for
this the system (7.33), for the normal modes (Rn, Un) of vibrations of the cavity O(t)
with eigenfrequencies on, must be taken into account.
Therefore, from (7.33), after an integration by parts, it follows that
0 fon Rn r:Un RnC on Un rRn UnC gdv
fon RnC r:UnC Rn on UnC rRnC Un gdv;
when we also take into account the boundary on @Ot St, the conditions:
With the average continuity equation (7.36d) and slip condition (7.36e), for hu0 i,
we lack sufficient information for the determination of the slow (nearly incom-
pressible) variation! Such information is derived from the average equation (7.39d).
Again, therefore, according to solution (7.30a, 7.30b), we first obtain:
7.2 The Flow Within a Cavity Which is Changing Its Shape and Volume 183
1 An 2 Bn 2 Un :rUn (7.45a)
1= r0 h r1 Du0 i 1=2Sn
1 An 2 Bn 2 Rn :rRn (7.45b)
when we also make use of (7.33). From this equation we also derive the relation:
Un :rUn 1=2jrUn j2
hu0 i r: (7.47)
In such a case, the average continuity equation (7.36d) for hu0 i, with the slip
condition (7.36e) on the wall S(t), allows us to determine hu0 i due to the following
Neumann problem for potential function :
d=dnSt Wt; P: (7.48b)
1 An 2 Bn 2 fjUn j2 jRn j2 g (7.48c)
which take into account, explicitly, the influence of the acoustics on the averaged
pressure hp2 i.
The term
1 An 2 Bn 2 fjUn j2 jRn j2 g;
184 7 The RAM Approach in Aerodynamics
in (7.48c) is a trace of the acoustics, in the model problem (7.48a, 7.48b) with
(7.48c) a sequel (a memory of the acoustic oscillations) of the application of the
homogenization technique.
We observe also that as an initial condition for a hu0 i, at t 0, solution of the
average equation (7.46a) with (7.46b), according to solution (7.30a) and the starting
initial condition (7.22d), we can write:
hu0 i Sn
1 An 0Un 0; x 0 for t 0 (7.48d)
With the above derivation of the average system of equations for slow variation we
have eliminated only part of the secular terms in u1 and r2 . As a consequence it is
necessary to consider in detail the system of compatibility conditions (7.44) for GnC
and FnS, and similarly for GnS and FnC.
First, we consider GnC, FnS, GnS and FnC, and take into account the relations
(7.40b, 7.40c), (7.41a, 7.41b) and the solution (7.30a, 7.30b), for u*0 and r*1, with
u0 hu0 i u0 and r1 r1 .
A straightforward but technically long calculation produces the following
GnC r0 =p0 fdBn =dtRn Bn @Rn =@t dlogr0 =dtRn r:hu0 iRn g
Then, from the compatibility relation (7.44) with (7.49a, 7.49b), and from a
similar (to 7.44) compatibility relation, together with (7.49c, 7.49d), we derive the
7.2 The Flow Within a Cavity Which is Changing Its Shape and Volume 185
two ordinary differential equations for the amplitudes An(t) and Bn(t), taking into
account the normalization condition: namely,
Un :rhuo i:Un dv
D t
This above relation is derived when we take into account that, respectively:
1=2 @=@tjUn j2 jRn j2 dv 1=2 jUn j2 jRn j2 W t; Pds
D t St
1=2 rjUn j2 jRn j2 huo igdv
D t
1=2 jUn j2 jRn j2 Wt; Pds,
Bn 0 0; n 1; 2; ::: (7.51e)
We derive the above initial conditions for An(t) and Bn(t) by applying the
starting initial conditions (7.22d) for u and r, and this gives, first, for An the
condition (7.48d), because u 0 at t 0, when we take into account the solution
(7.30a) for u*0 and also the decomposition (7.28) for U hUi U .
The value of Bn(0) 0 is related with the initial condition at t 0, for r 1,
which is compatible with the leading-order solution:
Concerning An(0), its values must be derived from (7.48d/7.51d), and it depends
on the value of < u0 > at t 0. On the other hand, obviously, if in condition
(7.22b) W(0, P) 0, then < u0 > is also zero at t 0, and
An 0 0
and the same holds for the averaged velocity, < u0 >.
In this case we have An 0 6 0, and as consequence:
The most important result we obtain is as follows. If the motion of the wall of the
deformable (in time) cavity, where the inviscid gas is confined, is started impul-
sively from rest, then the acoustic oscillations remain present and have a strong
effect on the pressure. Therefore, this pressure would be felt by a gauge, and would
not be related to the mean (averaged) motion. The same holds if the motion of the
wall is accelerated from rest to a finite velocity in a time O(M).
We again stress the necessity of building into the structure of the non-viscous
solution for U(u, r, p, S), when we consider the Euler equations (7.22a), a
multiplicity of times a family of fast times in contrast to Muller [150], Meister
[151], and Ali [152].
If we deal with a slightly viscous flow, when the Mach number M 1, we must
start from the full unsteady NSF equations. In such a dissipative (viscous and heat-
conducting) case, we bring into the analysis a second small parameter Re1, the
inverse of a (large) Reynolds, Re 1, number, and we must then expect that the
acoustic oscillations are damped out.
Unfortunately, a precise analytical (when a similarity rule between M and Re1
is assumed) multiple time-scale asymptotic investigation of this damping phenom-
enon appears to be even more difficult problem, and raises many questions! This
damping problem is considered mainly in the framework of the hypothesis (see
[13], pp. 148161):
Re >>1=M (7.54)
In M
uller [150], the author provides insight into the compressible NavierStokes
equations at low Mach number when slow flow is affected by acoustic effects in a
bounded domain over a long time! As an example of an application, Muller
mentions a closed piston-cylinder system in which the isentropic compression
due to a slow motion is modified by acoustic waves. Muller uses only a two-time
scale analysis, which is obviously insufficient for the elimination of the secular
terms in derived approximate systems (as has been mentioned in Sect. 7.3.5).
The results obtained recently by Ali [152] are more interesting than those
formally derived by M uller [150], in spite of the fact that in Alis paper a two-
time scale analysis is again used the Euler equations for a compressible perfect
fluid being considered on a bounded time-dependent domain Ot 2 <n , where O0
denotes the domain at the initial time t 0. The evolution of the bounded time-
dependent domain is described by a family of invertible maps:
Ft x x ct: (7.55b)
The map Ft has a geometric meaning and is related neither to the fluid motion
nor to the Lagrangian variables. Moreover, Ft does not need to be globally unique,
since only its restriction to a neighbourhood of the boundary @Oo characterizes the
motion of the domains boundary @Ot .
From the conclusions of Ali [152], pp. 20372038, we mention that his analysis
is not conclusive, since the theory presented is not capable of providing a full
resolution of high-frequency acoustics. Nevertheless, the representation derived, in
Sect. 6 of his paper, provides a hint of a partial theoretical comprehension of the
acoustic modes generated by the motion of the boundary.
Obviously, the main key point is that one fast time variable is not sufficient to
describe the sequence of modes produced by a generic motion of the boundary.
Thus we need to extend the Ali [152] theory to include a family of fast time
variables non-linearly related to the slow time and (eventually) to the space
It is an open question whether the number of independent fast variables for each
term of the asymptotic expansion should be increased with the order of the term.
This extension, mentioned by Ali, has a theoretical interest in itself, and is
a necessary step for the development of efficient numerical schemes for low
Mach number flows in a time-dependent bounded domain (as is the case in
a combustion problem). It was, in fact, discovered by J.-P. Guiraud and myself
30 years ago, in 1980, and it is formally realized in Sects. above.
Obviously, the case when the starting equations, in place of (7.22a), are the full
unsteady NS-F equations, with
This average system merits careful analysis. In the first equation of (7.57),
in < F>, the Reynolds number Re is present, while in the third equation, in < H>,
the Peclet (Pe PrRe) number is present. From this set of equations a
NavierFourier-type nearly incompressible average system of equations has been
derived (see [13], pp. 149154).
7.2 The Flow Within a Cavity Which is Changing Its Shape and Volume 189
A difficult problem is also the study of the viscous damping of the acoustic fast
oscillations. Obviously, the inviscid theory developed in Sect. 7.2 do not present the
possibility of investigating this damping process, and this is also the case when
Re O(1) fixed in the framework of a NavierFourier model.
On the other hand, if we deal with a slightly viscous flow (large Reynolds
number, Re 1), we must start from NSF equations, in place of the Euler
equations analysed above, and bring into the analysis a second small parameter:
e2 Mb ; b> 0 (7.58b)
d D U in 7:27 (7.58c)
w2 e2 M: (7.58d)
w M=Re1=2 (7.60)
is independent of the time and the behaviour of the Stokes-layer, for a large time,
does not have any influence on the Stokes-layer! Concerning the Rayleigh-layer,
however, its thickness grows as the square root of the time, and obviously a deeper
analysis of the interaction between these two boundary-layers, when time increase
to infinity, is required.
