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10, NO 22, DECEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.




G. Balaji, R. Balamurugan and L. Lakshminarasimman

Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu, India
Email: balaji.g.au@gmail.com

In this paper, a new approach for preventive maintenance of generating units in a competitive market environment
is proposed. The objective of the generator maintenance scheduling (GMS) problem is to find the precise time interval for
maintenance of power generating units with an objective criterion of maximizing the profit of individual generation
companies (GenCos) present in an electricity market. The problem of scheduling of generating units for maintenance is
formulated as a mixed integer optimization problem. Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is suitably modified to handle
the integer variables present in the GMS problem. The integer variables are the control variables that denotes the starting
period of each generating unit for carrying out maintenance work. The lambda iteration approach is incorporated into the
DE procedure in order to assists DE in finding the accurate starting period for maintenance of power generating units. This
paper presents a hybrid differential evolution (HDE) to solve maintenance scheduling problem in a power system. The
performance of the proposed algorithm is validated by considering 22 units test system. Numerical results obtained by the
proposed HDE method are compared with hybrid particle swarm optimization (HPSO) algorithm. The test results reveal
the capability of the proposed HDE algorithm in finding near optimal maintenance schedule for the GMS problem under
competitive market environment.

Keywords: generator maintenance scheduling, competitive electricity market, profit maximization, hybrid differential evolution, lambda
iteration approach, optimal maintenance schedule.

1. INTRODUCTION for solving large size systems. To overcome such

Preventive maintenance scheduling of any difficulties, modern optimization techniques are
equipment is important in order to extend the lifetime of it. introduced for solving GMS problem. The minimization of
Maintenance scheduling of power generating units is a cost is considered as a goal and solved for the problem of
significant and challenging task both in centralized and generator maintenance scheduling [5-7]. A decomposition
decentralized power system. The objective of generator approach has been presented in [5] for solving GMS. The
maintenance scheduling (GMS) problem is to determine GMS problem is formulated as 0 -1 mixed integer problem
the exact time interval for planned preventive maintenance with an objective of minimizing overall operational cost
on a yearly time horizon. The main aim of the GMS in a which includes production cost and maintenance cost and
centralized power system is to reduce the production cost, is solved using Simulated Annealing [SA] in [6]. In [7],
increase the system reliability whereas in decentralized the objective criterion of minimizing production cost is
power system, it aims at maximizing the profit of considered and GMS is solved using combination of logic
individual power generation companies (GenCos) present programming, constraint satisfaction technique and B&B
in the market. The complexity of the problem increases algorithm. In [8], minimization of fuel cost, maintenance
with increase in system size. The problem has two types of cost and variation of spinning reserve rate are considered
variables, integer variables denoting the on/off status of as objective and combined using weighting coefficients.
the unit and continuous variables denoting the power To overcome the excessive execution time needed by SA
generation of various units and hence it is a mixed integer for solving GMS and to combine the intensification and
problem. Lot of contribution are made by various authors diversification aspects, Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Tabu
towards GMS. Earlier, mathematical approaches like search (TS) are synthesized with SA to solve GMS [8].
integer programming (IP) [1], Branch and Bound (B&B) The reliability associated with a power system is a
algorithm [2], dynamic programming (DP) approach [3, 4] measure of its ability to provide an adequate supply of
has been used for solving GMS problem. These electrical energy for the period of time. The reliability
mathematical approaches give optimal solution for small criterion considered for solving the problem of
size systems. The increase in system size increases the maintenance scheduling of generating units is either
solution space of the problem exponentially known as deterministic or probabilistic. There are plenty of
curse of dimensionality. Due to the curse of probabilistic reliability definitions like loss of load
dimensionality, mathematical approaches cannot be used probability (LOLP), loss of load expectation (LOLE) etc.,

