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Data-driven evolutionary algorithm for oil reservoir well-

placement and control optimization

Guodong Chena, Xin Luoa, Jimmy Jiu Jiaoa,*, Xiaoming Xueb

a Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
b Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Corresponding author: Jimmy Jiu Jiao (jjiao@hku.hk)


Optimal well placement and well injection-production are crucial for the reservoir

development to maximize the financial profits during the project lifetime. Meta-

heuristic algorithms have showed good performance in solving complex, nonlinear and

non-continuous optimization problems. However, a large number of numerical

simulation runs are involved during the optimization process. In this work, a novel and

efficient data-driven evolutionary algorithm, called generalized data-driven differential

evolutionary algorithm (GDDE), is proposed to reduce the number of simulation runs

on well-placement and control optimization problems. Probabilistic neural network

(PNN) is adopted as the classifier to select informative and promising candidates, and

the most uncertain candidate based on Euclidean distance is prescreened and evaluated

with a numerical simulator. Subsequently, local surrogate model is built by radial basis

function (RBF) and the optimum of the surrogate, found by optimizer, is evaluated by

the numerical simulator to accelerate the convergence. It is worth noting that the shape

factors of RBF model and PNN are optimized via solving hyper-parameter sub-

expensive optimization problem. The results show the optimization algorithm proposed

in this study is very promising for a well-placement optimization problem of two-

dimensional reservoir and joint optimization of Egg model.

Keywords: well-placement optimization; joint optimization; surrogate; probabilistic

neural network; radial basis function; differential evolution

1 Introduction

Obtaining the optimal oil reservoir development plan, such as determining the locations

of wells and the flow rates or bottom-hole-pressure of wells, plays an important role in

the field development processes [1-3]. Well-placement and well injection-production

optimization can maximize the financial profits during the oilfield development period

by improving the sweep efficiency of the water-flooding reservoir. Optimal well

location and well-control scheme can be impacted by many factors, such as the

heterogeneous permeability of the reservoir, the properties of fluids and the developing

history of the reservoir [4, 5]. Well-placement optimization is a highly nonlinear

problem and the decision variables are integers [6]. Such optimization problems are

typically computationally expensive, as the objective function has to be evaluated with

time consuming numerical simulation in the optimization processes [7, 8].

Gradient-based algorithms have been developed to solve well placement optimization

problems efficiently [9-11]. Handels et al. [12] adopted adjoint-based gradient

algorithm on constrained well-placement optimization problems. Forouzanfar and

Reynolds [13] used a gradient-based algorithm to solve the joint optimization of well

number and locations and controls. However, these algorithms are easy to get stuck into

local optima and the gradient calculated by adjoint or finite-difference method may not
be precise for such discrete problems. Derivative-free algorithms, such as genetic

algorithm (GA) [14-17], particle swarm optimization (PSO) [18-20], differential

evolution (DE) [21, 22] and covariance matrix adaptation-evolution strategy (CMA-ES)

[2, 23], have been commonly used for well-placement optimization problems, as these

heuristic methods are able to jump out from the local optimum and converge to global

optimum [24-26]. Beckner and Song [24] adopted simulated annealing method to

determine optimal economic well control and placement. Burak et al. [14] presented

hybrid GA to optimize the nonconventional well type, location, and trajectory.

Onwunalu and Durlofsky [19] adopted PSO for well placement and type. Ding et al.

[18] proposed a hybrid objective function with PSO as optimizer for well-placement

problems. Awotunde et al. [2] used CMA-ES as the optimizer to determine the well

location and considered minimum well spacing as constraint. Nevertheless, these

algorithms need to consume a large number of simulation runs, especially for high-

dimensional problems, before locating the global optimum which is computationally

prohibitive [21].

Surrogate model (also called proxy) has gained increasing attention recently due to the

promising ability on reducing the number of simulation runs during the optimization

processes [27-29]. Various surrogate methods have been developed to save

computational time, e.g., reduced order model (ROM) [30], capacitance-resistance

model (CRM) [31] and machine learning methods [32-34]. Jansen and Durlofsky [30]

developed proper orthogonal decomposition to reduce the order of model and accelerate

the computation of single simulation. However, ROM needs to obtain the explicit
information of the simulator which is impossible for commercial simulator like Eclipse.