A last remark concerning the adaptation to the initial conditions in a time-
dependent bounded container is that our first paper,1 with Guiraud [85], includes
some preliminary results concerning this problem:
Only with the help of a multiple-scale technique, via an infinity of fast times (designed to
cope with the infinity of period of free vibration of the bounded container), do we have the
possibility of eliminating the various secular terms in derived model equations.
This paper was subject of a communication during the 7th Colloque dAcoustique
Aerodynamique in Lyon (France), 45 November 1980 and, also, of a very fruitful discussion
with D. G. Crighton during this Lyons colloque.
7.2 The Flow Within a Cavity Which is Changing Its Shape and Volume 191
with t t=M:
In such a case, close to initial time t 0, we derive the classical equations of
acoustics and obtain the corresponding solution (see [13], Sect. 3.3.4) of the
Chapter 3. Unfortunately, this solution of the acoustic problem does not tend to a
defined limit when t tends to infinity, which shows that matching is not possible!
Chapter 8
The RAM Approach in the Benard
Convection Problem
8.1 An Introduction
During my time at the University of Lille1 from 1972 to 1996, and while living in
retirement at 12 rue Saint-Fiacre, Paris, from 1997 to 2009, I published various
papers devoted to the well-known Benard convection problem. As an introduction
to this chapter 8, I present a short account of some of these results, which at least
from my point of view seem valuable.
A first result, obtained in 1983, was published in a short note [153], where
a rigorous RAM formulation of the RayleighBenard (RB) thermal convection
problem is discussed. This result opened the way for a consistent derivation of
the second-order approximate model equations for the Benard problem of thermal
instability with non-Boussinesq effects.
In 1989, by means of a careful dimensionless analysis of the exact Benard
problem of thermal instability for a weakly expansible liquid heated from below,
as a second new result [154] I show that:
If you intend to take into account, in approximate model equations for the Benard problem,
the viscous dissipation term in the equation for the temperature, then it is necessary
to replace the classical shallow convection (RB) equations by a new set of equations, called
the deep convection DC Zeytounian equations, which contain a depth parameter.
This alternative is related to the value of the reference Froude number Frd
nd =d= gd1=2 based on the thickness d of the liquid layer, magnitude of the gravity
g, and constant kinematic viscosity nd, and for:
On the other hand, a small effect of the viscous dissipation, in the RB model
problem, produces a complementary criterion for the thickness d: namely,
such that
where C(Td) is the specific heat at constant temperature Td, on z d, and DT is the
difference between the temperature Tw, on z 0, and Td.
A fourth result is my survey of 1998 [156], devoted to various facets of the BM
thermocapillary instability problem.
A fifth result is linked with my lecture notes for the Summer Course (coordinated
by M. G. Velarde and myself) held at CISM, Udine, Italy, in July 2000: Theoretical
aspects of interfacial phenomena and the Marangoni effect modelling and stability,
in [70], pp. 123190.
Finally, in 2009 I published my book Convection in Fluids: A Rational Analysis
and Asymptotic Modelling [27].
is directly determined by the difference (Tw TA), via a Newtons cooling law of
heat transfer with a conduction unit constant thermal surface conductance qs:
bs Tw TA =k=qs d (8.6)
where k is thermal conductivity of the heated liquid, and d is the thickness of the
liquid layer, both constant in a conduction motionless state.
Concerning, more precisely, the Newtons cooling law of heat transfer, written
for the basic particular case of a motionless conduction temperature Ts(z), we have:
In the simplest Benard problem of a liquid heated from below, with bs, we have
four main driving effects:
1. The buoyancy directly related to the thermal shallow convection.
2. The temperature-dependent surface tension which is responsible for the
thermocapillary convection.
3. The viscous dissipation, in the equation for the temperature of the liquid layer,
which leads to a consideration of deep thermal convection.
4. The effect related to the influence of the deformable free surface.
These four main effects affect the Benard convection phenomenon, and it is
necessary, from the start of the mathematical formulation of the full Benard
problem for an expansible, viscous, and heat-conducting liquid, to take all of
them into account.
The significant interconnections between the three main facets of Benard
convection are shown in a sketch (with pecked lines) in Fig. 8.1 of our FMIA
90 [27].
196 8 The RAM Approach in the Benard Convection Problem
z 1 Zht0 ; x0 ; y0 ; (8.10)
assuming that the gravity vector g gk acts in the negative z direction and
where (a being an amplitude)
Z a=d; (8.11)
T Tw Ts z 0;
being given data, the adverse conduction temperature gradient bs appears (according
to (8.9)) as a known function of the (positive) temperature difference (Tw TA),
where TA < Tw is also a known constant temperature of the passive (motionless) air,
far above the free surface, when the conduction constant Biot number, Bis(Td), is
assumed known.
8.2 Some Unexpected Results for the Benard Problem of an Expansible 197
But for this it is necessary to also consider the conduction unit constant thermal
surface conductance qs(Td) as starting data for the Benard problem. If so, then
Ts z d Td Tw bs d is assumed to be determined. On the other hand, it
should also be realized that bs is always different from zero, in the framework of the
Benard convection problem heated from below!
As a consequence, the above, defined by (8.8), constant conduction Biot number,
Bis(Td), is also always different from zero. It characterizes the Benard conduction
stage, and makes it possible to determine the purely static basic temperature
gradient bs DT=d with DT Tw Td .
It is also crucial that with this above purely static basic temperature gradient
bs DT=d, in all published papers relative to thermocapillary (Marangoni) con-
vection, there are defined various dimensionless parameters e, Gr or Ra, Ma, and
Bo, and dimensionless temperature y. Therefore (the subscript d in various
temperature-dependent coefficients and dimensionless parameters or numbers is
relative to constant temperature Td):
with, kd kd =rd Cd
y T Td =DT (8.13)
For the convective in-motion stage, in principle Newtons cooling law (which is
a third-type boundary condition (2.42c) on a solid heated wall) can again be used, as
this is the case in almost all papers devotes to BM problems. Therefore, we write
(in dimensional quantities):
198 8 The RAM Approach in the Benard Convection Problem
with @T=@n rT:n, where Q0 is an imposed heat flux to the environment and is
to be defined.
This condition (8.14) is, in fact, also the starting condition in Davis [157].
In (8.14) our introduced qconv is, indeed, an unknown convection heat transfer
coefficient, strongly different from the constant conduction heat transfer coeffi-
cient, qs(Td), which appears in (8.7) and (8.8).
As observed in Josephs monograph [159], the heat transfer coefficient qconv, in
the convection stage, depends in general on the free surface properties of the
expansible liquid, the unknown motion of the ambient air near the air surface,
and also the spatio-temporal structure of the temperature field. qconv is therefore
a very complicated function. Obviously, from a practical point of view, the above
upper condition (8.14) for the temperature T does not seems not have, in its general
form, any interesting perspectives in various practical applications, simply because
qconv is an unknown. Nevertheless, from a theoretical point of view it seems
preferable to derive, from (8.14), a correct upper condition for the dimensionless
temperature function y, defined by (8.13). This condition (8.14), in dimensionless
form, for y, is written, without any approximation, in the following form:
Condition (8.15a), where not only Biconv is present but also Bis(Td), is a direct
and exact consequence of (8.14), when we take into account Newtons cooling law
in the conduction stage (8.7), which leads to:
Only after the confusion of Biot convection, Biconv, with Biot conduction,
Bis(Td), do we obtain the (approximate?) Davis [157] reduced condition (with
Q0 0):
The fact is, however, that over many years (and today) many interesting papers
have been published with Daviss (8.15c) questionable upper condition for
temperature! In particular, this seems important for the papers devoted to linear
theory (see, for example, Takashimas two papers [160]1). I therefore pose a simple
question: What is the real value of these papers? Several ideas and aspects of this
two Biot problem are discussed in various chapters of my [27].
First, taking into account the definition of the Grahof number, Gr (8.12b), as a ratio
of e/Frd2, when e<<1 our main (expansibility) small parameter we see that
only if Frd 2 <<1 do we have the possibility, at the leading order, to take into
account the buoyancy effect directly related to the thermal shallow convection
via Gr.
Namely, in the RB case it is necessary to consider the following limiting process:
In [160] Takashima derives, from Daviss upper condition (8.15c), the following linear upper
but only if we assume that Q0 kd bs f1 Biconv 0 =Bis g; and Biconv 0 constant. Another
possibility, when we assume that Q0 0, is to consider a Biconv dependent of H 1 + h0 , and
write Biconv H Biconv 1 ZLH 1 h0 , with LH 1 dBiconv H=dH. If now
Biconv 1 Bis , then at the order O() we derive the following upper (at z0 1) linearized
but now we have Bis in front of (yL h0 ), and Bis 6 0, which was assumed equal to a constant value
of Biconv at z0 1. In (***) we also have a third term proportional to h0 .