VOL. 10, NO 22, DECEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


which are used as reliability objective criteria for the of GenCo. The major limitation of these modern
formulation of GMS problem. In [9], maintenance of optimization methods is that though it can be used for
generator is scheduled so as to minimize the risk through solving GMS of large size systems, it can find only sub
the minimization of yearly value of LOLE is proposed and optimal or near optimal solutions for the GMS problem.
solved using GA. LOLP is taken as objective in Differential evolution (DE) introduced by Storn and Price
formulating GMS problem and has been solved using [24, 25] is another tool that is successfully applied for
method of cumulants [10]. The deterministic reliability solving many real world optimization problems. The basic
criterion of minimizing the sum of the squares of the DE has the problem of premature convergence. In order to
reserve is considered in [11] and the meta-heuristic based avoid premature convergence and to find optimal solution
hybrid approach is used to solve the GMS problem in for a particular problem, the basic DE highly relies on
which heuristic approach is combined with GA / SA population size. If the number of variables is high, then
hybrid to seed the initial population. The objectives of DE needs more population to find optimal solution. This
minimizing the total operating cost and leveling the motivates the authors to propose an algorithm that can find
reserve are considered and solved using new TS algorithm near global optimal solution for the GMS with
in [12]. In [13], Leou proposed a new formulation in considerable reduction in population size. Therefore in this
which the cost and reliability are considered as an index paper, lambda iteration method is incorporated into the DE
and GA is combined with SA and is implemented for algorithm which supports DE in finding near global
solving the problem. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is optimal solution for the GMS problem. The lambda
used for finding the good schedule for maintenance of iteration method is a mathematical method used to
generating units by considering leveling the reserve economically dispatch the available generation so as to get
generation as objective [14, 15]. Ant colony optimization minimum production cost. The GMS problem is a mixed
(ACO) inspired by the foraging behavior of ant colonies is integer problem having continuous variables denoting the
implemented for solving GMS in [16]. Knowledge based active power generation and binary integer variables
expert system is applied in [17] to schedule the generator denoting the on/off status of generating units. In the
for maintenance in which the knowledge has been built in proposed methodology, variables are the starting periods
consultation with experienced operators and are expressed for maintenance of generators which are integers. Thus the
by rules and logic representations. To include the number of variables is considerably reduced. DE is
uncertainties present in the GMS, the objectives and suitably modified to handle the integer variables. The
constraints are expressed in fuzzy notation and embedded inclusion of lambda iteration approach into DE procedure
with dynamic programming to find the units maintenance helps to economically dispatch the available generation of
schedule [18]. In [19], the objectives and constraints are committed generators with minimum production cost. It
fuzzified through the guidance of GA and the maintenance also meets the load demand due to bilateral contract and
schedule for generating units is obtained with the help of power for bid. Thus, this paper presents hybrid differential
fuzzy dynamic programming. Four objective criteria such evolution (HDE) algorithm for solving GMS problem in
as loss of load expectation, expected un-served energy, decentralized power system with the objective criterion of
expected fuel cost and constraint violation are considered maximizing GenCos profit while satisfying numerous
and has been solved using B & B algorithm [20]. In hard constraints. To validate the effectiveness of the
decentralized electricity environment, generation, proposed HDE algorithm, in this paper, the results
transmission and distribution of power are done by obtained using HDE are compared with that obtained
separate entities like GenCos, transmission companies using hybrid particle swarm optimization (HPSO).
(TransCos) and distribution companies (DisCos)
respectively. The major objective of these entities is 2. PROBLEM FORMULATION
maximizing their own profits while maintaining adequate The main objective of GMS problem is to find
level of system reliability is the objective of independent the exact time interval to carry out maintenance work of
system operator (ISO). Marwali and Shahidehpour [21] power generating units. In this paper, maintenance
proposed Benders decomposition approach for finding the scheduling of generating units is considered from the
solution to the GMS problem with an objective of perspective of GenCos only. The objective criterion of
minimizing GenCos total maintenance and production GMS problem considered is maximizing the profit of each
costs as well as the cost of purchasing additional energy GenCo present in the electricity market. The profit can be
from outside sources over the operational planning period. calculated as the difference between GenCos expected
To satisfy the GenCos objective of maximizing the profit revenues and expenses. The objective function of
and ISOs objective of maintaining appropriate level of maximizing profit of GenCo is formulated as
reliability, Conejo, et al., described a sound coordination
mechanism among GenCo and ISO in [22]. Samuel and
Max E R t E E t
Rajan [23] presented two new hybrid approaches based on
PSO- GA and PSO- Shuffled frog leaping algorithm
t 1
(SFLA) for solving long term GMS from the perspective