Yousef et al. [31] presented capacitance-resistance model to quantify connectivity and

degree of fluid storage between wells. Zhao et al. proposed a physical-based interwell-

numerical-simulation model (INSIM) using mass-material-balance and front-tracking

equations for the control units [32]. However, INSIM and CRM are less faithful and the

accuracy is poor especially on well-placement optimization problems.

Machine learning methods, which are computationally cheap mathematical models, can

approximate the input/output relationship between the decision variables and the

objective function [27, 35]. Commonly used machine learning methods as surrogate are:

Gaussian process (GP) [36, 37], radial basis function (RBF) [38], polynomial regression

surface (PRS) and support vector machine (SVM) [39, 40]. Taking the prediction and

the uncertainty of sample points into consideration, kriging-based infill criteria, such as

lower confidence bound (LCB) [37], expected improvement (EI) and probability of

improvement (PoI), can balance the exploration and the exploitation. Bernardo et al.

[41] used GP as surrogate and sequential quadratic programming as optimizer to solve

water-flooding well-control optimization problems. Redouane et al. [28] presented GP

and GA combined with hybrid constraint-handling strategy on well-placement

problems. Guo and Reynolds [42] proposed a workflow with support vector regression

as surrogate and stochastic simplex approximate gradient as optimizer to estimate the

optimal well-control scheme for the robust production optimization problems.

Nevertheless, when dealing with high-dimensional production optimization or joint

optimization problems, the performance of surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithm

deteriorates drastically.

High-dimensional expensive optimization is a challenging problem and many

researchers have made efforts to solve this problem recently. Liu et al. [43] proposed

surrogate-assisted differential evolution (GPEME) using GP combined with

dimensionality reduction method on solving 20-50 dimensional problems. Sun et al.

[44] combined a surrogate-assisted PSO algorithm and a surrogate-assisted social

learning PSO algorithm (SACOSO) to cooperatively guide the search. Yu et al. [45]

presented surrogate-assisted hierarchical particle swarm optimization (SHPSO)

algorithm for 30-100 dimensional benchmark functions. Wang et al. [46] developed an

evolutionary sampling assisted optimization (ESAO) with RBF as surrogate and DE as

optimizer on solving 20-100 dimensional benchmark functions. Cai et al. [47] proposed

a generalized surrogate-assisted genetic algorithm (GSGA), consisting of surrogate-

based local search, surrogate-guided GA updating mechanism and a kriging-based

prescreening strategy. Li et al. [48] used a boosting strategy for model management and

a localized data generation method to alleviate small sample problem on solving 10-

100 dimensional problems (BDDEA-LDG). Chen et al. [27] presented a hierarchical

surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithm (EHSDE) combining global prescreening

strategy and local acceleration strategy on solving 20-100 dimensional problems, and

the performance is promising in comparison with other state-of-the-art algorithms.

Classification-based machine learning method has also been introduced as surrogate.

Wei et al. [49] proposed a classifier-assisted level-based learning swarm optimizer (CA-

LLSO) using the gradient boosting gradient classifier and the level-based learning
swarm optimizer for 20-300 dimensional benchmark functions. However, when dealing

with high-dimensional expensive problems, these methods still suffer from the curse of


The objective of this study is to use machine learning methods guiding the search of

evolutionary algorithm to accelerate the convergence and reduce the number of

simulation runs on solving well-placement optimization and joint optimization

problems. A novel and efficient data-driven evolutionary algorithm is developed to

alleviate the curse of dimensionality and accelerate the convergence during the

optimization process. The proposed algorithm is called generalized data-driven

differential evolutionary algorithm (GDDE) and consists of two stages. In the first stage,

probabilistic neural network (PNN) is adopted as classifier to select informative and

promising candidates, and the most uncertain candidate based on Euclidean distance

evaluated with simulator. In the second stage, surrogate with RBF is built in a small

promising area and the optimum of the surrogate is evaluated by numerical simulator

to accelerate the convergence. The shape factor of RBF model is optimized via solving

a hyper-parameter optimization problem. To illustrate the performance, the proposed

algorithm is tested on a two-dimensional (2D) reservoir model and Egg model.