200 8 The RAM Approach in the Benard Convection Problem
r rd 1 ey: (8.18a)
On the other hand, it is necessary, at the upper free surface, to take into account a
jump condition for the difference of pressure (ppA). With (8.17), in dimensionless
form, we obtain for p as an upper, free surface the following dimensionless
condition (at z0 1 h0 ):
h i
p =Frd 2 h0 t0 ; x0 ; y0 @u0i =@x0j @u0j =@x0i n0i n0j
We Ma yr0k : n0 2=3 edy=dt0
Therefore, with the above upper, free surface (exact) condition (8.18d), written
at level z0 1 (because of the limiting process (8.19)), it is necessary to also
consider that when ! o the second term (proportional to n0 i n0 j) in (8.18d)
gives only a term:
2 @u03 =@x03 ; (8.20a)
@ 2 h0 =@x01 @ 2 h0 =@x02 :
2 2
Finally, from the condition (8.18d) and relation (8.20b), when we assume that
(which is usually the case)
such that
We We = O1 (8.21b)
we derive the following equation for the determination of the free surface deforma-
tion h0 (t0 , x0 , y0 ) in the leading-order e ! 0:
It should be noted that in the definition of Marangoni, Ma, and Weber. We,
numbers respectively by (8.12e) and (8.21a), the coefficients (function of Td) gd and
sd are related with a linear law for the temperature-dependent surface tension:
Bo 1 (8.25a)
in (8.24), leads to
Di ! 0; (8.25b)
and we derive the classical RB, thermal shallow convection model problem, where
in the energy equation for the dimensionless temperature y, the viscous dissipation
is absent (neglected at the leading-order).
In this case we derive, for the thickness dSh, in (8.4) of the liquid layer in the RB
model problem, precisely the relation:
CTd DT=g d;
mentioned in (8.4).
On the other hand, again with e<<1, Gr O(1), obviously, only the case
Bo >>1; (8.26a)
eBo O1 (8.26b)
For the BenardMarangoni (BM) problem, in leading order, the equations are
those which govern an incompressible viscous liquid (a NavierFourier-type
equations) both the buoyancy force and viscous dissipation effect being neglected
but with an energy equation for y.
The main difference with the RB thermal convection model problem is the
influence of the free surface deformations, which are taken into account, and as a
consequence the upper, free surface conditions, in the BM model problem, are very
complicated, and it is just in these upper conditions that the Marangoni, Weber, and
two Biot numbers appear! (Chaps. 6 and 7 of [27] discuss a detailed derivation of
this BM model problem).
In fact, the inappropriateness of Lord Rayleighs (1916) analytical model to
Benards experiments was not adequately explained until Pearson, in 1958 [164]
showed (in a simplified ad hoc linear theory) that:
Rather than being a buoyancy-driven flow, Benard cells are a direct consequence of a
temperature-dependent surface tension.
Curiously, although Benard (as a physicist) initially assumed that surface tension
at the upper free surface of a thin layer film was an important factor in his
discovered cell formation, this idea was abandoned by Benard for some time as
the result of the work of Rayleigh in 1916 [163], where he in fact analyzed the
buoyancy-driven natural thermal convection of a layer of fluid heated from below.
Rayleigh found that if hexagonal cells are formed, the ratio of the spacing to cell
depth almost exactly equalled that measured by Benard an agreement which we
now know to have been fortuitous!
Indeed, it was the experimental work of Block [165] which put to end to the
confusion surrounding the interpretation of Benards experiments, and which
demonstrated conclusively that Benards results were not a consequence of buoy-
ancy but were induced by (temperature-dependent) surface tension. Finally, Block
concluded that:
For thin film of thickness less than 1 mm, variation in surface tension due to temperature
variations (Marangoni effect) were the cause of Benard cell formation and not buoyancy as
postulated by Rayleigh in his 1916 paper.
We observe also that for a given temperature difference, the ratio between
buoyancy (Archimedean effect) and the surface tension gradient (Marangoni effect)
Gr/Ma varies with d2, and as a result (according to physicists), the Marangoni
effect dominates for small thickness of the liquid layer, and buoyancy effects
8.3 The Marangoni Effect 205
dominate for very thick liquid layers! Therefore (Bd is the dynamic Bond
Twenty-five years ago, when I first read the above sentence in Guyon, Hulin, and
Petits Hydrodynamique Physique [166] which was mainly inspired by de
Gennes various courses at the Ecole Superieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielle
in Paris I understood that these two effects should (certainly) be related to two
particular values of a single dimensionless reference parameter. A little later, I
discovered that the Grahof number Gr ad DTgd3 =nd 2 is, in fact, a ratio of two
dimensionless parameters:
expansibility parameter e ad DT
to squared Froude number Frd 2 nd =d2 =gd
For me, these two facts have been an illuminating indication that Frd2 in the ratio
Gr e= Frd 2 ; where the thickness d of the liquid layer is present, must play a
decisive role, because usually e<<1! This observation allowed me to formulate
the above-cited alternative, published in 1997 [155] (and see also our survey of
1998 [156]).
The full BM thermocapillary problem formulated in Sect. 7.2 of [27] even in the
framework of a numerical simulation is a very difficult, awkward, and tedious
problem, mainly because of the complicated form of upper, free surface boundary
It is clear that simplifications in a rational approach are necessary, obviating the
need for computationally expensive (in time and money) fully numerical
simulations while at the same time preserving essential elements of the physics
of the formulated BM thermocapillary convection model problem.
Among various approaches linked with this BM model problem, the formation
of long waves with respect to a very thin film layer at the surface of a falling film
is a challenging problem (which is the case for a free-falling film down a uniformly
heated vertical plane).
In a very thin film, obviously, a typical length l of the (long) waves is large
in comparison with the thickness d<< l of the thin film, so that the slope of the free
surface is always small. In such a case we have the advantage of introducing a
long-wave dimensionless parameter:
d d=l<<1 (8.28)
206 8 The RAM Approach in the Benard Convection Problem
T dRed t; (8.29b)
In place of p a
P p=Red 2 (8.30b)
Y T TA =Tw TA (8.30c)
We observe also that the various coefficient functions of temperature T are fixed
at T TA, and e and Ma are defined by (Tw TA) which replace DT.
Finally, via a laborious and tedious transformation, and via the long-waves
limiting process:
we derive, first (0 subscript) the following reduced system of equations for the
BM long-wave problem:
V0 0; W0 0; and Y0 1 at Z 0: (8.33a)
If, now, Z H(T, X, Y) is the equation of the deformable surface, the kinematic
upper condition at Z H : W0 @H=@T V0 :DH; with W0 0 at Z 0, leads
to the following averaged evolution equation for H(T, X, Y):
@H=@T D: Vo dZ 0; (8.33b)
at leading-order we obtain, for the above Eqs. (8.32a)(8.32d), the following free
surface, at Z H, upper, reduced conditions:
We observe also that as a consequence of Eq. 8.32b for V0, with (8.32a), and (8.32c)
for P0, subject to the upper condition (8.33d), we derive for V0 the following
problem (8.34), with the problem (8.35) for Y0:
@V0 =@T 1=Re @ 2 V0 =@Z2 D:V0 dZ@V0 =@Z V0 :DV0
G =Re DH W DD2 H;
Z o : Vo o;
Z H : @V0 =@Z Re MaDY0 DH@Y0 =@Z ; (8.34)
Our monograph [27], pp. 213218, includes a more simplified case, when
Pr ! 0 which decouples problem (8.35) from problem (8.34).
Then, if in the derived decoupled problems (when Pr ! 0) we assume
and as a consequence
case with the term dB(H)/dH, which need not be zero, and the influence of a large
Marangoni effect remains operative.
Unfortunately, usually in classical lubrication equations, if we consider a
vanishing Biot number, then the Marangoni effect also disappears! This non-
physical (from my point of view) consequence is practically always encountered
in all derived lubrication equations.
At this point it is opportune to observe that in a short paper by VanHook and
Swift [167] it is clearly mentioned that the Pearson result has two Biot numbers
(one for the conduction state and one for the perturbation), while the distinction
between the two Biot numbers has not been made in some experimental papers. A
theoretical analysis, however, should maintain the distinction!
In the unsteady one-dimensional case (T, X), taking into account that
the linearization of (8.37) produces, at the order Z, a linear equation for the
thickness h (T, X), when B(H) ! 0:
From (8.39) we obtain for the cut-off wave number kc (when k > kc there is a
linear instability) the relation:
Finally, we observe that in (8.39) the terms proportional to G* and W** are a
stabilizing effect in evolution of the free surface, in the Benard convection problem
of heating from below and in particular, that the thicker the film, the stronger the
gravitational stabilization.
Conversely, the term proportional to Ma*, linked with the thermocapillary (large
Marangoni) effect, has a stabilizing effect on the free surface if
Thanks to a detailed analysis, we now see that the RAM Approach presents
the possibility, first, to determine the various dimensionless parameters driving
the main four physical effects which govern the mathematical formulation of the
Benard convection problem of a liquid layer heated from below and limited by
a deformable free surface from overlying ambient passive air:
e Characterizes the expansibility of the viscous liquid.
Frd The Froude number, which characterizes the thickness, d, of the liquid
Bo The Bousssinesq number, which characterizes the importance of the
viscous dissipation..
Ma The Marangoni number, which characterizes the thermocapillarity.
We The Weber number, which characterizes the effect of a constant surface
Biconv The convective Biot number, which characterizes the transfer via deform-
able free surface in the convection regime.