VOL. 10, NO 22, DECEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


where maintained by the same maintenance crews. It is expressed

in terms of Uit variables of the second unit i2 as follows
E R t H . C C t . p C t H . C S t . p S t (2) S i 1 M i 1 1

U i 2, t 0 (7)
H . a
E E t bi Pit c i Pit2 . 1 U it H .Pit .v i . 1 U it MC i . Ri .U it t Si 1
i 1 i 1 i 1 (3)
Equation (7), states that unit 2 should not be
In equation (2), the first term corresponds to the taken offline to carry out maintenance work when the
revenue due to the bilateral contract to meet out the load duration on which unit 1 is under maintenance.
demand and second term corresponds to the revenue due
to bidding of power for sale. The first term of (3) denotes
2.5 Precedence constraint
the cost of production of power; the second term
represents the variable operation and maintenance cost and In some circumstances, some of the units need
the fixed maintenance cost are represented by the third maintenance prior to other generating units. Such
term. The various constraints to be satisfied by the GMS circumstances can be tackled using precedence constraints.
problem are This constraint specifies the order in which maintenance
on the generators has to be carried out. For instance, if
maintenance of unit 1 is to be completed before the
2.1 Maintenance window constraint starting of maintenance of unit 2, then this constraint is
The preventive maintenance work of each power given by
generating unit must be scheduled between its earliest and
latest period allowed for maintenance. The maintenance
window constraint guarantees that once maintenance of S1 M1 1 S2 (8)
unit i gets started, the maintenance work have to be
continued without any interruption for the time period that Equation (8) states that maintenance of unit 2
is exactly equal to maintenance duration of unit i in weeks. must be started only after the completion of maintenance
The state variable is stated as follows of unit 1.

1, t S i ,..., S i M i 1 3. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY

U it (4) Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is a simple
0, otherwise evolutionary strategy, introduced by Storn and Price [24,
25]. It is a stochastic, population based optimization
2.2 Covering of Bilateral contract and Power for Bid algorithm that is developed to optimize real parameter and
In any sub period t, the total generated power real valued functions. DE creates new solutions by
must be sufficient to meet out the load pattern due to combining the parent individual and several other
bilateral contract and power for sale in electricity market. individuals of the same population. A candidate replaces
This is given by the parent only if it has better fitness. Thus, the fittest
offspring competes one-to-one with its parent, which is
N different from the other evolutionary algorithms. It has
P it p C t p S t (5) few control variables to steer the objective and are easy to
i 1
choose. The control parameters of DE that have to be
controlled by the user are number of population NP,
scaling factor F and crossover factor CR. DE has been
2.3 Generators limit constraint successfully applied to solve various difficult optimization
It ensures that the output of each generator in a problems and has been verified as a promising algorithm
GenCo lies within its minimum and maximum limit and is for solving real world optimization problems in diverse
stated as follows fields [26]. The GMS problem has two variables; one is
binary integer which represents the on/off status of power
Pi min Pit Pi max (6) generating units and another variable is continuous which
represents the output of generating units. Thus GMS is a
mixed integer problem. In this paper, DE is suitably
2.4 Crew constraint modified to handle integer variables indicating the starting
It depends on the availability of man power for period for maintenance of generators. Thus population of
maintenance work. It guarantees that no two units can be vector of integers that denotes the starting period of
maintenance of each and every generator (X) is randomly

VOL. 10, NO 22, DECEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


initialized between its earliest and latest staring period as K 1 K K (13)

The steps (10) - (13) are repeated until P is zero.
X round E
random 0, 1. Lki E ik (9) Thus optimal generation of committed generating units
with minimum production cost can be found. The
remaining power that can be generated from the available
where, k = 1, 2, , NP. The integer variables are checked
generators is the selling power (pS(t)) on market.
for satisfying crew and precedence constraints. If any of
the constraint is violated for a generating unit, the integer The fitness function of the GMS problem to be
variable is selected randomly between its earliest and minimized using DE is
latest starting period until the crew constraint and
precedence constraint are satisfied and then the integer T NOC