The main contributions of this work are: 1) The study adopts both classification model

and interpolation model as the surrogates to guide evolutionary algorithm in solving

well-placement and joint optimization problems. Concretely, a classifier is adopted to

identify the promising individuals from the offsprings. The most uncertain individual

is selected from the promising individuals to evaluate with real function evaluation.
Besides, RBF is adopted to approximate the landscape of the objective function at the

local promising area to accelerate the convergence. 2) To obtain the optimal shape

factor of RBF, PRS is adopted as surrogate to minimize the leave-one-out crossover

validation error. After getting the optimal shape factor, the accuracy of the local

surrogate can be improved greatly and the convergence speed can be accelerated


The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Firstly, the well-placement optimization

and joint optimization problems are introduced in section 2. Then the related techniques

involved in the proposed algorithm are introduced in section 3. Subsequently, the

framework of the proposed algorithm is described in section 4 and the experimental

results are discussed in section 5. Finally, the conclusion is provided.

2 Well-placement and control optimization problem

In recent years, joint optimization of well-placement and control problems have gained

increasing interest to identify the optimal well locations and corresponding control

scheme [50, 51]. Traditional methods on such problems use a sequential way to

determine the optimal development scheme which is easy to suffer from local optimum

[52, 53]. Li and Jafarpour [54] proposed to use derivative-free random stochastic search

method for well-placement and gradient-based algorithm for well control problem


In this study, a joint rather than a sequential manner is adopted to achieve better water-

flooding reservoir development plan and maximize the profit during the development
period by improving the sweep efficiency of the reservoir [55, 56].

The joint optimization of well placement and control problem can be defined as follows:

max NPV (x1 , x 2 ) (1)

x1 , x2

subject to

x1l  x1  x1u ,x1  Zn1 (2)

x 2 l  x 2  x 2 u , x 2  R n2 (3)

where NPV (x1 , x2 ) denotes the objective function of the problem; x1 denotes the

discrete integer vector of well locations to be optimized; n1 is the number of variables

of well locations; x 2 denotes the continuous vector of well control (i.e., the flow rate

or the bottom hole pressure of each well); n2 =nt  (np  ni ) is the number of variables of

well control (i.e., the number of time steps multiply the number of wells); x1l and x1u

are the lower and upper boundaries of well locations, respectively; x 2l and x2u are

the lower and upper boundaries of well control variables, respectively. Note that all the

wells to be optimized are vertical and only bound constraints are considered in this

work. x1 is predefined for well-placement problems, and x 2 is predefined for well

control problems. The simplified objective NPV is defined as follows:

k [Qo ,t  ro  Qw,t  rw  Qi ,t  ri ]  t
NPV (x1 , x 2 )   (4)
t 1 (1  b) pt

where k denotes the number of time steps; t is the length of each time step; Qo ,t ,

Qw,t and Qi ,t are oil production rate, water production rate and water injection rate at

tth time step, respectively; ro is the oil price while rw and ri are the costs of water removal

and water injection, respectively; b is the discount rate; pt is the elapsed time in years.
3 Related techniques

3.1 Probabilistic neural network

Probabilistic neural network (PNN) is a kind of feed forward neural network consisting

of four layers, i.e., input layer, pattern layer, summation layer and output layer [57].

The structure of PNN is shown in Fig. 1.

The first layer is input layer, used to receive the value from sample points and pass to

the network. The number of the neurons of input layer equals the dimension of the

optimization problem. The second hidden layer uses RBF as kernel function with

training sample points as the neuron center to calculate the distance between input

vector and neuron center. The input/output relationship from vector x to the jth neuron

of the ith mode is defined as follows:

1 ( x  xij )T ( x  xij )
ij ( x)  exp[ ] (5)
2 2
(2 ) 
2 d

where d is the dimension of the input vector,  is the shape factor and xij is the

neuron vector.

Summation layer can estimate the probability density of each mode with the help of the

kernel function. The maximum likelihood of x being classified into Ci can be

calculated by averaging the value of neuron that is in the same class. The value of the

ith neuron of the summation layer can be calculated as follows:

1 Ni
( x  xij )T ( x  xij )
pi ( x)  d  exp[ 2 2
] (6)
d j 1
Ni (2 ) 

where Ni is the number of training sample points belonging to class Ci . After

calculating the posteriori probability density, the class with the maximum one will be

selected as the output. The output layer uses competitive neurons as classifier.