On the other hand, the possibility of taking into account the effect of the viscous
dissipation is linked with the condition:
is satisfied.
8.4 From Deep to Shallow Thermal Convection Model Problems 211
limdeep u; y; p uD ; yD ; pD ; (8.43a)
r:uD o; (8.43b)
at z 0 : uD 0 and yD 1; at z 1 : wD 0; (8.45a)
where z x3 ; wD uD 3 uD :k:
We observe that in conditions (8.45c), written at z 1, for yD ; it seems possible
(because (8.45c) is satisfied on z 1) to identify Biconv with BiS(Td) but, in fact,
this is only a conjecture. In such a case we recover at z 1 the Davis (1987)
Now, if we consider the following (RB!) limiting process:
we find from the deep convection equations (8.43b8.43d) the usual RB equations
for the shallow thermal convection:
r:uRB 0 (8.47a)
In Sect. 9.1 of this chapter we consider the 2D steady lee waves problem, in the
framework of a non-viscous but compressible and adiabatic fluid flow. The starting
equations are Euler two-dimensional steady equations. From these we derive a
single, rather awkward, but very convenient equation for the stream function in the
case of low Mach numbers fluid flow theory, for the application of the RAM
Approach. From this single equation for the stream function we derive a family
of model equations for the lee waves problem by considering various limiting cases.
This example very well illustrates the possibility of a theoretical investigation
before the use of the RAM Approach.
In Sect. 9.2, as an application of the RAM Approach to very difficult,
atmospheremeteo-fluid motions, we consider the derivation of a simplified (but
rather realistic) and consistent meteofluiddynamic model: namely, the low
Kibel number asymptotic model derived from the dissipative hydrostatic
In particular, our RAM Approach presents the possibility of solving the difficult
but decisive singular problem relative to initial conditions encountered by
meteorologists during their weather forecasting, and also take into account the
influence of the Ekman boundary layer near the Earths surface.
With the dimensions, the steady two-dimensional Euler equations are written in the
following form, for the velocity components u and w, pressure p and density r all
assumed depending on the coordinates x and z:
T p=Rr, (9.3)
Using the relations (9.4), from the equation of the adiabaticity (9.1d), we derive the
following first integral
p rg P c: (9.5a)
where the function I(c) is a second arbitrary function, also conservative along each
streamline. From these two equations (9.1a, 9.1b) we can also derive a relation for
the vorticity o:
The two arbitrary functions Ic and Pc are determined from the behaviour
conditions in the upstream unperturbed region (subscript 1), when x ! 1 and
where z is z1 the altitude of the unperturbed streamline at upstream infinity.
Therefore, at x ! 1, we assume:
u U1 z1 ; w 0; p p1 z1 ; r r1 z1 ; (9.6a)
dI=dc 1= g 1p=rdLogP=d c
1=r1 fdU1 =dz1 gR=g 1U1 S1 g;
S1 N 2 z1 T T1 ; (9.7a)
Since the functions Ic and Pc are both conservative along each streamline,
then from the Bernoulli integral (9.5b) we determine the temperature T in the
following form:
T T1 g 1=gRf1=2juj2 U2 1 z1 gz z1 g; (9.8a)
Finally, with the above results we obtain an equation for cx; z in an awk-
ward form (derived by Zeytounian in [12], pp. 315330), although here we do not
write this equation.
For our purpose (the lee waves problem) we introduce, in place of c, the vertical
deviation of a streamline, dx; z, in the perturbed flow over a mountain, relative
216 9 The RAM Approach in Atmospheric Motions
to its unperturbed altitude at upstream infinity. We therefore write, for the altitude
of a perturbed streamline:
z z1 c dx; z (9.9a)
dx; z z z1 c (9.12b)
is rather awkward, but very convenient for further analysis in particular when we
assume that the upstream, constant, Mach number, M0 1 1.
For equation (9.12a), with the slip condition (9.10), we also have the following
three conditions:
dx 1; z1 0; (9.13a)
dx; z H1 0; (9.13b)
j dx 1; zj<1; (9.13c)
9.1 Some Models for the Lee-Waves Problem 217
where H1 is the altitude of the upper level (for instance, the tropopause assumed as
a flat horizontal plane), where the streamlines are undeflected.
The last condition (9.13c) is the only possible physical one, because of the lee-
waves regime downstream of the mountain. However, in equation (9.12a) we also
have, as an unknown function, the density r, and consequently we must return to
the two relations (9.8a, 9.8b), which we transform to an relation for r in which d is
The above problem (9.12a) with (9.10), (9.13a, 9.13b, 9.13c), (9.14a), and
(9.14b) for two functions d and r, is strongly non-linear. Below we consider a
simplified case when
U1 U0 1 const (9.15a)
such that
This linear (9.15c) distribution for T1 z1 is very well justified for the usual
meteorological situation in the troposphere, where the lee-waves regime is consid-
ered H1 being the height of the whole troposphere.
The parameter
m0 1 G0 1 H1 =T1 0 (9.15d)
z1 z1 =H1
v r r1 =r1 ; (9.16a)
D d=h : (9.16b)
In place of the relation (9.12b) since far ahead of the mountain there is assumed
to be a uniform flow with velocity components U0 1 const; 0 we write:
z1 Boz 1=n D; z (9.16c)
where z is reduced with the vertical length scale H0, characterizing the lee-wave
process, and z1 is reduced with H1 RT1 0=g. In this case we have two ratios:
e H0 =l : (9.19)
Finally, for v; defined by (9.16a), we obtain from (9.14a) the following dimen-
sionless relation:
Then, for the function Dx; z we obtain, from equation (9.12a), the following
dimensionless main equation:
S0 g 1=g m0 1 ; (9.22)
g 1:4;
T1 0 288 C;
m0 1 R=gG0 1 0:19037;
g 1=g m0 1 0:09534:
and if
34m=sec U0 1 10 m=sec;
then we obtain
0:03 M0 1 0:1:
We observe that for the unknown function Dx; z, related with the lee-waves
problem over and downstream of the mountain which is the solution of equation
(9.21), we have the following conditions:
Dx 1; z1 0; (9.23b)
is the dry adiabatic temperature gradient, which plays a fundamental role when
We also observe that the strong constraint mentioned above, Ko2 O1, does not
present the possibility of considering the case:
M021 # 0; solely;
The asymptotic analysis for a such case is very complicated and deserves
another approach.
The first case, which is linked to the deep convection, is valid in the whole
troposphere when
Bo 01; (9.26a)
but with the following similarity rule between low Mach number and hydrostatic
stability parameter:
M0 1 1 and S0
1; (9.26b)
9.1 Some Models for the Lee-Waves Problem 221
S 01: (9.26d)
leads, in place of the equation (9.21) and relations (9.20a, 9.20b), at the leading
order for Ddeep and vdeep ; in expansions
1 such that : 1=n0 = n Mo21 ;
and n O1 ) h U021 =gg;
then we derive a linear problem, in place of the non-linear deep convection problem
(equations (9.27c, 9.27d) with the full conditions (9.23a9.23d)), for the limit
This above linear case, (9.28a)(9.28c), is very similar to the one considered by
Dorodnitsyn in 1950 [169]. The reader can find in Zeytounian [12], pp. 324328,
some results concerning the solution of this equation (9.28a), with (9.28b), under
the associated conditions (9.28c).
The second case is the Boussinesq case (considered in Chap. 4) when Bo and the
Mach number, M, are both small parameters:
such that
The third case is the isochoric case when g is large and the Mach number, M, is low:
The fourth case is relative to a very thin atmospheric layer, when we assume:
such that
For each of the above cases from the formulated full non-linear problem
equation (9.21) for the function D(x, z), with the relations (9.20a, 9.20b), (9.22), for
, Y, S0, and boundary conditions (9.23a9.23d) we derive a consistent low
Mach number model problem with Ko2 O(1)!
The fourth case is also considered in Zeytounian [12], pp. 328330. The second
(Boussinesq) case is considered here in Chap. 4, and also in [12], chapter 8. The
third (isochoric) case was considered in our thesis [2]. In [2], and also in our 1969
paper [170], the reader can find various results of computations of 2D steady lee-
waves over and downstream of several mountains. In our book [37], the 3D steady
problem is also considered, and in pp. 168170 two typical figures and some
comments are presented. Section 5.4.2, of [27], pp. 164166, concerning the
isochoric 2D steady case, contains various configurations of streamlines.
p = R rT; (9.33)
where R(TS) is the radiative heat transfer in the standard atmosphere (with s as
subscript and assumed a function of TS(zS)).