variables are checked for maintenance window constraint. E R t E E t nc CV nc (14)
After satisfying all the above mentioned constraints, the t 1 nc 1
status of each unit i is set at 1 from the starting period up
to its corresponding maintenance duration period (Mi) to After initializing the population of vectors, there
denote that the unit i is taken offline for planned are three operators that are very crucial for the successful
preventive maintenance and 0 during other periods. The working of DE. They are mutation, crossover and
lambda iteration method is used to obtain optimal selection. These operators are explained below
generation schedule for the committed generating units in
each and every week of the planning horizon in order to 3.1 Mutation
meet the load demand due to bilateral contract. The
A mutated individual is generated during the
optimal generation schedule of each committed generating
mutation operation. In this paper, most frequently used DE
units yields minimum production cost which in turn
variant, DE/rand/1/bin has been employed for obtaining
maximizes the profit. The computational procedure to find
perturbed individual. Three vectors r1, r2 and r3 are
the optimal generation schedule using lambda iteration
randomly chosen between [1, NP] which are mutually
method has the following steps.
different and is also different from base index j. The donor
Step 1: with an initial value of , power output to be vector is created by adding weighted difference between
generated by each committed generator (Pi) in sub period t two population vectors to a third vector as given below
is calculated using

G 1
round F . X rG2 X rG3 (15)
Pit (10)
2c i
where, the scaling or mutation factor F [0.1,1]. The
scaling factor F ensures the fastest possible convergence.
The generated output power is set at its maximum value if The obtained donor vector is checked in order to satisfy
it exceeds the maximum limit of that generator. crew and precedence constraint. If any of the constraint is
Step 2: The change in power output is calculated using violated for a unit, the integer variable is selected
randomly between its earliest and latest starting period
NCG until the crew constraint and precedence constraint are
P K p C t P it (11) satisfied and then the integer variables are checked for
i 1 maintenance window constraint. The perturbed individual
V jG 1 thus obtained is a mutated integer vector for its
where, NCG is number of committed generators. parent integer vector X G
Step 3: The change in can be found as follows

3.2 Crossover
(12) After the mutation operation, crossover phase is
1 applied to create the trial vector. The trial integer vector is
i 1 2c i
created by applying uniform binomial crossover operation
to each pair of parent or target integer vector X Gj and its

Step 4: The new value of for the next iteration (K+1) can corresponding mutant or donor integer vector V jG 1 as
be found by adding change in with previous value of as follows:

VOL. 10, NO 22, DECEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


X hjG , random0,1 CR The above steps are repeated until some specific
G 1 stopping criterion is satisfied.
V hj G 1 (16)
Vhj , otherwise
In this paper, a new methodology is proposed to
where, h = 1, 2, , NI and the crossover factor CR obtain optimal maintenance schedule for generator
[0, 1]. If the random number is greater than CR, the maintenance scheduling problem. In the proposed
parameters of the trial integer vector are inherited from the methodology, DE is employed as a primary optimizer in
parent integer vector; otherwise it is copied from the donor solving GMS problem. The use of lambda iteration
integer vector. The individual gene in the trial integer method economically dispatches the available generation
vector symbolizes the starting period of each generating and minimizes the expenses of the GenCos in turn
unit. The status of each unit i is set at 1 from the starting maximizes their profit and based on these information DE
period up to its corresponding maintenance duration tries to find the optimal maintenance schedule for planned
period (Mi) to denote that the unit i is taken offline for preventive maintenance of power generating units. To
planned preventive maintenance and 0 during other validate the effectiveness of the proposed HDE algorithm,
periods. The committed generators in each week are then real size system of having 22 generating units [12] is
economically dispatched using equations (10) - (13) in considered. The 22 units belongs to a GenCo has to be
order to satisfy the weekly load demand due to bilateral scheduled for maintenance just once during the planning
contract with minimum production cost. The remaining horizon of 52 weeks. The number of integer variables of
power that can be generated from the available generators the 22 units system is 22 that indicate the starting period of
is the selling power (pS(t)) on market. Then the fitness 22 generators. Due to precedence constraint, the
function value can be calculated using equation (14). maintenance work of unit 2 must be completed before
starting of maintenance of unit 3. Similarly the
3.3 Selection maintenance of unit 6 must be started only after the
The fitness function value of each offspring or completion of maintenance work of unit 5. Due to crew
trial vector (VjG+1) is compared to that of its constraint, the maintenance activities of units 15 and 16,
corresponding parent vector (XjG) in the current units 21 and 22 should not be initiated simultaneously.
population. If the trial vector has lesser or equal fitness The program is developed using MATLAB 7.7 on a
function value than the corresponding parent vector, the personal computer with 2 GHz Core 2 Duo CPU. The
trial vector will replaces the parent vector otherwise the simulation results are compared with that achieved via
parent vector is retained for the next generation. The HPSO optimization scheme. The maintenance costs are
selection operation can be expressed as follows assumed as in Table-1.The generator data of 22 units
system is given in Table-1.