Pattern Hidden
layer layer
Input Input
layer Summation layer
x1 Output x1 Output
layer layer
x2 ŷ x2 ŷ

xd xd

Fig. 1 The structure of PNN Fig. 2 The structure of RBF

3.2 Radial basis function

RBF has been widely adopted as surrogate on solving high-dimensional expensive

optimization problems, because it is relatively not sensitive to the dimension and the

accuracy is relatively good. RBF is a weighted sum of kernel functions to approximate

the landscape of objective function [27]. Suppose {(xi , f (xi )), i  1,2,..., n} is the

training sample points, xi  R d and f (xi )  R are the decision vectors and objective

function values, respectively. The RBF model is expressed as follows:

fˆ (x)   ωi ( x  xi ) (7)
i 1

where fˆ is the mathematical model of RBF, i is the ith weight parameter and 

is the kernel function. In this work, Gaussian kernel is adopted as basis function:

 ( x)  exp( ) (8)
where  is the shape parameter. The weight parameters can be calculated as follows:

ω  φ-1f (9)

3.3 Polynomial regression surface

PRS can approximate the objective function y  f (x) in the following form (second

order model is adopted):

d d d
fˆ (x)  0 + i xi + ij xi x j (10)
i 1 i 1 i 1

where β  [0 , 1 ,..., d , 11 ,..., dd ]T is the coefficient vector which can be calculated

as follows:

β=(XT X)-1XT f (11)

X=[1 x1 x12 ] when the dimension equals 1.

3.4 Differential evolution

DE, a population-based heuristic algorithm, has been widely used in many complex

engineering optimization problems. In this work, DE is adopted as the optimizer and

operator to generate offsprings for prescreening. DE consists of initialization, mutation,

crossover and selection. Firstly, the population is generated randomly

P  [x1 , x2 ,..., xNP ] and each individual is a vector with dimension d, e.g., the ith

individual is xi  ( xi1 , xi 2 ,..., xid )  Rd . Then mutation operation is conducted with

different strategies to generate the donor vector:

vi  xbest  Mu (xi1  xi2 ) (12)


v i  xi  Mu (xbest  xi )  Mu(xi1  xi2 ) (13)

where vi is the ith donor vector, xi denotes the ith individual, Mu is the mutation

operator, and i1 , i2 [1, NP] are randomly generated and mutually different integers. In

this research, DE/best/1 is adopted as mutation strategy. After mutation, crossover

operation is conducted as follows:

 v i , if (rand  CR j  jrand )
u  j

 xi , otherwise

where uij denotes the jth dimension of the ith trial vector, CR denotes the crossover

operator, rand is a random number between 0 and 1, and jrand is a random integer

from 1 to d.

4 Methodology

In this study, a novel data-driven evolutionary algorithm called GDDE is proposed for

well-placement and joint optimization problems. The main framework of GDDE is

introduced first, followed by the details of GDDE.

4.1 Main framework of GDDE

The generic diagram of the proposed GDDE is shown in Fig. 3, and the pseudo-code of

GDDE is shown in Algorithm 1. Firstly, Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) is used to

generate initial sample points. Numerical simulation is used to conduct real function

evaluation, and the sample points are added into database D. GDDE consists of two
stages. In the first stage, PNN is adopted as classifier to select informative and

promising candidates, and the most uncertain candidate based on Euclidean distance is

evaluated with simulator. In the second stage, surrogate with RBF is built in a small

promising area and the optimum of the surrogate is evaluated by numerical simulator

to accelerate the convergence. The shape factor of RBF and PNN models are optimized

via solving a hyper-parameter sub-optimization problem. The high-uncertainty and

promising individual can be prescreened by Euclidean distance and PNN to explore the

search space, while the optimum of the local surrogate can exploit the most promising

area to accelerate the convergence. After combining two strategies, the proposed

algorithm can balance the exploration and the exploitation and enhance the search

ability during the optimization process.

Classification-based prescreening strategy

The first sort of current population
The second sort of current population
The first sort of candidate solutions
The second sort of candidate solutions
High-uncertainty and potential solutions


Local search strategy

Local space Sampling criterion: Update local space
xˆ best = arg min fˆl (x)

xkbest f ( x)
fˆ (x)
xˆ best

Design space xˆ best xkbest Design space

Fig. 3 The framework of the proposed algorithm

Algorithm 1 Pseudo code of GDDE

01: Initialization: Generate  initial samples using Latin hypercube sampling

from the decision space, conduct function evaluation with numerical simulation, and

add into database D.