Below, we work mainly with dimensionless quantities, and in particular the
thermodynamic functions, p, r, T and R(TS(zS)), are reduced relative to pS, rS, TS,
and R(TS) at the ground zS 0. The dimensionless horizontal velocity v (u, v)
and vertical velocity w are non-dimensionalized with U and eU , respectively, and
we assume that, in the hyodrostatic parameter,
e H =L ; (9.35)
the vertical length scale H is of the order of the height of the standard atmosphere
HS RTS 0=g L , assumed homogeneous, such that the Boussinesq number
(ratio of two vertical length scale),
B0 H =HS 1: (9.36)
Re U L = n ; (9.37b)
Pr Cp m =k ; (9.37c)
where g Cp/Cv is the ratio of specific heat capacities at constant pressure (Cp) and
at constant volume(Cv). Related with the Coriolis force we also have a Rossby
Ro U =f L Ki; (9.37e)
f t
if we take into account (9.37a), where Ki is the Kibel number (introduced in the
Soviet Union; see, for instance, Monin [94]1 and Kibel [171]) linked with the
Rossby number, since the Strouhal number, S 1. In (9.37e),
Monins book (English translation, 1972) includes a concise introduction to physical and
mathematical thinking in meteorology. In Chapter 2, pp. 1478, Monin presents an exposition
of the Hydrodynamic Theory of Short-Range Weather Prediction.
226 9 The RAM Approach in Atmospheric Motions
Re? e2 Re (9.37j)
by the relation
Now, for our RAM Approach below, it is very convenient to introduce the
following transformations from the spherical to the Cartesian system of coordinates
(see the relations (3.16c)):
x a0 cosf l; y a0 f f ; z r a0 (9.38a)
and for f 45 we have for the radius of the Earth, ao 6300 km.
The origin of the above right-handed curvilinear coordinates system (x, y, z)
(9.38a) lies on the Earths surface (for a flat ground, where r a0) at latitude f
and longitude l 0. Obviously, the sphericity parameter
d L =a0 ; (9.38b)
plays also an important role see the dimensionless equations (9.39a9.39d) below
and for d O(1) the equations for the atmospheric motions are more compli-
cated, as is obvious from these equations. However, in the case when d is assumed
1L a0 6300 km), we obviously have
e 1: (9.38c)
In the general case, when the Reynolds number Re is different to infinity, we derive
the following dissipative non-hydrostatic starting dominant dimensionless NSF
atmospheric equations:
9.2 The Low Kibel Number Asymptotic Model 227
with pD rDTD.
In the above dimensionless equations (9.39a9.39d), for
UD vD ; wD ; rD ; pD ; TD with vD uD ; vD
such that
D:k 0: (9.40c)
d O1 but e 1 and Re
1; (9.41)
228 9 The RAM Approach in Atmospheric Motions
which is the case for the rather large synoptic dissipative atmospheric motions. For
equations (9.39a9.39d) it is also necessary to write boundary and initial
Here, as boundary conditions, for the velocity (vD, wD) and temperature TD, we
write, on the flat ground,
because, in general, the dimensionless vertical velocity w need not be O(e) with
respect to the horizontal one, as is the case in the hydrostatic approximate
equations. Hence, in order to consider the most general case, we must assume
(with dimensionless quantities) that at the initial time t 0, ew is of order O(1),
and accordingly we obtain as initial conditions for the four evolution dominant
NSF equations (9.39a9.39d):
at t 0 : vD VD 0 ; ewD WD 0 ; TD TD 0 ; rD RD 0 ; (9.42c)
where data
Obviously, these data are dependent (in reality) on horizontal and vertical
coordinates in a prediction domain D with a diameter L . But it is not obvious that
these dimensionless coordinates, in data, are precisely the coordinates x, y, and z.?
This is an important problem (at least from my point of view) when we consider
the unsteady adjustment problem to hydrostatic balance in the set of a dissipative
hydrostatic, DH, approximate equations a problem which is actually still open.
Here we leave unspecified the behaviour conditions at high altitude when z " 1,
and far off in the horizontal directions. These behaviour conditions are strongly
linked to the numerical simulations, and can be changed in order to ensure the
stability of the numerical scheme used (see, for instance, the recent paper by Cullen
[172], pp. 202287).
Usually, it is necessary that:
and we observe that the case of the low Mach number (M < < 1) for these synoptic
process is also not a bad idea! But with M < <1 we must also assume that Ki < < 1;
and low Kibel number approximation, according to (9.43b), is, in fact, a necessary
On the one hand, in the framework of singular perturbation problems, we see that
the hydrostatic limiting process (9.43a) is also strongly dependent on the considered
timespace region in weather prediction domain D, with the point P (x , y ) as
During several decades up to the early 1990s, A. M. Obukhov was the Director of the Institute of
Physics of the Atmosphere of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow actually named the Obukhov
Institute. He is a discoverer (with Kolmogorov) of the well-known (1962) KolmogorovObukhov
law 2/3 in turbulence theory.
230 9 The RAM Approach in Atmospheric Motions
origin, and at least is certainly singular near the initial time where the dissipative
data in (9.42c) are given. On the other hand, when Ki < < 1, in the framework of
quasi-geostrophic modelling, in the (Ekman) layer near the ground we have also a
singular behaviour.
Therefore, an asymptotic analysis shows that we can at least consider the
following two hydrostatic limiting processes linked with (9.43a) in the framework
of the non-hydrostatic dominant equations (9.39a9.39d):
From the limiting process (9.44a) we derive the dissipative hydrostatic (DH) large-
scale, non-tangent equations for the functions
pDH rDH TDH ; and d=dt @=@t vDH :D wDH @=@z: (9.47)
9.2 The Low Kibel Number Asymptotic Model 231
In (9.46a9.46d) the parameters d; M; Re? ; Pr; Ki; Bo; s; and sin f; and
cos f are fixed. These DH non-tangent model equations constitute a very signifi-
cant approximate system of equations for large-scale atmospheric motions d
O1 in a thin layer, such as the troposphere, around the Earths sphere.
On the flat ground, from (9.42a), we write:
and here again we leave unspecified the behaviour conditions at high altitude
whenz " 1, and far off, in the horizontal x and y directions.
Concerning the initial conditions for the evolution equations (9.46a, 9.46c,
9.46d), we must give, in fact, only the initial values for vDH and TDH (or pDH):
Here, the dissipative hydrostatic data vDH0, TDH0 have (strictly speaking) noth-
ing to do with the corresponding given proper dissipative non-hydrostatic initial
data VD0, TD0 in (9.42c), for the atmospheric dominant non-hydrostatic dissipative
equations (9.39a) and (9.39d).
We observe that from hydrostatic balance (9.46b), with
we also have
@logp0 DH =@z Bo=T0 DH and r0 DH p0 DH =T0 DH ; (9.48c)
and indeed, two of the initial conditions (related with the given proper dissipative
non-hydrostatic initial data WD0 and RD0) in (9.42c) have been lost during the dissi-
pative hydrostatic limiting process (9.44a) with (9.45), taking into account (9.43a).
As a consequence, a primary question arises: How are dissipative hydrostatic
data vDH0 and TDH0 related to given proper dissipative non-hydrostatic initial data
VD0, WD0, TD0 and RD0? The answer to this decisive question, for weather
forecasting, must be derived from the dissipative non-hydrostatic (where the param-
eter e is present) equations (9.39a, 9.39b), via (see (9.44b)) an unsteady adjustment
of the hydrostatic balance (9.46b) in the DH system of equations (9.46a9.46d).
The significant non-hydrostatic equations (where acoustics is present) which
govern this adjustment problem are derived below (see equations (9.50) and
(9.51a9.51d)) just through the limiting process (9.44b).
For a physical introduction to adjustment (adaptation) of meteorological
fields, see the discussion in }6 of Monin [94] a small but important book which
presents a unique account of the early evolution (up to 1968) of the dynamic and
physical bases for modelling and appropriate simulation of atmospheric motions
spanning the large spectrum of time-scales.
232 9 The RAM Approach in Atmospheric Motions
For the DH equations (9.46a9.46d) with the no-slip and temperature boundary
conditions (9.48a), singular near time t 0, it is necessary to consider a dissipative
unsteady adjustment problem of hydrostatic balance (9.46b), which is significant,
simultaneously, close to initial time and near the ground. This problem is derived
from the dissipative non-hydrostatic dominant equations (9.39a9.39d), via the
hydrostatic limiting process (9.44b), with
rDAdj @vDAdj =@y wDAdj @vDAdj =@z 1=Re? @ 2 vDAdj =@z2 ; (9.50)
The above DAdj equations (9.50) and (9.51a9.51d) are derived when we
assume that the two dissipative coefficients m and k do not have a vertical structure
dependent onz! For these above DAdj (unsteady, a la Rayleigh) compressible,
viscous, and heat-conducting equations it is necessary to associate initial and
boundary conditions.
According to starting conditions (9.42c) at t 0, for (9.39a9.39d) as initial
conditions we write:
The question concerning the structure in altitude of the initial data in (9.52a) for
DAdj equations (9.50) and (9.51a9.51d), requires further and more detailed
investigation, because it is clear that in the dissipative case the unsteady adjustment
to hydrostatic balance raises many unsolved problems.
On the other hand, from our above RAM Approach we see that a numerical
simulation of atmospheric motions, via DH model equations (9.46a9.46d), must
be coupled with the above DAdj equations (9.50) and (9.51a9.51d), which
presents the possibility of taking into account the consistent initial conditions for
(9.46a) and (9.46d), linked with the unknown data in (9.48b).