G 1

V jG 1 , if V jG 1 X Gj
X j G (17)
X j , otherwise

VOL. 10, NO 22, DECEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Table-1. Generator data of 22 unit system.

Fuel cost Cost

Unit PMin. PMax. v MC
L E M b = b1 + vi c = c1
(I) MW MW $/MWh $/MW a1 b1 c1 a = a1 $/h
$/MWh $/MW2/h
1 1 47 6 0 100 0.25 93 70 8.00 0.00585 70 8.25 0.00585
2 1 50 3 0 100 0.20 93 70 8.00 0.00580 70 8.20 0.00580
3 1 50 3 0 100 0.20 93 70 8.00 0.00580 70 8.20 0.00580
4 1 50 3 0 100 0.20 93 70 8.00 0.00580 70 8.20 0.00580
5 1 47 6 0 90 0.35 93 60 8.00 0.00610 60 8.35 0.00610
6 1 49 4 0 90 0.30 93 60 8.00 0.00610 60 8.30 0.00610
7 1 50 3 0 95 0.20 93 68 8.00 0.00579 68 8.20 0.00579
8 1 49 4 0 100 0.20 93 72 8.00 0.00565 72 8.20 0.00565
9 27 48 5 0 650 0.52 137 525 7.00 0.00120 525 7.52 0.00120
10 6 11 12 0 610 0.50 137 510 7.20 0.00142 510 7.70 0.00142
11 1 49 4 0 91 0.20 93 62 8.25 0.00600 62 8.45 0.00600
12 1 45 8 0 100 0.30 93 74 8.15 0.00578 74 8.45 0.00578
13 1 50 3 0 100 0.20 93 70 8.00 0.00580 70 8.20 0.00580
14 1 47 6 0 100 0.25 93 70 8.00 0.00585 70 8.25 0.00585
15 1 48 5 0 220 0.25 117 85 7.90 0.00460 85 8.15 0.00460
16 1 47 6 0 220 0.25 117 87 7.95 0.00464 87 8.20 0.00464
17 1 48 5 0 100 0.20 93 69 8.18 0.00570 69 8.38 0.00570
18 1 48 5 0 100 0.25 93 69 8.17 0.00572 69 8.42 0.00572
19 1 50 3 0 220 0.25 117 81 7.90 0.00463 81 8.15 0.00463
20 1 50 3 0 220 0.25 117 82 7.95 0.00462 82 8.20 0.00462
21 1 50 3 0 240 0.30 117 82 7.40 0.00410 82 7.70 0.00410
22 1 48 5 0 240 0.30 117 80 7.42 0.00415 80 7.72 0.00415

It is assumed that there is a bilateral contract GenCo and prices that has to be paid to GenCo by market
between GenCo and market participants (large participant for weekly bases is given in Table-2. The price
consumers). The contracted power profile to be met out by data are taken from [27].

VOL. 10, NO 22, DECEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Table-2. Bilateral contract with weekly power profile and price.

Week pC(t) CC(t) Week pC(t) CC(t) Week pC(t) CC(t) Week pC(t) CC(t)
(t) (MW) $/MWh (t) (MW) $/MWh (t) (MW) $/MWh (t) (MW) $/MWh
1 1694 41.4 14 1396 35.4 27 1737 34.5 40 1982 33.5
2 1714 41.4 15 1443 35.4 28 1927 34.5 41 1672 38.6
3 1844 41.4 16 1273 35.4 29 2137 34.9 42 1782 38.6
4 1694 41.4 17 1263 35.4 30 1927 34.9 43 1772 38.6
5 1684 41.4 18 1655 35.4 31 1907 34.9 44 1556 38.6
6 1763 41.4 19 1695 35.4 32 1888 34.9 45 1706 38.6
7 1663 41.4 20 1675 35.4 33 1818 33.5 46 1806 38.6
8 1583 41.4 21 1805 35.4 34 1848 33.5 47 1826 38.6
9 1543 35.4 22 1705 35.4 35 2118 33.5 48 1906 38.6
10 1586 35.4 23 1766 35.4 36 1879 33.5 49 1999 38.6
11 1690 35.4 24 1946 35.4 37 2089 33.5 50 2109 48.1
12 1496 35.4 25 2116 34.5 38 1989 33.5 51 2209 48.1
13 1456 35.4 26 1916 34.5 39 1999 33.5 52 1779 48.1