02: While stopping criterion is not met

// The classification-based prescreening part

03: Select NP best sample points P  {x1, x2 ,..., xNP } from database D;

04: Sort the population P into two classes:  individuals as the first class {xk }1 ,

NP   individuals as the second class {xk }2 ;

05: Train the PNN as classifier with sorted population {xk }1 and {xk }2 ;

06: Obtain the optimal shape factor  of PNN based on Algorithm 4 (see section


07: Use DE operation to generate NP new solutions u1 , u2 ,..., uNP ;

08: Prescreen the promising sample points belonging to the first class {uk }1 ;

09: Prescreen the most uncertain individual uunc from the promising individuals

{uk }1 with Euclidean distance;

10: Evaluate the fitness value of uunc with simulator;

11: Record the evaluation of uunc into database D;

// The local search part

12: Choose  best sample points x1 , x2 ,..., x as training sample points from

database D;

13: Construct a local RBF model fˆl with  selected sample points, calculate

the range of the local space [lbl , ubl ] ;

14: Obtain the optimal shape factor  of RBF based on Algorithm 4 (see section


15: Locate the optimum of fˆl with DE optimizer in the local space;

16: Evaluate the fitness value of x̂best with simulator;

17: Record the evaluation into database D;

18: End While

19: Output

In the following, the details of GDDE, including classification-based prescreening

strategy, local search strategy and sub-optimization of shape parameter will be


4.2 Classification-based prescreening strategy

In this stage, PNN is adopted as classifier to select informative and promising

candidates, and the most uncertain candidate based on Euclidean distance is evaluated

with simulator. The pseudo-code of this stage is shown in Algorithm 2. Firstly, select

NP best sample points P  {x1 , x2 ,..., xNP } from the database D as the population. To search

for promising individuals, the population P is classified into two classes:  individuals

as the first class {xk }1 , NP   individuals as the second class {xk }2 , and PNN is trained

as classifier with sorted population. Then use DE operation to generate NP new

solutions u1 , u2 ,..., uNP . Afterward, a classifier is used to prescreen the promising sample

points belonging to the first class {uk }1 , and Euclidean distance is used to prescreen the

most uncertain individual uunc from the promising individuals {uk }1 :

g (u k )  min(dis(u k , x)) (15)
u k {u k }1 , xD

where dis(uk , x) is the Euclidean distance between trial vector uk and training

solutions x . The most uncertain solution is selected as follows:

u unc  arg max g (u k ) (16)

u k {u k }1

where uunc denotes the most uncertain individual from promising solutions {uk }1 .

Subsequently, evaluate the fitness value of uunc with numerical simulator and record

the fitness value of uunc into database D.

Algorithm 2 Pseudo code of classification-based prescreening strategy

Input: Database D, the population size NP, the size of the first class  , mutation

operator Mu, crossover operator CR.

01: Select NP best sample points P  {x1, x2 ,..., xNP } from database D;

02: Sort the population P into two classes:  individuals as the first class {xk }1 ,

NP   individuals as the second class {xk }2 ;

03: Train the PNN as classifier with sorted population {xk }1 and {xk }2 ;

04: Use DE operation to generate NP new solutions u1 , u2 ,..., uNP ;

05: Prescreen the promising sample points belonging to the first class {uk }1 ;

06: Prescreen the most uncertain individual uunc from the promising individuals

{uk }1 with Euclidean distance;

07: Evaluate the fitness value of uunc with simulator;

08: Record the evaluation of uunc into database D;

Output: Database D.

4.3 Local search strategy

In this stage, RBF is built as surrogate in a small promising area and the optimum of

the surrogate is supplied by DE optimizer and evaluated by numerical simulator to

accelerate the convergence. The shape factor of RBF model is optimized via solving a

hyper-parameter optimization problem to get a high-quality surrogate. The pseudo-code

of this stage is provided in Algorithm 3. Firstly,  best sample points x1 , x2 ,..., x are

selected as training sample points from database D. Then a local RBF model is

constructed to approximate the landscape of the small promising area. The range of the

ith dimension of local surrogate can be calculated as follows:

lbl i  min(x1i , xi2 ..., xi )

 i (17)
ubl  max(x1 , x2 ..., x )
i i i

where lbl i and ubl i is the lower and upper boundaries of the ith variable of the local

surrogate, xi is the ith variable of the  th solution. After determining the local range,

the surrogate fˆl (x) is built in the local space. To accelerate the convergence during

the optimization process, the optimum of the local surrogate x̂best is supplied by DE

optimizer according to the following criterion:

xˆ best  arg min fˆl (x) (18)


Then evaluate the fitness value of the pseudo-optimal solution x̂best with numerical

simulator and record the fitness value of x̂best into database D. It is worth noting that

the promising local space will gradually reduce to the area nearby the optimum until

the stop criterion is satisfied.