During a numerical simulation of an atmospheric motion via an approximate
model derived asymptotically for more complete starting equations, it seems
inevitable that some partial derivatives relative to time in derived approximate
simplified models equation are lost (they disappear). In such a case, only via an
unsteady adjustment problem is it consistent, via a matching, to take into account
the influence of real data, written for the starting problem, on formulation of a well-
posed initial-boundary value problem for this derived simplified model!
where here (x, y) now denotes the horizontal coordinates on constant pressure
(isobaric) surfaces, and H(t, x, y, p) is the local height of an isobaric surface
above the flat ground surface, then, in place of DH equations (9.46a9.46d), without
any approximation nor ambiguity, we derive, for the horizontal velocity vector
234 9 The RAM Approach in Atmospheric Motions
In this case we assume that m; k, and R are known functions of p. The Eliasen p-
system has the advantage that the region of numerical integration has a limited
vertical extent, instead of 0 z < 1; for the original DH system
One disadvantage is that the lower boundary conditions (9.48a) on flat ground
becomes a condition at the unknown isobaric surface H 0! Therefore, it is
necessary to impose, in place of boundary conditions (9.48a), the following bound-
ary conditions:
v 0; o p=T@H=@t; on H 0; (9.56a)
at t 0 : v v0 DH ; T T0 DH (9.56d)
9.2 The Low Kibel Number Asymptotic Model 235
f f dy:
l 1=gKi=M2 (9.57c)
and we observe that l > 1 is in fact related with the Mach number, low com-
pressibility, effect, in the framework of low Kibel number flows. The relation
(9.57c) is related with (9.37h) and gives an estimation for the horizontal length
scale L .
On the other hand, the similarity relation
with k O(1) as a measure of the viscous effect is motivated by the fact that
it presents the possibility of consistently deriving the so-called Ackerbloms
problem for the Ekman boundary-layer in the vicinity of the ground, p 1, in
the framework of low Kibel number flows.
In the Kibel equations (9.58a9.58d) below, the Kibel number is present but is
assumed small, such that b, l , and k are O(1) the Mach number M also being
assumed a small parameter but do not appear in (9.58a) and (9.58b) since (9.57c) is
taken into account. In these Kibel equations the term proportional to d << 1 are
neglected since b 0(1).
The dissipative coefficients are assumed constant (dimensionless m and k 1).
As consequence the starting Kibel equations, for v, T, H and o, are written in the
following form:
v 0; o p=T@H=@t; on H 0: (9.59a)
at t 0 : v vo ; T To : (9.59d)
The above sketch presents a view of the three regions I, II, III, where the main
(QG), adjustment (Adj), and Ekman BL (Ek) expansions are considered. The corner
region IV plays a crucial role in the derivation of a second-order ageosprophic
asymptotic model.
Region II, via the unsteady adjustment process and matching, allows us to obtain
the consistent initial condition (at t 0) that must be applied to the QG single
unsteady model equation.
Region III, via the solution of the Ackerbloms problem in the steady Ekman
problem, produces (by matching) the boundary condition (at the ground p 1) that
must be supplied to the QG single non-viscous model equation.
In considering the QG model problem it is first necessary to derive, from the above
Kibel equations (9.58a9.58d), the main (outer) QG leading-order model
equation valid in main region I, via the following limiting process:
Ki ! 0 with t; x; y; p; fixed;
b; l and k being 01;
where we have assumed that HS p and TS p are functions only of p! Although this
does not follow (concerning the dependence of time t) directly from the Kibel
equations (9.58a9.58d), it will be found to be consistent with the constancy
(relative to time t) of
Ts p pdHs=dp; (9.62b)
rS p p=Ts p; (9.62c)
which represents data for the derived, in region I; QG model equation (see (9.65)
with (9.66) below).
In such a case, from (9.58b) we find at leading-order:
oQG 0: (9.63a)
D:vQG 0: (9.63c)
9.2 The Low Kibel Number Asymptotic Model 239
With (9.63a) from (9.58b) we derive for TQG the following equation:
Going to higher order, we derive from the Kibel equations (9.58a, 9.58c, 9.58d)
the following three equations:
From the continuity equation (9.64b), with (9.64a), and the expression for oAG
obtained through the elimination of TQG and vQG, from (9.63d), using (9.63b) as a
function of HQG, we obtain the following single quasi-geostrophic potential vortic-
ity model equation:
We observe that the QG model equation (9.65) contains one derivation with
respect to time t, and as a consequence only one initial condition must be supplied
for HQG , via an unsteady adjustment problem, which we shall derive in the next
section The boundary condition that must be supplied on the ground p 1,
for QG equation (9.65), will be derived below in section
Finally, concerning the boundary conditions that must be applied at the upper
end of the atmosphere, p 0, and far off in the horizontal plane, we can again
assume that the total energy density
It is not difficult to verify, by trial, that the inner in time unsteady adjustment
equations to geostrophic balance (9.63b) are derived by setting
240 9 The RAM Approach in Atmospheric Motions
t t=Ki; (9.68a)
@=@t ) 1=Ki@=@ t;
vt ; ot ; H t ; Tt vt 0 ; ot 0 ; H t 0 ; Tt 0 Ki vt 1 ; ot 1 ; H t 1 ; Tt 1
H t 0 ; Tt 0 HS p; TS p;
and going back to the first two of equations of the system (9.70a and 9.70b) we find
a couple of equations for vt 0 and Ht 1 : namely,
But for the two evolution (in time t) equations (9.72b) and (9.72c), for vt 0 and
H 1 , it is necessary to give an initial condition for
vt 0 and for H t 1 at t 0;
242 9 The RAM Approach in Atmospheric Motions
t 0 : vt 0 v0 : (9.73a)
Concerning the initial data for H t 1 , it is necessary to assume that the data T0 (in
(9.59d)) may be set in the form
T0 TS p Ki T0 1 :::: ) t 0 : H t 1 H 0 1 ; (9.73b)
when we use the relation between T0 and H 0 : T0 p@H 0 =@p. Whenever the
data T0 p@H 0 =@p, in (9.59d), cannot be put into the above form, we must
expect that another adjustment process holds!
There is an important observation, which was known to Kibel in 1955 (see
[171]), and which concerns the way in which
limt"/ Ht 1 Ht 1 /
is related to the initial values (9.73a, 9.73b). For this, we start from equations
(9.72b), (9.72c), and first deduce the equation:
@=@tfk:D ^ vt 0 fp2 =KS p@H t 1 =@pgg 0: (9.74a)
vt 0 / lo k ^ DHt 1 / ;
for limiting values of vt 0 and H t 1 , when t "/ , we obtain for H t 1 / the following
lo DHt 1 / fp2 =KS p@Ht 1 / =@pg
k:D ^ v0 fp2 =KS p@H 0 1 =@pg:
Among other things, Kibel was able (also in 1955) to settle the main issue of the
unsteady adjustment (towards geostrophic balance (9.63b)): vt 0 and H t 1 related
with (9.72b) evolves towards the geostrophic balance (9.63b), when the short
adjustment time t tends to infinity.
As a matter of fact one has a matching relation:
Finally, we obtain from (9.74b) the initial condition that must be applied to the
main QG equation (9.65) with (9.66), in the following form:
9.2 The Low Kibel Number Asymptotic Model 243
at t 0 : LHQG k:fD ^ v0 0 g
@=@pfp2 =K0 p@H 0 1 =@pg;
where LHQG , in (9.75), is the same operator which appears in the QG main outer
model equation (9.65), and is given by (9.66).
Here we can observe that if it is true that to predict the field HQG, in the QG
approximation, it is sufficient to know only the initial value of HQG! But unfortu-
nately, this single initial value is related, according to (9.75), to the initial data in
(9.73a, 9.73b), which are obtained from the unknown(!) data (9.59d) prescribed for
the DH two model equations (9.54a, 9.54b), under the constraint previously men-
tioned in (9.73b).
As a consequence, the main unsteady adjustment problem, concerning the
derivation of consistent initial conditions for the quasi-geostrophic, primitive
Kibel inviscid (non-viscous and adiabatic) or dissipative hydrostatic (viscous and
non-adiabatic) model equations, is the unsteady adjustment to hydrostatic balance.
In particular, for the Kibel primitive inviscid equations (DH equations
(9.54a9.54d), when 1=Re? 0), the corresponding unsteady acoustic adjustment
problem has been considered by Guiraud and Zeytounian [106], in which it is
observed that:
The initial conditions concerning horizontal velocity and entropy for the unsteady primitive
Kibel non-viscous and adiabatic equations are simply the ones pertinent to the full Euler,
non-hydrostatic equations, but shifted vertically by an amount equal to D. (Concerning the
above-mentioned vertical shift D, see our [19], Chap. V, Sect. 19.)
We also have the possibility of deriving a new initial condition (at t 0) relative
to p 1:
The role of this curious condition (9.76) is to serve as an initial condition for
the boundary condition on p 1 (see the derived ground condition (9.87) below)
that must be applied to the main QG, outer, equation (9.65) written for HQG.
This condition (9.87) is derived via the formulation of Ackerbloms problem in
the steady Ekman layer (region III) near the ground, and contains a time derivative.