The revenue to GenCo is through bilateral window constraint. The schedule is attained with an
contract and due to sale of power on bid. The market objective of maximizing the profit of GenCos present in
clearing price is the price of the electricity that is the electricity market. In the objective, the revenue due to
forecasted based on electricity demand and supply, fuel bilateral contract arrangement is going to be constant for
costs, etc [28]. The forecasted market clearing price [27] at the entire planning period [27].The fixed maintenance cost
which the power can be sold out for every time period does not have that much influence on minimizing overall
(week) in the planning horizon of one year is given in operational cost when compared to production and
Table-3.Table 4 and 5 shows the maintenance schedule of variable O and M costs [7, 29]. Thus overall operational
GenCo having 22 power generating units obtained through cost can be minimized by minimizing the production cost
HDE and HPSO algorithm respectively. In table 4 and 5, it and variable operation and maintenance cost. The
can be seen that both algorithms satisfies crew and incorporation of lambda iteration approach into DE and
precedence constraints. Each and every unit of GenCo is PSO results in minimum production cost which in turn
maintained just once during the entire planning period and maximizes the profit. But, based on this information, when
is under continuous maintenance for the duration specified compared to HPSO, the proposed HDE finds optimal
by maintenance duration of unit i satisfying maintenance maintenance schedule as shown in Table-4.

VOL. 10, NO 22, DECEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Table-3. Forecasted weekly market clearing price.

Week MCP CS(t) Week MCP CS(t) Week MCP CS(t) Week MCP CS(t)
(t) $/MWh (t) $/MWh (t) $/MWh (t) $/MWh
1 40.4 14 34.4 27 36.9 40 32.9
2 41.7 15 34.2 28 36.6 41 31.7
3 40.9 16 37.8 29 38.8 42 33.3
4 40.4 17 33.4 30 37.7 43 37.8
5 42.8 18 37.7 31 31.6 44 43.6
6 40.1 19 41.9 32 32.8 45 43.5
7 41.9 20 41.5 33 34.4 46 47.6
8 39.0 21 38.6 34 32.7 47 48.3
9 37.4 22 42.6 35 31.5 48 46.6
10 36.3 23 42.5 36 32.4 49 49.9
11 36.5 24 44.7 37 35.3 50 53.3
12 35.6 25 42.8 38 31.7 51 60.2
13 36.7 26 39.1 39 30.6 52 51.2