Algorithm 3 Pseudo code of local search strategy

Input: Database D, size of training sample points .

01: Choose  best sample points x1 , x2 ,..., x as training sample points from

database D;

02: Construct a local RBF model fˆl with  selected sample points, calculate

the range of the local space [lbl , ubl ] ;

03: Locate the optimum of fˆl with DE optimizer in the local space;

04: Evaluate the fitness value of x̂best with simulator;

05: Record the evaluation into database D;

Output: Database D

4.4 Optimization of shape parameter  of RBF and PNN

For a set of predefined database D  {(xi , f (xi )), i  1,2,..., N} , the approximation

accuracy of RBF and the classification accuracy of PNN are impacted by the shape

factor value  of the kernel functions. Fig. 4 indicates the prediction impact of using

different shape factors. To improve the approximation and classification accuracy,

leave-one-out method is adopted by minimizing the validation error to determine the

shape factor value. The pseudo-code of this section is shown in Algorithm 4. The

validation error of the shape factor  is defined as:

e( )   ei   ( f (xi )  fˆ (xi )) 2 (19)
i 1 i 1

where ei is the prediction error at the ith sample point. Therefore, the sub-optimization

problem can be defined as:

min e( ) (20)

subject to:

 0 (21)

(a) σ=0.1 (b) σ=0.5

(c) σ=1 (d) σ=3

(e) σ=5 (f) σ=10

Fig. 4 The prediction impact of using different shape factors

Although the sub-optimization problem is one-dimensional, it is still computationally

expensive since each function evaluation needs to train the model and calculate the

prediction error at testing sample points. According to several numerical experiments

conducted by Rippa [58], the e( ) is an approximate quadratic function. Thus, in this

work, second-order PRS is adopted as surrogate model to approximate e( ) .

Specifically, sample m uniformly distributed shape factors {1 , 2 ,..., m} , calculate

corresponding errors {e(1 ), e( 2 ),..., e( m )} according to Eq. (19). Subsequently, the

coefficient vector β  [0 , 1 , 11 ]T of the PRS can be calculated by Eq. (11). Thus, the

optima of the surrogate is    21 , and the optimal shape factor is chosen as:


  min{max{ * , min }, max } (22)

Algorithm 4 Pseudo code of shape parameter optimization

Input: Number of training shape factors m, upper bound  max and lower bound

 min of shape parameter.

01: Select m training shape factors {1 , 2 ,..., m} uniformly from [ min , max ] ;

02: Evaluate {e(1 ), e( 2 ),..., e( m )} based on Eq. (19);

03: Calculate β  [0 , 1 , 11 ]T based on Eq. (11);

Calculate    2 ;


05: Choose the optimal shape factor   min{max{ * , min }, max } ;

Output: Optimal shape factor 

5 Case study

To show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, numerical experiments are

conducted on a well-placement optimization problem of 2D channelized reservoir and

a joint optimization problem of Egg model. The proposed algorithm is also compared

with commonly used differential evolution (DE), GDDE with only classification-based
prescreening strategy (namely Classifier) and GDDE with only local search strategy

(namely Local search).

5.1 Case 1: well-placement optimization of 2D reservoir

A 2D channelized reservoir is chosen to test the performance of the proposed algorithm

on well-placement optimization problems. The model contains 100 100 1 grid blocks

with the size of each grid block 100 100  20ft 3 . Fig. 5 presents the permeability

distribution of the 2D reservoir model. The reservoir contains several distinct high-

permeability channels. There are totally 10 wells, with 5 water-injection wells and 5

production wells. Since the reservoir has no aquifer or gas cap, primary oil production

is negligible. The initial reservoir pressure is 6000 psi. The porosity of the reservoir is

0.2. The initial water saturation is 0.2. The compressibility of the reservoir is

6.9 105 psi1 . The viscosity of oil is 2.2 cp. The control scheme for each injection and

production well is fixed. The injection rate for each injection well is set to 1000

STB/day, while the bottom-hole-pressure for each production well is set to 3000 psi.