As a consequence, (9.87) may be considered as a boundary condition for our main
QG, outer, equation (9.65), only if it is complemented with an initial condition
Indeed, for the above derived main outer QG single equation (9.65) for HQG , with
the initial condition (9.75), at t 0, and behaviour (decay sufficiently rapidly)
244 9 The RAM Approach in Atmospheric Motions
p p 1=Ki; (9.77a)
and in region III we consider the following inner (BL) limiting process:
With (9.77a, 9.77b) we consider the following inner (BL) expansion in region
v; o; H; T; r v0 ; o0 ; H0 ; T0 ; r0
Ki v1 ; o1 ; H1 ; T1 ; r1 ; (9.77c)
We then obtain from the starting Kibel equations (9.58a9.58d) the following set
of equations, for v0 ; o0 ; H0 ; T0 ; r0 ; o1 ; H1 ; T1 :
d v0 0;
on H1 0 :o1 1=T0 1@H1 =@t; (9.80)
b 1=T0 1@T1 =@p
sR 1;
when we assume that the main radiative transfer does not have an Ekman BL
In fact, we can assume that the flat ground in the Ekman BL layer is
characterized by:
p Pg0 Ki Pg1 ::: : (9.81)
From the above relation (9.79d) and (9.80), after a matching with the main QG
region I, we first obtain
H1 HQG;1 T0 1p ; (9.82b)
k ^ v0 lo DH1 k ^ V0 :
246 9 The RAM Approach in Atmospheric Motions
Therefore, with the above results, we can formulate the following problem for
the determination of the horizontal, perturbation, velocity vector V0*:
ko @ 2 V0 =@p2 k ^ V0 0; e
V0 vQG;1 ; on p 1=T0 1HQG;1 ; j (9.83)
V0 ! 0; when p !/ :c
Now it is necessary to consider the continuity equation (9.79c), and we find for
o1* the following relation:
o1 D v0 dp 1=T0 1@H1 =@tp Pg (9.85a)
Pg 0
Now, matching
limp!/ o1 o1 / oQG;1 ;
with the main QG region I produces the following boundary condition at the flat
ground for the QG model equation (9.65) with (9.66):
The above QG model problem ((9.65) with (9.66), and (9.75) and also (9.87)
with (9.76)) derived from full Kibel equations with initial and boundary conditions,
for low Kibel number, is a very appropriate application of our RAM Approach, and
provides a good example of the deconstruction of a starting problem and its
reconstruction via a main, QG, model and two local, Adj and Ek, models, by
matching for a Ki small parameter!
For the derivation of the so-called AG model, we need to consider three local
(inner) expansions in addition to the main one. Two of them are higher
approximations of those considered previously in the framework of the QG
model derived above in section 9.2.4. From the outer approximation (9.61ab) we
first derive the main AG, second-order model equation, for HAG.
Then, from the first local (close to initial time) approximation, via a second-
order unsteady adjustment problem to the AG model equation, we obtain by
matching (between regions II and I) the initial condition, at t 0, for the AG
main equation.
Afterwards, from the second local (near-ground) approximation, via a second-
order Ackerbloms problem in steady Ekman layer, we have the possibility of
matching (between regions III and I) to derive a boundary condition, on the ground
p, for this AG main equation. This ageostrophic model is relative to the HAG
component in the main asymptotic expansion (9.61b).
In order to obtain the initial condition at t 0, for the AG main model second-
order model, the problem of adjustment to ageostrophy, in region II, must be
considered. However, so as to be able to correctly formulate this problem of
adjustment to ageostrophy, it is necessary to analyze the problem related to the
unsteady Ekman boundary layer which develops in corner region IV! In addition,
we must also elucidate the compatibility of the models between regions III and IV
by analyzing the behaviour of the unsteady Ekman boundary layer when t !/ .
It is also necessary to consider the problem of the second approximation of the
steady Ekman boundary layer, which is a necessary step for the derivation of the
boundary condition in p 1 associated with the AG main model equation
(Detailed results for this AG second-order model are included in our monograph
[12], pp. 236262).
It seems appropriate to add a final comment to this section, because it very well
shows the importance of our Approach, via the RAM, for the derivation of accurate,
reliable and consistent models. This comment concerns the so-called balance
equation which is well known in meteorological literature and often analyzed in
various ad hoc theories. This balance equation was derived by Monin in 1958 (see
Monin [94], pp. 4244 for various comments), and also by Charney in 1962 [174].
In Monin this balance equation was derived as a second-order correction with
respect to the Kibel number, Ki, within the framework of the hydrostatic
248 9 The RAM Approach in Atmospheric Motions
approximation. Therefore, within the framework of the present (above) low Kibel
number asymptotics analysis, we easily derive, for the second-order AG model, the
following equation:
on z 0 : wE 0; (9.90a)
pP TP rP ; (9.91e)
where z0 and x0 , y0 are physical local coordinates (with dimensions) linked with the
The above dimensionless Euler equations (9.89a9.89d), however, are written
with dimensionless coordinates: z z0 =H ; x x0 =L and y y0 =L . Rewriting
250 9 The RAM Approach in Atmospheric Motions
(9.93), with the dimensionless coordinates, x, y and z, we obtain, in its place, the
dimensionless equation of the relief in the following form (in place of: z 0):
z ahb x; c Z; (9.94a)
In (9.94a)
Corresponding the slip condition on the surface of the relief (9.94a) is:
h/; / 0; (9.95b)
with, a, b, c, and M O(1). In such a case, for the below local limit functions, when
(9.96a, 9.96b) is realized,
limx; Z"/ vloc ; wloc ; rloc ; ploc ; Tloc vP ; 0; rP ; pP ; TP P0 ; (9.98a)
I hope that the reader who has become acquainted with the various parts of this
monograph now has not only une certaine idee of my main purpose, but is also
deeply convinced that there is really no better way for the derivation of significant
consistent model problems than the RAM Approach!
It might be true that the physical approach can produce valuable qualitative
analysis and a better understanding of the laws of nature related to various signifi-
cant and practical fluid-flow phenomena. Unfortunately, a purely ad hoc physical
approach would not be able to point the right way to a consistent rational obtention
of approximate simplified leading-order model problems which could be used
successfully for numerical simulation with a high-speed computer.
In particular, this is especially true because such an ad hoc approach would be
unable to provide a rational, logical method (as is the case with our RAM
Approach) for the derivation of a well-balanced associated second-order model
problem with various complementary physical effects! A well-known example is
the derivation of a second-order rational system of boundary layer compressible
and heat-conducting equations (which, it seems to me, are primarily due to
asymptotics) mentioned in the Prologue above. This extension of classical Prandtl
boundary-layer equations, by Van Dyke (1962), from the full NSF problem, has
been a crucial practical scientific contribution to the NASA program for the
atmospheric re-entry of the Space Shuttle!
Below, a typical case is considered, which is related to the modelling of the
Benard thermal convection problem (discussed in Chap. 8), up to the derivation of a
second-order model associated with the classical RB shallow thermal convection
In general, the derivation of a second-order model problem, from the full
unsteady NSF, well-formulated problem is not an easy task! Usually, erroneous
results are present, systematically, when an ad hoc approach is used for the
derivation of such second-order models, because it is not possible to predict the
many, well-balanced terms in these second-order models except via a reliable
method the RAM Approach!
Below, with the derivation of the second-order equation model for the Benard
convection problem, associated with the well-known RB leading-order shallow
thermal convection model, we give a typical example when the absence of such a
logical, step-by-step RAM Approach leads to very ambiguous results!
As starting, exact, Benard convection equations, we choose those derived by Hill
and Roberts in 1991. These dimensional equations, with physical quantities, are
written in the following form (see Chap. 8 for the notations):
p p0 g p1 1=gp2 :::;
ui ui 1 1=gui 2 :::;
T Td T1 Td 1=gT2 Td :::
rT rd 1 ad T Td :::::
Now, with the above expansion, the OB equations (for a weakly expansible
liquid) are derived, via the limit:
Thus, Hill and Roberts obtain the following reduced equations (with
@ui =@xi 0;
These equations are, in fact, rather similar to our deep thermal convection
equations (8.43bd) with viscous dissipation the parameter eH=R being an ana-
logue to our dissipation parameter Di, defined by (8.44a). When
eH=R ! 0;
@uk =@xk 0;
mx3 1=1 d1 x3
and d is a constant which represents a depth parameter, and R Ra.
If we now consider for three functions u ui ; y and p, the following three
asymptotic expansions, relative to expansibility parameter e:
then, first derived, from the full unsteady NSF convection equations, the RB,
shallow thermal, leading-order, convection equations are:
r:uRB 0;
In a second step, again from the full unsteady NSF convection equations, we
derive as a second-order, linear, well-balanced system of non-homogeneous
equations for uS ; yS ; pS :
Ad dlogCp T=dT=dlogrT=dTd :
Obviously, from the above (but not obvious) second-order equations it is possi-
ble to undertake an analysis which might produce interesting results complemen-
tary to the usual (classical, a la Chandresakhar, 1961) known quantitative results for
the RB problem. Such analysis can, in particular, can produce specific complimen-
tary results obtained earlier from these RB model equations.