Table-4. Maintenance schedule (HDE). 22 2281 -----

Week PS(t) Units on maintenance 23 2220 -----

1 2292 ----- 24 2040 -----

2 2272 ----- 25 1870 -----

3 2142 ----- 26 1975 7

4 2292 ----- 27 2154 7

5 2302 ----- 28 1964 7

6 2223 ----- 29 1849 -----

7 2323 ----- 30 1859 4,8

8 1793 10 31 1229 4,8,9

9 1833 10 32 838 4,5,8,9,12,15

10 1790 10 33 1008 5,8,9,12,15

11 1686 10 34 1078 5,9,12,15

12 1560 10,13,19 35 568 5,9,12,15,21

13 1400 10,13,14,18,19 36 1257 1,5,12,15,17,21

14 1460 10,13,14,18,19 37 1047 1,5,12,16,17,21

15 1542 2,10,11,14,18 38 1047 1,3,6,12,16,17,22

16 1712 2,10,11,14,18 39 817 1,3,6,12,16,17,20,22

17 1722 2,10,11,14,18 40 934 1,3,6,16,17,20,22

18 1530 10,11,14 41 1444 1,6,16,20,22

19 1681 10 42 1744 16,22

20 2311 ----- 43 2214 -----

21 2181 ----- 44 2430 -----

VOL. 10, NO 22, DECEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


45 2280 ----- 22 2281 -----

46 2180 ----- 23 2220 -----
47 2160 ----- 24 2040 -----
48 2080 ----- 25 1870 -----
49 1987 ----- 26 2070 -----
50 1877 ----- 27 2249 -----
51 1777 ----- 28 2059 -----
52 2207 ----- 29 1849 -----
30 1859 8,14
Table-5. Maintenance schedule (HPSO). 31 1559 8,12,14,15
Week PS(t) Units on maintenance 32 1478 4,8,12,14,15
1 2292 ----- 33 1357 2,4,8,11,12,14,15
2 2272 ----- 34 1007 2,4,11,12,14,15,17,18,19
3 2142 ----- 35 287 2,5,11,12,14,15,17,18,19,20,21
4 2292 ----- 36 946 5,11,12,17,18,19,20,21
5 2302 ----- 37 947 3,5,12,17,18,20,21
6 2223 ----- 38 637 3,5,9,12,16,17,18
7 2223 1 39 687 3,5,9,16,22
8 1693 1,10 40 804 5,9,16,22
9 1733 1,10 41 1019 6,7,9,16,22
10 1590 1,10,13 42 909 6,7,9,16,22
11 1486 1,10,13 43 1569 6,7,16,22
12 1680 1,10,13 44 2340 6
13 1920 10 45 2280 -----
14 1980 10 46 2180 -----
15 1933 10 47 2160 -----
16 2103 10 48 2080 -----
17 2113 10 49 1987 -----
18 1721 10 50 1877 -----
19 1681 10 51 1777 -----
20 2311 ----- 52 2207 -----
21 2181 -----

The comparison of results obtained through HDE and HPSO in terms of cost is shown in Table-6.

Table-6. Comparison of results in terms of cost.

Revenue due to Production cost Production cost Profit

bidding $ of pS $ to meet pC $ $
HDE 626407924.8 168080613.74 148731823.32 884721819.14
HPSO 626705973.6 169118332.85 148766095.77 883947876.37

VOL. 10, NO 22, DECEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


From the results of Table-6, it can be concluded vi - Variable operation and maintenance cost of unit i,
that maximizing the profit of GenCo highly depends on $/MWh
minimization of production cost. The use of lambda MCi - Fixed maintenance cost of unit i, $/MW
iteration method yields in minimum production cost with Ri Rating of unit i, MW
economically dispatching the available generation to meet ER(t) - Expected revenue of GenCo
out the bilateral contract. The production cost found using EE(t) - Expenses made by the GenCo
proposed HDE is less when compared to that obtained
Uit - State variable equal to 1 if the unit i in sub period
through HPSO in turn HDE gives better maintenance
t is under maintenance and 0 otherwise
schedule in terms of profit maximization. This shows the
applicability of the proposed HDE algorithm in finding Pit - Power output from unit i in sub period t, MW
optimal maintenance schedule for the GMS problem in CC(t) - Price to be paid to GenCo due to bilateral
deregulated electricity environment. contract in sub period t, $/MWh
CS(t) - Market clearing price for energy in sub period t,
In this paper, generator maintenance scheduling pC(t) - Power to meet out the load demand due to
problem in a market environment is considered with an bilateral contract in sub period t, MW
objective of maximizing the profit of generation pS(t) - Power for bid in sub period t, MW
companies is considered. A conceptually simple yet Ei - Earliest period in which maintenance of unit i can
efficient methodology to solve generator maintenance start
scheduling problem in electricity market environment is Li - Latest period in which maintenance of unit i can
proposed. In the proposed approach, the lambda iteration start
method is included into the DE procedure to find the Si - Starting period of maintenance of unit i[Li, Ei]
optimal maintenance schedule. The efficiency of the Mi - Maintenance duration of unit i
proposed HDE is validated by considering 22 units Pimin- Minimum limit generating unit i
system. To compare the results of the HDE, HPSO is
Pimax - Maximum limit generating unit i
considered. The simulation results shows that DE
effectively utilizes the results of lambda iteration method
and finds better maintenance schedule interms of REFERENCES
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