The lifetime of the project is 7200 days, and each time step is 360 days, which means

there are totally 20 time steps. The main goal is to determine the locations of 5 water-

injection wells and 5 production wells to further maximize the profits in the lifetime of

the reservoir project. Therefore, there are totally 20 variables for the well-placement

optimization problem. The oil price is set to 80 USD/STB, the cost of water injection

is 5 USD/STB, and the cost of water treatment is 5 USD/STB. The discount rate is set

to 0%.

Fig. 5 The permeability distribution of the 2D reservoir

Fig. 6 NPV vs. number of simulation runs by DE, Classifier, Local search and GDDE

for case 1

To build surrogate model accurately, the initial sample points provided by LHS is set to

100 for case 1. Since the heuristic algorithms are stochastic, 5 independent runs are

performed to show the performance of the algorithms. The optimization results

obtained by DE, Classifier, Local search and GDDE for case 1 are shown in Fig. 6.

Local search and GDDE converge fast in the early stage of optimization, while

Classifier and DE converge slowly. Fig. 7 presents the distributions of convergence

curves for case 1 with 5 independent runs. Classifier tends to consume more real

function evaluations on exploring the uncertain area, resulting in slower convergence

than DE. Local search converges efficiently, however, it is easy to get trapped into local

optima. After combining classification-based prescreening strategy and local search

strategy, GDDE converges efficiently and effectively. Fig. 8 presents the optimal well-

placement provided by DE, Classifier, Local search and GDDE and corresponding oil

saturation fields after 720, 3600 and 7200 days. As shown in Fig. 8, 3 production wells

are set to the medium high-permeability channel and no injection well is set to the

channel, which can reduce the water production and increase oil production. The well

locations provided by GDDE can achieve more oil production and higher NPV. It is

worth noting that some well locations are quite close, or even overlap (Fig. 8). Such

scheme of well locations may not be optimal. If the developer wishes to avoid such

phenomenon, constraints of distances between wells should be added [54].



(a) DE (b) Classifier



(c) Local search (b) GDDE

Fig. 7 The distributions of convergence curves for case 1 with 5 independent runs

 Injection

Classifier well



t = 720 days t = 3600 days t = 7200 days

Fig. 8 The optimal well-placement by DE, Classifier, Local search and GDDE and

corresponding oil saturation fields after 720, 3600 and 7200 days

5.2 Case 2: Joint optimization of well-placement and control scheme (Egg model)

Egg model is chosen as the 3D reservoir model for well-placement and production joint

optimization problem. Egg model has been extensively used for well-placement and

production optimization [7, 37, 38]. The permeability distribution of Egg model is

shown in Fig. 9. The model has 60  60  7 grid blocks, with the size of each grid block

30  30  10m3 , and 18,853 are active grid blocks. The detailed description of Egg model
can be found in Jansen et al [59]. For this case, the life cycle of the project is 3600 days,

and each time step is 360 days, for a total of 10 time steps. The main goal is to determine

the locations of 8 water injection wells and 4 production wells and the control scheme

of 12 wells on each time step to maximize the profits in the lifetime of the Egg model.

Therefore, there are totally (8  4)  2  (8  4) 10  144 variables for the well-placement

and production joint optimization problem. The lower and upper bounds of injection

wells are 0 m3/day and 80 m3/day, respectively. The lower and upper bounds of

production wells are 0 m3/day and 120 m3/day, respectively. The oil price, the cost of

water injection and treatment, and the discount rate are the same as case 1.


81.8 1811.4 3540.9 5270.5 7000.0

Fig. 9 The permeability distribution of Egg model

In case 2, the outline of the reservoir is not regular. When new well locations of

candidate solutions generated by heuristic operators are not at active grid blocks, the

well locations will be moved to the nearest active grid block. The initial sample points

provided by LHS is set to 200 for the case. 5 independent runs are performed to show

the statistic performance of the algorithms. The optimization results provided by DE,
Classifier, Local search and GDDE for case 2 are shown in Fig. 10. In case 2, Local

search and GDDE also converge fast in comparison with Classifier and DE. Fig. 11

shows the distributions of convergence curves for case 2 with 5 independent runs. In

comparison with DE, surrogate-based optimization algorithm is computationally

efficient. The performance of Local search is better than Classifier, because Classifier

consumes most function evaluations on exploring uncertain areas, with sparse sample

points. Since it is a combinatorial optimization problem with both integer and

continuous variables, the optimization problem is strongly non-linear. Therefore, the

uncertainty distribution of optimization for Classifier and Local search is high (Fig. 11).