We see that even if an ad hoc derivation is sometimes able to produce a valuable
result at the leading-order, and even if a deficient ambiguous approach is chosen
(as in the case of Hill and Roberts), such an approach will in no way be able to
consistently derive a rational second-order approximation with well-balanced
second-order terms. This precise observation is one of the main reasons for our
present RAM Approach and for the publication of this book!
Epilogue 257
Actually, we have a certain idea of the intrinsic structure of NSF equations and,
via the presence of various non-dimensional reduced parameters in these equations
and associated initial and boundary conditions, we begin to understand thanks to
the RAM Approach the profound unity in the puzzle of partial fluid-flows with
diverse configurations. Here in Chaps. 79 we have considered only some problems
of aereodynamics, convection, and atmospheric motions; but our RAM Approach
have a large spectrum of applications in various physical, technological, and
geophysical processes. It can operate everywhere where it is possible, in analyzed
problems, to detect several dimensionless significant parameters but this is not
always an easy matter. When this is the case, then the corresponding mathematical
consistent asymptotic model appears under definite scaling relations (similarity
rules) between these parameters, which produce diverse limitations in the use of
this model! In Chap. 8 such a case was analyzed, and for the thickness, d, of a liquid
layer a strong double limitation was derived for the case of RB shallow thermal
convection (see Sect. 8.4).
This idea of obtaining mathematical models by proper scaling parameters in
multiparametric non-linear problems is presented and very well illustrated in detail
by Cercignani (kinetic theory) and Sattinger (weakly non-linear dispersive phe-
nomena) (1998). A more recent, very interesting, but rather unusual book by de
Gennes et al. (2004) will enable the reader to understand, in simple terms, some
mundane questions affecting our daily lives questions that have often come to the
fore during our many interactions with industry (capillarity and wetting phenom-
ena, drops, bubbles, pearls, waves, and so on). The strategy in this book is to
sacrifice scientific rigour by an impressionistic approach (a la de Gennes) based
primarily on qualitative arguments, which makes it possible to grasp things more
clearly and to envisage novel situations. For me, this book is a collection of
problems well suited to a RAM Approach if, under the physics, we are able to
discover the main significant small (or large) parameters.
I hope that the points of view, linked with the RAM Approach emphasized
throughout this book devoted to the modelling of NSF equations, have been well
presented, and that some readers (at least) will be convinced that this technique
provides very powerful tools for the derivation of consistent rational not-stiff
models as an aid to numerical simulation. It is clear that at the present time a gap
still exists between the Rational Asymptotic Modelling (RAM) Approach and
High-Speed-Computer Numerical (H-S-CN) Simulation. In many cases the results
of numerical computations (which are often fascinating) do not correspond satis-
factorily with experimental/laboratory visualizations often because of the absence
of criteria by which the limit of validity of used models is known. Rarely in
scientific publications do we encounter the theoretical treatment of a full
unsteady fluid-flow problem directly inspired by the technology, and the work of
producing a simple description of this fluid flow, via a model problem that can be
used to explain it by using numerical simulation, is lacking (see, for instance, Sect.
6.1, footnote 2, page 119). The crucial problem of initial conditions, which strongly
influence the subsequent formation and evolution of the fluid flow, is usually
258 Epilogue
We are convinced that: The more computing and numerical algorithmic pro-
cesses, via high-speed computers, becomes efficient, the more will be the need for
conceptually consistent techniques capable of unravelling stiff fluid-flow problems.
The Rational Asymptotic Modelling (RAM) Approach, among others(?), proves to
be a (more!) efficient tool. This (rather optimistic) statement was, during 197080,
a guideline for me when I was working on the asymptotic modelling of atmospheric
Modelling of atmospheric flows especially via approximate and consistent
well-balanced models for global, short-range, and local weather-forecasting
involves vast and complex applied mathematics as is seen clearly in Sect. 9.2
above, in the framework of the very particular QG asymptotic model. During the
twenty-year period of my scientific activity at the University of Lille-I which was
devoted mainly to the modelling of fluid flow phenomena (see my monograph
(2002)), I published two books (1990 and 1991) and several survey and review
papers (1976, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1991) concerning asymptotic models of atmo-
spheric motions. In this scientific endeavour I was strongly influenced by my own
conception of meteorology (doubtless an unconscious inheritance from my
muscovite scientific period from 1957 to 1966, with I. A. Kibel) as a fluid dynamics
discipline which lies in a privileged area for the application of the RAM Approach!
My purpose (which was certainly rather naive) was, during the 1990s, to initiate a
process which does not seem to have sufficiently attracted the attention of scientists.
Namely, the use of methods of formal asymptotic analysis for carrying out asymp-
totic modelling; that is, for building approximate consistent theoretical models
based on various meteo situations and atmospheric motions for the use in weather
forecasting! Conceptually, thanks to such an asymptotic (outerinner) approach,
where the matching plays a central role: the problem of taking into account
the atmospheric initial data (using weather observations) for the used, reduced
(filtered!) model is then well-posed!1
A recent operational approach at Meteo-France, working with three coupled
models Arpege-Aladin, for a numerical weather prediction model for Central
Europe, and also Arome as a regional prediction model is conceptually very
In the case of a hydrostatic large horizontal-scale numerical weather prediction model, this
initialization is consistently solved thanks to the derivation, near the (weather prediction) initial
time, of a system of local unsteady equations (with a short time t t=e, where e is the small
hydrostatic parameter (Sect. 9.2) in the framework of a well-posed initial-value (a la Cauchy)
problem. It might be true that adjustment to the state of static equilibrium is brought about (by the
generation and scattering of internal acoustic waves) during only a few minutes in all (see Monin
(1972), Section 6, and also our Meteorological Fluid Dynamics (1991), Chapter 5). Unfortunately,
the theoretical analysis (for an adiabatic atmospheric motion) by Guiraud and Zeytounian (1982),
and also the numerical simulation by Outrebon (1981), show that: The two sets of initial
conditions for full adiabatic, Euler, atmospheric equations, and the so-called Kibel primitive
equations, subject to hydrostatic approximation are merely shifted vertically by the amount of
vertical displacement during the whole process (during t "/ and matching) of the vertical, one-
dimensional, unsteady adjustment, atmospheric adiabatic, motion; this vertical shift being a quite
significant phenomenon (Outrebon (1981)).
Epilogue 259
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Q Second first integral, 91
Quasi-geostrophic modelling, 230 Second-order Ageostrophic G-Z Model,
Quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity model 247248
equation, 239 Second-order approximation, 179182
Quasi-incompressible model, 173 Second-order consistent equations, 89
Quasi incompressible system, 67 Seepage flow in rigid porous media, 153
Quasi-non-divergent limit equation, 89 Short adjustment time, 240
Short times, 67, 107, 241
Short-time-scale, 139
R Signalling problem, 37
Radiative heat transfer parameter, 225 Significant degeneracies, 144145
Radius of the earth, 226 Significant degeneracy near the initial time, 241
RAM Approach, 7, 54, 59, 61, 64, 77 Similarity parameter, 54, 84
Rate-of-deformation tensor, 35 Similarity relations, 53, 73, 78, 235, 236
Rate of temperature fluctuation, 74 Similarity rules, 60, 138, 140, 200
Rational Asymptotic Modelling Approach Singularity, Prandtl boundary layer, 97
(RAMA), 9, 51, 118 Singular limit, 26
in fluid dynamics, 10 Sixth problem of the millennium, 123
process, 102 Slenderness parameter, 129
Ratio of specific heat capacities, 225 Slightly compressible flow, 140
Ratio of the above two length scales, 150 Slightly frictional, 59
Rayleigh analytical problem, 203 Slip boundary condition, 27, 40
Rayleigh Slip condition, 63, 65, 91, 105, 172
number, 54, 197 Small Mach number, 60, 140
problem, 99, 110 Small parameter, 128, 131, 138, 189
thermal instability problem, 43 Solid wall, 72
RayleighBenard (RB), 54, 193 Solution of the Ackerbloms problem, 124, 246
convection, 55, 61 Solvability, 35
instability problem, 203 Sommerfeld radiation condition, 92
Index 275
Vaisala internal frequency, 8586 Wakes, 163
Validity, NSF equations, 75 Water wave motion, 37
Vanishing effect of the blades in the row, 164 Wave number, 61
Velocity, 21, 25 Weak solution, 124
Vertical component of vorticity, 248 Weak form of the no-slip condition on the
Vertical deviation, 215217 moving wall, 47
Vertical deviation of streamline, 215216 Weakly expansible liquid, 70, 193, 210
Vertical displacement of the streamlines, 156 Weather prediction domain, 229230
Very thin layer case, 223 Weber number, 210
Veuillot approach, 161165 Well-posed, 35
Vicinity of z 0 on the wall, 6263 Well-posed initial boundary value
Viscous dissipation, 35, 202, 210 problem, 120, 233
Viscous effect, 236 Well-posedness, 120, 121
Viscous lower motion, 157
Vortex flows, 9
Vortex sheets, 127, 163 Z
Vorticity, 25, 214 Zeytounian deep-thermal convection, 55