While after combining classification-based prescreening strategy and local search

strategy, the proposed GDDE converges efficiently, and the final result after 1000

simulation runs is also promising.

Fig. 10 NPV vs. number of simulation runs by DE, Classifier, Local search and

GDDE for case 2


(a) DE (b) Classifier


(c) Local search (b) GDDE

Fig. 11 The distributions of convergence curves for case 2 with 5 independent runs

Fig. 12 presents the optimal well control schemes by DE, Classifier, Local search and

GDDE for Egg model. Fig. 13 indicates the simulation results of optimal control

calculated by DE, Classifier, Local search and GDDE. As illustrated in Fig. 13, the

developing plan of Local search can provide more oil in comparison with other methods.

However, local search also leads to more cumulative water injection and treatment,

which will increase the cost of reservoir development and lower the NPV. The

developing plan provided by DE requires a large amount of water injection, resulting

in more water output from the production wells, but no increase in cumulative oil

production. The developing plan obtained by GDDE cannot significantly increase oil

production compared to Local search, but can substantially reduce the water injection
and water production, thereby saving development costs and improving the NPV of the

project throughout its life cycle.

(a) DE (b) Classifier (c) LS (d) GDDE

Fig. 12 The optimal well-control schemes by DE, Classifier, Local search and GDDE

for Egg model

(a) Cumulative oil production (b) Cumulative water injection (c) Cumulative water production

Fig. 13 Simulation results of optimal control calculated by DE, Classifier, Local search

and GDDE

6 Conclusion

In this study, a generalized data-driven differential evolutionary algorithm (GDDE) is

proposed to deal with well-placement optimization or joint optimization problems. The

proposed GDDE is based on classification-based and approximation-based machine

learning methods combined with differential evolutionary algorithm. The proposed

GDDE adopts PNN as classifier to select informative and promising candidates, and

the most uncertain candidate selected by Euclidean distance is evaluated with numerical
simulations. Moreover, local surrogate is adopted to accelerate the convergence. To

obtain high-quality approximation model and classification model, the shape parameter

of the basis function of RBF and PNN is optimized as a sub-optimization problem

assisted with PRS. It is worth noting that the proposed optimization framework can

incorporate other evolutionary algorithms as optimizer, such as PSO, GA, and artificial

bee colony.

The proposed method is tested on the 2D reservoir well-placement optimization

problem and the Egg model joint optimization problem in comparison with other

heuristic algorithms and surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithms. The performance

of surrogate-assisted methods are significantly better than DE. After combining sub-

expensive hyper-parameter optimization, classification-based prescreening strategy

and local search strategy, the proposed GDDE converges efficiently and effectively, and

the final optimization results on two cases are also promising. Therefore, the

computational cost of the optimization process can be saved significantly, and the NPV

of the project throughout the life cycle can be maximized. In future, the focus will be

on well-placement optimization problems with no preset number of well locations and

type of wells.


b = annual discount rate

Ci = the ith class

CR = crossover operator
d = number of variables in vector

dis = Euclidean distance between the input vectors

D = Database

e = validation error

fˆ = output of surrogate model

Mu = mutation operator

n1 = number of variables of well location

n2 = number of variables of well control

nt = time-step number

ni = number of injection wells

np = number of production wells

Ni = number of points belonging to ith class

NP = number of individuals in the population

NPV = net present value

p = elapsed time, year-1

Qi ,t = injection-flow-rate, STB/day

Qo,t = oil-production rate, STB/day

Qw,t = water-production rate, STB/day

ri = water-injection cost, USD/STB

ro = oil revenue, USD/STB

rw = water-removal cost, USD/STB

t = time step, days

u = trial vector

v = donor vector

x1 = discrete integer vector of well location to be optimized

x1l = lower boundary of well locations

x1u = upper boundary of well locations

x2 = continuous vector of well control

x 2l = lower boundary of well control variables

x2u = upper boundary of well control variables

y = vector of objective function value of sample points

β = coefficient vector

 = shape factor

ω = weight parameters

 = basis function

 = number of initial sample points

 = size of the first class


j = index of element in a vector


best = the best solution

g = global surrogate

i = offspring index
l = local surrogate

unc = the most uncertain solution


This study was supported by RAE Improvement Fund of the Faculty of Science, The

University of Hong Kong, the grants from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong

Special Administrative Region, China, (Project No. 17303519 and 17307620). The

code of the algorithm is open for access by sending Guodong Chen email.


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